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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Mon Dec 15 11:39:14 2003]
U nove materijale mogu se ubrojiti i spomenuti MR fluidi.
The already mentioned MR fluids can be counted in new materials.

[Mon Dec 15 11:43:40 2003]
Integracija struka dovodi do novih rješenja.
Integration of the profession leads to new solutions.

[Mon Dec 15 11:47:37 2003]
Naravno da se ostvaruju veliki i zadivljujući rasponi mostova svih konstruktivnih tipova, jer su novi materijali i nove mogućnosti provjere to omogućili.
Of course, great and amazing spans of bridges of all constructive types have been realized, because new materials and new possibilities of testing have made it possible.

[Mon Dec 15 11:48:27 2003]
Očito se kod velikih raspona koriste lančane konstrukcije mostova ili kablovima zavješene konstrukcije.
Chain structures of bridges or structures curtained by cables are apparently used with large spans.

[Mon Dec 15 11:53:09 2003]
No i tu pri konvencionalnom dizajnu ima granica rasponima.
But also in the conventional design there are limits to spans.

[Mon Dec 15 11:57:13 2003]
U gradskom tkivu, očito se ide drugim smjerom u cilju integracija raznih interesa gradskog stanovništva:
There is apparently another direction used in the town's core with the purpose to integrate different interests of the town population:

[Mon Dec 15 12:01:51 2003]
teži se k integralnom planiranju i arhitektonsko-strukturalno-ekonomskoj izgradnja novih (novovjekih) nastanjenih mostova, bilo da su to objekti iznad ili ispod terena, prometnica i prepreka.
tendency toward the integral planning and architectonically-structurally-economic construction of new (modern) inhabited bridges, be these objects above or below the ground, roads and obstacles.

[Mon Dec 15 12:02:27 2003]
Ti arhitektonsko-strukturalni osmišljaji u suradnji s drugim strukama, ne samo da su rukovođeni estetskim kriterijima već i novim idejama generiranih i u drugim strukama te generiranim interesom oplodnje uloženog kapitala u tako isplative objekte.
Such architectonically-structural ideas in cooperation with other professions are not just controlled by aesthetic criteria but also by new ideas of those generated in other lines of work and of those generated by the interest of transformation of the capital input into such profitable objects.

[Mon Dec 15 12:02:54 2003]
U Zagrebu postoji takva složena konstrukcija nastanjenog mosta.
There is such complex structure of the inhabited bridge in Zagreb.

[Mon Dec 15 12:02:59 2003]
To je pothodnik kod zagrebačkog kolodvora (Importane), prof. K.
It is the underground passage near the Zagreb station (Importane), by prof. K.

[Mon Dec 15 12:12:51 2003]
Tonkovića i Projektnog biroa 51.
Tonković and Project bureau 51.

[Mon Dec 15 12:12:51 2003]
To je zapravo željeznički nadvožnjak ili pothodnik uređen sadržajima.
It is actually a railway overpass or underground passage arranged with different facilities.

[Mon Dec 15 12:20:51 2003]
Brzo građenje stambenih objekata omogućeno je novim tehnologijama montažnog građenja, robotizacijom i integracijama CAD-CAM sustava.
The fast building of residential objects has been made possible by new prefabricated building technologies, robotization and integrations of the CAD-CAM system.

[Mon Dec 15 12:22:40 2003]
Kod nas unatoč prvim (i neuspješnim) koracima danas nema industrije građenja montažnih stambenih i drugih zgrada.
Here in spite of first (and unsuccessful) steps there is no today a industry of building prefabricated residential and other buildings.

[Mon Dec 15 12:23:59 2003]
Potencijalne mogućnosti drveta u tom smislu nisu još ni izdaleka iskorištene.
In that sense, potentialities of the wood have yet not been used, not even by far.

[Mon Dec 15 12:25:17 2003]
Unatoč recentnim uspješnim građenjem montažnih objekata u smislu implementacije kanadske tehnologije, ništa nije urađeno da se takva ili slična tehnologija usvoji i kod nas.
In spite of recent successful building of prefabricated objects in the sense of implementating the Canadian technology, nothing has not been done here to also acquire such or similar technology.

[Mon Dec 15 12:26:46 2003]
Brzo građenje niza prostora omogućeno je primjenom repetitivnih elemenata, modula, kao što je slučaj kod mrežastih i sličnih hala od drveta i metala.
The fast building of series of spaces has been made possible by the use of repetitive elements, moduli, such as in meshlike and similar halls made from wood and metal.

[Mon Dec 15 12:26:46 2003]
Pri upotrebi betona ne vodi se računa o utrošcima energije u proizvodnju proizvoda i cjelokupnoj cijeni transporta i materijala i proizvoda.
In the use of concrete is not kept counts about energy uses in the production of products and total price of transport of both materials and products are not taken into account.

[Mon Dec 15 12:34:42 2003]
O suvremenim stremljenjima IT (informacijske tehnologije) u građevinarstvu, projektiranju i građenju, te o projektima ICARIS, TIGRA, te ESPRIT ToCEE može se poći sa stranice prof. Ž.
About the modern efforts of the IT (information technology) in the civil engineering, designing and building, and about projects ICARIS, TIGER, and ESPRIT ToCEE start from the page of prof. Ž.

[Mon Dec 15 12:41:13 2003]
U Hrvatskoj se samo na jednoj lokaciji (IZGRADNJA u Ogulinu) koristi robotski CAD-CAM sustav za proizvodnju drvenih krovišta, s potencijalnim mogućnostima izvođenja drvenih zgrada iz piljene građe.
Only in one location in Croatia (IZGRADNJA in Ogulin), the robotic CAD-CAM system is used for the production of wooden roofs, with realization potentialities of wooden buildings from sawed timber.

[Mon Dec 15 12:44:04 2003]
Također ima mjesta optimizmu kad se pogleda nova robotska industrijska proizvodnja veliko dimenzionalne šuplje cigle u Karlovcima (Wienerberger).
There also room for optimism when a new robotic industrial production of great dimensional hollow bricks in Karlovci (Wienerberger) is taken into consideration.

[Mon Dec 15 12:44:04 2003]
Građenje robotima je još kod nas u domeni znanstvene fantastike.
Robotic building belongs still here to the domain of science fiction.

[Mon Dec 15 12:49:52 2003]
Nadziranje faza građenja na daljinu ostvaruje se primjenom virtualne realnosti (VR).
Supervising the phases of buildings on long-distance is realized by the use of virtual reality (VR).

[Mon Dec 15 12:52:47 2003]
Primjena VR već danas pomaže arhitektima i inženjerima da "vide" u prostoru objekt kojeg projektiraju, kojeg će nadzirati građenje, graditi i koristiti u budućnosti.
Already today the use of VR has been helping architects and engineers to "see" in the space an object which they are designing, which they will supervise in the building process, which they will build and use in the future.

[Mon Dec 15 12:54:44 2003]
Radi se na V-manipulacijama R-bazama podataka vezanim uz sve faze projektiranja, građenja i eksploatacije objekata.
We are talking about V-manipulations with R-databases which are connected to all phases of planning, building and exploitating objects.

[Mon Dec 15 12:54:44 2003]
Razmatraju se ideje kompjutora-odijela (wearable computers), kao osobnog asistenta osoba.
Ideas of computers-suits (wearable computers), as a personal assistant to individual, have been considered.

[Mon Dec 15 12:58:52 2003]
i stranice stih stranica, kao i sa stranica međunarodnih i europskih znanstvenih projekata (ESPRIT ToCEE i drugih) s navedenog portala prof. Ž.
and pages from these page, as well as from pages of international and European scientific projects (ESPRIT ToCEE and other) from the mentioned portal of prof. Ž.

[Mon Dec 15 12:58:52 2003]
Turka, kao i s europskog polaznog portala za obavijesti i savjete u graditeljskom okruženju
Turk, as well as from the European starting portal for information and advice in the building environment

[Mon Dec 15 13:00:22 2003]
Što već rade u Sloveniji, može se pročitati s web stranice IKPIR-a
about what has already been done in Slovenia, you read from the IKPIR web site-

[Mon Dec 15 14:11:06 2003]
Posebice je tu značajno uvođenje IT u studij građevinarstva i arhitekture te međunarodni studentski projekti kolaborativnog projektiranja i građenja.
Especially is here important introduction of the IT into the Civil engineering and architecture studies and international student projects of collaborative designs and buildings.

[Mon Dec 15 14:19:28 2003]
Razvoj hardvera i softvera je brz, i vjerojatno će već za desetak godina proračuni konstrukcija (nosivosti i stabilnosti) biti će riješeni rutinskim korištenjem softvera s ugrađenim inteligentnim komunikacijskim mogućnostima s korisnicima.
Development of hardware and software is fast, and construction calculations (of bearing capacities and stabilities) will be probably solved already in ten years by a routine use of a built-in software with intelligent communication possibilities with users.

[Mon Dec 15 14:21:02 2003]
Dio standardnih tablica i rutinskih programa (softvera) nalaziti će se na WEB stranicama, kao što će se i standardi (EC, ISO i drugi) nalaziti na Web stranicama brokera za standarde.
Part of standard charts and routine programs (softwares) will be found on web sites, just as the standards (EC, ISO and other) will be found on web sites of standards brokers.

[Mon Dec 15 14:23:14 2003]
U glavnom će za par godina standardi biti uobličeni kao ekspertni sustavi.
In a few years, the standards will be mostly formed as expert systems.

[Mon Dec 15 14:23:14 2003]
Već je sada jasno da se veliki dio znanja može uobličiti u obliku ES (bilo pisanog na pravilima ili živčanim mrežama, ili integriranih obiju sustava).
It is already clear that a large part of the knowledge can be made into an ES form (written on rules or neural networks, or integrated into both systems).

[Mon Dec 15 14:28:30 2003]
//> o građevinskim standardima.
com/builcode.cfm > on building standards.

[Mon Dec 15 14:29:16 2003]
To će znanje biti instantno dostupno korisnicima.
This knowledge will instantly be available to users.

[Mon Dec 15 14:30:29 2003]
Dio struke će se stoga morati reprofilirati i redefinirati.
A part of the profession will therefore have to be reshaped and redefined.

[Mon Dec 15 14:31:41 2003]
To se već nazire i u mijenjaju imena nekim građevinskim, arhitektonskim i geodetskim fakultetima u industrijski naprednim zemljama.
This already be seen in changing names of some building, architectual and geodetic colleges in industrially developed countries.

[Mon Dec 15 14:31:41 2003]
Također je jasno da će i edukacija građevinskih inženjera pretrpjeti radikalne izmjene uvođenjem virtualne ili tele-edukacije.
Also It is clear that education of civil engineers will undergo radical changes by introducing virtual or tele-educations.

[Mon Dec 15 14:36:13 2003]
Navedene promjene su neposredno predstojeće.
The mentioned changes are coming without stopping.

[Mon Dec 15 14:37:21 2003]
One su već prisutne u svijetu.
They are but present around the world.

[Mon Dec 15 14:40:04 2003]
Za implementaciju tih promjena potreban je drugačiji informacijski pristup od dosadašnjeg pristupa.
For the implementation of these changes, an information approach different than the current one is necessary.

[Mon Dec 15 14:41:56 2003]
Bez široke osnove savladavanja osnovnih znanja IT već u najranijoj dobi, ne može biti ni uključivanja u suvremeno informatičko ili "post-informatičko" doba.
Without a wide basis of mastering basic IT knowledges already at the earliest age, neither the involvement into modern computer or "post-computer" era can occur.

[Mon Dec 15 14:43:45 2003]
Većina nastojanja je "krpanje" tehnološkog zazora.
Most efforts represent a "patching up" of the technological aversion.

[Mon Dec 15 14:43:45 2003]
Privremeni zastoj u primjeni robotizacije u građenju zgrada u Japanu, uzrokovan je nedovoljnom informatičkom obrazovanošću svih sudionika (subcontractora) u cijelom procesu građenja
A temporary interruption of the use of robotization in the building process in Japan was caused by an insufficient computer education of all participants (subcontractors) in the entire building process

[Mon Dec 15 14:55:31 2003]
Stoga neke korporacije razmatraju mogućnosti (koje i realiziraju) razdjele kompjutora svojim radnicima i namještenicima, kao što i neke vlade (među njima i Italija) donose odluku da svakom školarcu namjene njegov kompjutor, kako bi se i djeca i radnici uputili u novu eru informatičkog i post-informatičkog razvoja.
Hence some corporations consider possibilities (and also realize them) of giving computers to their workers and employees, just as even some governments (among them Italy also) have decided to give a computer to each pupil, in order to direct both children and workers into a new era of the computer and post-computer development.

[Mon Dec 15 14:55:39 2003]
U Velikoj Britaniji planski nastoje mala građevna poduzeće podići na razinu potrebite informatičke obrazovanosti, kako bi se svi sudionici procesa građenja mogli uključiti u IT procese.
In Great Britain, there is a plan according to which small building companies are being helped in the process of reaching a required level of computer education, in order to include all the participants of the building process into IT processes.

[Mon Dec 15 14:57:20 2003]
Naša pozicija u tom smislu nije ružičasta.
Our position in that sense is not pink.

[Mon Dec 15 14:57:20 2003]
Osim izgubljenog vremena i našeg autističkog "samoisključenja" iz Europe i naprednog svijeta i gubitka međugeneracijskog kontakta struke, mi još i sada ništa ne poduzimamo u smislu kročenja u smjeru već poznatog i nezaobilaznog puta napretka.
Apart from the lost time and our autistic " self-exclusion " from Europe and developed world and loss of intergenerational contact of the profession, we even now do nothing to start marching in the direction of the already known and unavoidable way of progress.

[Mon Dec 15 15:07:08 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 15:09:04 2003]
Trapezni lamelirani nosač.
trapeziodal laminated girder.

[Mon Dec 15 15:10:10 2003]
Prikaz opterećenja, nosača, momentalnog dijagrama i dijagrama naprezanja.
Illustration of the load, girder, line of moment diagram and stress diagram.

[Mon Dec 15 15:10:10 2003]
Najveće naprezanje paralelno vlaknima nalazi se na udaljenosti x od ležaja.
The biggest stress parallel to grains is on x distance from the bearing.

[Mon Dec 15 15:10:44 2003]
Osnovni izrazi za proračun naprezanja:
Basic terms for stress calculation:

[Mon Dec 15 15:13:02 2003]
Udaljenost x mjesta najvećih savojnih naprezanja od ležaja A (lijevog ležaja), a za kontinuirano jednoliko priloženo opterećenje:
X distance of points of biggest bending stresses from the A bearing (left bearing), and for continuously repetitive applied load:

[Mon Dec 15 15:15:36 2003]
kod nesimetričnih dvostrešnih trapeznih nosača nalazi se na
with nonsymmetrically double-sloping trapezoidal beams found on

[Mon Dec 15 15:16:39 2003]
na tom mjestu visina presjeka hx iznosi:
at that point the section height Hx is:

[Mon Dec 15 15:19:00 2003]
kod dvostrešnih simetričnih trapeznih nosača
with double-sloping symmetrical trapezoidal beam

[Mon Dec 15 15:21:03 2003]
kod jednostrešnih trapeznih nosača
with single-slope trapezoidal beams

[Mon Dec 15 15:21:55 2003]
i na tom mjestu je visina nosača
beam height at that point is

[Mon Dec 15 15:22:43 2003]
Naprezanje savijanja
curving Stress

[Mon Dec 15 15:23:08 2003]
Naprezanje vlaka poprijeko na vlakna drveta
Stress of tension diagonally on wood fibers

[Mon Dec 15 15:27:47 2003]
Deformacija se sastoji od deformacija uzrokovanih savijanjem i deformacija uzrokovanih poprečnim silama:
Deformation consists of deformations caused by bending and deformations caused by shear forces:

[Mon Dec 15 15:30:53 2003]
Dijagram naprezanja paralelnih vlaknima i okomitih na smjer vlakanaca drveta u apeksu nosača.
stress Diagram of parallel fibers, vertical to the grain direction of the wood in the girder apex.

[Mon Dec 15 15:32:13 2003]
Zakrivljeni lamelirani nosač.
curved laminated girder.

[Mon Dec 15 15:34:49 2003]
Dijagrami naprezanja od savijanja u zakrivljenom lameliranom nosaču u poredbi s dijagramima naprezanja od savijanja u ravnim nosačima.
Stress diagrams of bending in the curved laminated girder compared to stress diagrams of bending in straight girders.

[Mon Dec 15 15:38:25 2003]
Uslijed zakrivljenosti nosača nastaju neugodna vlačna naprezanja okomito na vlakna drveta.
As a consequence of girder curvatures, unpleasant tensile stresses appear vertically on wood fibers.

[Mon Dec 15 15:42:26 2003]
Ova se naprezanja mogu preuzeti konstruktivnim mjerama:
These stresses can take over constructive measures:

[Mon Dec 15 15:42:26 2003]
obujmnim vilicama, vijcima okomitim na os nosača, ulijepljenim rebrastim čeličnim šipkama, nalijepljenim furnirskim pločama ili u najnovije vrijeme nalijepljenim folijama od ugljikovih (karbonskih) vlakana.
volume stirrups, screws vertical on the girder axis, glued ribbed steel bars, glued veneer sheets or most currently glued carbon () fibre foils.

[Mon Dec 15 15:43:18 2003]
Srpasti lamelirani drveni lijepljeni nosač.
sickle laminated wooden glued girder.

[Mon Dec 15 15:43:19 2003]
Osnovne geometrijske dimenzije.
Basic geometric dimensions.

[Mon Dec 15 15:44:15 2003]
Izrazi za proračun:
Expressions to be calculated:

[Mon Dec 15 15:45:05 2003]
Naprezanja okomito na vlakna drveta
Stresses vertical on wood fibers

[Mon Dec 15 15:46:30 2003]
Kao i ranije progib se dobije iz:
As previously, the deflection is obtained from:

[Mon Dec 15 15:56:36 2003]
Dimenzioniranje i procjene navedenih lameliranih konstrukcija može se provesti automatski pomoću STEP EC5 programa ili preko ekspertnih sustava za uobličavanje EC5 propisa u obliku ES.
Dimensioning and evaluations of the mentioned laminated structures can be done automatically by using the STEP EC5 program or with expert systems for the formation of EC5 regulations in the shape of ES.

[Mon Dec 15 15:56:36 2003]
Pomoću ES za EC5 razvijenog u magistarskom radu i doktorskoj disertaciji Adriane Bjelanović mogu se provesti sve navedene analize 3D krovnih vezača od lameliranih nosača, a i preliminarno ih dimenzionirati pomoću "run-time" verzije ANN, koja je učena na parametarski generiranim FE modelima korištenjem FE programa COSMOS/M i navedenog ES za EC5 (u GURU okružju), te korištenjem WARD-ove neuralne ljuske.
By means of ES for EC5, developed in the master's thesis and doctor's dissertation of Adriana Bjelanović, all mentioned analyses of 3D roof trusses made from laminated girders, and preliminarily dimensioned by using "run-time" ANN version can be conducted, which was instructed on parametrically generated FE models by using FE programs COSMOS/M, by the mentioned ES for EC5 (in GURU environment), and by the WARD neuro shell.

[Mon Dec 15 15:57:55 2003]
Preslika dvaju ekrana ES za tumačenje i primjenu EC5 propisa (A.
copy of two ES screens for the interpretation and use of EC5 regulations (A

[Mon Dec 15 16:00:46 2003]
forma izbora tipske grupe GLULAM nosača NOSAC.IPF.
option form of the standard group of GLULAM structure BEARER.IPF.

[Mon Dec 15 16:01:05 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 16:01:05 2003]
forma izbora glavnog nosača GEOMOP.IPF.
option form of main girders GEOMOP.IPF.

[Mon Dec 15 16:03:59 2003]
izbor statičke sheme nosača paralelnih pojaseva (varijabla PN).
choice of a static scheme of girders of parallel flanges (PN variable).

[Mon Dec 15 16:05:03 2003]
osnovni parametri definicije dispozicije krovne konstrukcije (primjer upisa geometrije hale).
basic definition parameters of roof structure disposition (input example of hall geometry).

[Mon Dec 15 16:05:54 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 16:12:40 2003]
Danas se pomoću FE modeliranja i provedbe tzv.
Today by using FE models and executions of so-called

[Mon Dec 15 16:12:40 2003]
"BUCKLING" analize dobivaju relevantne vrijednosti za izračun stabilnosti elemenata i sklopova (iz bilo kojeg materijala ili kompozita) uz uvjet ispravnog (pravilnog) FE modeliranja, podrazumijevajući modeliranje uvjeta oslanjanja i prilaganja opterećenja.
Today by using FE models and executions of so-called "BUCKLING" analyses, relevant values for the stability calculation of elements and complexes (made from any material or composite) are obtained under condition of accurate (regular) FE modelling, including the modelling of support conditions and adding of load.

[Mon Dec 15 16:20:07 2003]
Opterećenje djeluje na
Load takes effect on

[Mon Dec 15 16:20:26 2003]
gornjem rubu grede
the upper edge of the beam

[Mon Dec 15 16:29:17 2003]
Pretpostavlja se da su bočni pomaci i rotacije spriječeni na mjestima ležajeva.
It is assumed that lateral dislocations and rotations are blocked at bearings.

[Mon Dec 15 16:29:17 2003]
Označeni detalj na slici pokazuje presjek gdje je spriječen bočni pomak gornjeg ruba grede (ali ne i vertikalni pomak ili rotacija).
The marked detail in the Figure shows the section where is blocked the lateral dislocation of the upper edge the beam (but this is not a vertical displacement or rotation).

[Mon Dec 15 16:30:50 2003]
Dvostrešni trapezni nosač.
double-sloping trapezoidal beam.

[Mon Dec 15 16:31:08 2003]
Zasjenjena površina koristi se za proračun kvol (tj.
The shaded surface is used for the calculation kvol (i.e.

[Mon Dec 15 16:32:03 2003]
sljemena zona
ridge zone

[Mon Dec 15 16:32:19 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 16:33:04 2003]
poprečni presjek
cross section

[Mon Dec 15 16:35:10 2003]
Naprezanja u trapeznom nosaču.
Stresses in the trapezoidal beam.

[Mon Dec 15 16:35:10 2003]
?m,d su najveća naprezanja tlačnog ruba presjeka.
m,d are biggest stresses of the force curb of the section.

[Mon Dec 15 16:37:32 2003]
Uzdužna i poprečna naprezanja posmika na zakošenom rubu sa narezanim vlaknima kod:
Longitudinal and transversal stresses of the shear on the inclined edge with cut fibers at:

[Mon Dec 15 16:37:57 2003]
savojnih naprezanja tlaka;
bending pressure stresses;

[Mon Dec 15 16:37:57 2003]
b) savojnih naprezanja vlaka.
b) bending tension stresses.

[Mon Dec 15 16:41:04 2003]
točka tangencije
tangency point

[Mon Dec 15 16:42:36 2003]
Sedlasti nosač
The double-sloping girder

[Mon Dec 15 16:47:01 2003]
Osnovne duljine izvijanja tlačnih štapova
Basic buckling lengths of compression members

[Mon Dec 15 16:48:56 2003]
Duljina izvijanja elastično upetog konzolnog štapa
Buckling length of the elastically fixed cantilever

[Tue Dec 16 08:58:14 2003]
Prilog proračunu duljine izvijanja elastično upetog konzolnog štapa
Supplement to the buckling length calculation of the elastically fixed cantilever

[Tue Dec 16 09:05:51 2003]
Polazi se od osnovne jednadžbe savijanja tlačnog štapa
A starting point is from basic equation of the compression member's bending

[Tue Dec 16 09:07:18 2003]
Iz toga slijedi diferencijalna jednadžba
Differential equation comes from that

[Tue Dec 16 09:12:08 2003]
Uz rubne uvjete
With boundary conditions

[Tue Dec 16 09:16:21 2003]
Slijedi uvjet izvijanja
Follows the condition bending

[Tue Dec 16 09:18:41 2003]
za što ne postoji analitičko rješenje.
for which there is no analytic solution.

[Tue Dec 16 09:18:41 2003]
Međutim, za
However, for

[Tue Dec 16 09:19:57 2003]
postoji približno rješenje
there is the approximate solution

[Tue Dec 16 09:21:33 2003]
Ukoliko se usporedi kritična sila izvijanja za Eulerov slučaj
If the critical buckling load for the Euler's case is compared

[Tue Dec 16 09:24:17 2003]
Dobiva se koeficijent izvijanja ?
We get a buckling coefficient?

[Tue Dec 16 09:24:17 2003]
za elastično upeti konzolni štap:
for the elastically fixed cantilever:

[Tue Dec 16 09:35:43 2003]
Treba imati na umu, da se kod razmatranja stabiliteta trozglobnih ili dvozglobnih okvira u ravnini okvira, spoj prečke okvira i stupa mora smatrati elastično upetim u smislu podatljivosti spoja točke i stupa okvira.
One should keep in mind, that when considering the stability of three-hinged or two-hinged frames in the framework plane, the joint of the framework bar and pillar must be regarded as elastically fixed in the sense of the joint pliancy of the point and framework pillar.

[Tue Dec 16 09:35:43 2003]
U koliko se radi o kružnom spoju vijcima ili trnovima, raspoređenih po polumjeru r s modulom pomaka spajala Ku, s brojem spajala n može se izraziti rotacijska krutost spoja Kr sa:
If it is a matter of the circular joint with screws or spikes, distributed along the radius r by the elastic modulus of the displacement fastener KU, with the number of fasteners n, then the rotational joint stiffness Kr can be expressed with:

[Tue Dec 16 09:39:13 2003]
Na skici je prikazan sustav niza stupova povezanih krutom prečkom.
System of series of pillars connected with a rigid bar is illustrated in the drawing.

[Tue Dec 16 09:39:36 2003]
Niz stupova povezanih krutom prečkom.
Series of pillars connected with a rigid bar.

[Tue Dec 16 09:41:43 2003]
Uzimajući u obzir elastičnu upetost prvog stupa može se izraziti koeficijent izvijanja sustava kao:
Considering the elastic fixity of the first pillar, the buckling coefficient of the system can be expressed as:

[Tue Dec 16 09:43:28 2003]
Ako se uzme da je r gustoća drveta a d promjer štapastog spajala (vijka ili trna) može se ustanoviti vrijednost
If we assume that r is the density of the wood and d the diameter of a bar fastener (screw or spike), we can determine the value

[Tue Dec 16 09:45:31 2003]
Za dvokružni spoj spajalima s polumjerima R0 (vanjski s n0 spajala) i Ri (unutarnji s ni spajala) izračunava se
For a two-circle joint with fasteners of radiuses R0 (exterior with n0 fasteners) and Ri (interior with ni fasteners), it is calculated

[Tue Dec 16 09:48:18 2003]
S čime se dalje ulazi u proračun sustava.
With that we can further enter into the calculation of the system.

[Tue Dec 16 09:50:07 2003]
Ovaj se problem naravno, može elegantno riješiti sa BUCKLING analizom koristeći se FEA programom COSMOS/M ili nekim drugim FEA programima koji podržavaju analize izvijanja.
This problem of course, can be elegantly resolved with the BUCKLING analysis using the FEA program COSMOS/M or someone other FEA programs which supports buckling analyses.

[Tue Dec 16 09:51:34 2003]
Duljine izvijanja štapova trozglobnog okvira u ravnini okvira
buckling length of three-hinged framework members in the framework plane

[Tue Dec 16 09:52:11 2003]
Trozglobni okvir u kojem je prečka elastično spojena sa stupom.
Three-hinged frame in which the bar is elastically connected to the pillar.

[Tue Dec 16 09:57:25 2003]
Nagib stupa ograničen je na 15O.
Slope of the pillar is limited to 15O.

[Tue Dec 16 09:57:50 2003]
Na udaljenostima prečke 0.65 s i stupa 0.65 h izračunaju se momenti inercije prečke (I0) i stupa (I) i unutrašnje rezne sile u prečki (N0) i u stupu (N) okvira.
65 h, inertia moments of the bar (I0) and pillar (I) and internal section forces in the bar (N0) and in the pillar (N) of the framework are calculated.

[Tue Dec 16 09:58:26 2003]
Rotacijska krutost spoja prečke i stupa Kr sračuna se prethodno.
Rotational joint stiffness of the bar and pillar Kr was calculated previously.

[Tue Dec 16 09:58:26 2003]
Za stup duljina izvijanja iznosi:
The buckling length for the pillar is:

[Tue Dec 16 09:59:41 2003]
Za prečku duljina izvijanja iznosi:
For the bar of buckling length is:

[Tue Dec 16 10:00:52 2003]
Dvozglobni i trozglobni lukovi:
Two-hinged and tree-hinged arches:

[Tue Dec 16 10:00:52 2003]

[Tue Dec 16 10:03:35 2003]
Za dvozglobne i trozglobne lukove s odnosom strelice luka prema rasponu (h/l) između 0.15 i 0.5 i s praktički konstantnim poprečnim presjekom može se duljina izvijanja izraziti sa:
The buckling length for two-hinged and three-hinged arches with an arch arrow in the direction of the span (h/l) between 0.15 and 0.5 and with a practically constant cross section, can be expressed with:

[Tue Dec 16 10:06:39 2003]
pri čemu je duljina polovice luka.
where is the length is a half of the arch.

[Tue Dec 16 10:06:39 2003]
Za dokaz izvijanja treba uzeti uzdužnu silu N u četvrtinama luka.
To prove the buckling, the axial force N in the quarters of the arch is required.

[Tue Dec 16 10:07:24 2003]
Provjera izvijanja lameliranih trozglobnih lukova
Checking the buckling of laminated tree-hinged arches

[Tue Dec 16 10:10:09 2003]
Prema EC5 sustav okvirnog štapa promatra se kao izvorno zakrivljeno oblikovan štap.
According to the EC5, the frame member system is considered an originally curved shaped member.

[Tue Dec 16 10:10:09 2003]
Može se primijeniti približna metoda proračuna.
Was able use approximate calculation method can be used.

[Tue Dec 16 10:10:42 2003]
Lamelirani lijepljeni trozglobni okvir.
laminated glued three-hinged frame.

[Tue Dec 16 10:16:39 2003]
Za slučaj opterećenja koje daje najveća naprezanja na savijanje u zakrivljenom dijelu (u točki D), dio AE nosača (E je točka u kojoj je moment savijanja M=0), tretira se kao lateralno opterećeni nosač.
In case of the load which makes biggest stresses on the bending in a curved part (in the D point), the AE part of a girder (E is the point in which the bending moment M=0) is treated as a laterally loaded structure.

[Tue Dec 16 10:16:39 2003]
Slobodna dužina nosača uzeta je kap lAE ili - ako to daje veću vitkost - kao razmak između točaka u kojima je nosač pridržan za lateralno opterećenje.
Free length of the girder is considered the lAE or - if this produces a bigger slenderness - a spacing of points in which the girder is supported for the lateral load.

[Tue Dec 16 10:22:32 2003]
Treba zadovoljiti uvjet:
The condition needs to be satisfied:

[Tue Dec 16 10:28:00 2003]
u ravnom dijelu (u točki F) dio CG (G je točka u kojoj je M=0) tretira se kao lateralno opterećeni nosač.
in a flat part (in the F point), the CG part (G is the point in which M=0) is treated as a laterally loaded girder.

[Tue Dec 16 10:28:00 2003]
Slobodna duljina nosača uzeta je kao ICG ili - ako to daje veću vrijednost - kao razmak između točaka u kojima je nosač pridržan za lateralno opterećenje okvira.
Free length of of the girder is considered the ICG or if this gives a bigger value a spacing between the points in which the girder is supported for the lateral load of the framework.

[Tue Dec 16 10:29:50 2003]
je kut između pravca vlakana i gornjeg ruba prečke, kao što je to na sl.
is the angle between the grain direction and upper edge of the bar, such as it is marked in the Fig.

[Tue Dec 16 10:35:53 2003]
Ako se koristi provjera FEA postupcima, onda treba modelirati inicijalno deformirane sustave u smislu EC5 preporuka.
If it is checked with the FEA procedures, then need to be modeled initially deformed systems according to EC5 recommendations.

[Tue Dec 16 10:38:42 2003]
Ove se inicijalne deformacije mogu dobiti tako da se na nosače priloži neko opterećenje (u smislu propisanih preporuka, koje će inicijalno deformirati sustav) i traži deformacija od tog opterećenja.
These initial deformations can be achieved if some load is put on the girders (according to prescribed recommendations, which will initially deform the system) and if the deformation of that load is wanted.

[Tue Dec 16 10:43:09 2003]
Prethodno se u opciji statičke analize postavi zastavica (flag) za uzimanje deformiranog sustava kao osnove sljedeće analize.
A small flag is previously placed in the static analysis option for specifying the deformed system as the basis of the following analysis.

[Tue Dec 16 10:45:47 2003]
U koliko su deformacije unutar onih određenih standardom, usvaja se tako deformirani sustav, te se ponovno u analizi vrati zastavica (flag) za uključenje deformiranog sustava, te se provede statička (A_STATIC) analiza i analiza stabilnosti (A_BUCKLING).
If the deformations are within those determined by the standard, the system deformed in this way is adopted, and the small flag is once more put back in the analysis for switching the deformed system on, so the static (A_STATIC) analyses and stability analysis (A_BUCKLING) are conducted.

[Tue Dec 16 10:47:44 2003]
Treba napomenuti, da se kod modeliranja sustava treba koristiti s FE SHELL4L s jednim slojem debljine t odgovarajućoj širini presjeka nosača, jer ti elementi omogućavaju upis Epar (EX), E90 (EY) i Gxy modula.
It needs to be mentioned that when modeling the systems the FE SHELL4L needs to be used with one layer of t thickness and corresponding width of a girder section, because these elements make possible the input of Epar (EX), E90 (EY) and Gxy modules.

[Tue Dec 16 10:49:08 2003]
Treba kod geometrijskog modeliranja nosača paziti da smjer lokalnog koordinatnog smjera x KE budu STVARNO u smjeru vlakanaca drveta.
In geometric modeling of girders, one should take care that the direction of the local coordinate direction x FE, REALLY corresponds to the direction of thin wood fibers.

[Tue Dec 16 10:49:08 2003]
Mnogi nesporazumi slijede iz nepoštivanja ovih uvjeta modeliranja.
Many misunderstandings emerge if these modeling conditions are ignored.

[Tue Dec 16 10:52:31 2003]
Usporedba proračuna vitkih štapova po EC5 propisima i po prijašnjem tzv.
calculation Comparison of slim members according to EC5 regulations and according to earlier so-called.

[Tue Dec 16 10:52:31 2003]
w postupku.
w procedure.

[Tue Dec 16 10:58:41 2003]
čvrstoća izvijanja
strengths of bendings

[Tue Dec 16 11:01:32 2003]

[Tue Dec 16 11:03:04 2003]
I ovdje se ponovo navodi, da se pomoću FEM i FEA programa (npr.
Here se mentioned again, that by using the FEM and FEA programs (e.g.

[Tue Dec 16 11:03:32 2003]

[Tue Dec 16 11:07:00 2003]
mogu dobiti svi parametri gubitka stabilnosti konstrukcija.
) all parameters of stability loss of structures can be found.

[Tue Dec 16 11:07:03 2003]
Također se ove provjere mogu provesti korištenjem ES za EC5 kojeg je razvila Dr.
This checking can also be done by using the ES for the EC5 which was developed by Dr.

[Tue Dec 16 11:13:21 2003]
Bjelanović, a jednostavnije provjere stabilnosti mogu se provesti STEP za EC5 programima.
Bjelanović, whereas easier stability testings can be done with the STEP for EC5 programs.

[Tue Dec 16 11:14:07 2003]

[Tue Dec 16 11:18:48 2003]
Wellsteg nosači su I složeni nosači koji se sastoje od pojasa drveta koji su s jedne strane sinusoidalno utoreni, s ulijepljenim u utore pojasa rebrom od šperploče.
Wellsteg beams are also assemble beams which comprises than the flange of wood who on one hand sinusoidal has been headed, with glued into in slots of flange rib than plywoods.

[Wed Dec 17 12:07:17 2003]
Prema tome rebro ima u presjeku rebra sinusoidalni oblik.
Therefore the rib is sinusoidal in the section.

[Wed Dec 17 12:08:07 2003]
Šperploča rebra je kontinuirano nastavljena lijepljenjem.
The rib's plywood is continuously extended by glueing.

[Wed Dec 17 12:13:12 2003]
Pojasevi su isto tako nastavljeni zupčastim lijepljenim spojem.
Flanges are also extended by a finger joint.

[Wed Dec 17 12:15:01 2003]
Nosači se industrijski proizvode u kontinuiranom procesu, da bi se potom rezali na određene duljine.
Girders are industrially made uninterruptedly, in order to cut afterwards to certain lengths.

[Wed Dec 17 12:16:00 2003]
Koriste se kao podrožnice, nosači i stropni nosači.
They are used as roof purlines, girders and floor girders.

[Wed Dec 17 12:16:31 2003]
Nosači tipa WEKA-EL sa širokim pojasom koriste se za stropove i podove zgrada, a i zidove stambenih zgrada.
WEKA-EL Girders with a wide flange are used for ceilings and floors of building, and also for walls of residential buildings.

[Wed Dec 17 12:16:52 2003]
Kod nas se WELLSTEG nosači rijetko ili praktički nikako ne koriste.
Here WELLSTEG beams are used rarely or practically not at all.

[Wed Dec 17 12:16:52 2003]
Za više podataka pogledati Web stranicu
For more information look at the following site

[Wed Dec 17 12:27:05 2003]
a) slika WELLSTEG nosača, b) primjena nosača, c) primjena i izgled sačastih WELLSTEG WE-KA-EL nosača.
a) WELLSTEG beam illustration, b) use of girders, c) use and form of the honeycomb WELLSTEG WE-KA-EL girders.

[Wed Dec 17 12:28:08 2003]
Daju se osnovni podaci o WELLSTEG nosačima:
Basic information on WELLSTEG beams is given:

[Wed Dec 17 12:28:32 2003]
mogućnosti izvođenja:
realization possibilities:

[Wed Dec 17 12:28:32 2003]
H od 190 do 510 mm, h1 od 30 do 80 mm, B od 60 do 180 mm d, u dimenzijama 4, 7, 11 i 14 mm.
H from 190 to 510 mm, h1 from 30 to 80 mm, B of 60 to 180 mm d, in dimensions of 4, 7, 11 and 14 mm.

[Wed Dec 17 12:29:56 2003]
Presjek nosača s dimenzijama.
Section of the girder with dimensions.

[Wed Dec 17 12:29:56 2003]
Oznake su nosača H/h1/B/d.
girder's symbols are H/h1/B/d.

[Wed Dec 17 12:31:14 2003]
Presjek kroz rebro nosača.
Section through the girder web.

[Wed Dec 17 12:36:24 2003]
Pojasevi kod FKO nosača
Flanges in FKO girders

[Wed Dec 17 12:37:12 2003]
Dopušteno naprezanje
Allowable stress

[Wed Dec 17 12:38:04 2003]

[Wed Dec 17 12:38:20 2003]
Vlak paralelno vlaknima
Tension parallel to grains

[Wed Dec 17 12:38:48 2003]
Tlak paralelno vlaknima
Pressure parallelly to grains

[Wed Dec 17 12:39:05 2003]
E-modul savijanja
E-bending modulus

[Wed Dec 17 12:39:24 2003]
Posmik u lijepljenoj reški
Shear in the glued joint layer

[Wed Dec 17 12:43:21 2003]
Pojasevi kod FKO nosača
Flanges in FKO girders

[Wed Dec 17 12:46:16 2003]
Modul posmika
Shear modulus

[Wed Dec 17 12:46:26 2003]

[Wed Dec 17 12:49:59 2003]
Dopuštene rezne sile za standardne presjeke FKI nosača
Allowed section forces for standard sections of FKI girders

[Wed Dec 17 12:51:04 2003]
Tip nosača
Girder type

[Wed Dec 17 12:51:47 2003]
Vlastita težina
dead weight

[Wed Dec 17 12:52:38 2003]

[Wed Dec 17 12:53:10 2003]
Poprečna sila
Shear force

[Wed Dec 17 12:55:08 2003]
Trajna sila nalijeganja
The permanent leaning force

[Wed Dec 17 12:56:15 2003]
Podaci su uzeti iz tablica (18.07.96.)
Information taken from the tables (18.07.96.)

[Wed Dec 17 12:56:15 2003]
WELLSTEG nosača (WELLSTEG SA, Rte St-Aubin, 1564 Domdidier)
) of the Wellsteg beam (WELLSTEG SA, Rte ST-Aubin, 1564 Domdidier)

[Wed Dec 17 14:08:12 2003]
Oznake profila su H/h1/B/d, a prema slici
Profile symbols are H/h1/B/d, and according to the Figure

[Wed Dec 17 14:09:12 2003]
Izvedbene mogućnosti
Realization possibilities

[Wed Dec 17 14:10:03 2003]
u klasi kakvoće
in the quality class

[Wed Dec 17 14:11:00 2003]
Statičke formule
Static formulas

[Wed Dec 17 14:11:37 2003]
Moment inercije
Inertia moment

[Wed Dec 17 14:12:07 2003]
Moment otpornosti
resistance instant

[Wed Dec 17 14:12:47 2003]
Statički moment presjeka u lijepljenoj reški
static moment of the section in the glued joint

[Wed Dec 17 14:13:50 2003]
Statički moment rebra
The static moment of the rib

[Wed Dec 17 14:14:26 2003]
Dopuštena poprečna sila
The Allowable shear force

[Wed Dec 17 14:17:39 2003]

[Wed Dec 17 14:17:39 2003]
po pravilima EUROCODE standarda SVI industrijski proizvedeni proizvodi MORAJU imati ateste i ograničeno vrijeme dopuštenja za korištenje atesta.
according to the regulations of EUROCODE standard, ALL products manufactured indutrially MUST have certificates and limited time permitted the for use of the certificate.

[Wed Dec 17 14:18:52 2003]

[Wed Dec 17 14:32:55 2003]
U strukturalnoj praksi građevinski se inženjeri često koriste energetskim stavcima u pronalaženju pomaka točaka struktura, u proračunima deformacija konstrukcija, određivanju unutarnjih reznih sila i reakcija kompleksnih struktura.
In the structural practice, building engineers often use energy items when looking for displacements of structure points, when calculating the deformations of structures, when defining internal section forces and reactions of complex structures.

[Wed Dec 17 14:32:55 2003]
Očekivalo bi se stoga da onda moraju biti svjesni utroška količina energije i rada u proizvodima koje dizajniraju, provjeravaju i proizvode te da će u svojoj djelatnosti težiti ostvarenju proizvoda uz minimum energetskih potreba.
One would then expect that they are aware of the quantity of the consumed energy and operation of the products they design, check and produce, and that they will seek to realize products with the minimum of the required energy in their activities.

[Wed Dec 17 14:47:37 2003]
Pokazuje se, međutim, da to nije tako i zapravo se malo misli o cjelokupnom utrošku energije i rada.
As it appears, however, the reality is different so and actually the total energy use and operation are rarely taken into account.

[Wed Dec 17 14:50:25 2003]
Redovito se teži ostvarenju minimalnih dimenzija elemenata, što dovodi do opasnosti da objekti ne zadovolje buduće potrebe njihove primjene.
The realization of minimum dimensions of elements is usually sought for, which compromises the objects possibility to satisfy future needs of their use.

[Wed Dec 17 14:50:25 2003]
Težnja o vrednovanju potencijala za konzervaciju energije u konstrukcijama, elementima i cjelovitim strukturama i općenito građevinskim proizvodima novijeg je datuma i u svijetu.
Aspiration to valuating potentials for the energy conservation in structures, elements and integral structures and generally in building products which are of recent date even in the world.

[Wed Dec 17 14:55:30 2003]
Već je poodavno na to upozorio pokojni R.
Even the deceased R. warned about it long ago

[Wed Dec 17 15:08:05 2003]
Fuller, ali je trebalo svijetu susresti se s naftnom krizom, s upozorenjima Rimskog kluba o ograničenosti naših resursa, a mi s našom ekonomskom krizom da bismo taj zahtjev dizajna počeli promatrati kao jedan od budućih ključnih problema konstruktorskog djelovanja i rada, te konačno i svakog racionalnog dizajna.
Fuller warned about it long ago, but the world had to experience the oil crisis, with warnings of the Roman club about the limitations of our resources, as we had to experience our economic crisis in order to start considering this requirement of designing as one of future key problems of structural activity and operation, and finally of every rational design.

[Wed Dec 17 15:08:05 2003]
Sada se, isto tako, konzervacija energije (ako se o tome iole vodi briga) u industriji konstrukcija svodi na operacijske uštede u utrošku energije, a relativno malo pažnje poklanja se UKUPNO utrošenoj energiji od "izvora do smrti" proizvoda i UKUPNOJ cijeni energije u građevinskoj proizvodnji.
The energy conservation (if any care about it is taken at all) also in the structure industry now comes down to operational savings in the energy use, and relatively little attention is paid to the TOTAL amount of the spent energy of "source to death" products and to the FULL cost price of the energy in the building production.

[Wed Dec 17 15:13:21 2003]
Zaokupljeni smo većinom minornim metodama proračunavanja idealiziranih proračunskih modela, uštedama u šipkama armature i sličnim problemima.
We have mainly been occupied with minor calculation methods of idealized calcuation models, with savings of reinforcements in bars and with similar problems.

[Wed Dec 17 15:16:38 2003]
Čak i tamo gdje se može štedjeti s optimalnim dizajnom to ne primjenjujemo.
Even there where it is possible to save with the optimal design, we do not utilize it.

[Wed Dec 17 15:17:52 2003]
Razmatrajući problem optimizacije strukturalnog dizajna vidi se da se u graditeljstvu stalno rade PROTOTIPOVI, a nema stvarne velikoserijske masovne industrijske proizvodnje proizvoda, pa se i ne može postići velika ušteda optimizacijom samo, i uvijek, po jednog prototipa, jer je izvedba prototipa uvijek skupa.
Examining the optimization problem of structural design, we can see that PROTOTYPES are constantly being produced in the building construction, and that there is no real large-scale serial mass industrial production of products, so a large saving by optimization cannot be achieved only, and always, of one prototype, because the realization of a prototype is always expensive.

[Wed Dec 17 15:17:52 2003]
Drugačija je ta pozicija u strojarstvu.
In the mechanical engineering, this position is different.

[Wed Dec 17 15:31:59 2003]
Ako se samo na jednom proizvodu, npr. nekom alatu koji se proizvodi u desetinama tisuća istovjetnih primjeraka uštedi oko 20% na težini materijala, uštede su u globalu ogromne, jer se proizvode ogromne serije ISTOVJETNIH proizvoda.
some tool which is produced in tenths of thousand identical example, about 20% of the material weight is saved, the savings are big in general, because huge series of IDENTICAL products are being produced.

[Wed Dec 17 15:31:59 2003]
Također u strojarstvu, pogotovo u industriji zrakoplova, svemirskih letjelica, pa i običnih automobila, često je potrebno kreirati model nekog proizvoda, ili proizvod u kojem je smanjenje težine bitna komponenta dizajna.
Also in the mechanical engineering, especially in the industry of planes, spacecrafts, and normal cars, it is frequently necessary to create a model of some product, or a product in which the weight reduction is an important component of designing.

[Wed Dec 17 15:39:37 2003]
Utrošak energije u gradnju, život i razgradnju (smrt i uklanjanje) objekata.
Energy use in the building, lifetime and deconstruction (ruin and removal) of objects.

[Wed Dec 17 15:40:02 2003]
Kumulativni utrošak energije pokazuje točku razine dosadašnjih i u budućnosti anticipiranih ulaganja, pri kojoj se mora donijeti odluka o zamjeni ili isplativosti rekonstrukcije objekta ili odluka o razgradnji objekta.
The cumulative energy use shows the level degree of past and in future anticipated investments, at which a decision about the replacement or profitability of object reconstruction or a decision about the deconstruction of an object must be made.

[Wed Dec 17 15:42:55 2003]
U dizajnu bi se o tome trebalo voditi računa.
the design should also be taken into account.

[Wed Dec 17 15:43:34 2003]
U dijagramu su prikazani kumulativni utrošci energije u životnom vijeku objekta.
Cumulative energy uses of the object's duration are shown in the diagram.

[Wed Dec 17 15:45:46 2003]
Rukovodna ideja je profit, u nas dugo zabranjena riječ i pojam.
The leading idea is the profit, a long forbidden word and concept in Croatia.

[Wed Dec 17 15:46:36 2003]
Stoga je i ovaj pristup za naše pojmove nov, iako je to osnova ekonomskih odlučivanja u svijetu.
Therefore even this approach is new to us, although it represents a basis for making economic decisions in the world.

[Wed Dec 17 15:47:49 2003]
O razgradnjama objekata dizajneri novih objekata malo razmišljaju.
Designers of new objects pay little attention to the deconstruction of objects.

[Wed Dec 17 15:47:49 2003]
Ti se budući troškovi prebacuju "na leđa" budućim generacijama, što predstavlja prilično nemoralni odnos prema njima.
These future costs are thrown over " to the back " of future generations, what represents a rather immoral relation towards them.

[Wed Dec 17 15:52:14 2003]
utrošak energije u gotove stvari
energy use in completed matters

[Wed Dec 17 16:00:54 2003]
utrošak energije održavanja pogona
energy use of the plant maintenance

[Wed Dec 17 16:02:00 2003]
energija potrebna za rekonstrukciju
energy necessary for the reconstruction

[Wed Dec 17 16:07:10 2003]
kumulativna cijena energije
cumulative energy price

[Wed Dec 17 16:20:03 2003]

[Wed Dec 17 16:24:16 2003]
U priloženom primjeru predočena je optimizacija jedne rešetke (za jedan od projekata istraživanja NASA-e), rađen sa COSMOS/M programom, modulom za optimizaciju.
In the enclosed example optimization of one truss is presented (for one of NASA research projects), performed with COSMOS/M program, optimization modulus.

[Wed Dec 17 16:25:07 2003]
Optimizacija jedne metalne rešetke.
Optimizations of one steel truss.

[Wed Dec 17 16:26:37 2003]
Upis podataka za optimizaciju rešetke u ravnini, kao primjera primjene modula za optimizaciju COSMOS/M sustava:
Data input for the optimization of a truss in the plane, as the example of the use of optimization modulus COSMOS/M system:

[Wed Dec 17 16:31:09 2003]
Ispis upisa kreacije modela i naloga optimizacije.
Input printing of models creation and optimization commands.

[Wed Dec 17 16:32:52 2003]

[Wed Dec 17 16:33:38 2003]
Iz "VJESNIKA", 24.
From " VJESNIK ", 24.

[Wed Dec 17 16:34:24 2003]
listopad-a 2001.

[Wed Dec 17 16:40:43 2003]
Rušenje objekata koji ne zadovoljavaju ekonomske kriterije dobiti.
Destruction of objects which does not satisfy economic criteria of profit.

[Wed Dec 17 16:40:43 2003]
Ova petnaesterokatnica Desert Inn-a koja je činila dio povijesti kockarske reputacije Las Vegasa srušena je da bi tu izrastao još veći kockarski hotel Stevea Wynna i njegovih japanskih partnera.
This Dessert Inn fifteen-story building which represented a part of history of Las Vegas gambling reputation was pulled down in order to build there even a larger gambling hotel of Steve Wynna and his Japanese partners.

[Wed Dec 17 16:42:05 2003]
Sustav automatski generira ravninsku rešetku minimalne težine uz dana ograničenja progiba i naprezanja.
System automatically generates the plane truss of a minimal weight with given limitations of deflections and stress.

[Thu Dec 18 10:25:56 2003]
Naivno je misliti da su današnji proizvodi trajni, "besmrtna djela", da naš budući rad predstavlja početak i kraj ljudskog djelovanja (vidjeti sl.
One would be naive to think that today's products are permanent, " immortal creations ", that our work represents the beginning and end of human accomplishments (see fig.

[Thu Dec 18 10:35:55 2003]
te na web-u dostupne slike rušenja WTC tornjeva u New Yorku 2001).
and there are images of the WTC towers collapse in New York 2001 available on the web).

[Thu Dec 18 10:44:12 2003]
Kao da će buduće generacije, kojima su ti proizvodi našeg doba ostavljeni u naslijeđe, biti "neizmjerno sretni" što su naslijedili naša današnja ostvarenja.
As if future generations, who are left with our creations as inheritance, " enormously happy " to have inherited our today's achievements.

[Thu Dec 18 10:44:12 2003]
Dakako, neka će djela ostati kao trajna obilježja našeg doba i djelovanja, ali takvih je ostvarenja zaista malo u šumi osrednjosti.
Of course, some works will remain as permanent symbols of our time and accomplishments, but such achievements really rare in this mediocrity surrounding.

[Thu Dec 18 11:03:08 2003]
Proizvodnja i proizvodi mijenjaju se, a mijenjaju se i potrebe vezane za standard življenja, proizvodne mogućnosti i nove proizvode, pa će tako i niz naših današnjih ostvarenja biti samo na teret budućim generacijama, osim ako to nisu neka značajna umjetnička djela, svjedoci naše današnjice i naše prošlosti.
Production and products are changing, as well as needs related to the living standard, production possibilities and new products, and a series of our today's achievements will only be a burden to future generations, unless they are not considered as some important artworks, witnesses of our present and our past.

[Thu Dec 18 11:03:08 2003]
Osim toga, mnogi materijali koje danas upotrebljavamo nisu trajni, a ponašamo se kao da su ti materijali vječni.
Furthermore, many materials which we use today are not permanent, but we behave as if they are eternal.

[Thu Dec 18 11:11:26 2003]
Navedimo stoga primjere u čemu se sve griješi, bez pretenzija da je ta lista konačna
Here are thus examples of all the mistakes we make, but far from that this is a finite list

[Thu Dec 18 11:22:35 2003]
Ne vodi se briga o ukupno izvedenim masama utrošenog materijala u proizvodima graditeljstva
enough care is not taken about total amount of the used material in building products

[Thu Dec 18 11:33:43 2003]
ˇ Ne vodi se briga o cijenama svih oblika transporta u genezi proizvoda:
ˇ Enough care is not taken about after the prices of all forms of transport in the product genesis:

[Thu Dec 18 11:39:00 2003]
o unutarnjem i vanjskom transportu, prijevozu masa sirovine, gotova proizvoda i radne snage, o prometu robe i proizvoda na velike udaljenosti.
about domestic and foreign transport, transport of raw material masses, final products and work forces, goods traffic and long distances products.

[Thu Dec 18 12:11:16 2003]
Prevoze se npr. teški betonski montažni elementi na neshvatljivo udaljene relacije od tvornice, a zna se da postoji određena ekonomska udaljenost preko koje se ne može isplatiti prijevoz proizvoda.
For example, heavy concrete prefabricated elementsare transported to incomprehensibly remote distances from plants, and one knows that there is a defined economic distance which does not pay off in the product transport.

[Thu Dec 18 12:11:32 2003]
Elementi se proizvode na jednoj, a ugrađuju na drugim lokacijama na koje se prevoze često zamršenim prijevoznim putovima:
Elements are produced in one, and implemented in some other locations to which are often transported in complicated transportation ways:

[Thu Dec 18 12:11:32 2003]
lanac proizvodnja, trgovina, kupac, potrošač.
chain production, commerce, buyer, consumer.

[Thu Dec 18 12:14:40 2003]
Ne vodi se briga o utrošku energije u proizvodnji (inače se, na primjer, ne bi gradili asfaltni, već betonski kolnici cesta i autoputova).
Care is not taken about the energy use in the production (otherwise, for example, concrete and not asphaltic roads and motorways would be built instead).