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[Wed Oct 01 10:13:35 2003]
[Wed Oct 01 10:13:44 2003]
Lyon concurs with Burnes in the statement that the Aberdeenians were much surprised when first told that their Lodge was an ancient center of the
Brat Lyon se slaže s Burnesom u izjavi da su stanovnici Aberdeena bili poprilično iznenađeni kad im je prvi puta rečeno da je njihova Loža je bila drevni centar
[Wed Oct 01 10:13:44 2003]
High Degrees
Visokih stupnjeva
[Wed Oct 01 10:19:26 2003]
William Frederick Wilke, a German writer of great ability, has attacked the credibility of this Scottish Legend with a closeness of reasoning and a vigor of arguments that leave but little room for reply.
William Frederick Wilke, njemački pisac velike nadarenosti, napao je vjerodostojnost ove škotske Legende s oštroumnim rasuđivanjem i energičnim tvrdnjama koje ostavljaju malo mjesta za odgovor.
[Wed Oct 01 10:19:26 2003]
As he gives the Legend in a slightly different form, it may be interesting to quote it, as well as his course of argument
S obzirom da on navodi Legendu u ponešto drugačijem obliku, bilo bi zanimljivo citirati ju, kao i njegov način tumačenja
[Wed Oct 01 10:55:07 2003]
The Legend relates," he says, "that after the suppression of the Order the head of the Templar clergy, Peter of Boulogne, fled from prison and took refuge with the Commander Hugh, Wild grave of Salm, and thence escaped to Scotland with Sylvester von Grumbach.
Legenda kaže", navodi on, "da je nakon potiskivanja Reda poglavar templarskog svećenstva, Peter Boulogne, pobjegao iz zatvora i pronašao utočište kod Zapovjednika Hughom, Wildgrave od Salma, i otud je pobjegao u Škotsku sa Silvesterom von Grumbachom.
[Wed Oct 01 10:57:10 2003]
In commenting on this statement Wilke says.
Komentirajući ovaj navod Wilke kaže
[Wed Oct 01 10:57:37 2003]
it is true that Peter of Boulogne fled from prison, but whither he went never has been known.
Komentirajući ovaj navod Wilke kaže da je istina da je Peter Boulogne pobjegao iz zatvora, no nikad se nije saznalo onamo kamo je otišao.
[Wed Oct 01 11:01:10 2003]
The Wild grave of Salm never was in prison.
Wildgrave od Salma nikada nije bio u zatvoru.
[Wed Oct 01 11:01:25 2003]
[Wed Oct 01 11:25:17 2003]
title was Count Sylvester Wildgrave, and Grumbach was the designation of his Templar Commandery.
titula je bila Grof Silvester Wildgrave, a Grumbach je bila oznaka njegova templarske komture.
[Wed Oct 01 11:34:20 2003]
Scotland is, therefore, the cradle of the higher degrees of Masonry.
Škotska je, prema tome, kolijevka viših stupnjeva slobodnog zidarstva.
[Wed Oct 01 11:36:34 2003]
To these degrees he gave the name of Scottish Masonry, in a spirit of nationality, and hence Scotland was supposed to be their birthplace.
On je ove stupnjeve nazvao škotskim slobodnim zidarstvom, u duhu nacionalnosti, i stoga se smatralo da je Škotska bila njihova kolijevka.
[Wed Oct 01 11:36:34 2003]
This is not, however, material to the present argument
Ovo, međutim, predmet našeg sadašnjeg razmatranja
[Wed Oct 01 12:01:29 2003]
The anxiety of certain theorists to connect Templarism with Freemasonry, has led to the invention of other fables, in which the Hiramic Legend of the Master's degree is replaced by others referring to events said to have occurred in the history of the knightly Order.
Snažna želja nekih teoretičara da povežu templarstvo sa slobodnim zidarstvom, dovela je do izmišljanja ostalih priča, u kojima je hiramska legenda o Stupnju majstora zamijenjena drugima koje se odnose na događaje koji su se navodno odigrali u povijesti viteškoga Reda.
[Wed Oct 01 12:01:29 2003]
The most ingenious of these is the following
Najdomišljatija od tih legendi je sljedeća
[Wed Oct 01 12:07:15 2003]
Some time before the destruction of the Order of Templars, a certain Sub-prior of Montfauçon, named Carolus de Monte Carmel, was murdered by three traitors.
Nešto prije uništenja Reda templara, nekoga Podnadstojnika samostana u Montfauçonu, po imenu Carolus de Monte Carmel, ubila su trojica izdajnika.
[Wed Oct 01 12:07:15 2003]
From the events that accompanied
Iz događaja koji su slijedili
[Wed Oct 01 12:14:46 2003]
The assassins of the Sub-prior of Montfauçon concealed his body in a grave, and in order to designate the spot, planted a young thorn-tree upon it.
Ubojice Podnadstojnika samostana u Montfauçonu sakrili su njegovo tijelo u grob, a kako bi označili mjesto, zasadili su na njemu mlado stablo trnjike.
[Wed Oct 01 12:28:01 2003]
Another theory connects the martyrdom of James de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Templars, with the Legend of the third degree, and supposes that in that Legend, as now preserved in the Masonic ritual, Hiram has been made to replace de Molay, that the fact of the Templar fusion into Masonry might be concealed
Druga teorija povezuje mučeništvo Jamesa De Molaya, posljednjeg Velikog Majstora templara, s legendom o trećem stupnju, te pretpostavlja da je u toj legendi, kako je sada očuvana u slobodnozidarskom obredu, Hiram zamijenio De Molaya, da bi se prikrila činjenica o pretapanju templarstva u slobodno zidarstvo
[Wed Oct 01 12:44:36 2003]
Thus the events which in the genuine Masonic Legend are referred to Hiram Abif are, in the Templar Legend, made applicable to de Molay;
Tako događaji koji u izvornoj legendi o slobodnim zidarima upućuju na Hirama Abifa, u templarskoj legendi govore o De Molayu;
[Wed Oct 01 12:45:22 2003]
the three assassins are said to be Pope Clement V.
rečeno je da su trojica ubojica bili papa Klement V.
[Wed Oct 01 12:51:22 2003]
, Philip the Fair, King of France, and a Templar named Naffodei, who betrayed the Order.
, Filip Pravedni, francuski kralj, i templar po imenu Naffodei, koji je izdao Red.
[Wed Oct 01 12:53:18 2003]
and in this way they explain the origin of the substitute word, according to the mistranslation too generally accepted
i na taj način oni objašnjavaju podrijetlo zamjenske riječi, prema pogrešnom prijevodu koji je preopćenito prihvaćen
[Wed Oct 01 12:56:00 2003]
The word, as is now well known to all scholars, has a totally different signification
Riječ, sada dobro poznata svih učenjacima, ima sasvim drugačije značenje
[Wed Oct 01 14:06:18 2003]
The story has no historical foundation
Priča nema nikakav povijesni temelj
[Wed Oct 01 14:07:57 2003]
The other Legend, that makes d' Aumont and his companions founders of the Masonic Order in Scotland by amalgamating the
Druga Legenda, koja prikazuje D' Aumonta i njegove drugove kao osnivače Reda slobodnih zidara u Škotskoj sjedinjujući
[Wed Oct 01 14:19:53 2003]
But, besides, there is a feature of improbability if not of impossibility about it.
No, pored toga, neke njene značajke su nevjerojatne nevjerojatne, ako ne i nemoguće.
[Wed Oct 01 14:23:21 2003]
The Knights Templars were an aristocratic Order, composed of high-born gentlemen who had embraced the soldier's life as their vocation, and who were governed by the customs of chivalry.
Vitezovi templari su bili plemićki Red, sastavljen od gospode visoka roda koji su prihvatili vojnički život kao svoju profesiju, i koji su se rukovodili običajima viteštva.
[Wed Oct 01 14:23:44 2003]
In those days there was a much wider line of demarkation drawn between the various casts of society than exists at the present day.
U tim je vremenima postojala mnogo šira linija razgraničenja između različitih slojeva društva nego što postoji danas.
[Wed Oct 01 14:23:44 2003]
The "belted knight" was at the top of the social scale, the mechanic at the bottom
" Opasani vitez " bio je na vrhu društvene ljestvice, mehaničar na dnu
[Wed Oct 01 14:40:40 2003]
To have become Operative Masons, they must have at once abandoned all the prejudices of social life in which they had been educated.
Da bi postali operativni slobodni zidare, oni su morali odmah napustiti sve predrasude društvenog života na koji su bili naučeni.
[Wed Oct 01 14:50:22 2003]
But that these Knights would have willingly transformed themselves into Stonemasons and daily workmen is a supposition too absurd to extort belief even from the most credulous
No da su se ti vitezovi spremno preobrazili u kamenoresce i obične radnike predstavlja preapsurdnu pretpostavku u koju ne bi povjerovali čak niti oni najlakovjerniji
[Wed Oct 01 14:56:13 2003]
We may then say that those legendists who have sought by their own invented traditions to trace the origin of Freemasonry to Templarism, or to establish any close connection between the two Institutions, have failed in their object
Možemo dakle kazati da ti legendisti, koji su pomoću svojih vlastitih izmišljenih tradicija nastojali pronaći podrijetlo slobodnog zidarstva u templarstvu, ili utemeljiti bilo kakvu blisku vezu između te dvije institucije, nisu uspjeli u svojoj namjeri
[Thu Oct 02 10:59:24 2003]
The theory that connects the royal house of the Stuarts with Freemasonry, as an Institution to be cultivated, not on account of its own intrinsic merit, but that it might serve as a political engine to be wielded for the restoration of an exiled family to a throne which the follies and even the crimes of its members had forfeited, is so repugnant to all that has been supposed to be congruous with the true spirit and character of Freemasonry, that one would hardly believe that such a theory was ever seriously entertained, were it not for many too conclusive proofs of the fact
Teorija koja povezuje kraljevsku kuću Stuart sa slobodnim zidarstvom, kao Instituciju koju treba oplemeniti, ne zbog njezine vlastite unutrašnje vrijednosti, već kako bi poslužila kao politički stroj za ponovnu uspostavu prognane obitelji na prijestolje izgubljeno vlasititim ludostima, pa čak i zločinima njezinih članova, toliko se kosi sa svime onim za što se pretpostavljalo da je u skladu s pravim duhom i karakterom slobodnog zidarstva, da bi teško bilo povjerovati da je takva teorija ikada bila ozbiljno razmatrana, kada ne bi bilo tako mnogo uvjerljivih dokaza za tu činjenicu
[Thu Oct 02 11:12:33 2003]
The history of the family of Stuart, from the accession of James I.
Povijest obitelji Stuart, otkada je James I. stupio na englesko prijestolje, pa do smrti njegovog posljednjeg
[Thu Oct 02 11:12:49 2003]
to the throne of England to the death of the last of his descendants, the young Pretender, is a narrative of follies and some.
stupio na englesko prijestolje, pa do smrti njegovog posljednjeg potomka, mladog Pretendenta, priča je o ludostima, a pokatkad i
[Thu Oct 02 11:20:53 2003]
times of crimes.
stupio na englesko prijestolje, pa do smrti njegova posljednjega potomka, mladog Pretendenta, priča je o ludostima, a pokatkad i o zločinima.
[Thu Oct 02 11:21:16 2003]
The reign of James was distinguished only by arts which could gain for him no higher title with posterity than that of a royal pedant.
Jamesova vladavina odlikovala se jedino umijećima koja mu kod potomstva ne bi mogla priskrbiti značajniju titulu od one kraljevskoga uobraženog učenjaka.
[Thu Oct 02 11:22:46 2003]
His son and successor Charles I.
Njegovoga sina i nasljednika Karla I.
[Thu Oct 02 11:24:04 2003]
His son Charles II.
Njegov sin Karlo II.
[Thu Oct 02 11:24:35 2003]
, after a long exile was finally restored to the throne, only to pass a life of indolence and licentiousness.
, nakon dugoga progonstva konačno je vraćen na prijestolje, toliko da bi proveo život u lijenosti i razuzdanosti.
[Thu Oct 02 11:25:38 2003]
On his death he was succeeded by his brother James II.
Nakon smrti naslijedio ga je njegov brat James II.
[Thu Oct 02 11:35:46 2003]
, a prince distinguished only for his bigotry.
, princ glasovit jedino po svojoj slijepoj pobožnosti.
[Thu Oct 02 12:00:16 2003]
To save the Established Church and the religion of the nation, his estranged subjects called to the throne the Protestant Prince of Orange, and James, abdicating the crown, fled to France, where he was hospitably received with his followers by Louis XIV.
Kako bi spasili utemeljenu državnu crkvu i religiju naroda, njegovi otuđeni podanici pozvali su na prijestolje protestantskog princa od Orangea, a James, odrekavši se krune, pobjegao je u Francusku, gdje je njega i njegove sljedbenike gostoljubivo primio Luj XIV.
[Thu Oct 02 12:01:23 2003]
, who could, however, say nothing better of him than that he had given three crowns for a mass.
, koji, međutim, o njemu nije mogao kazati ništa bolje od toga da je dao tri krune za jednu misu.
[Thu Oct 02 12:01:23 2003]
From 1688, the date of his abdication and flight, until the year 1745 the exiled family
Od 1688, godine njegova odreknuća od prijestolja i bijega, do godine 1745 prognana obitelj
[Thu Oct 02 12:05:59 2003]
were engaged in repeated but unavailing attempts to recover the throne
je bila zaokupljena stalnim, no uzaludnim pokušajima povratka na englesko prijestolje
[Thu Oct 02 12:33:57 2003]
, or to the destruction of the succession by the compulsory abdication of James II.
, ili kao uništenje vladarskoga slijeda prisilnom odstupanjem s prijestolja Jamesa II.
[Thu Oct 02 12:40:14 2003]
Thus, one of the earliest instances of this political interpretation of the Master's Legend was that made after the expulsion of James II.
Prema tome, jedan od najranijih primjera ovakvoga političkog tumačenja legende Majstora pojavio se nakon protjerivanja Jamesa II.
[Thu Oct 02 12:40:45 2003]
from the throne and his retirement to France.
s prijestolja i njegova povlačenja u Francusku.
[Thu Oct 02 12:45:37 2003]
The mother of James was Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I.
Jamesova majka bila je Henrijeta Maria, kraljica Karla I.
[Thu Oct 02 12:45:37 2003]
The Jacobites called her "the Widow," and the exiled James became "the Widow's son," receiving thus the title applied in the Masonic Legend to Hiram Abif, whose death they said symbolized the loss of the throne and the expulsion of the Stuarts from England
Jakobiti su je nazivali "Udovicom, " pa je prognani James postao "Udovičin sin, " preuzimajući tako naziv koji se u slobodnzidarskoj legendi odnosio na Hirama Abifa, čija je smrt za njih simbolizirala gubitak prijestolja i izgon Stuarta iz Engleske
[Thu Oct 02 12:49:13 2003]
They carried this idea to such an extent as to invent a new substitute word for the Master's degree, in the place of the old one, which was known to the English Masons at the time of the Revival in 1717
Oni su ovu ideju proširili do takvih razmjera da su osmislili novu zamjensku riječ za Stupanj majstora, umjesto stare, koja je engleskim slobodnim zidarima bila poznata u doba Preporoda 1717. godine
[Thu Oct 02 14:06:47 2003]
This new word was not, as the significant words of Masonry usually are, of Hebrew origin, but was derived from the Gaelic.
Ova nova riječ nije, za razliku od većine značajnijih riječi u slobodnome zidarstvu, bila hebrejskoga podrijetla, već je potjecala iz gelskoga jezika.
[Thu Oct 02 14:06:47 2003]
And this seems to have been done in compliment to the Highlanders, most of whom were loyal adherents of the Stuart cause
Čini se da je to napravljeno kao počast Gorštacima, od kojih su većina bili odani sljedbenici ideje Stuarta
[Thu Oct 02 14:07:48 2003]
The word Macbenac is derived from the Gaelic mac, a son, and benach;
Riječ Macbenac dolazi od gelske riječi mac, sin, i benach;
[Thu Oct 02 14:09:02 2003]
, blessed, and literally means the "blessed son;"
, blagoslovljen, i doslovno znači " blagoslovljeni sin;"
[Thu Oct 02 14:09:02 2003]
and this word was applied by the Jacobites to James, who was thus not only
" i tu riječ su Jakobiti pripisali Jamesu, koji tako nije bio samo
[Thu Oct 02 14:16:32 2003]
a "widow's son" but a "blessed" one, too.
"udovičin sin" već također i "blagoslovljeni sin".
[Thu Oct 02 14:16:32 2003]
Masonry was here made subservient to loyalty
Slobodno zidarstvo je ovdje bilo podređeno odanosti
[Thu Oct 02 14:28:09 2003]
They also, to mark their political antipathy to the enemies of the Stuart family, gave to the most prominent leaders of the republican cause, the names in which old Masonry had been appropriated to the assassins of the third degree.
Također su, kako bi obilježili svoju političku odbojnost prema neprijateljima obitelji Stuart, nadjenuli najistaknutijim vođama republikanske ideje imena u koja su u starom slobodnom zidarstvu bila dodijeljena ubojicama iz trećega stupnja.
[Thu Oct 02 14:44:50 2003]
In the Stuart Masonry we find these assassins designated by names, generally unintelligible, but, when they can be explained, evidently referring to some well-known opponent of the Stuart dynasty.
U slobodnom zidarstvu obitelji Stuart pronalazimo te ubojice označene imenima, općenito nerazumljivima, no kada se ipak uspiju rastumačiti, ona se očigledno odnose na neke poznate protivnike dinastije Stuart.
[Thu Oct 02 14:44:51 2003]
Thus, Romvel is manifestly an imperfect anagram of Cromwell, and Jubelum Guibbs doubtless was intended as an infamous embalmment of the name of the Rev. Adam Gib, an antiburgher clergyman, who, when the Pretender was in Edinburgh in 1745, hurled anathemas, for five successive Sundays against him
Prema tome, Romvel je očevidno nepotpuni anagram imena Cromwell, a Jubelum Guibbs je nedvojbeno namijenjeno sramotnom očuvanju od zaborava imena vlč. Adama Giba, antiburgerskoga svećenika, koji je, kada se Pretendent nalazio u Edinburghu 1745., protiv njega bacao kletve pet uzastopnih nedjelja
[Thu Oct 02 14:50:26 2003]
But it was in the fabrication of the high degrees that the partisans of the Stuarts made the most use of Freemasonry as a political in
Ali tek su u osmišljanju visokih stupnjeva pristalice Stuarta najviše iskoristili slobodno zidarstvo kao politički instrument
[Thu Oct 02 15:03:29 2003]
, or, as he was commonly known in England, the Old Pretender, as the tutor of his two sons, Charles Edward and Henry, the former of whom afterward became the Young Pretender, and the latter Cardinal York
,, ili, kako su ga često nazivali u Engleskoj, Stari Pretendent, odabrao za učitelja svojoj dvojici sinova, Karlu Edvardu i Henriku, od kojih je prvi kasnije postao Mladi Pretendent, a potonji kardinal York
[Thu Oct 02 15:41:31 2003]
Ramsay therefore aided in the modification of the old degrees or the fabrication of new ones, so that these views might be incorporated in a peculiar system;
Ramsay je tako pomogao pri preinaki starih stupnjeva i pri osmišljanju novih, na način da su ta stajališta mogla biti utjelovljena u svojstven sustav;
[Thu Oct 02 15:51:48 2003]
Thus, one of the high degrees received the name of "Grand Scottish Mason of James VI."
Stoga je jedan od visokih stupnjeva nazvan" Veliki škotski slobodni zidar James VI."
[Thu Oct 02 15:52:01 2003]
, King of Scotland and of Great
, kralj Škotske i Velike
[Thu Oct 02 15:54:12 2003]
Britain, and that it is still preserved in Scotland more than in any other kingdom
Britanije, i da još uvijek postoji u Škotskoj više nego u bilo kojem drugom kraljevstvu
[Thu Oct 02 16:17:11 2003]
Another proof is found in the word Jekson, which is a significant word in one of the high Scottish or Ramsay degrees.
Još jedan dokaz pronalazimo u riječi Jekson, koja je značajna riječ u jednome od visokih škotskih ili Ramsayevih stupnjeva.
[Thu Oct 02 16:20:56 2003]
It is thus spelled in the Cahiers or manuscript French rituals.
Tako je upisana u Dnevnike ili rukom zapisane francuske obrede.
[Thu Oct 02 16:27:03 2003]
There can be no doubt that it is a corruption of Jacquesson, a mongrel word compounded of the French Jacques and the English son, and denotes The son of James, that is, of James II.
Nema nikakve sumnje da je to iskrivljenje riječi Jacquesson, miješavine francuske riječi Jacques i engleske riječi son (eng. son - sin), i označava Jamesova sina, odnosno, Jamesa II.
[Thu Oct 02 16:36:12 2003]
Of the truth of this fact, it is supposed that much support is to be found in the narrative of the various efforts for restoration made by the Stuarts
O istinitosti ove činjenice, pretpostavlja se da znatno uporište uporište se nalazi u priči o raznim naporima za obnovu koje su činili Stuarti
[Thu Oct 02 16:40:28 2003]
Of the truth of this fact, it is supposed that much support is to be found in the narrative of the various efforts for restoration made by the Stuarts
Vezano uz istinitost ove činjenice, pretpostavlja se da znatno uporište možemo pronaći u priči o raznim naporima Stuarta uloženih u obnovu monarhije
[Thu Oct 02 16:45:54 2003]
When James II.
Kada je James II.
[Thu Oct 02 16:47:08 2003]
made his flight from England he repaired to France, where he was hospitably received by Louis XIV.
pobjegao iz Engleske, sklonio se u Francusku, gdje ga je gostoljubivo primio Luj XIV.
[Thu Oct 02 16:54:45 2003]
It is one of the Stuart myths that at the Château of St. Germain some of the high degrees were fabricated by the adherents of James II.
Jedan od mitova o Stuartima kaže da su u dvorcu St. Germain sljedbenici Jamesa II. uz pomoć isusovaca osmislili neke visoke stupnjeve
[Thu Oct 02 16:54:45 2003]
, assisted by the Jesuits
uz pomoć isusovaca osmislili neke visoke stupnjeve
[Thu Oct 02 16:55:34 2003]
The story is told by Robison, a professed enemy of Freemasonry
Tu priču je ispričao Robison, tobožnji neprijatelj slobodnog zidarstva
[Thu Oct 02 16:57:48 2003]
but who gives with correctness the general form of the Stuart Legend as it was taught in the last century
ali koji s točnošću iznosi opći oblik legende o Stuartima na način na koji je bila naučavana u prošlome stoljeću
[Fri Oct 03 11:22:53 2003]
Robison says:
Robison kaže:
[Fri Oct 03 11:22:53 2003]
"The revolution had taken place, and King James, with many of his most zealous adherents, had taken refuge in France
" Dogodila se revolucija, i kralj James, s mnoštvom svojim najpredanijih sljedbenika, pronašao je utočište u Francuskoj
[Fri Oct 03 11:32:17 2003]
But they took Freemasonry with them to the Continent, where it was immediately received by the French, and cultivated with great zeal in a manner suited to the taste and habits of that highly polished people.
No oni su prenijeli slobodno zidarstvo na kontinent, gdje su ga Francuzi smjesta prihvatili, i njegovali s velikom predanošću na način prilagođen ukusu i navikama toga krajnje uglađenog narodaoku.
[Fri Oct 03 12:10:02 2003]
The Constitution, as imported, appeared too coarse for the refined taste of the French, and they must make Masonry more like the occupation of a gentleman.
Ustrojstvo, kako je uvedeno, učinilo se previše grubim profinjenom ukusu Francuza, i oni moraju slobodno zidarstvo učiniti više nalik zanimanju gospode.
[Fri Oct 03 12:19:35 2003]
The degrees afterward superadded to this leave us in doubt which of these views the French entertained of our Masonry.
Stupnjevi koji su kasnije dodani ostavljaju nas u dvojbi koje su od ovih stajališta Francuzi primjenjivali o našemu slobodnom zidarstvu.
[Fri Oct 03 12:26:12 2003]
But, at all events, this rank of Scotch Knight was called The first degree of the Maçon Parfait There is a device belonging to this Lodge which deserves notice.
No, uzevši sve u obzir, ovaj rang škotskog viteza prozvan je prvim stupnjem Maçon Parfait (savršeni slobodni zidar). Postoji naprava koja pripada ovoj Loži i koja zaslužuje našu pažnju.
[Fri Oct 03 12:28:30 2003]
A broken crown lies at the foot of the stake.
Slomljena kruna leži u podnožju lomače.
[Fri Oct 03 12:30:20 2003]
, and his hopes of re-establishment by the help of the
, te na njegove nade o ponovnom uspostavljanju uz pomoć
[Fri Oct 03 12:34:30 2003]
This emblem is worn as the gorget of the Scotch Knight.
Taj simbol se nosi kao viteški ornament škotskoga viteza.
[Fri Oct 03 12:34:30 2003]
It is not very certain, however, when this degree was added, whether immediately after King James's abdication or about the time of the attempt to set his son on the British throne
Nije sasvim sigurno, međutim, kada je ovaj stupanj bio dodan, da li neposredno nakon svrguća kralja Jamesa ili u vrijeme pokušaja postavljanja njegova sina na britansko prijestolje
[Fri Oct 03 12:42:30 2003]
This extract from Robison presents a very fair specimen of the way in which Masonic history was universally written in the last century and is still written by a few in the present.
Ovaj izvadak iz Robisona predstavlja prilično dobar primjer načina na koji je slobodnozidarska povijest općenito pisana u proteklom stoljeću, a neki je i danas pišu na taj način.
[Fri Oct 03 12:42:34 2003]
Although it cannot be denied that at a subsequent period the primitive degrees were modified and changed in their application of the death of Hiram Abif to that of Charles I.
Pa ipak, ne možemo zanijekati da su u kasnijem razdoblju primitivni stupnjevi bili izmijenjeni i preinačeni iz prikaza smrti Hirama Abifa u prikaz smrti Karla I.
[Fri Oct 03 12:44:53 2003]
, or the dethronement of James II.
, ili svrgnuće Jamesa II.
[Fri Oct 03 12:46:24 2003]
The two periods referred to by Robison, the time of the abdication of James II.
Dva razdoblja koja navodi Robison, razdoblje odlaska as prijestolja Jamesa II.
[Fri Oct 03 12:53:38 2003]
The symbolical degrees of Fellow Craft and Master had not been invented before 1717, or rather a few years later, and it is absurd to speak of higher degrees cumulated upon lower ones which did not at that time exist
Simbolični stupnjevi Pomoćnika i Majstora nisu bili osmišljeni prije 1717, ili bolje rečeno nekoliko godina kasnije, i besmisleno je govoriti o višim stupnjevima naslaganima na niže koji u to vrijeme nisu niti postojali
[Fri Oct 03 12:57:23 2003]
The two periods referred to by Robison, the time of the abdication of James II.
godine, on opisuje kao da su, jedan ili drugi, datumi osmišljavanja stupnja škotskoga Viteza ili Majstora, no oboje je protuslovno povijesnim činjenicama. Simbolični stupnjevi Pomoćnika i Majstora nisu bili osmišljeni prije 1717., ili bolje rečeno nekoliko godina kasnije, i besmisleno je govoriti o višim stupnjevima postavljenima na niže koji u to vrijeme nisu niti postojali
[Fri Oct 03 12:57:40 2003]
James II.
James II.
[Fri Oct 03 13:00:32 2003]
died in 1701.
je umro 1701. godine.
[Fri Oct 03 13:00:54 2003]
At that day we have no record of any sort of Speculative Masonry except that of the one degree which was common to Masons of all ranks.
Toga dana nisu postojali nikakvi zapisi o bilo kakvome obliku spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva osim zapisa o jednome stupnju koji je bio uobičajen za slobodne zidare svih rangova.
[Fri Oct 03 14:12:28 2003]
The titular King lames III.
Nositelj titule, kralj James III.
[Fri Oct 03 14:17:21 2003]
There was no Master's degree to supply a Legend capable of alteration for a political purpose, and the high degrees were altogether unknown.
Nije postojao Stupanj majstora da bi pružio legendu koja bi mogla promijeniti političku svrhu, a visoki stupnjevi su bili sasvim nepoznati.
[Fri Oct 03 14:18:39 2003]
The Grand Lodge of England, the mother of all Continental as well as English Masonry, was not established, or as Anderson improperly calls it, "revived," until 1717.
Velika Loža Engleske, majka čitavog kontinentalnog i engleskog slobodnog zidarstva, nije bila utemeljena, ili kako je Anderson neprikladno ustvrdio, "oživljena", sve do 1717.
[Fri Oct 03 14:23:37 2003]
country where the pure Masonry of which it must have been a corruption did not exist.
zemlji u kojoj nije postojalo čisto slobodno zidarstvo čija bi to bila iskrivljena verzija.
[Fri Oct 03 14:25:03 2003]
Scottish or Stuart Masonry was a superstructure built upon the foundation of the symbolic Masonry of the three degrees.
Škotsko ili stuartsko slobodno zidarstvo bilo je nadgradnja izgrađena na temeljima simboličnog slobodnog zidarstva triju stupnjeva.
[Fri Oct 03 14:25:03 2003]
If in 1715 there was, as we know, no such foundation, it follows, of course, that there could have been no superstructure
Ako 1715 nisu postojali, koliko znamo, takvi temelji, iz toga proizlazi, dakako, da nije mogla postojati niti takva nadgradnja
[Fri Oct 03 14:37:36 2003]
Rebold, however, gives another form to the Legend and traces the rise of Stuart Masonry to a much earlier period.
Rebold, međutim, daje drugi oblik legendi i pronalazi uspon stuartskog slobodnog zidarstva u mnogo ranijem razdoblju.
[Fri Oct 03 14:49:34 2003]
These latter were men of power and high position, and it was through their influence that Charles II.
Ovi potonji su posjedovali moć i visok položaj, i posredstvom njihovog utjecaja se Karlo II.
[Fri Oct 03 14:51:33 2003]
, having been received as a Mason during his exile, was enabled to recover the throne in 1660.
, koji je primljen u društvo slobodnih zidara tijekom svojega progonstva, uspio vratiti na prijestolje 1660. godine.
[Fri Oct 03 14:51:33 2003]
This prince gratefully gave to Masonry the title of the "Royal Art," because it was Freemasonry that had principally contributed to the restoration of royalty
Taj princ je zahvalno dao slobodnom zidarstvu naslov " kraljevskog umijeća, " jer je slobodno zidarstvo ponajviše doprinijelo ponovnoj uspostavi kraljevstva
[Fri Oct 03 14:55:48 2003]
Ragon, in his Masonic Orthodoxy, is still more explicit and presents some new details.
Ragon, u svome djelu Slobodnozidarska ortodoksija, još je izričitiji i podastire neke nove potankosti.
[Fri Oct 03 14:55:48 2003]
He says that Ashmole and other Brethren of the Rose Croix, seeing that the Speculative Masons were surpassing in numbers the Operative, had renounced the simple initiation of the latter and established new degrees founded on the
On kaže da su se Ashmole i ostala Braća ružinoga križa, uvidjevši da spekulativni slobodni zidari nadmašuju brojem operativne slobodne zidare, odrekli jednostavne inicijacije potonjeg i utemeljili nove stupnjeve zasnovane na
[Fri Oct 03 14:59:19 2003]
Mysteries of Egypt and Greece.
Misterijima Egipta i Grčke.
[Fri Oct 03 15:02:50 2003]
But the decapitation of King Charles I.
No smaknuće kralja Karla I.
[Fri Oct 03 15:08:53 2003]
, and the part taken by Ashmole in favor of the Stuarts produced great modifications in this third and last degree, which had become of a Biblical character.
, i uloga koju je preuzeo Ashmole u korist Stuarta prouzročili su velike promjene u tom trećem i posljednjem stupnju, koji je poprimio biblijski značaj.
[Fri Oct 03 15:09:13 2003]
The same epoch gave birth to the degrees of Secret Master, Perfect Master, and Irish Master, of which Charles I.
Ista epoha je iznjedrila stupnjeve Tajnog Majstora, Savršenog Majstora, i Irskog Majstora, čiji je Karlo I.
[Fri Oct 03 15:15:43 2003]
was the hero, under the name of Hiram.
bio junak, pod imenom Hiram.
[Fri Oct 03 15:33:30 2003]
The chiefs or protectors of the Craft in Scotland worked, in the dark, for the re-establishment of the throne.
Starješine ili zaštitnici Zanata u Škotskoj radili su, u neizvjesnosti, na ponovnom uspostavljanju kraljevske vlasti.
[Fri Oct 03 15:33:49 2003]
They made use of the seclusion of the Masonic Lodges as places where they might hold their meetings and concert their plans in safety.
Iskoristili su osamljenost slobodnozidarskih Loža kao mjesta na kojima su mogli održavati svoje sastanke i dogovarati planove u sigurnosti.
[Fri Oct 03 15:35:33 2003]
As the execution of Charles I.
Kako je pogubljenje Karla I.
[Fri Oct 03 15:47:05 2003]
was to be avenged, his partisans fabricated a Templar degree, in which the violent death of James de Molay called for vengeance.
trebalo biti osvećeno, njegovi pristalice su osmislili templarski stupanj, u kojem nasilna smrt Jamesa De Molaya poziva na osvetu.
[Fri Oct 03 16:01:32 2003]
was made a Mason during his exile, although he carefully omits to tell us when, where, how, or by whom the initiation was effected;
postao slobodni zidar tijekom svoga progonstva, iako pažljivo propušta reći kada, gdje, kako, ili tko je izvršio inicijaciju;
[Fri Oct 03 16:05:33 2003]
but seeks, with a flippancy that ought to provoke a smile, to prove that Charles II.
no nastoji, s neozbiljnošću koja bi trebala izmamiti osmijeh, dokazati da je Karlo II.
[Fri Oct 03 16:08:11 2003]
Dr. Oliver, whose unfortunate failing was to accept without careful examination all the statements of preceding writers, however
Oliver, čija je nesretna pogreška bila to što je prihvatio bez pažljivog proučavanja sve navode ranijih pisaca, koliko god
[Fri Oct 03 16:13:45 2003]
repeats substantially these apocryphal tales about early Stuart Masonry
u osnovi ponavlja ove lažne priče o ranom stuartskom slobodnom zidarstvu
[Fri Oct 03 16:28:50 2003]
He says that, about the close of the 17th century, the followers of James II.
On kaže da su, negdje krajem XVII. stoljeća, sljedbenici Jamesa II.
[Fri Oct 03 16:28:50 2003]
who accompanied the unfortunate monarch in his exile carried Freemasonry to France and laid the foundation of that system of innovation which subsequently threw the Order into confusion, by the establishment of a new degree, which they called the Chevalier Maçon Ecossais, and worked the details in the Lodge at St. Germain, Hence, he adds, other degrees were invented in the Continental Lodges, which became the rendezvous of the partisans of James, and by these means they held communication with their friends in England
koji su pratili nesretnoga vladara u njegovome progonstvu, prenijeli slobodno zidarstvo u Francusku i položili temelj tog novatorskog sustava koji je kasnije bacio Red u pomutnju, uspostavom novoga stupnja, kojega su nazvali Chevalier Maçon Ecossais (slobodnozidarski škotski vitez), i koji su razradili potankosti u Loži u St. Germainu, Stoga su, dodaje on, drugi stupnjevi bili osmišljeni u kontinentalnim Ložama, koje su postale sastajališta pristalica kralja Jamesa, i na taj način su oni su održavali komunikaciju sa svojim prijateljima u Engleskoj
[Fri Oct 03 16:34:35 2003]
But as the high degrees were not fabricated until more than a third of the 18th century had passed, and as James died in 1701, we are struck with the confusion that prevails in this statement as to dates and persons
No s obzirom da visoki stupnjevi nisu bili osmišljeni dok nije prošlo više od trećine XVIII. stoljeća, i s obzirom da je James umro 1701. godine, zapažamo zbrku koja prevladava ovim navodom u pogledu datuma i osoba
[Fri Oct 03 17:04:23 2003]
We must, then, reject as altogether untenable the theory that there was any connection between the Stuart family and Freemasonry during the life of James II.for the simple reason that at that period there was no system of Speculative Masonry existing
Moramo, stoga, odbaciti kao potpuno neodrživu teoriju koja kaže da je postojala bilo kakva veza između obitelji Stuart i slobodnog zidarstva za života Jamesa II. iz jednostavnog razloga što u tom razdoblju nije postojao sustav spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva
[Fri Oct 03 17:07:49 2003]
If there was any connection at all, it must be looked for as developed at a subsequent period
Ako je postojala ikakva veza, njezin razvoj moramo potražiti u kasnijem razdoblju
[Fri Oct 03 17:16:29 2003]
His language is as follows
On kaže sljedeće
[Mon Oct 06 12:55:11 2003]
The Jesuits played a very important part in these conferences.
Isusovci su igrali vrlo važnu ulogu u tim vijećanjima.
[Mon Oct 06 13:07:25 2003]
Regarding the reinstatement of the Stuarts and the extension of the power of the Roman Church as identical, they sought at that time to make the Society of Freemasons subservient to their ends.
Što se tiče vraćanja Stuarta na prijestolje i proširenja moći rimske Crkve kao jednake, oni su u to vrijeme nastojali podrediti društvo slobodnih zidara svojim ciljevima.dijadem, kruna, vijenac oko gl
[Mon Oct 06 13:25:06 2003]
But to make use of the Fraternity, to restore the exiled family to the throne, could not have been contemplated, as Freemasonry could hardly be said to exist in Scotland then.
dijadem, kruna, vijenac oko gl No iskorištavanje Bratstva, vraćanje prognane obitelji na prijestolje, nije se tada moglo razmatrati, jer slobodno zidarstvo jedva da je u to vrijeme postojalo u Škotskoj.
[Mon Oct 06 13:34:52 2003]
The soil that was best adapted for this innovation was France, where the low ebb to which Masonry had sunk had paved the way for all kinds of newfangled notions, and where the Lodges were composed of Scotch conspirators and accomplices of the Jesuits.
Tlo koje je bilo najbolje prilagođeno tom novitetu bila je Francuska, gdje je ponor u koji je slobodno zidarstvo tonulo otvorilo put način svakojakim vrstama pomodnih ideja, i gdje su se Lože sastojale od škotskih urotnika i pomagača isusovaca.
[Mon Oct 06 14:04:01 2003]
After the death of James II.
Nakon smrti Jamesa II.
[Mon Oct 06 14:10:26 2003]
Nor is there any satisfactory evidence that he was in any way connected with Freemasonry
Također ne postoji nikakav zadovoljavajući dokaz da je bio na bilo koji način povezan sa slobodnim zidarstvom
[Mon Oct 06 14:16:32 2003]
In the meantime, his sons, who had been born at Rome, were intrusted to the instructions of the Chevalier Michael Andrew Ramsay, who was appointed their tutor.
U međuvremenu, njegovi sinovi, koji su se rodili u Rimu, povjereni su na poduku vitezu Michaelu Andrewu Ramsayu, koji je imenovan njihovim učiteljem.
[Mon Oct 06 14:16:32 2003]
Ramsay was a man of learning and genius - a Scotchman, a Jacobite, and a Roman Catholic - but he was also an ardent Freemason
Ramsay je bio čovjek od učenja i genija - Škot, jakobit, i rimokatolik - no također je bio i vatreni slobodni zidar
[Mon Oct 06 14:22:30 2003]
As a Jacobite he was prepared to bend all his powers to accomplish the restoration of the Stuarts to what he believed to be their lawful rights.
Kao jakobit bio je spreman usmjeriti sve svoje moći ka postizanju ponovne uspostave Stuarta na položaj koji je smatrao njihovim zakonskim pravom.
[Mon Oct 06 14:24:32 2003]
As a Freemason he saw in that Institution a means, if properly directed, of effecting that purpose.
Kao slobodni zidar, vidio je u toj Instituciji sredstvo koje bi moglo, ako je ispravno usmjereno, postići taj cilj.
[Mon Oct 06 14:26:02 2003]
Intimately acquainted with the old Legends of Masonry, he resolved so to modify them as to transfer their Biblical to political allusions.
Blisko upućen u stare legende slobodnog zidarstva, odlučio ih je izmijeniti tako da njihove biblijske aluzije pretvori u političke.
[Mon Oct 06 14:37:36 2003]
These High Degrees had also a Scottish character, which is to be attributed partly to the nationality of Ramsay and partly to a desire to effect a political influence among the Masons of Scotland, in which country the first attempts for the restoration of the Stuarts were to be made.
Ovi Visoki stupnjevi su imali također i škotski značaj, koji se dijelom treba pripisati Ramsayevoj nacionalnosti, a dijelom želji za stvaranjem političkog utjecaja među slobodnim zidarima Škotske, zemlje u kojoj su ostvareni prvi pokušaji za ponovnu uspostavu Stuarta na englesko prijestolje.
[Mon Oct 06 14:44:42 2003]
There is another word for which the language of Masonry has been indebted to Ramsay.
Postoji još jedna riječ za koju jezik slobodnog zidarstva duguje Ramsayu.
[Mon Oct 06 14:49:04 2003]
This is Heredom, indifferently spelled in the old rituals, Herodem, Heroden and Heredon.
To je Heredom, nemarno pisana u starim obredima, Herodem, Heroden i Heredon.
[Mon Oct 06 14:53:20 2003]
This explanation is ingenious, and it has been adopted by some recent authorities
Ovo objašnjenje je vrlo domišljato, i prihvatili su ga neki suvremeni izvori
[Mon Oct 06 14:57:25 2003]
however, offers a different etymology.
međutim, nudi drugačiju etimologiju.
[Mon Oct 06 15:05:13 2003]
This derivation is equally as ingenious and just as plausible as the former one, and if adopted will add another link to the chain of evidence which tends to prove that the high degrees were originally fabricated by Ramsay to advance the cause of the Stuart dynasty
Ova derivacija je jednako domišljata i jednako vjerojatna kao i prethodna, i ako bude prihvaćena pridodati će još jednu sponu lancu dokaza koji je sklon dokazati da je visoke stupnjeve izvorno osmislio Ramsaya s ciljem promicanja ideje dinastije Stuart
[Mon Oct 06 15:08:12 2003]
Whatever may be the derivation of the word the rituals leave us in no doubt as to what was its pretended meaning.
Kakva god bila derivacija riječi, obred ne ostavlja nikakvu sumnju što se tiče njegovoga tobožnjeg značenja.
[Mon Oct 06 15:08:12 2003]
In one of these rituals, that of the Grand Architect, we meet with the following questions and answers
U jednome od ovih obreda, točnije, u obredu Velikog Arhitekta, susrećemo se sa sljedećim pitanjima i odgovorima
[Mon Oct 06 15:14:23 2003]
Where was your first Lodge held
Gdje se nalazila vaša prva Loža
[Mon Oct 06 15:23:18 2003]
Between three mountains, inaccessible to the profane, where cock never crew, lion roared, nor woman chattered;
Između tri gore, nepristupačne svjetovnjacima, gdje pijetao nikada nije kukurijekao, lav rikao, niti žena brbljala;
[Mon Oct 06 15:23:18 2003]
in a profound valley
u dubokoj dolini
[Mon Oct 06 15:24:30 2003]
What are these three mountains named
Kako je ime tim trima gorama
[Mon Oct 06 15:27:36 2003]
What is this Mountain of Heredon
Kakva je ta gora Heredon
[Mon Oct 06 15:37:15 2003]
A mountain situated between the West and the North or Scotland, at the end of the sun's course, where the first Lodge of Masonry was held:
To je gora smještena između zapada i sjevera Škotske, na kraju sunčeva pravca, gdje se nalazila prva Loža slobodnog zidarstva:
[Mon Oct 06 15:37:15 2003]
in that terrestrial part which has given name to Scottish Masonry
u tom kopnenom dijelu koji je nadjenuo ime škotskome slobodnom zidarstvu
[Mon Oct 06 15:38:17 2003]
What do you mean by a profound valley
Što podrazumijevate pod dubokom dolinom
[Mon Oct 06 15:39:29 2003]
I mean the tranquillity of our Lodges
Mislim na spokojnost naših Loža
[Mon Oct 06 15:44:51 2003]
From this catechism we learn that in inventing the word Heredon to designate a fabulous mountain, situated in some unknown part of Scotland, Ramsay meant to select that kingdom as the birthplace
Iz ovog vjeronauka saznamo da je pri osmišljavanju riječi Heredon koja je predstavljala izmišljenu planinu, smještenu u nekom nepoznatom dijelu Škotske, Ramsay namjeravao odabrati to kraljevstvo kao rodno mjesto
[Mon Oct 06 15:49:01 2003]
The selection of this country was a tribute to his own national prejudices and to those of his countrymen
Odabir ove zemlje bio je priznanje njegovim vlastitim nacionalnim predrasudama, kao i predrasudama njegovih sunarodnjaka
[Mon Oct 06 16:07:43 2003]
Još jednom:
[Mon Oct 06 16:08:47 2003]
Fortunately for the purity of the non-political character of the Masonic Institution, this doctrine was not generally accepted by the Masons of Scotland
Srećom za čistoću ne-političkog karaktera Institucije slobodnog zidarstva, ova doktrina nije bila općeprihvaćena kod slobodnih zidara Škotske
[Mon Oct 06 16:13:35 2003]
But there is something else concerning this word Heredon, in its connection with Stuart Freemasonry, that is worth attention
No postoji nešto drugo što se tiče ove riječi Heredon, u njezinoj vezi sa stuartskim slobodnim zidarstvom, što je vrijedno pažnje
[Mon Oct 06 16:17:56 2003]
There is an Order of Freemasonry, at this day existing, almost exclusively in Scotland.
Postoji Red slobodnog zidarstva, koji i danas postoji, gotovo isključivo u Škotskoj.
[Mon Oct 06 16:19:22 2003]
It is called the Royal Order of Scotland, and consists of two degrees, entitled "Heredon of Kilwinning," and "Rosy Cross."
Zove se Kraljevski Red Škotske, a sastoji se od dvaju stupnjeva, pod nazivom "Heredon Kilwinninga" i "Ružin križ".
[Mon Oct 06 16:24:26 2003]
This tradition is, however, attacked by Bro.
Tu tradiciju je, međutim, napao brat
[Mon Oct 06 16:34:10 2003]
Lyon, in his History of the Lodge of Edinburgh.
Tu tradiciju je, međutim, napao brat Lyon, u svojoj Povijesti Lože u Edinburghu.
[Mon Oct 06 16:34:10 2003]
He denies that the Lodge at Kilwinning ever at any period practiced or acknowledged other than the Craft degrees, or that there exists any tradition, local or national, worthy of the name, or any authentic document yet discovered that can in the remotest degree be held to identify Robert Bruce with the holding of Masonic courts or the institution of a secret society at Kilwinning
On osporava da je Loža u Kilwinningu ikada vršila ili priznavala bilo kakve stupnjeve osim onih koji pripadaju Zanatu, ili da je postojala bilo kakva tradicija, mjesna ili državna, vrijedna imena, ili bilo kakav vjerodostojan dokument dosad otkriven koji bi se mogao i na najnenatnijem stupnju mogao potvrditi da je Robert Bruce državao slobodnozidarske sudove ili instituciju tajnog društva u Kilwinningu
[Mon Oct 06 16:48:46 2003]
invasion of Britain, Charles Edward, the son of the Old Pretender, or Chevalier St. George, styled by his adherents James III.
pohoda na Britaniju, Karlo Edvard, sin Starog Pretendenta, ili vitez Sv. Jurja, i kojega su njegovi sljedbenici nazivali Jamesom III.
[Mon Oct 06 16:50:13 2003]
Such is the tradition, but here again we are met by the authentic statements of Bro.
Takva je tradicija, no ovdje se ponovo susrećemo s izvornim navodima brata
[Mon Oct 06 16:53:01 2003]
Lyon that Templarism was not introduced into Scotland until the year 1798.
Takva je tradicija, no ovdje se ponovo susrećemo s izvornim navodima brata Lyona, koji tvrdi da templarstvo nije bilo uvedeno u Škotsku sve do 1798.
[Mon Oct 06 16:53:01 2003]
It was then impossible that Charles Edward could have been made a Templar at Edinburgh in 1745
Prema tome, nemoguće je da je Karlo Edvard mogao biti imenovan templarom u Edinburghu 1745. godine
[Mon Oct 06 17:26:56 2003]
In this document, the Young Pretender gives his Masonic titles in the following words
U tom dokumentu, Mladi Pretendent nabraja svoje slobodnozidarske naslovima sljedećim riječima
[Mon Oct 06 17:31:02 2003]
, known by the title of Knight of the Eagle and Pelican, and since our sorrows and misfortunes by that of Rose Croix," etc
, poznat pod naslovom Viteza Orla i Nesita, a od naših žalosti i nedaća i pod naslovom Ružinoga križa, " itd.
[Mon Oct 06 17:31:46 2003]
The initial letter "H."
Početno slovo "H."
[Mon Oct 06 17:38:51 2003]
undoubtedly designates the Scottish Chapter of Heredon.
" nesumnjivo označava škotski kaptol Heredona.
[Thu Oct 09 10:31:58 2003]
This charter, of the authenticity of which, as well as the transaction which it records, there appears to be no doubt, settles the question that it was of the Royal Order of Scotland and not of the Knights Templars that Charles Edward was made Grand Master, or himself assumed the Grand Mastership, during his visit in 1745 to Edinburgh, As that Order and the other High Degrees were fabricated by the Chevalier Ramsay to promote the interests of his cause, his acceptance or assumption of the rank and functions of a presiding officer was a recognition of the plan to use Masonry as a political instrument, and is, in fact, the first and fundamental point in the history of the hypothesis of Stuart Masonry.
Ova povelja, o čijoj vjerodostojnosti, kao i o transakciji koju bilježi, po svemu sudeći nema sumnje, govori da je pripadala Kraljevskom Redu Škotske, a ne vitezovima templarima čiji je Karlo Edvard bio imenovan Velikim Majstorom, ili se sam imenovao na taj položaj, tijekom svoga posjeta Edinburghu 1745. S obzirom da je taj Red, kao i ostali Visoki stupnjevi, osmislio vitez Ramsay da bi promicao interese svoje ideje, njegovo prihvaćanje ili preuzimanje položaja i funkcija predsjedavajućeg časnika značilo je priznavanje plana iskorištavanja slobodnog zidarstva kao političkog instrumenta, i to je, ustvari, prvi i temeljni trenutak u povijesti pretpostavke o stuartskom slobodnom zidarstvu.
[Thu Oct 09 10:36:55 2003]
The title given to this primordial charter at Arras is further evidence that its design was really political;
Naslov dan ovoj iskonskoj povelji u Arrasu predstavlja daljnji dokaz da je njegov plan bio zapravo politički;
[Thu Oct 09 10:36:55 2003]
for the words Ecosse Jacobite, or Scottish Jacobite, were at that period universally accepted as a party name to designate a partisan of the Stuart pretensions to the throne of England
jer riječi Ecosse Jakobit, ili škotski jakobit, u to doba su bile općeprihvaćene kao stranačko ime koje je označavalo pristalicu pokreta za vraćanje Stuarta na englesko prijestolje
[Thu Oct 09 11:06:23 2003]
These titles were their property and they did not fail to use them as a means of livelihood
Ovi položaji su bili njihovo vlasništvo i nisu se libili koristiti ih kao sredstvo za preživljavanje
[Thu Oct 09 11:10:02 2003]
It has been long held as a recognized fact in Masonic history that the first Lodge established in France by a warrant from the Grand Lodge of England was held in the year 1725.
Dugo se smatralo priznatom činjenicom u slobodnozidarskoj povijesti da je prva Loža utemeljena u Francuskoj po nalogu iz Velike Lože Engleske bila održana 1725. godine.
[Thu Oct 09 11:10:02 2003]
There is no doubt that a Lodge of Freemasons met in that year at the house of
Nema dvojbe da se Loža slobodnih zidara sastala te godine u kući
[Thu Oct 09 11:13:27 2003]
one Hure, and that it was presided over by the titular Earl of Derwentwater.
nekoga po imenu Hure, i da je njome predsjedao počasni Grof od Derwentwatera.
[Thu Oct 09 11:15:35 2003]
But the researches of Bro.
No istraživanja brata
[Thu Oct 09 11:20:44 2003]
Hughan have incontestably proved that this was what we would now call a clandestine body, and that the first French Lodge legally established by the Grand Lodge of England was in 1732.
No istraživanja brata Hughana su nepobitno dokazala da je to bilo nešto što bismo danas nazivali tajnim tijelom, i da je prva francuska Loža zakonito utemeljena od strane Velike Lože Engleske održana 1732.
[Thu Oct 09 11:21:55 2003]
Besides the fact that there is no record in that Grand Lodge of England of any Lodge in France at the early date of 1725, it is most improbable that a warrant would have been granted to so conspicuous a Jacobite as Derwentwater.
Osim činjenice da u Velikoj Loži Engleske ne postoji nikakav zapis o bilo kakvoj Loži u Francuskoj u ranom razdoblju 1725. godine, sasvim je nevjerojatno da bi bio izdan nalog tako istaknutom jakobitu kao što je bio Derwentwater.
[Thu Oct 09 11:21:55 2003]
Political reasons of the utmost gravity at that time would have forbidden any such action
Krajnje ozbiljni politički razlozi u to vrijeme bi spriječili bilo kakav sličan postupak
[Thu Oct 09 11:24:26 2003]
Charles Radcliffe, with his brother the Earl of Denventwater, had been arrested in England for the part taken by them in the rebellion of 1715 to place James III.
Charles Radcliffe, sa svojim bratom Grofom od Denventwatera, uhićen je u Engleskoj radi uloge koju su imali u ustanku iz 1715 za postavljanje Jamesa III.
[Thu Oct 09 11:31:20 2003]
on the throne.
na prijestolje.
[Thu Oct 09 11:47:00 2003]
The titular Earl of Derwentwater was therefore a zealous Jacobite, an attainted rebel who had been sentenced to death for his treason, a fugitive from the law, and a pensioner of the Old Pretender or Chevalier St. George, who, by the order of Louis XIV.
Počasni Grof od Derwentwatera bio je stoga gorljivi jakobit, buntovnik kojemu su oduzeta građanska prava i koji je osuđen na smrt zbog svoje izdaje, bjegunac od zakona, i plaćenik Starog Pretendenta ili vitez Sv. Jurja, koji je, naredbom Luja XIV.
[Thu Oct 09 11:58:50 2003]
Such, however, has until very recently been universally accepted as a part of the authentic history of Masonry in France.
To je, međutim, sve donedavno bilo općeprihvaćeno kao dio vjerodostojne povijesti slobodnog zidarstva u Francuskoj.
[Thu Oct 09 11:58:50 2003]
In the words of a modem feuilletonist, "the story was too ridiculous to be believed, and so everybody believed it
Po riječima modernoga feljtonista, "priča je bila previše besmislena da bi joj se povjerovalo, pa su joj tako svi povjerovali
[Thu Oct 09 12:03:14 2003]
But it is an undeniable fact that in 1725 an English Lodge was really opened and held in the house of an English confectioner named Hure.
No neporeciva je činjenica da je 1725 engleska Loža zaista bila otvorena je otvorio i održana u kući engleskoga slastičara po imenu Hure.
[Thu Oct 09 12:03:14 2003]
It was however without regular or legal authority
Međutim, nije imala redovito ili pravno ovlaštenje
[Thu Oct 09 12:08:17 2003]
was probably organized, although we have no recorded evidence to that effect, through the advice and instructions of Ramsay - and was a Jacobite Lodge consisting solely of the adherents and partisans of the Old Pretender
vjerojatno je organizirana, iako nemamo zabilježen dokaz koji bi to potkrijepio, putem Ramsayevih savjeta i uputa - i bila je to jakobitska Loža koju su sačinjavali isključivo sljedbenika i pristalice Starog Pretendenta
[Thu Oct 09 12:15:36 2003]
This is the most explicit instance that we have of the connection of the Stuarts with Freemasonry.
To je najizričitiji primjer koji posjedujemo o vezi obitelji Stuart sa slobodnim zidarstvom.
[Thu Oct 09 12:16:04 2003]
The principal members of the Lodge were Derwentwater, Maskelyne, and Heguertly or Heguety.
Glavni članovi Lože bili su Derwentwater, Maskelyne, i Heguertly ili Heguety.
[Thu Oct 09 12:17:35 2003]
Of Derwentwater I have already spoken;
O Derwentwateru sam već govorio;
[Thu Oct 09 12:18:22 2003]
It has been supposed that the real name was Haggerty;
Pretpostavljalo se da mu je pravo ime bilo Haggerty;
[Thu Oct 09 12:18:45 2003]
if so, he was probably an Irishman.
ako je tako, vjerojatno je bio Irac.
[Thu Oct 09 12:18:45 2003]
But they were all Jacobites
No svi su bili jakobiti
[Thu Oct 09 12:33:58 2003]
Upon a review of all that has been written on this very intricate Subject - the theories oftentimes altogether hypothetical, assumptions in place of facts, conjectures altogether problematical, and the grain of history in this vast amount of traditional and mythical trash so small - we may, I think, be considered safe in drawing a few conclusions
Osvrnuvši se na sve što je napisano o ovoj veoma zamršenoj temi - teorije često potpuno zasnovane na pretpostavkama, tvrdnje podastrijete umjesto činjenica, postavke potpuno problematične, a zrnce povijesti u ovoj nepreglednoj količini tradicionalnoga i mitskoga smeća tako maleno - možemo, smatram, sa sigurnošću donijeti nekoliko zaključaka
[Thu Oct 09 12:40:56 2003]
In the symbolic degrees of ancient Craft Masonry, the influence was but slightly felt.
U simboličkim stupnjevima drevnog Zanatskog slobodnog zidarstva, utjecaj se tek neznatno osjećao.
[Thu Oct 09 12:44:20 2003]
, and sometimes the forced abdication and exile of James II.
, i ponekad prinudno odreknuće od prijestolja i progonstvo Jamesa II.
[Thu Oct 09 12:52:40 2003]
The effect of these changes, except that of the word, which still continues in some Rites, has long since disappeared, but their memory still remains as a relict of the incidents of Stuart Masonry
Učinak ovih promjena, osim izmjene riječi, koja još uvijek postoji u nekim Obredima, odavno je nestao, no sjećanje na njih još uvijek traje poput ostatka događaja iz stuartskog slobodnog zidarstva
[Thu Oct 09 12:59:38 2003]
But the principal influence of this policy was shown in the fabrication of what are called the "High Degrees," the "Hautes Grades" of the French.
No najvažniji utjecaj ove politike pokazao se u osmišljanju onoga što se naziva "Visokim Stupnjevima", ili na francuskome, "Hautes Grades".
[Thu Oct 09 14:09:38 2003]
Until the year 1728 these accumulations to the body of Masonry were unknown.
Dok 1728 ova okupljanja oko tijela slobodnog zidarstva bila su nepoznata.
[Thu Oct 09 14:13:05 2003]
These degrees, at first created solely to institute a form of Masonry which.
Ti stupnjevi, isprva stvoreni jedino da bi utemeljili oblik slobodnog zidarstva koji
[Thu Oct 09 14:16:49 2003]
should be worked for the purpose of restoring the Pretender to the throne of his ancestors, have most of them become obsolete, and their names alone are preserved in the catalogues of collectors;
Ti stupnjevi, isprva stvoreni jedino da bi utemeljili oblik slobodnog zidarstva koji bi služio za ponovno uspostavljanje Pretendenta na prijestolja njegovih predaka, većinom su bili zastarjeli, a njihovi nazivi isključivo su se očuvali u popisima kolekcionara;
[Thu Oct 09 14:19:04 2003]
The particular design has passed away but the general features still remain, by which we are enabled to recognize the relicts of Stuart Masonry
Njihov svojstveni plan je nestao no općenita obilježja još uvijek postoje, pomoću kojih možemo prepoznati ostatke slobodnog zidarstva obitelji Stuart
[Thu Oct 09 14:20:33 2003]
As to the time when this system first began to be developed there can be but little doubt
Što se tiče razdoblja u kojem se ovaj sustav prvi put počeo razvijati ne postoji mnogo dvojbe
[Thu Oct 09 14:21:37 2003]
We must reject the notion that James II.
Moramo odbaciti pomisao da je James II.