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[Fri Oct 03 11:24:22 2003]
We are next told that Nimrod, " the mighty hunter before the Lord," availed himself of the wisdom that had been recovered by Hermes.
Zatim se kaže da se Nimrod, "silan lovac voljom Jahve", okoristio mudrošću koju je pronašao Hermes.
[Fri Oct 03 11:27:15 2003]
He was distinguished for his architectural works and first gave importance to the art of Masonry at the building of the Tower of Babel.
Isticao se po svojim arhitekturnim djelima i prvi je pridao važnost umijeću slobodnog zidarstva u izgradnji Babilonske Kule.
[Fri Oct 03 11:28:26 2003]
The Legend attributes to Nimrod the creation of the Masons into an organized body and he was the first who gave them a constitution or laws for their government.
Legenda Nimrodu pripisuje stvaranje organiziranog tijela slobodnih zidara i on bio prvi koji im je dao konstituciju ili zakone za njihovo vladanje.
[Fri Oct 03 11:28:26 2003]
Masonry, according to the legendary account, was founded in Babylon, whence it passed over to the rest of the world.
Slobodno zidarstvo je, kako kaže legenda, bilo utemeljeno u Babilonu, odakle se proširilo u ostatak svijeta.
[Fri Oct 03 11:39:33 2003]
In all this we find simply a recognition of the historical opinion that Chaldea was the birthplace of knowledge and that the Chaldean sages were the primitive teachers of Asia and Europe.
U ovome naprosto nalazimo priznavanje povijesnog stajališta da je Kaldeja je bila izvorište znanja i da su kaldejski mudraci bili prvotni učitelji Azije i Europe.
[Fri Oct 03 11:39:33 2003]
The modern discoveries of the cuneiform inscriptions show that the Masonic legendists had, at a venture, obtained a more correct idea of the true character of Nimrod than that which had been hitherto entertained, founded on the brief allusion to him in Genesis and the disparaging account of him in the Antiquities of Josephus.
Suvremena otkrića klinastih natpisa pokazuju da su slobodnozidarski pisci legendi slučajno došli do točnije predodžbe o pravom karakteru Nimroda od one koja je do tada bila podržavana, utemeljene na kratkom opisu u Knjizi Postanka i pogrdnom prikazu u Starinama Josipa Flavija.
[Fri Oct 03 12:03:49 2003]
The monastic legends had made Abraham a contemporary of Nimrod, and the Book of Genesis had described the visit of the patriarch and his wife to the land of Egypt.
Monastičke legende su učinile Abrahama suvremenikom Nimroda, a Knjiga Postanka opisuje posjet rodozačetnika i njegove žene zemlji Egipta.
[Fri Oct 03 12:03:49 2003]
Combining these two statements, the idea was suggested to the legendists that Abraham had carried into Egypt the knowledge which he had acquired from the Chaldeans and taught it to the inhabitants.
Kombinirajući ova dva navoda, pisci legende su došli na ideju da je Abraham u Egipat donio znanje koje je dobio od Kaldejaca i prenio ga Egipćanima.
[Fri Oct 03 12:08:23 2003]
Thus it is stated that Egypt was, after Babylonia, the place where the arts and sciences were first cultivated and thence disseminated to other countries.
Tako se navodi da je Egipat bio, nakon Babilonije, mjesto gdje su se umijeća i znanosti prvo razvili i otud proširili u druge zemlje.
[Fri Oct 03 12:19:15 2003]
Among these arts and sciences, geometry, which we have seen was always connected in the Masonic mind with architecture, held a prominent place.
Među ovim umijećima i znanostima, geometrija, koja je kao što vidimo u mislima slobbodnih zidara uvijek bila povezana s arhitekturom, je zauzimala istaknuto mjesto.
[Fri Oct 03 12:19:15 2003]
He who taught it to the Egyptians was typically represented by the name of Euclid, because the old Masons were familiar with the fact that he was then esteemed, as he still is, as the greatest of geometricians and almost the inventor of the science.
Onoga koji ju je podučavao Egipćanima se obično predstavljalo kao Euklida, jer stari slobodni zidari su bili upoznati s činjenicom da je on onda, a i sada, bio cijenjen kao najveći geometričar i gotovo izumitelj znanosti.
[Fri Oct 03 12:33:37 2003]
Accepting the allusion to Euclid, not as an historical anachronism, but rather as the expression of a symbolic idea, we can scarcely class the legendary statement of the condition of learning in Egypt as a pure and unadulterated fiction.
Prihvaćajući spominjanje Euklida, ne kao povijesni anakronizam, nego prije kao izraz simbolične ideje, teško da možemo legendarni iskaz o stanju prosvijećenosti u Egiptu svrstati u čistu i nepatvorenu fikciju.
[Fri Oct 03 12:34:54 2003]
It is an undoubted fact that Egypt was the primeval land whence science and learning flowed into Southern Europe and Western Asia.
Nedvojbena je činjenica da je Egipat bio prvotna zemlja odakle su znanost i prosvijećenost došle u južnu Europu i zapadnu Aziju.
[Fri Oct 03 12:41:41 2003]
Neither can it be disputed that civilization had there ripened into maturity long before Greece or Rome were known.
Niti se može pobiti da je civilizacija tamo dosegla zrelost mnogo prije nego što se uopće znalo za Grčku ili Rim.
[Fri Oct 03 12:41:41 2003]
It is moreover conceded that the ancient Mysteries whence Masonry has derived, not its organization, but a portion of its science of symbolism, received its birth in the land of the Nile, and that the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis were the prototypes of all the mystical initiations which were celebrated in Asia and in Southern Europe.
Osim toga, priznato je da su drevni Misteriji iz kojih je slobodno zidarstvo izvelo, ne svoj ustroj, nego dio svoje znanosti simbolizma, nastali u zemlji Nila, i ti Misteriji Ozirisa i Izide su bili prototipovi svih mističnih inicijacija koje su se vršile u Aziji i južnoj Europi.
[Fri Oct 03 13:00:54 2003]
They have even been claimed, though I think incorrectly, as the origin of those in Gaul, in Britain, and in Scandinavia.
Čak se tvrdi, iako mislim netočno, da su izvor onih u Galiji, u Britaniji i u Skandinaviji.
[Fri Oct 03 14:07:06 2003]
By a rapid transition, the Legend passes from the establishment of Masonry or architecture (for it must be remembered that in legendary acceptation the two words are synonymous ) to its appearance in Judea, the "Land of Behest," where, under the patronage and direction of King Solomon the Temple of Jerusalem was constructed.
Uz brz prijelaz, Legenda prelazi s utemeljenja slobodnog zidarstva ili arhitekture (jer mora se zapamtiti da legenda shvaća ove dvije riječi kao sinonime) do njegove pojave u Judeji, "Obećanoj zemlji", gdje je pod pokroviteljstvom i vodstvom Kralja Salomona sagrađen jeruzalemski Hram.
[Fri Oct 03 14:07:06 2003]
All that is said in this portion of the Legend purports to be taken from the scriptural account of the same transaction and must have the same historical value.
Sve što je rečeno u ovom dijelu Legende trebalo bi biti uzeto iz biblijskog prikaza istog događaja i mora imati istu povijesnu vrijednost.
[Fri Oct 03 14:20:28 2003]
We next have an account of the travels of these Masons or architects who built the Temple into various countries, to acquire additional knowledge and experience, and to disseminate the principles of their art.
Zatim slijedi opis putovanja u razne zemlje onih slobodnih zidara ili arhitekata koji su gradili Hram, kako bi stekli dodatno znanje i iskustvo, i proširili načela svog umijeća.
[Fri Oct 03 14:23:51 2003]
The carelessness of chronology, to which I have already adverted, so peculiar to the general illiteracy of the age, has led the legendists to connect this diffusion of architecture among the various civilized countries of the world with the Tyrian and Jewish Masons;
Nepoštivanje kronologije, na što sam već skrenuo pažnju, tako svojstveno općoj neukosti toga doba, je navelo pisce legende da povežu ovo širenje arhitekture u raznim civiliziranim zemljama svijeta s tirskim i židovskim slobodnim zidarima;
[Fri Oct 03 14:23:51 2003]
but the wanderings of that body of builders known as the "Traveling Freemasons" of the Middle Ages, through all the kingdoms of Europe, and their labors in the construction of cathedrals, monasteries, and other public edifices are matters of historical record.
no lutanja te skupine graditelja poznatih kao "putujući slobodni zidari" srednjeg vijeka, kroz sva kraljevstva Europe, i njihov rad na izgradnji katedrala, samostana i drugih javnih građevina su predmeti povijesnog zapisa.
[Fri Oct 03 14:29:29 2003]
Thus the historical idea is well preserved in the Legend of a body of artists who wandered over Europe, and were employed in the construction of cathedrals, monasteries, and other public edifices.
Tako je u Legendi dobro očuvana povijesna predodžba o skupini umjetnika koji su lutali Europom i radili na izgradnji katedrala, samostana i drugih javnih građevina.
[Fri Oct 03 14:37:28 2003]
The Legend next recounts the introduction of architecture into France, and the influence exerted upon it by Grecian architects, who brought with them into that kingdom the principles of Byzantine art.
Legenda zatim pripovijeda o uvođenju arhitekture u Francusku, i utjecaju koji su na nju imali grčki arhitekti, koji su u to kraljevstvo sobom donijeli načela bizantinske umjetnosti.
[Fri Oct 03 14:41:12 2003]
These are facts which are sustained by history.
To su činjenice koje povijest podupire.
[Fri Oct 03 14:41:12 2003]
The prominence given to France above Spain or Italy or Germany is, I think, merely another proof that the Legend was of French origin or was constructed under French influence.
Istaknuto mjesto koje je Francuska dobila u odnosu na Španjolsku ili Italiju ili Njemačku je, vjerujem, samo još jedan dokaz da je Legenda bila francuskog porijekla ili da je bila sastavljena pod francuskim utjecajem.
[Fri Oct 03 14:54:07 2003]
The account of the condition of Masonry or architecture among the Britains in the time of St. Alban, or the 4th century , is simply a legendary version of the history of the introduction of the art of building into England during the Roman domination by the "Collegia Artificum " or Roman Colleges of Artificers, who accompanied the victorious legions when they vanquished Hesperia, Gaul, and Britain, and colonized as they vanquished them.
stoljeću, je jednostavno legendarna verzija povijesti uvođenja umjetnosti izgradnje u Englesku za vrijeme rimske vladavine od strane "Collegia Artificum" ili rimskih udruženja zanatlija, koja su pratila pobjedničke legije kad su svladale Hesperiju, Galiju i Britanija, i nakon toga ih kolonizirale.
[Fri Oct 03 15:02:46 2003]
The decay of architecture in Britain after the Roman armies had abandoned that country to protect the Empire from the incursions of the northern hordes of barbarians, in consequence of which Britain was left in an unprotected state, and was speedily involved in wars with the Picts, the Danes, and other enemies, is next narrated in the Legend, and is its version of an historical fact.
Propadanje arhitekture u Britaniji nakon što su rimske vojske napustile tu zemlju kako bi obranile Carstvo od invazija sjevernih hordi barbara, uslijed čega je Britanija ostala u nezaštićenom položaju, i brzo se upustila u ratove s Piktima, Dancima i drugim neprijateljima, je sljedeće o čemu Legenda pripovijeda, i to je njena verzija povijesne činjenice.
[Fri Oct 03 15:13:58 2003]
It is also historically true that in the 7th century peace was restored to the northern parts of the island, and that Edwin, King of Northumbria, of which the city of York was the capital, revived the arts of civilization, gave his patronage to architecture, and caused many public buildings, among others the Cathedral of York, to be built.
stoljeću u sjevernim dijelovima otoka ponovo uspostavljen mir, i da je Edwin, kralj Northumbrije, čija je prijestolnica bio grad York, obnovio umijeća civilizacije, bio pokrovitelj arhitekture, i potaknuo izgradnju mnogih javnih građevina, između ostalog i Katedrale u Yorku.
[Fri Oct 03 15:13:58 2003]
All of this is told in the Legend, although, by an error for which I have already accounted, Edwin, the Northumbrian king, was in the later Legend confounded with the brother of Athelstan.
Sve je to ispričano u Legendi, iako, uz grešku koju sam već razjasnio, kojom je Edwin, northumbrijski kralj, u kasnijoj Legendi pomiješan s Atelstanovim bratom.
[Fri Oct 03 15:18:37 2003]
The second decay of architecture in England, in consequence of the invasions of the Danes, and the intestine as well as foreign wars which desolated the kingdom until the reign of Athelstan, in the early part of the 10th century, when entire peace was restored, is briefly alluded to in the Legend, therein conforming to the history of that troublous period.
Drugo propadanje arhitekture u Engleskoj, uslijed invazije Danaca, i unutarnjih kao i inozemnih ratova koji su opustošili kraljevstvo sve do vladavine Atelstana, početkom 10. stoljeća, kad je ponovno uspostavljen potpuni mir, se kratko spominje u Legendi, u čemu je usklađen s poviješću tog burnog razdoblja.
[Fri Oct 03 15:29:14 2003]
As a consequence of the restoration of peace, the Legend records the revival of Masonry or architecture in the 10th century, under the reign of Athelstan, who called the Craft together and gave them a charter.
Kao posljedicu ponovne uspostave mira, Legenda bilježi preporod slobodnog zidarstva ili arhitekture u 10. stoljeću, za vladavine Atelstana, koji je sazvao članove Zanata i dao im povelju.
[Fri Oct 03 15:35:40 2003]
I have already discussed this point and shown that the narrative of the Legend presents nothing improbable or incredible but that it is easily to be reconciled with the facts of contemporary history.
O ovome sam već raspravljao i pokazao da pripovijest Legende ne predstavlja ništa nemoguće ili nevjerojatno, nego da se lako može dovesti u sklad s činjenicama suvremene povijesti.
[Fri Oct 03 15:35:40 2003]
We have only to reconcile the two forms of the Legend by asserting that Edwin of Northumbria revived Masonry in an Assembly convened by him at York, and that Athelstan restored its decayed prosperity by his general patronage, and by charters which he gave to the Guilds or corporations of handicraftsmen.
Moramo jedino uskladiti dva oblika Legende potvrđujući da je Edwin od Northumbrije obnovio slobodno zidarstvo na skupštini koju je sazvao u Yorku, i da je Atelstan obnovio njegov oslabljeni napredak svojim općim pokroviteljstvom i poveljama koje je davao cehovima ili društvima zanatlija.
[Fri Oct 03 15:47:23 2003]
Passing in this summary method over the principal occurrences related in this Legend of the Craft, we relieve it from the charge of gross puerility, which has been urged against it, even by some Masonic writers who have viewed it in a spirit of immature criticism.
Prolazeći u ovoj metodi sažetka kroz najvažnije događaje ispričane u ovoj Legendi o Zanatu, oslobađamo je optužbe za krupnu neozbiljnost, koja joj je bila nametana, čak i od strane nekih slobodnozidarskih pisaca koji su ju promatrali u duhu nezrele kritike.
[Fri Oct 03 15:47:23 2003]
We find that its statements are not the offspring of a fertile imagination or the crude inventions of sheer ignorance, but that, on the contrary, they really have a support in what was at the time accepted as authentic history , and whose authenticity can not, even now, be disproved or denied.
Otkrivamo da njeni navodi nisu plod bujne mašte ili grube izmišljotine pukog neznanja, nego da, naprotiv, zapravo imaju uporište onome što se u to vrijeme prihvaćalo kao autentična povijest, i čija vjerodostojnost se ne može, čak ni sad, pobiti ili zanijekati.
[Fri Oct 03 16:02:36 2003]
Dissected as it has here been by the canons of philosophical criticism, the Legend of the Craft is no longer to be deemed a fable or myth, but an historical narrative related in the quaint language and in the quainter spirit of the age in which it was written.
Potanko ispitana, kao što je ovdje bila, prema načelima filozofske kritike, Legenda o Zanatu se više ne može smatrati bajkom ili mitom, nego povijesnom pričom ispričanom osebujnim jezikom i u još osebujnijem duhu vremena u kojem je bila napisana.
[Fri Oct 03 16:02:36 2003]
But after the revival of Freemasonry in the beginning of the 18th century, this Legend, for the most part misunderstood, served as a fundamental basis on which were erected, first by Anderson and then by other writers who followed him, expanded narratives of the rise and progress of Masonry, in which the symbolic ideas or the mythical suggestions of the ancient " Legend " were often developed and enlarged into statements for the most part entirely fabulous.
stoljeća, ova Legenda, najvećim dijelom pogrešno shvaćena, je poslužila kao glavni temelj na kojem su bile izgrađene, prvo od strane Andersona, a zatim i drugih pisaca koji su slijedili, proširene pripovijesti o nastanku i razvoju slobodnog zidarstva, u kojima su simbolične predodžbe ili mitske ideje drevne "Legende" često bile razvijene i proširene u tvrdnje uglavnom potpuno izmišljene.
[Fri Oct 03 16:10:55 2003]
In this way, these writers, who were educated and even learned men, have introduced not so much any new legends, but rather theories founded on a legend, by which they have traced the origin and the progress of the institution in narratives without historic authenticity and sometimes contradictory to historic truth.
Na taj način, ti pisci, koji su bili obrazovani i čak visoko naobraženi ljudi, su predstavili ne toliko nove legende, nego prije teorije utemeljene na legendi, kojima su pratili nastanak i razvoj institucije u pripovijestima bez povijesne vjerodostojnosti i ponekad u proturječju s povijesnom istinom.
[Fri Oct 03 16:19:46 2003]
The mode in which these theories have been attempted to be supported by the citation of assumed facts have caused them to take, to some extent, the form of legends.
Način na koji su ove teorije pokušale pronaći uporište u navođenju pretpostavljenih činjenica je uzrok zbog kojeg su donekle poprimile oblik legendi.
[Fri Oct 03 16:19:46 2003]
But to distinguish them from the pure Legends which existed before the 18th century, I have preferred to call them theories.
No kako bi se razlikovale od pravih Legendi koje su postojale prije 18. stoljeća, više ih volim nazivati teorijama.
[Fri Oct 03 16:28:53 2003]
Their chief tendency has been, by the use of unauthenticated statements, to confuse the true history of the Order.
Njihova je glavna sklonost bila, korištenjem neprovjerenih navoda, pomutiti istinitu povijest Reda.
[Fri Oct 03 16:30:03 2003]
And yet they have secured so prominent a place in its literature and have exerted so much influence on modern Masonic ideas, that they must be reviewed and analyzed at length, in order that the reader may have a complete understanding of the legendary history of the institution.
A ipak su zauzele tako istaknuto mjesto u njegovoj književnosti i toliko utjecale na suvremene slobodnozidarske predodžbe, da moraju biti opširno pregledane i analizirane, kako bi čitatelj mogao potpuno shvatiti legendarnu povijest institucije.
[Fri Oct 03 16:30:03 2003]
For of that legendary history, these theories, founded as they are on assumed traditions, constitute a part.
Jer ove torije, tako utemeljene na pretpostavljenim tradicijama, čine dio te legendarne povijesti.
[Fri Oct 03 16:31:56 2003]
As having priority in date, the theory of Dr. Anderson will be the first to claim our attention.
Budući da je najstarija, teoriji dr. Andersona ćemo prvoj posvetiti našu pozornost.
[Fri Oct 03 16:39:18 2003]
The Legend or theory of Dr. Anderson is detailed first in the edition of the Book of Constitutions which was edited by him and published in the year 1723, and was then more extensively developed in the subsequent edition of the same work published in 1738.
Andersona je prvi put ispričana u izdanju Konstitucija koje je on uredio i izdao godine 1723, a zatim je bila znatnije razvijena u sljedećem izdanju istog djela objavljenom 1738. godine.
[Fri Oct 03 16:52:59 2003]
Anderson was acquainted with the more recent Legend of the Craft, and very fully cites it from a manuscript or Record of Freemasons, written in the reign of Edward IV, that is, toward the end of the 15th century.
Anderson je poznavao noviju Legendu o Zanatu, i vrlo je detaljno navodi iz rukopisa ili Zapisa slobodnih zidara, napisanog za vladavine Edvarda IV, odnosno, krajem 15. stoljeća.
[Fri Oct 03 16:55:46 2003]
If Anderson's quotations from this manuscript are correct, it must be one of those that has been lost and not yet recovered.
Ako su Andersonovi citati iz od ovog rukopisa točni, to mora biti jedan od onih rukopisa koji su se izgubili, a još nisu ponovo pronađeni.
[Fri Oct 03 16:57:35 2003]
For among some other events not mentioned in the manuscripts that are now extant, he states that the charges and laws of the Freemasons had been seen and perused by Henry VI.
Jer među ostalim događajima koje ne spominju danas postojeći rukopisi, on navodi da je Henrik VI, zajedno sa svojim vijećem, vidio i pročitao dužnosti i zakone slobodnih zidara i odobrio ih.
[Fri Oct 03 17:02:48 2003]
He does not appear to have met with any of the earlier manuscripts, such as those of Halliwell and Roberts, which contain the Legend in its older form, for he makes no use of the Legend of Euclid, passing over the services of that geometrician lightly, as the later manuscripts do, and not ascribing to him the origin of the Order in Egypt, which theory is the peculiar characteristic of the older Legend.
Čini se da nije vidio ni jedan od ranijih rukopisa, kao što su Halliwellov i Robertsov, koji sadrže Legendu u njenom starijem obliku, jer ne iskorištava Legendu o Euklidu, ovlaš prelazeći preko zasluga tog geometričara, kao što čine kasniji rukopisi, i ne pripisuje mu podrijetlo Reda u Egiptu, što je teorija karakteristična za starije Legende.
[Fri Oct 03 17:08:58 2003]
But out of the later Legend and from whatever manuscripts containing it to which he had access, Anderson has formed a legend of his own.
No iz kasnije Legende i iz bilo kojeg rukopisa koji ju je sadržavao, a kojem je imao pristup, Anderson je stvorio svoju vlastitu legendu.
[Fri Oct 03 17:08:58 2003]
In this he has added many things of his own creation and given a more detailed narrative, if not a more correct one, than that contained in the Legend of the Craft.
U nju je uključio mnoge stvari koje su bile njegova vlastita tvorevina i pružio je pripovijest opširniju, ako ne točniju, od one sadržane u Legendi o Zanatu.
[Fri Oct 03 17:22:07 2003]
Anderson's Legend, or theory, of the rise and progress of Masonry, as it is contained in the first edition of the Book of Constitutions, was for a long time accepted by the Craft as a true history of the Order, and it has exercised a very remarkable influence in the framing of other theories on this subject which from time to time have been produced by subsequent writers.
Andersonova Legenda, ili teorija, o nastanku i razvoju slobodnog zidarstva, kakva je sadržana u prvom izdanju Konstitucija, je dugo vremena od strane članova Zanata bila prihvaćana kao prava povijest Reda, i imala je izuzetan utjecaj na sastavljanje drugih teorija o ovoj temi, koje su s vremena na vrijeme stvarali kasniji pisci.
[Fri Oct 03 17:38:32 2003]
To the student, therefore, who is engaged in the investigation of the legendary history of Masonry, this Andersonian Legend is of great importance.
Prema tome ova Legenda je od velike važnosti za svakog proučavatelja koji se bavi istraživanjem legendarne povijesti slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Oct 03 17:38:32 2003]
While the Legend of the Craft in its pure form was very little known to the great body of Masonic writers and students until the manuscripts containing this Legend in its various forms were made common to the Masonic public by the labors of Halliwell, Cooke, and, above all, by Hughan and his earnest collaborators in Masonic archaeology , the Legend of Anderson was accessible and familiar to all, and for a century and a half was deemed an authentic history, and even at the present day is accepted by some over-credulous and not well-informed Masons as a real narrative of the rise and progress of Masonry.
Dok je Legenda o Zanatu u svom izvornom obliku bila vrlo slabo poznata glavnini slobodnozidarskih pisaca i proučavatelja sve dok rukopisi koji sadrže ovu Legendu u njenim raznim oblicima nisu postali poznati slobodnozidarskoj javnosti zahvaljujući naporima Halliwella, Cookea, i, nadasve, Hughana i njegovih usrdnih suradnika u slobodnozidarskoj arheologiji, Andersonova Legenda je svima bila dostupna i poznata, i stoljeće i pol se smatrala autentičnom poviješću, i čak i danas ju neki previše lakovjerni i slabo upućeni slobodni zidari prihvaćaju kao stvarnu povijest nastanka i razvoja slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Oct 03 17:43:35 2003]
Anderson, in his history of the origin of Masonry, mindful of the French proverb, to "commencer par la commencement," begins by attributing to Adam a knowledge of Geometry as the foundation of Masonry and Architecture, words which throughout his Legend he uses as synonymous terms.
Anderson, u svojoj povijesti podrijetla slobodnog zidarstva, imajući na umu francusku poslovicu "commencer par la commencement", počinje pripisujući Adamu poznavanje geometrije kao temelja slobodnog zidarstva i arhitekture, pojmova koje kroz cijelu svoju Legendu koristi kao sinonime.
[Mon Oct 06 09:14:56 2003]
These arts he taught to his sons, and Cain especially practiced them by building a city.
Ovim umijećima je podučio svoje sinove, a posebno ih je Kajin provodio u izgradnji grada.
[Mon Oct 06 09:17:25 2003]
Seth also was equally acquainted with them and taught them to his offspring.
I Šet je bio jednako upoznat s njima i prenio ih je svome potomstvu.
[Mon Oct 06 09:19:15 2003]
Hence the antediluvian world was well acquainted with Masonry, and erected many curious works until the time of Noah, who built the Ark by the principles of Geometry and the rules of Masonry.
Zato je pretpotopni svijet dobro poznavao slobodno zidarstvo, i podigao je mnoga osebujna djela do doba Noe, koji je napravio arku prema načelima geometrije i pravilima slobodnog zidarstva.
[Mon Oct 06 09:21:31 2003]
Noah and his three sons, who were all Masons, brought with them to the new world the traditions and arts of the antediluvians.
Noa i njegova tri sina, koji su svi bili slobodni zidari, donijeli su sobom u novi svijet tradicije i umijeća pretpotopnih ljudi.
[Mon Oct 06 09:21:31 2003]
Noah is therefore deemed the founder of Masonry in the postdiluvian world, and hence Anderson called a Mason a "true Noachida" or Noachite, a term used to the present day.
Noa se stoga smatra osnivačem slobodnog zidarstva u post-potopnom svijetu, i stoga Anderson slobodne zidare naziva "pravim Noahidima" ili Noahitima, što je izraz koji se koristi do današnjeg dana.
[Mon Oct 06 09:24:46 2003]
The descendants of Noah exercised their skill in Masonry in the attempted erection of the Tower of Babel, but were confounded in their speech and dispersed into various countries, whereby the knowledge of Masonry was lost
Noini potomci su provodili svoju vještinu slobodnog zidarstva u pokušaju izgradnje Babilonske Kule, no jezici su im se pomiješali i oni su se raspršili u razne zemlje, čime se znanje o slobodnom zidarstvu izgubilo
[Mon Oct 06 09:27:52 2003]
Oliver has readily accepted this theory of an antediluvian Masonry and written several very learned and indeed interesting works on the subject.
Oliver je spremno prihvatio ovu teoriju o pretpotopnom slobodnom zidarstvu i napisao je nekoliko vrlo stručnih i doista zanimljivih radova na ovu temu.
[Mon Oct 06 09:40:02 2003]
In those parts afterward flourished many priests and mathematicians under the name of Chaldees and Magi, who preserved the science of Geometry or Masonry, and thence the science and the art were transmitted to later ages and distant climes.
U tim je dijelovima kasnije bilo mnogo svećenika i matematičara zvanih Kaldejci i Mudraci, koji su očuvali znanost geometrije ili slobodnog zidarstva, i otamo su se znanost i umijeće prenijeli u kasnija doba i daleka podneblja.
[Mon Oct 06 09:42:45 2003]
Mitzraim, the second son of Ham, carried Masonry into Egypt, where the overflowing of the banks of the Nile caused an improvement in Geometry, and consequently brought Masonry much into request.
Misrajim, drugi Hamov sin, je donio slobodno zidarstvo u Egipat, gdje su poplavljivanja obala Nila dovela do napretka u geometriji, i slijedom toga je došlo do velike potražnje za slobodnim zidarstvom.
[Mon Oct 06 09:42:45 2003]
Masonry was introduced into the Land of Canaan by the descendants of the youngest son of Ham, and into Europe, as he supposes, by the posterity of Japhet, although we know nothing of their works.
Slobodno zidarstvo su u zemlju kanaansku uveli potomci najmlađeg Hamovog sina, a u Europu, pretpostavlja, potomci Jafeta, iako ništa ne znamo o njihovim djelima.
[Mon Oct 06 09:52:58 2003]
The posterity of Shem also cultivated the art of Masonry, and Abraham, the head of one branch of that family, having thus obtained his knowledge of Geometry and the kindred sciences, communicated that knowledge to the Egyptians and transmitted it to his descendants, the Israelites.
Potomci Šema su također njegovali umijeće slobodnog zidarstva, a Abraham, glava jedne grane te obitelji, nakon što je tako dobio svoje znanje o geometriji i srodnim znanostima, prenio je to znanje Egipćanima, kao i svojim potomcima, Izraelićanima.
[Mon Oct 06 09:52:58 2003]
When, therefore, they made their exodus from Egypt the Israelites were " a whole kingdom of Masons," and while in the wilderness were often assembled by their Grand Master Moses into " a regular and general Lodge."
Kad, dakle, odlazili iz Egipta Izraelićani su bili "čitavo kraljevstvo slobodnih zidara", dok ih je u pustoši njihov Veliki Majstor Mojsija često okupljao u "redovitoj i općoj loži."
[Mon Oct 06 10:03:18 2003]
On taking possession of Canaan, the Israelites found the old inhabitants were versed in Masonry, which, however, their conquerors greatly improved, for the splendor of the finest structures in Tyre and Sidon was greatly surpassed by the magnificence of the Temple erected by King Solomon in Jerusalem.
Nakon zauzimanja Kanaana, Izraelićani su otkrili da su tamošnji stanovnici bili vješti u slobodnom zidarstvu, što su, međutim, osvajači uvelike poboljšali, jer je divotu najljepših građevina u Tiru i Sidonu uvelike premašila veličanstvenost Hrama koji je podigao kralj Salomona u Jeruzalemu.
[Mon Oct 06 10:03:18 2003]
In the construction of this edifice, Solomon was assisted by the Masons and carpenters of Hiram, King of Tyre, and especially by the King of Tyre's namesake Hiram or Huram, to whom, in a note, Anderson gives the name of Hiram Abif, which name he has ever since retained among the Craft.
U izgradnji ove građevine, Salomonu su pomogli slobodni zidari i stolari Hirama, kralja Tira, i posebno imenjaka kralja Tira, Hirama ili Hurama, kojem, u bilješci, Anderson daje ime Hiram Abif, koje je odonda zadržao među članovima Zanata.
[Mon Oct 06 10:20:15 2003]
This part of the Legend has been preserved in the American rituals, wherein the candidate is said to come " from the lofty Tower of Babel, where language was confounded and Masonry lost," and to be proceeding " to the threshing-floor of Orneu the Jebusite (the Temple of Solomon) where language was restored and Masonry found."
Ovaj dio Legende se očuvao u američkim obredima, gdje se za kandidata kaže da dolazi "iz visoke Babilonske Kule, gdje su se jezici pomiješali, a slobodno zidarstvo se izgubilo", i da ide "do gumna Araune Jebusejca (Salomonov Hram) gdje je jezik bio obnovljen i slobodno zidarstvo je bilo ponovo otkriveno."
[Mon Oct 06 10:22:56 2003]
By the science is meant geometry, and by the art architecture - a distinction preserved in the Middle Ages;
Pod znanošću se misli na geometriju, a pod umijećem na arhitekturu - razlika koja se očuvala u srednjem vijeku;
[Mon Oct 06 10:22:56 2003]
and the combination of them into " Geometrical Masonry," constitute the Mystery of the Freemasons of that period.
a njihovo spajanje u "geometrijsko slobodno zidarstvo" tvori Misterij slobodnih zidara tog doba.
[Mon Oct 06 10:26:29 2003]
In the first edition of this Legend, Anderson makes no allusion to the death of Hiram Abif during the building of the Temple.
U prvom izdanju ove Legende, Anderson ne spominje smrt Hirama Abifa za vrijeme izgradnje Hrama.
[Mon Oct 06 10:30:24 2003]
He mentions it, however, in the second edition of the "Constitutions" published fifteen years afterward.
Spominje ju, međutim, u drugom izdanju "Konstitucija" objavljenom petnaest godina kasnije.
[Mon Oct 06 10:30:24 2003]
But this does not absolutely prove that he was at the time unacquainted with the tradition, but he may have thought it too esoteric for public record, for he says, in the very place where he should have referred to it, that he has left " what must not and cannot be communicated in writing."
No to bezuvjetno ne dokazuje da u to doba nije bio upoznat s tradicijom, nego je možda mislio da je previše ezoterična za javni zapis, jer kaže, upravo na onom mjestu gdje ju je trebao navesti, da je izostavio "ono što se ne smije i ne može pismeno priopćiti."
[Mon Oct 06 10:40:54 2003]
Anderson gives in this Legend the first detailed account of the Temple of Solomon that is to be found in any Masonic work.
Anderson u ovoj Legendi navodi prvi iscrpan opis Salomonovog Hrama koji se može pronaći u bilo kojem slobodnozidarskom djelu.
[Mon Oct 06 10:45:54 2003]
It is, however, only an appropriation of that contained in the Books of Kings and Chronicles, with some statements for which he was probably indebted to his own invention.
Ona je, međutim, tek prisvajanje onoga što se nalazi u Knjigama o kraljevima i Knjigama Ljetopisa, uz neke navode koje vjerojatno duguje vlastitoj domišljatosti.
[Mon Oct 06 10:45:54 2003]
It has exerted a considerable influence upon other Legends subsequently framed, and especially upon all the rituals, and indeed upon all the modern ideas of speculative Masons.
Imala je znatan utjecaj na druge Legende koje su kasnije sastavljene, a posebno na sve obrede, i, uistinu, na sve suvremene predodžbe spekulativnih slobodnog zidara.
[Mon Oct 06 10:56:08 2003]
After the construction of the Temple, the Masons who had been engaged in it dispersed into Syria, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, Babylonia, Media, Persia, Arabia, Africa, Lesser Asia, Greece, and other parts of Europe, where they taught the art to many eminent persons, and kings, princes, and potentates became Grand Masters, each in his own territory.
Nakon izgradnje Hrama, slobodni zidari koji su na njemu radili raštrkali su se po Siriji, Mezopotamiji, Asiriji, Kaldeji, Babiloniji, Mediji, Perziji, Arabiji, Africi, Maloj Aziji, Grčkoj i drugim dijelovima Europe, gdje su mnoge ugledne osobe podučavali svome umijeću, a kraljevi, prinčevi i vladari su postali Veliki Majstori, svaki na svom području.
[Mon Oct 06 10:56:08 2003]
The Legend then passes on to Nebuchadnezzar, whom it calls a Grand Master, and asserts that he received much improvement in Masonry from the Jewish captives whom he brought to Babylon after he had destroyed that city and its Temple.
Legenda zatim prelazi na Nabukodonozora, koji naziva Velikim Majstorom, i tvrdi da su za njegovo poboljšanje slobodnog zidarstva uvelike zaslužni židovski zatočenici koje je doveo iz Babilona nakon što je uništio taj grad i njegov Hram.
[Mon Oct 06 11:12:14 2003]
Afterward Cyrus constituted Zerubbabel the leader of the Jews, who, being released from their captivity, returned to Jerusalem and built the second Temple.
Kasnije je Kir imenovao Zerubabela vođom Židova, koji se, nakon što je pušten iz zarobljeništva, vratio u Jeruzalem i sagradio drugi Hram.
[Mon Oct 06 11:12:16 2003]
From Palestine, and after the erection of the Temple, Masonry was carried into Greece, and arrived at its height during the Jewish captivity, and in the time of Thales Milesius, the philosopher, and his pupil, Pythagoras, who was the author of the 47th Proposition of Euclid, which "is the foundation of all Masonry," Pythagoras traveled into Egypt and Babylon, and acquired much knowledge from the priests and the Magi, which he dispensed in Greece and Italy on his return.
Iz Palestine, i nakon podizanja Hrama, slobodno zidarstvo je došlo u Grčku i postiglo vrhunac za vrijeme židovskog zatočeništva, i u doba Thalesa Milesiusa, filozofa, i njegovog učenika, Pitagore, autora 47. Euklidovog poučka koji je "temelj sveg slobodnog zidarstva", Pitagora je išao u Egipat i Babilon, i dobio mnogo znanja od svećenika i Mudraca, koje je po svom povratku prenosio dalje u Grčkoj i Italiji.
[Mon Oct 06 11:19:21 2003]
The peculiar details of the doctrine of Anderson have not been always respected.
Osebujni detalji Andersonove doktrine se nisu uvijek poštivali.
[Mon Oct 06 11:19:29 2003]
For instance, it is a very prevalent opinion among the Craft at this day, that there was a Master Mason's Lodge at the Temple, over which Solomon presided as Master and the two Hirams as Wardens, a theory which is not supported by Anderson, who says that King Solomon was Grand Master of the Lodge at Jerusalem, King Hiram Grand Master of that at Tyre, and Hiram Abif Master of Work.
Na primjer, danas je prevladavajuće mišljenje među članovima Zanata, da je postojala Majstorska Loža u Hramu, kojoj je na čelu bio Salomon kao Majstor, a dva Hirama su bili Čuvari, što je teorija koju Anderson ne podržava, tvrdeći da je kralj Salomon bio Veliki Majstor Lože u Jeruzalemu, kralj Hiram Veliki Majstor Lože u Tiru, a Hiram Abif Majstor Radova.
[Mon Oct 06 11:41:56 2003]
The Legend now speaks, parenthetically as it were, of the progress of Masonry in Asia Minor, and of the labors of Euclid in Egypt, in the reign of Ptolemy Lagus, in the methodical digestion of Geometry into a science.
Legenda zatim usput govori o razvoju slobodnog zidarstva u Maloj Aziji, i naporima Euklida u Egiptu, za vladavine Ptolomeja Lagusa, na metodičnom sažimanju geometrije u znanost.
[Mon Oct 06 11:41:56 2003]
It next dwells upon the great improvement of Masonry in Greece, whose Masons arrived at the same degree of skill and magnificence as their teachers the Asiatics and Egyptians.
Zatim se bavi velikim napretkom slobodnog zidarstva u Grčkoj, gdje su slobodni zidari postigli jednaku razinu vještine i veličanstvenosti kao njihovi učitelji Azijci i Egipćani.
[Mon Oct 06 11:48:00 2003]
From Sicily, from Greece, from Egypt and Asia, Masonry was introduced into Rome, which soon became the center of learning, and disseminated the knowledge of Masonry among the nations which it conquered.
Sa Sicilije, iz Grčke, iz Egipta i Azije, slobodno zidarstvo je došlo do Rima, koji je uskoro postao središte učenosti, i proširio znanje o slobodnom zidarstvu među narodima koje je pokorio.
[Mon Oct 06 11:52:07 2003]
The Emperor Augustus became the Grand Master of the Lodge at Rome, and established the Augustan style of architecture.
Car August je postao Veliki Majstor Lože u Rimu, i uspostavio je augustinski stil arhitekture.
[Mon Oct 06 11:52:07 2003]
During the prosperous condition of the Roman Empire, Masonry was carefully propagated to the remotest regions of the world, and a Lodge erected in almost every Roman garrison.
Za vrijeme blagostanja i napretka rimskog carstva, slobodno zidarstvo se pomno se širilo u najudaljenije dijelove svijeta, a u gotovo svakom rimskom garnizonu je bila osnovana Loža.
[Mon Oct 06 12:06:18 2003]
But upon the declension of the empire, when the Roman garrisons were drawn away from Britain, the Angles and lower Saxons, who had been invited by the ancient Britons to come over and help them against the Scots and Picts, at length subdued the southern part of England, where Masonry had been introduced by the Romans, and the art then fell into decay.
No ubrzo nakon slabljenja carstva, kad su rimski garnizoni napustili Britaniju, Angli i donji Sasi, koje su drevni Britanci bili pozvali da dođu i pomognu im protiv Škota i Pikta, potpuno su pokorili južni dio Engleske, gdje su Rimljani bili uveli slobodno zidarstvo, i tada je umijeće počelo propadati.
[Mon Oct 06 12:06:18 2003]
When the Anglo-Saxons recovered their freedom in the 8th century Masonry was revived, and at the desire of the Saxon kings, Charles Martel, King of France, sent over several expert craftsmen, so that Gothic architecture was again encouraged during the Heptarchy.
stoljeću ponovo stekli slobodu slobodnog zidarstvo je obnovljeno, i po želji saskih kraljeva, Karlo Martel, kralj Francuske, im je poslao nekoliko iskusnih zanatlije, tako da je gotska arhitektura ponovo bila potaknuta za vrijema heptarhije.
[Mon Oct 06 12:14:30 2003]
The many invasions of the Danes caused the destruction of numerous records, but did not, to any great extent, interrupt the work, although the methods introduced by the Roman builders were lost.
Brojne najezde Danaca su bile uzrokom uništenja mnogih zapisa, no nisu, u značajnijoj mjeri, prekinule djelatnost, iako su metode koje su uveli rimski graditelji bile izgubljene.
[Mon Oct 06 12:19:00 2003]
But when war ceased and peace was proclaimed by the Norman conquest, Gothic Masonry was restored and encouraged by William the Conqueror and his son William Rufus, who built Westminster Hall.
No kad je prestao rat i kad je nakon normanskog osvajanja proglašen mir, gotsko slobodno zidarstvo je bilo obnovljeno, a poticali su ga William Osvajač i njegov sin William Rufus, koji je sagradio Westminster Hall.
[Mon Oct 06 12:22:28 2003]
And notwithstanding the wars that subsequently occurred, and the contentions of the Barons, Masonry never ceased to maintain its position in England.
I usprkos ratovima do kojih je kasnije došlo, i neslaganjima Baruna, slobodno zidarstvo nikad nije izgubilo svoj položaj u Engleskoj.
[Mon Oct 06 12:22:28 2003]
In the year 1362, Edward III had an officer called the King's Freemason, or General Surveyor of his buildings, whose name was Henry Yvele, and who erected many public buildings.
Godinu 1362, Edvard III je imao službenika zvanog Kraljev slobodni zidar, ili Glavni Nadglednik njegovih građevina, čije je ime bilo Henry Yvele, i koji je podigao mnoge javne građevine.
[Mon Oct 06 12:34:44 2003]
Anderson now repeats the Legend of the Craft, with the story of Athelstan and his son Edwin, taking it, with an evident modification of the language, from a record of Freemasons, which he says was written in the reign of Edward IV.
Anderson zatim ponavlja Legendu o Zanatu, s pričom o Atelstanu i njegovom sinu Edwinu, uzimajući je, uz očitu izmjenu jezika, iz jednog slobodnozidarskog zapisa, za koji kaže da je bio napisan za vrijeme vladavine Edvarda IV.
[Mon Oct 06 12:38:10 2003]
This record adds, as he says, that the charges and laws therein contained had been seen and approved by Henry VI and the lords of his council, who must therefore, to enable them to make such a review, have been incorporated with the Freemasons.
Ovaj zapis dodaje, kako on kaže, da je dužnosti i zakone u njemu sadržane bio vidio i odobrio Henrik VI, kao i plemići njegovog vijeća, koji stoga mora da su, kako bi mogli izvršiti takav pregled, bili uključeni u društvo slobodnih zidara.
[Mon Oct 06 12:38:10 2003]
In consequence of this, the act passed by Parliament when the King was in his infancy, forbidding the yearly congregations of Masons in their General Assemblies, was never enforced after the King had arrived at manhood, and had perused the regulations contained in that old record.
Uslijed toga, zakon koji je Parlament bio izglasao kad je kralj bio dijete, a koji zabranjuje godišnja okupljanja slobodnih zidara u njihovim Općim Skupštinama, nije se nikad provodio nakon što je kralj odrastao i pažljivo pročitao pravila sadržana u tom starom zapisu.
[Mon Oct 06 12:49:22 2003]
The Kings of Scotland also encouraged Masonry from the earliest times down to the union of the crowns, and granted to the Scottish Masons the prerogative of having a fixed Grand Master and Grand Warden.
Škotski kraljevi su također podupirali slobodno zidarstvo od najranijih vremena sve do ujedinjenja kraljevstava, i dodijelili su škotskim slobodnim zidarima povlasticu da imaju stalnog Velikog Majstora i Velikog Čuvara.
[Mon Oct 06 12:58:06 2003]
Queen Elizabeth discouraged Masonry , and neglected it during her whole reign.
Kraljica Elizabeta je suzbijala slobodno zidarstvo, i zanemarivala ga tijekom čitave svoje vladavine.
[Mon Oct 06 12:58:06 2003]
She sent a commission to York to break up the Annual Assembly, but the members of the commission, having been admitted into the Lodge, made so favorable a report to the Queen, of the Fraternity, that she no longer opposed the Masons, but tolerated them, although she gave them no encouragement.
Poslala je povjerenstvo u York da prekine Godišnju Skupštinu, no članovi povjerenstva, nakon što su primljeni u Ložu, kraljici su podnijeli tako povoljan izvještaj o Bratstvu, da se ona više nije protivila slobodnim zidarima, nego ih je podnosila, iako ih ničime nije poticala.
[Mon Oct 06 14:14:27 2003]
Her successor, James I, was, however, a patron of Masonry, and greatly revived the art and restored the Roman architecture, employing Inigo Jones as his architect, under whom was Nicholas Stone as his Master Mason.
Njen nasljednik, Jakov I, je bio, međutim, pokrovitelj slobodnog zidarstva, i uvelike je preporodio umijeće i obnovio rimsku arhitekturu, zapošljavajući Inigo Jonesa kao svog arhitekta, za kojeg je Nicholas Stone radio kao glavni slobodni zidar.
[Mon Oct 06 14:14:27 2003]
Charles I was also a Mason, and patronized the art whose successful progress was unhappily diverted by the civil wars and the death of the king.
Karlo I je također bio slobodni zidar i bio je pokrovitelj umijeća čiji su uspješan razvoj nažalost odvratili građanski ratovi i kraljeva smrt.
[Mon Oct 06 14:18:50 2003]
But after the restoration of the royal family, Masonry was again revived by Charles II, who was a great encourager of the craftsmen, and hence is supposed to have been a Freemason.
Ali nakon restauracije kraljevske obitelji, slobodno zidarstvo je ponovo oživio Karlo II, koji je bio veliki pomagač zanatlija, i zato se pretpostavlja da je bio slobodni zidar.
[Mon Oct 06 14:20:42 2003]
In the reign of James II.
Za vladavine Jakova II
[Mon Oct 06 14:23:01 2003]
, Masonry not being duly cultivated, the London Lodges " much dwindled into ignorance."
Za vladavine Jakova II, budući da slobodno zidarstvo nije bilo održavano na odgovarajući načon, londonske Lože "su se uvelike gubile u neznanju."
[Mon Oct 06 14:23:01 2003]
But on the accession of William, that monarch " who by most is reckoned as a Freemason," greatly revived the art, and showed himself a patron of Masonry.
No nakon dolaska Williama na prijestolje, taj je vladar, "kojeg većina smatra slobodnim zidarom", uvelike preporodio umijeće, i pokazao se pokroviteljem slobodnog zidarstva.
[Mon Oct 06 14:29:08 2003]
From this it appears that Anderson was acquainted with the claim of the St. Clairs of Roslin to the hereditary Grand Mastership of Scotland, a point that has recently been disputed.
Iz ovog se čini da je Anderson bio upoznat sa zahtjevom Sv. Clair Roslina za nasljednim Velikim Majstorstvom Škotske, što je nedavno bilo osporavano.
[Mon Oct 06 14:41:58 2003]
His good example was followed by Queen Anne, who ordered fifty new churches to be erected in London and its suburbs, and also by George I, her successor.
Njegov pozitivan primjer je slijedila kraljica Anne, koja je naredila da se u Londonu i njegovim predgrađima podigne pedeset novih crkava, kao i George I, njen nasljednik.
[Mon Oct 06 14:51:40 2003]
With an allusion to the opinion that the religious and military Orders of knighthood in the Middle Ages had borrowed many of their solemn usages from the Freemasons, the Legend here ends.
Uz aludiranje na vjerovanje da su religiozni i vojni redovi vitezova srednjeg vijeka posudili mnoge od svojih svečanih običaja od slobodnih zidara, Legenda ovdje završava.
[Mon Oct 06 14:51:40 2003]
Upon a perusal of this Legend, it will be found that it is in fact, except in the latter portions, which are semi-historical, only a running commentary on the later Legend of the Craft, embracing all that is said therein and adding other statements, partly derived from history and partly, perhaps, from the author's invention.
Nakon pomnog ispitivanja ove Legende, otkrit ćemo da je ona zapravo, osim u kasnijim dijelovima, koji su polupovijesni, tek popratni komentar uz kasniju Legendu o Zanatu, obuhvaćajući sve što je u njoj rečeno i dodavajući druge tvrdnje, dijelom izvedene iz povijesti i dijelom, možda, iz autorove domišljatosti.
[Mon Oct 06 15:01:36 2003]
The second edition of the Constitutions goes more fully over the same ground, but is written in the form rather of a history than of a legend, and a review of it is not, therefore, necessary or appropriate in this part of the present work, which is solely devoted to the Legends of the Order.
Drugo izdanje Konstitucija podrobnije obrađuje istu temu, no po obliku je bliže povijesti nego legende, pa njen pregled, stoga, nije potreban niti prikladan u ovom dijelu rada, koji je isključivo posvećen Legendama Reda.
[Mon Oct 06 15:07:18 2003]
In this second edition of Anderson's work, there are undoubtedly many things which will be repudiated by the skeptical student of Masonic history , and many which, if not at once denied, require proof to substantiate them.
U ovom drugom izdanju Andersonovog djela postoje nesumnjivo mnoge stvari koje će sumnjičavi proučavatelji slobodno zidarske povijesti odbaciti, i mnoge koje, ukoliko nisu odmah osporene, zahtijevaju dokaze da ih potkrijepe.
[Mon Oct 06 15:07:18 2003]
But with all its errors, this work of Anderson is replete with facts that make it interesting and instructive, and it earns for the author a grateful tribute for his labors in behalf of the literature of Masonry at so early a period after its revival.
No uza sve svoje greške, ovo Andersonovo djelo je ispunjeno činjenicama koje ga čine zanimljivim i poučnim, i donosi autoru zasluženo priznanje za njegove napore u korist književnosti slobodnog zidarstva u tako ranom razdoblju nakon njegovog preporoda.
[Mon Oct 06 15:09:16 2003]
It will be seen hereafter that the Chevalier Ram say greatly developed this brief allusion of Anderson, and out of it worked his theory of the Templar origin of Freemasonry.
Ono će se vidjeti u nastavku da Vitez Ovan kažeš uvelike je razvio ovaj sažme aluziju Andersona, i izvan je radio svoju teoriju templarskog podrijetla slobodnog zidarstva.
[Mon Oct 06 15:11:05 2003]
It will be seen hereafter that the Chevalier Ramsay greatly developed this brief allusion of Anderson, and out of it worked his theory of the Templar origin of Freemasonry.
U nastavku će se vidjeti da je vitez Ramsay uvelike razvio ovu kratku Andersonovu aluziju i iz nje izveo svoju teoriju o templarskom podrijetlu slobodnog zidarstva.
[Mon Oct 06 15:24:49 2003]
The Legend given by Preston in his Illustrations of Masonry, which details the origin and early progress of the Institution, is more valuable and more interesting than that of Anderson, because it is more succinct, and although founded like it on the Legend of the Craft, it treats each detail with an appearance of historical accuracy that almost removes from the narrative the legendary character which, after all, really attaches to it.
Legenda koju navodi Preston u svojim Ilustracijama slobodnog zidarstva, koja opisuje podrijetlo i rani razvoj Institucije, je dragocjenija i zanimljivija od Andersonove, jer je jezgrovitija, i iako također utemeljena na Legendi o Zanatu, svakom detalju daje dojam povijesne točnosti koja gotovo da uklanja legendarni značaj iz pripovijesti, koji joj je, naposljetku, uistinu pridružen.
[Mon Oct 06 15:24:49 2003]
In accepting the Legend of the Craft as the basis of his story, Preston rejects, or at least omits to mention, all the earlier part of it, and begins his story with the supposed introduction of Masonry into England.
Prihvaćajući Legendu o Zanatu kao temelj svoje priče, Preston odbacuje, ili barem propušta spomenuti, čitav njen raniji dio, i započinje svoju priču s navodnim uvođenjem slobodnog zidarstva u Englesku.
[Mon Oct 06 15:33:49 2003]
Commencing with a reference to the Druids, who, he says, it has been suggested, derived their system of government from Pythagoras, he thinks that there is no doubt that the science of Masonry was not unknown to them.
Započinjući s osvrtom na Druide, koji su, kaže, navodno dobili svoj sustav upravljanja od Pitagore, on vjeruje da nema sumnje da su oni poznavali znanost slobodnog zidarstva.
[Mon Oct 06 15:33:49 2003]
Yet he does not say that there was an affinity between their rites and those of the Freemasons, which, as an open question, he leaves everyone to determine for himself.
Ipak on ne kaže da je postojala sličnost između njihovih obreda i obreda slobodnih zidara, što, kao otvoreno pitanje, ostavlja svakome da samostalno ustanovi.
[Mon Oct 06 15:41:34 2003]
Masonry , according to this theory, was certainly first introduced into England at the time of its conquest by Julius Caesar, who, with several of the Roman generals that succeeded him, were patrons and protectors of the Craft.
Slobodno je zidarstvo, prema ovoj teoriji, nesumnjivo prvi put došlo u Englesku u vrijeme osvajanja Julija Cezara, koji je, zajedno s nekoliko rimskih generala kojih su ga naslijedili, bio pokrovitelj i zaštitnik Zanata.
[Mon Oct 06 15:41:34 2003]
The fraternity were engaged in the creation of walls, forts, bridges, cities, temples, and other stately edifices, and their Lodges or Conventions were regularly held.
Članovi bratstva su radili na izgradnji bedema, utvrda, mostova, gradovova, hramova i drugih skladnih građevina, a njihove Lože ili Skupovi su se redovito održavali.
[Mon Oct 06 15:53:50 2003]
Obstructed by the wars which broke out between the Romans and the natives, Masonry was at length revived in the time of the Emperor Carausius.
Onemogućeno ratovima koji su izbili između Rimljana i starosjedilaca, slobodno zidarstvo je bilo potpuno obnovljeno u doba cara Carausiusa.
[Mon Oct 06 15:53:50 2003]
He, having shaken off the Roman yoke, sought to improve his country in the civil arts, and brought into his dominions the best workmen and artificers from all parts
On je, nakon što se oslobodio rimskog jarma, nastojao unaprijediti svoju zemlju u umijećima izgradnje, i doveo je u svoja područja vlasti najbolje radnike i zanatlije sa svih strana
[Mon Oct 06 16:02:36 2003]
Among the first class of his favorites he enrolled the Masons, for whose tenets he professed the highest veneration, and appointed his steward, Albanus, the superintendent of their Assemblies.
U prvi red svojih ljubimaca je uvrstio slobodne zidare, čijim načelima je iskazivao najveće divljenje, i imenovao je svog upravitelja, Albanusa, nadzornikom njihovih skupština.
[Mon Oct 06 16:03:03 2003]
He gave them a charter, and commanded Albanus to preside over them in person as Grand Master.
Dao im je povelju, i naredio da im Albanus osobno predsjeda kao Veliki Majstor.
[Mon Oct 06 16:03:03 2003]
He assisted in the initiation of many persons into the mysteries of the Order.
Pomagao je u inicijaciji mnogih osoba u tajne Reda.
[Mon Oct 06 16:17:26 2003]
In 680 some expert brethren arrived from France and formed a Lodge under the direction of Bennet, Abbot of Wirral, who was soon afterward appointed by Kenred, King of Mercia, inspector of the Lodges and general superintendent of the Masons.
godine su neka iskusna braća došla iz Francuske i osnovala Ložu pod vodstvom Benneta, opata iz Wirral, kojeg je nedugo potom Kenred, kralj Mercije, imenovao nadzornikom Loža i glavnim upraviteljem slobodnih zidara.
[Mon Oct 06 16:20:15 2003]
Masonry was in a low state during the Heptarchy, but in 856 it was revived under St. Swithin, who was employed by Ethelwolf, the Saxon king, to repair some pious houses;
Slobodno zidarstvo je za vrijeme heptarhije bilo u lošem stanju, no u 856. je oživljeno pod Sv. Swithinom, kojeg je Ethelwolf, saski kralj, uposlio na obnovi nekih religijskih građevina;
[Mon Oct 06 16:20:15 2003]
and it gradually improved until the reign of Alfred, who was its zealous protector and who maintained a number of workmen in repairing the desolations of the Danes.
i postupno je napredovalo sve do vladavine Alfreda, koji je bio njegov gorljivi zaštitnik i koji je zapošljavao veliki broj radnika na obnavljanju onoga što su Danci bili opustošili.
[Mon Oct 06 16:31:47 2003]
In the reign of Edward, his successor, the Masons continued to hold their Lodges under the sanction of Ethred, his sister's husband, and Ethelward, his brother.
Za vrijeme vladavine Edvarda, njegovog nasljednika, slobodni zidari su nastavili održavati Lože s odobrenjem Ethreda, supruga njegove sestre, i Ethelwarda, njegovog brata.
[Mon Oct 06 16:36:13 2003]
Athelstan succeeded his father in 924 and appointed his brother Edwin, patron of Masons.
Atelstan je naslijedio svog oca 924. godine i imenovao je svog brata Edwina zaštitnikom slobodnih zidara.