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od kratkih do dugih.
Više o NeuroTran®
softveru možete doznati na web stranici:
NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:
[Tue Nov 11 14:16:21 2003]
Konačni cilj svakog građenja, u kojima su ES samo dijelovi kompleksa mozaika građenja, je ostvarenje realiteta (obično-financiranih) ideja i projekata, koji objektivno postoje kao ideje raznih razina dorade sa i bez crteža (ideje nastaju u glavama).
The ultimate goal of every building, in which the ES are only a part of building mosaic complex, is achieving the realities (usually financed) of ideas and projects, which objectively exist as ideas of different finishing levels with and without sketches (ideas arise from constructors' minds).
[Tue Nov 11 14:16:43 2003]
Današnja je uobičajena kombinacija među svim suradnicima realizacije ona izražena na 2D mediju-papiru, kao odrazu "Gutembergove galaksije".
Today's usual combination among all coworkers in realization is the one which is expressed on 2D medium - paper, as the reflection of "Gutemberg's galaxy".
[Tue Nov 11 14:19:16 2003]
Današnji ekrani su većinom samo zamjene papirnatih 2D medija.
Today's screens are mostly just replacements of the paper 2D mediums.
[Tue Nov 11 14:21:17 2003]
No, komunikacija može biti elektronska i ona u stvari to i jest unutar nekih suvremenih segmenata procesa projektiranja, kad se ideje i informacije razmjenjuju disketama ili elektronskom mrežom.
But, the communication can also be electronic, and actually it is within some contemporary segments of designing process, when ideas and information sre being exchanged on diskettes or through the electronic network.
[Tue Nov 11 14:21:17 2003]
Teži se ostvarenju bezpapirne (paperless) razmjene elektronskih informacija preko komunikacijskih mreža (često i međukontinentalnih, putem satelita, elektronskih konferencija, dogovora, podjele posla i sl.)
There is a tendency to achieve paperless () exchange of electronic information through communication networks (often intercontinental, by satellite, electronic conferences, agreements, job distribution, an so on.)
[Tue Nov 11 14:25:14 2003]
Povezanost sudionika vezanih uz proizvod
Connection of participants who are bound to a product
[Tue Nov 11 14:26:51 2003]
Opis radova-organizacija
Job description - organization
[Tue Nov 11 14:26:54 2003]
Planovi izvođenja
Execution plans
[Tue Nov 11 14:27:02 2003]
Oplatni planovi
Paneling plans
[Tue Nov 11 14:27:12 2003]
Architectonic plans
[Tue Nov 11 14:27:23 2003]
Nacrti svih instalacija
Drafts of all installations
[Tue Nov 11 14:27:30 2003]
Dokaznice mjera
Measure certificates
[Tue Nov 11 14:28:00 2003]
Izvedbeni nacrti
Execution drafts
[Tue Nov 11 14:28:30 2003]
Reinforcing drafts
[Tue Nov 11 14:28:36 2003]
Iskazi dijelova
Declarations of parts
[Tue Nov 11 14:33:25 2003]
Statičke i fizikalne
Static and physical
[Tue Nov 11 14:33:31 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 14:37:49 2003]
Teži se ostvarenju direktne CAD-CAM komunikacije između sudionika procesa građenja.
The goal is to realize a direct CAD-CAM communication between participants of the building process.
[Tue Nov 11 14:38:32 2003]
Tu postoji mnoštvo prepreka, jer se tvrdi da je proces proizvodnje proizvoda u građevinarstvu različit od onog u drugim strukama, kao što su gradnja aviona, automobila, brodova.
There are many obstacles, because some claim that manufacturing process in civil engineering differs from manufacturing processes in other lines of work, for example construction of planes, cars, ships.
[Tue Nov 11 14:39:27 2003]
No, ta se pozicija nastoji osporiti.
But, there is an effort to dispute this position.
[Tue Nov 11 14:40:08 2003]
U tom cilju se razvija europski projekt ATLAS ESPRIT no.
For that purpose, the European project ATLAS ESPRIT no.
[Tue Nov 11 14:41:07 2003]
7280 uz kolaboraciju niza istraživačkih timova velikih građevinskih korporacija.
7280 is being developed, with the collaboration of numerous research teams from large building corporations.
[Tue Nov 11 14:42:24 2003]
Nastoji se koristiti ISO/STEP definicije i EXPRESS jezik kao i SDAIS specifikacije za razmjenu i prijenos kompleksnih informacija za ostvarenje LSE (Large Scale Engineering - velikih inženjerskih poduhvata).
They try to use ISO/STEP definitions and EXPRESS language, as well as SDAIS specifications for exchange and transfer of complex information for the realization of the LSE (Large Scale Engineering).
[Tue Nov 11 14:42:59 2003]
Dio tog kompleksnog projekta modeliranja proizvoda već je ostvaren.
A part of this complex product modelling has already been achieved.
[Tue Nov 11 14:44:11 2003]
U dijelovima projekta ESPRIT ATLAS ugrađeni su ES.
The ES are built into some parts of ESPRIT ATLAS project.
[Tue Nov 11 14:44:11 2003]
U Japanu je ostvareno nekoliko velikih CIC (Computer Integrated Construction) i CIM (Computer Integrated Management) projekata, koji integriraju i robote za izvođenje velikih građevnih poduhvata
In Japan, they have realized a few large CIC (Computer Integrated Construction) and CIM (Computer Integrated Management) projects, which integrate robots for the execution of large building undertakings
[Tue Nov 11 14:45:25 2003]
Povezanost modela u procesu građenja
Connection of models in the building process
[Tue Nov 11 14:46:21 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 14:46:32 2003]
Objektno programiranje
Object programming
[Tue Nov 11 14:46:46 2003]
Iskazi, obračuni, organizacija
Declarations, calculations, organization
[Tue Nov 11 14:46:47 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 14:46:49 2003]
Instalacijski planovi
Installation plans
[Tue Nov 11 14:47:03 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 14:47:04 2003]
Provjere nosivosti
Capacity tests
[Tue Nov 11 14:47:04 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 14:49:46 2003]
Taj je razvoj počeo još 1988.
This development started in 1988.
[Tue Nov 11 14:49:50 2003]
Na čelu su razvoja velike korporacije, Obayashi (ABC sustav), Dhimizu Manufacturing (SMART sustav), Taisei Corp.
Leaders of the development are large corporations, Obayashi (ABC system), Dhimizu Manufacturing (SMART system), Taisei Corp.
[Tue Nov 11 14:59:56 2003]
(T-UP), Meada Corporation (AWABC).
(T-UP), Meada Corporation (AWABC).
[Tue Nov 11 15:02:29 2003]
No, nakon što je ("bubble") era procvata Japana završila, odustalo se (privremeno) od daljnjeg razvoja, čekajući "bolja vremena".
But, after the ("bubble") era of Japanese boom has ended, there came to a (temporary) halt in further development, waiting for some "better times".
[Tue Nov 11 15:04:24 2003]
Susrelo se i s poteškoćama dvosmjernih informacija, jer mnogi potkontraktori nisu bili na zahtijevanoj razvojnoj razini, a niti svjesni potrebe primjene ISO/STEP standarda u totalnom 3D modelskom okruženju.
There were also some difficulties in two-way information, because many subcontractors were not on the requested development level, nor were they aware of a need to use the ISO/STEP standard in total 3D model surrounding.
[Tue Nov 11 15:07:58 2003]
I u zemljama sjevera Europe, razvijaju se takvi sustavi, ali manjeg opsega, većinom u industrijskoj stanogradnji.
In countries of the northern Europe, there is a development of such systems, but in smaller volume, mainly in the industrial house building.
[Tue Nov 11 15:08:02 2003]
Kod nas u Hrvatskoj načelno je razvijen takav sustav integriranih razmjena informacija dizajna obnove, a kojeg su opisali D.
Here, in Croatia, we have basically developed such system of integrated exchange of information of reconstruction design, which was described by D.
[Tue Nov 11 15:08:03 2003]
i A.
and A.
[Tue Nov 11 15:08:22 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 15:08:50 2003]
Koristi se tzv.
We use the so called
[Tue Nov 11 15:08:54 2003]
2 1/2 D sustav sa modulima razvijenim oko Softdesk obitelji:
We use the so called 2 1/2 D system with modules developed around the Softdesk family:
[Tue Nov 11 15:10:27 2003]
SOFISTIK, HVAC, i drugi moduli.
SOFISTIK, HVAC, and other modules.
[Tue Nov 11 15:13:20 2003]
Ovaj sustav naišao je na pažnju međunarodne stručne javnosti i radne komisije (WC 6) IABSE međunarodnog udruženja konstruktora.
This system caught the attention of the international professional public and working commission (WC 6) IABSE, of the international building association.
[Tue Nov 11 15:13:20 2003]
Iste ideje razvijaju se na Sveučilištu u Stanfordu gdje se ispituju dva modela komunikacija ICM (Interdisciplinary Communication Medium) i FCDA (Federation of Colaborative Design Agents)
The same ideas are being developed at the Stanford University, where two models of communication are being tested, the ICMS (Interdisciplinary Communication Medium) and the FCDA (Federation of Colaborative Design Agents)
[Tue Nov 11 15:47:13 2003]
Ukoliko se prelazi na realizacije ideja komunikacija elektronskim medijima, moguća je i vjerojatno neizbježna komunikacija i efikasna razmjena obavijesti među suradnicima procesa dizajna i izvođenja putem generiranja prividne stvarnosti (Virtual Reality), na svakoj razini ostvarenja dizajna i realiteta, sve do krajnjeg korisnika prostora, kako bi se uopće mogla ostvariti široka višekanalna komunikacija među svim nositeljima procesa građenja.
If we transfer to the realization of ideas of communication through the electronic media, it is possible, and probably inevitable, to communicate and efficiently exchange informations between coworkers of designing process and execution by way of generating the virtual reality (), on the every level of design and reality realization, up to the end user of a space, in order to generalize can will be realized the wide multichannel communication among all bearers of building processes.
[Tue Nov 11 15:49:21 2003]
To danas izgleda kao fantazmagorija (hype), ali je ona vrlo blizu ostvarenja.
This today looks like phantasmagorias (hype), but she within striking distance achieves.
[Tue Nov 11 16:00:07 2003]
Ukoliko se prelazi na realizacije ideja komunikacija elektronskim medijima, moguća je i vjerojatno neizbježna komunikacija i efikasna razmjena obavijesti među suradnicima procesa dizajna i izvođenja putem generiranja prividne stvarnosti (Virtual Reality), na svakoj razini ostvarenja dizajna i realiteta, sve do krajnjeg korisnika prostora, kako bi se uopće mogla ostvariti široka višekanalna komunikacija među svim nositeljima procesa građenja.
If we transfer to the realization of the idea of communication by electronic media, possible and probable inevitable communication and efficient exchange informs among coworkers of processes of designs and executions via the generation of virtual reality (Virtual Reality), on the every level of realizations of design and realities, until the end user of space, in order to generalize can will be realized the wide multichannel communication among all bearers of building processes.
[Tue Nov 11 16:00:09 2003]
To danas izgleda kao fantazmagorija (hype), ali je ona vrlo blizu ostvarenja.
This today looks like phantasmagorias (hype), but she within striking distance achieves.
[Tue Nov 11 16:00:11 2003]
Najbliže tom ostvarenju bio je Scubgrass Power Plant projekt.
Nearest this achieves Scubgrass Power Plant project.
[Tue Nov 11 16:00:14 2003]
Od njega do implementacije VR je samo mali korak, ali u međuvremenu se mora ostvariti besprijekorna elektronska komunikacija među mnoštvom sudionika procesa građenja u koje ubrajamo i robote za građenje.
From cares to the implementation VR is only the small step, but meanwhile must will be realized the faultless electronic communication among the crowd of participants of building processes in who count in and robots for the building.
[Tue Nov 11 16:00:16 2003]
U području gradnje drvenih kuća od prefabriciranih panela pokušava se uvesti predočavanje faza građenja u 3D grafici, a razmišlja se i o korištenju prividne stvarnosti i svega što je ostvareno na području MULTIMEDIJE.
In the area of building of wooden houses from prefabricated panels tries bring in the presentation of phases of buildings in 3D the graphics, and thinks as well as about the use virtual realities and only what is are achieved in the area of MULTIMEDIA.
[Tue Nov 11 16:00:17 2003]
Tema prividne stvarnosti kao alata za projektiranje nabačena je kao daleka mogućnost, koju je već sada vrijedno istraživati, na sastanku IABSE WC 6 komisije održanom 1994.
Theme virtual realities as the tool for the design have been suggested as the far possibility, whom is already now valuably investigate, in conference IABSE WC 6 commissions kept 1994.
[Tue Nov 11 16:00:18 2003]
u Bergamu.
in Bergamo.
[Tue Nov 11 16:00:18 2003]
Na kongresu BAUMA-e u Berlinu bilo je već i prvih nagovještaja primjene ove tehnologije predočavanja realnosti
On the congress of BAUMA in Berlin had been already and first announcements uses this technologies of presentations of realities
[Tue Nov 11 16:30:27 2003]
Ukoliko se prelazi na realizacije ideja komunikacija elektronskim medijima, moguća je i vjerojatno neizbježna komunikacija i efikasna razmjena obavijesti među suradnicima procesa dizajna i izvođenja putem generiranja prividne stvarnosti (Virtual Reality), na svakoj razini ostvarenja dizajna i realiteta, sve do krajnjeg korisnika prostora, kako bi se uopće mogla ostvariti široka višekanalna komunikacija među svim nositeljima procesa građenja.
If we transfer to the realization of the ideas of communication by electronic media, communication and efficient exchange of information between the coworkers in designing and execution processes are possible, and probably inevitable, by way of generating Virtual Reality, on every level of design and reality accomplishment, up to the end user of a space, in order to achieve a wide multichannel communication between all bearers of a building process.
[Tue Nov 11 16:30:46 2003]
To danas izgleda kao fantazmagorija (hype), ali je ona vrlo blizu ostvarenja.
This today seems like phantasmagoria (hype), but it is actually pretty close to the realization.
[Tue Nov 11 16:34:24 2003]
Najbliže tom ostvarenju bio je Scubgrass Power Plant projekt.
Closest to this realization was the Scubgrass Power Plant project.
[Tue Nov 11 16:37:41 2003]
Od njega do implementacije VR je samo mali korak, ali u međuvremenu se mora ostvariti besprijekorna elektronska komunikacija među mnoštvom sudionika procesa građenja u koje ubrajamo i robote za građenje.
From Scubgrass to the implementation of VR there is only a small step, but meanwhile we must accomplish a flawless electronic communication between a multitude of participants of a building process, including the building robots.
[Tue Nov 11 16:40:27 2003]
U području gradnje drvenih kuća od prefabriciranih panela pokušava se uvesti predočavanje faza građenja u 3D grafici, a razmišlja se i o korištenju prividne stvarnosti i svega što je ostvareno na području MULTIMEDIJE.
In the field of building wooden houses from prefabricated panels there is an attempt to introduce the presentation of building phases in 3D graphics, and there are also plans for using virtual reality and everything that was accomplished in the field of MULTIMEDIA.
[Tue Nov 11 16:40:31 2003]
Tema prividne stvarnosti kao alata za projektiranje nabačena je kao daleka mogućnost, koju je već sada vrijedno istraživati, na sastanku IABSE WC 6 komisije održanom 1994.
Virtual reality as a designing tool has been suggested only as a remote possibility, which is already worth of exploring, at IABSE WC 6 commission conference in 1994.
[Tue Nov 11 16:42:05 2003]
u Bergamu.
in Bergamo.
[Tue Nov 11 16:42:05 2003]
Na kongresu BAUMA-e u Berlinu bilo je već i prvih nagovještaja primjene ove tehnologije predočavanja realnosti
At the BAUMA congress in Berlin there had already appeared some first announcements of using this technology for presentation of the reality
[Tue Nov 11 16:44:19 2003]
Detalj SEGA prototipa opreme prividne stvarnosti (VR).
Detail of SEGA prototype of virtual reality (VR) equipment.
[Tue Nov 11 16:44:25 2003]
Oprema je razvijena u suradnji japanske i američke industrije.
The equipment was developed in cooperation of Japanese and American industry.
[Tue Nov 11 16:44:37 2003]
Uronjenost u virtualni prostor.
Immersion in virtual space.
[Tue Nov 11 16:44:37 2003]
Iz knjige Linde Jacobson, Garage Virtual Reality, SAMS Publishing, USA
From a book by Linda Jacobson, Garage Virtual Reality, SAMS Publishing, USA
[Tue Nov 11 16:47:17 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 16:47:19 2003]
senzor položaja glave
sensor for head position
[Tue Nov 11 16:47:22 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 16:47:43 2003]
3D vizor
3D visor
[Tue Nov 11 16:47:44 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 16:47:56 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:04 2003]
senzor položaja ruke
sensor for hand position
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:05 2003]
sustav 3D TRACKER
3D TRACKER system
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:15 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:24 2003]
raspoznavanje glasa
voice recognition
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:26 2003]
3D procesor zvuka
3D sound processor
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:34 2003]
3D sound processorES
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:37 2003]
VE baza podataka
VE databases
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:41 2003]
VE databasesVE
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:50 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:54 2003]
real time operacijski sustav
real time operating system
[Tue Nov 11 16:48:54 2003]
grafički procesor
graphic processor
[Tue Nov 11 16:50:45 2003]
VR pregled na složeni sustav cjevovoda.
VR examination on the complex system of pipelines.
[Tue Nov 11 16:50:48 2003]
Prema J.
According to J.
[Tue Nov 11 16:50:52 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 16:51:37 2003]
[Tue Nov 11 16:51:37 2003]
Niz referenci o VR može se naći na mnoštvu WEB stranica
A series of references about VR can be found on numerous WEB sites
[Tue Nov 11 17:10:03 2003]
Treba navesti da svi elementi sustava VR postoje kao ostvarenje separatnih jedinica:
We must mention that all elements of the VR system exist as a realization of separate units:
[Tue Nov 11 17:10:26 2003]
kaciga-vizor, sa posebnim naočalama (shutter ili tekući /liquid/ kristali ili minijaturni kolor ekrani u vizoru) za 3D kolor viziju, senzorske rukavice za pomicanje i dodirivanje predmeta, senzori položaja motritelja i 3D položaja pomaka glave, čak i praćenje pogleda očiju praćenjem položaja zjenica motritelja, postoje i audio sustavi, bežična telefonija, kompjutori velikih brzina, odgovarajući programi i sl.
helmet-visor, with special glasses (shutter or liquid crystals, or miniature color screens in the visor) for 3D color vision, sensory gloves for moving and touching the object, sensors for position of the observer and 3D position of the head movements, and even tracking the direction of a look by tracking the position of the obsrever's pupils, there are also audio systems, wireless telephony, computers of great speed, suitable programs, and similar
[Tue Nov 11 17:10:26 2003]
potrebiti moduli
helmet-visor, with special glasses (shutter or liquid crystals, or miniature color screens in the visor) for 3D color vision, sensory gloves for moving and touching the object, sensors for position of the observer and 3D position of the head movements, and even tracking the direction of a look by tracking the position of the obsrever's pupils, there are also audio systems, wireless telephony, computers of great speed, suitable programs, and similar necessary modules
[Tue Nov 11 17:20:35 2003]
Također, dio te integracije postoji u vojnoj tehnici, pače već i u građenju podmornica, treniranju posada tenkova, u civilnoj i vojnoj avijaciji treniranja pilota, u pilotiranju i navigaciji brodova (simulatori pilotiranja).
Also, a part of this integration exists in military technique, as well as in submarine construction, training of tank crews, in civil and military aviation for training of pilots, in pilotage and ship navigation (pilotage simulators).
[Tue Nov 11 17:21:59 2003]
Ali nedostaje integracije u jedan efikasni operativni sustav primjenjiv u graditeljstvu i arhitekturi.
But, there is a lack of integration into one efficient operating systems applicable in building construction and architecture.
[Tue Nov 11 17:22:17 2003]
Kako padaju cijene elementima VR tako se i pronalaze sve novija područja primjene VR.
As prices of VR equipment are falling, we are finding newer scopes of VR application.
[Tue Nov 11 17:22:19 2003]
U svojoj disertaciji "Kompjutorska grafika u arhitekturi" A.
In his dissertation " Computer graphics in architecture " A.
[Tue Nov 11 17:22:35 2003]
Delić (2000.)
Delić (2000.)
[Tue Nov 11 17:22:35 2003]
razmatra te novonadiruće medije i njihovu ulogu u arhitekturi
) considers these newly arising media, and their role in architecture
[Tue Nov 11 17:52:14 2003]
Većina građevinskih inženjera naučila je misliti u terminima dviju dimenzija (prikaza informacija na 2D mediju - papiru).
Most civil engineers are used to thinkpapery in terms of two dimensions (information presentation on 2D medium - paper).
[Tue Nov 11 17:53:38 2003]
Pa i prvi počeci današnjih studija arhitekture i graditeljstva formirani su na zasadama tog ograničenog (papirnatog) 2D medija i analizama struktura koje se mogu prikazati na papiru.
Even the first beginnings of today's architectural and building studies were formed on principles of this limited (papery) 2D medium and structure analyses which can be presented on paper.
[Tue Nov 11 17:56:43 2003]
Treća dimenzija je istina "uvijek postojala" ali se opet prikazivala na 2D mediju, separatno od drugih ravnina.
The third dimension, it is true, has "always existed", but it was nevertheless presented on 2D medium, separate from other flat surfaces.
[Tue Nov 11 18:14:45 2003]
Kreće se, analizira se, proračunava elemente građevinskih objekata u tlocrtima, nacrtima, presjecima, detaljima, krećući se od krova ka temeljima, prenoseći opterećenja s jednog entiteta s gornje razine, na drugi donje razine.
We move forward, we analyze, we calculate the elements of building objects in ground plans, drafts, sections, details, moving from roof towards foundations, transporting loads from one entity on the top level, to the other entity on the ground level.
[Wed Nov 12 11:33:52 2003]
Primjenom CAD-a i FE analiza konstrukcija i modernih elektronskih medija, ipak se i dalje konstrukcije prikazivalo i prikazuje u tlocrtima, nacrtima i bokocrtima, a rjeđe u aksonometriji.
By the use of CAD and FE analyses and modern electronic media, the consrtuctions are still shown and represented on ground plans, drafts and side views, and rarely by axonometry.
[Wed Nov 12 11:38:42 2003]
Ipak, primjenom CAD-a počinje doba svih mogućih simulacija, i mogućih optimalizacija u 3D mediju.
Nevertheless, the use of CAD started the era of all possible simulations and optimizations in 3D medium.
[Wed Nov 12 11:41:51 2003]
No, ni današnji ekrani kompjutora nisu pogodni za složene 3D simulacije i prikaze.
However, today's computer screens are not appropriate for complex 3D simulations and presentations.
[Wed Nov 12 11:42:47 2003]
Konačno ti 3D prikazi i nisu realni u smislu našeg "uranjanja" u taj medij i kretanja u tom 3D mediju.
Finally, those 3D displays are not real in the sense of our "immersion" in that medium, nor in the sense of our moving in that 3D medium.
[Wed Nov 12 11:44:05 2003]
To tek omogućava virtualna realnost.
This can be enabled only by virtual reality.
[Wed Nov 12 11:45:04 2003]
Noviji sustavi suvremenih FEA softvera omogućuju nam 3D realizaciju ali samo preko obojenih (plavo/crveno) ili polariziranih očala.
Newer systems of contemporary FEA softwares can make the 3D realization possible, but only through colored (blue/red) or polarized goggles.
[Wed Nov 12 12:01:06 2003]
No, bitno je načiniti FE model u okviru produkta kojeg se projektira i analizira.
But, it is essential to create FE model within the framework of a designed and analyzed product.
[Wed Nov 12 12:01:33 2003]
Primjena virtualne realnosti i novih kompjutorskih programa za 3D analize konstrukcija (vjerojatno uskoro upravljivih i glasom), pokrenut će se lavina novog 3D poimanja usko povezanih s modeliranjem proizvoda i robotikom, a što će pokrenuti i sasvim nove pristupe dizajnu i roditi sasvim nove konstrukcijske oblike, koje je bilo teško i nacrtati (predstaviti) u 2D mediju:
The use of virtual reality and new computer programs for 3D analyses (probably soon to be navigable by voice), will start the avalanche of new 3D conceptions closely related with product modelling and robotics, which will instigate brand-new approaches to design, and create brand-new constructional shapes, which were difficult to draw (present) in 2D medium:
[Wed Nov 12 12:04:34 2003]
npr. razne membranske konstrukcije, slobodne oblike u prostoru, "tensegrity" ultralagane, robotizirane i slične konstrukcije (14).
, different membrane structures, free shapes in space, "tensegrity" ultralight, robotized and similar constructions (14).
[Wed Nov 12 12:06:34 2003]
Prodor ultralakih konstrukcija ima svoju genezu u konstrukcijama potrebnim u svemirskim istraživanjima.
Penetration of ultralight constructions has a genesis in constructions necessary for the space research.
[Wed Nov 12 12:06:38 2003]
Iz tih istraživanja i istraživanjima dizajna letjelica i svemirskih sondi potiču i prve primjene "pametnih" (tzv.
The space research and the research of spacecraft design and space probes was encouraged by the first use of the "smart"
[Wed Nov 12 12:06:38 2003]
smart) samoregulirajućih struktura
The space research and the research of spacecraft design and space probes was encouraged by the first use of the "smart" ) self-regulating structures
[Wed Nov 12 12:15:15 2003]
Analiza konstrukcija se danas rutinski provodi FEA postupcima.
Structure analysis is today routinely conducted by FEA procedures.
[Wed Nov 12 12:16:13 2003]
Na raspolaganju inženjerima stoji niz vrhunskih CAD i FEA programa.
Engineers have at their disposal a series of first-grade CAD and FEA programs.
[Wed Nov 12 14:03:17 2003]
Ovi programi ili koriste CAD ili svoje posebne međusobno razmjenljive CAD rutine koje omogućuju razne 3D vizualizacije, kao i vrlo složene analize 2D i 3D konstrukcija:
These programs either use CAD or their special mutually exchangeable CAD routines, which enable various 3D visualizations, as well as highly complex analyses of 2D and 3D constructions:
[Wed Nov 12 14:03:57 2003]
statičku, dinamičku, nelinearnu statičku i dinamičku, kao i analize izvijanja, zamora, termičkih utjecaja, puzanja i sličnih efekata, kao i analize kombinacija tih fenomena kao i optimizaciju struktura.
static, dynamic, nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic, as well as buckling analyses, fatigue analyses, thermal influence analyses, creep analyses and similar effects, and also the combined analyses of these phenomena and the structure optimization.
[Wed Nov 12 14:03:57 2003]
Govorimo stoga o simulacijama, a ne o proračunima konstrukcija
Therefore, we talk about simulations, and not about construction calculations
[Wed Nov 12 14:07:33 2003]
Proračuni postaju sve brži korištenjem brzih procesora, solvera i paralelnih strojeva.
Calculations are becoming faster because of the use of fast processors, solvers and parallel engines.
[Wed Nov 12 14:08:40 2003]
Standardi koje propisuje država, uniformiraju se na međunarodnoj razini i osiguravaju slobodan i neometan protok informacija i roba.
Standards which are prescribed by the state are uniformed on the international level and they insure free and undisturbed flow of information and of goods.
[Wed Nov 12 14:08:40 2003]
Standardi kao što su EC standardi sve više postaju sastavne rutine FE programa (ROBOBAT, SOFISTIK, DIANA i drugi FA programi)
EC standards are increasingly becoming constituent routines of FE programs (ROBOBAT, SOFISTIK, DIANA and other FA programs)
[Wed Nov 12 14:17:18 2003]
Uglavnom kod svih suvremenih FEA programa moguća je razmjena podataka između CAD paketa i drugih FEA programa.
In general, all contemporary FEA programs have the possibility of exchanging data between CAD packages and other FEA programs.
[Wed Nov 12 14:18:34 2003]
Danas veliki dio FEA programa radi u okruženju Windowsa.
Today a large part of FEA programs operate in Windows surroundings.
[Wed Nov 12 14:19:28 2003]
Integrira se slika, tekst, FEA model, rezultati proračuna, dimenzioniranje (npr.
They integrate image, text, FEA model, analysis results, dimensioning (e.g.
[Wed Nov 12 14:19:28 2003]
[Wed Nov 12 14:26:29 2003]
Tako se već dogovorima softverskih kuća uniformiraju ulazne i izlazne maske niza FEA programa u Windows okruženju (COSMOS/M, Msc-NASTRAN, ADINA, ABACUS i drugi FEA programi).
So the agreements between software companies uniform input and output masks of numerous FEA programs in Windows surroundings (COSMOS/M, Msc-NASTRAN, ADINA, ABACUS and other FEA programs).
[Wed Nov 12 14:32:37 2003]
Većina tih programa ima mogućnost parametarskih upisa podataka.
Most of these programs have the possibility of parametric data input.
[Wed Nov 12 14:35:52 2003]
Osim prijenosa teksta i grafike, također se u tim programima omogućava i 3D vizualizacija FEM predmeta (za sada FE žičanog mrežnog modela) pomoću obojenih ili polariziranih očala.
Apart from transferring text and graphics, these programs also enable 3D visualization of FEM objects (for now, the FE wire web model) with the use of colored or polarized goggles.
[Wed Nov 12 14:50:23 2003]
Od FE modela koji se analiziraju u linearnom području, prelazi se postupno na nelinearne modele, te na modele graničnih stanja nosivosti.
From the FE models which are analyzed in linear area, we gradually pass to nonlinear models, and on models with marginal bearing capacity.
[Wed Nov 12 14:51:25 2003]
No, unatoč velikom broju FEA inženjerskih programa, s velikim mogućnostima grafičkih prikaza rezultata analiza, te mogućnostima velikog izbora prikaza i ispisa pojedinih ciljanih rezultata i dalje postoji velika poteškoća savladavanja i sagledavanja opsežne izlazne numerike (pa i grafike) prevelikog broja sračunatih podataka provedenih FE analiza.
But in spite of numerous FEA engineering programs, with great possibilities of graphic presentations of analyses results, and the possibilities of a multiple choice of presentations and printouts of particular planned results, there are still great difficulties in mastering and perceiving extensive output calculations (and graphics) of a too large number of computed data of implemented FE analyses.
[Wed Nov 12 14:53:27 2003]
To je pogotovo istina kod 3D dizajna vrlo složenih konstrukcija, a pogotovo kod provedbi nelinearnih i dinamičkih analiza.
This is especially so in 3D design of extremely complex constructions, and particularly ni the execution of nonlinear and dynamic analyses.
[Wed Nov 12 14:53:39 2003]
Neki programi i sustavi imaju automatske rutine za dimenzioniranje elemenata, optimizaciju presjeka, kao i odabir dimenzija serija istovjetnih elemenata, detalja pa i crtanja armatura i ispisa dokaznica mjera i radova (npr.
Some programs and systems have automatic routines for dimensioning of elements, optimization of cuts, and for the choice of dimensions of series of identical elements, details and drawing of armatures and printout of certificates for measures and work (e.g.
[Wed Nov 12 14:54:37 2003]
porodica SOFISTIK i drugi složeni sustavi).
SOFISTIK family and other complex systems).
[Wed Nov 12 14:57:05 2003]
Tijekom vremena to će biti standardne rutine svih FE programa.
In time, these will become the standard routines of all FE programs.
[Wed Nov 12 15:00:36 2003]
Mi smo ipak, kao inženjeri, naučeni pogledati dobivene numeričke i grafičke rezultate takvih analiza.
But as engineers, we are still used to look at obtained numerical and graphic results of such analyses.
[Wed Nov 12 15:00:44 2003]
Trebat će vremena za implementaciju inteligentnih agenata i ekspertnih sustava i CA standarda u CAD-FEA-medije i programe za strukturalne analize i simulacije, koji će bolje razumijevati naše inženjerske potrebe, dakle biti još više prijateljski orijentirani naspram korisnika.
It will take time to implement intelligent agents and expert systems and CA standards in CAD-FEA-media and programs for structural analyses and simulations, which will be able to better understand our engineering needs, and therefore be more friendly orientated towards the user.
[Wed Nov 12 15:04:22 2003]
A potrebno će biti i vremena za dogovore o uniformnosti formata proračuna kao i prikaza rezultata proračuna.
And it will also take time to arrange the uniformity of calculation format, as well as the presentation of analysis results.
[Wed Nov 12 15:10:47 2003]
To je pogotovo važno za provođenje kontrola i revizija projekata.
This is particularly significant for conduction of controls and revisions of projects.
[Wed Nov 12 15:14:21 2003]
Mnogi se inženjeri konstruktori zanose uzorima rutine analiza koje se na primjer provode u njemačkim konstruktorskim biroima, gdje se cjelina konstrukcije razbija na etaže i provodi analiza od etaže do etaže, slijedom tijeka sila.
Many construction engineers get carried away by models of routine analyses which are, for example, conducted in German constructor bureaus, where the entire construction is broken into levels, and there is level-to-level analysis, following the flow of forces.
[Wed Nov 12 15:15:44 2003]
No, zaboravlja se da su potresi u Njemačkoj praktički nepostojeći fenomeni, i da se u konstruktorskim biroima nastoji što više iskoristiti i naplatiti postojeći ranije nabavljeni software.
But, they keep forgetting that earthquakes are practically nonexisting phenomena in Germany, and that in constructor bureaus they try to exploit and charge the existing previously acquired software.
[Wed Nov 12 15:16:18 2003]
No, vrijeme brzo teče, a poslovi sustižu, pa će se situacija brzo mijenjati u smislu CAD-CAM A/C/E procesa.
But, time flows quickly, and the work catches up, so the situation will change rapidly, in the sense of CAD-CAM A/C/E processes.
[Wed Nov 12 15:17:29 2003]
U tom smislu se razvijaju tzv.
To that effect, the so called
[Wed Nov 12 15:17:29 2003]
Object Manageri za raslojavanje složenih konstrukcija u cilju lakše obrade pojedinih entiteta
To that effect, the so called Object Managers are being developed, for stratification of complex constructions for the purpose of making the treatment of particular entities easier
[Wed Nov 12 15:26:04 2003]
Pred arhitekte, konstruktore i izvođače radova postavljaju se danas novi izazovi, ali i neka ozbiljna pravna pitanja i dileme vlasništva nad informacijama, zaštite informacija, kao i pitanja podjela odgovornosti.
Architects, constructors and contractors are facing new challenges, but also some serious legal questions and ownerships dilemmas concerning the information, information protection, and the questions of responsibility division.
[Wed Nov 12 15:26:44 2003]
Uskoro će se masovno primjenjivati A/C/E postupci upravljanja i komunikacija, pa i automatskog dizajna i robotskih izvođenja.
Soon the A/C/E management and communication procedures will be massively applied, as well as the automatic design and robotic execution.
[Wed Nov 12 15:44:32 2003]
Ove probleme i dileme potrebno je stoga što prije riješiti.
These problems and dilemmas must therefore be resolved as soon as possible.
[Wed Nov 12 15:46:24 2003]
Već sada se u drvenim konstrukcijama, kao složenice jednostavnijih i relativno malobrojnih entiteta iz malog broja materijala (drvo, lamelirano drvo, čelik) postoji realizacija i praktična primjena A/C/E procesa (sve do robotizacije proizvodnje dijelova) kod izvođenja klasičnih drvenih krovova i izvođenju kuća od drveta.
Already in wooden constructions, as compounds of more simple and relatively scarce entities from a small number of materials (wood, laminated timber, steel) there is realization and practical use of A/C/E processes (up to the robotization of production of components) in execution of classic wooden roofs and wooden houses.
[Wed Nov 12 15:54:21 2003]
Naime to je jednoznačni sustav i materijal te je primjena ovdje u mnogom pojednostavljena.
In other words, it is the unique system and unique material, so the use here is more simplified.
[Wed Nov 12 15:54:21 2003]
Stoga je za žaljenje da se kod sadašnje obnove mnoštva krovova nije išlo putem uniformnosti drvenih presjeka, sustava i primjeni robotizacije i automatizma u projektiranju i izvođenju
Hence it is regrettable that in present reconstruction of many roofs we did not choose the way of uniformity of wooden cuts, systems and the use of robotization and automatization in the designing and execution
[Wed Nov 12 16:47:15 2003]
Sada, kad smo u mogućnosti koristiti razne KE (u bibliotekama KE), pa i GAP elemente, moguća je rutinska analiza 3D osebujnih tensegrity konstrukcija, koje se sastoje od mimoilaznih tlačnih štapova i fleksibilnih žica, a što nam omogućuje uvid u matricu sila, deformacija i pomaka čvorova sasvim novih generacija ultralaganih konstrukcija, koje sada možemo vidjeti u 3D prostoru.
Now, when we have the possibility to use different FE (in FE libraries), and GAP elements, it is possible to make routine analysis of peculiar 3D tensegrity constructions, which are comprised from passed by compression members and flexible wires, which enables us to get the insight the insight into the matrix of forces, deformations and node dislocations of brand-new generations of ultralight structures, which can now be seen in 3D space.
[Wed Nov 12 16:48:31 2003]
Prva takva konstrukcija velikih mjera ostvarena je na sportskom stadionu u Atlanti.
The first such construction with large dimensions was accomplished on the sport stadium in Atlanta.
[Wed Nov 12 16:49:38 2003]
Time se ultralagane konstrukcije uvode u redovnu projektnu inženjersku praksu.
That introduces the ultralight structures into the regular project engineering practice.
[Wed Nov 12 16:51:01 2003]
Slično je i s konstrukcijama od napetih tkanina.
It is similar with constructions made of stretched fabrics.
[Wed Nov 12 16:54:43 2003]
Vjerojatno će program kojeg razvija prof. J.
Probably the program whic professor J. Dvornik is developing
[Wed Nov 12 16:54:43 2003]
Dvornik sa suradnicima promijeniti stavove inženjera i arhitekata prema tim atraktivnim i jeftinim konstrukcijama koje je praktično nemoguće vizualizirati u 2D mediju
Dvornik is developing with his coworkers will change the attitudes of engineers and architects towards these attractive and cheap constructions which are practically impossible to visualize in 2D medium
[Wed Nov 12 17:02:14 2003]
Kod ovih konstrukcija je moguća, a uskoro će biti i zahtijevana inteligentna regulacija unutrašnjih sila u konstrukciji, pomoću eliminacija nekih opterećenja, koje se parira inteligentnom eliminacijom i/ili protuakcijama
With these constructions it is possible, and soon it will be requirred, the intelligent regulation of internal forces in construction, by eliminating some loads, which is parried with intelligent elimination and/or counteraction
[Fri Nov 14 10:26:22 2003]
Unatoč prikazanim velikim mogućnostima današnjih dostupnih mogućnosti simulacija entiteta i cjelina, jedan dio konstruktora još uvijek koristi ručne proračune analiza, a velik dio arhitekata koristi se i dalje manualno procesiranim crtežima.
In spite of presented great possibilities of today's available simulation abilities of entities and units, some constructors still use manual calculation analysis, and a large part of architects use still manual processed drawings.
[Fri Nov 14 10:28:35 2003]
Kod složenih prostornih konstrukcija analize konstrukcija onda nužno postaju i nepregledne i pune raznih (i sumnjivih) pretpostavki, koje ponekad mogu biti i vrlo opasne po sigurnost građevina.
In complex spatial structures of structure analysis they then necessarily become unsystematic and full of various (suspicious) assumptions, which can sometimes be very dangerous for the safety of buildings.
[Fri Nov 14 10:29:19 2003]
Očito je da paralelno FEA proračunavanje konstrukcija koje su proračunate rukom nisu rješenja pri revizijama stabilnosti i nosivosti konstrukcija.
It is obvious that parallel FEA construction calculation which are manually calculated are not solutions in revisions of stability and capacity of constructions.
[Fri Nov 14 10:34:44 2003]
Ali kako se riješiti dileme konflikata između raznih razina poimanja stvarnosti.
But how to resolve dilemmas of conflicts between different levels of understanding the realities.
[Fri Nov 14 10:34:44 2003]
S druge strane, ovakav (manualni) pristup dizajnu i provjerama konstrukcija postaje kočnica razvoju novih tipova konstrukcija i konstruktivnih rješenja, pogotovo implementaciji prostornih i laganih i energetski zahtjevno povoljnih konstrukcija
On the other hand, such (manual) access to design and testing of constructions becomes the obstruction to the development of new types of constructions and constructive solutions, especially to the implementation of spacial, lightweight and energy demanding favourable constructions
[Fri Nov 14 10:43:14 2003]
Postoji jedan značajan i ključni problem buduće revizije projekata dostavljenih revidentu putem elektronskih medija, kojeg treba hitno riješiti.
There is one important and critical problem of future revision of projects which are delivered to the auditor by way of electronic media, and which needs to be urgently solved.
[Fri Nov 14 10:54:33 2003]
Naime, pitanja prava upisa (tzv.
That is, the questions of registration right (the so called
[Fri Nov 14 11:01:39 2003]
zeleni tekst) u originalne dokumente može imati samo revident, ali je mišljenje revidenta dostupno svima kojima je dostupan sam projekt.
That is, the questions of registration right (the so called green text) into the original documents can have only the auditor, but his opinion is available to everyone who have the access to the project itself.
[Fri Nov 14 11:03:17 2003]
Mora biti apsolutno onemogućena svaka intervencija nepozvanih i neovlaštenih osoba, pa i projektanata (statičara i drugih) u datoteku mišljenja revidenta.
Every inervention of uncalled and unauthorized persons must be totaly prevented, even the intervention of planners (structural engineers and others) into file of auditor's opinions.
[Fri Nov 14 11:04:36 2003]
Pomoću hiperteksta u Windows okruženju moguće je otvaranje prozora s crtežima, tekstovima, proračunima pa onda i komentarima revidenta projekta (u Njemačkoj tzv.
Using the hypertext in Windows surroundings it is possible to open the window with drawings, texts, calculations and comments of the project auditor (in Germany it is the so called
[Fri Nov 14 11:05:14 2003]
"zelenom tekstu" u statičkim proračunima i crtežima, kojeg unosi ovlašteni revident) pratećeg hiperteksta.
Using the hypertext in Windows surroundings it is possible to open the window with drawings, texts, calculations and comments of the project auditor (in Germany it is the so called " green text " in statical calculations and drawings, which are entered by a test engineer) of the accompanying hypertext.
[Fri Nov 14 11:05:14 2003]
Taj ključni pravni problem je načelno riješen u Njemačkoj
This crucial legal problem is basically resolved in Germany
[Fri Nov 14 11:15:20 2003]
Kod nas u sadašnje vrijeme razina obrade projekata drvenih konstrukcija nije na toj razini koja bi omogućavala takve oblike revizija projekata
In Croatia currently the level of project processing of wooden constructions is not on that level which would enable such forms of project revisions
[Fri Nov 14 11:30:00 2003]
Uočava se da je kod nas u Hrvatskoj i jedan problem, koji nije prisutan kod inozemnih inženjera (pogotovo na Zapadu), a taj je masovno korištenje raznih nelegalnih softverskih paketa i netestiranih programa, što je inače nezamislivo u profesionalnim krugovima Zapada, dapače se i strogo kažnjava.
One problem is evident here in Croatia, which foreign engineers do not have (especially western engineers), and that is massive use of various illegal software packages and untested programs, which is otherwise inconceivable in western professional circles, quite the contrary - it is severely punished.
[Fri Nov 14 11:32:56 2003]
Uzrok toj pojavnosti je povijesnih okolnosti, niske razine osobnih dohodaka inženjera, kao i nedostatak inženjerskih (općenito profesionalnih) komora i pravila ponašanja.
Reason for this are historical circumstances, low levels salaries of engineers, and the lack engineering (generally professional) chambers and rules of professional conduct.
[Fri Nov 14 11:32:56 2003]
Ono što je jako jeftino (i potrošno) u budžetu profesionalnog inženjera u inozemstvu, još je uvijek ovdje mnogim inženjerima (pače i biroima) sasvim nedostupno
That which is very cheap (and consumable) in the budget of foreign professional engineer, here is still completely inaccessible to many engineers (and to the bureaus)
[Fri Nov 14 11:58:53 2003]
, ali i doseći razine njihova životnog i onda i profesionalnog standarda
), but also to reach levels of their existential, and then their professional standard
[Fri Nov 14 11:59:51 2003]
Ekspertni sustavi i umjetna inteligencija
Expert systems and artificial intelligence
[Fri Nov 14 12:14:29 2003]
O ES pisano je dosta.
There is an extensive literature about the ES.
[Fri Nov 14 12:18:31 2003]
Govori se o virtualnoj inteligenciji, ali se sve više primjenom neuralnih mreža dolazi do zaključaka da ovi sustavi iako reagiraju mehanički na podražaje, ponekad reagiraju i neočekivano, te donose za nas zapanjujuće zaključke, koji ih mogu svrstati (za sada) u porodicu inteligencije nižih živih bića.
There is talk about virtual intelligence, but with the increasing use of neural networks we are drawn to the conclusion that these systems, although they react mechanically to stimuli, that they sometimes react unexpectedly, and that they bring to us remarkable conclusions, which can classify them (for now) into the family of intelligence of lower life forms.
[Fri Nov 14 12:18:31 2003]
Ukazuje se na osnovni problem, da to (za sada) nisu ipak ni približno inteligentni sustavi, već sustavi koji (ipak) reproduciraju naučeno
There is an indication to the basic problem, that this (for now) are still not nearly the intelligent systems, but systems which (nevertheless) reproduce what has been learnt
[Fri Nov 14 12:28:10 2003]
Ovdje je pobrojano pregledno stanje značajnijih pomaka na tom području, od 1993.
Here we have listed a clear state of more important moves in this area, from 1993
[Fri Nov 14 12:38:20 2003]
Here we have listed a clear state of some important turns in this area, from the year 1993.
[Fri Nov 14 12:39:27 2003]
Od tog vremena održano je nekoliko simpozija i konferencija o ekspertnim sustavima u graditeljstvu, npr. IABSE simpozij u Beigingu (1993.)
Since then there were several symposiums and conferences about the expert systems in the civil engineering, e.g. IABSE symposium in Beiging (1993.)
[Fri Nov 14 12:39:30 2003]
, New Dehliju (1994.)
), New Delhi (1994.)
[Fri Nov 14 12:41:09 2003]
, i u Bergamu (1995.)
), and in Bergamo (1995.)
[Fri Nov 14 12:43:21 2003]
. O drugim granama tehničkih i drugih znanosti, održano je u svijetu desetak konferencija i simpozija.
About other branches of technical and other sciences, there were about ten conferences and symposiums around the world.
[Fri Nov 14 12:45:33 2003]
Stanje se kristaliziralo u smislu sve većeg korištenja neuralnih mreža i ekspertnih mreža u kojima su integrirani ES zasnovani na pravilima (sa ili bez objektnog programiranja).
The situation became clearer in the sense of increasing uses of neural and expert networks with integrated ES which are based on regulations (with or without object programming).
[Fri Nov 14 12:45:33 2003]
Iz građevinske i arhitektonske prakse dolazi nekoliko primjera uspješnih primjena ekspertnih sustava, razvijenih većinom u kooperaciji s industrijama i industrijskim granama
There are several examples of successful expert system applications in building and architectonic practice, developed mostly in cooperation with industries and industrial branches
[Fri Nov 14 12:52:26 2003]
U svijetu se razvija mnoštvo ES kao i područje umjetne inteligencije.
A multitude of the ES is being developed around the world, as well as the field of artificial intelligence.
[Fri Nov 14 12:54:25 2003]
Iako je prošlo dosta godina od začetaka ES, očekivanja njihove masovne primjene nisu se do sada ostvarila.
Although many years have passed since beginnings of the ES, the expectation of their massive use has not yet been realized.
[Fri Nov 14 14:10:18 2003]
Na tom području su međutim fascinantni razvoji s jedne strane inteligentnih sustava (npr.
In that field, however, there is a fascinating developments of intelligent systems on one hand (e.g.
[Fri Nov 14 14:10:18 2003]
CYC, Dough Lenat), robotskih sustava, šeste generacije kompjutora (Japan) biočipova, a s druge prvi uspješni pokušaji implementacije integriranih CAD-CAM A/E/C profesionalnih sustava kolaboracije sudionika u građenju, za izmjenu elektronskih 3D modela za dizajn i izvođenje građevinskih objekata u cilju potpore razmjeni podataka i pregovaranju među sudionicima građenja
CYC, Dough Lenat), robotic systems, sixth generation of computer (Japan) biochips, and on the other, first successful attempts of implementation of integrated CAD-CAM A/E/C of professional collaboration system of building participants, for the exchange of electronic 3D models for design realization of building objects for the purpose of supporting the exchange of data and negotiations between building participants
[Fri Nov 14 14:14:07 2003]
Bo Edlund i P.
Bo Edlund and P.
[Fri Nov 14 14:14:42 2003]
Lofquist razvili su sustav znanja PREBRI za preliminarno projektiranje cestovnih mostova.
Lofquist have developed the knowledge system PREBRI for preliminary design of road bridges.
[Fri Nov 14 14:14:44 2003]
Slično su to isto uradili i C.
Similar was done by C.
[Fri Nov 14 14:14:45 2003]
[Fri Nov 14 14:14:46 2003]
Moore i J.
Moore and J.
[Fri Nov 14 14:14:47 2003]
[Fri Nov 14 14:14:47 2003]
[Fri Nov 14 14:15:38 2003]
[Fri Nov 14 14:17:30 2003]
[Fri Nov 14 14:25:59 2003]
Moore (University of Wales, Cardiff, UK) sačinila je inovativni ES za preliminarni troškovni dizajn mostova, zasnovan na heurističkom rezoniranju, operabilnog u Windows okruženju.
Moore (University of Wales, Cardiff, UK) has composed an innovative ES for preliminary cost design of bridges, based on heuristic reasoning and operable in Windows surroundings.
[Fri Nov 14 14:31:31 2003]
Vodi se računa o:
The points taken into consideration are:
[Fri Nov 14 14:32:29 2003]
Autorica smatra da se ovaj princip može primijeniti i na druga područja
Moore considers that this principle can be used also in other fields
[Fri Nov 14 14:35:08 2003]
S tim u svezi treba navesti naš ES HALLOPT gdje se pristupilo vrednovanju troškova na osnovi jediničnih cijena proizvoda:
In relation to this, we must also mention our ES HALLOPT, where we have approached the valuation of costs based on the unit exit price of:
[Fri Nov 14 14:37:28 2003]
drveta, metala, betona i pokrova.
wood, metal, concrete and covering.
[Fri Nov 14 14:41:18 2003]
Troškovi radova nisu uključeni, jer nam nisu bili dostupni podaci o troškovima radova (u doba inflacije).
Cost of work has not been included, because we did not have access to that kind of data (during the period of inflation).
[Fri Nov 14 14:41:18 2003]
U mreži se koristi na primjerima trenirana run-time verzija NM za "instantnu" odredbu optimalnih podrožnica u cjelovitom sustavu hale
The network uses the run-time version of NN trained on examples for " instant " regulation of optimal roof purlines in the integral hall system
[Fri Nov 14 14:42:40 2003]
[Fri Nov 14 14:45:23 2003]
[Fri Nov 14 14:45:23 2003]
Jenkins (Sveučilište Leeds) pokazao je da se pomoću na primjerima tretiranom NM ova može naučiti dimenzioniranju čeličnih 2D višekatnih okvirnih konstrukcija
Jenkins (Leeds University) has demonstrated that by using the NN trained on examples it can learn how to dimension steel 2D multistorey frame structures
[Fri Nov 14 14:46:12 2003]
Grupa autora (M.
A group of authors (M.
[Fri Nov 14 14:46:13 2003]
Karroum, B.
Karroum, B.
[Fri Nov 14 14:47:59 2003]
Baetz, G.
Baetz, G.
[Fri Nov 14 14:47:59 2003]
Achard, sa Sveučilišta u Savoji, Francuska i Hamiltonu, Kanada) razvila je ES za pomoć u akustičnom dizajnu stambenih zgrada
Achard, from the Savoy University, France, and Hamilton, Canada) has developed the ES for helping with the acoustic design of residential buildings
[Fri Nov 14 14:48:41 2003]
Grupa autora (A.
A group of authors (A.
[Fri Nov 14 14:49:26 2003]
Cauvin i G.
Cauvin and G.
[Fri Nov 14 16:07:25 2003]
Stagnitto sa Sveučilišta Pavija, Italija) razvija ES opće namjene za preliminarni konstruktivni dizajn sustava.
Stagnitto from the Pavia University, Italy) has developed the ES with general purpose for preliminary constructive system design.
[Fri Nov 14 16:08:47 2003]
Koristeći se velikim bazama podataka sređenih prošlih projektnih iskustava izvedenih objekata (raznih tipova mostova od betona i od čelika i raznih strukturalnih sustava zgrada od čelika i od betona) oni uče neuralnu mrežu tim prošlim znanjima, kako bi dobili inteligentnog savjetodavnog agenta kod dizajna novih entiteta.
By using extensive databases of organized former project experiences of built objects (various kinds of concrete and steel bridges and diverse of structural systems of steel and concrete buildings) they teach the neural network these former knowledges, in order to get the intelligent advisory agent in designing new entities.
[Fri Nov 14 16:10:04 2003]
Baze podataka su se morale kategorizirati, srediti i prostudirati, kako bi se dobile očitije zakonitosti od onih sadržanih samo u crtežima entiteta.
Databases had to be categorized, sorted and studied, in order to obtain more obvious laws than those included solely in entity drawings.
[Fri Nov 14 16:10:09 2003]
Mostovi su kategorizirani po poprečnim presjecima, po uzdužnim dispozicijama strukturalnih sustava, po načinima izvođenja, oblikovanju stupova, kategorizaciji tipa temeljenja i montiranja.
Bridges were categorized according to cross sections, longitudinal dispositions of structural systems, ways of realization, forming of columns, categorization of foundation types and assembling types.
[Fri Nov 14 16:10:10 2003]
[Fri Nov 14 16:10:26 2003]
Cauvin i G.
Cauvin and G.
[Fri Nov 14 16:12:01 2003]
Stagnitto sa Sveučilišta u Paviji i R.
Stagnitto from the Pavia University, and R.
[Fri Nov 14 16:13:22 2003]
Passerea iz firme Passera & Pedretti iz Lugana, definiraju ES znanja za odabir strukturalnog dizajna.
Passerea from the Passera & Pedretti firm in Lugano, define the ES knowledge for the choice of structural design.