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[Fri Oct 31 15:03:33 2003]
It was observed that you had difficulty in keeping your eyes open and were unable to work effectively.
Primijećeno je da ste jedva držali oči otvorenima i niste mogli učinkovito raditi.
[Fri Oct 31 15:05:32 2003]
All those present at the time will confirm this, and could if necessary be called upon to act as witnesses in court.
Svi koji su tada bili prisutni će to potvrditi i, u ako bude potrebno, bit će pozvani da svjedoče na sudu.
[Fri Oct 31 15:09:10 2003]
Two weeks ago you also arrived at work obviously under the influence of alcohol.
Prije dva tjedna ste također došli na posao u primjetno alkoholiziranom stanju.
[Fri Oct 31 15:09:10 2003]
We would like to make clear that this behaviour will no longer be tolerated, and that in the event of any further infringement of the terms of your contract we will be forced to dismiss you.
Htjeli bismo Vas jasno upozoriti na to se takvo ponašanje više neće tolerirati i u slučaju svakog daljnjeg kršenja uvjeta iz vašeg ugovora bit ćemo biti prisiljeni otpustiti Vas.
[Fri Oct 31 15:12:20 2003]
Managing Director
Generalni direktor
[Fri Oct 31 15:19:50 2003]
We have compared it with those from other companies, and we find that they are able to offer better conditions, both in terms of price and range of services.
Usporedili smo je s ponudama drugih tvrtki, i ustanovili da nam one mogu ponuditi bolje uvjete, što se tiče cijene te raspona usluga.
[Fri Oct 31 15:24:23 2003]
Our final decision will be taken on #DATE# in one week's time.
Konačnu odluku ćemo donijeti dana #DATUM#, za tjedan dana.
[Fri Oct 31 15:24:23 2003]
Should you see any way of recalculating your offer before #DATE#, we would be happy to consider a revision.
Ukoliko bi bili moguće da promijentie vašu ponudu prije #DATUM#, rado ćemo ju ponovo razmotriti.
[Fri Oct 31 15:32:44 2003]
Many thanks for your tender for the delivery and installation of a new production line in our factory
Najljepše se zahvaljujemoo na vašoj ponudi za dostavu i ugradnju nove proizvodne linije u našoj tvornici
[Fri Oct 31 15:38:37 2003]
We found both your price and your conditions of delivery and service very attractive.
Vaša cijena i Vaši uvjeti isporuke i usluge su vrlo privlačni.
[Fri Oct 31 15:38:37 2003]
Unfortunately, your letter reached us a few days after the deadline and we had already decided in favour of another company.
Nažalost, Vaše smo pismo dobili nekoliko dana po isteku roka i već smo se bili odlučili za jednu drugu tvrtku.
[Fri Oct 31 15:42:24 2003]
We will certainly think of you when we send out our next tender.
Svakako ćemo Vas imati na umu kad objavimo sljedeću ponudu.
[Fri Oct 31 15:42:24 2003]
In the meantime, please keep us up to date regarding your terms and product range.
U međuvremenu, molimo Vas da nas redovito informirate u vezi Vaših uvjeta i proizvodnog asortimana.
[Fri Oct 31 15:49:14 2003]
Many thanks for your quotation, which we received in time for our deadline
Najljepše se zahvaljujemo na Vašoj ponudi koju smo primili prije isteka našeg roka
[Fri Oct 31 15:55:29 2003]
Unfortunately the delivery date you give is too late for our requirements.
Nažalost, datum isporuke koji ste ponudili ne udovoljava našim zahtjevima.
[Fri Oct 31 15:55:29 2003]
We need to have the goods two weeks before this, by #DATE# at the latest.
Moramo imati robu dva tjedna prije toga, najkasnije do #DATUM#.
[Fri Oct 31 15:59:15 2003]
In all other points your offer is very interesting to us, and if you can find a way to bring the delivery date forward we would be most appreciative.
U svemu ostalom Vaša ponuda je vrlo zanimljiva i bili bismo vrlo zahvalni kad biste mogli pronaći način da pomaknete datum isporuke.
[Fri Oct 31 15:59:15 2003]
Please let us know by #DATE# whether we will be able to reach an agreement on this matter.
Molimo Vas da nas do #DATUM# obavijestite hoće li biti moguće dogovoriti se o ovom pitanju.
[Fri Oct 31 16:06:05 2003]
Many thanks for your kind invitation to your "Big 'O'" party.
Zahvaljujemo ti na tvom ljubaznom pozivu na proslavu tvog "okruglog" rođendana.
[Fri Oct 31 16:09:00 2003]
You don't get to be 30 every day, and we'd have loved to have been there to congratulate you in person.
Nemaš svaki dan 30 godina i voljeli bismo biti tamo da ti osobno čestitamo.
[Fri Oct 31 16:09:00 2003]
I'm afraid though that we're going to have to decline.
No bojim se da ćemo morati odbiti.
[Fri Oct 31 16:11:58 2003]
We planned our holiday some weeks ago - maybe you remember that we always wanted to go to Jamaica, and this year it's finally worked out.
Prije nekoliko tjedana smo isplanirali godišnji odmor - možda se sjećaš da smo oduvijek željeli otići na Jamajku, i ove godine će se to konačno ostvariti.
[Fri Oct 31 16:11:58 2003]
Unfortunately, your birthday party falls right in the middle of our holiday.
Nažalost, proslava tvog rođendana pada baš za vrijeme našeg odmora.
[Fri Oct 31 16:15:22 2003]
We hope you have a great time celebrating - eat, drink and be merry!
Nadamo se da ćeš dobro proslaviti - jedi, pij i budi veseo!
[Fri Oct 31 16:15:39 2003]
And have fun unpacking all your presents:
I uživaj u odmatanju poklona:
[Fri Oct 31 16:16:50 2003]
there'll be a couple of surprises in store.
bit će tu i nekih iznenađenja.
[Fri Oct 31 16:16:50 2003]
.. (Just because we're going on holiday doesn't mean we won't be thinking of you!)
(Samo zato što idemo na godišnji ne znači da nećemo misliti na tebe!)
[Fri Oct 31 16:44:37 2003]
I knew of course that this was your big year, but I didn't realise you would be celebrating on the #DATE#.
Naravno da sam znao da je ove godine taj veliki dan, ali nisam znao da ćeš slaviti #DATUM#.
[Fri Oct 31 16:46:41 2003]
As luck would have it, I've already accepted an invitation from #NAME# and #NAME# for precisely that weekend - they're celebrating their silver wedding anniversary.
No kako je htio slučaj, već sam prihvatio poziv od #IME# i #IME# jer upravo taj vikend oni slave svoj srebrni pir.
[Fri Oct 31 16:46:41 2003]
So I'm afraid I won't be able to celebrate your triumphal entry into the 50-Somethings Club with you and your fellow-sufferers - what a shame.
Pa se bojim da neću moći proslaviti tvoj trijumfalni ulazak u Klub 50+ s tobom i tvojim supatnicima - kakva šteta.
[Fri Oct 31 16:48:18 2003]
I did wonder whether I should drop in on you anyway after the party at #NAME# and #NAME#'s;
Razmišljao sam o tome da navratim do tebe nakon slavlja kod #IME# i #IME#;
[Fri Oct 31 16:48:42 2003]
but as we say in Germany:
ali, kako se ono kaže:
[Fri Oct 31 16:48:42 2003]
"you can't dance at two weddings on the same day"!
"ne možeš u istom danu plesati na dvije svadbe"!
[Thu Oct 02 09:47:02 2003]
and by Irenaus;
i Irenije (?);
[Thu Oct 02 09:47:02 2003]
and as to its "hieroglyphics," by which is meant its symbols, we will look in vain for their counterpart or any Approximation to them in the system of Speculative Masonry.
i što se tiče njenih " tajanstvenih znakova, " koji se odnose na njene simbole, uzaludno ćemo tražiti njihov sličnost ili bilo kakva približni vrijednost na to u sustav Spekulativnog slobodnog Zidarstva.
[Thu Oct 02 09:59:21 2003]
That the sun and the moon are briefly referred to in our rituals and may be deemed in some sort Masonic symbols, is also true, but the use made of this symbolism, and the interpretation of it, very clearly prove that it has not been derived from a Gnostic source.
Da se sunce i mjesec si nakratko aludira u našim obredima i da ih se može smatrati na neki način slobodnozidarskim simbolima, je također istina, no primjena ovog simbolizma, i njegovo tumačenje, vrlo jasno dokazuju da ne potječe iz gnostičkog izvora.
[Thu Oct 02 10:45:35 2003]
"The foregoing considerations," he says, "seem to afford a rational explanation of the manner in which the genuine Gnostic symbols (whether still retaining any mystic meaning or kept as mere lifeless forms, let the Order declare) have come down to these times, still paraded as things holy and of deep significance.
" Gore spomenuta razmatranja, " kaže, " čini se da daju racionalno objašnjenje načina na koji izvorni gnostički simboli (zadržavaju li još uvijek bilo kakvo tajanstveno značenje ili se čuvaju samo kao beživotni oblici, neka potvrdi Red) očuvali su se do danas, još uvijek paradirajući kao svete stvari i od dubokog značenja.
[Thu Oct 02 11:18:49 2003]
If he meant the former, he has failed to show a relation between them and the Freemasons;
Ako je mislio na rosenkreutzere, nije uspio prikazati vezu između njih i slobodnih zidara;
[Thu Oct 02 11:19:33 2003]
if the latter, he was wholly ignorant that there is not a Gnostic symbol in their system, which is wholly constructed out of an ecclesiastical symbolism.
ako je pak mislio na moderni Ružin križ, uopće nije bio svjestan toga da ne postoji gnostički simbol u njihovom sustavu, koji je potpuno izgrađen iz crkvenog simbolizma.
[Thu Oct 02 11:19:33 2003]
Such inconsequential assertions need no refutation.
Takve nevažne tvrdnje ne treba uopće opovrgavati.
[Thu Oct 02 11:52:02 2003]
Finally he says that "Thus those symbols, in their origin, embodying the highest mysteries of Indian theosophy, afterward eagerly embraced by the subtle genius of the Alexandrian Greeks, and combined by them with the hidden wisdom of Egypt, in whose captivating and profound doctrines the few bright spirits of the Middle Ages sought a refuge from the childish fables then constituting orthodoxy, engendered by monkery upon the primal Buddhistic stock;
Napokon kaže da " Prema tome su ti simboli, na svom početku, utjelovljujući najviše misteriji indijske teozofije, kasnije spremno bili prihvaćeni od oštroumnog genija aleksandrijskih grka, i koji su ih spojili sa prikrivenoj mudrosti Egipta, u čijim je privlačnim i mudrim doktrine nekoliko bistrih duša srednjeg vijeka potražilo utočište od djetinjastih priča koje su u to vrijeme činile ortodoksnost, koju je stvorilo redovništvo prema iskonskim budističkim temeljima;
[Thu Oct 02 11:52:02 2003]
these sacred symbols exist even now, but serve merely for the insignia of what at best is but a charitable, probably nothing more in its present form than a convivial institution."
ti sveti simboli postoje čak i danas, no služe jedino kao simboli časti nečega što je u najboljem slučaju samo dobrotvorno, vjerojatno ništa više u svom sadašnji oblik nego ljubazna institucija."
[Thu Oct 02 12:10:16 2003]
It is to be regretted that he had not sought to explain the singular anomaly that "what at best is but a charitable, and probably nothing more than a convivial institution" has been made the depository of the symbols of an abstruse theosophy.
Sa žaljenjem se treba prihvatiti činjenica što on pokušao objasniti neobičnu nepravilnost da " nešto što je u najboljem slučaju samo dobrotvorna, vjerojatno ništa više u svom sadašnjem obliku nego ljubazna institucija, i " je pretvoreno u spremište simbola teško razumljive teozofije.
[Thu Oct 02 12:10:16 2003]
Benevolent societies and convivial clubs do not, as a rule, meddle with matters of such high import.
Blagonaklona društva i ljubazni klubovi ne, u pravilu, ometaju pitanja od tako velike važnosti.
[Thu Oct 02 12:17:15 2003]
But to this uncritical essay there need be no reply.
Međutim na ovakav nekritičan esej ne treba odgovoriti.
[Thu Oct 02 12:17:15 2003]
When anyone shall distinctly point out and enumerate the Gnostic symbols that made a part of the pure and simple symbolism of the primitive Speculative Masons, it will be time enough to seek the way in which they came there.
Kad će netko jasno istaknuti i nabrojati gnostičke simbole koji su bili dio čistog i jednostavnog simbolizma primitivnih Spekulativnih slobodnih zidara, će biti vrijeme pravo da se potraži način na koji su ti simboli tamo došli.
[Thu Oct 02 12:20:26 2003]
For the present we need not undergo the needless labor of searching for that which we are sure can not be found.
Zasad ne trebamo prolaziti kroz nepotrebno traganje za onime za što smo sigurni da se ne može pronaći ne možemo biti pronađeni.
[Thu Oct 02 15:50:46 2003]
[Thu Oct 02 15:56:52 2003]
While some of the adversaries of Freemasonry have pretended that its origin is to be found in the efforts of the Jesuits, who sought to effect certain religious and political objects through the influence of such a society, one, at least, has endeavored to trace its first rise to the Socinians, who sprang up as a religious sect in Italy about the middle of the 16th century.
Dok se neki protivnici slobodnog zidarstva tvrdili da je njegovo podrijetlo je pronalazi u djelima Isusovaca, koji su nastojali izazvati (?) neke vjerski i politički ciljeve posredovanjem takvog društva, jedna je osoba, barem, je nastojalo povezati njegovo prvo nastajanje sa sljedbenicima Socinusa, koji su nastali kao vjerska sekta u Italiji otprilike sredinom XVI. stoljeća.
[Thu Oct 02 16:12:21 2003]
[Thu Oct 02 16:19:39 2003]
In this essay Le Franc, as a loyal Catholic ecclesiastic, hating both the Freemasons and the Socinians, readily seized the idea, or at all events advanced it, that the former was derived from the latter, whose origin he assigns to the year 1546.
U tom eseju Le Franc, kao odani katolički svećenik, koji je mrzio i slobodni Zidari i sljedbenike Socinusa, spremno prihvatio ideju, ili općenito događaji koji su je promicali, da su slobodni zidari potekli od sljedbenika Socinusa, čiji početak pripisuje godini 1546.
[Thu Oct 02 16:28:02 2003]
He recapitulates, only to deny, all the other theories that have been advanced on the subject, such as that the origin of the Institution is to be sought in the fraternities of Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, or in the assembly held at York under the auspices of King Athelstane, or in the builders of King Solomon's Temple, or in the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt.
On Ukratko ponavlja, samo da bi opovrgnuo, sve ostale teorije o toj temi koje su bile promicane, kao na primjer da se podrijetlo Institucije mora tražiti u bratstvima Operativnih Slobodnih Zidara srednjeg vijeka, ili na okupljanju održanom u Yorku pod okrilje kralja Athelstanea, ili kod graditelja kralja Salomonovog' hrama, ili u Drevne misterijama Egipta.
[Thu Oct 02 16:28:02 2003]
Each of these hypotheses he refuses to admit as true.
Svaku od ovih pretpostavki on odbija priznavati kao istinit.
[Thu Oct 02 16:32:00 2003]
On the contrary, he says the Order can not be traced beyond the
Naprotiv, on kaže da se Redu ne može ući u trag izvan
[Fri Oct 03 10:12:00 2003]
But it is to Faustus Socinus, the nephew of Lalius, he asserts, that the real foundation of Freemasonry as a secret and symbolical society is to be ascribed.
Međutim izjavljuje da se stvarno utemeljenje slobodnog zidarstva kao tajnog i simboličnog društva mora pripisati Faustusu Socinusu, Laliusovom nećaku.
[Fri Oct 03 10:36:18 2003]
and in breadth from north to south."
Širenje je ovog sustava, nadalje kaže, bilo prikriveno tajanstvenom alegorijom građenja hrama koji se trebao, riječima samog slobodnog zidarstva, protezati "po duljini od istoka na zapad, i po širini od sjevera na jug."
[Fri Oct 03 10:38:28 2003]
The professors of it were therefore furnished, so as to carry out the allegory, with the various implements used in building, such as the square, the compasses, the level, and the plumb.
" Njegovi su zagovaratelji su bili stoga opskrbljeni, tako da bi ostvarili alegoriju, različitim alatima korištenim u građenju, kao što su kutomjer, šestari, libela, i visak.
[Fri Oct 03 10:38:28 2003]
And here it is that the Abbé Le Franc has found the first form and beginning of the Masonic Institution as it existed at the time of his writing.
I upravo je ovdje je opat Le Franc je otkrio prvi oblik i početak Institucije Slobodnog zidarstva onakvu kakva je bila i u vrijeme pisanja njegovog djela.
[Fri Oct 03 10:43:12 2003]
I have said that, so far as I have been able to learn, Le Franc is the sole author or inventor of this hypothesis.
Rekao sam da, s obzirom na to što sam mogao saznati, Le Franc je jedini autor ili izumitelj ove pretpostavke.
[Fri Oct 03 10:48:28 2003]
But in fact the first and second of these are identical, and Barruel has not made any allusion to it in his History of Jacobinism.
No ustvari prvi i drugi os ove trojice su podjednaki (?), a Barruel uopće na nju ne aludira aluziju u svojoj Povijesti jakobinstva.
[Fri Oct 03 10:58:07 2003]
Reghellini, in commenting on this theory of the Abbé Le Franc, says that all that is true in it is that there was at the same period, about the middle of the 16th century J a learned society of philosophers
Reghellini, kad komentira tu teoriju opata Le Franca, kaže da sve ono što je u njoj istinito je da je postojalo u istom razdoblju, otprilike sredina šesnaestog stoljeća znanstveni krug filozofa
[Fri Oct 03 11:13:31 2003]
and literary men at Vicenza, who held conferences on the theological questions which at that time divided Europe, and particularly Germany.
i književnika u Vicenzi, koji su održavali sastanke o teološkim pitanjima koja su u to vrijeme su razdvajala Europu, a naročito Njemačku.
[Fri Oct 03 11:24:21 2003]
Considering that out of these meetings of the philosophers at Vicenza issued a religious sect, whose views present a very important modification of the orthodox creeds, we may well suppose that Reghellini is as much in error in his commentary as Le Franc has been in his text.
S obzirom na to da je iz tih sastanaka filozofa u Vicenzi proizašla vjerska sekta, čiji nazori predstavljaju vrlo važnu izmjenu ortodoksnih vjerovanja, možemo s pravom pretpostaviti da Reghellini griješi u svom u svom komentiranju onoliko koliko i Le Franc u svom tekstu.
[Fri Oct 03 11:36:52 2003]
The society which met at Vicenza and at Venice, though it sought to conceal its new and heterodox doctrines under a veil of secrecy, soon became exposed to the observation of the Papal court, through whose influence the members were expelled from the Venetian republic, some of them seeking safety in Germany, but most of them in Poland, where their doctrines were not only tolerated, but in time became popular.
Krug koji se sastajao u Vicenzi i Veneciji, iako je nastojao sakriti svoje nove i heteroksne doktrine pod velom čuvanja tajne, uskoro je izložen poštovanju (?) papinskog suda, čijim su djelovanjem članovi izbačeni iz venecijanske republike, od kojih su neki potražili sigurnost u Njemačkoj, ali većina u Poljskoj, gdje njihove doktrine ne samo da su bile prihvaćene, već su i s vremenom postale popularne.
[Fri Oct 03 11:36:52 2003]
In consequence, flourishing congregations were established at Cracow, Lublin, and various other places in Poland and in Lithuania.
Kao posljedica svega toga, sve češći vjerski skupovi su utemeljivani u Krakovu, Lublinu, i raznim drugim mjestima u Poljskoj i Litvi.
[Fri Oct 03 12:05:28 2003]
Lalius Socinus had, soon after the immigration of his followers into Poland, retired to Zurich, in Switzerland, where he died.
Lalius Socinus se, nedugo nakon imigracije svojih sljedbenika u Poljsku, povukao u Zurich, u Švicarsku, gdje je umro.
[Fri Oct 03 12:05:28 2003]
He was succeeded by his nephew, Faustus Socinus, who greatly modified the doctrines of his uncle, and may be considered as the real founder of the Socinian sect of Christians.
Naslijedio ga je njegov nećaka, Faustus Socinus, koji je uvelike promijenio doktrine svog ujaka, i mogli bismo ga smatrati pravi utemeljiteljem Socinusove sekte kršćana.
[Fri Oct 03 12:10:28 2003]
Now, authentic history furnishes us with these few simple facts.
, izvorna povijest nam iznosi tih nekoliko jednostavnih činjenica.
[Fri Oct 03 12:12:39 2003]
In the 16th century secret societies were by no means uncommon in various countries of Europe.
U šesnaestom stoljeću tajna društva nisu bila ništa neobično u različitim zemljama Europe.
[Fri Oct 03 12:15:43 2003]
In Italy especially many were to be found.
Mnoga su se posebno nalazila u Italiji.
[Fri Oct 03 12:17:44 2003]
Some of these coteries were established for the cultivation of philosophical studies, some for the pursuit of alchemy, some for theological discussions, and many were of a mere social character.
Neka od tih zatvorenih društava bila osnovana za razvijanje filozofskih proučavanja, neka za bavljenje alkemijom, neka za teološke rasprave, i mnoga su bila jednostavno društvene prirode.
[Fri Oct 03 12:42:37 2003]
The name and the symbols it used, which were the trowel, the hammer, the square, and the level, have led both Lenning and Reghellini to suppose that it was a Masonic association.
Ime i simboli koji su se koristili, a to su bili zidarska žlica, čekić, kutomjer i libela, naveli su i Lenninga i Reghellinija da pretpostave da se radi o slobodnozidarskom društvu.
[Fri Oct 03 14:05:56 2003]
In an exuberance of spirits they began to throw the mortar on each other, and to call for the trowel to scrape it off.
U izobilju alkoholni piće su počeli bacati žbuku jedni na druge, i uzimati zidarsku žlicu da bi ostrugati žbuku sa sebe.
[Fri Oct 03 14:21:56 2003]
Every city in Italy in which science was cultivated had its academy, many of which, like the Platonic Academy, established at Florence in 1540, held their sessions in secret, and admitted none but members to participate in their mystical studies.
Svaki grad u Italiju u kojem se razvijala znanost je imao svoju akademiju, od kojih su mnoge, poput Platonove akademije, utemeljen u Firenci u 1540, održavale svoja okupljanja u tajnosti, i nikome osim svojim članovima nisu dozvoljavale da sudjeluju u njihovim tajanstvena proučavanjima.
[Fri Oct 03 14:22:28 2003]
In Germany the secret societies of the Alchemists were abundant.
U Njemačkoj su postojala brojna tajna društva alkemičara.
[Fri Oct 03 14:26:48 2003]
These spread also into France and England.
Ta su se društva proširila i u Francusku i Englesku.
[Fri Oct 03 14:26:48 2003]
To borrow the language of a modern writer, mystical interpretation ran riot, everything was symbolized, and metaphors were elaborated into allegories.
Jezikom modernog pisca, tajanstveno tumačenje je postajalo sve bujnije, sve je predstavljalo nekakav simbol, a metafore su pretvarane u alegorije.
[Fri Oct 03 14:41:45 2003]
in a more especial
povijesni je zapis da je 1546 postojalo društvo te vrste, koje se sastojalo od četrdesetak osoba, poznatih po svom znanju, koji, prema riječima Mosheima, " održavali tajne okupljanja, u različitim vremenima, na područje Venecije, a osobito u Vicenzi, na kojima su razmatrali s obzirom na opću reformaciju prihvaćenih sustava religije, i, u posebniji
[Fri Oct 03 14:41:45 2003]
manner, undertook to refute the peculiar doctrines that were afterwards publicly rejected by the Socinians."
način, započeli opovrgavati neobične doktrine koje su kasnije javno odbacili sljedbenici Socinusa."
[Fri Oct 03 14:55:28 2003]
Mosheim, who was rigorous in the application of the canons of criticism to all historical questions that came under his review, says, in a note appended to this passage:
Mosheim, koji je bio nemilosrdan u primjeni načela kritike na sva povijesna pitanja koja si potpala pod njegov kritički osvrt, kaže, u napomeni dodanoj ovom odlomku:
[Fri Oct 03 15:09:29 2003]
in Germany, secret assemblies were held and measures proposed in several provinces that were still under the jurisdiction of Rome, with a view to combat the errors and superstitions of the times."
u Njemačkoj, tajne okupljanje održavala i predlagale se mjere u nekoliko provincija koji su još uvijek bile pod jurisdikcijom Rima, s ciljem da se bore protiv grešaka i praznovjerja tog vremena."
[Fri Oct 03 15:19:01 2003]
Such was the character of the secret society at Vicenza to which Le Franc attributes the origin of Freemasonry.
Takve je naravi bilo tajno društvo u Vicenzi kojem Le Franc pripisuje podrijetlo slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Oct 03 15:28:15 2003]
The use of such expressions is to be attributed merely to a metaphorical and allegorical spirit by no means uncommon in writers of every age.
Primjena takvih izraza se treba pripisivati samo metaforičkom i alegorijskom duhu koji uopće nije bio neuobičajen za pisce svake dobi.
[Fri Oct 03 15:28:15 2003]
The same metaphor is repeatedly employed by St. Paul in his various Epistles, and it is not improbable that from him Socinus borrowed the idea.
Istu je metaforu je više puta primijenio Sv. Pavao u svojim različitim Poslanicama, i nije nevjerojatno da je od njega Socinus je posudio ideju.
[Fri Oct 03 15:43:34 2003]
There is, therefore, as I conceive, no historical evidence whatever to support the theory that Faustus Socinus and the Socinians were the founders of Freemasonry.
Prema tome, ne postoji,, po onome što ja zaključujem, nikakav povijesni dokaz koji bi podržao teoriju da su Faustus Socinus i sljedbenici Socinusa bili utemeljitelji slobodan zidarstvo.
[Fri Oct 03 16:55:12 2003]
[Fri Oct 03 17:17:55 2003]
The ingenious mode in which he accomplishes this task may be best explained in his own words:
domišljat način na koji izvršava ovaj zadatak najbolje je objašnjen njegovim vlastitim riječima:
[Fri Oct 03 17:27:05 2003]
"To these opinions it may be objected, that if the Fraternity of Freemasons flourished during the reign of Solomon, it would have existed in Judea in after ages, and attracted the notice of sacred or profane historians.
" Ovim se uvjerenjima može prigovoriti, da ako je Bratstvo Slobodnih zidara je napredovalo za vrijeme Salomonove vladavine, postojalo bi u Judeji u kasnijim razdobljima, i primijetili bi ga vjerski ili svjetovni povjesničari.
[Fri Oct 03 17:31:29 2003]
Whether or not this objection is well founded, we shall not pretend to determine;
Nećemo pokušati utvrditi je li ovaj prigovor dobro utemeljen ili ne;
[Fri Oct 03 17:36:10 2003]
The association here alluded to is that of the Essenes, whose origin and sentiments have occasioned much discussion among ecclesiastical historians.
Društvo na koje se ovdje aludirala je društvo Esena, čije su podrijetlo i vjerovanja izazvali mnoge rasprave među crkvenim povjesničarima.
[Fri Oct 03 17:36:10 2003]
They are all, however,
Svi su oni, međutim,
[Mon Oct 06 09:14:41 2003]
The course of argument must therefore be directed to these points.
Pravac rasprave stoga se mora usmjeriti prema ovim točkama.
[Mon Oct 06 09:17:23 2003]
In the first place we must inquire, who were the Essenes and what was their history?
Prvenstveno se moramo zapitati, tko su bili Eseni i kakva je njihova povijest?
[Mon Oct 06 09:18:41 2003]
But the integrity of the present argument will require, and I trust excuse, the necessity of a repetition.
No cjelovitost trenutne rasprave će zahtijevati, a ja vjerujem i opravdati, potrebno ponavljanje.
[Mon Oct 06 09:28:38 2003]
However, in connection with the present argument, the settlement of this question is of no material importance.
Međutim, u vezi sa sadašnjim raspravom, rješenje ovog pitanja nije od nikakve materijalne važnosti.
[Mon Oct 06 10:11:14 2003]
The Masonic student will find the subject discussed in the author's Encyclopadia of Freemasonry, and the ordinary reader may be referred to the able article in McClintock and Strong's Cyclopadia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature.
Proučavatelj slobodnog zidarstva će pronaći ovu temu raspravljen u autorovoj Enciklopediji o Slobodnog zidarstvo, i običan čitatelj bi mogao biti upućen na stručni članak u McClintockovoj i Strongovoj' Enciklopediji o biblijskoj, teološkoj, i crkvenoj književnosti.
[Mon Oct 06 10:14:33 2003]
It is in the main correct and sustained by other authorities, except a few deductions which must be attributed to the natural inclination of every theorist to adapt facts to his hypothesis.
Uglavnom je ispravan i podržan od strane drugih nadležnih tijela, osim nekoliko zaključaka koji se moraju pripisati prirodnoj sklonosti svakog teoretičara da prilagava činjenice svojoj pretpostavci.
[Mon Oct 06 10:14:33 2003]
A few interpolations will be necessary to correct manifest errors.
Bit će potrebno nekoliko interpolacija da bi se ispravile očite pogreške.
[Mon Oct 06 10:30:11 2003]
"When a candidate was proposed for admission, the strictest scrutiny was made into his character.
" Kad kandidat je bio predložen za primanje, njegova je narav bila povrgnuta najstrožem ispitivanju.
[Mon Oct 06 10:47:03 2003]
"A solemn oath was then administered to him that he would never divulge the mysteries of the Order;
" Tada mu je dodijeljena svečana zakletva kojom se obvezao da nikad neće odati tajne Reda;
[Mon Oct 06 10:48:24 2003]
and that he would continue in that honorable course of piety and virtue which he had begun to pursue."
i da će nastaviti tim plemenit smjerom religioznosti i kreposti kojeg je počeo slijediti."
[Mon Oct 06 10:51:47 2003]
This is a mere abstract of the oath, which is given at length by Josephus.
To je samo sažetak zakletve, koju je u potpunosti iznio Josip.
[Mon Oct 06 10:53:39 2003]
It was not, however, administered.
Međutim, nije se dodjeljivala
[Mon Oct 06 10:53:39 2003]
until the candidate had passed through all the degrees or stages, and was ready to be admitted into full fellowship.
Međutim, nije se dodjeljivala sve do kandidat nije prošao sve stupnjeve ili etape, i bio spreman da bude primljen u punopravno članstvo.
[Mon Oct 06 10:55:15 2003]
"Like Freemasons, they instructed the young member in the knowledge which they derived from their ancestors."
" Poput slobodnih Zidara, i oni su poučavali mladog člana znanje koje su dobili od svojih predaka."
[Mon Oct 06 11:03:12 2003]
He might have said, like all other sects, in which the instruction of the young member is an imperative duty.
Možda je mislio, poput svih ostalih sekti, na znanje u kojem je poduka mladog člana je neophodna dužnost.
[Mon Oct 06 11:07:40 2003]
Though this is intended by the editor to show a point of identity with Freemasonry, it does no such thing.
Iako je urednikova namjena bila prikazati točku sličnosti sa Slobodnim zidarstvo, u tome nije uspio.
[Mon Oct 06 11:07:40 2003]
It is the common rule
Uobičajeno je pravilo
[Mon Oct 06 11:18:17 2003]
of all masculine associations.
svih muških udruženja.
[Mon Oct 06 11:18:18 2003]
Slobodan zidari.
[Mon Oct 06 11:22:39 2003]
This is a mere assumption.
" To je puka pretpostavka.
[Mon Oct 06 11:31:31 2003]
But there is no authorityfor saying that these signs of the Essenes bore any resemblance to those of the Freemasons.
No nema dokaza za kojim bismo mogli reći da su ti znakovi Esena bili slični na bilo koji način onima slobodnih Zidara.
[Mon Oct 06 11:34:21 2003]
But Philo does not say that it was used as a sign of recognition, but rather speaks of it as an attitude or posture assumed in their assemblies.
" No Philo ne kaže je to bio znak raspoznavanja, već zapravo govori o tome kao stavu ili držanju tijela koji su zauzimali na svojim okupljanjima.
[Mon Oct 06 11:34:21 2003]
Of the resemblance every Mason can judge for himself.
O sličnosti svaki slobodni zidar može procijeniti sam za sebe.
[Mon Oct 06 11:54:32 2003]
This was the common meal, not partaken on set occasions and in a particular place, as the writer intimates, but every day, in their usual habitation and at the close of daily labor.
Radilo se o običnom obroku, na kojem se sudjelovalo u posebnim prilika i na određeno mjesto, kako pisac sugerira, već svaki dan, u njihovom uobičajeno prebivalište i pri kraju svakodnevne rada.
[Mon Oct 06 11:57:35 2003]
"They abolished all distinctions of rank;
" su ukinuli sve staležne razlike;
[Mon Oct 06 11:59:04 2003]
and if preference was ever given, it was given to piety, liberality, and virtue.
a ako je povlastica ikad davana, to je bilo zbog religioznosti, veledušnosti i kreposti.
[Mon Oct 06 12:01:38 2003]
Treasurers were appointed in every town to supply the wants of indigent strangers.
Rizničari su bili postavljeni u svakom gradu da bi zadovoljili nestašice siromašnih stranaca.
[Mon Oct 06 12:01:41 2003]
The Essenes pretended to higher degrees of piety and knowledge than the uneducated vulgar, and though their pretensions were high, they were n eve';
Eseni su težili višim stupnjevima religioznosti i znanja nego neobrazovan običan puk, i iako su njihove težnje su bile visoke, njihovi ih neprijatelji nisu nikad dovodili u pitanje';
[Mon Oct 06 12:02:27 2003]
their enemies.
Eseni su težili višim stupnjevima religioznosti i znanja nego neobrazovan običan puk, i iako su njihove težnje su bile visoke, njihovi ih neprijatelji nisu nikad dovodili u pitanje.
[Mon Oct 06 12:06:56 2003]
Austerity of manners was one of the chief characteristics of the Essenian Fraternity.
Strogost ponašanja je bila jedna od glavnih obilježja esenskog bratstva.
[Mon Oct 06 12:06:56 2003]
They frequently assembled, however, in convivial parties, and relieved for awhile the severity of those duties which they were accustomed to perform."
Često su se okupljali, međutim, na društvenim zabavama, i olakšali si na neko vrijeme oštrinu tih dužnosti na čije su vršenje bili naviknuli."
[Mon Oct 06 12:19:16 2003]
between the chief features of the Masonic and Essenian Fraternities can be accounted for only by referring them to the same origin."
između glavnih obilježja slobodnozidarskih i esenskih Bratstava može se objasniti samo ako im se pripiše isto podrijetlo."
[Mon Oct 06 12:19:16 2003]
Another, and, perhaps, a better reason to account for these coincidences will be hereafter presented.
" Drugi, i, možda, bolji razlog za objašnjenje tih podudarnosti će biti u nastavku iznešen.
[Mon Oct 06 12:33:00 2003]
On the contrary, there is a total dissimilarity in each of these points.
Naprotiv, postoji potpuna različitost u svakoj od ovih točaka.
[Mon Oct 06 12:39:36 2003]
The object of the Essenes was to preserve in its most rigid requirements the observance of the Mosaic law;
Cilj je Esena je bio sačuvati poštovanje mozaičnog zakona prema njegovim najstrožim zahtjevima;
[Mon Oct 06 12:39:36 2003]
that of Freemasonry is to diffuse the tolerant principles of a universal religion, which men of every sect and creed may approve.
cilj Slobodnog zidarstvo je proširiti liberalna načela univerzalne religije, koju mogu odobriti ljudi svake sekte i vjere.
[Mon Oct 06 12:58:05 2003]
"There is one point, however," he says, "which may, at first sight, seem to militate against this supposition.
"Međutim, postoji jedna točka," kaže "koja bi se mogla, na prvi pogled, činiti protivnom ovoj pretpostavci.
[Mon Oct 06 14:10:31 2003]
The Essenes appear in no respects connected with architecture;
Ne čini se da su Eseni ni na koji način povezani s arhitekturom;
[Mon Oct 06 14:10:31 2003]
nor addicted to those sciences and pursuits which are subsidiary to the art of building."
niti naviknuti na one znanostima i djelatnosti koje su pomoćne u umjetnosti građenja."
[Mon Oct 06 14:28:58 2003]
that body of builders with the Freemasonry of the present day must show, in every link, the presence and the continuance of pursuits and ideas connected with the operative art of building.
to tijelo graditelja s Slobodnim zidarstvo današnjice mora pokazati, u svakoj povezanosti, prisutnost i kontinuiranost djelatnosti i ideja povezanih s operativnim umijećem građenja.
[Mon Oct 06 14:31:54 2003]
Even the speculative Masons of the present day have not disturbed that chain, because, though the fraternity.
Čak Spekulativni slobodni zidar današnjice nisu poremetili taj niz, jer, iako se bratstvo ne čine
[Mon Oct 06 14:31:54 2003]
is not now composed, necessarily, of architects and builders, yet the ideas and pursuits of those professions are retained in the Speculative science, all of whose symbolism is founded on the operative art.
Čak Spekulativni slobodni zidar današnjice nisu poremetili taj niz, jer, iako se bratstvo ne čine sada ne sastoji, neophodno, od arhitekata i graditelja, ipak su ideje i djelatnosti tih zanimanja sačuvane u Spekulativnoj znanosti, čiji se cjelokupan simbolizam temelji na operativnom umijeću.
[Mon Oct 06 14:37:50 2003]
The Essenes were not even Speculative Masons.
Eseni nisu bili čak niti Spekulativni slobodni Zidar.
[Mon Oct 06 14:41:50 2003]
Their symbolism, if they had any, was not founded on nor had any reference to the art of building.
Njihov simbolizam, ako su ga uopće imali, nije temeljio niti je upućivao na umijeće građenja.
[Mon Oct 06 14:43:16 2003]
The apron which they presented to their novice was intended to be used, according to their practice, in baptism and in bathing;
Pregača koju su davali svojim početničkom bila je namijenjena korištenju, prema njihovom običaju, kod krštenja i kupanja;
[Mon Oct 06 14:43:16 2003]
and the spade had no symbolic meaning, but was simply intended for practical purposes.
i kopača nije imala simbolično značenje, već je jednostavno bila za praktične namjene.
[Mon Oct 06 15:00:47 2003]
It is absurd to suppose the interpolation between these two classes of an institution which neither practically nor symbolically cultivated the art on which the very existence of Freemasonry in either condition is based.
Besmisleno je pretpostaviti interpolaciju između ove dvije kategorija institucije koje niti praktički niti simbolično nisu njegovale umijeće na kojem se temelji samo postojanje slobodan zidarstvo u oba slučaja.
[Mon Oct 06 15:18:13 2003]
This, though merely a legend, is not at all improbable.
Iako se radi samo o legenda, ona nije sasvim nevjerojatna.
[Mon Oct 06 15:18:14 2003]
It is very likely that the Tyrian workmen, at least (and they constituted the larger number of those employed in the building), returned to their homes after the tasks for which
Moguće je da su se tirijski radnici, u najmanju ruku (a oni su sačinjavali veći dio onih koji su bili uključeni u izgradnji), vratili svojim kućama nakon zadataka zbog kojeg
[Mon Oct 06 15:37:38 2003]
If there were any Jewish Masons at all, who were not mere laborers, it is not unreasonable to suppose that they would seek employment elsewhere, in the art of building which they had acquired from their Tyrian masters.
Ako su uopće postojali neki židovski Slobodne Zidare, koji nisu bili običan radnici, nije pretjerano pretpostaviti da oni pokušali pronaći zaposlenje negdje drugdje, u umijeću građenja kojeg su stekli od svojih tirijskih majstora.
[Mon Oct 06 15:37:38 2003]
This is a proper deduction from the tradition, considered as such.
To je pravilno izvođenje iz tradicije kao takve zaključivanje od tradicije, je razmotrio kao takav.
[Mon Oct 06 15:44:54 2003]
Who, then, were left to continue the due succession of the fraternity?
Tko, zatim, je ostao da bi nastavio zasluženo nasljedstvo bratstva?
[Mon Oct 06 15:44:54 2003]
Brewster, in Lawrie's History, and Oliver, in his Antiquities, affirm that it was the Essenes.
Brewster, u Lawrijevoj Povijest, i Oliver, u svojim Antiknostima, potvrđuju da se radi o Esenima.
[Mon Oct 06 15:51:02 2003]
If there were any Jewish Masons at all, who were not mere laborers, it is not unreasonable to suppose that they would seek employment elsewhere, in the art of building which they had acquired from their Tyrian masters.
Ako su uopće postojali neki židovske Slobodne Zidare uopće, koji nisu bili obični radnici, nije pretjerano pretpostaviti da oni bi pokušali potražiti zaposlenje negdje drugdje, u području umijeća građenja koje naučili od svojih tirijskih majstora.
[Mon Oct 06 15:51:04 2003]
This is a proper deduction from the tradition, considered as such (?)
To je pravilan zaključak iz tradicije, koja je shvaćena kao takva ?)
[Mon Oct 06 15:51:04 2003]
[Mon Oct 06 15:58:01 2003]
But we do not hear of this sect as an organized body until eight centuries afterward.
Međutim, o ovoj sekti kao o organiziranom tijelu čujemo tek osam stoljeća nakon.
[Mon Oct 06 16:00:25 2003]
It is something which, as he himself admits, is incredible;
Radi se o nečem što je, kao što on sam priznaje, nevjerojatno;
[Mon Oct 06 16:00:25 2003]
and Pliny is no authority in Jewish affairs.
a Plinije nije autoritet za židovska pitanja.
[Mon Oct 06 16:04:37 2003]
Josephus speaks of them, as existing in the days of Jonathan the Maccabaan;
Josip govori o njima, kao da su postojale u dane Jonathana Makabejca;
[Mon Oct 06 16:07:20 2003]
but this was only 143 years before Christ.
ali to su samo 143 godine prije Krista.
[Mon Oct 06 16:30:23 2003]
Basnage actually says that they existed in the reign of Antigonus, but this was only 105 B.C.
Basnage ustvari kaže da oni su postojali za vrijeme vladavine Antigonusa, no to je bilo samo 105 prije Krista..
[Thu Oct 09 08:14:08 2003]
from injury and decay."
od štete i propadanje."
[Thu Oct 09 08:26:12 2003]
All this is very ingenious, but it is very untrue.
Svi je to vrlo domišljato, no i vrlo netočno.
[Thu Oct 09 08:26:12 2003]
It is, however, the style, now nearly obsolete, it is to be hoped, in which Masonic history has been written.
, naime, radi se o stilu koji je danas vrlo zastario,, za nadati se, kojim je slobodnozidarska povijest napisana.
[Thu Oct 09 08:51:48 2003]
Scaliger, who is cited in Lawrie's History as authority, only says that the Assideans were a confraternity of Jews whose principal devotion consisted in keeping up the edifices belonging to the Temple;
Scaliger, koji se citiran u Lawrijevoj Povijest kao izvor, samo kaže da su Asidejci but bratovština Židova čija se glavna obveza se sastojala od održavanja građevina koje su pripadale Hramu;
[Thu Oct 09 09:01:09 2003]
With the Temple of Solomon and with its builders the Assideans could not have had any connection.
Sa Salomonovim Hramom i s njegovim graditeljima Asidejci nisu nikako mogli biti povezani bilo kakvu povezanost.
[Thu Oct 09 09:11:21 2003]
Prideaux says that the Jews were divided, after the captivity, into two classes - the Zadikim or righteous, who observed only the written law of Moses, and the Chasidim or pious, who superadded
Prideaux kaže da Židovi su bili podijeljeni, nakon sužanjstva, u dvije skupine Zadikim ili pravedni, koji su poštovali samo pisan Mojsijev zakon, i Hasidim ili pobožni, koji su dodali
[Thu Oct 09 09:18:58 2003]
the traditions of the elders.
tradicije starijih.
[Thu Oct 09 09:20:55 2003]
sounds of the original Hebrew letters.
zvukova izvornih hebrejskih slova.
[Thu Oct 09 09:33:56 2003]
Some of them are said to have gone to Egypt, and there to have founded the ascetic sect of Therapeutists.
Za neke se kaže da su otišli u Egipat, i da su tamo utemeljili isposničku sektu Terapeutičara.
[Thu Oct 09 09:53:50 2003]
And hence, between all fraternities, ancient and modern, these "remarkable coincidences" will be apt to be found.
I stoga, između svih bratstava, drevnih i modernih, te " izvanredne podudarnosti " će se moći lako pronaći.
[Thu Oct 09 16:10:07 2003]
[Thu Oct 09 16:33:17 2003]
There are, however, brief allusions in that document to them;
Međutim, u tom dokumentu postoje neke aluzije na njih;
[Thu Oct 09 16:36:53 2003]
Legends was familiar to the Mediaval Masons, or, perhaps, which is more probable, that they have suggested a foundation for the fabrication of these legendary narratives at a later period by the Speculative Freemasons of the 18th century.
gotovo da se uopće ne zapaža, ali koje bi mogle naznačiti da je neki takav oblik, možda vrlo izobličen, nekih takvih Legendi bio poznat srednjovjekovnim slobodni zidarima, ili, možda, ono što je vjerojatnije, da one ponudile temelj za izradu tih legendarnih pripovijetki u kasnijem razdoblju od strane spekulativnih slobodnih Zidara osamnaestog stoljeća.
[Thu Oct 09 16:57:32 2003]
Of these Legends and of some minor ones of the same class, Dr. Oliver has spoken with great fairness in his Historical Landmarks, in the following words:
O tim Legendama i nekim manje važnima koje spadaju u istu kategoriju, Dr. Oliver govori s velikom jasnoćom u svojim Povijesnim prekretnica, na sljedeći način:
[Thu Oct 09 17:19:08 2003]
and their aid rejected.
i njihova pomoć odbijena.
[Thu Oct 09 17:27:19 2003]
I shall not, however, in any case, use their evidence as a prima facie means of proving any doubtful proposition, but merely in corroboration of an argument which might probably be complete without their aid.
neću, međutim, u svakom slučaju, upotrijebiti njihov dokaz kao prima facie sredstva za dokazivanje bilo kakvog sumnjiv tvrdnje, već samo za potvrđivanje teme koja bi se vjerojatno mogla dovršiti bez njihove pomoći.
[Thu Oct 09 17:39:55 2003]
Without discussing the question of their great antiquity, or of their original purity and subsequent distortion and perversion, I propose to present these Legends to the Masonic reader, because they are really not so much traditional narratives of events that are supposed to have at some time occurred, but because they are to be considered really as allegorio1~tempts to symbolize certain ethical or religious ideas, the expression of which lies at the very foundation of the Masonic system.
Da ne raspravljamo pitanje o njihovoj velikoj starosti, ili o njihovoj izvorne čistoće i kasnijem iskrivljavanju i krivom tumačenju, predlažem da se te Legende predstave sadašnjim slobodnozidarskom čitatelju, jer se zapravo ne radi toliko o tradicionalne prepričavanjima slučajeva koji su se navodno jednom se dogodili, već zato što ih se treba razmotriti zapravo kao alegorijske pokušaje allegorio1tempts~ da predstavljaju neke etičke ili vjerske ideje, izražavanje koje se nalazi u samom temelju slobodnozidarskog sustava.
[Thu Oct 09 17:45:55 2003]
So considered, they must be deemed of great value.
Shvaćene na taj način, vjerojatno su smatrane od velike važnosti.
[Fri Oct 10 09:09:18 2003]
These may, indeed, have been the foundation on which the Masonic ones have been built, the "distortion or perversion" being simply those variations which were necessary to connect the legendary statements more intimately and consistently with the Masonic symbolic ideas.
Te su Legende, doista, možda temelj na kojem su nastale slobodnozidarske legende, " iskrivljavanje ili krivo tumačenje " koje jednostavno varijacije koju se bile neophodne za potpunije i čvršće spajanje legendarnih opisa sa slobodnozidarskim simboličnim idejama.
[Fri Oct 10 09:26:36 2003]
him the Most High,
njega Najuzvišenijeg,
[Fri Oct 10 09:27:17 2003]
(Rapt in a balmy cloud with winged steeds)
(uznesen na blagom oblaku krilatim atima)
[Fri Oct 10 09:29:20 2003]
Did, as thou seest, receive to walk with God
, Kao što vidiš, Dopušteno mu je hodati s Bogom
[Fri Oct 10 09:29:48 2003]
High in salvation and the claims of bliss,
Visoko u spasenje i pravo na blaženstva,
[Fri Oct 10 09:29:48 2003]
Exempt from death."
Pošteđen smrti."
[Fri Oct 10 09:52:32 2003]
of a similar nature, and with the Masonic symbolism which it seems to embody.
, i slobodnozidarskim simbolizmom kojeg se čini da utjelovljuje.
[Fri Oct 10 09:52:32 2003]
The Legend as accepted by the Craft, from a time hereafter to be referred to, runs to the following effect.
Legenda kakvom ju je prihvatio Zanat, od razdoblja na koje će se u nastavku aludirati, želi ostaviti (?) sljedeći dojam.
[Fri Oct 10 10:00:34 2003]
Enoch, being inspired by the Most High, and in obedience to a vision, constructed underground, in the bosom of Mount Moriah, an edifice consisting of nine brick vaults situated perpendicularly beneath each other and communicating by apertures left in the arch of each vault.
Enoh, nadahnut Najuzvišenijim, i iz poslušnost prema viziji, je izgradila u podzemlju, u srcu Planine Morija, građevina koja se sastojala od devet zidanih svodova postavljenih okomito jedna ispod druge i kojom se prolazilo ostavljenim otvorima u luku svakog svoda.
[Fri Oct 10 10:07:09 2003]
He then caused a triangular plate of gold to be made, each side of which was a cubit long;
Zatim je napravio trokutasti tanjur od zlata, čija je svaka strana bila duga jedan lakat;
[Fri Oct 10 10:10:11 2003]
he enriched it with the most precious stones, and engraved upon it the ineffable name of God.
ukrasio ga je najdragocjenijim kamenjem, i uklesao na njega neizrecivo ime Boga.
[Fri Oct 10 10:10:11 2003]
He then encrusted the plate upon a stone of agate of the same form, which he placed upon a cubical stone of marble, and deposited the whole within the ninth or innermost vault.
zatim je pričvrstio tanjur na kamenu od ahata od istog oblika, koji je postavio na kockasti kamen od mramora, i je pohranio sve zajedno unutar devetog ili najdubljeg svoda.
[Fri Oct 10 10:30:59 2003]
When this subterranean building was completed, Enoch made a slab or door of stone, and, attaching to it a ring of iron, by which it might, if necessary, be raised, he placed it over the aperture of the uppermost arch, and so covered it over with soil that the opening could not easily be discovered.
Kad je ta podzemna građevina dovršena, Enoh je napravio kamenu ploču ili vrata, i, dodajući na to željezni kolut, pomoću kojeg su se, po potrebi, ta vrata ili ploča podizale, postavio ih to preko otvora najvišeg svoda, i tako ih prekrio preko zemljom da se otvor nije mogao lako otkriti.
[Fri Oct 10 10:52:12 2003]
As a traditional narrative it has not the slightest support of authentic history, and
Kao tradicionalna pripovijetka nema ni najmanjeg vjerodostojne povijesti koja bi ju podržala, i
[Fri Oct 10 11:03:06 2003]
the events that it relates do not recommend themselves by an air of probability.
događaji koje opisuje ne mogu se pohvaliti da ostavljaju dojam vjerojatnosti.
[Fri Oct 10 11:03:06 2003]
But, accepted as the expression of a symbolic idea, it undoubtedly possesses some value.
No, ako ih prihvatimo kao izraz simboličnih ideja, bez sumnje imaju neku vrijednost.
[Fri Oct 10 11:05:47 2003]
That part of the Legend which refers to the two pillars is undoubtedly a perversion of the old Craft Legend of Lamech's sons, which has already been treated in this work.
onaj dio Legende koji se odnosi na ta dva stupa predstavlja nesumnjivo krivo tumačenje stare Legende o Zanatu sinova Lameka, o čemu se već raspravljalo u ovom djelu.
[Fri Oct 10 11:05:47 2003]
It will need no further consideration.
Daljnje razmatranje neće biti potrebno.
[Fri Oct 10 11:10:12 2003]
This is in fact the true symbolism of the Legend, and it is thus connected with the whole system of Freemasonry in its Speculative form.
To je ustvari pravi simbolizam Legende, pa je stoga povezan s cijelim sustavom Slobodnog zidarstvo u svom Spekulativan oblik.
[Fri Oct 10 11:16:44 2003]
None of the old manuscript Constitutions contain the name of Enoch, nor does he appear to have been deemed by the Mediaval Masons to be one of the worthies of the Craft.
Nijedna od starih Konstitucija manuskripta ne sadržava Enohovo ime, niti se čini da su ga srednjovjekovni slobodni zidari smatrali jednim od uglednih ljudi Zanata.
[Fri Oct 10 11:16:59 2003]
The Enoch spoken of in the Cooke M S.
Enoh o kojem se govori u Cookeovom rukopisu
[Fri Oct 10 11:19:23 2003]
is the son of Cain, and not the seventh Patriarch.
Enoh o kojem se govori u Cookeovom rukopisu je Kainov sin, a ne sedmi patrijarh.
[Fri Oct 10 11:19:23 2003]
We must conclude, therefore, that the Legend was a fabrication of a later day, and in no way suggested by anything contained in the original Craft Legend.
moramo zaključiti, stoga, da je Legenda nastala kasnije, i ništa što se nalazi u sadržan u izvornoj Legendi o Zanatu nikako ne upućuje na nju.
[Fri Oct 10 11:28:54 2003]
But that there were traditions outside of Masonry, which prevailed in the Middle Ages, in reference to subterranean caves in Mount Moriah is evident from the writings of the old historians.
No očito je iz tekstova starih povjesničara da su postojale tradicije izvan slobodnog zidarstva, koje su prevladavale u srednjem vijeku, s obzirom na podzemne špilje u planini Moriji.
[Fri Oct 10 11:32:12 2003]
There was also in this vault, as in that of Enoch, a cubical stone, on which the ark was placed.
Je postojala također u ovaj svod, kao i na Enohovoj svodu, tako je i na ovom postojao kockasti kamen, na kojeg je arka bila postavljena.
[Fri Oct 10 11:40:08 2003]
There is a tradition also, among the Arabians, of a sacred stone found by Abraham beneath the earth, and made by him the stone of foundation of the temple which Jehovah ordered him to erect - a temple the tradition of which is confined to the Mohammedans.
Postoji i tradicija, među Arapima, o svetom kamena koje je pronašao pored Abrahama pod zemljom, i kojeg je pretvorio u njega kamen temeljac hrama kojeg mu je Jehova naredio da podigne hram čija je tradicija ograničena na Muhamedove sljedbenike.
[Fri Oct 10 11:44:28 2003]
But the most curious story is one told by Nicephorus Callistus, a Greek historian of the I4th century, in his Ecclesiastical Histories.
No najneobičnija je priča koju je ispričao Nicephorus Callistus, grčki povjesničar I4th iz četrnaestog stoljeća, u svojoj Crkvenoj povijesti.
[Fri Oct 10 12:12:44 2003]
When detailing the events that occurred while Julian the Apostate was making his attempt to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem, he narrates the following fable, but of whose fabulous character the too credulous monk has not the slightest notion.
Kad prepričava događaji koji su se dogodio kad je Julijan Apostat pokušao ponovo izgraditi jeruzalemski Hram, priča sljedeću priču, no o čijoj izmišljenoj/nevjerojatnoj (?) naravi previše lakovjeran redovnik nema niti najmanju ideju.
[Fri Oct 10 12:22:32 2003]
But as the cave could not be distinctly seen, those who had charge of the work, wishing to explore it, that they might be better acquainted with the place, sent one of the workmen down tied to a long rope.
No budući da se špilja nije mogla jasno vidjeti, oni koji su bili zaduženi za posao, želeći ju pretražiti, da bi se mogli bolje upuznati s mjestom, poslali su dolje jednog radnika koji je bio privezan dugim užetom.
[Fri Oct 10 12:23:52 2003]
When he got to the bottom he found water up to his legs.
Kad je došao do dna vidio je da voda doalzi do nogu.
[Fri Oct 10 12:25:19 2003]
Searching the cavern on every side, he found by touching with his hands that it was of a quadrangular form.
Pretražujući špilju na svakoj strani, je ustanovio pipajući rukama da je četverokutnog oblika.
[Fri Oct 10 12:39:08 2003]
But when the book was unfolded, not only the Jews but the Greeks were astounded.
No kad knjiga rasklopljena, nisu se zapanili samo Židovi već i Grci.
[Fri Oct 10 12:39:42 2003]
For even at the beginning it declared in large letters:
Jer je i na samome početku otkrivala velikim slovima:
[Fri Oct 10 12:41:43 2003]
[Fri Oct 10 12:41:43 2003]
To speak plainly, the writing embraced the whole Gospel which was announced in the Divine tongue of the Virgin disciple."
Da se izrazim iskreno, tekst je obuhvaćao cijelo Evanđelje koje je objavljeno božanski jezik djevičanskog učenika."
[Fri Oct 10 12:56:25 2003]
Enoch is first introduced to the Craft as one of the founders of
Enoh najprije je uveden u Zanat kao jedan od utemeljitelja
[Fri Oct 10 14:08:58 2003]
Geometry and Masonry, by Anderson, in the year 1723, who, in the Constitutions printed in that year, has the following passage:
geometrije i Slobodno Zidarstvo, Anderson, u godinu 1723, koji, u Konstitucijama tiskanima te godine, ima sljedeći odlomak: