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[Tue Oct 14 16:08:54 2003]
extensive botanic gardens, and large fields in which all kinds of animals were collected for the study of their instinct and habits, and houses filled with all the wonders of nature and art.
veliki botanički vrtovi, i velika polja u kojima su bile okupljene sve vrste životinja radi proučavanje njihovih nagona i navika, te kuće ispunjene sa svim čudesima prirode i umjetnosti.
[Tue Oct 14 16:12:07 2003]
They made journeys into foreign countries, and observations on what they saw.
Putovali su u strane zemlje, i te bilježili zapažanja o onome što su vidjeli.
[Tue Oct 14 16:15:15 2003]
This romance, says Nicolai, which was in accord with the prevailing taste of the age, contributed far more to spread the views of Bacon on the observation of nature than his more learned and profound work had been able to do.
Ta romanca, kaže Nicolai, koja je bila u skladu sa prevladavajućim ukusom toga doba, doprinijela je mnogo više širenju Baconovih stavova o promatranju prirode nego štoj je to uspjelo njegovom učenijem i dubokoumnijem djelu.
[Tue Oct 14 16:16:00 2003]
King Charles I.
Kralj Karlo I
[Tue Oct 14 16:24:21 2003]
was anxious to establish something like it, but was prevented by the civil wars.
Kralj Karlo I je žarko želio utemeljiti nešto poput nje, no spriječili su ga građanski ratovi.
[Tue Oct 14 16:30:10 2003]
Accordingly, in 1646, a society of learned men was established, all of whom were of Bacon's opinion, that philosophy and the physical sciences should be placed within the reach of all thinking minds.
Prema tome, 1646, utemeljeno je društvo učenjaka, od kojih su svi podržavali Baconovo uvjerenje, da filozofija i fizičke znanosti trebaju biti stavljene unutar dosega svih mislećih umova.
[Tue Oct 14 16:31:05 2003]
They held meetings at which - believing that instruction in physics was to be sought by a mutual communication of ideas - they made many scientific experiments in common.
Održavali su sastanke na kojima su - vjerujući da se do poznavanja fizike dolazi uzajamnom razmjenom ideja - napravili su mnoge zajedničke znanstvene pokuse.
[Tue Oct 14 16:31:06 2003]
Among these men were John Wallis, John Wilkins, Jonathan Goddard, Samuel Foster, Francis Glisson, and many others, all of whom were, fourteen years afterward, the founders of the Royal Society
Među tim ljudima su bili John Wallis, John Wilkins, Jonathan Goddard, Samuel Foster, Francis Glisson, i mnogi drugi, od kojih su svi bili, četrnaest godina kasnije, osnivači Kraljevskoga društva
[Tue Oct 14 16:39:08 2003]
Devotion had passed into enthusiasm and that into fanaticism, and sanguinary wars and revolutions were the result
Odanost je bila prešla u oduševljenje, a oduševljenje u fanatizam, a krvavi ratovi i revolucije bile su posljedica toga
[Tue Oct 14 16:50:07 2003]
The taint of this dark and sad character is met with in all the science, the philosophy, and even in the oratory and poetry of the period.
Okaljanost takve mračne i tužne naravi nalazimo u svim znanostima, filozofiji, pa čak i u govorništvu i pjesništvu toga razdoblja.
[Tue Oct 14 16:51:59 2003]
Astrology and Theurgy were then in all their glory.
Astrologija i teurgija uživale su tada svu svoju slavu.
[Tue Oct 14 16:56:23 2003]
A few learned men, disheartened by this obscuration of intellectual light, had organized a society In 1646;
Nekolicina učenih ljudi, klonulih duhom uslijed takve zamračenosti umnoga svjetla, utemeljila je društvo 1646. godine;
[Tue Oct 14 17:01:59 2003]
Hence their society became a secret one.
Stoga je njihovo društvo postalo tajno.
[Tue Oct 14 17:02:19 2003]
The first members of this society were, says Nicolai, Elias Ashmole, the celebrated antiquary;
Prvi članovi ovoga društva bili su, kaže Nicolai, Elias Ashmole, glasoviti antički stručnjak;
[Tue Oct 14 17:02:21 2003]
William Lilly, a famous astrologer;
William Lilly, slavni astrolog;
[Tue Oct 14 17:02:23 2003]
Thomas Wharton, a physician;
Thomas Wharton, liječnik;
[Tue Oct 14 17:02:25 2003]
George Wharton;
George Wharton;
[Tue Oct 14 17:02:51 2003]
William Oughtred, a mathematician;
William Oughtred, matematičar;
[Tue Oct 14 17:04:40 2003]
Dr. John Hewitt, and Dr. John Pearson, both clergymen, and several others.
John Hewitt, i dr. John Pearson, oba svećenici, i nekolicina drugih.
[Tue Oct 14 17:05:19 2003]
It had previously held one meeting at Warrington, in Lancashire, but it was first firmly established at London
Prethodno su održali jedan sastanak u Warringtonu, u Lancashireu, no prvi puta je odlučno utemeljeno u Londonu
[Tue Oct 14 17:07:57 2003]
Its object was to build the House of Solomon in a literal sense;
Njegov cilj je bio sagraditi Kuću Salomonovu u doslovnom smislu;
[Tue Oct 14 17:09:24 2003]
but the establishment was to remain as secret as the island of Bensalem in Bacon's New Atlantis;
no građevina je trebala ostati u tajnosti poput otoka Bensalema u Baconovoj Novoj Atlantidi;
[Tue Oct 14 17:09:35 2003]
that is, they were to be engaged in the study of nature, but the instructions were to remain within the society in an esoteric form;
to jest, oni su se bavili proučavanjem prirode, no naučavanje je trebalo do ostati unutar društva u ezoteričnome obliku;
[Tue Oct 14 17:10:35 2003]
in other words, it was to be a secret society.
drugim riječima, to je trebalo biti tajno društvo.
[Tue Oct 14 17:11:46 2003]
Allegories were used by these philosophers to express their ideas.
Ovi filozofi su koristili alegorije da bi izrazili svoje zamisli.
[Tue Oct 14 17:19:21 2003]
First were the ancient columns of Hermes, by which Jamblichus pretended that he had enlightened all the doubts of Porphyry.
Prvi su bili drevni stupovi Hermesa, pomoću kojih se Jamblih pretvarao da je prosvjetio sve Porfirijeve dvojbe.
[Tue Oct 14 17:22:53 2003]
You then mounted, by several steps, to a chequered floor divided into four regions, to denote the four superior sciences, after which came the types of the six days, which expressed the object of the society.
Tada biste se popeli, uz nekoliko stuba, do kockastoga poda podijeljenoga na četiri dijela, koji je označavao četiri nadmoćne znanosti, nakon čega su uslijedili primjeri šest dana, koji su odražavali cilj društva.
[Tue Oct 14 17:23:27 2003]
This, says Nicolai, was the essence of the mystical and alchemical doctrine of the age, so that we may
To je, kaže Nicolai, bila suština mistične i alkemijske doktrine toga vremena, tako da možemo
[Wed Oct 15 11:24:11 2003]
But it is always easy for a man of quality or of letters to gain admission into one of these companies.
No uvijek je lako sposobnom ili pismenom čovjeku ostvariti pristup jednome od ovih društava.
[Wed Oct 15 11:28:03 2003]
Now, several members of the society that has just been described were also members of the Company of Masons.
, Nekoliko članova društva koje je upravo opisano također su bili i članovi Družbe slobodnih zidara.
[Wed Oct 15 11:30:59 2003]
This was the reason of their holding their meetings at Masons' Hall, in Masons' Alley, Basinghall Street.
To je razlog zbog kojega su održavali svoje sastanke u Dvorani slobodnih zidara, u Masons' Alley, u ulici Basinghall.
[Wed Oct 15 11:31:36 2003]
They all entered the company and assumed the name of Free and Accepted Masons, adopting, besides, all its external marks of distinction, Free is the title which every member of this body assumes in England;
Svi su pristupili u družbi i preuzeli ime slobodnih i prihvaćenih slobodnih zidara, usvajajući, pored toga, sve njezine vanjske znakove razlikovanja. Slobodan' je naslov kojega svaki član ovoga tijela preuzima u Engleskoj;
[Wed Oct 15 11:32:01 2003]
the right or franchise is called Freedom;
pravo ili povlastica zove se 'Sloboda';
[Wed Oct 15 11:44:33 2003]
the brethren call themselves Freemen;
braća se nazivaju Slobodnim ljudima;
[Wed Oct 15 11:54:51 2003]
These were the Royal Society and the Freemasons, "Both," he says, "had the same object and the difference in their proceedings arose only from a difference in some of the opinions of their members.
Bila su to Kraljevsko društvo i slobodni zidari, " Oba društva su, " kaže on, " imala isti cilj, a razlika u njihovim načinima rada nastala je jedino iz razlike u nekim uvjerenjima njihovih članova.
[Wed Oct 15 11:55:44 2003]
while the other contended that the secrets
Jedno društvo je usvojilo kao svoje pravilo da poznavanje prirode i prirodoslovlja treba biti bez razlike prenijeto svim staležima ljudi, dok je drugo društvo tvrdilo da tajne
[Wed Oct 15 11:58:34 2003]
of nature should be restricted to a small number of chosen recipients.
prirode trebaju biti ograničene na mali broj odabranih primatelja.
[Wed Oct 15 11:59:35 2003]
The former body, which was the Royal Society, therefore held open meetings;
Prvospomenuto tijelo, Kraljevsko društvo, stoga je održavalo otvorene sastanke;
[Wed Oct 15 12:03:15 2003]
In those days," says Nicolai, "the Freemasons were altogether devoted to the King and opposed to the Parliament, and they soon occupied themselves at their meetings in devising the means of sustaining the royal cause.
U to vrijeme, " kaže Nicolai, "slobodni zidari su bili potpuno odani kralju i suprotstavljeni Parlamentu, i uskoro su se na svojim sastancima zaokupili iznalaženju sredstava za podupiranje kraljevske ideje.
[Wed Oct 15 12:09:52 2003]
After the death of Charles I.
Nakon smrti Karla I
[Wed Oct 15 12:11:28 2003]
, in 1649, the Royalists becoming still more closely united, and, fearing to be known as such, they joined the assemblies of the Freemasons for the purpose of concealing their own identity, and the good intentions of that society being well known many persons of rank were admitted into it.
Nakon smrti Karla I, 1649, rojalisti su postajali još prisnije povezani, i, u strahu da ih se ne prepozna kao takve, pridružili su se zasjedanjima slobodnih zidara sa svrhom prikrivanja vlastite osobnosti, a kako su dobre namjere toga društva bile poznate, mnogi ljudi visokoga položaja pristupale su tom udruženju.
[Wed Oct 15 12:21:05 2003]
to the throne, it would have been very imprudent to communicate to all Freemasons, without exception, the measures which they deemed it expedient to take, and which required an inviolable secrecy.
No kako su ciljevi koji su zaokupljali njihovu pažnju svodili jedino na smanjivanje broja pristalica Parlamenta, te na pripremanje načina za vraćanje Karla II na prijestolje, bilo bi vrlo nepromišljeno priopćiti svim slobodnim zidarima, bez iznimke, mjere koje su smatrali da je uputno poduzeti, a koje su zahtijevale neprekršivo čuvanje tajne.
[Wed Oct 15 12:22:10 2003]
These new Masons took Death for their symbol.
Ovi novi slobodni zidari odabrali su Smrt kao svoj simbol.
[Wed Oct 15 12:22:53 2003]
They lamented the death of their master, Charles I.
Oplakivali su smrt svojega gospodara, Karla I
[Wed Oct 15 12:23:28 2003]
; they nursed the hope of vengeance on his murderers;
njegovali su nadu u osvetu njegovih ubojica;
[Wed Oct 15 12:24:24 2003]
they sought to re-establish the Word, or his son, Charles II.
nastojali su iznova uspostaviti Riječ, ili njegova sina, Karla II
[Wed Oct 15 12:26:38 2003]
, for they applied to him the word Logos, which, in its theological sense, means both the Word and the Son;
nastojali su iznova uspostaviti Riječ, ili njegova sina, Karla II, jer njemu su pripisali riječ Logos, koja, u svojemu teološkom značenju, znači i Riječ i Sin;
[Wed Oct 15 12:29:36 2003]
and the Queen, Henrietta Maria, the relict of Charles I.
a s obzirom da je kraljica, Henrijeta Marija, udovica Karla I.
[Wed Oct 15 12:29:36 2003]
, being thenceforth the head of the party, they designated themselves the Widow's Sons
, prema tome bila poglavarica stranke, sebe su nazivali Udovičinim sinovima
[Wed Oct 15 12:35:07 2003]
They agreed also upon private signs and modes of recognition, by which the friends of the royal cause might be able to distinguish each other from their enemies.
Također su dogovorili privatne znakovlje i načine prepoznavanja, pomoću kojih bi se prijatelji kraljevske ideje mogli međusobno razlikovati od svojih neprijatelja.
[Wed Oct 15 12:44:15 2003]
The generals of the army were, however, still opposed to any notion of a restoration, and the hopes of the royalists centered upon General Monk, who commanded the army in Scotland, and who, it was known, had begun to look favorably on propositions which he had received in 1659 from the exiled King
Vojni generali su, međutim, još uvijek bili protiv bilo kakve zamisli o vraćanju monarhije, a nade rojalista usmjerile su se na generala Monka, koji je zapovijedao vojskom u Škotskoj, i koji je, bilo je poznato, počeo blagonaklono gledati na prijedloge koje je primio 1659 od prognanog kralja
[Wed Oct 15 14:15:12 2003]
They selected new allegories, which symbolized the critical state to which they were reduced, and the virtues, such as prudence, pliancy, and courage, which were necessary to success.
Odabrali su nove alegorije, koje su simbolizirale zaoštreno stanje u kojem su se našli, i vrline, kao što su razboritost, podatnost, i hrabrost, koje su bile neophodne za uspjeh.
[Wed Oct 15 14:51:22 2003]
It is probable that, in this last and otherwise incomprehensible sentence, Nicolai refers to some of the changes made in the High Degrees, fabricated about the middle of the 18th century, but whose invention he incorrectly, but like most Masonic historians of his day, attributes to an earlier date
" Moguće je da je, u ovoj posljednjoj i inače neshvatljivoj rečenici, Nicolai govorio o nekim promjenama uvedenima u Visoke stupnjeve, osmišljene otprilike sredinom 18. stoljeća, no čije osmišljanje on netočno, poput većine slobodnozidarskih povjesničara njegova doba, pripisuje ranijem datumu
[Wed Oct 15 14:56:03 2003]
As some elucidation of what he says respecting the fact of falling and the broken arm, we find Nicolai afterward quoting a small dictionary which he says appeared about the beginning of the 18th century, and in which we meet with the following definition
Poput nekakvog razjašnjenja onoga što je rekao vezano uz činjenicu padanja i slomljene ruke, mi kasnije vidimo da Nicolai citira maleni rječnik za koji kaže da se pojavio otprilike početkom 18. stoljeća, i u kojem se susrećemo sa sljedećom definicijom
[Wed Oct 15 15:06:52 2003]
and hence it was that it subsequently took the name of the Royal Art as applied to Masonry
i stoga je ono kasnije preuzelo naziv Kraljevskog umijeća koje se odnosi na zidarstvo
[Wed Oct 15 15:15:44 2003]
He concludes by affirming that the Society of Freemasons continued to assemble after the Restoration, in 1660, and even made, in 1663, several regulations for its preservation, but the zeal of its members was diminished by the changes which science and manners underwent during the reign of Charles II.
On završava tvrdeći da se Društvo slobodnih zidara nastavilo okupljati nakon obnove kraljevstva, 1660, i da su čak donijeli, 1663, nekoliko pravila o njegovom očuvanju, no gorljivost njegovih članova umanjile su promjene kojima su znanost i ponašanje podvrgnuti tijekom vladavine Karla II.
[Wed Oct 15 15:15:44 2003]
Its political character
Politički značaj društva
[Wed Oct 15 15:23:41 2003]
ceased by the advent of the king, and its esoteric method of teaching he natural sciences must have been greatly interrupted
nestao je dolaskom kralja, a njegov ezoteričan način podučavanja prirodnih znanosti mora da je bio uvelike ometan
[Wed Oct 15 15:30:34 2003]
The Royal Society, whose method had been exoteric and open, and from whose conferences politics were excluded, although its members were, in principle, opposed to the Restoration, had a more successful progress, and was joined by many of the Freemasons, the most prominent of whom was Elias Ashmole, who, Nicolai says, changed his opinions and became a member of the Royal Society
Kraljevsko društvo, čije je podučavanje bilo egzoterično i otvoreno, i sa čijih je vijećanja politika bila isključena, iako su njegovi članovi u načelu bili,, protivnici obnove monarhije, imalo je uspješniji razvoj, i pridružili su mu se mnogi slobodni zidari, od kojih je najistaknutiji bio Elias Ashmole, koji je, kaže Nicolai, promijenio svoja uvjerenja i postao član Kraljevskog društva
[Wed Oct 15 15:40:25 2003]
But, to prevent its dissolution, the Society of Freemasons made several changes in its constitution, so as to give it a specific design.
No, da bi spriječili njegovo raspadanje, Društvo slobodnih zidara je uvelo nekoliko promjena u njegovo ustrojstvo, da bi mu podarili poseban oblik.
[Wed Oct 15 15:43:55 2003]
But on this point he does not insist
No on ne insistira na tome
[Wed Oct 15 15:53:25 2003]
Such is the theory of Nicolai.
To je Nicolaieva teorija.
[Wed Oct 15 15:53:25 2003]
Rejecting the idea that the origin of the Order of Freemasonry is to be traced to the founders of the Royal Society, he claims to have found it in a society of contemporaneous philosophers who met at Masons' Hall, in Basinghall Street, and assumed the name of Free and Accepted Masons, and who, claiming, in opposition to the views of the members of the Royal Society, that all sciences should be communicated esoterically, therefore held their meetings in secret, their real object therefor being to nourish a political conspiracy for the advancement of the cause of the monarchy and the restoration of the exiled King
Odbijajući ideju da podrijetlo Reda slobodnog zidarstva potječe od osnivača Kraljevskog društva, on tvrdi da je njegovo prodrijetlo pronašao u društvu suvremenih filozofa koji su se sastajali u Dvorani slobodnih zidara, u ulici Basinghall, i koji su uzeli naziv slobodnih i prihvaćenih zidara, te koji su, tvrdeći, suprotno mišljenju članova Kraljevskog društva, da sve znanosti trebaju biti priopćene ezoterički, stoga održavali svoje sastanke u tajnosti, a njihov stvarni cilj je dakle bilo njegovanje političke zavjere čiji je cilj bio promicanje ideje o monarhiji i vraćanje prognanoga kralja na prijestolje
[Wed Oct 15 16:00:21 2003]
Nicholas de Bonneville, the author of the essay entitled The Jesuits chased out of Freemasonry, entertained a similar opinion.
Nicholas de Bonneville, pisac eseja nazvanog Isusovce protjerani iz slobodnog zidarstva, podržavao je slično uvjerenje.
[Wed Oct 15 16:01:35 2003]
He says that in 1646 a society of Rosicrucians was formed at London, modeled on the ideas of the New Atlantis of Bacon.
On kaže da je 1646 društvo rozenkrojcera osnovano u Londonu, po uzoru na ideje iz Baconove Nove Atlantide.
[Wed Oct 15 16:01:35 2003]
It assembled in Masons' Hall, where Ashmole and other Rosicrucians modified the formula of reception of the Operative Masons
Okupljali su se u Dvorani slobodnih zidara, gdje su Ashmole i ostali rosenkreutzeri izmijenili obrazac prihvaćanja operativnih slobodnih zidara
[Wed Oct 15 16:11:15 2003]
which had consisted only of a few ceremonies used by craftsmen, and substituted a mode of initiation founded in part on the mysteries of Ancient Egypt and Greece.
koji se sastojao samo od nekoliko obreda koje su koristili obrtnici, te su zamijenili načinom inicijacije utemeljenim djelomično na misterijama drevnog Egipta i Grčke.
[Wed Oct 15 16:12:44 2003]
They then fabricated the first degree of Masonry as we now have it, and, to distinguish themselves from common Masons, called themselves Freemasons.
Tada su osmislili prvi stupanj slobodnog zidarstva kakav danas poznajemo, i, da bi se razlikovali od običnih zidara, nazvali su se slobodnim zidarima.
[Wed Oct 15 16:12:44 2003]
Thory cites this without comment in his Acta Latomorum, and gives it as a part of the authentic annals of the Order
Thory ovo navodi bez komentara u svome djelu Acta Latomorum, i predstavlja ga kao dio vjerodostojnih ljetopisa Reda
[Wed Oct 15 16:16:19 2003]
But ingenious and plausible as are these views, both of Nicolai and Bonneville, they unfortunately can not withstand the touchstone of all truth, the proofs of authentic history
No domišljati i uvjerljivi kakvi jesu, ovi stavovi Nicolaia i Bonnevillea, se nažalost ne mogu oduprijeti mjerilu cjelokupne istine, dokazima vjerodostojne povijesti
[Wed Oct 15 16:22:42 2003]
It will be seen that we have two hypotheses to investigate - first that advanced by the contributor to Wieland's Mercury, that the Society of Freemasons was originated by the founders of the Royal Society, and that maintained by Nicolai and Bonneville, that it owes its invention to the Astrologers who were contemporary with these founders.
Pokazat će se da moramo istražiti dvije pretpostavke - prvo onu koju je promicao suradnik Wielandovog Merkura, koja kaže da Društvo slobodnih zidara potječe od osnivača Kraljevskog društva, i onu koju su podržavli Nicolai i Bonneville, koja kaže da slobodno zidarstvo duguje svoj postanak Astrolozima koji su bili suvremenici njegovih osnivača.
[Wed Oct 15 16:22:42 2003]
Both hypotheses place the date of the invention in the same year, 1646, and give London as the place of the invention
Obje pretpostavke određuju datum stvaranja društva u istu godinu, 1646, a Londonu navode kao mjesto stvaranja
[Wed Oct 15 16:32:26 2003]
We have the explicit testimony of all the historians of that institution that it was not at all connected with the political contests of the day, and that it was founded only as a means of pursuing philosophical and scientific inquiries
Imamo jasno svjedočenje svih povjesničara te institucije koji kažu da slobodno zidarstvo nikako nije bilo povezano s političkim borbama tog vremena, te da je bilo osnovano isključivo kao sredstvo vršenja filozofskih i znanstvenih istraživanja
[Wed Oct 15 16:41:25 2003]
He adds that "about the year 1645 several ingenious men who
Dalje dodaje da je " otprilike 1645 godine nekoliko genijalnih ljudi koji su
[Wed Oct 15 16:46:21 2003]
resided in London and were interested in the progress of mathematics and natural philosophy agreed to meet once a week to discourse upon subjects connected with these sciences.
prebivali u Londonu i koji su se zanimali za razvoj matematike i prirodnih znanosti pristali sastajati jednom tjedno kako bi raspravljali o temama vezanima uz ove znanosti.
[Wed Oct 15 16:46:21 2003]
These meetings were suspended after the resignation of Richard Cromwell, but revived in 1660, upon the Restoration
Ti sastanci su obustavljeni nakon ostavke Richarda Cromwella, no obnovljeni su 1660, nakon ponovne uspostave monarhije
[Wed Oct 15 16:52:04 2003]
They met at first in private rooms, but afterward in Gresham College and then in Arundel House.
Isprva su se sastajali u privatnim prostorijama, no kasnije na sveučilištu Gresham, a potom u kući Arundel.
[Wed Oct 15 16:52:04 2003]
Their earliest code of laws shows that their conferences were not in secret, but open to properly introduced visitors, as they still continue to be
Njihov najraniji zakonik pokazuje da njihova vijećanja nisu bila tajna, već otvorena za propisno predstavljene posjetitelje, a takva su još uvijek
[Wed Oct 15 17:05:03 2003]
Weld, the librarian of the society, says that to it "attaches the renown of having from its foundation applied itself with untiring zeal and energy to the great objects of its institution."
Weld, knjižničar društva, kaže da se uz njega " vezuje glasovit ugled jer se od svojega utemeljenja neumornom predanošću i naporom posvetilo visokim ciljevima svoje institucije."
[Wed Oct 15 17:14:00 2003]
The testimony of Robert Boyle, Wallis, and Evelyn, contemporaries of the founders, is to the same effect, that the society was simply philosophical in its character and without any political design
Svjedočenje Roberta Boylea, Wallisa, i Evelyna, koji su bili suvremenici osnivača, istoga je sadržaja, te kaže da je društvo imalo naprosto filozofski značaj bez ikakvoga političkog plana
[Wed Oct 15 17:16:17 2003]
Dr. Wallis, who was one of the original founders, makes this statement concerning the origin and objects of the society in his Account of some Passages in my own Life
Wallis, koji je bio jedan od izvornih osnivača, donosi ovu izjavu u pogledu podrijetla i ciljeva društva u svojemu Opisu nekih putovanja iz moga vlastitoga života
[Wed Oct 15 17:26:42 2003]
About the year 1645, while I lived in London (at a time when, by our civil wars, academical studies were much interrupted in both our Universities), besides the conversation of divers eminent divines, as to matters theological, I had the opportunity of being acquainted with divers worthy persons inquisitive into natural philosophy and other parts of human learning, and particularly what has
Otprilike 1645, dok sam živio u Londonu (u vrijeme kada su, uslijed naših građanskih ratova, akademske studije bile prilično ometane na oba naša sveučilišta), osim razgovora s raznim istaknutim bogoslovima, što se tiče teoloških pitanja, imao sam priliku biti upoznat s mnogim uglednim ljudima koji su se zanimali za prirodne znanosti i ostala područja obrazovanosti, a naročito za nešto što se nazivalo
[Wed Oct 15 17:33:55 2003]
the New Philosophy or Experimental Philosophy.
novom filozofijom ili pokusnom filozofijom.
[Wed Oct 15 17:33:55 2003]
We did, by agreements, divers of us meet weekly in London on a certain day to treat and discourse of such affairs
Nekoliko nas se, prema dogovoru, jednom tjedno sastajalo u Londonu određenoga dana kako bismo razgovarali i raspravljali o takvim temama
[Wed Oct 15 17:48:00 2003]
This encouragement of scientific pursuits may be principally attributed to many circumstances that followed the revival of learning;
Ovo poticanje znanstvenog djelovanja moglo bi se uglavnom pripisati mnogih okolnostima koje su uslijedile nakon preporoda znanosti;
[Wed Oct 15 17:50:18 2003]
Bacon's new system of philosophy, which alone was enough to awaken the intellects of all thinking men;
Baconov novi filozofski sustav, koji je i sam bio je bio dovoljan da uzbudi umove svih mislilaca;
[Wed Oct 15 17:52:10 2003]
and the labors of Galileo and his disciples.
i napori Galilea i njegovih učenika.
[Wed Oct 15 18:02:31 2003]
But it is in vain to look in this society, either in the mode of its organization, in the character of its members, or in the nature of their pursuits, for any connection with Freemasonry, an institution entirely different in its construction and its objects.
No uzaludno je tražiti u ovome društvu, ili načinu njegova ustroja, naravi njegovih članova, ili prirodi njihovih potraga, bilo kakvu povezanost sa slobodnim zidarstvom, koje predstavlja instituciju potpuno različitu po svome ustrojstvu i svojim ciljevima.
[Wed Oct 15 18:02:31 2003]
The theory, therefore, that Freemasonry is indebted for its origin to the Royal
Teorija, dakle, prema kojoj slobodno zidarstvo duguje svoje podrijetlo Kraljevskome
[Wed Oct 15 18:04:49 2003]
Society of London must be rejected as wholly without authenticity or even plausibility
društvu mora biti odbačeno kao potpuno nevjerodostojna, ili čak nevjerojatna
[Wed Oct 15 18:08:03 2003]
But the theory of Nicolai, which attributes its origin to another contemporaneous society, whose members were evidently Astrologers, is somewhat more plausible, although equally incorrect.
No Nicolaieva teorija, koja pripisuje njegovo podrijetlo jednomu drugom suvremenom društvu, čiji su članovi očigledno bili Astrolozi, je nešto vjerojatnija, iako jednako pogrešna.
[Wed Oct 15 18:08:03 2003]
Its consideration must, however, be reserved as the subject of another chapter
Njegovo razmatranje mora, međutim, biti ostavljeno za temu jednoga drugoga poglavlja
[Thu Oct 16 11:43:15 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:43:26 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:43:27 2003]
"Proofs of a Conspiracy," p.20
" Dokazi Zavjere, " str.20
[Thu Oct 16 11:44:01 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:44:02 2003]
Lawrie's "History of Freemasonry," 1st edit.
Lawrieva "Povijest slobodnog zidarstva", prvo izdanje
[Thu Oct 16 11:44:05 2003]
, p. 27.
Lawrieva "Povijest slobodnog zidarstva", prvo izdanje, str. 27.
[Thu Oct 16 11:44:39 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:45:27 2003]
Chandler says "the Dionysiasts were artificers or contractors for the Asiatic theaters,
Chandler kaže da su "Dionizijasti bili majstori ili poduzetnici za azijska kazališta,
[Thu Oct 16 11:45:36 2003]
and were incorporated and settled at Teos, under the Kings of Pergamum."
te da su bili smješteni i nastanjeni u Teosu, pod vladavinom kralja Pergama."
[Thu Oct 16 11:45:50 2003]
- "Travels
" - " Putovanja
[Thu Oct 16 11:45:56 2003]
in Asia Minor," vol.
u Malu Aziju, " svezak
[Thu Oct 16 11:46:06 2003]
u Malu Aziju, " svezak i.
[Thu Oct 16 11:46:07 2003]
, ch.
, poglavlje
[Thu Oct 16 11:46:11 2003]
, poglavlje xxviii.
[Thu Oct 16 11:46:34 2003]
, p. 123.
, str. 123.
[Thu Oct 16 11:46:39 2003]
[This was at a later period than the era of the
[To je bilo u kasnijem razdoblju od vremena
[Thu Oct 16 11:46:51 2003]
[To je bilo u kasnijem razdoblju od vremenaHrama.]
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:16 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:17 2003]
Rollin's "Universal History" places Attalus in the rank of those princes who loved and patronized letters and the arts.
Rollinsova "Opća Povijest" postavlja Attalusa u razred onih prinčeva koji su voljeli i pomagali književnost i umjetnost.
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:31 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:36 2003]
Chandler, "Travels in Asia Minor," vol.
Chandler, " Putovanja u Malu Aziju, " svezak
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:43 2003]
Chandler, " Putovanja u Malu Aziju, " svezak i.
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:46 2003]
, ch.
, poglavlje
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:47 2003]
, poglavlje xxx.
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:51 2003]
, p. 126.
, str. 126.
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:52 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:48:58 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:49:04 2003]
, vol.
, svezak
[Thu Oct 16 11:49:11 2003]
, svezak i.
[Thu Oct 16 11:49:12 2003]
, ch.
, poglavlje.
[Thu Oct 16 11:49:19 2003]
, poglavlje Xxviii.
[Thu Oct 16 11:49:21 2003]
, p. 124.
, str. 124.
[Thu Oct 16 11:49:45 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:49:45 2003]
"Proofs of a conspiracy," p.20.
"Dokazi zavjere", str. 20.
[Thu Oct 16 11:50:02 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:50:09 2003]
Brewster in Lawrie's "History," p. 29.
Brewster u Lawrievoj "Povijesti", str. 29.
[Thu Oct 16 11:50:14 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:50:17 2003]
"Divine Legation of Moses," B.
" Božansko Poslanstvo Mojsija, " B.
[Thu Oct 16 11:50:29 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:50:32 2003]
, sect.
, odlomak
[Thu Oct 16 11:50:38 2003]
, odlomak iv.
[Thu Oct 16 11:50:46 2003]
, p. 193.
, str. 193.
[Thu Oct 16 11:51:12 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:51:22 2003]
Warburton, "Divine Legation," B.
Warburton, "Božansko poslanstvo", B.
[Thu Oct 16 11:51:29 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:51:34 2003]
, sect.
, odlomak
[Thu Oct 16 11:51:35 2003]
, odlomak iv.
[Thu Oct 16 11:53:17 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:53:25 2003]
"Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life," p. 196.
"Kritički osvrt na povijest doktrine o budućem životu", str. 196.
[Thu Oct 16 11:53:41 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:53:52 2003]
Many of the philosophers were, however, skeptics.
Mnogi filozofa bili su, međutim, skeptici.
[Thu Oct 16 11:54:20 2003]
The Stoics, for instance,
Stoici su, na primjer,
[Thu Oct 16 11:55:24 2003]
the body;
[Thu Oct 16 11:55:57 2003]
or, if any of them conceded its survival, they attributed to it only a temporary
ili, ako je koji od njih i priznavao preživljavanje duše, pripisivali su to tek privremenom
[Thu Oct 16 11:56:44 2003]
Seneca ("Troades," I.
Seneka ("Troades", I.
[Thu Oct 16 11:56:55 2003]
,397) says "there is nothing after death, and death itself is nothing."
397) kaže da "ne postoji ništa nakon smrti, a i sama smrt je ništa."
[Thu Oct 16 11:56:58 2003]
Post mortem nihil,
" Post mortem nihil,
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:00 2003]
est ipsaque mors nihil.
est ipsaque mors nihil.
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:04 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:08 2003]
" Stromat.
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:09 2003]
," lib.
, " lib.
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:10 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:11 2003]
, p. 658.
, str. 658.
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:13 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:16 2003]
"Divine Legation," B.
" Božansko Poslanstvo, " B.
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:23 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:26 2003]
, sect.
, odlomak
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:31 2003]
, odlomak iv.
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:32 2003]
, p. 194.
, str. 194.
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:51 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:57:55 2003]
Kritički osvrt na povijest doktrine o budućem životu
[Thu Oct 16 11:58:27 2003]
"Kritički osvrt na povijest doktrine o budućem životu
[Thu Oct 16 11:58:28 2003]
of the Doctrine of a Future Life," p. 454.
"Kritički osvrt na povijest doktrine o budućem životu ", str. 454.
[Thu Oct 16 11:59:29 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:59:33 2003]
"Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries" apud Pamphleteer, vol.
" Disertacija o eleuzinskim i bakovskim Misterijima " apud Pamphleteer, svezak
[Thu Oct 16 11:59:35 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 11:59:40 2003]
, p. 40.
, str. 40.
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:09 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:11 2003]
"Spirit of Masonry," Iect.
" Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " lekcija
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:13 2003]
" Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " lekcija ii.
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:14 2003]
, p. 15
, str. 15
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:27 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:35 2003]
"Spirit of Masonry," Iect.
" Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " lekcija
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:36 2003]
" Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " lekcija iv.
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:37 2003]
, p. 59.
, str. 59.
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:49 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:55 2003]
"History of Initiation," lect.
" Povijest inicijacije, " lekcija
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:56 2003]
" Povijest inicijacije, " lekcija i.
[Thu Oct 16 12:00:57 2003]
, p. 13, notes.
, str. 13, bilješke.
[Thu Oct 16 12:02:06 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:02:53 2003]
"Many of the explanations given as to the ceremonies used in Egyptian initiations
" Mnoga objašnjenja pružena za obrede vršene u egipatskim inicijacijama
[Thu Oct 16 12:02:54 2003]
are modem inventions, abounding in absurdities and purely imaginary."
su ustvari suvremeni pronalasci, koji obiluju besmislicama i čistim izmišljanjima."
[Thu Oct 16 12:02:55 2003]
- Tho.
" - Tho.
[Thu Oct 16 12:04:52 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:05:10 2003]
"On the study of Masonic Antiquities," in Freemasons' Quarterly Review, 1847, p. 262.
Pryer," O proučavanju slobodnozidarske antike, " u Tromjesečniku slobodnih zidara, 1847., str. 262.
[Thu Oct 16 12:05:39 2003]
Wilkinson was of the same opinion.
Wilkinson je dijelio isto mišljenje.
[Thu Oct 16 12:05:47 2003]
See "Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians,"
Vidjeti " Ponašanje i običaje drevnih Egipćana, "
[Thu Oct 16 12:05:54 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:05:55 2003]
svezak i.
[Thu Oct 16 12:06:25 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:06:39 2003]
"The Gnostics and their Remains, Ancient and Mediaeval."
"Gnostici i njihovi ostaci, drevni i srednjovjekovni".
[Thu Oct 16 12:06:40 2003]
By C.
[Thu Oct 16 12:06:43 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:06:44 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:06:49 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:06:55 2003]
, London, 1865, p. 47 et seq.
, London, 1865., str. 47 et seq.
[Thu Oct 16 12:07:46 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:09 2003]
Mosheim, "Ecclesiast.
Mosheim, " Crkvena
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:13 2003]
History," Maelaine's Translation, vol.
Mosheim, " Crkvena povijest", Maelainev prijevod, svezak
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:17 2003]
Mosheim, " Crkvena povijest", Maelainev prijevod, svezak i.
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:18 2003]
, pp. 251,332,401.
, str. 251,332,401.
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:27 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:37 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:42 2003]
Božansko poslanstvo
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:48 2003]
," I.
Božansko poslanstvo", I.
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:50 2003]
, p. 201.
, str. 201.
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:50 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:51 2003]
"De Providentia."
" De Providentia."
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:52 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:54 2003]
" Stromat.
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:55 2003]
," v.
, " v.
[Thu Oct 16 12:08:55 2003]
, 419.
, 419.
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:06 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:06 2003]
"Illustrations of Masonry," B.
" Ilustracije slobodnog zidarstva, " B.
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:16 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:21 2003]
, sec.
, odlomak.
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:32 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:36 2003]
, p. 121, Oliver's ed.
, str. 121, Oliverovo izdanje
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:49 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:51 2003]
"Spirit of Masonry," lect.
" Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " lekcija
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:52 2003]
" Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " lekcija iii.
[Thu Oct 16 12:09:54 2003]
, p. 41.
, str. 41.
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:06 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:07 2003]
"Essay on Freemasonry," p. 6.
" Esej o slobodnom zidarstvu, " str. 6.
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:14 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:15 2003]
"Pagan Idolatry."
" Poganska idolatrija."
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:21 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:29 2003]
"Anacalypsis," vol.
" Anacalypsis, " svezak
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:29 2003]
" Anacalypsis, " svezak i.
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:30 2003]
, p. 718.
, str. 718.
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:46 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:47 2003]
"Tree and Serpent Worship," p. 29.
" Štovanje stabla i zmije, " str. 29.
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:47 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:48 2003]
" Antiq.
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:56 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:58 2003]
," cap.
, " poglavlje.
[Thu Oct 16 12:10:59 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:11:13 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:11:13 2003]
"Rude Stone Monuments," p. 20.
" Grubi kameni spomenici, " str. 20.
[Thu Oct 16 12:11:24 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:11:26 2003]
"History of Initiation," lect.
" Povijest inicijacije, " lekcija
[Thu Oct 16 12:11:35 2003]
" Povijest inicijacije, " lekcija viii.
[Thu Oct 16 12:11:37 2003]
, p. 199 et seq.
, str. 199 i sljedeća
[Thu Oct 16 12:11:38 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:11:39 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:14 2003]
, p. 201.
, str. 201.
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:21 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:22 2003]
"History of Initiation," p. 208.
" Povijest inicijacije, " str. 208.
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:27 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:28 2003]
"History of Initiation," p. 211.
" Povijest inicijacije, " str. 211.
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:33 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:33 2003]
"History of Initiation."
" Povijest inicijacije."
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:34 2003]
p. 212.
" str. 212.
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:34 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:35 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:36 2003]
, p. 216.
, str. 216.
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:41 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:42 2003]
Oliver, "History of Initiation," p. 217.
Oliver, " Povijest inicijacije, " str. 217.
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:52 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:53 2003]
"Mythology and Rites of the British Druids," p. 89.
" Mitologija i obredi britanskih Druida, " str. 89.
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:54 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:12:55 2003]
Letter IV.
Pismo IV.
[Thu Oct 16 12:13:01 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:13:16 2003]
"Analysis of Ancient Mythology."
" Analiza drevne mitologije."
[Thu Oct 16 12:13:18 2003]
Drummond says of him:
" Drummond o njemu kaže:
[Thu Oct 16 12:13:53 2003]
" Gosp.
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:07 2003]
Bryant was a man possessed of much learning and talent,
Bryant je bio čovjek velikoga znanja i talenta,
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:16 2003]
but his etymologies are generally untenable."
no njegova etimologija je općenito neodrživa."
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:22 2003]
- "Origines," vol.
- " Origines, " svezak
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:34 2003]
- " Origines, " svezak iii.
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:34 2003]
, p. 191.
, str. 191.
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:40 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:41 2003]
"Pagan Idolatry."
" Poganska idolatrija."
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:54 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:55 2003]
"Old Stone Monuments."
" Stari kameni spomenici."
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:57 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:14:58 2003]
"British Druids," p. 95.
" Britanski Druidi, " str. 95.
[Thu Oct 16 12:15:12 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:15:13 2003]
"Tree and Serpent Worship," p. 29.
" Štovanje stabla i zmije, " str. 29.
[Thu Oct 16 12:15:27 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:15:29 2003]
"Spirit of Masonry," lect.
" Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " lekcija
[Thu Oct 16 12:15:29 2003]
" Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " lekcija iii.
[Thu Oct 16 12:15:30 2003]
, p. 41.
, str. 41.
[Thu Oct 16 12:16:03 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:16:30 2003]
"On Freemasonry, Evidences, Doctrines, and Traditions," No.
" O slobodnom zidarstvu, dokazima, doktrinama, i tradiciji, " Br.
[Thu Oct 16 12:16:42 2003]
I, in Freemasons'
I, u Tromjesečniku slobodnih zidara
[Thu Oct 16 12:16:48 2003]
Quarterly Review, 1840, p. 15.
slobodnih zidara, 1840., str. 15.
[Thu Oct 16 12:17:00 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:17:01 2003]
Lawrie, "History of Freemasonry," ed.
Lawrie, " Povijest slobodnog zidarstva, " izd.
[Thu Oct 16 12:17:02 2003]
1804, p. 34.
1804, str. 34.
[Thu Oct 16 12:17:29 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:17:30 2003]
"On the Druses and Maronites under Turkish Rule."
" O Druzima i Maronitima pod turskom vladavinom."
[Thu Oct 16 12:17:45 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:17:46 2003]
King's "Gnostics," p. 183.
Kingovi "Gnostici", str. 183.
[Thu Oct 16 12:18:02 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:18:17 2003]
"The Ansyreeh and Ishmaeleeh:
" Sekta Ansyreeh i Ismaelićani:
[Thu Oct 16 12:18:29 2003]
a visit to the secret societies of Northern Syria,"
posjet tajnim društvima sjeverne Sirije, "
[Thu Oct 16 12:18:30 2003]
by Rev. Samuel Lyde, B.A.
Samuel Lyde, B.A.
[Thu Oct 16 12:18:33 2003]
, London, 1853, p. 238.
, London, 1853., str. 238.
[Thu Oct 16 12:18:59 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:19:00 2003]
Wren's "Parentalia."
Wrenova "Parentalia".
[Thu Oct 16 12:19:55 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:20:23 2003]
Ramsay here refers to the company of musketeers.
Ramsay ovdje govori o društvu mušketira
[Thu Oct 16 12:21:21 2003]
composed entirely of Scotchmen
Ramsay ovdje govori o društvu mušketira sastavljenom u potpunosti Škota
[Thu Oct 16 12:21:23 2003]
of noble birth, which constituted the body-guard of the kings of France.
plemenita rođenja, koji su sačinjavali tjelesnu stražu francuskih kraljeva.
[Thu Oct 16 12:22:07 2003]
The reader
[Thu Oct 16 12:22:18 2003]
Durward," was a member of this company.
Durward, " bio član ovoga društva.
[Thu Oct 16 12:23:46 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:23:53 2003]
Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror, vol.
Čadopis slobodnih zidara i slobodnozidarsko Ogledalo, svezak.
[Thu Oct 16 12:24:16 2003]
Čadopis slobodnih zidara i slobodnozidarsko Ogledalo, svezak iv.
[Thu Oct 16 12:24:21 2003]
, p. 9621 London, 1858, Part I.
9621 London, 1858, Prvi dio
[Thu Oct 16 12:25:16 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:25:18 2003]
"Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars," by James Burnes, LL.D.
" Prikaz povijesti vitezova templara, " James Burnes, LL.D.
[Thu Oct 16 12:25:20 2003]
, F.R.S.
, F.R.S.
[Thu Oct 16 12:25:21 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:26:40 2003]
, London, 1840, p. 39.
, London, 1840, str. 39.
[Thu Oct 16 12:26:57 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:27:00 2003]
"History of the Lodge of Edinburgh," by David Murray Lyon, chap.
" Povijest Lože u Edinburghu, " David Murray Lyon, poglavlje
[Thu Oct 16 12:27:00 2003]
" Povijest Lože u Edinburghu, " David Murray Lyon, poglavlje xxxii.
[Thu Oct 16 12:27:01 2003]
, p. 307.
, str. 307.
[Thu Oct 16 12:27:38 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:27:58 2003]
See Freemasons' Quarterly Review, London, 1843, p. 501, where the Legend it
Vidjeti Tromjesečnik slobodnih zidara, London, 1843, str. 501, gdje je Legenda
[Thu Oct 16 12:28:00 2003]
given in full, as above.
izložena u cijelosti, kao iznad.
[Thu Oct 16 12:28:52 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:28:52 2003]
Bumes, "Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars," p. 71.
Bumes, " Kratki prikaz povijesti vitezova templara, " str. 71.
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:01 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:02 2003]
"History of the Lodge or Edinburgh," p. 420.
" Povijest Lože u Edinburghu, " str. 420.
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:04 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:04 2003]
"Proofs of a Conspiracy," p. 27.
" Dokazi Zavjere, " str. 27.
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:13 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:13 2003]
Robison, "Proofs of a Conspiracy," p. 28.
Robison, " Dokazi zavjere, " str. 28.
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:24 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:25 2003]
"Constitutions," p. 141.
" Konstitutcije, " str. 141.
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:41 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:42 2003]
"Historical Landmarks," 11.
" Povijesne prekretnice, " 11.
[Thu Oct 16 12:29:46 2003]
, p. 28.
, str. 28.
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:07 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:07 2003]
London Freemason's Magazine.
Londonski časopis slobodnih zidara.
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:13 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:14 2003]
"History of the Lodge of Edinburgh," p. 307.
" Povijest Lože u Edinburghu, " str. 307.
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:18 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:19 2003]
"History of the Lodge of Edinburgh," p. 287.
" Povijest Lože u Edinburghu, " str. 287.
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:20 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:22 2003]
"Proofs of a Conspiracy," p. 27.
" Dokazi Zavjere, " str. 27.
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:52 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:30:53 2003]
Ludlow's "Memoirs," Preface, p. iv.
Ludlow, "Memoari", Predgovor, str. iv.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:11 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:12 2003]
Northouck's "Constitutions," p. 141.
Northouck, "Konstitucije", str. 141.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:23 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:23 2003]
"History of the Royal Society," by Thomas Thompson, M.D.
" Povijest Kraljevskog društva, " Thomas Thompson, M.D.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:24 2003]
, F.R.S.
, F.R.S.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:29 2003]
, LL.D.
, LL.D.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:29 2003]
London, 1812, p. I.
London, 1812, str. I.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:41 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:41 2003]
"History of the Royal Society," by Thomas Thompson, M.D.
" Povijest Kraljevskog društva, " Thomas Thompson, M.D.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:42 2003]
, F.R.S.
, F.R.S.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:43 2003]
, LL.D.
, LL.D.
[Thu Oct 16 12:31:49 2003]
,London, 1812, p. I.
London, 1812, str. I.
[Thu Oct 16 12:32:19 2003]
[Thu Oct 16 12:32:19 2003]
In Hearne's edition of Langsteff's chronicle.
U Hearneovom izdanju Langsteffovog ljetopisa.
[Tue Oct 21 10:36:18 2003]
Understanding Complexity
Razumijevanje kompleksnosti
[Tue Oct 21 10:36:18 2003]
In Business Systems
u poslovnim sustavima
[Tue Oct 21 10:54:07 2003]
It discusses to which extent an economist can and should understand business systems and complexity of organization.
Ovdje se raspravlja o opsegu u kojem ekonomist može i treba razumijevati poslovne sustave a kompleksnost organizacije.
[Tue Oct 21 11:00:54 2003]
Moreover, this paper has a further task to catalyze a broader discussion of the business in a growingly complex environment that should, in fact, reach beyond the boundaries of this work.
Osim toga, ovaj rad ima daljnji zadatak kataliziranja opsežnije rasprave o poslovanju u sve složenijem okruženju koje bi, ustvari, trebalo doprijeti dalje od granica ovoga eseja.
[Tue Oct 21 11:04:48 2003]
The main argument is that traditional economics and analytical approach is insufficient for understanding certain aspects of business systems, predominantly due to their growing path-dependent, complex and chaotic features, which can also be detected in social systems in general.
Glavna tvrdnja je da su tradicionalna ekonomija i analitički pristup nedovoljni za shvaćanje stanovitih aspekata poslovnih sustava, pretežno zbog njihovih rastućih obilježja ovisnosti o kretanju, kompleksnosti i kaotičnosti, što se također može pronaći u društvenim sustavima općenito.
[Tue Oct 21 11:12:02 2003]
natural, human) do.
prirodni, ljudski).
[Tue Oct 21 11:16:44 2003]
In general, economics has a problem with the emergent features of business systems, which are merely treated as side-constraints or side-effects of particular (management) action(s) and can hardly ever be properly defined by analysts.
Općenito, ekonomija ima problema s novim obilježjima poslovnih sustava, koji se tretiraju kao usputna ograničenja ili popratne pojave posebnih (upravnih) aktivnosti, i teško da će ih analitičari ikada pravilno definirati.
[Tue Oct 21 11:16:44 2003]
However, these aspects may be crucial for understanding processes of path-creation, dependence and emergence of unpredictable features in business systems, and therefore crucial for crisis predictability and future stability of business entities
Međutim, ovi aspekti bi mogli biti presudni za shvaćanje procesa stvaranja kretanja, ovisnosti i pojavljivanja nepredvidljivih obilježja u poslovnim sustavima, i stoga će biti presudni za predviđanje krize i buduće stabilnosti poslovnih entiteta
[Tue Oct 21 11:17:44 2003]
[Tue Oct 21 11:19:58 2003]
The economic and business analysis of so far has been rather analytical than holistic.
Dosadašnja gospodarska i poslovna analiza bila je više analitička nego cjelovita.
[Tue Oct 21 11:20:27 2003]
It could benefit from using more systems theory.
Dobro bi joj došlo korištenje više sustavnih teorija.
[Tue Oct 21 11:21:03 2003]
Once we say so, the new issue shows up:
Kad to jednom kažemo, pojavi se novi problem:
[Tue Oct 21 11:27:55 2003]
which systems theory should be used.
koju teoriju sustava bismo trebali koristiti.
[Tue Oct 21 11:28:11 2003]
They even define their topic differently, they define holism differently, they are differently broad in their scopes.
Oni čak različito definiraju svoju temu, različito definiraju holizam, različito su opširni u svojim okvirima.
[Tue Oct 21 11:28:11 2003]
We will suggest here
Mi ćemo ovdje predložiti
[Tue Oct 21 11:32:43 2003]
Systems thinking does not try to understand an entity by dividing it in its parts, i.e.
Osmišljanje sustava ne pokušava shvatiti entitet rastavljajući ga na dijelove, tj.
[Tue Oct 21 11:32:43 2003]
by analysis, thus losing the whole (called a system here) out of sight, but by stressing the relation between the system and its part/s
pomoću analize, time gubeći cjelinu (ovdje nazvivanu sustavom) iz vidokruga, već naglašavajući odnos između sustava a njegovog dijela/dijelova
[Tue Oct 21 11:37:48 2003]
Complexity and Chaos Theories are very close to business systems and should hence be used for understanding business processes.
Teorije kompleksnosti i kaosa vrlo su bliske poslovnim sustavima i stoga bi se trebale koristiti za razumijevanje poslovnih procesa.
[Tue Oct 21 11:38:16 2003]
Mulej, Zenko 2000).
Mulej, Zenko 2000).
[Tue Oct 21 11:38:16 2003]
We are trying to go beyond it.)
Mi nastojimo otići dalje od toga.)