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[Mon Sep 29 10:01:05 2003]
The error of making the Greek architect a contemporary both of Solomon and of Charles Martel, is one which may be explained, either as the expression of a symbolic idea, alluding to the close connection that had existed between Oriental and Byzantine architecture, or may be excused as an instance of blundering chronology for which the spirit of the age, more than the writer of the Legend, is to be blamed.
Greška kojom je grčki arhitekt učinjen suvremenikom i Salomona i Karla Martela se može protumačiti ili kao izraz simbolične ideje, aludirajući na blisku vezu koja je postojala između orijentalne i bizantske arhitekture, ili se može opravdati kao primjer pogrešne kronologije za koju je odgovorniji duh onog doba, nego pisac Legende.

[Mon Sep 29 10:01:05 2003]
This objection will not, however, lie if we assume that Namus Grecus meant simply a Greek architect.
Ovaj prigovor se, međutim, neće uvažiti ako pretpostavimo da je Namus Grecus značilo samo grčki arhitekt.

[Mon Sep 29 10:04:35 2003]
But this whole subject is so closely connected with the authentic history of Masonry, having really passed out of the prehistoric period, that it claims a future and more elaborate consideration in its proper place.
No čitava ova tema je tako blisko povezana s autentičnom povijesti slobodnog zidarstva, zapravo izlazeći iz pretpovijesnog razdoblja, da zahtijeva buduće i složenije razmatranje na odgovarajućem mjestu.

[Mon Sep 29 10:12:38 2003]
The Legend of the Craft now proceeds to narrate the history of the introduction of Masonry into England, in the time of St Alban, who lived in the 3d century.
Legenda o Zanatu nastavlja kazivati povijest uvođenja slobodnog zidarstva u Englesku, u doba sv. Albina, koji je živio u 3. stoljeću.

[Mon Sep 29 10:12:38 2003]
The Legend referring to the protomartyr of England is not mentioned in the Halliwell poem, but is first found in the Cooke manuscript, in the following words:
Legenda koja se odnosi na prvog mučenika Engleske se ne spominje u Halliwellovoj pjesmi, nego ju prvi put nalazimo u Cookeovom rukopisu, u sljedećim riječima:

[Mon Sep 29 10:27:40 2003]
The later manuscripts say nothing of St. Adhabell, and it is not until we get to the Krause manuscript in the beginning of the 18th century, that we find any mention of St Amphibalus, who is described in that document as having been the teacher of St Alban.
Adabelu, i tek se u Krauseovom rukopisu s početka 18. stoljeća, spominje Sv. Amfibal, koji je u tom dokumentu opisan kao učitelj Sv. Albina.

[Mon Sep 29 10:27:40 2003]
But St Amphibalus, of which the Adhabell of the Cooke manuscript is undoubtedly a corruption, is so apocryphal a personage, that I am rejoiced that the later legendists have not thought proper to follow the Cooke document and give him a place in the Legend.
Amfibal, koji je nesumnjivo Adabel iz Cookeovog rukopisa, je tako apokrifan lik, da me veseli što kasniji pisci legendi nisu smatrali da je ispravno slijediti Cookeov dokument i dati mu mjesto u Legendi.

[Mon Sep 29 10:32:14 2003]
Cooke translates this "convenient times," supplying the second word.
Cooke ovo prevodi s "prikladno doba", nadomještajući drugu riječ.

[Mon Sep 29 10:34:24 2003]
But a more correct word is suitable or proper, which is an old meaning of convenient.
No točnija riječ je odgovarajući ili pravilan, što je staro značenje riječi prikladan.

[Mon Sep 29 10:34:24 2003]
"He ordained suitable pay for their labor ," and this agrees with the later manuscripts which impress the fact that St. Alban " made their pay right good."
"Odredio im je odgovarajuću plaću za njihov trud", i ovo se slaže s kasnijim rukopisima koji ističu činjenicu da je Sv. Albin "njim dao dobru plaću".

[Mon Sep 29 10:44:06 2003]
In fact, amphibalum was the ecclesiastical name of a cloak, worn by priests of the Romish Church over their other vestments
Ustvari, amphibalum je bilo crkveno ime za plašt, koji su svećenici Rimske Crkve nosili preko drugih halja

[Mon Sep 29 10:57:15 2003]
It was a vestment ecclesiastically transmuted into a saint, as the handkerchief on which Christ left the image of His face when, as it is said, it was handed to Him on His way to Calvary , by a pious Jewess, became from the Greco-Latin vera icon, "the true image," converted into St. Veronica.
To je bila halja crkveno preobražena u sveca, kao što je rubac na kojem je Krist ostavio odraz svog lica, kad mu ga je, kako se kaže, na njegovom putu do Kalvarije pružila pobožna Židovka, od grčko-latinskog vera icon, "prava slika", pretvoren u Sv. Veroniku.

[Mon Sep 29 10:57:15 2003]
The Masonic are not the only legendists who draw deeply on our credulity.
Slobodnozidarski pisci legendi nisu jedini koji lukavo koriste našu lakovjernost.

[Mon Sep 29 11:06:25 2003]
He was born (so runs the tradition) in the 3d century, in Hertfordshire, England, near the town of Verulanium.
Rodio se (prema tradiciji) u 3. stoljeću, u Hertfordshireu, Engleska, blizu grada Verulanium.

[Mon Sep 29 11:07:30 2003]
Going to Rome, he served for seven years as a soldier under the Emperor Diocletian.
Na putu u Rim, sedam je godina kao vojnik služio caru Dioklecijanu.

[Mon Sep 29 11:10:13 2003]
He then returned with a companion and preceptor Amphibalus, to Britain, and betook himself to Verulanium.
Zatim se zajedno s prijateljem i učiteljem Amfibalom vratio u Britaniju, i krenuo u Verulanium.

[Mon Sep 29 11:11:00 2003]
When the persecutions of the Christians commenced in Britain, Amphibalus was sought for, as one who had apostatized to the new religion;
Kad su u Britaniji počeli progoni kršćana, Amfibal je bio tražen jer se bio odmetnuo u novu religiju;

[Mon Sep 29 11:12:04 2003]
but as he could not be found, St. Alban voluntarily presented himself to the judge, and after undergoing torture was imprisoned.
Albin se dobrovoljno pojavio pred sucem, i nakon mučenja je bio zatvoren.

[Mon Sep 29 11:13:45 2003]
Soon after this, the retreat of Amphibalus having been discovered, both he and St. Alban suffered death for being Christians.
Nedugo nakon toga, otkriveno je Amfibalovo skrovište, i on i Sv. Albin su ubijeni zbog svog kršćanstva.

[Mon Sep 29 11:13:45 2003]
Four centuries after his martyrdom, Offa, King of the Mercians, erected a monastery at Holmehurst, the hill where he was buried, and soon after the town of St. Albans arose in its vicinity.
Četiri stoljeća nakon Albanovog mučeništva, Offa, kralj Mercije, je podigao samostan na Holmehurstu, brdu gdje je bio pokopan, i nedugo nakon toga je u blizini niknuo grad Sv. Albans.

[Mon Sep 29 11:17:20 2003]
When the Christian religion became predominant in England, the Church paid great honors to the memory of the protomartyr.
Kad je kršćanstvo postalo prevladavajuća religija u Engleskoj, Crkva je odala veliku počast uspomeni na prvog mučenika.

[Mon Sep 29 11:17:20 2003]
A chapel was erected over his grave, which, according to the Venerable Bede, was of admirable workmanship.
Nad njegovim grobom je podignuta kapela, koja je, prema Bedi Časnom, bila zadivljujuće izradbe.

[Mon Sep 29 11:27:02 2003]
The Masonic Legend contains details which are not furnished by the religious one.
Slobodnozidarska Legenda sadrži detalje koje ne nalazimo u religijskoj.

[Mon Sep 29 11:27:55 2003]
According to it, St. Alban was the steward of the household of Carausius, he who had revolted from the Emperor Maximilian, and usurped the sovereignty of England.
Albin je bio upravitelj kućanstva Carausiusa (???), koji se pobunio protiv cara Maksimilijana, i preuzeo vrhovnu vlast u Engleskoj.

[Mon Sep 29 11:30:56 2003]
Carausius employed him in building the town walls.
Carausius ga je zaposlio na izgradnji gradskih bedema.

[Mon Sep 29 11:32:18 2003]
He assisted them in making Masons, and framed for them a constitution - for such is the meaning of the phrase, "gave them charges."
Pomagao im je u stvaranju slobodnih zidara, i oblikovao za njih konstituciju - jer takvo je značenje izraza, "dao im je dužnosti".

[Mon Sep 29 11:40:09 2003]
Now, there is sufficient historical evidence to show that architecture was introduced into England by the Roman artificers, who followed, as was their usage, the Roman legions, habilitated themselves in the conquered colonies, and engaged in the construction not only of camps and fortifications, but also when peace was restored in the building of temples and even private edifices
Postoji dovoljno povijesnih dokaza koji pokazuju da su arhitekturu u Englesku uveli rimski zanatlije, koji su pratili, kao što im je bio običaj, rimske legije, stjecali prevo na rad u osvojenim kolonijama, i bavili se izgradnjom ne samo tabora i utvrda, nego i, nakon ponovne uspostave mira, izgradnjom hramova, pa čak i privatnih građevina

[Mon Sep 29 11:55:36 2003]
Architectural ruins and Latin inscriptions, which still remain in many parts of Britain, attest the labors and the skill of these Roman artists, and sustain the statement of the Legend, that Masonry, which, it must be remembered, is, in the Old Records, only a synonym of architecture, was introduced into England during the period of its Roman colonization.
Arhitekturne ruševine i latinski natpisi, koji i danas postoje u mnogim dijelovima Britanije, svjedoče o trudu i vještini tih rimskih umjetnika, i podupiru tvrdnju Legende da je slobodno zidarstvo, koje je, ne smijemo zaboraviti, u Starim Zapisima tek sinonim za arhitekturu, bilo uvedeno u Englesku tijekom razdoblja rimske kolonizacije.

[Mon Sep 29 12:05:23 2003]
As to the specific statement that St. Alban was the patron of Masons, that he exercised the government of a chief over the Craft, and improved their condition by augmenting their wages, we may explain this as the expression of a symbolical idea, in which history is not altogether falsified, but only its dates and personages confused.
Albin bio zaštitnik slobodnih zidara, da je kao poglavar upravljao članovima Zanata, i poboljšao njihov položaj povećavajući im plaće, to se može protumačiti kao izraz simbolične ideje, u kojoj povijest nije sasvim krivo prikazana, nego su jedino datumi i likovi pomiješani.

[Mon Sep 29 12:07:46 2003]
Carausius, the Legend does not mention by name.
Carausiusa Legenda ne spominje po imenu.

[Mon Sep 29 12:17:43 2003]
It simply refers to some King of England, of whose household St. Alban was the steward.
Spominje samo nekog kralja Engleske, čijim je kućanstvom upravljao Sv. Albin.

[Mon Sep 29 12:22:08 2003]
Carausius assumed the imperial purple in the year in which St. Alban suffered martyrdom.
Carausius je zauzeo carski položaj iste godine koje je Sv. Albin pretrpio mučeništvo.

[Mon Sep 29 12:24:39 2003]
The error of making him the patron of St. Alban is not, therefore, to be attributed to the legendist, but to Dr. Anderson, who first perpetrated this chronological blunder in the second edition of his Constitutions.
Albina se, stoga, ne treba pripisivati autoru legende, nego dr. Andersonu, koji je prvi počinio tu kronološku grešku u drugom izdanju svojih Konstitucija.

[Mon Sep 29 12:24:39 2003]
And though he states that " this is asserted by all the old copies of the Constitutions," we fail to find it in any that are now extant.
I iako on navodi da "se ovo iznosi u svim starim primjercima Konstitucija", mi to ne uspijevamo naći niti u jednom od onih koji danas postoje.

[Mon Sep 29 12:28:44 2003]
This " Legend of St. Alban," as it has been called, is worthy of a farther consideration.
Albinu", kako se naziva, zaslužuje dalje razmatranje.

[Mon Sep 29 12:29:33 2003]
The foundation of this symbolical narrative was first laid by the writer of the Cooke MS.
Temelj ove simbolične pripovijesti je prvi položio autor Cookeovog rukopisa

[Mon Sep 29 12:33:29 2003]
Its form was subsequently modified and the details extended in the Dowland manuscript, for tradition always grows in the progress of time.
Njen je oblik kasnije izmijenjen, a detalji prošireni u Dowlandovom rukopisu, jer tradicija uvijek raste s odmicanjem vremena.

[Mon Sep 29 12:33:29 2003]
This form and these details were preserved in all the succeeding manuscript Constitutions, until they were still further altered and enlarged by Anderson, Preston, and other Masonic historians of the last century.
Ovaj oblik i ovi detalji su se očuvali u svim kasnijim pisanim Konstitucijama, sve dok ih Anderson, Preston, i ostali slobodnozidarski povjesničari iz prošlog stoljeća nisu još više promijenili i proširili.

[Mon Sep 29 12:39:41 2003]
With the gratuitous accretions of these later writers we have no concern in any attempted explanation of the actual signification of the Legend.
Uz bezrazložne dodatke ovih potonjih pisaca, ne zanima nas nikakav pokušaj objašnjavanja stvarnog značenja Legende.

[Mon Sep 29 12:39:41 2003]
Its true form and spirit are to be found only in the Dowland manuscript of the middle of the 16th century, and in those which were copied from it, up to the Papworth, at the beginning of the 18th
Njen pravi oblik i duh se mogu naći jedino u Dowlandovom rukopisu iz sredine 16. stoljeća, i u onima koji su njegovi prijepisi, sve do Papwortha, s početka 18

[Mon Sep 29 12:49:24 2003]
To these, and not to anything written after the period of the Revival, we must direct our attention.
Na njih moramo usmjeriti našu pozornost, a ne na išta napisano nakon razdoblja Preporoda.

[Mon Sep 29 13:02:10 2003]
Admitting that on the conquest of England by the Roman power, the architects who had accompanied the victorious legions introduced into the conquered colony their architectural skill, it is very likely that some master workmen among them had been more celebrated than others for their skill, and, indeed, it is naturally to be supposed that to such skillful builders the control of the Craft must have been confided.
Priznavajući da su nakon što su rimske snage pokorile Englesku, arhitekti koji su pratili pobjedničke legije u osvojenu koloniju uveli svoju arhitekturnu vještinu, vrlo je vjerojatno da je neki glavni radnik među njima bio glasovitiji od ostalih po svojoj vještini i, doista, prirodno je pretpostaviti da je takvim vještim graditeljima morao biti povjeren nadzor nad ostalim članovima Zanata.

[Mon Sep 29 14:10:42 2003]
Whether there were one or more of these chief architects, St. Alban, if not actually one of them, was, by the lapse of time and the not unusual process by which legendary or oral accretions are superimposed on a plain historical fact, adopted by the legendists as their representative.
Albina su, ako u stvarnosti to i nije bio, protokom vremena i uobičajenim procesom kojim se legendarni ili usmeni dodaci nameću na jednostavnu povijesnu činjenicu, pisci legende usvojili kao njihovog predstavnika.

[Mon Sep 29 14:10:42 2003]
Who was the principal patron of the Architects or Masons during the time of the colonization of England by the Romans, is not so material as is the fact that architecture, with other branches of civilization, was introduced at that era into the island by its conquerors.
Tko je bio glavni pokrovitelj arhitekata ili slobodnih zidara za vrijeme rimskog koloniziranja Engleske nije toliko bitno poput činjenice da su arhitekturu, uz ostale granama civilizacije, u to doba na otok uveli njegovi osvajači.

[Mon Sep 29 14:20:14 2003]
This is an historical fact, and in this point the Legend of the Craft agrees with authentic history.
Ovo je povijesna činjenica, i ovdje se Legenda o Zanatu slaže s autentičnom povijesti.

[Mon Sep 29 14:23:30 2003]
But it is also an historical fact that when, by the pressure of the Northern hordes of barbarians upon Rome, it was found necessary to withdraw all the legions from the various colonies which they protected from exterior enemies and restrained from interior insurrection, the arts and sciences, and among them architecture, began to decline in England.
No također je povijesna činjenica da kad je, zbog pritiska sjevernih hordi barbara na Rim, bilo nužno povući sve legije iz raznih kolonija koje su štitile od vanjskih neprijatelja i obuzdavale od unutarnjih pobuna, umijeća i znanosti, a među njima i arhitektura, su u Engleskoj počeli slabiti.

[Mon Sep 29 14:25:52 2003]
The natives, with the few Roman colonists who had permanently settled among them, were left to defend themselves from the incursions of the Picts on the north, and the Danish and Saxon pirates in the east and south.
Starosjedioci su, zajedno s malobrojnim rimskim naseljenicima koji su se među njima trajno nastanili, bili prepušteni braniti se od invazija Pikta na sjeveru, te danskih i saskih gusara na istoku i jugu.

[Mon Sep 29 14:26:26 2003]
The arts of civilization suffered a depression in the tumult of war.
Umijeća civilizacije su pretrpjela pad u kaosu rata.

[Mon Sep 29 14:28:26 2003]
Science can not flourish amid the clang and clash of arms.
Znanost ne može napredovati usred zveketa i sudara oružja.

[Mon Sep 29 14:28:26 2003]
This depression and suspension of all architectural progress in England, which continued for some centuries, is thus expressed in the quaint language of the Legend :
Ovo slabljenje i obustavljanje svakog arhitekturnog razvoja u Engleskoj, koji je trajao nekoliko stoljeća, je ovako izražen slikovitim jezikom Legende:

[Mon Sep 29 14:44:15 2003]
The next point of the Legend of the Craft to which our attention is to be directed, is that which relates to the organization of Masonry at the city of York, in the 10th century.
Sljedeći dio Legende o Zanatu na koji ćemo usmjeriti našu pozornost je onaj koji se odnosi na organiziranje slobodnog zidarstva u gradu Yorku, u desetom stoljeću.

[Mon Sep 29 14:49:52 2003]
This part of the Legend is of far more importance than any of those which have been considered.
Ovaj dio Legende ima daleko veću važnost od bilo kojeg dosad razmotrenog.

[Mon Sep 29 14:51:16 2003]
The prehistoric here verges so closely upon the historic period, that the true narrative of the rise and progress of Masonry can not be justly understood until each of these prehistoric and historic elements has been carefully relegated to its appropriate period.
Pretpovijesno razdoblje se ovdje tako blisko primiče povijesnom, da se točna pripovijest o nastanku i razvoju slobodnog zidarstva ne može valjano razumjeti, sve dok se svaki od ovih pretpovijesnih i povijesnih elemenata pažljivo ne smjesti u odgovarajuće razdoblje.

[Mon Sep 29 14:51:16 2003]
This will constitute the subject matter of the next chapter.
To će činiti sadržaj sljedećeg poglavlja.

[Mon Sep 29 15:01:02 2003]
The suppression of all architectural art and enterprise having lasted for so long a period in Britain, the Legend of the Craft next proceeds to account for its revival in the 10th century and in the reign of Athelstan, whose son Edwin called a meeting, or General Assembly, of the Masons at York in the year 926, and there revived the Institution, giving to the Craft a new code of laws.
Nakon što je potiskivanje svakog arhitekturnog umijeća i djelatnosti tako dugo trajalo u Britaniji, Legenda o Zanatu zatim nastavlja opisivati njegov preporod u 10. stoljeću i za vladavine Atelstana, čiji sin Edwin je sazvao sastanak, ili Opću Skupštinu, slobodnih zidara u Yorku 926. godine, i tamo je oživio Instituciju, dajući Zanatu novi kodeks zakona.

[Mon Sep 29 15:10:50 2003]
Now, it is impossible to attach to this portion of the Legend, absolutely and without any reservation, the taint of fiction.
Ovom dijelu Legende je nemoguće pripisati, u potpunosti i bez ikakvih ograda, mrlju fikcije.

[Mon Sep 29 15:12:30 2003]
The convocation of the Craft of England at the city of York, in the year 926, has been accepted by both the Operative Masons who preceded the Revival, and by the Speculatives who succeeded them, up to the present day" as a historical fact that did not admit of dispute.
Sazivanje članova Zanata Engleske u gradu Yorku, godine 926, prihvaćali su i operativni slobodni zidari koji su prethodili Preporodu, i spekulativni koji su ih naslijedili, sve do danas kao povijesnu činjenicu oko koje nema spora.

[Mon Sep 29 15:13:32 2003]
The two classes of Legends - the one represented by the Halliwell poem, and the other by the later manuscripts - concur in giving the same statement.
Dva kategorije Legendi - jedna koju predstavlja Halliwellova pjesma, i druga koju predstavljaju kasniji rukopisi - se slažu u pružanju istog navoda.

[Mon Sep 29 15:15:19 2003]
The Cooke manuscript, which holds an intermediate place between the two, also contains it.
Cookeov rukopis, koji zauzima prijelazno mjesto između te dvije kategorije, ga također sadrži.

[Mon Sep 29 15:17:19 2003]
But the Halliwell and the Cooke manuscripts, which are of older date, give more fully the details of what may be called this revival of English Masonry.
No Halliwellov i Cookeov rukopis, koji su ranijeg datuma, podrobnije opisuju pojedinosti onoga što bi se moglo nazvati tim preporodom engleskog slobodnog zidarstva.

[Mon Sep 29 15:17:19 2003]
Thoroughly to understand the subject, it will be necessary to collate the three accounts given in the three different sets of manuscripts.
Kako bi se potpuno razumjela ova tema, bit će neophodno usporediti tri opisa koja su pružena u tri različite vrste rukopisa.

[Mon Sep 29 15:23:24 2003]
The Halliwell poem, whose conjectural date is about 1390, contains the account in the following words.
Halliwellova pjesma, za koju se predpostavlja da datira iz 1390, sadrži opis u sljedećim riječima.

[Mon Sep 29 15:23:24 2003]
I will first give it, relieved of its archaisms, for the convenience of the reader inexpert in early English, and then follow with a quotation of the original language :
Prvo ću ga navesti bez arhaizama, da bude lakše čitateljima nevještim u ranom engleskom, i zatim će slijediti navod na izvornom jeziku:

[Mon Sep 29 15:28:21 2003]
This craft came into England, as I tell you, in the time of good King Athelstane's reign.
Ovaj zanat je došao u Englesku, kako vam kažem, u doba vladavine dobrog kralja Atelstana.

[Mon Sep 29 15:28:21 2003]
He made them both hall and also chamber, and lofty churches of great honour, to recreate him in both day and night and to worship his God with all his strength.
Napravio je i hodnik i odaju, i visoke crkve velike počasti, da ga zabavljaju i noću i danju, i da štuje svog Boga u svoj njegovoj moći.

[Mon Sep 29 15:42:20 2003]
This good lord loved this craft full well, and purposed to strengthen it in every part, on account of several defects which he discovered in the craft.
Ovaj dobri gospodar je jako volio zanat, i naumio ga je osnažiti u svakom dijelu, zbog nekoliko nedostataka koje je otkrio u zanatu.

[Mon Sep 29 15:47:28 2003]
He sent about into the land after all the masons of the craft to come straight to him, to amend all these defects by good counsel, if it could be done.
Poslao je po sve slobodne zidare zanata da dođu ravno k njemu, da isprave sve ove nedostatke uz dobar savjet, ako je moguće.

[Mon Sep 29 15:48:16 2003]
Then he permitted an assembly to be made of various lords according to their rank, dukes, earls, and barons also, knights, squires, and many more, and the great burgesses of that city, they were all there in their degree;
Zatim je dozvolio da se sačini skup raznih plemića prema njihovom položaju, vojvode, grofovi, i baruni također, vitezovi, štitonoše, i još mnogi, i znameniti građani tog grada, svi su bili tamo u svojoj mjeri;

[Mon Sep 29 15:49:16 2003]
these were there, each one in every way to make laws for the society of these masons.
oni su bili tamo, kako bi svaki od njih u svakom pogledu donio zakone za društvo ovih slobodnih zidara.

[Mon Sep 29 15:49:54 2003]
There they sought by their wisdom how they might govern it.
Tamo su svojom mudrošću tražili kako bi mogli njime upravljati.

[Mon Sep 29 15:49:54 2003]
There they invented fifteen articles, and there they made fifteen points.
Tamo su osmislili petnaest članaka, i tamo su stvorili petnaest točaka.

[Mon Sep 29 16:31:18 2003]
And after that was a worthy king in England that was called Athelstan, and his youngest son loved well the science of geometry, and he wist well that hand-craft had the practice of the science of geometry so well as masons, wherefore he drew him to council and learned [the] practice of that science to his speculative, for of speculative he was a master, and he loved well masonry and masons.
I nakon toga je u Engleskoj bio častan kralj po imenu Atelstan, i njegov najmlađi sin je jako volio znanost geometriju, i dobro je znao da se u zanatu primjenjuje znanost geometrija, kao kod slobodnih zidara, zbog čega ga je pozvao na vijeće i naučio primjenu te znanosti uz svoje spekulativno. Jer bio je majstor spekulativnog, i jako je volio slobodno zidarstvo i slobodne zidare.

[Mon Sep 29 16:38:26 2003]
And he became a mason himself, and he gave them charges and names as it is now used in England, and in other countries.
I dao im je dužnosti i imena, koja se i sada koriste u Engleskoj i u drugim zemljama.

[Mon Sep 29 16:38:26 2003]
And he ordained that they shouuld have reasonable pay and purchased a free patent of the king that they should make [an] assembly when they saw a reasonable time and come together to their councillors of which charges, manners, and assembly, as it is written and taught in the book of our charges, wherefore I leave it at this time.
I dobio je kraljevo dopuštenje da imaju skupštinu kad za to bude vrijeme, i da se okupe na vijeću čije su dužnosti, pravila i skupština, kako je napisano i kako nas uči knjiga naših dužnosti, zbog čega to zasad ostavljam.

[Mon Sep 29 16:46:33 2003]
In a subsequent part of the manuscript, which appears to have been taken from the aforesaid "boke of charges," with some additional details, are the following words :
U kasnijem dijelu rukopisa, koji je izgleda uzet iz gore spomenute "knjige dužnosti", uz neke dodatne potankosti, su sljedeće riječi:

[Mon Sep 29 17:03:13 2003]
After that, many years, in the time of King Athelstan, which was some time king of England, by his councillors, and other greater lords of the land, by common assent, for great default found among masons, they ordained a certain rule amongst them:
Mnogo godina nakon toga, u doba kralja Atelstana, koji je jednom bio kralj Engleske, njegovi vijećnici i drugi znameniti plemići zemlje su, uz zajednički pristanak, zbog velikih propusta nađenih među slobodnim zidarima, među sobom odredili jedno pravilo:

[Tue Sep 30 14:41:23 2003]
one time of the year, or in 3 years as need were to the king and great lords of the land, and all the comonalty, from province to province, and from country to country, congregations should be made, by masters, of all masters, Masons, and fellows in the [a]foresaid art, and so, at such congregations, they that be made masters should be examined, of the articles after written, and be ransacked whether they be able and cunning to the profit of the lords [having] them to serve and to the honour of the [a]foresaid art
jednom u godini, ili u 3 godina, kako je potrebno kralju i velikim plemićima zemlje, i čitave zajednice, od jedne pokrajine do druge, od zemlje do zemlje, trebaju se održavati skupovi, majstora, svih majstora, slobodnih zidara, i članova spomenutog zanata. I tako, na tim skupovima, one koji trebaju postati majsotri treba ispitati, prema kasnije napisanim člancima, i istražiti jesu li sposobni i vješti da služe gospodarima, na njihovu čast i na čast spomenutog zanata.

[Tue Sep 30 14:46:21 2003]
Sixty years afterward we find this Legend repeated in the Dowland manuscript, but with some important variations.
Šezdeset godina kasnije nalazimo ovu Legendu ponovljenu u Dowlandovom rukopisu, no s nekim važnim promjenama.

[Tue Sep 30 14:46:43 2003]
This Legend has already been given in the Legend of the Craft, but for the convenience of immediate comparison with the preceding documents it will be well to repeat it here.
Ova Legenda je već navedena u Legendi o Zanatu, ali radi lakše izravne usporedbe s ranijim dokumentima, bit će dobro ovdje ju ponoviti.

[Tue Sep 30 14:46:43 2003]
I t is in the following words :
Navedena je sljedećim riječima:

[Tue Sep 30 14:53:24 2003]
Cooke calls particular attention to this word as of much significative import.
Cooke ovoj riječi posvećuje posebnu pozornost, kao da je znakovite važnosti.

[Tue Sep 30 14:53:24 2003]
I think it simply means that the king added a practical knowledge of Masonry or architecture to his former merely speculative or theoretical acquaintance with the art.
Ja mislim da ona jednostavno znači da je kralj pridodao praktično poznavanje slobodnog zidarstva ili arhitekture svom prijašnjem tek spekulativnom ili teoretskom poznavanju umijeća.

[Tue Sep 30 15:11:26 2003]
The next manuscript in date, the Landsdowne, names the place where he was made as Windsor.
Sljedeći rukopis, Landsdowne, navodi mjesto gdje je on učinjen Windsorom.

[Tue Sep 30 15:11:26 2003]
This statement is not found in any of the other manuscripts except the Antiquity manuscript It may here be observed that nothing more clearly proves the great carelessness of the transcribers of these manuscripts than the fact that although they must have all been familiar with the name of Edwin, one of them spells it Ladrian and another Hoderine.
Ovdje se može primijetiti da ništa jasnije ne dokazuje iznimnu nepažnju prepisivača ovih rukopisa od činjenice da iako su morali biti upoznati s imenom Edwin, jedan od njih ga piše Ladrian, a drugi Hoderine.

[Tue Sep 30 15:20:39 2003]
It will be remarked that in neither of the two oldest manuscripts, the Halliwell and the Cooke, is there any mention of Prince Edwin, or of the city of York.
Primijetit će se da se ni u jednom od dva najstarija rukopisa, Halliwellovom i Cookeovom, nigdje ne spominje Princ Edwin, ili grad York.

[Tue Sep 30 15:26:10 2003]
For the omission I shall hereafter attempt to account.
U nastavku ću pokušati razjasniti ovo izostavljanje.

[Tue Sep 30 15:27:21 2003]
As to that of the latter I agree with Brother Woodford, that as the fact of the Assembly is stated in all the later traditions, and as a city is mentioned whose burgesses were present, we may fairly understand both of the oldest manuscripts also to refer to York.
Što se tiče potonjeg, slažem se s Bratom Woodfordom da budući da se podatak o Skupštini navodi u svim kasnijim tradicijama, i spomenut je grad čiji su stanovnici bili prisutni, možemo opravdano shvatiti da se najstariji rukopisi također odnose na York.

[Tue Sep 30 15:28:26 2003]
At all events, their silence as to the place affords no sufficient evidence
U svakom slučaju, njihovo nespominjanje mjesta ne pruža dovoljno dokaza

[Tue Sep 30 15:28:26 2003]
that it was not York, as opposed to the positive declaration of the later manuscripts that it was.
da to nije bio York, za razliku od navoda kasnijih rukopisa koji to potvrđuju.

[Tue Sep 30 15:37:28 2003]
We see, then, that all the old Legends assert expressly, or by implication, that York was the city where the first General Masonic Assembly was held in England, and that it was summoned under the authority of King Athelstan.
Vidimo, dakle, da sve stare Legende izričito tvrde, ili impliciraju, da je York bio grad gdje je održana prva Opća slobodnozidarska skupština u Engleskoj, i da je bilo sazvana prema ovlaštenju kralja Atelstana.

[Tue Sep 30 15:38:37 2003]
The next point in which all the later manuscripts, except the Harleian, agree is, that the Assembly was called by Prince Edwin, the King's son.
Sljedeće mjesto gdje se svi kasniji rukopisi, osim Harleyevog, slažu je da je Skupštinu sazvao Princ Edwin, kraljev sin.

[Tue Sep 30 15:39:47 2003]
The Legend does not here most certainly agree with history, for there is no record that Athelstan had any son.
Legenda se ovdje nikako ne podudara s povijesti, jer nije zabilježeno da je Atelstan imao sina.

[Tue Sep 30 15:39:47 2003]
He had, however, a brother of that name, who died two years before him.
Imao je, međutim, brata s tim imenom, koji je umro dvije godine prije njega.

[Tue Sep 30 15:48:46 2003]
Edward the Elder, the son of Alfred the Great, died in the year 925, leaving several legitimate sons and one natural one, Athelstan.
Edvard Stariji, sin Alfreda Velikog, umro je godine 925, ostavljajući nekoliko zakonitih sinova i jednog nezakonitog, Atelstana.

[Tue Sep 30 15:48:46 2003]
The latter, who was the eldest of the sons of Edward, obtained the throne, notwithstanding the stain on his birth, in consequence of his age, which better fitted him to govern at a time when the kingdom was engaged in foreign and domestic wars.
Potonji, koji je bio najstariji Edvardov sin, je došao na prijestolje, unatoč mrlji na svom rođenju, zbog svojih godina, koje su ga činile pogodnijim da vlada u vrijeme kad je kraljevstvo sudjelovalo u vanjskim i unutarnjim ratovima.

[Tue Sep 30 15:53:38 2003]
All historians concur in attributing to Athelstan the character of a just and wise sovereign, and of a sagacious statesman.
Svi povjesničari se slažu kad Atelstanu pripisuju narav pravednog i mudrog vladara, i oštroumnog državnika.

[Tue Sep 30 15:59:31 2003]
It has been said of him that he was the most able and active of the ancient princes of England.
Za njega se govori da je bio najsposobniji i najaaktivniji od svih drevnih vladara Engleske.

[Tue Sep 30 15:59:31 2003]
What his grandfather, the great Alfred, commenced in his efforts to consolidate the petty monarchies into which the land was divided, into one powerful kingdom, Athelstan, by his energy, his political wisdom, and his military prowess, was enabled to perfect, so that he has been justly called the first monarch of all England.
Ono što je njegov djed, veliki Alfred, započeo u svojim nastojanjima da ujedini sitne monarhije na koje je zemlja bila podijeljena u jedno jako kraljevstvo, Atelstan je, svojom energijom, svojom političkom mudrošću i svojom vojnom sposobnošću uspio dovršiti, tako da se opravdano naziva prvim vladarom cijele Engleske.

[Tue Sep 30 16:02:47 2003]
"On the Connection of York with the History of Freemasonry in England."
"O povezanosti Yorka sa poviješću slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj."

[Tue Sep 30 16:13:43 2003]
Although engaged during his whole reign in numerous wars, he did not neglect a cultivation of the employments of peace, and encouraged by a liberal patronage the arts and especially architecture.
Iako je za vrijeme čitave svoje vladavine sudjelovao u brojnim ratovima, nije propuštao podržavati korištenje mira, i darežljivim pokroviteljstvom je poticao umjetnosti, a posebno arhitekturu.

[Tue Sep 30 16:21:06 2003]
The only stain upon his character is the charge that having suspected his brother Edwin of being engaged in a conspiracy against his throne, he caused that prince to be drowned.
Jedina mrlja na njegovom karakteru je optužba da je, posumnjavši da je njegov brat Edwin uključen u zavjeru protiv njegove vlasti, naredio da princ bude utopljen.

[Tue Sep 30 16:25:21 2003]
Notwithstanding the efforts of Preston to disprove this charge, the concurrent testimony of all the old chroniclers afford no room to doubt its truth.
Unatoč Prestonovim nastojanjima da opovrgne ovu optužbu, paralelna svjedočanstva svih starih ljetopisaca ne daju prostora da se posumnja u njenu istinitost.

[Tue Sep 30 16:25:21 2003]
But if anything could atone for this cruel act of state policy, it would be the bitter anguish and remorse of conscience which led the perpetrator to endure a severe penance of seven years.
Ali ako bi išta moglo iskupiti ovaj okrutan čin državne politike, to bi bila teška patnja i grižnja savjesti koja je navela počinitelja da sedam godina podnosi strogu pokoru.

[Tue Sep 30 16:32:58 2003]
Of Edwin, the Saxon historians make no mention, except when they speak of his untimely death.
Edwina saski povjesničari ne spominju, osim kad govore o njegovoj preranoj smrti.

[Tue Sep 30 16:33:55 2003]
If we may judge of his character from this silence, we must believe that he was not endued with any brilliant qualities of mind, nor distinguished by the performance of any important act.
Ako bismo iz ove šutnje mogli ocijeniti njegov karakter, morali bismo vjerovati da nije bio nadaren nikakvim sjajnim kvalitetama uma, niti se istaknuo izvođenjem ikakvog važnog čina.

[Tue Sep 30 16:35:46 2003]
Of all the half-brothers of Athelstan, the legitimate children of Edward the Elder, Edmund seems to have been his favorite.
Od sve Atelstanove polubraće, zakonite djece Edvarda Starijeg, čini se da je Edmund bio njegov ljubimac.

[Tue Sep 30 16:38:11 2003]
He kept him by his side on battle-fields, lived single for his sake, and when he died in 941, left to him the succession to the throne.
Držao ga je uz sebe na bojištima, zbog njega živio kao samac, a kad je umro 941, ostavio mu je prijestolje.

[Tue Sep 30 16:38:11 2003]
But there is another Edwin of prominent character in the annals of Saxon England, to whom attention has been directed in connection with this Legend, as having the best claim to be called the founder or reviver of English Masonry.
No postoji još jedan Edwin istaknutog značaja u ljetopisima saske Engleske, na kojeg je usmjerena pozornost u vezi s ovom Legendom, kao na najvećeg pretendenta na titulu osnivača ili preporoditelja engleskog slobodnog zidarstva.

[Tue Sep 30 16:56:24 2003]
Of Edwin, King of Northumbria, it may be said, that in his narrow sphere, as the monarch of a kingdom of narrow dimensions, he was but little inferior in abilities or virtues to Athelstan.
O Edwinu, kralju Northumbrije, se može reći da je u svom uskom području, kao vladar kraljevstva malih dimenzija, bio tek malo slabiji u sposobnostima ili vrlinama od Atelstana.

[Tue Sep 30 16:58:47 2003]
Of the former, Ethelfrith was King, and of the latter, Ella, the father of Edwin.
Ethelfrith je bio kralj prve, a Ella, Edwinov otac, kralj druge.

[Tue Sep 30 17:01:32 2003]
Ella died in 593, and was succeeded by Edwin, an infant of three years of age.
Ella je umro 593, i naslijedio ga je Edwin, tri godine star dječačić.

[Tue Sep 30 17:01:32 2003]
Soon after, Ethelfrith invaded the possessions of Edwin, and attached them by usurpation to his own domains.
Nedugo nakon toga, Ethelfrith je Edwinov posjed, i prisvajanjem ih pripojio vlastitom kraljevstvu.

[Tue Sep 30 17:11:17 2003]
Edwin was sent to Wales, whence when he grew older he was obliged to flee, and passed many years in exile, principally at the Court of Redwald, King of East Anglia.
Edwin je bio poslan u Wales, odakle je kad je narastao bio primoran pobjeći, i proveo je mnoge godine u progonstvu, uglavnom na dvoru Redwalda, kralja istočne Anglije.

[Tue Sep 30 17:11:17 2003]
By the assistance of this monarch he was enabled to make war upon his old enemy, Ethelfrith, who, having been slain in battle, and his sons having fled into Scotland, Edwin not only regained his own throne, but that of the usurper also, and in the year 617 became the King of Northumbria, of which the city of York was made the capital.
Uz pomoć ovog vladara mogao je zaratiti sa svojim starim neprijateljem, Ethelfrithom, koji je poginuo u boju, dok su njegovi sinovi pobjegli u Škotsku, a Edwin je ne samo ponovo zadobio vlastito prijestolje, nego i uzurpatorovo, i godine 617. je postao kralj Northumbrije, čijom prijestolnicom je proglašen grad York.

[Tue Sep 30 17:24:02 2003]
Edwin was originally a pagan, but his mind was of a contemplative turn, and this made him, says Turner, more intellectual than any of the Saxon Kings who had preceded him.
Edwin je izvorno bio poganin, no um mu je bio sklon razmatranju, i to ga je činilo, kaže Turner, intelektualnijim od bilo kojeg saskog kralja koji mu je prethodio.

[Tue Sep 30 17:27:31 2003]
He was thus led to a rational consideration of the doctrines of Christianity, which he finally accepted, and was publicly baptized at York, on Easter day, in the year 627.
Tako se doveo do razboritog razmatranja kršćanskih doktrina, koje je na kraju prihvatio, i javno je kršten u Yorku, na Uskrs, 627. godine.

[Tue Sep 30 17:33:18 2003]
But as soon as he was baptized, he built, says Bede, under the direction of Paulinus, his religious instructor and bishop, in the same place, a much larger and nobler church of stone.
No čim se pokrstio, sagradio je, kaže Bede, prema uputama Paulinusa, svog vjeroučitelja i biskupa, na istom mjestu, mnogo veću i sjajniju crkvu od kamena.

[Tue Sep 30 17:34:01 2003]
During the reign of Edwin, and of his successors in the same century, ecclesiastical architecture greatly flourished, and many large churches were built.
Za vrijeme vladavine Edwina, i njegovih nasljednika u istom stoljeću, crkvena arhitektura je cvjetala, i sagrađene su mnoge velike crkve.

[Tue Sep 30 17:34:01 2003]
Edwin was slain in battle in 633, having reigned for seventeen years.
Edwin je poginuo u boju, 633. godine, nakon što je vladao sedamnaest godina.

[Tue Sep 30 17:44:58 2003]
The Venerable Bede gives us the best testimony we could desire as to the character of Edwin as ruler, when he tells us that in all of his dominions there was such perfect peace that a woman with a newborn babe might walk from sea to sea without receiving any harm.
Beda Časni nam daje svjedočanstvo kakvo bismo mogli poželjeti što se tiče naravi Edwina kao vladara, kad kaže da je u svim njegovim područjima vladao takav savršen mir, da bi žena s novorođenčetom mogla hodati od mora do mora bez da joj itko naudi.

[Tue Sep 30 17:48:44 2003]
Another incident that he relates is significant of Edwin's care and consideration for the comforts of his people.
Još jedan događaj o kojem priča je znakovit za Edwinovu pažnju i brigu za zadovoljstvo njegovih ljudi.

[Tue Sep 30 17:51:24 2003]
Where there were springs of water near the highways, he caused posts to be fixed with drinking vessels attached to them for the convenience of travelers.
Gdje su su blizu ceste bili izvori vode, naredio je da se postave stupovi s pričvršćenim posudama za piće, radi udobnosti putnika.

[Tue Sep 30 17:51:24 2003]
By such acts, and others of a higher character, by his encouragement of the arts, and his strict administration of justice, he secured the love of his subjects.
Takvim djelima, i drugima još većeg značaja, svojim poticanjem umjetnosti, i svojim strogim provođenjem pravde, osigurao si je ljubav svojih podanika.

[Mon Sep 01 15:40:16 2003]
In this case the following technique applies:
U ovom slučaju sljedeća tehnika primijeni:

[Wed Sep 03 14:35:18 2003]
First, the firm's balance sheet may include tangible resources, such as plant
Prvo, bilanca tvrtke može obuhvaćati opipljive izvore, kao na primjer tvornički

[Wed Sep 03 14:35:32 2003]
capacity, information systems, or cash.
kapacitet, informativne sustave, ili gotovinu.

[Wed Sep 03 14:36:55 2003]
That doesn't mean we want to express
To ne znači da ih želimo izraziti

[Wed Sep 03 14:37:09 2003]
them in financial terms, just that they will at least be listed there.
u financijskim terminima, već samo da će oni tamo biti navedeni.

[Wed Sep 03 14:38:19 2003]
To these we can
Njima zatim možemo

[Wed Sep 03 14:38:22 2003]
then add items that the firm might think of as similar to balance sheet assets such
pridodati proizvode za koje tvrtka može smatrati da su slični bilanci imovine kao na primjer

[Wed Sep 03 14:39:07 2003]
as staff and patents.
kao osoblje i patenti.

[Wed Sep 03 14:40:00 2003]
Third, we can look outside the firm, remembering that we
Treće, možemo promotriti situaciju izvan tvrtke, pamteći da

[Wed Sep 03 14:40:10 2003]
don't have to own a resource, only have somewhat reliable access to it.
ne moramo posjedovati izvor, već samo imati ponešto pouzdan pristup izvoru.

[Wed Sep 03 14:40:44 2003]
To uvodi

[Wed Sep 03 14:40:44 2003]
brings in items such as customers, distributors, suppliers, and partners.
stavke kao što su kupci, distributeri, dobavljači, i partneri.

[Wed Sep 03 14:43:00 2003]
This has largely covered the more tangible items, but a final check should be
To uvelike pokriva opipljivije stavke, ali konačna provjera bi se trebala sprovesti

[Wed Sep 03 14:43:09 2003]
made to ensure that the list adequately covers both supply-side and demand-side
kako bi se osiguralo da lista adekvatno pokriva i probleme opskrbe i probleme potražnje.

[Wed Sep 03 14:44:56 2003]
needed to create them, and everything needed to get those products and services
što je potrebno da se oni stvore, i sve što je potrebno da se ti proizvodi i usluge

[Wed Sep 03 14:46:38 2003]
Then, does it include customers, distributors, and any others in the
Zatim, uključuje li to i kupce, distributere, i bilo koga drugoga na

[Wed Sep 03 14:46:38 2003]
market who we may need to make our product or service usable?
tržištu tko koga bismo mogli zatrebati da učini naše proizvode upotrebljivima?

[Wed Sep 03 14:47:57 2003]
The end result of this search for tangible resources sometimes creates some
Krajnji rezultat ove potrage za opipljivim izvorima ponekad donosi neka

[Wed Sep 03 14:48:58 2003]
For example, we would normally expect the list to include our staff,
Na primjer, obično bismo očekivali da lista uključuje naše osoblje,

[Wed Sep 03 14:49:01 2003]
as well as some measure of our capacity to deliver products and services.
kao i neko mjerilo našeg kapaciteta za dobavljanje proizvoda i usluga.

[Wed Sep 03 14:49:59 2003]
service industries, however, "capacity" often consists of the staff themselves.
uslužnim djelatnostima, međutim, " kapacitet " se često sastoji od samog osoblja.

[Wed Sep 03 14:50:19 2003]
You might also expect that customers would always feature, but some firms
Također biste mogli očekivati da kupci uvijek budu prisutni, ali neke tvrtke

[Wed Sep 03 14:50:43 2003]
may not have distinctly identifiable "customers".
možda nemaju jasno utvrđene " kupce ".

[Wed Sep 03 14:51:33 2003]
This arises when products
Do toga dolazi kada su proizvodi

[Wed Sep 03 14:51:34 2003]
are supplied to true commodity markets, such as in oil and some agricultural
dostavljeni na prava robna tržišta, kao na primjer ulje i neki poljoprivredni

[Wed Sep 03 14:53:07 2003]
Next, we should look for important intangibles.
Potom, trebali bismo potražiti važna nematerijalna sredstva.

[Wed Sep 03 14:53:53 2003]
A tip here is that this category
Tu je bitno što ova kategorija

[Wed Sep 03 14:55:06 2003]
Such items can be thought of as some quality or characteristic that the
Takvi stavci se mogu smatrati nekakvom kvalitetom ili karakteristikom koju

[Wed Sep 03 14:55:26 2003]
tangible item possesses.
konkretan stavak posjeduje.

[Wed Sep 03 14:55:48 2003]
type of measure that might be appropriate.
vrstu mjere koja bi mogla biti prikladna.

[Wed Sep 03 14:57:05 2003]
Measuring such items often relies on a survey of some kind, either within the
Mjerenje takvih stavki često se oslanja na neku vrstu istraživanja, bilo unutar

[Wed Sep 03 14:57:18 2003]
firm's operations or among customers or staff.
poslovanja tvrtke ili među kupcima ili kadrom.

[Wed Sep 03 14:57:56 2003]
This suggests another possible
To sugerira drugu moguću

[Wed Sep 03 14:58:47 2003]
category of intangible factors that may be particularly difficult to control, namely
kategoriju nematerijalnih stavaka koji bi se mogli naročito teško kontrolirati, i to

[Wed Sep 03 14:59:01 2003]
those that are to do with how people feel about things (e.g.
oni koji su vezani uz način na koji ljudi doživljavaju stvari (npr.

[Wed Sep 03 14:59:50 2003]
satisfaction, investor support, and supplier commitment).
klijenata, podrška ulagača, i predanost dobavljača).

[Wed Sep 03 14:59:57 2003]
These items too may be
Ovi stavci se također mogu

[Wed Sep 03 14:59:57 2003]
identified through surveys.
ustanoviti putem istraživanja.

[Wed Sep 03 15:03:56 2003]
A final tip for getting the resource list right is to be clear about certain items it
Završni savjet za dobivanje točnog popisa izvora je biti jasan u svezi određenih koji ne

[Wed Sep 03 15:05:24 2003]
must not include.
smiju biti uključeni.

[Wed Sep 03 15:05:30 2003]
First in this list of exclusions is an item that can be classed as a
Prvi na ovom popisu isključenja je stavak koji se može odrediti kao

[Wed Sep 03 15:05:54 2003]
capability or competence of the firm.
mogućnost ili sposobnost tvrtke.

[Wed Sep 03 15:06:35 2003]
Capabilities are clearly important, and we
Mogućnosti su izrazito važne, i kasnije ćemo

[Wed Sep 03 15:07:36 2003]
exclude them for now.
ih za sada izostavimo.

[Wed Sep 03 15:08:05 2003]
A simple rule here is that a capability is something that
Ovdje je jednostavno pravilo da je sposobnost nešto što

[Wed Sep 03 15:08:50 2003]
useful to which the firm has access.
korisno čemu tvrtka ima pristup.

[Wed Sep 03 15:10:51 2003]
A second exclusion from the list of resources would be any process carried out
Drugo isključenje s popisa izvora odnosilo bi se na bilo koji proces obavljen

[Wed Sep 03 15:11:16 2003]
cost reduction, production engineering, order
smanjenje troškova, tehnička priprema rada, obrada

[Wed Sep 03 15:12:13 2003]
This category may overlap with the capability list, which is not
Ova kategorija se može preklapati s popisom sposobnosti, što nije

[Wed Sep 03 15:13:31 2003]
Other exclusions are items that appear in the firm's profit and loss or cash
Druga isključenja su stavci koji se pojavljuju u prihodima i gubicima tvrtke ili

[Wed Sep 03 15:14:58 2003]
Such items describe the rate at which something financial is
Takvi stavci ocrtavaju stopu po kojoj se ostvaruje nešto financijske prirode

[Wed Sep 03 15:16:44 2003]
These tips may seem tricky to work with right now, but they should become
Ovi savjeti sada mogu djelovati komplicirano, ali trebali bi postati

[Wed Sep 03 15:16:44 2003]
clearer by the time some examples have been developed in the coming chapters
jasniji nakon što se razviju neki primjeri u narednim poglavljima

[Wed Sep 03 15:17:25 2003]
sustained performance
stalnoj izvedbi

[Wed Sep 03 15:19:07 2003]
A managerial discussion of how resources contribute to competitive advantage -
Menadžerski razgovor o tome kako izvori pridonose konkurentnoj prednosti -

[Wed Sep 03 15:19:22 2003]
the so-called "resource-based view" of strategy (RBV) - can be found in many
takozvani "stav temeljen na izvorima"strategije (RBV) - može se pronaći u mnogim

[Wed Sep 03 15:19:26 2003]
strategy texts (e.g.
tekstovima o strategiji (nor.

[Wed Sep 03 15:20:49 2003]
A more extensive treatment of the
Opširnija obrada toga

[Wed Sep 03 15:21:10 2003]
concepts, including comprehensive coverage of the supporting literature, can be
pojma, uključujući opsežnu pokrivenost pomoćne literature, može se

[Wed Sep 03 15:21:35 2003]
found in Barney (2001, chapter 5).
pronaći kod Barney-a (2001, poglavlje 5).

[Wed Sep 03 15:22:11 2003]
Although recent interest in the topic was
Iako je nedavno zanimanje za temu

[Wed Sep 03 15:22:36 2003]
firm resources can in fact be traced back over 40 years (Penrose, 1959).
izvora tvrtke može se zapravo pronaći u zadnjih 40 godina (Penrose, 1959).

[Wed Sep 03 15:24:10 2003]
over time, rather than simply explaining performance right now.
tijekom vremena, radije nego da jednostavno objašnjavaju trenutnu izvedbu.

[Wed Sep 03 15:24:59 2003]
it is not immediately obvious how this dependency operates in any specific case,
nije odmah jasno kako ova ovisnost funkcionira u nekom zasebnom slučaju,

[Wed Sep 03 15:25:13 2003]
how to quantify the influence that each resource has on profitability, nor what to
kako kvantitativno odrediti utjecaj koji svaki izvor ima na isplativost, niti što da

[Wed Sep 03 15:26:16 2003]
These issues are generally addressed by considering the following
Ovim problemima se obično pristupa uz pomoć razmatranja sljedećih

[Wed Sep 03 15:27:13 2003]
How durable is the resource?
Koliko je izvor trajan?

[Wed Sep 03 15:27:47 2003]
A resource that decays, deteriorates, or becomes
Izvor koji propada, pogoršava se, ili brzo zastarijeva

[Wed Sep 03 15:29:18 2003]
may fade away.
može nestati.

[Wed Sep 03 15:30:42 2003]
production facilities or standards of service in retailing), it may effectively
proizvodnih sredstava ili standard usluge u maloprodaji), može uspješno

[Wed Sep 03 15:30:54 2003]
be non-durable because of the progress of technology or rising customer
biti ne-trajan zbog napretka tehnologije ili porasta očekivanja

[Wed Sep 03 15:40:30 2003]
Resources are particularly
Izvori su osobito

[Wed Sep 03 15:41:54 2003]
Equipment suppliers may be keen to sell the latest technology to your
Dobavljači opreme mogu silno željeti prodati najnoviju tehnologiju svojim

[Wed Sep 03 15:42:19 2003]
rivals as well as yourselves, customer lists may be purchased, and staff
konkurentima kao i Vama, popisi klijenata već mogu biti kupljeni, i osoblje

[Wed Sep 03 15:42:35 2003]
may be attracted by better salaries.
može biti privučeno boljim plaćama.

[Wed Sep 03 15:42:52 2003]
Resources move between firms for
Izvori se kreću između tvrtki iz

[Wed Sep 03 15:43:17 2003]
other reasons than price.
drugih razloga osim cijene.

[Wed Sep 03 15:44:06 2003]
Staff move for a better lifestyle or environment
Osoblje odlazi radi boljeg načina života ili okoline,

[Wed Sep 03 15:44:25 2003]
and suppliers of important items may favor rivals who operate in more
a dobavljači važnih proizvoda mogu davati prednost konkurentima koji djeluju na

[Wed Sep 03 15:44:25 2003]
attractive end markets.
atraktivnijim tržištima.

[Wed Sep 03 15:47:11 2003]
Many resources can be easily copied by rivals,
Mnogi izvori mogu biti lako imitirani od strane konkurenata,

[Wed Sep 03 15:47:33 2003]
and thus offer little scope for competitive advantage.
i tako nude mali okvir za konkurentnu prednost.

[Wed Sep 03 15:48:32 2003]
A firm can add new
Tvrtka može dodati nove

[Wed Sep 03 15:49:05 2003]
items to its product range, and boost its market share for a short time, but if
proizvode u svoj asortiman, i za kratko povećati svoj udio na tržištu, ali ako

[Wed Sep 03 15:49:47 2003]
the product is easily copied (e.g.
se proizvod može lako imitirati (npr.

[Wed Sep 03 15:50:11 2003]
a new mortgage product offered by a retail
novi hipotekarni proizvod koji nudi neka

[Wed Sep 03 15:52:43 2003]
Even if your business cannot buy or copy its
Čak i ako Vaše poslovanje ne može kupiti ili imitirati

[Wed Sep 03 15:53:09 2003]
competitors' resources, you may still be able to challenge them by using a
izvore Vaših konkurenata, možete ih još uvijek izazvati korištenjem

[Wed Sep 03 15:53:12 2003]
different resource that fulfills a similar purpose.
različitih izvora koji ispunjavaju sličnu svrhu.

[Wed Sep 03 15:53:32 2003]
A common example is the
Čest primjer je

[Wed Sep 03 15:54:01 2003]
use of alternative distribution channels (e.g.
korištenje alternativnih kanala distribucije (npr.

[Wed Sep 03 15:57:53 2003]
generate sales, a technologically advanced product will not penetrate a
stvorili prodaju, tehnološki napredan proizvod neće se probiti na

[Wed Sep 03 15:58:07 2003]
market without cost-effective production capacity , and so on.
tržište bez financijski isplativog kapaciteta proizvodnje, i tako dalje.

[Wed Sep 03 15:59:01 2003]
crucial to capturing firms' strategic progress through time.
presudno za obuhvaćanje tvrtkinog strateškog napretka kroz vrijeme.