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[Thu Oct 09 16:59:47 2003]
The interpretation of the symbols of Freemasonry from a Christian point of view was, therefore, at the period when Hutchinson
Tumačenje simbola slobodnog zidarstva s kršćanskog stajališta, stoga, u vrijeme kad je Hutchinson

[Thu Oct 09 17:02:00 2003]
The peculiarity and novelty of his doctrine consisted not in its Christian interpretation of the symbols, but in the view that he has taken of the origin and historical value of the legend of the Third degree.
Osebujnost i novost njegove doktrine nisu se nalazili u kršćanskom tumačenju simbola, nego u stajalištu koje je zauzeo o podrijetlu i povijesnoj vrijednosti legende o trećem stupnju.

[Thu Oct 09 17:09:19 2003]
At least from the time of Anderson and Desaguliers, the legend of Hiram Abif had been accepted by the Craft as an historical statement of an event that had actually occurred.
Barem od vremena Andersona i Desaguliersa, članovi Zanata su Legendu o Hiramu Abifu prihvaćali kao povijesni izvještaj o događaju koji se zaista bio dogodio.

[Thu Oct 09 17:09:19 2003]
Even the most skeptical writers of the present day receive it as a myth which possibly has been founded upon events that have been distorted in their passage down the stream of tradition.
Čak i današnji najskeptičniji pisci ju prihvaćaju kao mit koji se vjerojatno temelji na događajima koji su iskrivljeni na svom putu tijekom tradicije.

[Thu Oct 09 17:18:10 2003]
Now, neither of these views appears to have been entertained by Hutchinson.
Čini se da Hutchinson nije podržavao niti jedno od ovih stajališta.

[Thu Oct 09 17:21:03 2003]
We look in vain throughout his work for any reference to the legend as connected with Hiram Abif.
U njegovom djelu uzaludno tražimo bilo kakvu aluziju na legendu u vezi s Hiramom Abifom.

[Thu Oct 09 17:21:03 2003]
In his lecture on " The Temple at Jerusalem," in which he gives the details of the labors of Solomon in the construction of that edifice, the name of Hiram does not once occur, except in the extracts that he makes from the Book of Kings and the Antiquities of Josephus.
U svom predavanju o "Hramu u Jeruzalemu", u kojem opisuje potankosti o Salomonovim radovima na izgradnji te građevine, Hiramovo ime se nigdje ne pojavljuje, osim u izvacima koje uzima iz iz Knjige o kraljevima i Starina Josipa Flavija.

[Thu Oct 09 17:24:43 2003]
"Antiquities of Masonry," chap.
"Starine slobodnog zidarstva", pog.

[Thu Oct 09 17:37:19 2003]
Indeed, we must infer that he did not recognize Hiram Abif as a Mason, for he expressly says that all the Masons at the Temple were Israelites and believers in the Jewish faith.
Doista, moramo zaključiti da nije prepoznao Hirama Abifa kao slobodnog zidara, jer izričito kaže da su svi slobodni zidari u Hramu bili Izraelićani i pripadnici židovske vjere.

[Thu Oct 09 17:44:53 2003]
In a subsequent lecture, on " The Secrecy of Masons," he, in fact, undervalues Hiram Abif as an architect, and says that he does not doubt that " Hiram's knowledge was in the business of a statuary and painter, and that he made graven images of stone and wood and molten images in metals," thus placing him in a subordinate position, and completely ignoring the rank given to him in all the Masonic rituals, as the equal and colleague of Solomon and the Master Builder of the Temple.
U kasnijem predavanju, o "Tajnovitosti slobodnih zidara", on, zapraco, podcjenjuje Hirama Abifa kao arhitekta, i kaže da on ne sumnja da je "Hiram posjedovao znanje u poslovima kipara i slikara, i da je stvarao urezbarene slike u kamenu i drvetu i lijevane odraze u metalu", stavljajući ga tako u podređeni položaj, potpuno zanemarujući status koji ima u svim obredima slobodnih zidara, kao jednak Salomonu i njegov kolega, te Glavni graditelj Hrama.

[Thu Oct 09 17:50:12 2003]
There is nowhere to be found in the work of Hutchinson any reference, however remote, to the circumstances of the death and raising of the " Widow's Son."
Nigdje se u Hutchinsonovom djelu ne može pronaći nikakva aluzija, niti maglovita, na potankosti o smrti i podizanju "Sina udovice".

[Thu Oct 09 17:52:38 2003]
He must have been acquainted with the legend, since it was preserved and taught in the lodges that he visited.
On je morao biti upoznat s legendom, jer se čuvala i podučavala u ložama koje je posjećivao.

[Thu Oct 09 17:52:38 2003]
But he speaks, in the most general terms, of the third degree as symbolizing the corruption and death of religion, and the moral resurrection of man in the new or Christian doctrine.
No govori, koristeći najopćenitije pojmove, o trećem stupnju koji simbolički predstavlja iskvarenost i smrt religije, i moralno uskrsnuće čovjeka u novoj ili kršćanskoj doktrini.

[Fri Oct 10 09:21:28 2003]
If he believed in the truth of his own theory - and we are bound to suppose that he did - then he could not but have looked upon the details of the Master's legend as absolutely false, for the legend and the theory can in no way be reconciled.
Ako je vjerovao u istinitost svoje vlastite teorije - a moramo pretpostaviti da je - onda i nije mogao ne smatrati potankosti iz legende o Majstoru potpuno lažnima, jer legenda i teorija se nikako ne mogu usuglasiti.

[Fri Oct 10 09:26:28 2003]
If I rightly understand the language of Hutchinson, which, it must be admitted, is sometimes confused and the ideas are not plainly expressed, he denies the existence of the third degree at the Temple.
Ako dobro razumijem Hutchinsonove riječi, koje su, mora se priznati, ponekad nesuvisle, a ideje nisu jasno izražene, on poriče postojanje trećeg stupnja u Hramu.

[Fri Oct 10 09:28:58 2003]
That edifice was built, according to his theory, within the period of the second stage of the progress of Masonry.
Ta građevina je bila izgrađena, prema njegovoj teoriji, za vrijema druge faze razvoja slobodnog zidarstva.

[Fri Oct 10 09:31:10 2003]
Now, that stage, which was inaugurated by Moses, was represented by the Fellow Craft's degree.
Tu fazu, koju je ustoličio Mojsije, predstavlja stupanj Pomoćnika.

[Fri Oct 10 09:31:39 2003]
It was not until the coming of Christ that the Master's degree with its rites and ceremonies came into existence, in the third stage of the progress of Masonry, which was represented by that degree.
Tek se nakon Kristovog dolaska pojavio stupanj Majstora sa svojim obredima i ceremonijama, u trećoj fazi razvoja slobodnog zidarstva, koju predstavlja taj stupanj.

[Fri Oct 10 09:31:39 2003]
Indeed, in the following passage he explicitly makes that statement.
Štoviše, u sljedećem odlomku on to izričito tvrdi.

[Fri Oct 10 09:41:13 2003]
Hutchinson has here ventured on a truth which, however, none of his successors have accepted.
Hutchinson je ovdje okušao sreću s istinom koju, međutim, nije prihvatio nijedan od njegovih nasljednika.

[Fri Oct 10 09:41:13 2003]
See hereafter the chapter in this work on " The Legend of Hiram Abif," in which I have advanced and endeavored to sustain the same view of the character of this celebrated artist.
Vidi kasnije poglavlje u ovom djelu o "Legendi o Hiramu Abifu", u kojoj sam iznio i nastojao održati isto gledište o značaju ovog glasovitog umjetnika.

[Fri Oct 10 09:52:54 2003]
" The ceremonies now known to Masons prove that the testimonials and insignia of the Master's order, in the present state of Masonry , were devised within the ages of Christianity ;
"Obredi koje danas poznaju slobodni zidari dokazuju da su priznanja i simboli reda Majstora, u sadašnjem stanju slobodnog zidarstva, bili osmišljeni u doba kršćanstva;

[Fri Oct 10 09:52:54 2003]
and we are confident there are not any records in being, in any nation or in any language, which can show them to be pertinent to any other system or give them greater antiquity."
i sigurni smo da ne postoje nikakvi zapisi, u bilo kojem narodu niti na bilo kojem jeziku, koji bi mogli pokazati da pripadaju nekom drugom sustavu ili da su stariji."

[Fri Oct 10 10:03:31 2003]
We can not explain this language with any respect for consistency and for the meaning of the words except by adopting the following explanation of the Hutchinsonian theory.
Ne možemo objasniti ove riječi s uvažavanjem dosljednosti i značenja riječi, osim ako ne prihvatimo sljedeće objašnjenje Hutchinsonove teorije.

[Fri Oct 10 10:04:03 2003]
At the building of the Temple, the Masonry then prevailing, which was the second or Fellow Crafts stage, was merely a system of religious ethics in which the doctrines of the Jewish faith, as revealed to Moses, had been superimposed upon the simple creed of the Patriarchs, which had constituted the first or Apprentice's stage of the institution.
Za vrijeme izgradnje Hrama, slobodno zidarstvo koje je tada prevladavalo, a koje je bilo u drugoj ili fazi Pomoćnika, bilo je tek sustav religijske etike u kojem su doktrine židovske vjere, kakve su objavljene Mojsiju, bile nametnute na jednostavno vjerovanje rodozačetnika, koje je činilo prvu ili fazu Pripravnika institucije.

[Fri Oct 10 10:05:00 2003]
There was at that time no knowledge.
U to se doba nije znalo za

[Fri Oct 10 10:08:37 2003]
of the legend of Hiram Abif, which was a myth subsequently introduced in the Third or Master's stage of the progress of the Order.
U to se doba nije znalo za Legendu o Hiramu Abifu, koja je bila mit kasnije uveden u treću ili majstorsku fazu razvoja Reda.

[Fri Oct 10 10:08:37 2003]
It was not until after the advent of Jesus Christ, "within the ages of Christianity," that the death and raising of the Master Builder was devised as a mythical symbol to constitute what Hutchinson calls "the testimonials and insignia of the Master's order."
Tek su nakon dolaska Isusa Krista, "u doba kršćanstva", smrt i uskrsnuće Majstora Graditelja bili osmišljeni kao mitski simbol koji tvori ono što Hutchinson naziva "priznanjima i simbolima reda Majstora."

[Fri Oct 10 10:13:34 2003]
The myth or legend thus fabricated was to be used as a symbol of the change which took place in the religious system of Masonry when the third stage of its progress was inaugurated by the invention of the Master's degree.
Mit ili legenda tako osmišljena se trebala koristiti kao simbol promjene do koje je došlo u religijskom sustavu slobodnog zidarstva, kad se otkrivanjem stupnja Majstora ustoličila treća faza njegovog razvoja.

[Fri Oct 10 10:23:33 2003]
Here again Hutchinson differs from all the writers who preceded or who have followed him.
I ovdje se Hutchinson razlikuje od svih pisaca prije ili poslije njega.

[Fri Oct 10 10:23:33 2003]
The orthodox doctrine of all those who have given a Christian interpretation to the legend of the Third Degree is that it is the narrative of events which actually occurred at the building of the Temple of Solomon, and that it was afterward, on the advent of Christianity, adopted as a symbol, whereby the death and raising of Hiram Abif were considered as a type of the sufferings and death, the resurrection and ascension, of Christ.
Ortodoksno vjerovanje svih onih koji su legendi o trećem stupnju podarili kršćansko tumačenje je da je ona pripovijest o događajima koji su se zaista dogodili za vrijeme izgradnje Salomonovog Hrama, i da je kasnije, nakon pojave kršćanstva, usvojena kao simbol, čime su se smrt i uskrsnuće Hirama Abifa smatrali simbolom muke i smrti, te uskrsnuća i uzašašća Krista.

[Fri Oct 10 10:36:01 2003]
No words of Hutchinson give expression to any such idea.
Hutchinsonove rijači nigdje ne izražavaju takve ideja.

[Fri Oct 10 10:36:01 2003]
With him the legend of Hiram the Builder is simply an allegory, invented at a much later period than that in which the events it details are supposed to have occurred, for the purpose of symbolizing the death and burial of the Jewish law with the Masonry which it had corrupted, and the resurrection of this defunct Masonry in a new and perfect form under the Christian dispensation.
Za njega je legenda o Hiramu Graditelju samo alegorija, osmišljena mnogo kasnije nego što su se događaji koje opisuje navodno dogodili, u svrhu simboliziranja smrti i pokopa židovskog zakona sa slobodnim zidarstvom koje je bio iskvario, i uskrsnuća ovog ugaslog slobodnog zidarstva u novom i savršenom obliku pod kršćanskim poretkom.

[Fri Oct 10 10:40:28 2003]
Such is the Hutchinsonian theory of the origin and progress of Masonry.
Takva je Hutchinsonova teorija o podrijetlu i razvoju slobodnog zidarstva.

[Fri Oct 10 10:41:07 2003]
It is sui generis - peculiar to Hutchinson - and has been advanced or maintained by no other Masonic writer before or since.
Ona je sui generis - svojstvena Hutchinsonu - i nije ju promicao niti podržavao niti jedan drugi slobodnozidarski pisac, niti prije niti kasnije.

[Fri Oct 10 10:41:07 2003]
It may be summarized in a very few words :
Može se sažeto u nekoliko riječi:

[Fri Oct 10 10:48:52 2003]
Masonry was first taught by Adam, after the fall, to his descendants, and continued through the patriarchal age.
Slobodno zidarstvo je prvo Adam, nakon pada, prenio svojim potomcima, a zatim se nastavilo u doba rodozačetnika.

[Fri Oct 10 10:49:06 2003]
It consisted of a simple code of ethics, teaching only a belief in the God of Nature.
Sastojalo se od jednostavnog moralnog koda, i podučavalo jedino vjerovanje u Boga Prirode.

[Fri Oct 10 10:49:06 2003]
It was the Masonry of the Entered Apprentice.
To je bilo slobodno zidarstvo Pripravnika.

[Fri Oct 10 10:52:08 2003]
It was enlarged by Moses and confirmed by Solomon, and thus lasted until the era of Christ.
Proširio ga je Mojsije, a potvrdio Salomon, i tako je trajalo do Kristovog doba.

[Fri Oct 10 10:53:19 2003]
To its expanded code of ethics was added a number of symbols derived from the Egyptian priesthood.
Njegovom proširenom etičkom kodu je dodan veliki broj simbola koji su potekli od egipatskih svećenika.

[Fri Oct 10 10:53:30 2003]
Its religion consisted in a belief in God as he had been revealed to the Jewish nation.
Njegova vjera se sastojala od vjerovanja u Boga kakav se objavio židovskom narodu.

[Fri Oct 10 10:53:30 2003]
It was the Masonry of the Fellow Craft.
To je bilo slobodno zidarstvo Pomoćnika.

[Fri Oct 10 11:00:33 2003]
The Masonry of this second stage becoming valueless in consequence of the corruption of the Jewish law, it was therefore abolished, and the third stage was established in its place.
Budući da je slobodno zidarstvo ove druge faze postalo bezvrijedno zbog iskrivljavanja židovskog zakona, bilo je zato ukinuto, i umjesto njega je uspostavljena treća faza.

[Fri Oct 10 11:00:51 2003]
This third stage was formed by the teachings of Christ, and the religion it inculcates is that which was revealed by Him.
Ovu treću fazu su oblikovala Kristova učenja, a vjera koju usađuje je ta koju je On objavio.

[Fri Oct 10 11:00:51 2003]
It is the Masonry of the Master Mason.
To je slobodno zidarstvo Majstora slobodnog zidara.

[Fri Oct 10 11:02:46 2003]
Hence the three stages of Masonry present three forms of religion :
Stoga tri faze slobodnog zidarstva predstavljaju tri oblika religije:

[Fri Oct 10 11:02:54 2003]
first, the Patriarchal;
prva, rodozačetničku;

[Fri Oct 10 11:03:07 2003]
second, the Jewish ;
druga, židovsku;

[Fri Oct 10 11:03:07 2003]
third, the Christian.
treća, kršćansku.

[Fri Oct 10 11:11:07 2003]
Masonry , having thus reached its ultimate stage of progress, has continued in this last form to the present day.
Slobodno zidarstvo, koje je tako doseglo svoju konačnu fazu razvoja, u tom se posljednjem obliku nastavilo sve do danas.

[Fri Oct 10 11:12:50 2003]
And now Hutchinson proceeds to advance his theory as to its introduction and growth in England.
I sada Hutchinson nastavlja iznositi svoju teoriju u vezi s njegovim uvođenjem i razvojem u Engleskoj.

[Fri Oct 10 11:14:33 2003]
He had already accounted for its extension into other quarters of the world in consequence of the dispersion and travels of King Solomon's Masons, after the completion of the Temple.
Već je bio objasnio njegovo širenje u druge dijelove svijeta zbog raštrkanosti i putovanja Salomonovih slobodnih zidara, nakon završetka izgradnje Hrama.

[Fri Oct 10 11:15:34 2003]
He thinks that during the first stage of Masonry - the Patriarchal - its principles were taught and practiced by the Druids.
On misli da su za vrijeme prve faze slobodnog zidarstva - rodozačetničke - njegova načela podučavali i provodili Druidi.

[Fri Oct 10 11:18:02 2003]
They received them from the Phoenicians, who visited England for trading purposes in very remote antiquity.
Dobili su ih od Feničana, koji su u vrlo davna vremena posjetili Englesku zbog trgovine.

[Fri Oct 10 11:18:02 2003]
The second stage - the Judaic - was with its ceremonials introduced among them by the Masons of Solomon, after the building of the Temple, but at what precise period he can not determine.
Drugu fazu - židovsku - su im zajedno s njenim obredima donijeli Salomonovi slobodni zidari, nakon izgradnje Hrama, no on ne može točno odrediti u kojem razdoblju.

[Fri Oct 10 11:25:14 2003]
The third and perfect form, as developed in the third stage, must have been adopted upon the conversion of the Druidical worshippers to Christianity, having been introduced into England, as we should infer, by the Christian missionaries who came from Rome into that country.
Treći i savršen oblik, kakav se razvio u trećoj fazi, mora da je bio usvojen nakon obraćenja druidskih vjernika na kršćanstvo, koje su u Englesku uveli, kako bismo trebali zaključiti, kršćanski misionari koji su u tu zemlju došli iz Rima.

[Fri Oct 10 11:29:49 2003]
While Hutchinson denies that there was ever any connection between the Operative and the Speculative Masons, he admits that among the former there might have been a few of the latter.
Dok Hutchinson niječe da ikad postojala bilo kakva veza između operativnih i spekulativnih slobodnih zidara, priznaje da je među prvima moglo biti nešto potonjih.

[Fri Oct 10 11:29:49 2003]
He accounts for this fact in the following manner :
Ovu činjenicu objašnjava na sljedeći način:

[Fri Oct 10 11:36:03 2003]
After Christianity had become the popular religion of England, the ecclesiastics employed themselves in founding religious houses and in building churches.
Nakon što je kršćanstvo postalo općeprihvaćena religija u Engleskoj, svećenici su se pozabavili osnivanjem religioznih ustanova i izgradnjom crkava.

[Fri Oct 10 11:44:39 2003]
From the duty of assisting in this pious work, no man of whatever rank or profession was exempted.
Nitko nije bio izuzet od dužnosti pomaganja u ovom pobožnom poslu, bez obzira na položaj ili zanimanje.

[Fri Oct 10 11:46:33 2003]
There were also a set of men called " holy werk folk," to whom were assigned certain lands which they held by the tenure of repairing, building, or defending churches and sepulchers, for which labors they were released from all feudal and military services.
Postojao je također krug ljudi zvanih "ljudi svetog posla" kojima su bila dodijeljena neka imanja koja su mogli držati u posjedu ako su zauzvrat popravljali, gradili ili spašavali crkve i grobnice, za što su bili oslobođeni svih feudalnih i vojnih službi.

[Fri Oct 10 11:46:33 2003]
These men were stone-cutters and builders, and might, he thinks, have been Speculative Masons, and were probably selected from that body.
Ti ljudi su bili klesari i graditelji, i moguće je, vjeruje, da su bili spekulativni slobodni zidari, i vjerojatno su bili izabrani iz te skupine.

[Fri Oct 10 11:56:56 2003]
" These men," he says, " come the nearest to a similitude of Solomon's Masons, and the title of Free and Accepted Masons, of any degree of architects we have gained any knowledge of."
"Ovi ljudi", kaže on, "su najbliži Salomonovim slobodnim zidarima, i naslovu Slobodnih i prihvaćenih slobodnih zidara, od bilo kojeg stupnja arhitekata koji poznajemo."

[Fri Oct 10 11:58:31 2003]
But he professes his ignorance whether their initiation was attended with peculiar ceremonies or by what laws they were regulated.
" No otvoreno priznaje da ne zna je li njihova inicijacija bila popraćena svojstvenim obredima, niti kojim su zakonima bili uređeni.

[Fri Oct 10 11:58:31 2003]
That they had any connection with the Speculative Order whose origin from Adam he had been tracing, is denied.
Poriče se da su imali ikakve veze sa spekulativnim Redom čije je podrijetlo od Adama bio pratio.

[Fri Oct 10 12:09:49 2003]
Finally, he attributes the moral precepts of the Masonry of the present day to the school of Pythagoras and to the Basilideans, a sect of Christians who flourished in the 2d century.
Konačno, moralna pravila današnjeg slobodnog zidarstva pripisuje Pitagorinoj školi i bazilidijancima, kršćanskoj sekti koja je djelovala u 2. stoljeću.

[Fri Oct 10 12:11:35 2003]
For this opinion, so far as relates to Pythagoras, he is indebted to the celebrated Leland manuscript, of whose genuineness he had not the slightest doubt.
Ovo mišljenje, barem što se tiče Pitagore, duguje glasovitom Lelandovom rukopisu, u čiju izvornosti ni najmanje ne sumnja.

[Fri Oct 10 12:11:35 2003]
These precepts and the Egyptian symbols introduced by Moses with Jewish additions constitute the system of modern Masonry, which has, however, been perfected by a Christian doctrine.
Ova pravila i egipatski simboli koje je uveo Mojsije, uz židovske dodatke, čine sustav modernog slobodnog zidarstva, koji je, međutim, usavršilo kršćansko učenje.

[Fri Oct 10 12:15:45 2003]
Such is the theory of Hutchinson as to the origin and progress of Speculative Masonry.
To je Hutchinsonova teorija u vezi podrijetla i razvoja spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva.

[Fri Oct 10 12:15:45 2003]
That it has been accepted as a whole by no other writer, is not surprising, as it not only is not supported by the facts of history , but is actually contradicted by every Masonic document that is extant.
Ne iznenađuje da je kao takvu nije prihvatio niti jedan drugi pisac, jer ne samo da ju ne podržavaju povijesne činjenice, nego joj zapravo proturječe svi slobodnozidarski dokumenti koji postoje.

[Fri Oct 10 12:29:47 2003]
It is, indeed, a mere body of myths, which are not clad with the slightest garment of probability.
Ona je, doista, tek skup mitova, koji nisu zaogrnuti niti najtanjim plaštom vjerojatnosti.

[Fri Oct 10 12:29:47 2003]
And yet there are here and there some glimmerings of truth, such as the appropriation of his real character to Hiram Abif, and the allusions to the "holy werk folk," as showing a connection between Operative and Speculative Masonry, which, though not pushed far enough by Hutchinson, may afford valuable suggestions, if extended, to the searcher after historic truth in Freemasonry.
A ipak postoje tu i tamo pokoji tračci istine, kao što je dodijeljivanje stvarnog značaja Hiramu Abifu, i aluzije na "ljude svetog posla", što pokazuju vezu između operativnog i spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva, i koji, iako ih Hutchinson nije dovoljno razvio, mogu pružiti dragocjene naznake, ako ih se proširi, tragačima za povijesnom istinom u slobodnom zidarstvu.

[Fri Oct 10 12:37:21 2003]
In commendation of the Rev. Dr. Oliver as a learned and prolific writer on Freemasonry , too much can not be said.
Nemoguće je dovoljno reći u pohvalu vlč. dr. Olivera kao učenog i plodonosnog pisca o slobodnom zidarstvu.

[Fri Oct 10 12:40:45 2003]
His name must ever be clarum et venerabile among the Craft.
Njegovo ime mora uvijek biti clarum et venerabile među članovima Zanata.

[Fri Oct 10 12:50:56 2003]
To the study of the history and the philosophy of the Institution he brought a store of scholarly acquirements, and a familiarity with ancient and modern literature which had been possessed by no Masonic author who had preceded him.
Proučavanju povijesti i filozofije Institucije je donio obilje stručnog znanja, i poznavanje drevne i moderne književnosti kakvo nije posjedovao niti jedan slobodnozidarski pisac koji mu je prethodio.

[Fri Oct 10 12:50:56 2003]
Even Hutchinson, who certainly occupied the central and most elevated point in the circle of Masonic students and investigators who flourished in the 18th century, must yield the palm for erudition to him whose knowledge of books was encyclopedical.
Čak i Hutchinson, koji je svakako zauzimao središnje i najuzvišenija mjesto u krugu slobodnozidarskih proučavatelja i istražitelja koji su djelovali u 18. stoljeće, mora priznati pobjedu u učenosti onome čije je poznavanje knjiga bilo enciklopedijsko.

[Fri Oct 10 14:24:02 2003]
In his numerous works on Freemasonry, of which it is difficult to specify the most important, the most learned, or the most interesting, Dr. Oliver has raised the Institution of Masonry to a point of elevation which it had never before reached, and to which its most ardent admirers had never aspired to promote it.
U svojim brojnim radovima o slobodnom zidarstvu, među kojima je teško odrediti koji je najvažniji, najstručniji ili najzanimljiviji, dr. Oliver je podigao Instituciju slobodnog zidarstva do točke na kojoj nikad prije nije bila, i do koje ju njeni najgorljivijih obožavatelji nikad nisu težili pomaknuti.

[Fri Oct 10 14:44:02 2003]
He loved it for its social tendencies, for he was genial in his inclination and in his habits, and he cherished its principles of brotherly love, for his heart was as expanded as his mind.
Volio ju je zbog njenih društvenih stremljenja, jer je bio srdačan u svojim sklonostima i navikama, i cijenio je njena načela bratske ljubavi, jer njegovo je srce bilo široko kao i njegov um.

[Fri Oct 10 14:44:02 2003]
But he taught that within its chain of union there was a fund of ethics and philosophy, and a beautiful science of symbolism by which its ethics was developed to the initiated, which awakened scholars to the contemplation of the fact never before so completely demonstrated, that Speculative Masonry claimed and was entitled to a prominent place among the systems of human philosophy.
No učio je da unutar njenog lanca zajedništva postoji obilje etike i filozofije, i divna znanost simbolizma pomoću koje se njena etika izražavala iniciranima, što je potaklo znanstvenike da razmotre činjenicu koja nikad prije nije bila tako cjelovito prikazana, da spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo zahtijeva i imao pravo na istaknuto mjesto u sustavima ljudske filozofije.

[Fri Oct 10 14:48:32 2003]
No longer could men say that Freemasonry was merely a club of good fellows.
Više se nije moglo govoriti da je slobodno zidarstvo samo klub dobrih momaka.

[Fri Oct 10 14:54:19 2003]
Oliver had proved that it was a school of inquirers after truth.
Oliver je dokazao da je ono škola tragača za istinom.

[Fri Oct 10 14:54:19 2003]
No longer could they charge that its only design was the cultivation of kindly feelings and the enjoyment of good cheer.
Više ga nisu mogli teretiti da je namijenjeno jedino njegovanju ljubaznih osjećaja i uživanju u dobrom raspoloženju.

[Fri Oct 10 15:09:30 2003]
He had shown that it was engaged in the communication to its disciples of abstruse doctrines of religion and philosophy in a method by which it surpassed every other human scheme for imparting such knowledge.
Pokazao je da se bavilo priopćavanjem tajanstvenih doktrina religije i filozofije svojim učenicima, metodom kojom je premašilo sve druge ljudske sustave za pružanje takvog znanja.

[Fri Oct 10 15:09:30 2003]
But, notwithstanding this eulogium, every word of which is merited by its subject, and not one word of which would I erase, it must be confessed that there were two defects in his character that materially affect the value of his authority as an historian.
No, unatoč ovom hvalospjevu, čiji predmet zaslužuje svaku njegovu riječ, i čiju niti jednu riječ ne bih izbrisao, mora se priznati da su postojala dva nedostatka u njegovoj naravi koji znatno utječu na važnost njegovog autoriteta kao povjesničara.

[Fri Oct 10 15:18:46 2003]
One was, that as a clergyman of the Church of England he was controlled by that clerical esprit du corps which sought to make every opinion subservient to his peculiar sectarian views.
Jedan je bio taj što ga je kao svećenika Anglikanske crkve vodio taj svećenički esprit du corps koji je nastojao svako njegovo stajalište podrediti sebi svojstvenim ograničenim pogledima.

[Fri Oct 10 15:18:46 2003]
Thus, he gave to every symbol, every myth, and every allegory the interpretation of a theologian rather than of a philosopher.
Stoga je svaki simbol, svaki mit i svaku alegoriju tumačio prije kao teolog nego kao filozof.

[Fri Oct 10 15:23:20 2003]
The other defect, a far more important one, was the indulgence in an excessive credulity, which led him to accept the errors of tradition as the truths of history.
Drugi nedostatak, daleko važniji, je bilo prepuštanje pretjeranoj lakovjernosti, što ga je navelo da prihvaćati greške u tradiciji kao povijesne istine.

[Fri Oct 10 15:33:18 2003]
In reading one of his narratives, it is often difficult to separate the two elements.
Kad se čita neka od njegovih pripovijesti, često je teško odvojiti ta dva elementa.

[Fri Oct 10 15:33:18 2003]
He so glosses the sober facts of history with the fanciful coloring of legendary lore, that the reader finds himself involved in an inextricable web of authentic history intermixed with unsupported tradition, where he finds it impossible to discern the true from the fabulous.
Ozbiljne povijesne činjenice tako uljepšava nestvarnim tonom legendarne predaje, da se čitatelj nalazi upleten u nerazmrsivu mrežu autentične povijesti pomiješane s nepodržanom tradicijom, gdje mu je nemoguće razabrati što je istinito, a što izmišljeno.

[Fri Oct 10 15:43:42 2003]
The canon of criticism laid by Voltaire, that all historic certainty that does not amount to a mathematical demonstration is merely extreme probability, is far too rigorous.
Načelo kritike koje je postavio Voltaire, da je svaka povijesna izvjesnost koja se ne može matematički izraziti tek krajnja vjerojatnost, je prestrogo.

[Fri Oct 10 15:43:42 2003]
There are many facts that depend only on contemporaneous testimony to which no more precise demonstration is applied, and which yet leave the strong impression of certainty on the mind.
Postoje mnoge činjenice koje se oslanjaju jedino na suvremena svjedočanstva i na koje se ne primjenuje nikakvo točnije dokazivanje, a koje ipak na um ostavljaju snažan dojam pouzdanosti.

[Fri Oct 10 15:55:53 2003]
But here, as in all other things, there is a medium - a measure of moderation - and it would have been well if Dr. Oliver had observed it.
No ovdje, kao u svim drugim stvarima, postoji sredina - doza umjerenosti - i bilo bi dobro da je se dr. Oliver pridržavao.

[Fri Oct 10 15:55:53 2003]
But not having done so, his theory is founded not simply on the Legend of the Craft, of which he takes but little account, but on obscure legends and traditions derived by him, in the course of his multifarious reading, sometimes from rabbinical and sometimes from unknown sources.
No kako nije, njegova teorija se temelji ne samo na Legendi o Zanatu, kojoj ne posvećuje mnogo pažnje, nego na nejasnim legendama i tradicijama koje je dobio, za vrijeme brojnih čitanja, ponekad iz rabinskih, a ponekad iz nepoznatih izvora.

[Fri Oct 10 16:05:41 2003]
He divides the legends of Masonry into two classes, neither of which embraces the incredible.
On dijeli slobodnozidarske legende u dvije skupine, od kojih niti jedna ne obuhvaća nevjerojatno.

[Fri Oct 10 16:06:31 2003]
He says that " many of them are founded in fact, and capable of unquestionable proof, whilst others are based on Jewish traditions, and consequently invested with probability, while they equally inculcate and enforce the most solemn and important truths."
On kaže da se "mnoge od njih temelje na činjenicama, i moguće ih je potkrijepiti nedvojbenim dokazima, dok se ostale zasnivaju na židovskim predajama, i stoga su zaodjenute vjerojatnošću, dok jednako usađuju i potkrijepljuju najozbiljnije i najvažnije istine."

[Fri Oct 10 16:06:35 2003]
- " Historical Landmarks," vol.
" - "Povijesne prekretnice", svez.

[Fri Oct 10 16:18:47 2003]
The theoretical views of Oliver as to the origin and progress of Masonry from a legendary point of view are so scattered in his various works that it is difficult to follow them in a chronological order.
Oliverovi teoretski stavovi u vezi s podrijetlom i razvojem slobodnog zidarstva s legendarnog stajališta su tako razbacani po njegovim različitim djelima da ih je teško slijediti kronološkim redom.

[Fri Oct 10 16:21:45 2003]
This is especially the case with the legends that relate to the periods subsequent to the building of the Temple at Jerusalem.
To je posebno slučaj s legendama koje se odnose na razdoblja nakon izgradnje Hrama u Jeruzalemu.

[Fri Oct 10 16:29:21 2003]
Up to that era, the theory is enunciated in his Antiquities of Freemasonry, upon which I shall principally depend in this condensation.
Do tog razdoblja, teorija je objavljena u njegovom djelu Slobodnozidarske starine, na koje ću se uglavnom oslanjati u ovom sažetku.

[Fri Oct 10 16:31:20 2003]
It was, it is true, written in the earlier part of his life, and was his first contribution to the literature of Masonry, but he has not in any of his subsequent writings modified the views he there entertained.
Ono je, istina, napisano u ranijem dijelu njegovog života, i bilo je njegov prvi doprinos književnosti slobodnog zidarstva, no on ni u jednom od svojih kasnijih tekstova nije izmijenio gledišta koja je tamo zauzimao.

[Fri Oct 10 16:43:03 2003]
This work may therefore be considered, as far as it goes, as an authoritative exposition of his theory.
Ovo djelo se stoga može smatrati, koliko je to moguće, službenim izlaganjem njegove teorije.

[Fri Oct 10 16:43:03 2003]
His Historical Landmarks, the most learned and most interesting of his works, if we except, perhaps, his History of Initiation, will furnish many commentaries on what he has advanced in his Antiquities, but as it is principally devoted to an inquiry into the origin and interpretation of the symbols and allegories of Masonry, we can not obtain from its pages a connected view of his theory .
Njegove Povijesne prekretnice, njegovo najstručnije i najzanimljivije djelo, osim, možda, Povijesti Inicijacije, će ponuditi mnoga objašnjenja onoga što je iznio u svojim Starinama, no kako je prije svega posvećeno istraživanju podrijetla i tumačenju simbola i alegorija slobodnog zidarstva, s njegovih stranica ne možemo dobiti suvisao uvid u njegovu teoriju.

[Fri Oct 10 17:03:54 2003]
Preston had introduced his history of Masonry by the assertion that its foundations might be traced " from the commencement of the world."
Preston je predstavio svoju povijest slobodnog zidarstva tvrdnjom da se njegove osnove mogu pratiti "od početka svijeta."

[Fri Oct 10 17:03:56 2003]
Dr. Oliver is not content with so remote an origin, but claims, on the authority of Masonic traditions, that the science "existed before the creation of this globe, and was diffused amidst the numerous systems with which the grand empyreum of universal space is furnished.
Oliver se ne slaže s tako dalekim podrijetlom, no tvrdi, prema izvoru slobodnozidarskih tradicija, da je znanost "postojala prije stvaranja ovog svijeta, i bila je raširena među mnogim sustavima kojima obiluje veliki empirej svemira.

[Mon Oct 13 10:02:03 2003]
But as he supposes that the globes constituting the universe were inhabited long before the earth was peopled, and that these inhabitants must have possessed a system of ethics founded on the belief in God, which he says is nothing else but Speculative Masonry, we may regard this opinion as merely tantamount to the expression that truth is eternal.
No kako on pretpostavlja da su svjetovi koji su sačinjavali svemir bili nastanjeni mnogo prije Zemlje, i da su ti stanovnici morali imati sustav etike utemeljen na vjerovanju u Boga, što, kaže, nije ništa drugo nego spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo, ovo mišljenje možemo smatrati jednakim izrazu da je istina vječna.

[Mon Oct 13 10:09:45 2003]
While in the Garden of Eden, Adam was taught that science which is now termed Masonry.
Dok je bio u rajskom vrtu, Adam je naučio znanost koja se danas naziva slobodno zidarstvo.

[Mon Oct 13 10:09:45 2003]
After his fall, he forfeited the gift of inspiration, but certainly retained a recollection of those degrees of knowledge which are within the compass of human capacity, and among them that speculative science now known as Freemasonry.
Nakon pada, izgubio je dar nadahnuća, no nesumnjivo je sačuvao u sjećanju te razine znanja koje su unutar područja ljudskih mogućnosti, a među njima i tu spekulativnu znanost danas znanu kao slobodno zidarstvo.

[Mon Oct 13 10:14:58 2003]
Passing by this empyreal notion as a mere metaphysical idea, let us begin with Oliver's theory of the mundane origin of the science of Masonry.
Prelazeći preko ove ideje kao preko puke metafizičke predodžbe, započnimo s Oliverovom teorijom svjetovnog podrijetla znanosti slobodnog zidarstva.

[Mon Oct 13 10:23:57 2003]
These, in the course of time, he communicated to his children.
Njih je, tijekom vremena, prenio svojoj djeci.

[Mon Oct 13 10:28:37 2003]
Of these children, Seth and his descendants preserved and cultivated the principles of Masonry which had been received from Adam, but Cain and his progeny perverted and finally abandoned it.
Od te djece, Šet i njegovi potomci su očuvali i njegovali načela slobodnog zidarstva koja su dobili od Adama, no Kajin i njegovo potomstvo su ih iskvarili i naposljetku napustili.

[Mon Oct 13 10:31:35 2003]
However, before his complete secession, the latter, with some of his descendants, reduced the knowledge he had received from Adam to practice, and built a city which he called Hanoch.
Ipak, prije nego što se sasvim odmetnuo, potonji je, s nekima od svojih potomaka, sveo znanje koje je dobio od Adama na praksu, i podigao je grad koji je nazvao Hanok.

[Mon Oct 13 10:31:35 2003]
The children of Lamech, the sixth in descent from Cain, also retained some faint remains of Masonry , which they exerted for the benefit of mankind.
Lamekova djeca, šesto koljeno od Kajina, su također sačuvala neke slabe ostatke slobodnog zidarstva, koje su upotrijebili u korist ljudskog roda.

[Mon Oct 13 10:39:48 2003]
It is in this way that Dr. Oliver attempts to reconcile the story of the children of Lamech, as detailed in the Legend of the Craft, with his theory , which really ousts Cain and all his descendants from the pale of Masonry.
Oliver pokušava uskladiti priču o Lamekovoj djeci, kako je ispričana u Legendi o Zanatu, sa svojom teorijom, koja zapravo izbacuje Kajina i sve njegove potomke izvan okvira slobodnog zidarstva.

[Mon Oct 13 10:40:13 2003]
The sons of Lamech were Masons, but their Masonry had been greatly corrupted.
Lamekovi sinovi su bili slobodni zidari, ali njihovo slobodno zidarstvo je bilo uvelike iskvareno.

[Mon Oct 13 10:45:19 2003]
Dr. Oliver makes the usual division of Masonry into Operative and Speculative.
Oliver čini uobičajenu podjelu slobodnog zidarstva na operativno i spekulativno.

[Mon Oct 13 10:45:19 2003]
The former continued to be used by the Cainites after they had lost all pretensions to the latter, and the first practical application of the art was by them in the building of the city of Hanoch, or, as it is called in Genesis, Enoch.
Prvo su nastavili koristiti Kajinovi potomci nakon što su bili prestali polagati ikakva prava na potonje, i prvi su put praktično primijenili to umijeće u izgradnji grada Hanoka.

[Mon Oct 13 10:49:15 2003]
Thus Masonry was divided, as to its history , into two distinct streams, that of the Operative and that of the Speculative;
Tako je slobodno zidarstvo bilo podijeljeno, što se tiče njegove povijesti, u dvije odvojene struje, onu operativnog i onu spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva;

[Mon Oct 13 10:53:48 2003]
the former cultivated by the descendants of Cain, the latter by those of Seth.
prvu su njegovali Kajinovi potomci, a drugu Šetovi.

[Mon Oct 13 10:55:08 2003]
It does not, however, appear that the Operative branch was altogether neglected by the Sethites, but was only made subordinate to their Speculative science, while the latter was entirely neglected by the Cainites, who devoted themselves exclusively to the Operative art.
Međutim, čini se da Šetovi potomci nisu sasvim zanemarili operativnu granu, nego je samo bila sporedna njihovoj spekulativnoj znanosti, dok su Kajinovi potomci potpuno zanemarili spekulativno, i posvetili su se isključivo operativnom umijeću.

[Mon Oct 13 10:55:08 2003]
Finally they abandoned it and were lost in the corruptions of their race, which led to their destruction in the flood.
Naposljetku su ga napustili i izgubili se u iskvarenosti svog roda, što je dovelo do njihovog uništenja u poplavi.

[Mon Oct 13 11:04:28 2003]
The Speculative stream, however, flowed on uninterruptedly to the time of Noah.
Spekulativna je struja, međutim, neprekidno tekla do doba Noe.

[Mon Oct 13 11:04:28 2003]
Oliver does not hesitate to say that Seth, "associating himself with the most virtuous men of his age, they formed lodges and discussed the great, principles of Masonry," and were called by their contemporaries the "Sons of Light."
Oliver ne oklijeva reći za Šeta da "nakon što se povezao s najvrlijim ljudima svog doba, osnovali su lože i raspravljali o znamenitim načelima slobodnog zidarstva", a njihovi suvremenici su ih nazivali "Sinovima svjetla."

[Mon Oct 13 11:13:51 2003]
Seth continued to preside over the Craft until the time of Enoch, when he appointed that patriarch as his successor and Grand Superintendent.
Šet je nastavio predsjedavati Zanatom sve do doba Enoha, kad je imenovao tog rodozačetnika svojim nasljednikom i velikim Nadzornikom.

[Mon Oct 13 11:28:40 2003]
Enoch, as Grand Master, practiced Masonry with such effect that God vouchsafed to reveal to him some peculiar mysteries, among which was the sacred WORD, which continues to this day to form an important portion of Masonic speculation, and for the preservation of which from the impending destruction of the world he constructed a subterranean edifice in which he concealed the sacred treasure.
Hanok je, kao Veliki Majstor, provodio slobodno zidarstvo na takav način da se Bog udostojio otkriti mu neke posebne tajne, među kojima je bila sveta RIJEČ, koja i dandanas tvori važan dio slobodnozidarske špekulacija, i za čije očuvanje od predstojećeg uništenja svijeta je sagradio podzemnu građevinu u kojoj je sakrio to sveto blago.

[Mon Oct 13 11:31:26 2003]
He also erected two pillars, one of brass and one of stone, on which he engraved the elements of the liberal sciences, including Masonry.
Također je podigao dva stupa, jedan od mjedi i jedan od kamena, u koje je urezao elemente humanističkih znanosti, uključujući slobodno zidarstvo.

[Mon Oct 13 11:31:26 2003]
Enoch then resigned the government of the Craft to Lamech, who afterward surrendered it to Noah, in whose hands it remained until the occurrence of the flood.
Henok je zatim prepustio upravljanje Zanatom Lameku, koji ga je kasnije predao Noi, u čijim rukama je ostao sve do poplave.

[Mon Oct 13 11:36:01 2003]
Such is Oliver's legendary narrative of the progress of Masonry from the creation to the flood.
Takva je Oliverova legendarna pripovijest o razvoju slobodnog zidarstva od stvaranja do potopa.

[Mon Oct 13 11:38:27 2003]
The Craft were organized into lodges and were governed during that long period by only five Grand Masters - Adam, Seth, Enoch, Lamech, and Noah.
Zanat je bio organiziran u lože i njime je tijekom dugog razdoblja upravljalo samo pet Velikih Majstora - Adam, Šet, Henok, Lamek i Noa.

[Mon Oct 13 11:38:27 2003]
To the Institution existing at that time he gives the appropriate title of " Antediluvian Masonry ," and also that of " Primitive Masonry."
Instituciji koja je postojala u to doba on daje prikladan naziv "pretpotopno slobodno zidarstvo", kao i "prvotno slobodnog zidarstvo."

[Mon Oct 13 11:46:39 2003]
Of its character he says that it had but few symbols or ceremonies, and was indeed nothing else but a system of morals or pure religion.
O njegovoj naravi kaže da je imalo tek nekoliko simbola ili obreda, i da doista nije bilo ništa više od etičkog sustava ili čiste religije.

[Mon Oct 13 11:51:07 2003]
Its great object was to preserve and cherish the promise of a Messiah.
Njegov glavni cilj je bio sačuvati i poštovati obećanje Mesije.

[Mon Oct 13 11:51:07 2003]
On the renewal of the world by the subsidence of the waters of the deluge, it was found that though Enoch's pillar of brass had given way before the torrent of destruction, the pillar of stone had been preserved, and by this means the knowledge of the state of Masonry before the flood was transmitted to posterity.
Za vrijeme obnove svijeta nakon što su se slegle vode potopa, otkriveno je da iako je Henokov stup od mjedi bio uništen u razornoj bujici, stup od kamena se očuvao, i na taj način se znanje o stanju slobodnog zidarstva prije poplave prenijelo potomstvu.

[Mon Oct 13 11:58:51 2003]
Of the sons of Noah, all of whom had been taught the pure system of Masonry by their father, Shem and his descendants alone preserved it.
Od Noinih sinova, kojima je njihov otac svima prenio čisti sustav slobodnog zidarstva, jedino su ga Šem i njegovi potomci očuvali.

[Mon Oct 13 11:58:51 2003]
Ham and Japhet having dispersed into Africa and Europe, their descendants became idolaters and lost the true principles of Masonry, which consisted in the worship of the one true God.
Ham i Jafet su se raspršili po Africi i Europi, a njihovi potomci su postali idolopoklonici i izgubili prava načela slobodnog zidarstva, koja su se sastojala od štovanja jednog pravog Boga.

[Mon Oct 13 12:06:43 2003]
Anderson gives the direction of the Craft, after Seth, successively to Enoch, Kainan, Mahalaleel, and Jared, whom Enoch succeeded.
Anderson upravljanje Zanatom, nakon Šeta, pripisuje redom Henoku, Kenanu, Mahalalelu i Jeredu, kojeg je naslijedio Henok.

[Mon Oct 13 12:13:48 2003]
This legend of the vault of Enoch was not known to the mediaeval Masons.
Srednjovjekovni slobodni zidari nisu poznavali ovu legendu o Henokovoj podzemnoj komori .

[Mon Oct 13 12:14:30 2003]
It forms, therefore, no part of the ritual of Ancient Craft Masonry.
Stoga ona ne tvori nijedan dio obreda drevnog zanatskog slobodnog zidarstva.

[Mon Oct 13 12:15:36 2003]
It is an invention of a later period, and is recognized only by the more modem " high degrees."
Izmišljena je u kasnijem razdoblju, i prepoznaju je jedino suvremeniji "visoki stupnjevi."

[Mon Oct 13 12:15:36 2003]
The form of the legend as known to Anderson in 1722 was that he erected pillars on which the science of Masonry was inscribed.
" Oblik legende koji je Anderson poznavao 1722. je bio onaj u kojem je Henok podigao stupove na kojima je bila urezana znanost slobodnog zidarstva.

[Mon Oct 13 12:22:48 2003]
The descendants of Japhet not only fell from the worship of God and embraced the adoration of idols, but they corrupted the form of Masonry by the establishment on its basis of a system of secret rites which are known in history as the "Mysteries."
Potomci Jafeta su ne samo odbacili štovanje Boga i prihvatili obožavanje idola, nego su iskvarili oblik slobodnog zidarstva stavljajući na njegovu osnovu sustav tajnih obreda koji su u povijesti poznati kao "Misteriji".

[Mon Oct 13 12:35:34 2003]
This secession of the children of Japhet from the true system which their ancestor had received from Noah, has been called by Dr. Oliver "Spurious Freemasonry," while that practiced by the descendants of Shem he styles "Pure Freemasonry."
Ovo odmetanje Jafetove djece od pravog sustava koji je njihov predak bio dobio od Noe, dr. Oliver naziva "lažno slobodno zidarstvo", dok ono koje su provodili Šemovi potomci naziva "čisto slobodno zidarstvo".

[Mon Oct 13 12:35:34 2003]
Of these two divisions the Spurious Freemasons were more distinguished for their cultivation of the Operative art, while the Pure Freemasons, although not entirely neglectful of Operative Masonry, particularly devoted themselves to the preservation of the truths of the Speculative science.
Od ove dvije vrste, lažni slobodni zidari su se više isticali po svome njegovanju operativnog umijeća, dok su se čisti slobodni zidari, iako nisu sasvim zanemarivali operativno slobodno zidarstvo, posebno posvetili očuvanju istina spekulativne znanosti.

[Mon Oct 13 12:43:41 2003]
Shem communicated the secrets of Pure Freemasonry to Abraham, through whose descendants they were transmitted to Moses, who had, however, been previously initiated into the Spurious Masonry of the Egyptians.
Šem je priopćio tajne čistog slobodnog zidarstva Abrahamu, preko čijih potomaka su bile prenijete Mojsiju, koji je, međutim, već prije bio iniciran u lažno slobodno zidarstvo Egipćana.

[Mon Oct 13 12:43:41 2003]
Masonry , which had suffered a decay during the captivity of the Israelites in Egypt, was revived in the wilderness by Moses, who held a General Assembly, and, as the first act of the reorganized Institution, erected the Tabernacle.
Slobodno zidarstvo, koje je pretrpjelo propadanje za vrijema zarobljeništva Izraelićana u Egiptu, je u pustoši oživio Mojsije, koji je održao Opću skupštinu, i, kao prvo djelo priznate Institucije, podigao Prebivalište.

[Mon Oct 13 12:51:02 2003]
From this time Masonry was almost exclusively confined to the Jewish nation, and was propagated through its judges, priests, and kings to the time of Solomon.
Od tog doba slobodno zidarstvo je gotovo isključivo pripadalo židovskm narodu, i širilo se preko njegovih sudaca, svećenika i kraljeva, sve do vremena Salomona.

[Mon Oct 13 12:51:02 2003]
When Solomon was about to erect the Temple at Jerusalem, he called to his assistance the artists of Tyre, who were disciples of the Spurious Masonry and were skillful architects, as members of the Dionysiac fraternity of artificers.
Kad je Salomon namjeravao podići Hram u Jeruzalemu, pozvao je u pomoć zanatlije iz Tira, koji su bili učenici lažnog slobodnog zidarstva i bili su vješti arhitekti, kao članovi dionizijskog bratstva majstora.

[Mon Oct 13 12:59:41 2003]
By this association of the Tyrian Masons of the spurious order with the Jewish workmen who practiced the pure system, the two classes were united, and King Solomon reorganized the system of Freemasonry as it now exists.
Ovim udruživanjem tirskih slobodnih zidara lažnog reda i židovskih radnika koji su provodili čisti sustav, spojile su se dvije kategorije, i kralj Salomon je reorganizirao sustav slobodnog zidarstva kakav danas postoji.

[Mon Oct 13 14:12:26 2003]
For the subsequent extension of Masonry throughout the world and its establishment in England, Dr. Oliver adopts the legendary histories of both Anderson and Preston, accepting as genuine every mythical narrative and every manuscript.
Za kasnije širenje slobodnog zidarstva diljem svijeta i njegovu uspostavu u Engleskoj, dr. Oliver usvaja i Andersonove i Prestonove legendarne pripovijesti, prihvaćajući kao autentičnu svaku mitsku pripovijest i svaki rukopis.

[Mon Oct 13 14:12:26 2003]
From the Leland manuscript he quotes as if he were citing an authority universally admitted to be authentic.
Donosi navode iz Lelandovog rukopisa kao da citira izvor koji je općepriznat kao vjerodostojan.

[Mon Oct 13 14:19:33 2003]
Receiving the narrative of the General Assembly which was called at York by Prince Edwin as an event of whose occurrence there can be no possible doubt, he claims that the Halliwell poem is a veritable copy of the Constitutions enacted by that Assembly.
Prihvaćajući pripovijest o Općoj Skupštini koju je u Yorku sazvao princ Edwin kao događaj o čijem zbivanju ni u kojem slučaju ne može biti sumnje, on tvrdi da je Halliwellova pjesma prava kopija Konstitucija ozakonjenih na toj Skupštini.

[Mon Oct 13 14:27:47 2003]
On the subject of the religious character of Freemasonry, Dr. Oliver in the main agrees with Hutchinson, that it is a Christian Institution, and that all its myths and symbols have a Christian interpretation.
Oliver se uglavnom slaže s Hutchinsonom, da je ono kršćanska Institucija, i da svi njegovi mitovi i simboli imaju kršćansko tumačenje.

[Mon Oct 13 14:28:30 2003]
He differs from Hutchinson in this, that instead of limiting the introduction of the Christian element to the time of Christ, he supposes it to have existed in it, from the earliest times.
Od Hutchinsona se razlikuje u tome što, umjesto ograničavanja uvođenja kršćanskog elementa na Kristovo doba, pretpostavlja da je on postojao od najranijih vremena.

[Mon Oct 13 14:28:30 2003]
Even the Masonry of the patriarchs he believes to have been based upon the doctrine of a promised Messiah.
Čak i za slobodno zidarstvo rodozačetnika vjeruje do se temeljilo na doktrini obećanog Mesije.

[Mon Oct 13 14:32:52 2003]
But his views will be best expressed in his own language, in a passage contained in the concluding pages of his Historical Landmarks:
No njegova će se stajališta najbolje izraziti njegovim vlastitim riječima, u odlomku koji se nalazi na završnim stranicama njegovih Povijesnih prekretnica:

[Mon Oct 13 14:42:22 2003]
"The conclusion is therefore obvious.
"Zaključak se stoga sam nameće.

[Mon Oct 13 14:44:07 2003]
If the lectures of Freemasonry refer only to events which preceded the advent of Christ, and if those events consist exclusively of admitted types of the Great Deliverer, who was preordained to become a voluntary sacrifice for the salvation of mankind, it will clearly follow that the Order was originally instituted in accordance with the true principles of the Christian religion;
Ako se pouke slobodnog zidarstva odnose jedino na događaje koji su prethodili Kristovom dolasku, i ako se ti događaji sastoje isključivo od priznatih simbola Velikog Spasitelja, koji je bio preodređen da postane dobrovoljna žrtva za spas ljudskog roda, jasno će slijediti da je Red izvorno bio utemeljen u skladu s pravim načelima kršćanske religije;

[Mon Oct 13 14:44:07 2003]
and in all its consecutive steps bears an unerring testimony to the truth of the facts and of their typical reference to the founder of our faith."
i u svim svojim narednim fazama nosi nepogrešivo svjedočanstvo o istinitosti činjenica i svojstvenih aluzija na osnivača naše vjere."

[Mon Oct 13 14:57:05 2003]
He has said, still more emphatically, in a preceding part of the same work, that " Freemasonry contains scarcely a single ceremony, symbol, or historical narration which does not apply to this glorious consummation of the divine economy of the Creator towards his erring creatures " ;
On kaže, još odrješitije, u raniji dijelu istog rada, da "slobodno zidarstvo jedva da sadržava koji obred, simbol ili povijesnu pripovijest koja se ne odnosi na to slavno ostvarenje Stvoriteljevog božanskog plana prema njegovim grješnim stvorenjima";

[Mon Oct 13 14:57:05 2003]
by which economy he, of course, means the Christian dispensation and the Christian scheme of redemption.
a pod planom misli, dakako, na kršćansko opraštanje i kršćanski plan otkupljenja.

[Mon Oct 13 15:09:26 2003]
If in the multifarious essays in which he has treated the subject Dr. Oliver meant to announce the proposition that in the very earliest ages of the world there prevailed certain religious truths of vast importance to the welfare and happiness of mankind, which had been communicated either by direct inspiration or in some other mode, and which have been traditionally transmitted to the present day, which truths principally consisted in an assertion of a belief in God and in a future life, such a proposition will hardly meet with a denial.
Oliver mislilo iznijeti postavku da su u najdavnija doba svijeta prevladale neke religijske istine od ogromne važnosti za dobrobiti i sreću ljudskog roda, koje su bile priopćene ili izravnim nadahnućem ili na neki drugi način, i koje su se tradicionalno prenosile sve do danas, a koje su se uglavnom sastojale od izjavljivanja vjere u Boga i u budući život, takva postavka teško da bi naišla na osporavanje.

[Mon Oct 13 15:22:12 2003]
But if he also meant to contend that the transmission of these truths to posterity and to the present age was committed to and preserved by an order of men, an association, or a society whose form and features have been retained in the Freemasonry of the present day, it will, I imagine, be admitted that such a proposition is wholly untenable.
No ako je isto tako mislio tvrditi da je prenošenje ovih istina potomstvu i do današnjih dana vršio i očuvao jedan red ljudi, udruženje, ili društvo čiji su oblik i obilježja zadržani u današnjem slobodnom zidarstvu, mora se priznati, pretpostavljam, da je takva postavka sasvim neodrživa.