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[Fri Nov 14 16:15:58 2003]
Razvili su agenta za pomoć u preliminarnom projektiranju konstrukcija, baziranom na prošlim iskustvima dizajna sličnih entiteta.
They have developed the agent for helping in preliminary construction design, based on former experience of designing similar entities.
[Fri Nov 14 16:17:25 2003]
Radi se o izboru sustava tavanica i poduporne okvirne konstrukcije i odabiru krovnih ustroja zasnovanih na ljuskama.
It concerns the choice of roof beam systems and supporting frame structures, and also the choice of roof structures based on shells.
[Fri Nov 14 16:17:25 2003]
Planira se razvoj tog sustava u formi hipermedija
There are plans for the development of this system in the form of hypermedium
[Fri Nov 14 16:43:46 2003]
Uzgred, ovdje treba spomenuti da je svojedobno ing.
In addition, we must mention here that some time ago engineer
[Fri Nov 14 17:15:04 2003]
In addition, we must mention here that some time ago engineer D.
[Tue Nov 18 10:09:48 2003]
Uzgred, ovdje treba spomenuti da je svojedobno ing.
Moreover, we must mention here that formerly
[Tue Nov 18 10:13:24 2003]
Moreover, we must mention here that formerly D.
[Tue Nov 18 10:13:34 2003]
Kolić trenirao troslojnu Wardovu NM na primjerima izvedenih mostova, te dobio u okvirima dostupnih i danih informacija prilično relevantne preliminarne dimenzije mostova na novim lokacijama.
Kolić had trained a three-ply Ward NN on examples of bridges, and obtained within frameworks of accessible and given information rather relevant preliminary dimensions of bridges on new locations.
[Tue Nov 18 10:16:39 2003]
Slično je nedavno B.
Similarly, B.
[Tue Nov 18 10:17:14 2003]
Baletić obranio na Arhitektonskom fakultetu svoju disertaciju u kojoj je na osnovu opsežnih studija (subjektivnog) vrednovanja sređenih i prethodnih svjetskih arhitektonskih iskustava zadnjih tridesetak godina, uspio kreirati inteligentnog agenta kao pomoć arhitektima u analizama preliminarnog dizajna trosobnih stanova.
Baletić has recently presented his dissertation on Faculty of Architectonics, in which, based on extensive study (subjective) of valuation of organized and prior global architectonic experience of last thirty years, succeed in creating an intelligent agent as a help to the architects in analyses of preliminary designs of three-room flats.
[Tue Nov 18 10:21:09 2003]
Tako razvijeni agent ima sve elemente i baze rasudbe autora.
Thus developed agent has all the elements and bases of author's judgement.
[Tue Nov 18 10:21:09 2003]
Na žalost, samo je tekstualno naznačen razvoj agenta u smjeru multimedijske prezentacije i hipermedija, jer sredstva i alati kojima se raspolagalo to ne omogućuju
Unfortunately, the development of the agent is only textually indicated towards multimedia presentation and hypermedia, because the means and the tools which Baletić had at his disposal could not provide for more
[Tue Nov 18 10:27:25 2003]
Treba spomenuti i danas već zagubljeni rad Vlatke Saler koja je uz pomoć GURU-SOLVEUR ljuske izradila ES za odabir 3D naprednog tipa prostornih krovnih konstrukcija od drveta, betona i polimernih materijala.
We must also mention a misplaced project of Vlatka Saler, who with the help of GURU-SOLVEUR shells produced the ES for selection of the advanced 3D type of spacial roof structures from wood, concrete and polymeric materials.
[Tue Nov 18 10:27:25 2003]
Rad nije nikada srastao s praksom, jer sredstva kojima se raspolagalo nisu bila dostatna za nabavku run-time licence ES
This project has never entered into practice, because the means which were then at disposal were not sufficient for acquisition of run-time ES license
[Tue Nov 18 10:31:54 2003]
Gan i X.
Gan and X.
[Tue Nov 18 10:31:54 2003]
Liu sa Sveučilišta u Beigingu, koji su razvili inteligentni kontroler za odabir rešetkastih konstrukcija SPREAD-2 zasnovan na neuralnoj mreži
Liu at the Beiging University are dealing with similar problematics, They have developed an intelligent controller for the selection of SPREAD-2 frameworks, based on neural network
[Tue Nov 18 10:33:52 2003]
Kompleksnost inženjerskog dizajna konstrukcijskih procesa prikazana je u modelu postupka objektno orijentiranog modela D.
The complexity of engineering design of constructional processes is presented in the model of procedure of object-oriented model of D.
[Tue Nov 18 10:34:10 2003]
Bretschneidera i D.
Bretschneidera and D.
[Tue Nov 18 10:36:17 2003]
Hartmanna sa Sveučilišta u Bochumu.
Hartmanna from the Bochum University.
[Tue Nov 18 10:39:46 2003]
Postupak je primijenjen na ES za dizajn čeličnih konstrukcija prema DIN 18800.
Procedure has been applied to the ES for designing steel structures according to DIN 18800.
[Tue Nov 18 10:40:12 2003]
U manjem obimu nešto je slično učinila i V.
On a smaller scale, V. Saler has done something similar
[Tue Nov 18 10:40:34 2003]
Saler glede dizajna čeličnih stupova.
Saler has done something similar regarding the design of stanchions.
[Tue Nov 18 10:43:06 2003]
Postupak primjenjuje D.
The procedure is applied by D.
[Tue Nov 18 10:43:06 2003]
Delić u svojem magistarskom radu, o dizajnu i nosivosti spregnutih stupova od betona i čelika, koristi se teorijom, standardima i opsežnim tablicama nosivosti (koje tretira kao bazu podataka iz kojih selekcijom podataka trenira NM u višedimenzionalnom prostoru), te s KAPPA E ljuskom za objektno programiranje i VisualBasic komunikacijskim sučeljima
Delić in his master's thesis, about the design and capacity of conjugated columns made of concrete and steel, it applies the theory, standards and extensive bearing capacity tables (which are treated as a database from which the data selection trains a NN in a multidimensional space), and with KAPPA E shell for object programming and VisualBasic communication interfaces
[Tue Nov 18 10:45:34 2003]
Zanimljivi su prijedlozi (S.
Fenves and Garrer Jr. gave interesting suggestions
[Tue Nov 18 10:45:52 2003]
Fenves i Garret Jr.)
gave interesting suggestions
[Tue Nov 18 10:52:17 2003]
o prikazu standarda i kodova u obliku ES.
gave interesting suggestions about the presentation of standards and codes in the form of the ES.
[Tue Nov 18 10:55:08 2003]
Na tom tragu je već i navedeni, u nas pionirski rad A.
On this track is the already quoted, ground-breaking work of A.
[Tue Nov 18 10:56:05 2003]
Bjelanović, koja u svom magistarskom radu, a kasnije i doktoratu predočava novi EC 5 standard (s GURU ljuskom), a s obzirom na veliku računarsku zahtjevnost novih EC 5 standarda.
Bjelanović, who in her master's thesis, and later in her doctorate presented a new EC 5 standard (with GURU shell), in respect to large computing demands of the new EC 5 standards.
[Tue Nov 18 11:02:03 2003]
Planira se cijeli sustav izdati kao CD-ROM uz (klasično formulirana) tekstualna objašnjenja.
There are plans to publish the entire system on a CD-ROM with (classicaly formulated) textual explanations.
[Tue Nov 18 11:02:37 2003]
To je u svijetu aktualna tema, s kojom se bavi nekoliko istraživačkih timova.
This is a popular topic in the world, which is pursued by several research teams.
[Tue Nov 18 11:02:43 2003]
Značajan rad na tom području je i disertacija Ž.
Important work in this field is also a dissertation of Ž.
[Tue Nov 18 11:03:27 2003]
Turka (Sveučilište Ljubljana).
Turk (University in Ljubljana).
[Tue Nov 18 11:03:43 2003]
Garret predlaže i nove inovacije za aktivno praćenje inovacija standarda.
Garret suggests new innovations for active tracking of standards innovations.
[Tue Nov 18 11:05:00 2003]
U stvari su to preduvjeti dizajna.
In fact, these are the preconditions of design.
[Tue Nov 18 11:09:50 2003]
Sinteza dizajna je obratni proces od projektne analize.
Syntheses of design is the reverse process of the project analysis.
[Tue Nov 18 11:10:20 2003]
Tamo gdje analiza započinje opisom nekog objekta i završava opisom ponašanja, u sintezi se započinje s opisom zahtijevanih performansi ili specifikacija, a završava se opisom objekta.
Where the analysis begins with a description of some object and finishes with the the description of behavior, it begins with the synthetic description of requested performances or specifications, and ends with the description of objects.
[Tue Nov 18 11:10:20 2003]
Stoga se projektna sinteza može smatrati kao interpretacija projektnih specifikacija
Therefore the project synthesis can be considered as interpretation of project specifications
[Tue Nov 18 11:16:34 2003]
Organizacija građenja ne zaostaje za primjenom ES u praksi organizacije gradilišta.
Organization of building does not lag behind the use of the ES in organizations site practice.
[Tue Nov 18 11:16:41 2003]
Podupirući ES za algoritam optimizacije komponenata gradilišta napisali su K.
Supporting ES for optimization algorithm of components of sites has written K.
[Tue Nov 18 11:16:44 2003]
Lennerts i F.
Lennerts and F.
[Tue Nov 18 11:18:55 2003]
Gehbauer sa Sveučilišta u Karlsruhe.
Gehbauer from the Karlsruhe University wrote the supporting ES for optimization algorithm of components of building sites.
[Tue Nov 18 11:20:47 2003]
To je hibridno objektno orijentirani savjetodavni ES koji generira optimalna rješenja tlocrta gradilišta.
That is a hybrid object-oriented advisory ES which generates optimal ground plan solutions for building sites.
[Tue Nov 18 11:20:48 2003]
S područja organizacije građenja zanimljiv je ES ESPROB za objektivno vrednovanje iskaza materijala (Y.
In the field of building organization, there is an interesting ES ESPROB for objective valuation for material presentation (Y.
[Tue Nov 18 11:20:52 2003]
Lu, Q.
LU, Q.
[Tue Nov 18 11:21:06 2003]
Lu, S.
LU, S.
[Tue Nov 18 11:21:06 2003]
Wang sa Tsinghua Sveučilišta)
Wang from the Tsinghua University)
[Tue Nov 18 11:22:26 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:22:26 2003]
Professor A.
[Tue Nov 18 11:22:27 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:23:20 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:34:51 2003]
Slicher sa svojom grupom sa sveučilišta u Leedsu razvija NM za strategijsko upravljanje izvođačkih organizacija.
Slicher, with his group from the Leeds University, is developing a NN for strategic management of performing organizations.
[Tue Nov 18 11:35:40 2003]
Na tom području Upravljanja procesima građenja razvijena je i NM za procjenu doživotnog određivanja troškova upravljanja i održavanja određenih pogona.
On this field of Management of building processes a NN has been developed for evaluation of lifelong taxation of management and maintenance of particular plants.
[Tue Nov 18 11:36:25 2003]
S tim problemima bavi se grupa prof. J.
These problems are dealt with by professor J.
[Tue Nov 18 11:36:27 2003]
Christiana sa Sveučilišta New Brunswick u Frederictonu u Kanadi.
Christian and his group at the New Brunswick University in Fredericton, Canada.
[Tue Nov 18 11:36:28 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:37:29 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:37:29 2003]
Dawood s sveučilišta Teesside u Middlesabroughu (UK) proučava NM za heuristički pristup planiranju resursa konstrukcijskih troškova
Dawood from the Teesside University in Middlesabroughu (UK) studies the NN for heuristic access to planning of resources of constructional costs
[Tue Nov 18 11:42:54 2003]
Zanimljiv je i ES za montažu čeličnih sandučastih mostova naguravanjem.
The ES for installation of steel hollow box bridges by way of cramming is also interesting.
[Tue Nov 18 11:43:09 2003]
Autori su T.
The authors are T.
[Tue Nov 18 11:43:20 2003]
Nishida iz Kawada Techno-System organizacije u Tokiju i prof. Y.
Nishida from Kawada Techno-System organization in Tokyo and professor Y.
[Tue Nov 18 11:45:08 2003]
Itoh sa Sveučilišta u Nagoyi.
Itoh from the University in Nagoya.
[Tue Nov 18 11:45:08 2003]
ES nadomješta prošlo heurističko iskustvo u montaži mostova naguravanjem, čime se vrijeme montaže skraćuje i postižu znatne uštede pri montaži mostova
The ES replaces the former heuristic experience in installation of bridges by way of cramming, which decreases the installation time and achieves considerable savings in installation of bridges
[Tue Nov 18 11:48:33 2003]
Pokazalo se da unatoč CAD-CAM projektiranju i proizvodnji mostova često ipak dolazi do nesporazuma.
It appears that in spite of CAD-CAM planning and production of bridges, there are still frequent misunderstandings.
[Tue Nov 18 11:48:33 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:48:37 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:48:51 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:48:52 2003]
Roddis sa Univerziteta Kansas, i M.
Roddis from the Kansas University, and M.
[Tue Nov 18 11:51:28 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:52:08 2003]
Hess iz odsjeka za mostove HNTB korporacije iz Overland Parka, USA, razvili su ES za eliminaciju grešaka pri fabriciranju limova čeličnih mostova.
Hess from the bridges department in HNTB corporation in Overland Park, USA, have developed the ES for elimination of errors in production of sheet metal of steel bridges.
[Tue Nov 18 11:53:59 2003]
Ovaj ES (BFX) pomaže projektantima, izvođačima i nadzornim inženjerima u eliminaciji ozbiljnih grešaka u fabriciranju elemenata čeličnih mostova.
This ES (BFX) helps planners, contractors and supervisory engineers in eliminating serious errors in production of elements of steel bridges.
[Tue Nov 18 11:54:30 2003]
Fokus ES je na tolerancijama, bušenju, probijanju, rezanju i inspekciji grešaka lameliranja, koje za sada nemaju kodificirane procedure.
The focus of the ES is tolerance, drilling, penetration, cutting and inspection of lamination faults, which presently do not possess codified procedures.
[Tue Nov 18 11:55:36 2003]
Koristi je od početka 1994.
It is used from the beginning of 1994.
[Tue Nov 18 11:55:36 2003]
godine Uprava prometa Kansasa, koja je i financirala rad
by the Traffic management in Kansas, which has also financed the project
[Tue Nov 18 11:59:18 2003]
Veliki dio grešaka u dizajnu čeličnih konstrukcija proizlazi iz loše riješenih detalja priključaka.
A great number of faults in design of steel structures results from badly solved connection details.
[Tue Nov 18 11:59:19 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:59:20 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:59:22 2003]
De Gelder, C.
De Gelder, C.
[Tue Nov 18 11:59:25 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 11:59:26 2003]
Steenhuis i A.
Steenhuis and A.
[Tue Nov 18 12:00:29 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 12:02:46 2003]
Huijsing iz istraživačkog centra TNO u Delftu, izradili su ES za projektiranje detalja čeličnih konstrukcija.
Huijsing from the TNO Research Centre in Delft, have created the ES for designing of details for steel structures.
[Tue Nov 18 12:03:18 2003]
U ES su ugrađene konceptualne teorije modeliranja spojeva, jezik konceptualnog modeliranja kompatibilan teoriji konceptualnog modeliranja, alati konceptualnog modeliranja.
Conceptual theories for modelling of connections are built into the ES, as well as the language for conceptual modelling compatible with the theory of conceptual modelling, and the tools for conceptual modelling.
[Tue Nov 18 12:03:18 2003]
ES je pisan u Prologu, koristeći se tablicama odlučivanja
The ES has been written in Prologue, by using the decision-making tables
[Tue Nov 18 12:04:19 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 12:07:27 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 12:07:47 2003]
Miles s Univerziteta Wales u Cardiffu, razvio je integrirani kompjutorski sustav za konceptualni dizajn mostova, koji se sastoji od četiriju sistema za konceptualni dizajn, baze podataka postojećih projekata, potpore za cjenovno vrednovanje i vrednovanje estetike mosta.
Miles from the Wales University in Cardiff, has developed an integrated computer system for conceptual design of bridges, which consists of four systems for conceptual design, database of existing projects, support for price valuation and valuation of bridge aesthetics.
[Tue Nov 18 12:54:13 2003]
Ovaj ES se zasniva na autorovom iskustvu u projektiranju mostova.
This ES is based on the author's experience in the designing of bridges.
[Tue Nov 18 14:08:10 2003]
Rad se i dalje razvija u cilju uključivanja dinamičkih simulacija, ali se nailazi na nedostatak sredstava za daljnje istraživanje.
The work is still developing for the purpose of including dynamic simulations, but there is a lack of means for further research.
[Tue Nov 18 14:09:20 2003]
Sasvim je jasno da se s ES mogu dizajnirati konkretni objekti.
It is quite clear that concrete objects can be designed with the ES.
[Tue Nov 18 14:11:19 2003]
To su već poodavno pokazali Garret, Feneves i Adeli.
Garret, Feneves and Adela have shown that some time ago.
[Tue Nov 18 14:11:29 2003]
Izazov dizajnu rešetkastih čeličnih prostornih sustava (Mero-sustavu slične rešetke) autori ES, A.
Challenge to the design of the grate-like steel spatial systems (Mero-system of similar bar) authors of the ES, A.
[Tue Nov 18 14:11:42 2003]
Borowski sa IFTR u Varšavi i N.
Borowski from the IFTR in Warsaw and N.
[Tue Nov 18 14:15:55 2003]
Fleischman iz Ed.
Fleischman from the Ed.
[Tue Nov 18 14:16:15 2003]
Zublin AG Contractors, Stuttgart, riješili su pisanjem specijalnog programa za dizajn prostornih rešetki u jako preglednom i grafički orijentiranom Windows okruženju.
Zublin AG Contractors, Stuttgart, overcame the challenge of designing the grate-like steel spatial systems (Metro-system of similar bar) by writing a special program for designing of spacial bars in very clear and graphically oriented Windows surroundings.
[Tue Nov 18 14:16:24 2003]
Ovaj sustav pomaže u ranoj fazi tzv.
This system helps in the early phase of the so-called
[Tue Nov 18 14:17:41 2003]
konceptualnog dizajna, a kasnije u detaljnom projektiranju.
This system helps in the early phase of the so-called conceptual design, and later in detailed planning.
[Tue Nov 18 14:18:02 2003]
U sustav je uključena i NM za procjenu cijene koštanja.
NN for evaluation of costs has also been included into the system.
[Tue Nov 18 14:19:19 2003]
Program uči na primjerima.
The program learns on examples.
[Tue Nov 18 14:19:20 2003]
S tog aspekta zanimljiv je rad J.
From that aspect, the work of J.
[Tue Nov 18 14:20:18 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 14:20:18 2003]
Biedermana, (School of Engineering, Univerziteta Guelph u Kanadi) o objektno orijentiranom sustavu za detaljnu izradu projekta
Biederman, (School of Engineering, Guelph University in Canada) about the object-oriented system for detailed project construction is also very interesting
[Tue Nov 18 14:22:14 2003]
Integracija CAD i ekspertnog sustava za crtanje planova čeličnih konstrukcija je predmet ES kojeg su razvili prof. W.
Integration of the CAD and of the expert system for drawing plans of steel structures is the object of the ES developed by professor W.
[Tue Nov 18 14:22:17 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 14:22:23 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 14:22:24 2003]
Rodis i G.
Rodis and G.
[Tue Nov 18 14:22:39 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 14:23:28 2003]
Pasley sa Sveučilišta Kansas, Lawrence, USA.
Pasley from the Kansas University, Lawrence, USA.
[Tue Nov 18 14:24:15 2003]
Radi se o kompjuterskom alatu SteelTeam koji integrira KB ES sa CAD okruženjem.
It concerns the computer tool SteelTeam, which integrates KB ES with CAD surroundings.
[Tue Nov 18 14:25:58 2003]
To je komunikacijski alat koji ostvaruje medij za elektronski transfer podataka u industriji čeličnih konstrukcija.
It is a communication tool which realizes the medium for electronic data transfer in the industry of steel structures.
[Tue Nov 18 14:25:58 2003]
U stvari, radi se o inteligentnom asistentu koji pomaže u donošenju odluka, pomažući inženjerima u razumijevanju efekata ranih odluka koje imaju utjecaja na konačni proizvod i koji pomaže pri izbjegavanju konfliktnih situacija
In fact, it concerns the intelligent assistant which helps in decision making, by helping engineers to understand the effects of early decisions which influence the final product and which helps to avoid conflicting situations
[Tue Nov 18 14:46:02 2003]
S tim u svezi treba spomenuti i radove na izvođenju električne centrale Scubgrass u kojima se koristilo za to posebno razvijene programe u Bethelu, Construction CAM i Walkthru, s kojim se koristio elektronički 3D model i moglo sve crteže entiteta, konstrukciju, vodove, cjevovode, bojlere i druge uređaje promatrati u 3D viziji (papirnatog 2D medija) s raznih pozicija gledišta promatrača, u fazi montaže konstrukcije, a što je u mnogom doprinijelo brzoj gradnji tog objekta i izbjegavanju konfliktnih situacija (35,36)
In relation to this, we must also mention the works on construction of a Scubgrass powerplant, where they used specially developed programs in Bethel, Construction CAM and Walkthru, together with the electronic 3D model and all drawings of the entity, construction, conduits, pipelines, water-heaters and other appliances could be observed in 3D vision (paper 2D medium) from different positions of observer's standpoint, in the installation phase of a construction, and which contributed a lot to faster building of that object and to avoidance of conflict situations (35,36)
[Tue Nov 18 14:49:57 2003]
Sve je aktualnije vrednovanje objekata.
Object valuation is more and more more popular.
[Tue Nov 18 14:50:10 2003]
S tim u svezi razvilo se nekoliko ES za vrednovanje stanja objekata.
In relation to this, several ES were developed for valuation of object conditions.
[Tue Nov 18 14:50:14 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 14:53:04 2003]
Qina i S.
Qina and S.
[Tue Nov 18 14:57:08 2003]
Chena vrednuje ponašanje betonskih zgrada u potresnim područjima.
Chena values the behavior of concrete buildings in distressing areas.
[Tue Nov 18 14:57:08 2003]
Iskustva primjene tog ES u Kini su pozitivna, jer se korištenjem tog ES ustanovilo defekte u projektiranju armirano betonskih zgrada u zonama potresa
There is a positive experience in using this ES in China, because it helped to determine the defects in designing reinforced concrete buildings in earthquake zones
[Tue Nov 18 15:01:05 2003]
Na Građevinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu je još tijekom domovinskog rata razvijen prototip ekspertnog sustava (ES) i ekspertne mreže (EM) za procjenu u ratu oštećenih i uništenih objekata.
On Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, during the Croatian War of Independence, a prototype of expert system (ES) and expert networks (EM) was developed for evaluation of the objects which were damaged and destroyed during the war.
[Tue Nov 18 15:24:23 2003]
Na primjerima vizualne evaluacije oštećenja i praktične iskustvene inženjerske procjene potrebne rekonstrukcije, trenirana je Ward-ova neuralna mreža (NeuroShell 2).
On examples of visual evaluation of damage and practical empirical engineering evaluation of necessary reconstruction, the Ward neural network (NeuroShell 2) was trained.
[Tue Nov 18 15:25:19 2003]
Iz nje je potom generirana run-time verzija ekspertne mreže (EM), koja na temelju intervjua s tehničkom osobom, na licu mjesta, donosi procjenu o stupnju oštećenja objekta i potrebi stupnja rekonstrukcije ili rušenja objekta.
From that network they have generated a run-time version of the expert network (EN), which, based on the interview with a technic individual, on the spot, performs the evaluation of the level of damage of the object and of the of degree of reconstruction or the destruction of the object.
[Tue Nov 18 15:25:20 2003]
Na temelju stereo snimanja i GIS podataka, mreža je mogla ustanoviti digitalnu dokumentaciju o oštećenjima, vlasništvu, i producirati CAD crteže (D.
On the basis of stereo shootings and G SHARP data, network was able set up digital documentation about damages, ownership, and produce CAD drawing (D.
[Tue Nov 18 15:28:41 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 15:28:41 2003]
Ova NM nije bila srasla s tadašnjom praksom procjene šteta na ratu oštećenim objektima, te nije nikad primijenjena u praksi
This NN did not coalesce with the practice of damage assessments of the objects damaged during the war, and was never used in practice
[Tue Nov 18 15:30:16 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 15:30:21 2003]
Brancaloni, D.
Brancaloni, D.
[Tue Nov 18 15:32:36 2003]
Spina i C.
Spina and C.
[Tue Nov 18 15:33:32 2003]
Valente (Rim) koriste NM za otkrivanje grešaka u konstrukcijama, koje pobuđuju titranjima.
Valente (Rome) use the NN for the discovering of errors in constructions, which they induce with vibrations.
[Tue Nov 18 15:34:04 2003]
Pokazalo se da se na taj način mogu prilično vjerodostojno vrednovati defekti na čeličnim okvirima.
It appears that in this way they can quite credibly evaluate the defects on steel frameworks.
[Tue Nov 18 15:34:04 2003]
Njihov je rad poduprt nizom laboratorijskih pokusa na okvirima realne veličine
Their work was supported by a series of laboratory rehearsals on real-size frameworks
[Tue Nov 18 15:37:19 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 15:39:35 2003]
Zhang je razvio ES za tuneliranje i dizajn podzemnih objekata u karstnim terenima, koji je provjeren u primjeni u praksi građenja u Kini.
Zhang has developed the ES for tunneling and design of underground objects in karst fields, which has been verified in building practice in China.
[Tue Nov 18 15:40:24 2003]
Na području geotehnike, fundiranja, a pogotovo tunelogradnje te interpretacijama nosivosti tala, postoji cijeli niz dobro uvriježenih ES.
In the field of geotechnics, funding, and especially tunnel building, as well as in interpretations of ground capacity, there is a whole range of well established ES.
[Tue Nov 18 15:41:03 2003]
Samo da se spomene Hutchinsonov (1985.)
Just to mention Hutchinson's (1985)
[Tue Nov 18 15:43:54 2003]
ES za projektiranje potpornih stijena od armiranog betona, zasnovan na ljuski BUILD.
Just to mention Hutchinson's (1985) ES for planning of supporting rocks from the reinforced concrete, based on BUILD shell.
[Tue Nov 18 15:47:11 2003]
Ne treba zaboraviti da su se prvi ES razvili na osnovama ljuski MYCIN, DENDRAL, PROSPECTOR (Stanford, sedamdesetih) pisane za interpretaciju informacija ali i interpretaciju geoloških formacija za potrebe rudarstva, geologije i naftne industrije.
We must not forget that the first ES were developed on foundations of MYCIN, DENDRAL, PROSPECTOR (Stanford, 1970s) shells, written for the interpretation of information, but also the interpretation of geologic formations for mining, geology and oil industry.
[Tue Nov 18 15:47:11 2003]
Na području geotehničkih projektiranja prof. A.
In the field of geotechnical planning, professor A.
[Tue Nov 18 15:47:12 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 15:48:18 2003]
[Tue Nov 18 15:51:21 2003]
Goh sa sveučilišta u Singapuru, pokazao je da se NM može naučiti projektiranju zagatnih stijena.
Goh from the Singapore University, has shown that NN can learn to design cofferdam rocks.
[Tue Nov 18 15:51:21 2003]
Također je istrenirao NM za prognozu i vrednovanje seizmičke likvifakcije tala kod analiza geotehničkih problema
He has also trained a NN for prognosis and valuation of seismic liquefication of grounds in analyses of geotechnical problems
[Tue Nov 18 15:57:32 2003]
Također treba navesti savjetodavne ES za interpretaciju propisa o protupožarnoj zaštiti i provjerama sigurnosti od požara, što je danas jedna od aktualnih tema projektantske prakse
We must also mention the advisory ES for interpretation of regulations about fire protection and security fire checks, which is one of the current topics of planning practice
[Tue Nov 18 16:07:20 2003]
Ekspertni sustavi koriste se u motrenju i opažanju, te donošenju odluka o upozorenju mjerodavnih za održavanje granica sigurnosti motrenih procesa.
The expert systems are used in monitoring and observation, and in bringing decision about warning the authorized personnel for maintaining the limits of safety of the observed processes.
[Tue Nov 18 16:13:38 2003]
Takvi su ES potrebni zbog velikog broja stalno skupljanih podataka, koje je u realnom vremenu teško interpretirati.
Such ES are necessary because of the number of constantly collected data, which are difficult to interpret in the real-time.
[Tue Nov 18 16:15:50 2003]
Poznat je slučaj urušavanja dijela piste aerodroma u Londonu, gdje su monitori dali naslutiti opasnost, ali se vremenski zaostajalo u interpretaciji velike količine mjerenih podataka.
There was a famous case of caving in of a part of London airport, where screens insinuated the danger, but there was a temporal lag in interpretation of a large amount of measured data.
[Tue Nov 18 16:16:20 2003]
Ovi ES filtriraju obavijesti i često se koriste iskustvima drugih struka, kao npr. iskustva daljinskih motrenjem zdravlja i stanja pacijenata.
These ES filtrate the information and often use the experience of other professions, e.g. experience with remote observation of health condition of patients.
[Tue Nov 18 16:17:08 2003]
Često rade u tzv.
They often function in the so-called
[Tue Nov 18 16:23:04 2003]
konceptu realnog vremena.
They often function in the so-called real-time concept.
[Tue Nov 18 16:23:13 2003]
To su ES za autonomno upravljanje vozilom ALVINN (NAVLAB), ES HEARSAY i NETtalk (Sejanovski) za razumijevanje govora, ili ES koji mogu igrati stolni tenis, ili interpretirati podatke sonara i radara i sl.
These are the ES for autonomous vehicle management ALVINN (NAVLAB), ES HEARSAY and NETtalk (Sejanovski) for understanding of speech, or the ES which can play table-tennis, or interpret data from sonars and radars, and similar
[Tue Nov 18 16:25:56 2003]
These are the ES for autonomous vehicle management ALVINN (NAVLAB), ES HEARSAY and NETtalk (Sejanovski) for understanding of speech, or the ES which can play table-tennis, or interpret data from sonars and radars, and similar information.
[Tue Nov 18 16:25:56 2003]
Ovakvi ES koriste se u vojnim i civilnim sektorima, a sve više i u građevinarstvu
Such ES are used in military and civil sectors, and increasingly in civil engineering
[Tue Nov 18 16:27:28 2003]
U ES dijagnostičkom sustavu za održavanje postojećih inženjerskih konstrukcija kojeg su razvili S.
In the ES diagnostic system for maintenance of the existing engineering constructions which was developed by S.
[Tue Nov 18 16:45:47 2003]
Tanaka i I.
Tanaka and I.
[Tue Nov 18 16:49:08 2003]
To je jedno aktivno područje u kojem se razvilo više sustava za vrednovanje degradacije mostova
It is one active field in which many systems for evaluation of bridge degradation was developed
[Wed Nov 19 10:24:52 2003]
[Wed Nov 19 10:25:29 2003]
Dal, Z.
Dal, Z.
[Wed Nov 19 10:25:45 2003]
Palutan i suradnici sa Sveučilišta u Padovi, izgradili su ES za održavanje građevina u uporabi.
Palutan and coworkers at the Padua University, have built the ES for maintenance of buildings in use.
[Wed Nov 19 10:26:16 2003]
Ovaj sistem asistira operatorima odgovornim za održavanje zgrada.
This system assists the operators responsible for maintenance of buildings.
[Wed Nov 19 10:28:09 2003]
U ES su integrirani hardver i softver.
Hardware and software were integrated into the ES.
[Wed Nov 19 10:28:09 2003]
To su povezane aktivnosti složene iz baze dokumentacijskih i arhivskih podataka o konstrukciji, instalacijama, opremi, identifikacija pravnih subjekata, stanja građevine, potrebnih popravaka, sve do interpretacije građevne konzistencije objekta
These are related activities put together from the base of documentation and archive data about construction, installations, equipment, identification of legal entities, state of building, necessary repairs, up to the interpretation of building consistency of the object
[Wed Nov 19 10:32:39 2003]
Zanimljiv je i ES za vrednovanje grešaka u konstrukcijama metodom motrenja vibracija kojeg su razvili P.
Also interesting is the ES for evaluation of errors in constructions by method of observing the vibrations, which was developed by P.
[Wed Nov 19 10:33:00 2003]
[Wed Nov 19 10:33:17 2003]
Kirkegaard s Aalborg Sveučilišta u Danskoj i A.
Kirkegaard from the Aalborg University in Denmark, and A.
[Wed Nov 19 10:36:41 2003]
Rytter iz Joint Research Centra, ISPRA u Italiji.
Rytter from the Joint Research Centre, ISPRA, in Italy.
[Wed Nov 19 10:37:48 2003]
Sustav je naučio razlikovati stanje konstrukcije iz analiza vlastite vibracije entiteta preko, na teoretskim primjerima trenirane, četveroslojne neuralne mreže.
The system has learned to distinguish from the state of construction from the analyses of its own vibration of entity through, on theoretical examples trained, four-layer neural network.
[Wed Nov 19 10:38:26 2003]
Analitički su rezultati upotpunjeni FE modelima i promatranjem u praksi.
Analytic results have been supplemented by FE models and by practical observation.
[Wed Nov 19 10:43:11 2003]
Sustav se stalno razvija učenjem na primjerima.
The system is under constant development by way of learning on examples.
[Wed Nov 19 10:44:39 2003]
Koristi se za ispitivanje defekata u avionskoj industriji i za vrednovanje starih spomenika i zgrada.
It is used for testing of defects in aircraft industry and for valuation of old monuments and buildings.
[Wed Nov 19 10:45:10 2003]
ES otkriva mjesto i veličine pukotina mjerenih entiteta.
The ES reveals the place and the size of cracks in measured entities.
[Wed Nov 19 10:48:18 2003]
Sličan sustav uspješno je primijenila V.
Similar system was successfully applied by V.
[Wed Nov 19 10:53:32 2003]
Saler u svom magistarskom radu, a primijenjen je na perkusiju drvenih elemenata, u cilju unapređenja sustava strojne klasifikacije drvene građe.
Saler in her master's thesis, and she has applied it on percussion of wooden elements, for the purpose of improving the system of machine classification of woodwork.
[Wed Nov 19 10:53:47 2003]
Perkusiju udaraca normiranim čekićem i motrenje istitravanja uzoraka, nadopunila je FE dinamičkim analizama titranja mnoštva FE modela i podacima ultrazvučnih opservacija, koristeći se valorizacijama NM.
Percussion of blows with standardized hammer and observation of sample vibrations, Saler has supplemented with FE dynamic analyses of vibration of multitude FE models and data on ultrasonic observations, by using valorizations of a NN.
[Wed Nov 19 15:46:46 2003]
Begum i njegova grupa s City University u Londonu, gdje se razvija robot za otkrivanje pukotina, grešaka i odlupljivanja zaštitnog sloja betona na fasadama i općenito betonskim površinama, a na osnovama perkusije velikog broja uzoraka.
Begum and his group at the City University in London are studying similar problem, where they are developing a robot for the discovering cracks, errors and peelings off of concrete cover on facades and on concrete surfaces in general, and based on percussions of a number of samples.
[Wed Nov 19 15:48:21 2003]
Pokazalo se da je na primjerima trenirana NM u stanju otkriti defektna (često nepristupačna) mjesta betonskih konstrukcija.
It proved that a NN which was trained on examples can detect defective (often inaccessible) places in concrete constructions.
[Wed Nov 19 15:48:23 2003]
Također se analizom rezultata odziva perkusija, korištenjem neuralne mreže mogu otkriti defekti betonskih pilota u tlu (J.
In addition, by analysis of results of percussion responses, use of the neural network can discover defects of concrete pilots in the ground (J.
[Wed Nov 19 15:48:36 2003]
[Wed Nov 19 15:48:38 2003]
Watson s Napier sveučilišta u Edinburgu).
Watson from the Napier University in Edinburg).
[Wed Nov 19 15:49:35 2003]
[Wed Nov 19 15:49:54 2003]
Takahashi s Kanagava instituta u Japanu, pokazao je da se interni defekti u gredama mogu otkriti analizom odzivnog vala perkusije uzoraka.
Takahashi from Kanagava Institute in Japan, has shown that internal defects in beams can be detected by the analysis of response wave of sample percussion.
[Wed Nov 19 15:50:40 2003]
I on je kao i V.
He too, as V.
[Wed Nov 19 15:52:21 2003]
Saler NM trenirao setom realnih uzoraka i setom FEM uzoraka uvedenim u model grešaka.
Saler, has trained a NN with a set of real samples and a set of FEM samples introduced into the model of errors.
[Wed Nov 19 15:52:21 2003]
Pokazali su da za bolju i točniju analizu treba promatrati i odazive kod viših frekvencija, jer su prirodne frekvencije kod viših modova osjetljivije na lokacije grešaka uzoraka
It proved that for better and more accurate analysis we must also observe the responses at higher frequencies, because the natural frequencies at higher modes are more sensitive to locations of sample errors
[Wed Nov 19 17:33:14 2003]
Najopsežniji europski pothvat u pogledu monitoriranja građevina, pa i cijelih naselja razvijen je u ISMES-u u Bergamu, kamo se slijeva cijela rijeka monitoriranih informacija koje šalju razni senzori porazmješteni na branama, povijesnim građevinama i naseljima sjeverne Italije.
The most extensive European undertaking in view of monitoring the building, so and whole settlements has been developed in ISMES-in in Bergamo, where flows into the whole river of monitored information which send different sensors are placed on dams, historical buildings and settlements of north Italy.
[Fri Nov 21 15:07:18 2003]
Najopsežniji europski pothvat u pogledu monitoriranja građevina, pa i cijelih naselja razvijen je u ISMES-u u Bergamu, kamo se slijeva cijela rijeka monitoriranih informacija koje šalju razni senzori porazmješteni na branama, povijesnim građevinama i naseljima sjeverne Italije.
The most extensive European project related to monitoring of buildings, and even entire settlements, was developed in ISMES in Bergamo, into which flows the entire river of monitored information sent by different sensors located on dams, historical buildings and settlements in north Italy.
[Fri Nov 21 15:07:23 2003]
Ovi su višeslojni ES razvijeni pod vodstvom prof. P.
These multilayer ES were developed under the leadership of professor P.
[Fri Nov 21 15:09:13 2003]
[Fri Nov 21 15:10:31 2003]
To su KALEIDOS za promatranje stanja povijesnih građevina, MISTRAL za promatranje betonskih brana, te IGOR za promatranje dinamičkog ponašanja svih zgrada u promatranim naseljima.
These are KALEIDOS, for observing conditions of historical buildings, MISTRAL, for observing concrete dams, and IGOR, for observing dynamic behavior of all buildings in the observed settlements.
[Fri Nov 21 15:11:53 2003]
Ovi su ES zasnovani kao ekspertne mreže koje upozoravaju eksperte unutar ISMES-a o svakoj abnormalnoj situaciji na motrenim objektima, te daju savjete o akcijama koje treba poduzeti.
These ES were formed as expert networks which warn the experts inside the ISMES about every abnormal situation on the observed objects, and give the advice about actions which need to be taken.
[Fri Nov 21 15:11:53 2003]
U ISMES-u je razvijen i ES DAMSAFE kojim se projektiraju lučne brane, na koje kasnije motri ES MISTRAL
ISMES has developed the ES DAMSAFE, for designing arc-like dams, which are later monitored by the ES MISTRAL
[Fri Nov 21 17:29:19 2003]
Mostovi su objekti velikih nacionalnih vrijednosti, te se njihovom vrednovanju polaže velika pažnja.
Bridges are objects of great national value, and their evaluation is done with great caution.
[Wed Nov 26 14:09:13 2003]
Mostovi su objekti velikih nacionalnih vrijednosti, te se njihovom vrednovanju polaže velika pažnja.
Bridges are objects of great national value, and their evaluation receives a lot of attention.
[Wed Nov 26 14:09:17 2003]
Stoga je bitno u okvirima nacionalnih mogućnosti, financijskih planova i praćenja stanja mostova donositi racionalne zaključke o planiranju radova na potrebitim obnovama.
It is therefore essential, within frameworks of national possibilities, financial plans and observation of the state of bridges, to bring rational conclusions about work planning regarding the necessary reconstructions.
[Wed Nov 26 14:09:19 2003]
[Wed Nov 26 14:09:20 2003]
Hammad, Y.
Hammad, Y.
[Wed Nov 26 14:10:25 2003]
Shintoku i Y.
Shintoku and Y.
[Wed Nov 26 14:15:53 2003]
Itoh s Nagoya Sveučilišta u Japanu, napisali su objektno orijentirani ES kao novi pristup problematici održavanja mostova.
Itoh from the Nagoya University in Japan, have written the object-oriented ES as a new access to the problematics related to maintenance of bridges.
[Wed Nov 26 14:17:13 2003]
Polazeći od GIS baze podataka i podataka o projektima mostova, stanje se kontinuirano prati i vrednuje, kako bi se planiralo radove na najefikasniji način u okviru raspoloživih resursa.
Starting from GIS database and data on bridge projects, the situation is continuously observed and evaluated, in order to plan the works in the most efficient way within the framework of available resources.
[Wed Nov 26 14:18:26 2003]
Stanje se mosta vrednuje praćenjem dinamičkog ponašanja konstrukcija.
The condition of bridges is evaluated by tracking the dynamic construction behaviour.
[Wed Nov 26 14:18:27 2003]
Da bi se moglo upravljati održavanjem mostova razvijen je ES za upravljanje mostovima (M.
In order to control the maintenance of bridges, the ES for bridge control has been developed (M.
[Wed Nov 26 14:18:27 2003]
Arockiasamy, M.
Arockiasamy, M.
[Wed Nov 26 14:18:29 2003]
Sawka, V.
Sawka, V.
[Wed Nov 26 14:18:32 2003]
Sinha, M.
Sinha, M.
[Wed Nov 26 14:18:53 2003]
[Wed Nov 26 14:20:15 2003]
Shahawy s Florida Atlantic Univ).
Shahawy from the Florida Atlantic University).
[Wed Nov 26 14:27:04 2003]
Sustav uključuje analogiju roštilja za analizu medija i američke standarde za autoputove (AASHTO) za procjenu dinamičke otpornosti i vrednovanje mosta.
The system includes grid analogy for the analysis of media and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) for assessment of dynamic resistance and evaluation of bridges.
[Wed Nov 26 14:29:18 2003]
Obuhvaćeni tipovi mostova su armiranobetonski gredni i pločasti, olakšane ploče s otvorima, gredni nosači s pločom te mostovi s T gredama.
The included types of bridges are reinforced concrete beam and tabular bridges, facilitated by boards with openings, beam carriers with panels, and bridges with T beams.
[Wed Nov 26 14:31:03 2003]
U sustavu je automatiziran mukotrpan posao idealizacije konstrukcije mosta i korespondirajućih presjeka.
The system has the automatized toilsome work of idealization of bridge structure and corresponding cuts.
[Wed Nov 26 14:34:32 2003]
Isto tako, eliminirana je potreba dugotrajnog pregleda lista kompjutorskih proračuna za prolazno dinamičko opterećenje.
Also, a need for long-lasting review of a list of computer calculations for transitory impact load has been eliminated.
[Wed Nov 26 14:34:32 2003]
Za sada sustav uzima u procjenu samo momente savijanja, a radi se na uključivanju posmika, kao i uključenju grafičkog ulaza, kompletne biblioteke standardnih presjeka pohranjene u bazi podataka te većem uključenju mutne logike u vrednovanje objekata
For now, the system evaluates only the bending moments, and there is work on inclusion of shears, as well as on inclusion of graphic entrance, complete library of standard cuts stored in the database and the greater inclusion of blurred logic in the object evaluation