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[Wed Oct 01 14:22:17 2003]
So much of history was necessary that the reader might understand the argument in reference to the true meaning of the York Legend, now to be discussed.
Toliko je povijesti bilo nužno da bi čitatelj mogao razumjeti argument u vezi s pravim značenjem Legende o Yorku, o čemu će se sada raspravljati.
[Wed Oct 01 14:23:45 2003]
In the versions of the Legend given by Anderson and Preston, the honor of organizing Masonry and calling a General Assembly is attributed to Edwin the brother, and not to Edwin the son of Athelstan.
U verzijama Legende koje daju Anderson i Preston, čast organiziranja slobodnog zidarstva i sazivanja Opće Skupštine se pripisuje Edwinu bratu, a ne Edwinu sinu Atelstana.
[Wed Oct 01 14:23:45 2003]
These versions are, however, of no value as historical documents, because they are merely enlarged copies of the original Legend.
Ove verzije, međutim, nemaju vrijednost povijesnih dokumenata, jer su tek prošireni primjerci izvorne Legende.
[Wed Oct 01 14:32:27 2003]
But in the Roberts Constitutions, printed in 1722, and which was claimed to have been copied from a manuscript about five hundred years old, but without any proof (as the original has never been recovered), the name of Edwin is altogether omitted, and Athelstan himself is said to have been the reviver of the institution.
No u Robertsovim Konstitucijama, tiskanim 1722, za koje se tvrdilo da su prepisane iz rukopisa starog oko petsto godina, no bez ikakvog dokaza (jer izvornik nikad nije pronađen), Edwinovo ime se sasvim izostavlja, a za Atelstana se kaže da je bio preporoditelj institucije.
[Wed Oct 01 14:32:27 2003]
The language of this manuscript, as published by J Roberts, is as follows:
Jezik ovog rukopisa, kako ga je objavio J. Roberts, je sljedeći:
[Wed Oct 01 14:38:27 2003]
He [Athelstan] began to build many Abbies, Monasteries, and other religious houses, as also Castles and divers Fortresses for defence of his realm.
On [Atelstan] je počeo graditi mnoge opatije, samostane i druge religijske građevine, kao i dvorce i razne tvrđave za obranu svog kraljevstva.
[Wed Oct 01 14:40:17 2003]
He loved Masons more than his father;
Volio je slobodne zidare više nego njegov otac;
[Wed Oct 01 14:42:21 2003]
he greatly study'd Geometry, and sent into many lands for men expert in the science.
uvelike je proučavao geometriju, i u mnoge je zemlje poslao po ljude vješte u toj znanosti.
[Wed Oct 01 14:47:59 2003]
He gave them a very large charter to hold a yearly assembly, and power to correct offenders in the said science;
Dao im je vrlo veliku povelju do održe godišnju skupštinu, i ovlast do isprave prekršitelje u navedenoj znanosti;
[Wed Oct 01 14:47:59 2003]
and the king himself caused a General Assembly of all Masons in his realm, at York, and there were made many Masons, and gave them a deep charge for observation of all such articles as belonged unto Masonry and delivered them the said Charter to keep.
i sam kralj je sazvao Opću Skupštinu svih slobodnih zidara u svom kraljevstvu, u Yorku, i mnogi su tamo postali slobodni zidari, i dao im je dužnost da slijede sve one članke koji su pripadali slobodnom zidarstvu i uručio im je spomenutu Povelju.
[Wed Oct 01 14:52:47 2003]
In the omission of all reference to Prince Edwin, the Harleian and Roberts manuscripts agree with that of Halliwell.
U izostanku spominjanja Princa Edwina, Harleyev i Robertsov rukopis se podudaraju s Halliwellovim.
[Wed Oct 01 14:55:18 2003]
There is a passage in the Harleian and Roberts manuscripts that is worthy of notice.
U Harleyevom i Robertsovom rukopisu postoji odlomak vrijedan pažnje.
[Wed Oct 01 14:58:00 2003]
All the recent manuscripts which speak of Edwin as the procurer of the Charter, say that "he loved Masons much more than his father did " - meaning Athelstan.
Svi kasniji rukopisi koji govore o Edwinu kao pribavljaču Povelje, kažu da "je volio slobodne zidare mnogo više nego njegov otac" tj. Atelstan.
[Wed Oct 01 14:58:00 2003]
But the Harleian and Roberts manuscripts, speaking of King Athelstan, use the same language, but with a different reference, and say of King Athelstan, that "he loved Masons more than his father " - meaning King Edward, whose son Athelstan was.
No Harleyev i Robertsov rukopis, kada govore o kralju Atelstanu, koriste iste riječi, ali na drukčiji način, i za kralja Atelstana kažu da "je volio slobodne zidare više nego njegov otac" tj. kralj Edvard, čiji je sin bio Atelstan.
[Wed Oct 01 15:06:53 2003]
Now, of the two statements, that of the Harleian and Roberts manuscripts is much more conformable to history than the other.
Od ova dva navoda, onaj iz Harleyevog i Robertsovog rukopisa je mnogo više u skladu s povijesti, od onog drugog.
[Wed Oct 01 15:09:30 2003]
Athelstan was a lover of Masons, for he was a great patron of architecture, and many public buildings were erected during his reign.
Atelstan je bio ljubitelj slobodnih zidara, jer je bio veliki pokrovitelj arhitekture, i mnoge su javne građevine bile izgrađene tijekom njegove vladavine.
[Wed Oct 01 15:10:54 2003]
But it is not recorded in history that Prince Edwin exhibited any such attachment to Masonry or Architecture as is attributed to him in the old records, certainly not an attachment equal to that of Athelstan.
No u povijesti nije zabilježeno da je Princ Edwin pokazivao takvu privrženost slobodnom zidarstvu ili arhitekturi kakvu mu pripisuju stari zapisi, svakako ne privrženost jednaku Atelstanovoj.
[Wed Oct 01 15:10:54 2003]
On the contrary , Edward, the son of Alfred and the father of Athelstan, was not distinguished during his reign for any marked patronage of the arts, and especially of architecture
Naprotiv, Edvard, sin Alfreda i otac Atelstana, se tijekom svoje vladavine nije isticao nikakvim posebnim pokroviteljstvom umjetnosti, a posebno arhitekture
[Wed Oct 01 15:14:08 2003]
The book was republished by Spencer in 1870.
Knjigu je ponovo objavio Spencer 1870. godine.
[Wed Oct 01 15:14:17 2003]
The Roberts "Constitutions" and the Harleian MS.
Robertsove "Konstitucije" i Harleyev rukopis
[Wed Oct 01 15:15:19 2003]
1942, are evidently copies from the same original, if not one from the other.
1942, su očito prijepisi istog izvornika, ako ne jedan drugoga.
[Wed Oct 01 15:16:18 2003]
The story of Athelstan is.
Priča o Atelstanu je,
[Wed Oct 01 15:16:18 2003]
of course, identical in both, and the citation might as well have been made from either.
Priča o Atelstanu je, dakako, jednaka u oba, i citat je mogao biti iz bilo kojeg od njih.
[Wed Oct 01 15:27:20 2003]
and it is, therefore, certain that his son Athelstan exhibited a greater love to Masons or Architects than he did.
i stoga je sigurno da je njegov sin Atelstan pokazivao veću naklonost prema slobodnim zidarima ili arhitektima od njega.
[Wed Oct 01 15:44:38 2003]
Hence there arises a suspicion that the Legend was originally framed in the form presented to us by the Halliwell poem, and copied apparently by the writers of the Harleian and Roberts manuscripts, and that the insertion of the name of Prince Edwin was an afterthought of the copiers of the more recent manuscripts, and that this insertion "Of Edwin's name, and the error of making him a son of Athelstan, arose from a confusion of the mythical Edwin with a different personage, the earlier Edwin, who was King of Northumbria.
Odatle proizlazi sumnja da je Legenda bila izvorno sastavljena u obliku koji nam predstavlja Halliwellova pjesma, i da su ju očito prepisali autori Harleyevog i Robertsovog rukopisa, a da je umetanje imena Princa Edwina bila kasnija ideja prepisivača novijih rukopisa, i da je to umetanje Edwinovog imena, i greška kojom je postao sin Atelstana, proizašlo iz miješanja mitskog Edwina s jednim drugim likom, ranijim Edwinom, koji je bio kralj Northumbrije.
[Wed Oct 01 15:48:23 2003]
It may also be added that the son of Athelstan is not called Edwin in all of the recent manuscripts.
Još se može dodati da se Atelstanov sin ne zove Edwin u svim kasnijim rukopisima.
[Wed Oct 01 15:49:41 2003]
In one Sloane manuscript he is called Ladrian, in another Hegme, and in the Lodge of Hope manuscript Hoderine.
U jednom Sloaneovom rukopisu se naziva Ladrian, u drugom Hegme, a u rukopisu Lože Nade Hoderine.
[Wed Oct 01 15:51:03 2003]
This fact might indicate that there was some confusion and disagreement in putting the name of Prince Edwin into the Legend.
Ovaj podatak bi mogao ukazivati na to da je bilo nejasnoće i neslaganja oko stavljanje imena Princa Edwina u Legendu.
[Wed Oct 01 15:59:45 2003]
But I will not press this point, because I am rather inclined to attribute these discrepancies to the proverbial carelessness of the transcribers of these manuscripts.
Ali neću insistirati na tome, jer sam prilično sklon pripisati ove nepodudarnosti poslovičnoj nepažnji prepisivača ovih rukopisa.
[Wed Oct 01 15:59:45 2003]
How, then, are we to account for this introduction of an apparently mythical personage into the narrative, by which the plausibility of the Legend is seriously affected?
Kako ćemo onda objasniti uvođenje očito mitskog lika u pripovijest, čime se ozbiljno naudilo uvjerljivosti Legende?
[Wed Oct 01 16:05:31 2003]
Anderson, and after him Preston, attempts to get out of the difficulty by calling Edwin the brother, and not the son, of Athelstan.
Anderson, i nakon njega Preston, pokušavaju zaobići ovu teškoću nazivajući Edwina bratom, a ne sinom, Atelstana.
[Wed Oct 01 16:20:44 2003]
It is true that Athelstan did have a younger brother named Edwin, whom some historians have charged him with putting to death.
Istina je da je Atelstan je imao mlađeg brata po imenu Edwin, i da su ga neki povjesničari optužili za njegovu smrt.
[Wed Oct 01 17:08:24 2003]
And in so far the Legend might not be considered as incompatible with history.
I u toj mjeri bi se Legenda mogla smatrati usklađenom s poviješću.
[Wed Oct 01 17:09:22 2003]
But as all the manuscripts which have to this day been recovered which speak of Edwin call him the king's son and not his brother, notwithstanding the contrary statement of Anderson;
No kako svi do danas pronađeni rukopisi koji govore o Edwinu njega nazivaju sinom, a ne bratom, usprkos suprotnoj Andersonov tvrdnji;
[Wed Oct 01 17:09:22 2003]
I prefer another explanation, although it involves the charge of anachronism.
preferiram jedno drugo objašnjenje, iako sadrži teret anakronizma.
[Wed Oct 01 17:20:41 2003]
Anderson says in the second edition of the "Book of Constitutions" that in all the Old Constitutions it is written Prince Edwin, the king's brother - a statement that is at once refuted by a reference to all the manuscripts from the Dowland to the Papworth, where the word is always son.
Anderson kaže u drugom izdanju "Knjige Konstitucija" da u svim Starim Konstitucijama piše Princ Edwin, kraljev brat - izjava koja se odmah pobija kad se osvrnemo na sve rukopise od Dowlanda do Papwortha, gdje je riječ uvijek sin.
[Wed Oct 01 17:20:41 2003]
So much for the authority of the old writers on Masonic history.
Toliko o autoritetu starih pisaca o slobodnozidarskoj povijesti.
[Wed Oct 01 17:48:58 2003]
The annals of English history record a royal Edwin, whose devotion to the arts and sciences, whose wise statesmanship, and whose patronage of architecture, must have entitled him to the respect and the affection of the early English Masons.
Ljetopisi engleske povijesti bilježe Edwina, osobu kraljevske krvi, čija privrženost umjetnostima i znanosti, čije mudro državništvo, i čije pokroviteljstvo arhitekture, mora da su mu davali pravo na poštivanje i naklonost starih engleskih Slobodnih Zidara.
[Wed Oct 01 17:50:56 2003]
Edwin, King of Northumbria, one of the seven kingdoms into which England was divided during the Anglo-Saxon heptarchy, died in 633, after a reign of sixteen years, which was distinguished for the reforms which he accomplished, for the wise laws which he enacted and enforced, for the introduction of Christianity into his kingdom, and for the improvement which he effected in the moral, social, and intellectual condition of his subjects.
Edwin, kralj Northumbrije, jedne od sedam kraljevina na koje je Engleska bila podijeljena za vrijeme anglo-saksonske heptarhije, je umro 633. godine, nakon šesnaestogodišnje vladavine, koja je bila istaknuta zbog reformi koje je proveo, mudrih zakona koje je donio i provodio, zbog uvođenja kršćanstva u svoje kraljevstvo, i zbog napretka koji je postigao u moralnom, društvenom i intelektualnom stanju svojh podanika.
[Wed Oct 01 17:57:00 2003]
When he ascended the throne the northern metropolis of the Anglican Church had been placed at York, where it still remains.
Kad je došao na prijestolje, sjeverna metropolija anglikanske Crkve je smještena u York, gdje je i danas.
[Wed Oct 01 17:57:42 2003]
The king patronized Paulinus, the bishop, and presented him with a residence and with other possessions in that city.
Kralj je bio pokrovitelj Paulinusa, biskupa, i dodijelio mu je rezidenciju i druge posjede u tom gradu.
[Wed Oct 01 17:57:42 2003]
Much of this has already been said, but it will bear repetition.
Mnogo ovoga je već rečeno, ali podnijet će ponavljanje.
[Thu Oct 02 09:37:36 2003]
To this Edwin, and not to the brother of Athelstan, modern Masonic archaeologists have supposed that the Legend of the Craft refers.
Suvremeni slobodnozidarski arheolozi pretpostavljaju da se Legenda o Zanatu odnosi na ovog Edwina, a ne na Atelstanovog brata.
[Thu Oct 02 09:39:03 2003]
Yet this opinion is not altogether a new one.
Ovo stajalište ipak nije sasvim novo.
[Thu Oct 02 09:43:01 2003]
More than a century and a half ago it seems to have prevailed as a tradition among the Masons of the northern part of England.
Prije više od sto i pedeset godina čini se da je prevladalo kao tradicija među slobodnim zidarima sjevernog dijela Engleske.
[Thu Oct 02 09:43:01 2003]
For in 1726, in an address delivered before the Grand Lodge of York by its Junior Grand Warden, Francis Drake, he speaks of it as being well known and recognized, in the following words :
godine, u govoru koji je u Velikoj Loži Yorka održao njen Mlađi Veliki Čuvar, Francis Drake, on govori o tom uvjerenju kao o poznatom i priznatom, sljedećim riječima:
[Thu Oct 02 09:46:29 2003]
"You know we can boast that the :first Grand Lodge ever held in England was held in this city [York ] ;
"Znate da se možemo ponositi što je prva Velika Loža ikad održana u Engleskoj bila održana u ovom gradu [Yorku];
[Thu Oct 02 09:46:29 2003]
where Edwin, the first Christian King of the Northumbers, about the six hundredth year after Christ, and who laid the foundation of our Cathedral, sat as Grand Master."
gdje je Edwin, prvi kršćanski kralj Northumbrije, otprilike šesto godina nakon Krista, i koji je položio temelj naše Katedrale, zasjedao kao Veliki Majstor."
[Thu Oct 02 09:48:54 2003]
Brother A.
Brat A.
[Thu Oct 02 09:53:27 2003]
Woodford, a profound Masonic archaeologist, accepts this explanation, and finds a confirmation in the facts that the town of Derventio, now Auldby, six miles from York, the supposed seat of the pseudo-Edwin, was also the chief seat and residence of Edwin, King of Northumbria, and that the buildings, said in one of the manuscripts to have been erected by the false Edwin, were really erected, as is known from history, by the Northumbrian Edwin.
Woodford, učeni slobodnozidarski arheolog, prihvaća ovo objašnjenje, i nalazi potvrdu u činjenici da je grad Derventio, sada Auldby, šest milja udaljen od Yorka, navodno sjedište pseudo-Edwina, također bio glavno sjedište i prijestolnica Edwina, kralja Northumbrije, i da je građevine, za koje jedan rukopis kaže da ih je podigao lažni Edwin, zapravo podigao, kako je poznato iz povijesti, northumbrijski Edwin.
[Thu Oct 02 10:09:15 2003]
I think that with these proofs, the inquirer will have little or no hesitation in accepting this version of the Legend, and will recognize the fact that the writers of the later manuscripts fell into an error in substituting Edwin, the son (as they called him, but really the brother) of Athelstan, for Edwin, the King of Northumbria.
Mislim da će s ovim dokazima, istražitelj uz malo ili nimalo oklijevanja prihvatiti ovu verziju Legende, i da će prepoznati činjenicu da su pisci kasnijih rukopisa pogriješili kad su zamijenili Edwina, Atelstanovog sina (kako su ga nazivali, iako je zapravo bio brat), s Edwinom, kraljem Northumbrije.
[Thu Oct 02 10:13:22 2003]
It is true that the difference of dates presents a difficulty, there being about three hundred years between the reigns of Edwin of Northumbria, and Athelstan of England.
Istina je da razlika u datumima predstavlja problem, jer između vladavine Edwina u Northumbriji i Atelstana u Engleskoj postoji razlika od tri stotine godina.
[Thu Oct 02 10:13:22 2003]
But that difficulty, I think, may be overcome by the following theory which I advance on the subject:
No taj se problem, vjerujem, može prevladati uz pomoć sljedeće teorije koju iznosim u vezi ove teme:
[Thu Oct 02 10:23:38 2003]
The earlier series of manuscripts, of which the Halliwell poem is an exemplar, and, perhaps, also the Harleian and the Roberts Manuscripts, make no mention of Edwin, but assign the revival of Masonry in the 10th century to King Athelstan.
Raniji nizovi rukopisa, čiji uzorak je Halliwellova pjesma, a, možda, i Harleyev i Robertsov rukopis, ne spominju Edwina, nego preporod slobodnog zidarstva u desetom stoljeću pripisuju kralju Atelstanu.
[Thu Oct 02 10:23:38 2003]
The more recent manuscripts, of which the Dowland is the earliest, introduce Prince Edwin into the Legend and ascribe to him the honor of having obtained from Athelstan a charter, and of having held an Assembly at York.
Kasniji rukopisi, najstariji od kojih je Dowlandov, uvode Princa Edwina u Legendu i pripisuju mu čast dobivanja povelje od Atelstana, te održavanje Skupštine u Yorku.
[Thu Oct 02 10:30:11 2003]
There are, then, two forms of the Legend, which, for the sake of distinction, may be designated as the older and the later.
Postoje, dakle, dva oblika Legende, koji, zbog razlikovanja, mogu biti označeni kao raniji i kasniji.
[Thu Oct 02 10:32:24 2003]
The older Legend makes Athelstan the reviver of Masonry in England, and says nothing at all of Edwin.
U starijoj Legendi je Atelstan preporoditelj slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj, a Edwin se uopće ne spominje.
[Thu Oct 02 10:35:35 2003]
The later takes this honor from Athelstan and gives it to Prince Edwin, who is called his son.
Kasnija uzima ovu čast Atelstanu i daje ju Princu Edwinu, koji se naziva njegovim sinom.
[Thu Oct 02 10:39:15 2003]
The part about Edwin is, then, an addition to the older legend, and was interpolated into it by the later legendists, as will be evidently seen if the following extract from the Dowland manuscript be read, and all the words there printed in italics be omitted.
Dio o Edwinu je, dakle, dodatak starijoj legendi, i u nju su ga interpolirali kasniji pisci legende, što će se jasno vidjeti ako se pročita sljedeći odlomak iz Dowlandovog rukopisa, i ispuste se sve riječi tiskane u kurzivu.
[Thu Oct 02 10:39:59 2003]
So read, the passage will conform very substantially with the corresponding one in the Roberts manuscript, which was undoubtedly a copy from some older manuscript which contained the legend in its primitive form, wherein there is no mention of Prince Edwin.
Tako pročitan, odlomak će se u osnovi znatno poklapati s odgovarajućim odlomkom iz Robertsovog rukopisa, koji je nesumnjivo prijepis iz nekog starijeg rukopisa koji je sadržavao legendu u njenom prvotnom obliku, gdje se ne spominje princ Edwin.
[Thu Oct 02 10:39:59 2003]
Here is the extract to be amended by the omission of words in italics :
Ovdje je izvadak koji se treba izmijeniti izostavljanjem riječi u kurzivu:
[Thu Oct 02 10:49:11 2003]
The fact that the Legend in the Roberts "Constitutions "agrees in this respect with the older legend, and differs from that in all the recent manuscripts, gives some color to the claim that it was copied from a manuscript five hundred years old.
Činjenica da se Legenda u Robertsovim "Konstitucijama" u ovom pogledu slaže sa starijom legendom, a odstupa od svih kasnijih rukopisa, čini vjerojatnijom tvrdnju da je bila prepisana iz petsto godina starog rukopisa.
[Thu Oct 02 10:59:04 2003]
The elimination of only thirteen words relieves us at once of all difficulty, and brings the Legend into precise accord with the tradition of the older manuscripts.
Uklanjanje svega trinaest riječi odmah rješava sve teškoće, i točno usklađuje Legendu s tradicijom starijih rukopisa.
[Thu Oct 02 10:59:04 2003]
Thus eliminated it asserts :
Uz ta izostavljanja ona tvrdi:
[Thu Oct 02 11:03:12 2003]
That King Athelstan was a great patron of the arts of civilization - "he brought the land into rest and peace."
Da je kralj Atelstan bio veliki pokrovitelj umijeća civilizacije - "doveo je mir u zemlju."
[Thu Oct 02 11:03:13 2003]
This statement is sustained by the facts of history.
" Ovu tvrdnju podupiru povijesne činjenice.
[Thu Oct 02 11:05:53 2003]
He paid especial attention to architecture and the art of building, and adorned his country ,with abbeys, towns ( towers is a clerical error), and many other edifices.
Posebno je obraćao pozornost na arhitekturu i umjetnosti izgradnje, i ukrasio je svoju zemlju opatijama, gradovima (towers - kule - je pisarska pogreška), i mnogim drugim građevinama.
[Thu Oct 02 11:05:55 2003]
History confirms this also.
Povijest i ovo potvrđuje.
[Thu Oct 02 11:06:54 2003]
He was more interested in, and gave a greater patronage to, architecture than h is father and predecessor, Edward - another historical fact.
Više ga je zanimala, i bio je veći pokrovitelj arhitekture od njegovog oca i prethodnika, Edvarda - još jedna povijesna činjenica.
[Thu Oct 02 11:11:50 2003]
He gave to the Masons or Architects a charter as a guild, and called an assembly of the Craft at York.
Slobodnim zidarima ili arhitektima je dao povelju kao cehu, i sazvao je skupštinu Zanata u Yorku.
[Thu Oct 02 11:13:26 2003]
This last statement is altogether traditional.
Ova posljednja tvrdnja je sasvim tradicijska.
[Thu Oct 02 11:15:15 2003]
Historians are silent on the subject, just as they are on the organization of a Grand Lodge in 1717.
Povjesničari o toj temi šute, kao što šute i o organiziranju Velike Lože 1717. godine.
[Thu Oct 02 11:17:55 2003]
The mere silence of historians as to the formation of a guild of craftsmen or a private society is no proof that such guild or society was not formed.
Sama šutnja povjesničara što se tiče stvaranja ceha obrtnika ili privatnog društva nije dokaz da takav ceh ili društvo nisu bili osnovani.
[Thu Oct 02 11:17:55 2003]
The truth of the statement that King Athelstan caused an assembly of Masons to be held in the year 926 at the city of York, depends solely on a tradition, which has, however, until recently, been accepted by the whole Masonic world as an undoubted truth.
Istinitost tvrdnje da je kralj Atelstan naredio da se održi skupština slobodnih zidara 926. godine u gradu Yorku, oslanja se isključivo na tradiciju, koju je, ipak, donedavno, čitav slobodnozidarski svijet prihvaćao kao nedvojbenu istinu.
[Thu Oct 02 11:38:24 2003]
But that the city of York was the place where an assembly was convened by Athelstan in the year 926 is rendered very improbable when we refer to the concurrent events of history at that period of time.
No da je grad York bio mjesto gdje je Atelstan 926. godine sazvao skupštinu se čini prilično nevjerojatnim kad se osvrnemo na povijesne događaje iz tog doba.
[Thu Oct 02 11:39:38 2003]
In 925 Athelstan ascended the throne.
godine Atelstan je došao na prijestolje.
[Thu Oct 02 11:41:02 2003]
At that time Sigtryg was the reigning King of Northumbria, which formed no part of the dominions of Athelstan.
U to vrijeme je Sigtryg vladao Northumbrijom, koja nije pripadala Atelstanovom području vlasti.
[Thu Oct 02 11:46:07 2003]
To Sigtryg, who had but very recently been converted from Paganism to Christianity, Athelstan gave his sister in marriage.
Atelstan je Sigtrygu, koji se nedugo prije toga preobratio s poganstva na kršćanstvo, dao svoju sestru za ženu.
[Thu Oct 02 11:47:36 2003]
But the Northumbrian king having apostatized, his brother-in-law resolved to dethrone him, and prepared to invade his kingdom.
No kako se northumbrijski kralj odmetnuo, njegov ga je šogor odlučio svrgnuti, i pripremio se da napadne njegovo kraljevstvo.
[Thu Oct 02 11:47:36 2003]
Sigtryg having died in the meantime, his sons fled, one into Ireland and the other into Scotland, and Athelstan annexed Northumbria to his own dominions.
Sigtryg je u međuvremenu umro, njegovi sinovi su pobjegli, jedan u Irsku, drugi u Škotsku, a Atelstan je pripojio Northumbriju područjima svoje vlasti.
[Thu Oct 02 11:59:35 2003]
It is highly improbable that he did, but yet it is not absolutely impossible.
Malo je vjerojatno da je tako postupio, no ipak nije sasvim nemoguće.
[Thu Oct 02 12:00:39 2003]
The tradition may be correct as to York, but, if so, then the time should be advanced, by a few years, to that happy period when Athelstan had restored the land "into good rest and peace."
Tradicija bi mogla biti točna što se tiče Yorka, no, ako je tako, onda bi vrijeme trebalo biti pomaknuto, nekoliko godina, u ono sretno razdoblje kad je Atelstan ponovo vratio "mir u zemlju".
[Thu Oct 02 12:04:56 2003]
But the important question is, whether this tradition is mythical or historical, whether it is a fiction or a truth.
No važno pitanje je, bez obzira na to je li ova tradicija mitska ili povijesna, je li ona izmišljena ili istinita.
[Thu Oct 02 12:04:56 2003]
Conjectural criticism applied to the theory of probabilities alone can aid us in solving this problem.
Kritika koja se temelji na pretpostavljanju, primijenjena na na teoriju vjerojatnosti nam može pomoći u rješavanju ovog problema.
[Thu Oct 02 12:17:15 2003]
Taking his grandfather, the great Alfred, as his pattern, he was liberal in all his ideas, patronized learning erected many churches, monasteries, and other edifices of importance throughout his dominions, encouraged the translation of the Scriptures into Anglo-Saxon, and, what is of great value to the present question, gave charters to many guilds or operative companies as well as to several municipalities.
Uzimajući svog djeda, velikog Alfreda, za uzor, bio je liberalan u svim svojim idejama, poticao je učenje, podigao mnoge crkve, samostane i druge važne građevine diljem svog teritorija, poticao je prevođenje Svetog Pisma na staroengleski, i, što je od velikog značaja za trenutno pitanje, dodijelio je povelje mnogim cehovima ili operativnim društvima, kao i nekim gradovima.
[Thu Oct 02 12:28:49 2003]
Especially is it known from historical records that in the reign of Athelstan the frith-gildan, free guilds or sodalities, were incorporated by law.
Iz povijesnih zapisa je posebno poznato da su za vrijeme Atelstanove vladavine frith-gildan, slobodni cehovi ili društva, bili ozakonjeni.
[Thu Oct 02 12:33:57 2003]
From these subsequently arose the craft-guilds or associations for the establishment of fraternal relations and mutual aid, into which, at the present day, the trade companies of England are divided.
Iz njih su kasnije proizašli zanatski cehovi ili društva za uspostavljanje bratskih veza i uzajamne pomoći, na koja su, i danas, podijeljena engleska trgovačka društva (???).
[Thu Oct 02 12:36:23 2003]
There would be nothing improbable in any narrative which should assert that he extended his protection to the operative Masons, of whose art we know that he availed himself in the construction of the numerous public and religious edifices which he was engaged in erecting.
Ne bi bilo ničeg nevjerojatnog u pripovijesti koja bi tvrdila da je svoju zaštitu proširio na operativne slobodne zidare, čijim se umijećem, kao što znamo, okoristio u izgradnji brojnih javnih i religijskih građevina u čije se podizanje upustio.
[Thu Oct 02 12:36:23 2003]
It is even more than plausible to suppose that the Masons were among the sodalities to whom he granted charters or acts of incorporation.
Još je vjerojatnije pretpostaviti da su slobodni zidari bili među društvima kojima je dodijelio povelje ili odluke o zakonskom osnivanju.
[Thu Oct 02 12:46:12 2003]
Like the Reverend Brother Woodford, whose opinion as a Masonic archaeologist is of great value, I am disposed to accept a tradition venerable for its antiquity and for so long a period believed in by the craft as an historical record in so far as relates to the obtaining of a charter from Athelstan and the holding of an assembly.
Brata Woodforda, čije je mišljenje kao slobodnozidarskog arheologa od velike važnosti, sklon sam prihvatiti tradiciju dostojnu poštovanja zbog svoje starine, a u koju su članovi zanata tako dugo vjerovali kao u povijesni zapis, u onoj mjeri u kojoj se odnosi na dobivanje povelje od Atelstana i na održavanje skupštine.
[Thu Oct 02 12:46:12 2003]
" I see no reason, therefore," he says, " to reject so old a tradition that under Athelstan the operative Masons obtained his patronage and met in General Assembly."
"Ne vidim, stoga, nijedan razlog" kaže, "za odbacivanje te stare tradicije da su za vrijeme Atelstana operativni slobodni zidari dobili njegovo pokroviteljstvo i sastali se na Općoj Skupštini."
[Thu Oct 02 13:00:37 2003]
Admitting the fact of Athelstan's patronage and of the Assembly at some place, we next encounter the difficulty of explaining the interpolation of what may be called the episode of Prince Edwin.
Priznavajući činjenicu o Atelstanovom pokroviteljstvu i o Skupštini u nekom mjestu, kasnije se susrećemo s problemom interpolacije nečega što bi se moglo nazvati epizodom o princu Edwinu.
[Thu Oct 02 14:13:49 2003]
I have already shown that there can be no doubt that the framers of the later legend had confounded the brother, whom they, by a mistake, had called the son of Athelstan, with a preceding king of the same name, that is, with Edwin, King of Northumbria, who, in the 7th century, did what the pseudo-Edwin is supposed to have done in the 10th.
Već sam pokazao da ne može biti sumnje da su sastavljači kasnije legende bili pomiješali brata, kojeg su, greškom, nazvali Atelstanovim sinom, s ranijim kraljem istog imena, odnosno, s Edwinom, kraljem Northumbrije, koji je u sedmom stoljeću učinio ono što je lažni Edwin tobože učinio u desetom.
[Thu Oct 02 14:13:49 2003]
That is to say, he patronized the Masons of his time, introduced the art of building into his kingdom, and probably held an Assembly at York, which was his capital city.
To jest, on je u svoje doba bio pokrovitelj slobodnih zidara, uveo je umjetnost građenja u svoje kraljevstvo, i vjerojatno je održao Skupštinu u Yorku, koji je bio njegova prijestolnica.
[Thu Oct 02 14:51:36 2003]
Now, I suppose that the earlier Masons of the south of England, who framed the first Legend of the Craft, such as is presented to us in the old poem, first published by Mr. Halliwell in 1840, and also in the Harleian manuscript and in the one printed by Roberts in 1722, were unacquainted with the legend of Edwin of Northumbria, although, if we may believe Brother Drake, it was a well-known tradition in the north of England.
Pretpostavljam da stari slobodni zidari s juga Engleske, koji su sastavili prvu Legendu o Zanatu, kakva nam je predstavljena u staroj pjesmi, koju je prvi put objavio gosp. Halliwell 1840, ali i u Harleyevom rukopisu i u onom kojeg je tiskao Roberts 1722, nisu bili upoznati s legendom o Edwinu iz Northumbrije, iako je, ako možemo vjerovati Bratu Draku, to bila dobro poznata tradicija na sjeveru Engleske.
[Thu Oct 02 15:08:29 2003]
The earlier legends of the south, therefore, gave the honor of patronizing the Masons and holding an Assembly at York in 926 to Athelstan alone.
Starije legende juga su, dakle, jedino Atelstanu dodijelile čast onoga tko je bio pokrovitelj slobodnih zidara i tko je održao Skupštinu u Yorku 926. godine.
[Thu Oct 02 15:08:29 2003]
This was, therefore, the primitive Legend of the Craft among the Masons of London and the southern part of the kingdom.
To je, prema tome, bila prvotna Legenda o Zanatu među slobodnim zidarima Londona i južnog dijela kraljevstva.
[Thu Oct 02 15:14:40 2003]
But in time these southern Masons became, in consequence of increased intercourse, cognizant of the tradition that King Edwin of Northumbria had also patronized the Masons of his kingdom, but at an earlier period.
No s vremenom su ti južni slobodni zidari, uslijed sve više kontakata, upoznali tradiciju da je kralj Edwin od Northumbrije također bio pokrovitelj slobodnih zidara u svom kraljevstvu, ali u ranijem razdoblju.
[Thu Oct 02 15:20:57 2003]
The two traditions were, of course, at first kept distinct.
Dvije tradicije su, dakako, isprva bile odvojene.
[Thu Oct 02 15:20:57 2003]
There was, perhaps, a reluctance among the Masons of the south to diminish the claims of Athelstan as the first reviver, after St. Alban, of Masonry in England, and to give the precedence to a monarch who lived three hundred years before in the northern part of the island.
Moguće je da je kod slobodnih zidara na jugu bilo oklijevanja da oslabe tvrdnje da je Atelstan bio prvi preporoditelj slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj, nakon Sv. Albina, i da daju prvenstvo vladaru koji je živio tristo godina prije na sjevernom dijelu otoka.
[Thu Oct 02 15:41:49 2003]
This reluctance, added to the confusion to which all oral tradition is obnoxious, coupled with the' fact that there was an Edwin, who was a near relation of Athelstan, resulted in the substitution of this later Edwin for the true one.
Ovo oklijevanje, pridodano zabuni kojoj je podložna svaka usmena predaja, povezano s činjenicom da je zaista postojao Edwin, koji je bio bliski rođak Atelstana, rezultiralo je zamjenom ovog potonjeg Edwina s pravim.
[Thu Oct 02 15:41:49 2003]
It took years to do this - the reluctance continuing, the confusion of the traditions increasing, until at last the southern Masons, altogether losing sight of the Northumbrian tradition as distinct from that of Athelstan, combined the two traditions into one, and, with the carelessness or ignorance of chronology so common in that age, and especially among uncultured craftsmen, substituted Edwin, the brother of Athelstan, for Edwin, the King of Northumbria, and thus formed a new Legend of the Craft such as it was perpetuated by Anderson, and after him by Preston, and which has lasted to the present day.
Prošlo je mnogo godina, oklijevanje se nastavilo, brkanje tradicija se povećavalo, sve dok naposlijetku južni slobodni zidari, koji su na northumbrijsku tradiciju prestali gledati kao na različitu od Atelstanove, spojili dvije tradicije u jedno, i nepažnjom ili nepoznavanjem kronologije tako uobičajenim za to doba, a posebno među nenaobraženim zanatlijama, zamijenili Edwina, Atelstanovog brata, s Edwinom, kraljem Northumbrije, i tako stvorili novu Legendu o Zanatu, onakvu kakvu je ovjekovječio Anderson, i nakon njega Preston, i kakva traje sve do danas.
[Thu Oct 02 15:53:06 2003]
Therefore, eliminating from the narrative the story of Edwin, as it is told in the recent Legend, and accepting it as referring to Edwin of Northumbria, and as told in the tradition peculiar to the Masons of the northern part of England, we reach the conclusion that there were originally two traditions, one extant in the northern part of England and the other in the southern part
Stoga, izbacujući iz pripovijesti priču o Edwinu, kako je ispričana u kasnijoj Legendi, i prihvaćajući ju kao da se odnosi na Edwina od Northumbrije, i kako je ispričana u tradiciji svojstvenoj slobodnim zidarima sjevernog dijela Engleske, dolazimo do zaključka da su izvorno postojale dvije tradicije, jedna u sjevernom, a druga u južnom dijelu Engleske
[Thu Oct 02 15:56:59 2003]
To the same carelessness or ignorance are we to attribute the legendary error of making Edwin the son of Athelstan.
Isto takvoj nepažnji ili neznanju pripisujemo legendarnu grešku kojom je Edwina postao Atelstanov sin.
[Thu Oct 02 16:06:50 2003]
The former Legend ascribed the revival of Masonry in England to Edwin, King of Northumbria in the 7th century, and the latter to Athelstan, King of England in the 10th.
Prvospomenuta Legenda je pripisivala preporod slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj Edwinu, kralju Northumbrije u 7. stoljeću, a potonja Atelstanu, kralju Engleske u 10. stoljeću.
[Thu Oct 02 16:16:08 2003]
There being little communication in those days between the two parts of the kingdom, the traditions remained distinct.
Budući da je u to doba bilo malo kontakata između ta dva dijela kraljevstva, predaje su ostale različite.
[Thu Oct 02 16:16:08 2003]
But at some subsequent period, not earlier than the middle of the 16th century, or the era of the Reformation, the southern Masons became acquainted with the true Legend of the York Masons, and incorporated it into their own Legend, confounding, however, the two Edwins, either from ignorance, or more probably, from a reluctance to surrender the preeminence they had hitherto given to Athelstan as the first reviver of Masonry in England.
stoljeća, ili doba Reformacije, južni slobodni zidari su upoznali pravu Legendu o jorkškim slobodnim zidarima, i uključili je u svoju Legendu, brkajući, međutim, dva Edwina, ili iz neznanja, ili vjerojatnije, iz nevoljkosti da odustanu od prvenstva koje su do tada bili davali Atelstanu kao prvom preporoditelju slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj.
[Thu Oct 02 16:26:12 2003]
We arrive, then, at the conclusion, that if there was an Assembly at York it was convened by Edwin, King of Northumbria, who revived Masonry in the northern part of England in the 7th century ;
Dolazimo, tako, do zaključka, da ako je bila održana Skupština u Yorku, sazvao ju je Edwin, kralj Northumbrije, koji je obnovio slobodno zidarstvo u sjevernom dijelu Engleske u 7. stoljeću;
[Thu Oct 02 16:26:12 2003]
and that its decayed prosperity was restored by Athelstan in the 10th century , not by the holding of an Assembly at the city of York, but by his general patronage of the arts, and especially architecture, and by the charters of incorporation which he freely granted to various guilds or sodalities of workmen.
stoljeću, ne održavanjem Skupštine u gradu Yorku, nego općim pokroviteljstvom umijeća, a posebno arhitekture, i poveljama o ozakonjenju koje je slobodno dijelio raznim cehovima ili društvima radnika.
[Thu Oct 02 16:40:12 2003]
With these explanations, we are now prepared to review and to summarize the Legend of the Craft, not in the light of a series of absurd fictions, as too many have been inclined to consider it, but as an historical narrative, related in quaint language, not always grammatical, and containing several errors of chronology , misspelling of names, and confusion of persons, such as were common and might be expected in manuscripts written in that uncultured age, and by the uneducated craftsmen to whom we owe these old manuscripts.
Uz ova objašnjenja, spremni smo ponovo pregledati i sažeti Legendu o Zanatu, ne u svjetlu niza apsurdnih izmišljotina, kako su ju mnogi skloni promatrati, nego kao povijesnu priču, ispričanu osebujnim jezikom, ne uvijek gramatički točnim, koja sadrži nekoliko grešaka u kronologiji, nekoliko pogrešno napisanih imena, i brkanje osoba, kao što je bilo uobičajeno i za očekivati u rukopisima napisanim u to neprosvijetljeno doba, od strane neobrazovanih zanatlija kojima dugujemo ove stare rukopise.
[Sun Oct 26 09:12:18 2003]
The Legend of the Craft, as it is presented to us in what I have called the later manuscripts, that is to say, the Dowland and those that follow it up to the Papworth, begins with a descant on the seven liberal arts and sciences.
Legenda o Zanatu, kakvu nam predstavljaju rukopisi koje sam nazvao kasnijima, to jest, Dowlandov i oni koji slijede, sve do Papworthovog, počinje varijacijom na temu na sedam humanističkih umjetnosti i znanosti.
[Fri Oct 03 10:13:05 2003]
I have already shown that among the schoolmen contemporary with the legendists these seven arts and sciences were considered, in the curriculum of education, not so much as the foundation, but as the finished edifice of all human learning.
Već sam pokazao da su skolastici suvremeni s piscima legendi smatrali ovih sedam umijeća i znanosti, u programu obrazovanja, ne toliko temeljem, koliko gotovom građevinom sveg ljudskog znanja.
[Fri Oct 03 10:24:39 2003]
The Legend naturally partook of the spirit of the age in which it was invented.
Legenda je, naravno, sudjelovala u duhu vremena u kojem je bila osmišljena.
[Fri Oct 03 10:24:39 2003]
But especially did the Masons refer to these sciences, and make a description of them, the preface, as it were, to the story that they were about to relate, because the principal of these sciences was geometry, and this they held to be synonymous with Masonry.
No slobodni zidari su posebno naveli ove znanosti, i učinili njihov opis predgovorom priče koju su naumili ispričati, jer je najvažnija od tih znanosti bila geometrija, a oni su ju smatrali jednakom slobodnom zidarstvu.
[Fri Oct 03 10:31:46 2003]
Now, the intimate connection between geometry and architecture, as practiced by the Operative Freemasons of the Middle Ages, is well known, since the secrets, of which these Freemasons were supposed to be in possession, consisted almost solely in an application of the principles of the science of geometry to the art of building.
Bliska povezanost geometrije i arhitekture, kakvu su provodili operativni slobodni zidari srednjeg vijeka, je dobro poznata, budući da su se tajne, koje su ovi slobodni zidari navodno čuvali, sastojale gotovo isključivo od primjene načela znanosti geometrije na umijeće izgradnje.
[Fri Oct 03 10:36:36 2003]
The Legend next proceeds to narrate certain circumstances connected with the children of Lamech.
Legenda zatim nastavlja kazivati neke potankosti u vezi s djecom Lameka.
[Fri Oct 03 10:36:48 2003]
These details are said in the Legend to have been derived from the Book of Genesis, but were probably taken at second-hand from the Polychronicon, or universal
Za te potankosti se u Legendi kaže da su dobivene iz Knjige Postanka, no vjerojatno su bile uzete iz druge ruke iz Polikronikona, ili opće
[Fri Oct 03 10:43:07 2003]
This part of the Legend, which is not otherwise connected with the Masonic narrative, appears to have been introduced for the sake of an allusion to the pillars on which the sons of Lamech are said to have inscribed an account of the sciences which they had discovered, so that the knowledge of them might not be lost in consequence of the destruction of the world which they apprehended.
Čini se da je ovaj dio Legende, koji inače nije povezan sa slobodnozidarskom pripovijesti, bio uveden zbog spominjanja stupova na koje su Lamekovi sinovi navodno urezali opis znanosti koje su bili otkrili, tako da se znanje o njima ne izgubi u uništenju svijeta kojeg su se pribojavali.
[Fri Oct 03 11:02:39 2003]
The story of the inscribed pillars was a tradition of every people, narrated, with variations, by every historian and implicitly believed by the multitude.
Priča o stupovima s urezanim natpisima je bila tradicija svih naroda, kazivali su ju, s promjenama, svi povjesničari, a mnoštvo je u nju slijepo vjerovalo.
[Fri Oct 03 11:02:39 2003]
The legendists of Masonry got the account from Josephus, perhaps through Higden, but altered it to suit the spirit of their own narrative.
Autori slobodnozidarske legende su tu priču dobili od Josipa, možda preko Higdena, no izmijenili su ju da pristaje duhu njihove pripovijesti.
[Fri Oct 03 11:20:11 2003]
We are next told that Hermes discovered one of these pillars and was, from the information that it contained, enabled to restore the knowledge of the sciences, and especially of Masonry, to the post-diluvian world.
Zatim nam se kaže da je Hermes pronašao jedan od ovih stupova, i iz podatka koji su bili na njemu, uspio post-potopnom svijetu vratiti znanje o znanostima, a posebno o slobodnom zidarstvu.
[Fri Oct 03 11:22:35 2003]
This was a tribute of the legendists to the universally accepted opinion of the ancients, who venerated the " thrice great Hermes " as the mythical founder of all science and philosophy.
To je bila počast koju su pisci legende odali općeprihvaćenom vjerovanju drevnih naroda, koji su štovali "tri puta velikog Hermesa" kao mitskog utemeljitelja svih znanosti i filozofije.