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[Wed Oct 15 12:42:32 2003]
The mediaeval Masons were, as an association of builders, most intimately connected with the ecclesiastics of that age.
Srednjovjekovni slobodni zidari su, kao udruženje graditelja, bili vrlo blisko povezani sa svećenicima tog doba.
[Wed Oct 15 12:42:32 2003]
Their principal home at one time was in the monasteries, they worked under the immediate patronage and supervision of bishops and abbots, and were chiefly engaged in the construction of cathedrals and other religious edifices.
Jedno su vrijeme uglavnom živjeli u samostanima, radili su pod izravnim pokroviteljstvom i nadzorom biskupa i opata, i ponajviše su se bavili izgradnjom katedrala i drugih religijskih građevina.
[Wed Oct 15 14:11:00 2003]
Private houses at that early period were mostly built of wood, and the building of them was the business of carpenters.
Obiteljske kuće su se u ta davna vremena uglavnom radile od drveta, a njihovom izgradnjom su se bavili tesari.
[Wed Oct 15 14:12:14 2003]
The treow-wyr-hta, literally the tree-workman, in modern phrase the carpenter, was one of the most important handicrafts of the early Anglo-Saxons.
Treow-wyr-hta, u doslovnom prijevodu radnik u drvetu, odnosno tesar, je bio jedan od najvažnijih zanata starih Anglosasa.
[Wed Oct 15 14:14:44 2003]
He was the builder of their ships as well as of their houses, and the trade is frequently spoken of in ancient Saxon documents.
Gradio je brodove kao i kuće, a o tom zanatu često govore stari saski dokumenti.
[Wed Oct 15 14:14:44 2003]
He was constantly employed in the construction of vessels for the carrying on of trade, or the erection of dwellings for the residences of the people.
Stalo je bio zaposlen izgradnjom brodova za vođenje zanata, ili podizanje kuća za boravak ljudi.
[Wed Oct 15 14:16:58 2003]
To the stone-masons was exclusively entrusted the nobler vocation of building religious edifices.
Uzvišeniji poziv izgradnje religijskih građevina je bio povjeren isključivo kamenorescima.
[Wed Oct 15 14:33:10 2003]
Imbued, from their connection with the priests as well as from their peculiar employment, with religious sentiments, they naturally looked for the type of the great cathedrals which they were erecting, not to Pagan temples, however splendid might be their architecture, but rather to that Jewish cathedral which had been consecrated on Mount Moriah to the worship of the true God.
Prožeti, zbog povezanosti sa svećenicima kao i zbog svog osebujnog posla, religioznim osjećajima, prirodno je da su uzor za velike katedrale koje su gradili tražili, ne u poganskim hramovima, koliko god veličanstvena bila njihova arhitektura, nego u onoj židovskoj katedrali koja je na Morijskoj gori bila posvećena štovanju pravog Boga.
[Wed Oct 15 14:33:10 2003]
Hence the brief notice of that building in the Legend of the Craft was either the suggestion of that esoteric Legend of the Temple which has not, from its necessarily oral character, been handed down to us, or if the written Legend was posterior in time to the oral one, then it was a brief record of it.
Stoga je kratko spominjanje te građevine u Legendi o Zanatu bilo ili naznaka te ezoterične Legende o Hramu koja nam, zbog svoje nedvojbeno usmene naravi, nije bila predana, ili ako je pisana Legenda nastala kasnije od usmene, onda je ono bilo njen kratak zapis.
[Wed Oct 15 14:38:01 2003]
But I do not believe that this lost Legend of the stone-masons was ever intended to be historical.
No ne vjerujem da je ova izgubljena Legenda o kamenorescima ikad bila zamišljena da bude povijesna.
[Wed Oct 15 14:44:09 2003]
It was simply a symbol to illustrate the idea that the Temple at Jerusalem was the type of all Christian cathedrals.
Ona je bila samo simbol da ilustrira ideju da je Hram u Jeruzalemu bio model za sve kršćanske katedrale.
[Wed Oct 15 14:45:18 2003]
This symbolic Legend, which I suppose to have existed among the stone-masons of the Middle Ages, was probably lost before the revival of Masonry in the year 1717.
Ova simbolična Legenda, koja je, pretpostavljam, postojala među kamenorescima u srednjem vijeku, vjerojatno se izgubila prije preporoda slobodnog zidarstva 1717. godine.
[Wed Oct 15 14:45:18 2003]
Anderson therefore framed a new Legend out of the Legend of the Craft, the Scriptural account, and his own invention.
Anderson je stoga sastavio novu Legendu iz Legende o Zanatu, biblijskih navoda i vlastitih ideja.
[Wed Oct 15 14:49:25 2003]
Upon this Andersonian Legend, simple in the first edition of the Constitutions, but considerably expanded in the second, the modern ritualists have framed another Legend, which in many important details differs from Anderson's, from the Legend of the Craft, and from the account in the Bible.
Na temelju ove Andersonove Legende, jednostavne u prvom izdanju Konstitucija, no znatno proširene u drugom, moderni ritualisti su sastavili još jednu Legendu, koja se u mnogim važnim detaljima razlikuje od Andersonove, od Legende o Zanatu i od opisa u Bibliji.
[Wed Oct 15 15:06:35 2003]
This is the Legend now accepted and believed by the great body of the Craft to be historically true.
To je Legenda koju danas prihvaća kao povijesno istinitu i u koju vjeruje većina članova Zanata.
[Wed Oct 15 15:06:35 2003]
That it has no claim to historical credence is evident from the fact that it is, in its most important details, unauthorized, and in fact contradicted by the Scriptural account, which is the only authentic memorial that we have of the transactions that took place at the building of the Solomonic Temple.
Da ne može zahtijevati povijesnu vjerodostojnost je jasno iz činjenice da je, u svojim najvažnijim pojedinostima, neutemeljena i zapravo u proturječju s biblijskim navodom, koji je jedini vjerodostojan spomenik koji imamo o poslovima koji su se odvijali prilikom izgradnje salomonskog Hrama.
[Wed Oct 15 15:20:15 2003]
And moreover, the long period that elapsed between the building of the Temple, a thousand years before the Christian era, and the time, not earlier than the 3d century after Christ, during which we have no traces of the existence of such an architectural association connected with Jewish Masons and transmitted from them to the Christian architects, presents an extensive lacuna which must be filled by authentic records, before we can be enabled, as scholars investigating truth, to consent to the theory that the Freemasons of the present day are, by uninterrupted successions, the representatives of the Masons who wrought at King Solomon's Temple.
stoljeća nakon Krista, tijekom kojeg ne nalazimo tragove o postojanju takvog arhitekturnog udruženja povezanog s židovskim slobodnim zidarima, a kojeg su oni prenijeli kršćanskim arhitektima, predstavlja veliku prazninu koja se mora ispunit autentičnim zapisima, prije nego što bi se mogli, kao znanstvenici koji istražuju istinu, složiti s teorijom da su slobodni zidari, neprekinutim slijedom, predstavnici slobodnih zidara koji su radili na Hramu kralja Salomona.
[Wed Oct 15 15:24:25 2003]
The Legend of the ritual is, in fact, a symbol - but a very important and a very interesting one, and as such will be fully discussed when the subject of Masonic symbols comes to be treated in a subsequent part of this work.
Legenda o obredu je, ustvari, simbol - ali vrlo važan i vrlo zanimljiv, i kao o takvom će se podrobno raspravljati u kasnijem dijelu ovog rada kad na red dođe tema slobodnozidarskih simbola.
[Thu Oct 23 11:36:31 2003]
I'm very good at integral and differential calculus,
Dobro mi ide integralni i diferencijalni račun,
[Thu Oct 23 11:36:58 2003]
I know the scientific names of beings animalculous;
Znam znanstvene nazive mikroskopskih bića;
[Thu Oct 23 11:38:15 2003]
In short, in matter vegetable, animal, and mineral,
Ukratko, po pitanju biljaka, životinja i minerala,
[Thu Oct 23 11:38:17 2003]
I am the very model of a modern Major-General.
Pravi sam primjer modernog generala-bojnika.
[Thu Oct 23 11:38:56 2003]
Gilbert, The Pirates of Penzance, Act 1,
Gilbert, Gusari iz Penzance, Čin 1.
[Thu Oct 23 11:46:33 2003]
This chapter introduces the concept of stocks and flows, a central idea in dynamics.
Ovo poglavlje predstavlja pojam stokova i tokova, središnju ideju u dinamici.
[Thu Oct 23 11:53:38 2003]
It presents the conceptual and mathematical definitions of stocks an flows, the diagramming tools for mapping networks of stocks and flows, and case studies of the use of stocks and flows in modeling projects including automobile recycling and the construction of pulp and paper mills.
Donosi konceptualne i matematičke definicije stokova i tokova, dijagramske alate za grafičko prikazivanje mreža stokova i tokova, te analize pojedinačnih slučajeva korištenja stokova i tokova u projektima modeliranja, uključujući recikliranje automobila i izgradnju tvornica papira i celuloze.
[Thu Oct 23 11:53:38 2003]
Developing facility in identifying, mapping, and interpreting the stock and flow networks of systems is a critical skill for any modern systems modeler.
Razvijanje lakoće u identificiranju, skiciranju i tumačenju mreža stoka i toka sustava je ključna vještina za svakog modernog modelatora sustava.
[Thu Oct 23 11:55:37 2003]
[Thu Oct 23 12:02:57 2003]
Causal loop diagrams are wonderfully useful in many situations.
Uzročni dijagrami petlje se mogu predivno iskoristiti u mnogim situacijama.
[Thu Oct 23 12:07:37 2003]
They are well suited to represent interdependencies and feedback processes.
Prilagođeni su tako da dobro prikazuju međuzavistnosti i procese povratnih informacija.
[Thu Oct 23 12:08:47 2003]
They are used effectively at the start of a modeling project to capture mental models-both those of a client group and your own.
Uspješno se koriste na početku projekta modeliranja kako bi se obuhvatili mentalni modeli - oni skupine klijenata i vaši.
[Thu Oct 23 12:08:47 2003]
They are also used to communicate the results of a completed modeling effort.
Također se koriste da priopće rezulatate završenog procesa modeliranja.
[Thu Oct 23 12:15:27 2003]
However, causal loop diagrams suffer from a number of limitations and can easily be abused.
Ipak, dijagrami uzročne petlje imaju neke nedostatke i lako ih se može zloupotrijebiti.
[Thu Oct 23 12:17:18 2003]
Some of these are discussed in chapter 5.
O nekima od njih se raspravlja u 5. poglavlju.
[Thu Oct 23 12:20:27 2003]
One of the most important limitation of casual diagrams is their inability to capture the stock and flow structure of systems.
Jedan od najvažnijih nedostataka uzročnih dijagrama je nemogućnost da obuhvate strukturu stoka i toka sustava.
[Thu Oct 23 12:20:27 2003]
Stocks and flows along with feedback, are the two central concepts of dynamic systems theory.
Stokovi i tokovi zajedno s povratnom informacijom su dva središnja pojma teorije dinamičkih sustava.
[Thu Oct 23 12:25:36 2003]
Stocks are accumulations.
Stokovi su akumulacije.
[Thu Oct 23 12:27:43 2003]
They characterize the state of the system and generate the information upon which decisions and actions are based.
Označuju stanje sustava i generiraju informacije na kojima se temelje odluke i postupci.
[Thu Oct 23 12:30:28 2003]
Stocks give systems inertia and provide them with memory.
Stokovi sustavima daju inerciju i opskrbljuju ih memorijom.
[Thu Oct 23 12:33:49 2003]
Stocks create delays by accumulating the difference between the inflow to a process and its outflow.
Stokovi stvaraju odlaganja povećavanjem razlike između priljeva u procesa i odljeva.
[Thu Oct 23 12:33:49 2003]
By decoupling rates of flow, stocks are the source of disequilibrium dynamics in systems.
Odvajajući stope toka, stokovi su izvor neravnoteže dinamike u sustavima.
[Thu Oct 23 12:36:19 2003]
Stocks and flows are familiar to all of us.
Stokovi i tokovi su nam svima poznati.
[Thu Oct 23 12:37:09 2003]
The inventory of a manufacturing firm is the stock of product in its warehouses.
Zalihe proizvodne tvrtke su stok proizvoda u njenim skladištima.
[Thu Oct 23 12:37:33 2003]
The number of people employed by a business is a stock.
Broj ljudi zaposlenih u nekom poduzeću je stok.
[Thu Oct 23 12:38:05 2003]
The balance in your checking account is a stock.
Saldo vašeg tekućeg računa je stok.
[Thu Oct 23 12:41:34 2003]
Stocks are altered by inflows and outflows.
Stokove mijenjaju priljevi i odljevi.
[Thu Oct 23 12:42:57 2003]
A firm's inventory is increased by the flow of production and decreased by the flow of shipments (and possibly other outflows due to spoilage or shrinkage).
Zalihe neke tvrtke povećava tok proizvodnje, a smanjuje tok otpreme (a vjerojatno i drugi odljevi zbog propadanja ili smanjenja).
[Thu Oct 23 12:44:21 2003]
The workforce increases via the hiring rate and decreases via the rate of quits, layoffs, and retirements.
Radna snaga se povećava putem stope zapošljavanja, a smanjenjuje putem stope otkaza, otpuštanja i umirovljenja.
[Thu Oct 23 12:45:47 2003]
Your bank balance increases with deposits and decreases as you spend.
Vaš bankovni saldo se povećava ulozima, a smanjuje dok trošite.
[Thu Oct 23 12:46:12 2003]
Yet despite everyday experience of stocks and flows, all too often people fail to distinguish clearly between them.
No unatoč svakodnevnom iskustvu sa stokovima i tokovima, ljudi sve češće ne uspijevaju jasno ih razlikovati.
[Thu Oct 23 12:47:46 2003]
Is the US federal deficit a stock or a flow?
Je li savezni manjak SAD-a stok ili tok?
[Thu Oct 23 12:55:44 2003]
Many people, including politicians responsible for fiscal policy, are unclear.
Mnogim ljudima, uključujući političare odgovorne za proračunsku politiku, to nije jasno.
[Thu Oct 23 12:55:44 2003]
Failure to understand the difference between stocks and flows often leads to underestimation of time delays, a short-term focus, and policy resistance.
Nemogućnost da se shvati razlika između stokova i tokova često dovodi do podcjenjivanja zakašnjenja, kratkoročnog fokusa i otpora politike.
[Thu Oct 23 12:59:08 2003]
System dynamics uses a particular diagramming notation for stocks and flows (Figure 6-1).
Dinamika sustava koristi poseban način dijagramskog prikazivanja stokova i tokova (Slika 6-1).
[Thu Oct 23 14:07:28 2003]
§ Stocks are represented by rectangles (suggesting a container holding the contents of the stock).
Stokovi su prikazani pravokutnicima (sugerirajući spremnik u kojem se nalazi sadržaj stoka).
[Thu Oct 23 14:08:35 2003]
§ Inflows are represented by a pipe (arrow) pointing into (adding to) the stock.
Priljeve prikazuje cijev (strelica) koja pokazuje na (dodaje) stok.
[Thu Oct 23 14:11:26 2003]
Outflows are represented by pipes pointing out of (subtracting from) the stock.
Odljevi su predstavljani cijevima koje idu od (oduzimaju od) stoka.
[Thu Oct 23 14:13:42 2003]
§ Valves control the flows.
Ventili kontroliraju tokove.
[Thu Oct 23 14:13:45 2003]
§ Clouds represent the sources and sinks for the flows.
Oblačići predstavljaju izvore i izljeve za tokove.
[Thu Oct 23 14:15:22 2003]
A source represents
Izvor predstavlja
[Thu Oct 23 14:17:34 2003]
the stock from which a flow originating outside the boundary of the model arises;
stok iz kojeg proizlazi tok koji nastaje izvan granica modela;
[Thu Oct 23 14:20:05 2003]
sinks represent the stocks into which flows leaving the model boundary drain.
izljevi predstavljaju stokove u koje utječu tokovi koji izlaze izvan granica modela.
[Thu Oct 23 14:20:05 2003]
Sources and sinks are assumed to have infinite capacity and can never constrain the flows they support.
Za izvore i izljeve se pretpostavlja da imaju neograničenu zapreminu i nikad ne mogu ograničiti tokove koje podržavaju.
[Thu Oct 23 14:24:17 2003]
The structure of all stock and flow structures is composed of these elements.
Sastav svih struktura stoka i toka se sastoji od ovih elemenata.
[Thu Oct 23 14:25:17 2003]
As the example in the figure shows, a firm's inventory is a stock that accumulates the inflow of production and is reduced by the outflow of shipments.
Kako pokazuje primjer na slici, zalihe tvrtke su stok koji povećava priljev proizvodnje, a smanjuje ga odljev otprema.
[Thu Oct 23 14:27:26 2003]
These are the only flows considered in the model:
To su jedini tokovi razmotreni u modelu:
[Thu Oct 23 14:33:12 2003]
unless explicitly shown, other possible flows into or out of the stock, such as inventory shrinkage or spoilage, are assumed to be zero.
osim ukoliko nije izričito pokazano, za ostale se moguće tokove u ili iz stoka, kao što su propadanje ili smanjenje zaliha, pretpostavlja da su jednaki nuli.
[Thu Oct 23 14:33:12 2003]
The clouds indicate that the stock of raw materials never starves the production rate and the stock of product shipped to customers never grows so high that it blocks the shipment rate.
Oblačići pokazuju da stok sirovina nikad ne oslabljuje stopu proizvodnje, a stok proizvoda koji se dostavlja korisnicima nikad ne naraste tako visoko da bi blokirao stopu otpreme.
[Thu Oct 23 14:37:21 2003]
General Structure
Općenita Struktura
[Thu Oct 23 14:57:39 2003]
The stock and flow diagramming conventions ( originated by Forrester 1961) were based on a hydraulic metaphor-the flow of water into and out of reservoirs.
Konvencije o grafičkom prikazivanju stoka i toka (koje je prvi predstavio Forrester 1961.) su se zasnivale na hidrauličkoj metafori - tok vode u i iz spremnika.
[Thu Oct 23 14:57:39 2003]
Indeed, it is helpful to think of stocks as bathtubs of water.
Doista, korisno je razmišljati o stokovima kao o kadama s vodom.
[Thu Oct 23 15:07:21 2003]
The quantity of water in your bathtub at any time is the accumulation of the water flowing in through the tap less the water flowing out through the drain (assume no splashing or evaporation).
Količina vode u vašoj kadi u bilo koje doba je akumulacija vode koje teče kroz slavinu minus voda koja istječe kroz slivnik (uz pretpostavku da nema prskanja ili isparavanja).
[Thu Oct 23 15:08:13 2003]
In exactly the same way, the quantity of material in any stock is the accumulation of the flows of material in less the flows of material out.
Na potpuno jednak način, količina sirovina u bilo kojem stoku je akumulacija tokova sirovina koji utječu umanjena za tokove sirovina koji istječu.
[Thu Oct 23 15:09:40 2003]
Despite the prosaic metaphor the stock and flow diagram has a precise and unambiguous mathematical meaning.
Unatoč prozaičnoj metafori dijagram stoka i toka ima precizno i nedvosmisleno matematičko značenje.
[Thu Oct 23 15:10:18 2003]
Stocks accumulate or integrate their flows;
Stokovi akumuliraju ili integriraju svoje tokove;
[Thu Oct 23 15:12:02 2003]
the net flow into the stock is the rate of change of the stock.
neto priljev u stok je stopa promjene stoka.
[Thu Oct 23 15:12:02 2003]
Hence the structure represented in Figure 6-1 above corresponds exactly to the following integral equation:
Stoga se struktura predstavljena na Slici 6-1 iznad u potpunosti podudara sa sljedećom integralnom jednadžbom:
[Thu Oct 23 15:18:47 2003]
where Inflow(s) represents the value of the inflow at any time s between the initial time to and the current time t.
gdje Priljev(i) predstavlja vrijednost priljeva bilo kada između početnog vremena t i sadašnjeg vremena t.
[Thu Oct 23 15:18:47 2003]
Equivalently, the net rate of change of any stock, its derivative, is the inflow less the outflow, defining the differential equation
Isto tako, neto stopa promjene bilo kojeg stoka, njegova derivacija, je priljev manje odljev, definirajući diferencijalnu jednadžbu
[Thu Oct 23 15:29:05 2003]
In general, the flows will be functions of the stock and other state variables and parameters.
Općenito, tokovi će biti funkcije stoka te varijabli i parametara ostalih stanja.
[Thu Oct 23 15:32:13 2003]
Figure 6-2 shows four equivalent representations of the general stock and flow structure.
Slika 6-2 pokazuje četiri istovjetna prikaza općenite strukture stoka i toka.
[Thu Oct 23 15:33:22 2003]
The bathtub and stock and flow diagrams may appear to be less rigorous than the integral or differential equation representations, but they are precisely equivalent and contain exactly the same information.
Dijagram kade i dijagram stoka i toka se mogu činiti manje preciznima od prikaza integralne ili diferencijalne jednadžbe, no oni su jednako vrijedni i sadrže potpuno iste podatke.
[Thu Oct 23 15:34:11 2003]
From any system of integral or differential equations we can construct the corresponding stock and flow map;
Iz bilo kojeg sustava integralnih ili diferencijalnih jednadžbi možemo sastaviti odgovarajuću mapu stoka i toka;
[Thu Oct 23 15:34:11 2003]
from any stock and flow map we can generate the corresponding integral or differential equation system.
iz bilo koje mape stoka i toka možemo stvoriti odgovarajući sustav integralne ili diferencijalne jednadžbe.
[Thu Oct 23 15:56:59 2003]
The traditional notation used in calculus and shown in Figure 6-2 is often confusing to many people.
Tradicionalni zapis koji se koristi u računu i koji je pokazan na Slici 6-2 često zbunjuje mnoge ljude.
[Thu Oct 23 15:56:59 2003]
In this book, I will generally represent the process of accumulation with the INTEGRAL() function:
U ovoj knjizi, ja ću uglavnom prikazivati proces akumulacije INTEGRALNOM funkcijom:
[Thu Oct 23 16:00:04 2003]
The INTEGRAL() function is exactly equivalent to equation (6-1) and represents the concept that the stock accumulates its inflows less its outflows, beginning with an initial value of Stockto.
INTEGRALNA funkcija je potpuno ekvivalentna jednadžbi (6-1), a predstavlja ideju da stok povećava svoje priljeve minus svoje odljeve, započinjući s početnom vrijednošću Stoka.
[Thu Oct 23 16:02:30 2003]
Stocks are critical in generating the dynamics of systems for the following reasons
Stokovi su presudni u stvaranju dinamike sustava zbog sljedećih razloga
[Thu Oct 23 16:08:50 2003]
The stocks in a system tell decision makers where they are, providing them with the information needed to act.
Stokovi u sustavu govore donositeljima odluka gdje se nalaze, pružajući im podatke koji su im potrebni da bi djelovali.
[Thu Oct 23 16:14:17 2003]
A pilot must know the state of the aircraft including position, heading, altitude, and fuel level.
Pilot mora znati sve o stanju zrakoplova, uključujući položaj, smjer, visinu i razinu goriva.
[Thu Oct 23 16:18:28 2003]
Without knowledge of these states, the pilot is flying blind and won't survive long.
Bez poznavanja ovih pojedinosti, pilot leti na sreću i neće dugo preživjeti.
[Thu Oct 23 16:21:21 2003]
Likewise, a firm can't set its production schedule appropriately without knowledge of the order backlog, the stock of inventory, the parts stocks, the labor force, and other stocks.
Isto tako, tvrtka ne može valjano pripremiti plan proizvodnje bez poznavanja zaostalih narudžbi, stoka zaliha, stokova dijelova, radne snage i drugih stokova.
[Thu Oct 23 16:23:56 2003]
A balance sheet characterizes the financial health of a corporation by reporting the values of stocks such as cash, inventory, payables, and debt.
Bilanca označava financijsko zdravlje poduzeća izvještavajući o vrijednosti stokova kao što su gotovina, zalihe, obveze prema dobavljačima i dug.
[Thu Oct 23 16:23:56 2003]
Information about these stocks affects decisions such as issuing new debt, paying dividends, and controlling expenses via layoffs.
Podaci o ovim stokovima utječu na odluke kao što su izdavanje novog duga, isplata dividendi i kontroliranje troškova putem otpuštanja.
[Thu Oct 23 16:27:19 2003]
Stocks accumulate past events.
Stokovi akumuliraju prošle događaje.
[Thu Oct 23 16:27:57 2003]
The content of a stock can only change through an inflow or outflow.
Sadržaj stoka se može promijeniti samo kroz priljev ili odljev.
[Thu Oct 23 16:28:37 2003]
Without changes in these flows.
Bez promjena u ovima tokovima
[Thu Oct 23 16:34:01 2003]
the past accumulation into the stock persists.
Bez promjena u ovima tokovima proteklo akumuliranje u stok i dalje traje.
[Thu Oct 23 16:38:37 2003]
The stock of lead in the paint of America's inner city housing remains high today even though lead paint was banned in 1978.
Stok olova u boji u kućama siromašnih četvrti u Americi je i danas visok, iako je boja s olovom zabranjena 1978.
[Thu Oct 23 16:43:44 2003]
Once the stock of lead paint accumulated, the only way to eliminate it is through expensive deleading or the eventual demolition of the housing itself.
Jednom kad se stok boje s olovom akumulirao, jedin način da ga se ukloni je skupo odstranjivanje olova ili eventualno rušenje samih kuća.
[Thu Oct 23 16:51:50 2003]
Even then the lead remains, either safely sequestered or more likely dispersed into the environment as dust, chips, or lead leaching from landfills into water supplies.
Čak i tada olovo ostaje, ili pažljivo odvojeno ili, vjerojatnije, raspršeno u okoliš kao prašina, krhotine ili olovo koje sa odlagališta otpada curi u vodovod.
[Thu Oct 23 16:52:24 2003]
Likewise, the stock of ozone-destroying chlorine generated by CFCs will remain in the atmosphere for decades even after the production rate of CFCs falls to zero because the rate at which chlorine is scrubbed from the stratosphere is very low.
Također, stok klora koji uništava ozon, a koji stvaraju klorofluorougljici (CFC-i) će ostati u atmosferi desetljećima nakon što stopa proizvodnje CFC-a padne na nulu zato jer je tempo kojim se klor uklanja iz stratosfere vrlo slab.
[Thu Oct 23 16:53:17 2003]
Stocks don't have to be tangible.
Stokovi moraju biti opipljivi.
[Thu Oct 23 16:55:21 2003]
Memories and beliefs are stocks that characterize your mental states.
Sjećanja i vjerovanja su stokovi koji karakteriziraju vaša mentalna stanja.
[Thu Oct 23 16:58:43 2003]
Your beliefs persist over time, generating inertia and continuity in your attitudes and behavior.
Vaša vjerovanja traju tijekom vremena, stvarajući inerciju i kontinuitet u vašim stavovima i ponašanju.
[Thu Oct 23 16:58:43 2003]
If you have a bad experience on an airline and never fly on that carrier again, your belief about the low quality of their service remains even if they've improved.
Ako ste imali loše iskustvo sa zrakoplovnom tvrtkom i više nikad ne želite letjeti s tim prijevoznikom, vi ćete zadržati vaše uvjerenje u lošu kvalitetu njihove usluge, čak i ako se oni poboljšaju.
[Thu Oct 23 17:17:41 2003]
All delays involve stocks.
Sva odgoda uključuju dionice.
[Fri Oct 24 09:58:48 2003]
All delays involve stocks.
Sva zakašnjenja uključuju stokove.
[Fri Oct 24 10:00:33 2003]
A delay is a process whose output lags behind its input.
Zakašnjenje je proces u kojem izlazni rezultat zaostaje za unosom.
[Fri Oct 24 10:02:19 2003]
The difference between the input and output accumulates in a stock of material in process.
Razlika između unosa i izlaza akumulira se u stoku sirovina u procesu.
[Fri Oct 24 10:04:21 2003]
There is a lag between the time you mail a letter and the time it is received.
Postoji jaz između vremena kad pošaljete poštom pismo i vremena kad se ono primi.
[Fri Oct 24 10:08:20 2003]
During this interval, the letter resides in a stock of letters in transit.
U tom vremenskom razmaku, pismo se nalazi u stoku pisama na putu.
[Fri Oct 24 10:12:40 2003]
Even email accumulates in stocks of undelivered packets and messages residing in the memory of various computers between the sender and receiver.
Čak se i elektronska pošta nakuplja u stokovima nedostavljenih paketa i poruka koje se nalaze u memoriji raznih računala između pošiljatelja i primatelja.
[Fri Oct 24 10:17:33 2003]
There is a lag of several years between the decision to build new office buildings and the time they are ready for occupancy.
Između odluke da se sagrade novi uredi i vremena kad su spremni za korištenje postoji vremenski razmak od nekoliko godina.
[Fri Oct 24 10:17:33 2003]
During this interval there is a supply line of buildings under development, including a stock of proposed projects and a stock of buildings under construction.
Za vrijeme tog razmaka postoji opskrbna linija građevina u nastajanju, uključujući stok predloženih projekata i stok zgrada u izgradnji.
[Fri Oct 24 10:29:11 2003]
By definition, when the input to a delay changes, the output lags behind and continues at the old rate for some time.
Po definiciji, kad se unos u odgodu promijeni, izlazni rezultat zaostaje i neko se vrijeme dalje odvija u starom omjeru.
[Fri Oct 24 10:35:00 2003]
During such adjustments, the stock accumulating the difference between input and output changes.
Za vrijeme takvih prilagodbi, stok koji povećava razliku između unosa i izlaza se mijenja.
[Fri Oct 24 10:36:50 2003]
If you mail wedding invitations to 1000 of your closest friends all at once, while the rate at which other mail is deposited remains constant, the stock of letters in transit jumps by 1000 and remains at the new level as the letters make their way to their destinations.
Ako odjednom pošaljete pozivnice za vjenčanje tisući vaših najbližih prijatelja, dok stopa po kojoj se ostale pošilke pohranjuju ostaje nepromijenjena, stok pisama na putu se povećava za 1000 i ostaje na novoj razini kako pisma putuju do svojih odredišta.
[Fri Oct 24 10:40:54 2003]
Only as the invitations begin to arrive does the stock of letters in transit start to fall.
Tek kad pozivnice počinju stizati stok pisama na putu počinje padati.
[Fri Oct 24 10:40:54 2003]
The delivery rate exceeds the mailing rate, shrinking the stock of mail in transit, until all the invitations have been delivered, at which point the delivery rate once again equals the rate at which mail is deposited and the stock of letters in transit returns to its original level.
Stopa dostave premašuje stopu slanja, smanjujući stok pisama na putu, sve dok sve pozivnice nisu dostavljene, kad stopa dostave ponovo postaje jednaka stopi po kojoj se pošta pohranjuje, a stok pisama na putu se vraća na svoju prvotnu razinu.
[Fri Oct 24 10:51:09 2003]
Perception delays also involve stocks though these stocks do not involve any material flows.
Zakašnjenja u percepciju također uključuju stokove, iako ovi stokovi ne obuhvaćaju nikakve opipljive tokove.
[Fri Oct 24 10:52:47 2003]
For example, the belief of managers in a company's Taiwan headquarters about the shipment rate from their Silicon Valley plant lags behind the true shipment rate due to measurement and reporting delays.
Na primjer, vjerovanje menadžera u središtu neke tvrtke u Tajvanu o stopi otpreme iz njihove tvornice u Silicijskoj dolini zaostaje za stvarnom stopom otpreme zbog zakašnjenja u mjerenju i izvještavanju.
[Fri Oct 24 10:59:26 2003]
Measurement of a rate such as shipments always involves a stock.
Mjerenje stope kao što su pošiljke uvijek uključuje stok.
[Fri Oct 24 11:05:40 2003]
Due to unpredictable variations in customer orders, product availability, and transportation, shipments can vary significantly from hour to hour, day to day, or over even longer periods.
Zbog nepredvidljih promjena u narudžbama kupaca, raspoloživosti proizvoda i prijevozu, pošilke mogu značajno varirati iz sata u sat, iz dana u dan, ili čak u duljim razdobljima.
[Fri Oct 24 11:39:30 2003]
Shipments must be accumulated for some period of time such as a day, week, or month to provide a meaningful measurement of the rate.
Pošiljke se moraju akumulirati u nekom vremenskom razdoblju npr. u danu, tjednu ili mjesecu da omoguću relevantno utvrđivanje stope.
[Fri Oct 24 11:41:24 2003]
If shipments are highly volatile, the firm will have to accumulate them over longer intervals to filter out the short-term noise and provide a meaningful average managers can use to make decisions.
Ako pošiljke izrazito fluktuiraju, tvrtka će ih morati akumulirati u duljim periodima da isfiltrira kratkoročne nebitne podatke i omogući relevantan prosjek koji će menadžeri koristiti u donošenju odluka.
[Fri Oct 24 11:42:49 2003]
In addition there are reporting delays involving a stock of shipment information waiting to be uploaded to and downloaded from the firm's computer system.
Osim toga, postoje zakašnjenja u izvještavanju koja uključuju stok podataka o pošiljkama koji čeka da ga se učita i skine s računalnog sustava tvrtke.
[Fri Oct 24 11:43:21 2003]
There may be further delays in the adjustment of the executives' beliefs even after they see the latest data.
Mogla bi postojati i zakašnjenja u prilagodbi stavova direktora čak i nakon što vide najnovije podatke.
[Fri Oct 24 11:43:21 2003]
Chapter I I describes the structure and dynamics of delays in detail.
Poglavlje 11 detaljno opisuje strukturu i dinamiku zakašnjenja.
[Fri Oct 24 11:53:29 2003]
Stocks absorb the differences between inflows and outflows, thus permitting the inflows and outflows to a process to differ.
Stokovi upijaju razlike između priljeva i odljeva, na taj način omogućavajući da se priljevi u i odljevi iz procesa razlikuju.
[Fri Oct 24 11:55:08 2003]
In equilibrium, the total inflow to a stock equals its total outflow so the level of the stock is unchanging.
U ravnoteži, ukupan priljev u stok je jednak njegovom ukupnom odljevu tako da je razina stoka uvijek ista.
[Fri Oct 24 11:55:24 2003]
However, inflows and outflows usually differ because they are often governed by different decision processes.
Međutim, priljevi i odljevi se obično razlikuju jer njima često upravljaju različiti procesi odlučivanja.
[Fri Oct 24 11:55:24 2003]
Disequilibrium is the rule rather than the exception.
Neravnoteža je pravilo, prije nego iznimka.
[Fri Oct 24 11:59:53 2003]
The production of grain depends on the yearly cycle of planting and harvest, along with unpredictable natural variations in weather, pest populations, and so on.
Proizvodnja žita ovisi o godišnjem ciklusu sijanja i žetve, zajedno s nepredvidljivim prirodnim promjenama u vremenu, količini nametnika, i tako dalje.
[Fri Oct 24 12:06:31 2003]
Consumption of grain depends on how many mouths there are to feed.
Potrošnja žita ovisi o tome koliko ljudi treba nahraniti.
[Fri Oct 24 12:10:05 2003]
The difference between grain production and consumption rates accumulates in grain stocks, stored throughout the distribution system from field to grain elevator to processor inventories to market to kitchen cupboard.
Razlika između proizvodnje žita i stope potrošnje akumulira se u stokovima žita koji se pohranjuju kroz sustav distribucije s polja u silos, u zalihe prerađivača, na tržište i u kuhinjski ormarić.
[Fri Oct 24 12:11:54 2003]
Without a stock of grain to buffer the differences between production and consumption, consumption would necessarily equal production at all times and people would starve between harvests.
Bez stokova žita koji ublažuju razlike između proizvodnje i potrošnje, potrošnja bi nužno bila jednaka proizvodnji i ljudi bi gladovali između žetvi.
[Fri Oct 24 12:18:31 2003]
Thus Joseph advised Pharaoh to stockpile grain during the 7 good years in anticipation of the 7 lean years during which consumption would exceed harvests.
Tako je Josip savjetovao faraonu da nagomila zalihe žita za vrijema 7 rodnih godina, u očekivanju od 7 gladnih godina tijekom kojih bi potrošnja premašivala urod.
[Fri Oct 24 12:18:31 2003]
While on average the production of grain balances consumption (and losses) as farmers respond to market prices and inventory conditions in determining how much to plant, and as consumers adjust consumption in response to prices and availability, production and consumption are rarely equal.
Dok u prosjeku proizvodnja žita ujednačuje potrošnju (i gubitke), jer poljoprivrednici odgovaraju na tržišne cijene i stanja zaliha kad odlučuju koliko toga zasijati, i jer potrošači prilagođavaju potrošnju kao odgovor na cijene i raspoloživost, proizvodnja i potrošnja su rijetko kada jednake.
[Fri Oct 24 12:34:16 2003]
Whenever two coupled activities are controlled by different decision makers, involve different resources, and are subject to different random shocks, a buffer or stock between them must exist, accumulating the difference.
Kad god dvije povezane aktivnosti kontroliraju različiti donositelji odluka, kad uključuju različite resurse, i kad su podložne različitim nasumičnim šokovima, među njima mora postojati ublaživač ili stok, koji akumulira razliku.
[Fri Oct 24 12:35:13 2003]
As these stocks vary, information about the size of the buffer will feed back in various ways to influence the inflows and outflows.
Kako ovi stokovi variraju, podaci o veličini ublaživača će se vratiti na razne načine da utječu na priljeve i odljeve.
[Fri Oct 24 12:39:41 2003]
Often, but not always, these feedbacks will operate to bring the stock into balance.
Često, ali ne uvijek, ove povratne informacije će djelovati tako da dovedu stok u ravnotežu.
[Fri Oct 24 12:40:39 2003]
Whether and how equilibrium is achieved cannot be assumed but is an emergent property of the whole system as its many feedback loops interact simultaneously.
Hoće li se i kako će se postići ravnoteža se ne može pretpostaviti, nego je to novo svojstvo čitavog sustava, jer mnoge njegove petlje povratnih veza istovremeno međusobno djeluju.
[Fri Oct 24 12:40:39 2003]
Understanding the nature and stability of these dynamics is often the purpose of a system dynamics model.
Razumijevanje prirode i stabilnosti ove dinamike je često puta cilj modela dinamike sustava.
[Fri Oct 24 12:44:26 2003]
Identifying Stocks and Flows
Utvrđivanje stokova i tokova
[Fri Oct 24 14:10:53 2003]
The distinction between stocks and flows is recognized in many disciplines.
Razlika između stokova i tokova se prepoznaje u mnogim strukama.
[Fri Oct 24 14:13:50 2003]
Table 6-1 shows some common terms used to distinguish between stocks and flows in various fields.
Tablica 6-1 prikazuje neke uobičajene pojmove koji se koriste za razlikovanje stokova i tokova u različitim područjima.
[Fri Oct 24 14:14:17 2003]
In mathematics, system dynamics, control theory, and related engineering disciplines, stocks are also known as integrals or state variables.
U matematici, dinamici sustava, teoriji upravljanja i sličnim tehničkim disciplinama, stokovi su također poznati kao integrali ili varijable stanja.
[Fri Oct 24 14:15:39 2003]
Flows are also known as rate or derivatives.
Tokovi su također poznati kao stopa ili derivacije.
[Fri Oct 24 14:18:20 2003]
Chemists speak of reactant and reaction product (the stocks) and reaction rates (the flows).
Kemičari govore o reaktantu i proizvodu reakcije (stokovi) i brzini reakcije (tokovi).
[Fri Oct 24 14:20:03 2003]
In manufacturing settings, stocks and flows are also called buffers and throughput.
Na mjestima proizvodnje, stokovi i tokovi se također nazivaju ublaženja i kapacitet proizvodnje.
[Fri Oct 24 14:22:46 2003]
In economics, stocks are also known as levels and flows as rates.
U ekonomiji, stokovi su poznati kao razine, a tokovi kao stope.
[Fri Oct 24 14:24:57 2003]
For example, the capital stock of an economy is its level of wealth (measured in, say, dollars) while the GDP is the aggregate rate of national output (measured in $/year).
Na primjer, dionički kapital nekog gospodarstva je njegova razina bogatstva (izražena, recimo, u dolarima), dok je BDP ukupna stopa nacionalnog obujma proizvodnje (izražena u $/godišnje).
[Fri Oct 24 14:25:06 2003]
In accounting, balance sheet items are stocks, such as cash, the book value of inventory, long-term debt, and shareholder equity (all measured in, e.g.
U računovodstvu, stavke u bilanci su stokovi, kao na primjer gotovina, knjigovodstvena vrijednost zaliha, dugoročni dug i dioničarska glavnica (sve izraženo u npr.
[Fri Oct 24 14:33:11 2003]
, dollars).
[Fri Oct 24 14:33:44 2003]
Items appearing on the income statement or flow of funds report are flows which alter the corresponding stocks on the balance sheet, such as net receipts, the cost of goods sold, long-term borrowing, and the change in retained earnings.
Stavke koje se pojavljuju na izvještaju o dobiti ili u izvještaju o toku sredstava su tokovi koji mijenjaju odgovarajuće stokove u bilanci, kao što su neto primici, trošak prodane robe, dugoročno posuđivanje i promjena u zadržanoj zaradi.
[Fri Oct 24 14:36:22 2003]
These flows are measured in $/year.
Ovi tokovi su izraženi u $/godišnje.
[Fri Oct 24 14:38:12 2003]
Physiological models often lump different stocks into a small number of compartments or boxes connected by diffusion rates (the flows).
Fiziološki modeli često trpaju različite dionice u mali broj pretinaca ili odjeljaka koji su povezani stopama širenja (tokovi).
[Fri Oct 24 14:38:12 2003]
For example, the stock of glucose in a human can be represented by a three compartment model:
Na primjer, stok glukoze u čovjeku može se prikazati modelom tri odjeljka:
[Fri Oct 24 14:43:48 2003]
Terminology used to distinguish between stocks and flows in different disciplines
Terminologija koja se koristi za razlikovanje stokova i tokova u različitim poljima djelovanja
[Fri Oct 24 15:00:09 2003]
glucose in the digestive system, glucose in the bloodstream, and glucose in the intracellular matrix.
glukoza u probavnom sustavu, glukoza u krvotoku i glukoza u unutarstaničnom matriksu.
[Fri Oct 24 15:00:09 2003]
In epidemiology, prevalence measures the number or stock of people who have a particular condition at any given time, while incidence is the rate at which people come down with the disease or condition.
U epidemiologiji, raširenost predstavlja broj ili stok ljudi koji imaju određenu bolest u bilo koje doba, dok je učestalost stopa kojom ljudi obolijevaju od bolesti.
[Fri Oct 24 15:03:26 2003]
How can you tell which concepts are stocks and which are flows?
Kako možete odrediti koji pojmovi su stokovi, a koji tokovi?
[Fri Oct 24 15:03:55 2003]
Stocks are quantities of material or other accumulations.
Stokovi su količine sirovina ili drugih akumulacija.
[Fri Oct 24 15:04:54 2003]
They are the states of the system.
Oni su stanja sustava.
[Fri Oct 24 15:05:18 2003]
The flows are the rates at which these system states change.
Tokovi su stope po kojima se ova stanja sustava mijenjaju.
[Fri Oct 24 15:05:58 2003]
Imagine a river flowing into a reservoir.
Zamislite rijeku koja utječe u jezero.
[Fri Oct 24 15:07:50 2003]
The quantity of water in the reservoir is a stock (measured in, say, cubic meters).
Količina vode u jezeru je stok (izražen, recimo, u kubnim metrima).
[Fri Oct 24 15:07:50 2003]
If you drew an imaginary line across the point where the river enters the reservoir, the flow is the rate at which water passes the line-the rate of flow in cubic meters per second.
Ako povučete zamišljenu liniju preko točke gdje rijeka ulazi u jezero, tok je stopa po kojoj voda prolazi tu liniju - stopa toka u kubnim metrima po sekundi.
[Fri Oct 24 15:15:38 2003]
Units of Measure in Stock and Flow Networks
Jedinice mjere u mrežama stokova i tokova
[Fri Oct 24 15:27:12 2003]
The units of measure can help you distinguish stocks from flows.
Jedinice mjere vam mogu pomoći da razlikujete stokove od tokova.
[Fri Oct 24 15:30:26 2003]
Stocks are usually a quantity such as widgets of inventory, people employed, or Yen in an account.
Stokovi su obično količine, kao na primjer primjerci u zalihama, zaposleni ljudi ili jeni na računu.
[Fri Oct 24 15:30:52 2003]
The associated flows must be measured in the same units per time period, for example, the rate at which widgets are added per week to inventory, the hiring rate in people per month, or the rate of expenditure from an account in Y/hour.
Pripadajući tokovi moraju biti izraženi istim jedinicama po vremenskom razdoblju, na primjer, stopa po kojoj se primjerci dodaju zalihama tjedno, stopa zapošljavanja ljudi mjesečno, ili stopa izdataka s računa u jenima po satu.
[Fri Oct 24 15:31:34 2003]
Note that the choice of time period is arbitrary.
Uočit ćete da je izbor vremenskog razdoblja proizvoljan.
[Fri Oct 24 15:32:23 2003]
You are free to select any measurement system you like as long as you remain consistent.
Možete odabrati bilo kakav sustav mjerenja, sve dok ostajete dosljedni.
[Fri Oct 24 15:32:23 2003]
You can measure the flow of production into inventory as widgets per week, widgets per day, or widgets per hour.
Možete mjeriti tok proizvodnje u zalihe kao broj primjeraka tjedno, broj primjerakadnevno, ili broj primjeraka po satu.
[Fri Oct 24 15:43:18 2003]
The statement "The current rate of production is 1200 widgets per day" is exactly equivalent to the statement that production is proceeding at a rate of 8400 widgets per week, 50 widgets per hour, 516 widgets per minute, or even 43,800,000 widgets per century.
Izjava "Trenutna stopa proizvodnje je 1200 primjeraka dnevno" je potpuno jednaka izjavi da se proizvodnja odvija brzinom od 8400 primjeraka tjedno, 50 primjeraka na sat, 516 primjeraka u minuti, ili čak 43,800,000 primjeraka po stoljeću.
[Fri Oct 24 15:48:50 2003]
All are statements about how many widgets are being produced right now-at this instant.
Sve ove izjave govore koliko se primjeraka proizvodi upravo sada - u ovom trenutku.
[Fri Oct 24 15:48:59 2003]
Whether the cumulative number of widgets produced in any given interval such as a day, week, or century is equal to 1200, 8400, or 43,800,000 depends on whether the current rate stays constant over that interval ( or averages out to the current rate).
Hoće li ukupni broj primjeraka proizvedenih u bilo kojem vremenskom razdoblju, na primjer u jednom danu, tjednu, ili stoljeću biti 1200, 8400, ili 43,800,000 ovisi o tome hoće li trenutna stopa ostati konstantna za vrijeme tog razdoblja (ili u prosjeku iznositi trenutnu stopu).
[Fri Oct 24 15:48:59 2003]
Most likely it won't.
Najvjerojatnije neće.
[Fri Oct 24 16:00:18 2003]
Stocks characterize the state of the system.
Stokovi obilježavaju stanje sustava.
[Fri Oct 24 16:02:39 2003]
To identify key stocks in a system, imagine freezing the scene with a snapshot.
Kako bi utvrdili ključne stokove u nekom sustavu, zamislite da ste zaustavili neki prizor za fotografiranje.
[Fri Oct 24 16:05:25 2003]
Stocks would be those things you could count or measure in the picture, including psychological states and other intangible variables.
Stokovi bi bili one stvari na slici koje ne možete prebrojiti ili izmjeriti, uključujući psihološka stanja i druge neopipljive varijable.
[Fri Oct 24 16:09:34 2003]
You can estimate the stock of water in a reservoir from a set of satellite images and topographic data, but you cannot determine whether the water level is rising or falling.
Možete procijeniti stok vode u jezeru pomoću niza satelitskih slika i topografskih podataka, ali ne možete utvrditi pada li razina vode ili raste.
[Fri Oct 24 16:12:44 2003]
Your bank statement tells you how much money is in your account but not the rate at which you are spending it now.
Vaš bankovni izvod vam govori koliko je novaca na vašem računu, ali ne i kojom brzinom ga sada trošite.
[Fri Oct 24 16:13:37 2003]
If time stopped, it would be possible to determine how much inventory a company has or the price of materials but not the net rate of change in inventory or the rate of inflation in materials prices.
Kad bi vrijeme stalo, bilo bi moguće utvrditi koliko zaliha ima neka tvrtka, ili cijenu materijala, ali ne i neto stopu promjene u zalihama ili stopu inflacije u cijenama materijala.
[Fri Oct 24 16:18:58 2003]
The snapshot test applies also to less tangible stocks.
Test s fotografijom vrijedi i za manje opipljive stokove.
[Fri Oct 24 16:21:19 2003]
The plant manager's expectation of the customer order rate at any instant or perception of the size of inventory are stocks, even though they are mental and not physical stocks.
Očekivanje upravitelja pogona o stopi narudžbi kupaca u bilo koje doba, ili predodžba o veličini zaliha su stokovi, iako su to mentalni, a ne fizički stokovi.
[Fri Oct 24 16:21:19 2003]
A snapshot of people's mental states, however, does not indicate how fast they are revising their beliefs.
Ipak, snimka mentalnih stanja ljudi ne ukazuje koliko brzo oni mijenjaju svoja uvjerenja.
[Fri Oct 24 16:26:45 2003]
Figure 6-3 lists some common concepts and identifies them as stocks or flows, showing their stock and flow structure and units of measure.
Slika 6-3 navodi neke česte pojmove i označava ih kao stokove ili tokove, pokazujući njihovu strukturu stoka i toka i jedinice mjere.
[Fri Oct 24 16:27:10 2003]
Population, Employees, and Debt are straightforward.
Stanovništvo, Zaposlenici i Dug su jednostavni.
[Fri Oct 24 16:28:34 2003]
Why is the price of a product a stock?
Zbog čega je cijena proizvoda stok?
[Fri Oct 24 16:32:08 2003]
Prices characterize the state of the system, in this case how much you must pay per unit.
Cijene označavaju stanje sustava, u ovom slučaju koliko morate platiti po jedinici.
[Fri Oct 24 16:35:43 2003]
A price posted on an item remains in effect until it is changed, just as the number of widgets in an inventory remains constant until it is changed by a flow of production or shipments.
Cijena koja se nalazi na proizvodu važi sve dok se ne promijeni, kao što i broj primjeraka u zalihama ostaje konstantan sve dok ga ne promijene tok proizvodnje ili pošiljaka.
[Fri Oct 24 16:37:41 2003]
Even the bids and offers called out in a trading pit at a financial market are stocks, albeit short-lived ones:
Čak su i ponude i cijene koje se uzvikuju na burzi stokovi, iako kratkotrajni:
[Fri Oct 24 16:37:41 2003]
a bid or otter remains in effect until the trader withdraws or alters it by crying out another.
ponuda ili cijena vrijedi sve dok ju trgovac ne povuče ili dok ju ne promijeni izvikivanjem neke druge.
[Fri Oct 24 16:41:01 2003]
Why is the expected customer order rate for a product a stock?
Zbog čega je očekivana stopa narudžbi nekog proizvoda stok?
[Fri Oct 24 16:43:12 2003]
Clearly, the actual customer order rate is a flow.
Očigledno, stvarna stopa narudžbi kupaca je tok.
[Fri Oct 24 16:46:34 2003]
The flow of customer orders accumulates in a backlog or stock of unfilled orders until the product can be delivered.
Tok narudžbi kupaca se akumulira u zalihama ili stoku neispunjenih narudžbi, sve dok proizvod ne može biti dostavljen.
[Fri Oct 24 16:48:22 2003]
However, a manager's belief about the rate at which customer orders are booked is a stock-it is a state of the system, in this case a mental state.
Međutim, vjerovanje upravitelja o stopi po kojoj se narudžbe kupaca obrađuju je stok - to je stanje sustava, u ovom slučaju mentalno stanje.
[Fri Oct 24 16:50:06 2003]
No one knows the true current or future order rate.
Nitko ne zna točnu trenutnu ili buduću stopu narudžbi.
[Fri Oct 24 16:53:49 2003]
The manager's belief about orders can, and usually does, differ from the true order rate (the belief can be wrong).
Vjerovanje upravitelja o narudžbama može biti, a obično i jest, različito od prave stope narudžbi (uvjerenje može biti pogrešno).
[Fri Oct 24 16:55:04 2003]
Managers' beliefs about the customer order rate will tend to remain the same until they become aware of new information and update their beliefs.
Mišljenja upravitelja o stopi narudžbi kupaca će ostati ista sve dok oni ne saznaju nove podatke i ne osuvremene svoja uvjerenja.
[Fri Oct 24 16:55:42 2003]
The Change in Expected Order Rate is the rate at which the belief is updated.
Promjena u Očekivanoj stopi narudžbi je stopa po kojoj se to uvjerenje mijenja.
[Fri Oct 24 16:57:06 2003]
Note the units of measure for the expected order rate.
Obratite pažnju na jedinice mjere za očekivanu stopu narudžbi.
[Fri Oct 24 16:58:19 2003]
Like the actual order rate, the expected order rate is measured in widgets per time period (say weeks).
Kao i stvarna stopa narudžbi, očekivana stopa narudžbi se izražava u primjercima po vremenskom razdoblju (recimo tjednima).
[Fri Oct 24 16:58:19 2003]
The units of measure for the rate at which the belief about customer orders is updated are (widgets/week)/week
Jedinice mjere za stopu po kojoj se vjerovanje o narudžbama kupaca mijenja je (primjerci/tjedno)/tjedno
[Fri Oct 24 17:01:37 2003]
Examples of stocks and flows with their units of measure
Primjeri stokova i tokova s njihovim jedinicama mjere
[Fri Oct 24 17:03:41 2003]
The choice of time unit for the flows (e.g.
Odabir jedinice vremena za tokove (npr.
[Fri Oct 24 17:03:41 2003]
, days, weeks, years) is arbitrary but must be consistent within a single model
dani, tjedni, godine) je proizvoljan, ali mora biti dosljedan unutar svakog pojedinog modela
[Fri Oct 24 17:24:23 2003]
Note that the rate of price change and the change in the expected order rate can be positive or negative (prices and demand forecasts can rise or fall).
Primijetit ćete da stopa promjene cijena i promjena u očekivanoj stopi narudžbi može biti pozitivna ili negativna (predviđanja cijena i potražnje mogu rasti ili padati).
[Fri Oct 24 17:27:17 2003]
Any flow into or out of a stock can be either positive or negative.
Svaki tok u ili iz stoka može biti ili pozitivan ili negativan.
[Fri Oct 24 17:29:43 2003]
The direction of the arrow (pointing into or Out of a stock) defines the sign convention for the flow.
Smjer strelice (koja pokazuje u ili iz stoka) određuje pravilo znaka za tok.
[Fri Oct 24 17:30:37 2003]
An inflow adds to the stock when the flow is positive;
Priljev povećava stok ako je tok pozitivan;
[Fri Oct 24 17:31:28 2003]
if the flow is negative it subtracts from the stock.
ako je tok negativan onda oduzima od stoka.
[Fri Oct 24 17:31:28 2003]
When the outflow is positive, the flow subtracts from the stock.
Ako je odljev pozitivan, tok oduzima od stoka.
[Fri Oct 31 14:45:16 2003]
On each occasion your immediate superior, Mr #NAME#, made clear to you that your late arrival is obstructive to the smooth running of the business.
Svaki put vas je vaš pretpostavljeni, gosp. #IME#, jasno upozorio da vaše kašnjenje predstavlja prepreku nesmetanom odvijanju posla.
[Fri Oct 31 14:46:23 2003]
The lorries are unable to leave on time and cannot then do the full rounds.
Kamioni ne mogu krenuti na vrijeme i ne mogu obaviti sve obilaske.
[Fri Oct 31 14:46:23 2003]
This results in some customers receiving deliveries a day later than agreed.
Posljedica je da neki klijenti dobivaju pošiljke dan kasnije nego što je dogovoreno.
[Fri Oct 31 14:49:46 2003]
We are made to appear unreliable by your unpunctuality, an impression which no company these days can afford to give.
Zbog Vaše netočnosti ispadamo nepouzdani, što je dojam koji ovih dana nijedna tvrtka ne smije ostavljati.
[Fri Oct 31 14:50:16 2003]
Your behaviour has unfortunately not improved:
Vaše ponašanje se nažalost nije poboljšalo:
[Fri Oct 31 14:50:16 2003]
today you even appeared two hours late for work.
danas ste zakasnili na posao čak dva sata.
[Fri Oct 31 14:53:41 2003]
From now on we expect you to be regularly at work on time in order for us to meet our delivery dates .
Očekujemo da odsada redovito stižete na posao na vrijeme, kako bismo mogli ispuniti rokove isporuke.
[Fri Oct 31 14:53:41 2003]
Should you arrive late for work again despite this written warning, we will be forced to consider your dismissal.
Ukoliko ponovo zakasnite na posao unatoč ovom pisanom upozorenju, morat ćemo razmotriti Vaše otpuštanje.
[Fri Oct 31 15:03:33 2003]
We regret that you have violated the terms of your contract a second time by coming to work in a state of drunkenness.
Sa žaljenjem moramo ustvrditi da ste po drugi put prekršili uvjete iz vašeg ugovora tako što ste došli na posao u pijanom stanju.