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[Fri Sep 19 12:00:25 2003]
And Northouck, who, in 1784, by order of the Grand Lodge, published an edition of the Constitutions far superior to that of Anderson, says I that Nimrod founded the empire of Babylon, and that "under him flourished those learned mathematicians whose successors were styled Magi, or wise men."
godine, po nalogu Velike Lože, objavio izdanje Konstitucija daleko kvalitetnije od Andersonovog, kaže da je Nimroda osnovao babilonsko carstvo, i da "je za njegove vladavine bilo mnogo učenih matematičara čiji nasljednici su se nazivali Mudracima, ili mudrim ljudima."
[Fri Sep 19 12:06:05 2003]
But about the end of the last century , or, perhaps, still later, about the beginning of the present, this legendary account of the origin of Freemasonry began to be repudiated, and another one, in contradiction of the old manuscripts, was substituted for it.
Ali negdje krajem prošlog stoljeća, ili, možda, još kasnije, početkom ovog, taj legendarni prikaz podrijetla slobodnog zidarstva se počeo odbacivati, i zamijenjen je jednim drugim, koji je bio u proturječju sa starim rukopisima.
[Fri Sep 19 12:06:27 2003]
Masonry was no longer believed to have originated at the Tower of Babel;
Više se nije vjerovalo da je slobodno zidarstvo nastalo pri izgradnji Babilonske kule;
[Fri Sep 19 12:07:10 2003]
the Temple of Jerusalem was considered as the place of its birth;
jeruzalemski Hram se smatrao mjestom njegovog nastanka;
[Fri Sep 19 12:07:10 2003]
and Salomon and not Nimrod was called the "first Grand Master."
i Salomon, a ne Nimrod, je bio prozvan "prvim Velikim Majstorom."
[Fri Sep 19 12:12:42 2003]
Accepting this Legend, as we do the other Legends of Masonry, which, in the language of Oliver, "are entitled to consideration, though their authenticity may be denied and their aid rejected, " we say that at the present day the Babylonish legend has assumed the present form
Prihvaćajući ovu Legenda, kao i ostale Legende o slobodnom zidarstvu, koje, riječima Olivera, "zaslužuju da ih se razmotri, iako se njihova vjerodostojnost moći biti poreći i njihova pomoć odbiti", kažemo da na je u ovo doba babilonska legenda poprimila svoj sadašnji oblik
[Fri Sep 19 12:28:13 2003]
Before the Flood there was a system of religious instruction which, from the resemblance of its legendary and symbolic character to that of Freemasonry , has been called by some authors "antediluvian Masonry."
Prije Potopa je postojao sustav religijskih uputa koji su, zbog sličnosti njegove legendarne i simbolične naravi sa onom slobodnog zidarstva, neki autori nazvali "pretpotopnim slobodnim zidarstvom."
[Fri Sep 19 12:35:46 2003]
This system was preserved by Noah, and after the deluge was communicated by him to his immediate descendants.
Ovaj je sustav očuvao Noa, i nakon potopa ga je prenio svojim izravnim potomcima.
[Fri Sep 19 12:37:59 2003]
This system was lost at the time of the dispersion of mankind, and corrupted by the pagans in their Mysteries.
Ovaj se sustav izgubio za vrijeme raštrkavanja ljudskog roda, i iskvarili su ga pogani u svojim Misterijima.
[Fri Sep 19 12:37:59 2003]
But subsequently it was purified, and Freemasonry, as we now have it, was organized by the King of Israel at the time of the building of the temple.
Ali kasnije se pročistio, i slobodno zidarstvo, kakvo danas postoji, je uspostavio Kralj Izraela za vrijeme izgradnje hrama.
[Fri Sep 19 12:50:11 2003]
This idea is well exemplified in the American ritual, which was, we have every reason to believe, invented about the end of the last century.
Ovu ideju dobro ilustrira američki obred, koji je, imamo pravo vjerovati, osmišljen krajem prošlog stoljeća.
[Fri Sep 19 13:00:41 2003]
In this ritual, much of which is, however, being lost or becoming obsolete, from the necessary imperfections of oral transmission, the aspirant is supposed to represent one who is travelling from the intellectual blindness of the profane world into the brightness of Masonry , in whose arena he expects to find the light and truth, the search for which is represented by his initiation.
U ovom obredu, od kojeg se mnogo, ipak, izgubilo ili izašlo iz upotrebe, zbog neizbježnih manjkavosti usmene predaje, kandidat treba predstavljati osobu koja putuje iz intelektualne sljepoće svjetovnog svijeta u svjetlost slobodnog zidarstva, na poprištu kojeg očekuje otkriti svjetlo i istinu, potragu za čim predstavlja njegova inicijacija.
[Fri Sep 19 13:00:41 2003]
This symbolic journey is supposed to begin at the Tower of Babel, where, in the language of the ritual, "language was confounded and Masonry lost," and to terminate at the Temple of Salomon, where "language was restored and Masonry found."
Ovo bi simbolično putovanje trebalo započeti kod Babilonske kule, gdje je, riječima obreda, "jezik bio pomiješan, a slobodno zidarstvo izgubljeno", i završiti kod Salomonovog Hrama gdje je " jezik je bio obnovljen, a slobodno zidarstvo pronađeno".
[Fri Sep 19 14:19:57 2003]
Hence, according to this latest form of the Legend, the Tower of Babel is degraded from the prominent place which was given to it in the older forms as the birth-place of Masonry, and becomes simply the symbol of the darkness and ignorance of the profane world as contradistinguished from the light and knowledge to be derived from an initiation into the system of Speculative Masonry.
Stoga je, prema ovom posljednjem obliku Legende, Babilonska kula lišena istaknutog mjesta koje je imala u ranijim oblicima kao mjesto nastanka slobodnog zidarstva, i postaje jednostavno simbol mraka i neznanja svjetovnog svijeta, za razliku od svjetla i znanja koje se treba dobiti inicijacijom u sustav spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 19 14:30:00 2003]
But the old Masons who framed the Legend of the Craft were conforming more than these modern ritualists to the truth of history when they assigned to Babylon the glory of being the original source of the sciences.
Ali stari slobodni zidari koji su oblikovali Legendu o Zanatu su se prilagodili zbilji povijesti više nego ovi moderni ritualisti, kad su Babilonu dodijelili slavu kao prvotnom izvoru znanosti.
[Fri Sep 19 14:31:55 2003]
So far from its being a place of intellectual darkness, we learn from the cuneiform inscriptions that the Ancient Babylonians and their copyists, the Assyrians, were in possession of a wonderful literature.
Daleko od toga da je bio mjesto intelektualnog mraka, iz klinastih natpisa znamo da su drevni Babilonci i njihovi prepisivači, Asirci, posjedovali zadivljujuću književnost.
[Fri Sep 19 14:31:56 2003]
From the ruins " of Babylon, Nineveh, and other ancient cities of the plain of Shinar tablets of terra cotta have been excavated, inscribed with legends in cuneiform characters
Iz ruševina Babilona, Ninive i ostalih drevnih gradova u nizini Šinear, iskopane su pločice od terakote, na kojima su klinastim pismom urezane legende
[Fri Sep 19 14:48:43 2003]
The interpretation of this once unknown alphabet and language has yielded to the genius and the labors of such scholars as Grotefend, Botta, Layard, and Rawlinson.
Tumačenje ove nekoć nepoznate abecede i jezika je urodilo plodom zahvaljujući geniju i trudu takvih znanstvenika kao što su Grotefend, Botta, Layard i Rawlinson.
[Fri Sep 19 14:48:43 2003]
From the fragments found at Kouyunjik, the modern Arabic name for the site of Nineveh, the late Mr. George Smith conjectured that there were in the Royal Library at Nineveh over ten thousand inscribed tablets, including almost every subject in ancient literature, all of which literature was borrowed by the Assyrians from Babylonian sources.
George Smith je pretpostavio da je u Kraljevskoj Knjižnici u Ninivi bilo više od deset tisuća pločica s urezanim natpisima, koje su obuhvaćale gotovo sve tema u drevnoj literaturi, a svu tu literaturu su Asirci prisvojili iz babilonskih izvora.
[Fri Sep 19 15:10:44 2003]
Speaking of this literature, Smith says that "at an early period in Babylonian history a great literary development took place, and numerous works were produced which embodied the prevailing myths, religion, and science of that day.
Govoreći o toj književnosti, Smith kaže da "je u rano doba u babilonske povijesti došlo do velikog razvoja književnosti, i stvarala su se brojna djela koja su uključivala najraširenije tadašnje mitove, religiju i znanost.
[Fri Sep 19 15:10:44 2003]
Written, many of them, in a noble style of poetry, and appealing to the strongest feelings of the people on one side, or registering the highest efforts of their science on the other, these texts became the standards for Babylonian literature, and later generations were content to copy these writings instead of making new works for themselves."
Napisani, mnogi od njih, uzvišenim pjesničkim stilom, i prizivajući najsnažnije osjećaje ljudi s jedne strane, ili bilježeći najviša nastojanja njihove znanosti, s druge, ovi tekstovi su postali norma za babilonsku književnost, i kasnije generacije su su se zadovoljile prepisivanjem tih tekstova, umjesto da sami proizvedu nova djela."
[Fri Sep 19 15:20:07 2003]
We see, therefore, that the Masons of the present day are wrong when they make Babel or Babylon the symbol of intellectual darkness, and suppose that there the light of Masonry was for a time extinguished, to be re-illumined only at the Temple of Solomon.
Vidimo, dakle, da današnji slobodni zidari griješe kad postavljaju Babel ili Babilon za simbol intelektualnog mraka, i pretpostavljaju da je svjetlo slobodnog zidarstva tamo bilo u neko doba ugašeno, da bi se ponovo pojavilo tek u Salomonovom Hramu.
[Fri Sep 19 15:20:07 2003]
And, again, the Legend of the Craft vindicates its character, and correctly clothes an historical fact in symbolic language, when it portrays Babylonia, which was undoubtedly the fountain of all Semitic science and architecture, as also the birth-place of Operative Masonry.
I opet, Legenda o Zanatu opravda svoju narav i ispravno zaodijeva povijesnu činjenicu u simboličan jezik, kad prikazuje Babiloniju, koja je nesumnjivo bila izvor svake semitske znanosti i arhitekture, također kao mjesto nastanka operativnog slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 19 15:38:34 2003]
The universal sentiment of the Masons of the present day is to confer upon Solomon, King of Israel, the honor of being their " first Grand Master."
Općeniti je stav današnjih slobodnih zidara da se Salomonu, Kralju Izraela, dodijeljuje čast da bude njihov "prvi Veliki Majstor."
[Fri Sep 19 15:41:54 2003]
But the Legend of the Craft had long before, though there was a tradition of the temple extant, bestowed, at least by implication, that title upon Nimrod, the King of Babylonia and Assyria.
Ali Legenda o Zanatu je davno prije, iako je postojala tradicija postojećeg hrama, dodijelila, barem podrazumijevajući, tu titulu Nimrodu, kralju Babilonije i Asirije.
[Fri Sep 19 15:44:33 2003]
It had attributed the first organization of a fraternity of craftsmen to him, in saying that he gave a charge to the workmen whom he sent to assist the King of Nineveh in building his cities.
Njemu je pripisala prvo organiziranje bratstva obrtnika, govoreći da je dao dužnost radnicima koje je poslao da pomognu kralju Ninive u izgradnji njegovih gradova.
[Fri Sep 19 15:48:48 2003]
That is to say, he framed for them a Constitution, and, in the words of the Legend, " this was the first tyme that ever Masons had any charge of his science."
To jest, on je za njih sastavio Konstitucije i, riječima Legende, "to je bilo prvi put da su slobodni zidari dobili dužnosti u vezi svoje znanosti".
[Fri Sep 19 15:54:38 2003]
It was the first time that the Craft were organized into a fraternity working under a Constitution or body of laws;
To je bilo prvi put da je Zanat organiziran u bratstvo koje je djelovalo prema Konstituciji ili tijelu zakona;
[Fri Sep 19 15:54:38 2003]
and as Nimrod was the autocratic maker of these laws, it results as a necessary consequence, that their first legislator, legislating with dictatorial and unrestricted sovereign power, was also their first Grand Master.
a budući da je Nimrod bio autokratski donositelj ovih zakona, neizbježna je posljedica da je njihov prvi zakonodavac, koji je donosio zakone uz diktatorsku i neograničenu ovlast suverena, bio također njihovi prvi Veliki Majstor.
[Fri Sep 19 16:06:35 2003]
This view of the early history of Masonry, presented to us by the Legend of the Craft, which differs so much from the modern opinion, although it has almost become obsolete, is worthy of at least a passing consideration.
Ovaj pogled na ranu povijest slobodnog zidarstva, koji nam predstavlja Legenda o Zanatu, a koji toliko odstupa od suvremenog gledišta, iako je gotovo sasvim zastario, zaslužuje barem kratkotrajno razmatranje.
[Fri Sep 19 16:06:35 2003]
Who was this Nimrod, who held so exalted a position in the eyes of the old legendists, and why had they assigned to him a rank and power which modern Craftsmen have thought to belong more justly to the King of Israel ?
Tko je bio taj Nimrod, koji je u očima starih pisaca legendi imao tako uzvišen položaj, i zašto su njemu pripisali položaj i moć, za koje moderni Zanatlije misle da opravdanije pripadaju Kralju Izraela?
[Fri Sep 19 16:14:12 2003]
The answers to these questions will be an appropriate commentary on that part of the Legend of the Craft which contains the story of this old Assyrian monarch.
Odgovori na ova pitanja će biti odgovarajući komentar uz onaj dio Legende o Zanatu koji sadrži priču o ovom starom asirskom vladara.
[Fri Sep 19 16:14:12 2003]
The estimation of the character of Nimrod which has been almost universally entertained by the ancients as well as the moderns, obtains no support from the brief account of him contained in the Book of Genesis.
Štovanje Nimrodovog lika, koje gotovo univerzalno njeguju drevni pisci, kao i suvremenici, nema nikakvo uporište u njegovom kratkom opisu koji se nalazi u Knjizi Postanka.
[Fri Sep 19 16:30:37 2003]
Josephus portrays him as a tyrant in his government of his people, vainglorious of his great power, a despiser and hater of God, and instigated by this feeling, the builder of a tower through which he would avenge himself on God for having destroyed the world.
Josip Flavije ga opisuje kao silnika u vladanju svojim narodom, umišljenog zbog svoje velike moći, preziratelja i mrzitelja Boga, i potaknuta tim osjećajem, kao graditelja kule kojom bi se osvetio Bogu zato što je uništio svijet.
[Fri Sep 19 16:30:37 2003]
For this view of the character of Nimrod, Josephus was in all probability indebted to the legends of the orientalists, which had clustered around the name of Nimrod, just as in ancient times legends always did cluster around great and mighty men.
Ovakav pogled na Nimrodovu narav Josip najvjerojatnije duguje legendama orijentalista, koje su se nakupljale oko Nimrodova imena, kao što su se u davna vremena legende uvijek nakupljale oko velikih i moćnih ljudi.
[Fri Sep 19 16:44:03 2003]
Thus in the ancient chronicles he was represented as of gigantic stature, ten or twelve cubits in height.
Tako je u drevnim kronikama prikazivan kao čovjek divovskog stasa, deset ili dvanaest lakata visok.
[Fri Sep 19 16:46:18 2003]
To him was attributed the invention of idolatry , and he is said to have returned to Chaldea after the destruction of the Tower of Babel, and to have persuaded the inhabitants to become fire-worshippers.
Njemu se pripisuje otkriće idolatrije, i kaže se da se vratio u Kaldeju nakon uništenja Babilonske kule, i da je nagovorio stanovnike da postanu štovatelji vatre.
[Fri Sep 19 16:48:36 2003]
He built a large furnace and commanded that all who refused the idolatrous worship should be cast into it.
Sagradio je veliku peć i naredio da se svi koji odbiju idolopokloničko štovanje moraju baciti u nju.
[Fri Sep 19 16:50:36 2003]
Among his victims were Abraham or Abram, the patriarch, and his father Terah.
Među njegovim žrtvama su bili Abraham ili Abram, rodozačetnik, i njegov otac Terah.
[Fri Sep 19 16:51:40 2003]
The latter was consumed, but the former by the interposition of a miracle came out unhurt.
Potonji je izgorio, ali prvospomenuti je posredovanjem čuda izašao neozlijeđen.
[Fri Sep 19 16:51:40 2003]
It is hardly necessary to say that such legends are altogether mythical and of no historical value.
Gotovo je nepotrebno kazati da su takve legende sasvim mitske i da nemaju nikakvu povijesnu vrijednost.
[Fri Sep 19 16:58:17 2003]
The Scriptural account of Nimrod is a very brief and unsatisfactory one.
Biblijski prikaz Nimroda je vrlo kratak i nedovoljan.
[Fri Sep 19 16:58:17 2003]
It is merely that :
Kaže se tek da:
[Mon Sep 22 15:03:12 2003]
The most learned commentators have differed as regards the translation of the 11th verse.
Mišljenja najstručnijih komentatora se razlikuju što se tiče prijevoda jedanaestog retka.
[Mon Sep 22 15:05:42 2003]
The Septuagint, the Vulgate, Luther's and our own recognized version say - "Out of that land went forth Ashur, and builded Nineveh."
Septuaginta, Vulgata, Lutherova i naša priznata verzija kažu - "Iz ove je zemlje došao Ašur, i podigao Ninivu."
[Mon Sep 22 15:07:05 2003]
Higden, in the Polychronicon, which I have already said was the source of the Masonic Legend, adopts the same version.
Higden, u Polikronikonu, koji je kao što već sam rekao bio izvor Legende o slobodnim zidarima, usvaja istu verziju.
[Mon Sep 22 15:07:22 2003]
And the Cooke and the later manuscripts assign the building of Nineveh and the other cities of Assyria to Ashur, the son of Shem, and the kinsman of Nimrod, who assisted him with workmen.
A Cookeov i kasniji rukopisi pripisuju podizanje Ninive i drugih gradova Asirije Ašuru, sinu Šema, i rođaku Nimroda, koji mu je pomogao s radnicima.
[Mon Sep 22 15:07:22 2003]
Such was the legend until the beginning of the 18th century.
Takva je bila legenda do početka 18. stoljeća.
[Mon Sep 22 15:16:41 2003]
But the best modern Hebrew scholars, such as Borhart, Le Clerc, Gesenius, and a great many others, insist that Ashur is not the name of a person, but of a country, and that the passage should be rendered :
Ali najbolji suvremeni stručnjaci za hebrejski, kao što su Borhart, Le Clerc, Gesenius, i mnogi drugi, tvrde da Ašur nije naziv osobe, nego zemlje, i da taj odlomak treba biti preveden ovako:
[Mon Sep 22 15:18:05 2003]
"Out of that land he (Nimrod) went forth to Assyria and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, and Resen, between Nineveh and Calah."
" Iz ove je zemlje (Nimrod) otišao u Asiriju i podigao Ninivu, i grad Rehobot Ir, i Kalah, i Resen, između Ninive i Kalaha."
[Mon Sep 22 15:18:05 2003]
This is the form of the legend that was adopted by Dr. Anderson and by the author of the Krause document, and after the publication of Anderson's work it took the place of the older form.
Anderson i autor Krauseovog dokumenta, a nakon objavljivanja Andersonovog djela zauzeo je mjesto starijeg oblika.
[Mon Sep 22 15:25:20 2003]
The Craft have in both forms of the legend recognized Nimrod as a great Mason, nor have the vituperations of Josephus and the scandalous legends of the orientalists had the slightest effect on their apparent estimation of that mighty monarch, the founder of nations and the builder of cities.
Članovi zanata su u oba oblika legende prepoznali Nimroda kao velikog slobodnog zidara, a napadi Josipa Flavija i skandalozne legende orijentalista nisu ni najmanje utjecale na njihovo očigledno štovanje tog moćnog vladara, osnivača naroda i graditelja gradova.
[Mon Sep 22 15:50:23 2003]
And now, in the latter part of the 19th century, comes a learned scholar, well acquainted with the language of the ancient Babylonians and Assyrians, and with the complicated cuneiform alphabet in which it is clothed, and visiting the remains of the ruined cities which Nimrod had built, finds the fragments of twelve tablets which contain the history of a Babylonian monarch to whom he gave the provisional name of Izdubar and whom he identified with Nimrod.
stoljeća, dolazi učeni znanstvenik, dobro upućen u jezik drevnih Babilonaca i Asiraca, i u složeno klinasto pismo u koje je zaodijenut, i posjećujući ostatke gradova koje je Nimrod bio sagradio, pronalazi ostatke dvanaest pločica koje sadržavaju pripovijest o babilonskom vladaru, kojeg je privremeno nazvao Izdubar i kojeg je poistovjetio s Nimrodom.
[Mon Sep 22 15:50:23 2003]
If this identification be correct, and there is certainly strong internal evidence in favor of it, we have in these tablets a somewhat connected narrative of the exploits of the proto-monarch of Babylon, which places his character in a more favorable light than that which had hitherto been received as the popular belief founded on the statement of Josephus and the oriental traditions.
Ako je ova identifikacija točna, a nedvojbeno postoji snažan interni dokaz u njenu korist, u ovim pločicama imamo donekle povezanu pripovijest o podvizima prvog vladara Babilona, koje prikazuje njegovu narav u povoljnijem svjetlu, od onog koje je do tada bilo prihvaćeno kao popularno vjerovanje utemeljeno na tvrdnjama Josipa i istočnjačkih tradicija.
[Mon Sep 22 16:20:14 2003]
He was, in fact, the hero of the ancient Babylonians, and therefore it was only natural that they should consecrate the memory of him who as a powerful and beneficent king had first given them that unity which secured their prosperity as a nation.
On je, zapravo, bio junak drevnih Babilonaca, i stoga je bilo prirodno da posvete uspomenu na njega, koji im je kao moćan i dobrotvoran kralj prvi pružio jedinstvo koje im je osiguralo procvat kao narodu.
[Mon Sep 22 16:31:11 2003]
If we now refer to the Legend of the Craft, we shall find that the old Masonic legendist, although of course he had never seen nor heard of the discoveries contained in the cuneiform inscriptions, had rejected the traditional estimate of Nimrod's character, as well as the supposed results of the destruction of the Tower of Babel, and had wisely selected Babylon as the first seat and Nimrod (whoever may have been meant by that name) as the founder of the sciences, and especially of architecture.
Ako se sada osvrnemo na Legendu o Zanatu, otkrit ćemo da je stari autor slobodnozidarske legende, iako naravno nikad nije vidio niti čuo za otkrića sadržana u klinastim natpisima, bio odbio tradicionalnu ocjenu Nimrodove naravi, kao i navodne posljedice uništenja Babilonske kule, i mudro je izabrao Babilon kako prvo sjedište i Nimroda (na koga god se mislilo pod tim imenom) kao utemeljitelja znanosti, a posebno arhitekture.
[Mon Sep 22 16:31:11 2003]
In this there is a conformity of the legendary account with the facts of history, not usual with legendists.
Ovdje se legendarni prikaz podudara s povijesnim činjenicama, što nije uobičajeno za pisce legendi.
[Mon Sep 22 16:46:17 2003]
"We must give," says Canon Rawlinson, "the Babylonians credit for a genius and a grandeur of conception rarely surpassed, which led them to employ the labor whereof they had the command, in works of so imposing a character.
"Moramo Babiloncima odati priznanje, "kaže Canon Rawlinson, "za stvaralački duh i veličanstvenost rijetko premašene ideje, koji su ih naveli da uposle radnu snagu kojom su raspolagali na djelima tako zadivljujuće naravi.
[Mon Sep 22 16:46:17 2003]
With only 'brick for stone,' and at first only 'slime for mortar,' they constructed edifices of so vast a size that they still remain, at the present day, among the most enormous ruins in the world, impressing the beholder at once with awe and admiration."
Samo sa 'ciglom umjesto kamena' i isprva jedino 'muljem umjesto morta', izgradili su građevine tako ogromne da su još uvijek, i dandanas, među najvećim ruševinama na svijetu, ispunjavajući promatrača sa strahopoštovanjem i divljenjem u isto vrijeme".
[Mon Sep 22 16:52:42 2003]
The Legend of the Craft continually confounds Masonry, Geometry , and Architecture, or rather uses them as synonymous and convertible terms.
Legenda o Zanatu neprestano miješa slobodno zidarstvo, geometriju i arhitekturu, ili, bolje rečeno, koristi ih kao istoznačne i zamjenjive termine.
[Mon Sep 22 16:54:57 2003]
It is not, therefore, surprising that it should have selected Babylon as the birth-place, and Nimrod as the founder of what they called "the science."
Stoga ne iznenađuje da je Babilon odabran kao mjesto nastanka, a Nimrod kako osnivač onoga što su nazivali "znanošću".
[Mon Sep 22 16:56:51 2003]
The introduction of his name into the Legend, may be attributed, says the Rev Brother Woodford, "to an old assumption that rulers were patrons of the building sodalities."
Uvođenje njegovog imena u Legendu može se pripisati, kaže vlč. Brat Woodford, "staroj pretpostavci da su vladari bili zaštitnici graditeljskih društava".
[Mon Sep 22 16:59:57 2003]
I rather imagine that the idea may be traced to the fact that Nimrod was supposed to be a patron of architecture and the builder of a great number of cities.
Ja bih radije pretpostavio da se ta ideja može pripisati činjenici da se za Nimroda vjerovalo da je zaštitnik arhitekture i graditelj mnoštva gradova.
[Mon Sep 22 17:03:51 2003]
The mediaeval Operative Masons were always ready to accept any distinguished architect or builder as a patron and member of the Craft.
Srednjovjekovni operativni slobodni zidari su uvijek rado prihvaćali svakog uglednog arhitekta ili graditelja kao zaštitnika i člana Zanata.
[Mon Sep 22 17:03:51 2003]
Thus the history of Masonry compiled by Dr. Anderson, out of the Old Records, is nothing but a history of architecture, and almost every king, prelate, or nobleman who had erected a palace, a church, or a castle, is called a distinguished Freemason and a patron of the Institution.
Anderson sastavio iz Starih Zapisa, nije ništa drugo nego povijest arhitekture, i gotovo svaki kralj, prelat ili plemić koji je podigao palaču, crkvu ili dvorac, je prozvan uglednim slobodnim zidarom i zaštitnikom Institucije.
[Mon Sep 22 17:17:08 2003]
Having disposed of the establishment of Masonry in Babylon, the Legend of the Craft next proceeds by a rapid transition to narrate the history of its introduction into Egypt.
Nakon što je riješila uspostavu slobodnog zidarstva u Babilonu, Legenda o Zanatu nastavlja, uz brzi prijelaz, kazivati pripovijest o njegovom uvođenju u Egipat.
[Mon Sep 22 17:19:39 2003]
This Egyptian episode, which in reference to the principal action in it has been called the "Legend of Euclid," is found in all the old manuscripts.
Ova egipatska epizoda, koja se s obzirom na glavnu radnju u njoj naziva "Legendom o Euklidu", nalazi se u svim starim rukopisima.
[Mon Sep 22 17:25:43 2003]
It forms the opening feature of the Halliwell poem, being in that document the beginning of the history of Masonry ;
Čini uvodni prikaz Halliwellove pjesme, tvoreći u tom dokumentu početak povijesti slobodnog zidarstva;
[Mon Sep 22 17:25:43 2003]
it is told with circumstantial minuteness in the Cooke manuscript, and is apparently copied from that into all the later manuscripts, where the important details are essentially the same, although we find a few circumstances related in some which are omitted in others.
u Cookeovom rukopisu je ispričana s iscrpnom potankošću, i očito je iz toga prepisana u sve kasnije rukopise, gdje su važni detalji u biti isti, iako nalazimo nekoliko okolnosti navedenih u nekima, koje su su ispuštene u ostalima.
[Mon Sep 22 17:30:54 2003]
Divesting the narrative of the archaic language of the manuscripts, the legend may be given as follows :
Oslobađajući pripovijest od arhaičnog jezika rukopisa, legenda se može ovako ispričati:
[Mon Sep 22 17:32:40 2003]
Once on a time, to use the story-teller's style, Abraham and his wife went to Egypt.
Nekoć davno, koristeći pripovjedačev stil, Abraham i njegova žena su otišli u Egipat.
[Mon Sep 22 17:35:50 2003]
Now Abraham was very learned in all the seven arts and sciences, and was accompanied by Euclid, who was his scholar, and to whom he had imparted his knowledge.
Sad je Abraham bio vrlo obrazovan u svih sedam umijeća i znanosti, i pratio ga je Euklid, koji je bio njegov učenik, i kojem je on dao svoje znanje.
[Mon Sep 22 17:35:50 2003]
At that time the lords or rich men of Egypt were in sore distress, because having a very numerous progeny of sons, for whom they could find no occupation, they knew not how they could obtain for them a livelihood.
U to su doba plemići ili bogataši Egipta bili u teškoj nevolji, jer su imali mnogo sinova, kojima nisu mogli naći zanimanja, i nisu znali kako da im namaknu sredstva za život.
[Mon Sep 22 17:44:41 2003]
In this strait they held a council and made proclamation that if anyone could suggest a remedy, he should lay his plans before them, when he should be suitably rewarded.
U škripcu, održali su vijeće i objavili proglas tražeći da ako ima itko tko bi mogao predložiti pomoć, neka im izloži svoje planove, i bit će primjereno nagrađen.
[Mon Sep 22 17:44:41 2003]
Upon this Euclid presented himself and offered to supply these sons with an honest means of living, by teaching them the science of Geometry, provided they should be placed by their fathers under his exclusive control, so that he might have the power of ruling them according to the laws of the Craft.
Nato se pojavio Euklid i ponudio da će pružiti tim sinovima pošten način zarađivanja za život, tako što će ih učiti znanost Geometrije, pod uvjetom da njihovi očevi dopuste da budu isključivo pod njegovim nadzorom, tako da ih može voditi prema zakonima Zanata.
[Mon Sep 22 17:55:24 2003]
To this proposition the Egyptian nobles gladly consented, and granted Euclid all the power that he had asked, and secured the grant to him by a sealed commission.
Na ovu su ponudu egipatski plemići rado pristali, i odobrili su Euklidu sve što je zatražio, i osigurali su mu to zapečaćenim odobrenjem.
[Tue Sep 23 14:21:24 2003]
Euclid then instructed them in the practical part of Geometry, and taught them how to erect churches, castles, towers, and all other kinds of buildings in stone.
Euklid ih je tada podučavao praktičnom dijelu geometrije i učio ih je kako podići crkve, dvorce, kule i sve ostale vrste građevina od kamena.
[Tue Sep 23 14:22:50 2003]
He also gave them a code of laws for their government.
Dao im je i kodeks zakona da se prema njemu vladaju.
[Tue Sep 23 14:25:27 2003]
Thus did Euclid found in the land of Egypt the science which he named Geometry, but which has ever since been called Masonry.
Tako je Euklid u zemlji Egiptu utemeljio znanost koju je nazvao geometrijom, ali koja se odonda naziva slobodnim zidarstvom.
[Tue Sep 23 14:25:27 2003]
I have said that while all the manuscripts agree in the prominent circumstances of this legend, there are in some of them a few discrepancies as to some of the minor details.
Već sam rekao da su svi rukopisi usuglašeni u važnijim potankostima ove legende, no u nekima od njih postoji nekoliko nepodudarnosti što se tiče nekih manje važnih detalja.
[Tue Sep 23 14:29:24 2003]
Thus the Halliwell poem makes no allusion to Abraham, but imputes the founding of Masonry to Euclid alone, and it will be remembered that the title of that poem is, "The Constitutions of the art of Geometry according to Euclid."
Tako se u Halliwellovoj pjesmi nigdje ne spominje Abraham, nego se osnivanje slobodnog zidarstva pripisuje isključivo Euklidu, i prisjetit ćemo se da je naslov te pjesme "Osnivanje umijeća geometrije prema Euklidu."
[Tue Sep 23 14:33:56 2003]
The Cooke manuscript is far more full in details than either the Halliwell poem or the manuscripts that succeeded it.
U Cookeovom rukopisu ima mnogo više detalja nego u Halliwellovoj pjesmi ili kasnijim rukopisima.
[Tue Sep 23 14:34:46 2003]
It says that Abraham taught Geometry to the Egyptians, and that Euclid was his scholar.
Kaže da je Abraham Egipćane učio geometriju i da je Euklid bio njegov učenik.
[Tue Sep 23 14:40:18 2003]
But a few lines after, quoting St Isidore as its authority,
Ali nekoliko redaka nakon toga, navodeći sv. Izidora kao izvor,
[Tue Sep 23 14:42:35 2003]
it says that Euclid was one of the first founders of Geometry, and that in his time there was an inundation of the Nile, and he taught them to make dykes and walls to restrain the water, and measured the land by means of Geometry, and divided it among the inhabitants, so that every man could enclose his own property with ditches and walls.
kaže da je Euklid bio jedan od prvih osnivača geometrije, i da je u njegovo doba došlo do poplave Nila, i on ih je naučio kako da naprave nasipe i zapreke da obuzdaju vodu, i mjerio je zemlju pomoću geometrije, i podijelio ju je među stanovnicima, tako da je svaki čovjek mogao svoje imanje ograditi rovovima i zidinama.
[Tue Sep 23 14:46:18 2003]
In consequence of this the land became fertile, and the population increased to such a degree, that there was found a difficulty in finding for all employment that would enable them to live.
Zbog toga je zemlja postala plodna, i broj stanovnika se toliko povećao da je postalo teško svima pronaći posao od kojeg bi mogli živjeti.
[Tue Sep 23 14:46:18 2003]
Whereupon the nobles gave the government of their children to Euclid, who taught them the art of Geometry, so called because he had with its aid measured the land, when he built the walls and ditches to separate each one's possession.
Nato su plemići povjerili svoju djecu Euklidu, koji ih je naučio umijeću geometrije, koja se tako zvala jer je pomoću nje bio mjerio zemlju, kad je gradio zidove i jarke da odvoji pojedina imanja.
[Tue Sep 23 14:55:32 2003]
The needless repetitions and confusion of details in the Cooke manuscript show that the author had derived the information on which he constructed his legend from various sources-partly from the authority of St Isidore, as he is quoted in Higden's Polychronycon, and partly from the tradition of the Craft.
Nepotrebna ponavljanja i miješanje detalja u Cookeovom rukopisu ukazuju na to da je autor bio dobio podatke na kojima je sagradio svoju legendu iz različitih izvora - djelomično od Sv. Izidora, kako se navodi u Higdenovom Polikronikonu, a djelomično iz tradicije Zanata.
[Tue Sep 23 15:15:24 2003]
The later manuscripts have copied the details of the Legend as contained in the Cooke codex, but with many omissions, so as to give it the form in which it was known to the Craft in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Kasniji rukopisi su prepisali potankosti Legende, onakve kakva se nalazi u Cookeovom kodeksu, ali uz mnoga izostavljanja, tako da joj daju oblik u kojem je bila poznata Zanatu u 16. i 17. stoljeću.
[Tue Sep 23 15:15:51 2003]
Thus the Dowland manuscript, whose date is supposed to be about 1550, gives the story almost exactly as it is in the Halliwell poem, except that it adds Abraham and Sarah as dramatis personae, making it in this respect coincide with the Cooke MS.
Tako Dowlandov rukopis, za kojeg se pretpostavlja da datira iz 1550, navodi priču gotovo jednako kao u Halliwellovoj pjesmi, osim što dodaje Abrahama i Saru kako dramatis personae, dovodeći ju u tom pogledu u vezu s Cookeovim rukopisom
[Tue Sep 23 15:27:06 2003]
The Landsdowne manuscript (1560), and the Antiquity (1686), have the Legend in a very imperfect form, and either did not copy or greatly curtailed the Dowland manuscript, as they but slightly refer to Egypt and to Euclid, and not at all to Abraham.
Landsdowneov rukopis (1560) i Rukopis Drevne Lože (1686), donose Legendu u vrlo manjkavom obliku, i ili nisu prepisali ili su uvelike skratili Dowlandov rukopis, jer tek neznatno spominju Egipat i Euklida, a Abrahama uopće ne spominju.
[Tue Sep 23 15:29:00 2003]
As to the reputation for great learning which the legendists have given to Abraham, although the Bible dwells only on his piety, they found their authority in Josephus, as well as in Isidore.
Što se tiče ugleda velike prosvijećenosti koji pisci legendi pripisuju Abrahamu, iako se Biblija bavi jedino njegovom pobožnošću, svoj su izvor pronašli u Josipu Flaviju, kao i u Izidoru.
[Tue Sep 23 15:29:01 2003]
Josephus says that among the Egyptians he was esteemed as a very wise man, and that besides reforming their customs, he taught them arithmetic and astronomy.
Josip kaže da je među Egipćanima bio cijenjen kao vrlo mudar čovjek i da ih je, osim što je preustrojio njihove običaje, naučio aritmetiku i astronomiju.
[Tue Sep 23 15:39:00 2003]
It is evident, as has been already noticed, that the Legend of the Craft has been indebted for much of its materials to the Antiquities of Josephus, and the Etymologies of St. Isidore, and the Polychronicon of Ranulph Higden-the first two at second hand, in all probability through the citations of those works which are made in the third.
Očito je, kao što je već primijećeno, da Legenda o Zanatu duguje mnogo svoje građe Starinama Josipa Flavija i Etimologijama Sv. Izidora te Polikronikonu Ranulpha Higdena - prvima iz druge ruke, najvjerojatnije kroz citate iz tih djela koji se nalaze u trećem.
[Tue Sep 23 15:39:00 2003]
The Krause manuscript, which is said to have been translated from the English into the Latin, and afterward into German, and published by Dr. Krause, gives the Legend in an entirely different form.
Krauseov rukopis, koji je navodno s latinskog preveden na engleski, a zatim na njemački, i kojeg je objavio dr. Krause, donosi Legendu u potpuno drukčijem obliku.
[Tue Sep 23 15:53:06 2003]
Notwithstanding that I have declared my belief that this document is spurious with a date of not earlier than the second decade, or more probably toward the middle of the 18th century, yet, as an indication of the growth and the change of the Legend at that period, it will be worth while to compare its form with that in the older manuscripts at least so far as relates to the Egyptian episode, which is in the following words
Bez obzira na to što sam izrazio svoje vjerovanje da ovaj dokument nije autentičan, i da je nastao tek u drugom desetljeću, ili vjerojatnije sredinom 18. stoljeća, ipak, kao znak razvoja i promjene Legende u to doba, bit će vrijedno truda usporediti njen oblik s onim u starijim rukopisima, barem onoliko koliko se odnosi na egipatsku epizodu, koja je opisana sljedećim riječima
[Tue Sep 23 16:20:33 2003]
Abraham was skilled in all the sciences and continued to teach them to the sons of the freeborn whence afterwards came the many learned priests and mathematicians who were known by the name of the Chaldean Magi.
Abraham je dobro poznavao sve znanosti i nastavio ih je podučavati sinovima slobodnih, odakle su nakon toga došli mnogi učeni svećenici i matematičari koji su bili znani kao kaldejski mudraci.
[Tue Sep 23 16:22:35 2003]
Afterwards, Abraham continued to propagate these sciences and arts when he came to Egypt and found there, especially in Hermes so apt a scholar, that the latter was at length called the Trismegistus of the sciences, for he was at the same time priest and natural philosopher in Egypt;
Zatim je Abraham nastavio širiti ove znanosti i umijeća kad je došao u Egipat i tamo pronašao, posebno u Hermesu tako vještog učenika, da je taj konačno bio prozvan Trismegistom znanosti, jer je bio istovremeno svećenik i prirodoslovac u Egiptu;
[Tue Sep 23 16:23:20 2003]
and through him and a scholar of his the Egyptians received the first good laws and all the sciences in which Abraham had instructed him.
i kroz njega i njegovog učenika su Egipćani dobili prve dobre zakone i sve znanosti kojima ih je Abraham učio.
[Tue Sep 23 16:23:45 2003]
Afterwards Euclid collected the principal sciences and called them Geometry.
Kasnije je Euklid sabrao glavne znanosti i nazvao ih geometrijom.
[Tue Sep 23 16:23:45 2003]
But the Greeks and Romans called them altogether Architecture.
Ali Grci i Rimljani su ih sve zajedno zvali arhitektura.
[Tue Sep 23 16:34:30 2003]
But in consequence of the confusion of languages, the laws and arts and sciences could not formerly be propagated until the people had learned to make comprehensible by signs that which they could not understand by words.
Ali zbog pomiješanosti jezika, zakoni i umijeća i znanosti se nisu mogli širiti prije nego što su ljudi naučili da pomoću znakova učine shvatljivim ono što riječima nisu mogli razumjeti.
[Tue Sep 23 16:36:23 2003]
Wherefore, Mizraim, the son of Cham, brought the custom of making himself understood by signs with him into Egypt when he colonized a valley of the Nile.
Zato je Misrajim, sin Hamov, donio običaj sporazumijevanja pomoću znakova u Egipat, kad je naselio dolinu Nila.
[Tue Sep 23 16:37:09 2003]
This art was afterwards extended into all distant lands, but only the signs that are given by the hands have remained in architecture;
Ovo umijeće se zatim proširilo u sve daleke krajeve, ali jedino znakovi koji se daju rukama su se zadržali u arhitekturi;
[Tue Sep 23 16:37:09 2003]
for the signs by figures are as yet known to but few.
a znakove sa slikama poznaje tek nekolicina.
[Wed Sep 24 14:23:18 2003]
In Egypt the overflowings of the Nile afforded an opportunity to use the art of measurement, which had been introduced by Mizraim and to build bridges and walls as a protection against the water.
U Egiptu su poplave Nila pružile priliku da se iskoristi umijeće mjerenja, koje je uveo Misraim, i da se sagrade mostovi i bedemi kao zaštita od vode.
[Wed Sep 24 14:28:49 2003]
They used burnt stone and wood and earth for these purposes.
U tu svrhu su koristili pečeni kamen i drvo i zemlju.
[Wed Sep 24 14:28:49 2003]
Therefore when the heathen kings had become acquainted with this, they were compelled to prepare stone and lime and bricks and therewith to erect buildings, by which, through God's will, however, they became only the more experienced artists and were so celebrated that their art spread as far as Persia."
Stoga, kad su se pogani kraljevi upoznali s tim, bili su primorani pripremiti kamen i vapno i cigle i zatim podići građevine, uz pomoć kojih su, ipak Božjom voljom, postali još iskusniji umjetnici i bili su toliko proslavljeni da se njihovo umijeće proširilo sve do Perzije."
[Wed Sep 24 14:40:33 2003]
If the reader compares this legend of the Krause manuscript with that which is given by Dr. Anderson in the first edition of his Constitutions he will be constrained to admit that both documents are derived from the same source, or that one of them is an abridged or an expository copy of the other.
Anderson u prvom izdanju svojih Konstitucija, bit će prisiljen priznati da su oba dokumenta dobijena iz istog izvora, ili da je jedan od njih skraćena ili pojašnjavajuća kopija drugog.
[Wed Sep 24 14:40:33 2003]
It is evident that the statement in Anderson is merely a synopsis of that more detailed narrative contained in the Krause Legend, or that it is an expansion of the statement in the first edition of the Constitutions.
Očito je da je navod kod Andersona tek kratak sadržaj iscrpnije pripovijesti sadržane u Krauseovoj legendi, ili da je proširenje navoda iz prvog izdanja Konstitucija.
[Wed Sep 24 14:49:27 2003]
If the Krause manuscript was written before Anderson compiled his history, it could not have been long anterior, and must have been composed between 1714, the date of the Papworth manuscript, which contains the Legend in its mediaeval form, and 1723, when Anderson published his work.
Ako je Krauseov rukopis bio napisan prije nego što je Anderson sastavio svoju pripovijest, ne može biti mnogo starije, i mora da je bio sastavljen između 1714, kada je nastao Papworthov rukopis, koji sadrži Legendu u njenom srednjovjekovnom obliku, i 1723, kada je Anderson objavio svoje djelo.
[Wed Sep 24 14:49:27 2003]
Within this period the Masons sought to modify the old Legend of the Craft, so as to deprive it of its apparent absurdities, and to omit its anachronisms so as to give it the appearance of an authentic historical narrative.
Unutar tog razdoblja slobodni zidari su nastojali izmijeniti staru Legendu o Zanatu, tako da ju liše njenih očitih apsurdnosti, i izostave anakronizme, kako bi joj podarili dojam vjerodostojne povijesne priče.
[Wed Sep 24 14:55:25 2003]
Instead, therefore, of having the date of 926, which has been ascribed to it by Dr. Krause, his manuscript is, as Brother Hughan thinks it, "a compilation of the early part of the last century."
godine, koji mu je pripisivao dr. Krause, njegov rukopis je, kako Brat Hughan misli, "kompilacija s početka prošlog stoljeća."
[Wed Sep 24 14:56:41 2003]
It is, however, important, as I have said, because it shows how the old Legend was improved and divested of its anachronisms.
On je ipak važan jer, kao što sam rekao, pokazuje kako se stara Legenda usavršavala i oslobađala svojih anakronizama.
[Wed Sep 24 15:05:49 2003]
It is certainly a very absurd anachronism to make Euclid the contemporary of Abraham, who lived more than two thousand years before him.
Svakako je vrlo apsurdan anakronizam učiniti Euklida suvremenikom Abrahama, koji je živio više od dvije tisuće godina prije njega.
[Wed Sep 24 15:05:49 2003]
Nor is it less absurd to suppose that Euclid invented Masonry in Egypt, whence it was carried to India, and practiced by King Solomon, since the great geometrician did not flourish until six centuries and a half after the construction of the Temple.
Niti je išta manje apsurdno pretpostaviti da je Euklid izumio slobodno zidarstvo u Egiptu, odakle je bilo prenijeto u Indiju, i provodio ga je kralj Salomon, jer je ovaj veliki geometričar djelovao tek šest i pol stoljeća nakon izgradnje Hrama.
[Wed Sep 24 15:08:51 2003]
Considered, then, as an historical narrative, the Legend of Euclid is a failure.
Promatrana, stoga, kao povijesna priča, Legenda o Euklidu je promašaj.
[Wed Sep 24 15:12:01 2003]
And yet it has its value as the symbolical development of certain historical facts.
Ali ona ipak ima svoju vrijednost kao simboličan razvoj određenih povijesnih činjenica.
[Wed Sep 24 15:14:29 2003]
The prominent points in this Legend being, of course, those on which the old believers of it most strenuously dwelt, are :
Istaknute točke u ovoj Legendi tj., dakako, one kojima su se stari vjernici najustrajnije bavili, su:
[Wed Sep 24 15:14:58 2003]
That Geometry is the groundwork of Masonry ;
Da je geometrija temelj slobodnog zidarstva;
[Wed Sep 24 15:15:25 2003]
That Euclid was the most distinguished of all geometricians ;
Da je Euklid bio najglasovitiji od svih geometričara;
[Wed Sep 24 15:21:03 2003]
That the esoteric method of teaching this as well as all the other sciences which was pursued by the priests of Egypt, was very analogous to that which was adopted by the Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, in imparting to their disciples the geometric and architectural secrets, which constituted what they called the Mystery of the Craft.
Da je ezoterična metoda podučavanja ove kao i svih ostalih znanosti koju su provodili egipatski svećenici, bila veoma slična onoj koju su usvojili operativni slobodni zidari srednjeg vijeka, u tome što je svojim učenicima odavala geometrijske i arhitekturne tajne, koje su sačinjavale ono što su oni nazvali Misterijem Zanata.
[Wed Sep 24 15:35:34 2003]
that this religious system embraced also all scientific instruction;
da je taj religijski sustav obuhvaćao i svu znanstvenu pouku;
[Wed Sep 24 15:38:45 2003]
that this instruction was secret, and communicated only after an initiation, and that in that way there was a striking analogy between the Egyptian system and that of the mediaeval Masons.
da je ta pouka bila tajna, i priopćavala se tek nakon inicijacije, i da je u tome postojala upadljiva sličnost između egipatskog sustava i sustava srednjovjekovnih slobodnih zidara.
[Wed Sep 24 15:38:45 2003]
And this fact of an analogy, the latter sought to embody in the apparent form of an historical narrative, but really in the spirit of a symbolic picture.
I tu su činjenicu o sličnosti, ovi potonji nastojali utjeloviti u očitom obliku povijesne priče, ali zapravo u duhu simbolične slike.
[Wed Sep 24 15:44:15 2003]
Thus considered, the Legend of the Craft, in its episode of Euclid and his marvelous doings in the land of Egypt, is divested of its absurdity , and it is brought somewhat nearer to the limits of historical verity than the too literal reader would be disposed to admit.
Tako razmotrena, Legenda o Zanatu je, u svojoj epizodi o Euklidu i njegovim čudesnim djelima u zemlji Egiptu, lišena svoje apsurdnosti, i dovedena nešto bliže granicama povijesne istinitosti nago što bi predoslovan čitatelj bio sklon priznati.
[Wed Sep 24 15:55:49 2003]
Kendrick confirms this statement in his "Ancient Egypt," where he says:
Kendrick potvrđuje ovu tvrdnju u svom djelu "Drevni Egipat", gdje kaže:
[Wed Sep 24 15:55:57 2003]
"When we read of foreigners (in Egypt) being obliged to submit to painful and tedious ceremonies of initiation, it was not that they might learn the secret meaning of the rites of Osiris, or Isis, but that they might partake of the knowledge of astronomy, physick, geometry, and theology."
"Kad čitamo o strancima (u Egiptu) koji su bili prisiljeni podvrgnuti se bolnim i zamornim obredima inicijacije, to nije bilo zato da bi mogli naučiti tajno značenje obreda Ozirisa, ili Izide, nego da bi dobili dio znanja o astronomiji, fizici, geometriji i teologiji."
[Wed Sep 24 16:04:58 2003]
From this account of the exploits of Abraham and his scholar Euclid, and of the invention of Geometry, or Masonry in Egypt, the Legend of the Craft proceeds, by a rapid stride, to the narrative of the introduction of the art into Judea, or as it is called in all of them, " the land of behest," or the land of promise.
Nakon ovog opisa pothvata Abrahama i njegovog učenika Euklida, i otkrića geometrije, ili slobodnog zidarstva u Egiptu, Legenda o Zanatu se nastavlja, brzo napredujući, pričom o uvođenju umijeća u Judeju, ili kako se u svima naziva, "naređenu zemlju" ili obećanu zemlju.
[Wed Sep 24 16:15:03 2003]
Here it is said to have been principally used by King Solomon, in the construction of the temple at Jerusalem.
Ovdje ga je, kaže se, uglavnom koristio kralj Salomon, u izgradnji hrama u Jeruzalemu.
[Wed Sep 24 16:15:03 2003]
The general details connected with the building of this edifice, and the assistance given to the King of Israel, by Hiram, King of Tyre, are related with sufficient historical accuracy, and were probably derived either directly or at second hand, through the Polychronicon, from the first Book of Kings, which, in fact, is referred to in all the manuscripts as a source of information.
Općenite potankosti povezane s izgradnjom ove građevine, i s pomoći koju je kralju Izraela pružio Hiram, kralj Tira, su ispričane s dovoljnom povijesnom točnosti, i vjerojatno su dobivene ili izravno, ili iz druge ruke, kroz Polikronikon, iz Prve knjige o kraljevima, koja se, ustvari, spominje u svim rukopisima kao izvor podataka.
[Wed Sep 24 16:24:51 2003]
The assumption that Freemasonry, as it now exists, was organized at the Temple of Solomon, although almost universally accepted by Masons who have not made Masonry a historical study, but who derive their ideas of the Institution from the mythical teachings of the ritual, has been utterly rejected by the greater part of the recent school of iconoclasts, who investigate the history of Freemasonry by the same methods which they would pursue in the examination of any other historical subject.
Pretpostavku da je slobodno zidarstvo, onakvo kakvo danas postoji, bilo ustrojeno u Salomonovom Hramu, iako gotovo općeprihvaćenu od strane slobodnih zidara kojima slobodno zidarstvo nije predmet povijesnog proučavanja, ali koji dobivaju predodžbe o Instituciji iz mitskih podučavanja obreda, je sasvim odbacio veći dio suvremene škole ikonoklasta, koji istražuju povijest slobodnog zidarstva istim metodama koje bi koristili u proučavanju bilo koje druge povijesne teme.
[Wed Sep 24 16:30:33 2003]
The fact, however, remains, that in the Legend of the Craft the Temple is prominently and definitely referred to as a place where Masons congregated in great numbers, and where Masonry was confirmed or established, and whence it traveled into other countries.
Ostaje, međutim, činjenica da se u Legendi o Zanatu Hram istaknuto i nedvojbeno navodi kao mjesto gdje se okupio veliki broj slobodnih zidara, i gdje je slobodno zidarstvo bilo potvrđeno ili utemeljeno, i odakle se proširilo u druge zemlje.
[Wed Sep 24 16:34:14 2003]
"As it is said in the Bible, in the third book of Kings," are the words of the Cooke MS.
"Kako piše u Bibliji, u Trećoj knjizi o kraljevima", riječi su Cookeovog rukopisa.
[Wed Sep 24 16:35:21 2003]
In the canon of Scripture as then used, the two books of Samuel were called the first and second of Kings.
U kanonu Svetog Pisma koji se tada koristio, dvije knjige o Samuelu su se nazivale Prva i Druga knjiga o kraljevima.
[Wed Sep 24 16:35:21 2003]
The third book of Kings was then the first according to the present canon.
Tako je Treća knjiga o kraljevima prema sadašnjem kanonu prva.
[Wed Sep 24 16:37:20 2003]
"And thus was that worthy Science of Masonry confirmed in the country of Jerusalem, and in many other kingdoms."
"I tako je ta ugledna znanost slobodnog zidarstva potvrđena u zemlji Jeruzalemu, i u mnogim drugim kraljevstvima."
[Wed Sep 24 16:55:24 2003]
Considering the Legend of the Craft as merely a narrative of the rise and progress of architecture in its connection with a peculiar architectural association, it was natural that in such a narrative some reference should be made to one of the most splendid specimens of ancient architectural art that the ancient world had exhibited.
Promatrajući Legendu o Zanatu tek kao pripovijest o nastanku i razvoju arhitekture u povezanosti s osebujnim arhitekturnim društvom, bilo je prirodno da se u takvoj pripovijesti spomene jedan od najsjajnijih primjeraka drevnog arhitekturnog umijeća koje je drevni svijet izložio.
[Wed Sep 24 16:55:24 2003]
And since this Temple was, by its prominence in the ritual of Jewish worship, intimately connected with both the Jewish and Christian religions, we shall be still less surprised that an association not only so religious, but even ecclesiastical as mediaeval Masonry was, should have considered this sacred edifice as one of the cradles of its Institution.
I kako je ovaj Hram bio, po svojoj važnosti u židovskom vjerskom obredu, blisko povezan i sa židovskom i s kršćanskom religijom, bit ćemo još manje iznenađeni da je jedno društvo, ne samo tako religiozno, nego čak i crkveno kako što je bilo srednjovjekovno slobodno zidarstvo, smatralo ovu svetu građevinu jednom od koljevaka svoje Institucije.
[Wed Sep 24 17:05:07 2003]
Hence we find the Temple of Jerusalem occupying a place in the Legend of the Craft which it has retained, with many enlargements, to the present day.
Stoga nalazimo jeruzalemski Hram kako zauzima mjesto u Legendi o Zanatu koje je je zadržao, uz mnoga proširenja, sve do danas.
[Wed Sep 24 17:05:07 2003]
But there is a difference in the aspect in which this subject of the Temple is to be viewed, as we follow the progress of the Order in its transition from an Operative to a Speculative Institution.
Ali postoji razlika u aspektu s kojeg se ima promatrati predmet Hrama, kako slijedimo razvoj Reda u njegovom prijelazu iz operativne u spekulativnu Instituciju.
[Wed Sep 24 17:15:10 2003]
Originally referred to by the legendists as a purely historical fact, whose details were derived from Scripture, and connected by a sort of esprit du corps, with the progress of their own association, it was retained during and after the development of the Order into a Speculative character, because it seemed to be the very best foundation on which the religious symbolism of that Order could be erected.
Izvorno naveden od strane pisaca legendi kao potpuno povijesna činjenica, čiji su detalji dobiveni iz Svetog Pisma, i povezan nekom vrstom esprit du corps, s razvojem njihovog vlastitog društva, sačuvan je za vrijeme i nakon razvoja Reda u spekulativnu narav, jer se činio najboljim temeljem na kojem bi se mogao podići religijski simbolizam tog Reda.
[Wed Sep 24 17:22:25 2003]
But notwithstanding that the masses of the Institution, learned as well as unlearned, continue to accept the historical character of this part of the Legend, the Temple is chiefly to be considered in a symbolic point of view.
Ali usprkos tome što najširi slojevi Institucije, obrazovani kao i neobrazovani, nastavljaju prihvaćati povijesni značaj ovog dijela Legende, Hram se ponajviše treba razmatrati u simboličnom smislu.