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[Thu Dec 18 12:24:58 2003]
Ne vodi se briga o energiji koja će biti potrebna pri budućim adaptacijama gotovih proizvoda, o energiji potrebnoj za uklanjanje u budućnosti nepotrebnih građevinskih proizvoda, dakle o tome koliko će se utrošiti energije u budućnosti, zatim o potrebnoj energiji za ekstrakciju nekih sirovina iz odbačenih dijelova, o reciklaži materijala razorenih i razrušenih dijelova (na primjer ekstrakcija čelika iz razorenih i odbačenih armiranobetonskih struktura), o urušenjima konstrukcija (akcidentalnim, namjernim ili zbog dotrajalosti), o mogućim urušenjima konstrukcija često mamutskih dimenzija.
One does not take care about the energy which will be necessary in future adaptations of finished products, about the energy necessary for the removal of redundant building products in the future, therefore how much will be spent energy in the future, then about the necessary energy for the extraction of some raw materials from rejected parts, about the recycling of materials of destroyed and ruined parts (for example extraction of steel from destroyed and rejected reinforced concrete structures), about structure collapses (by accidental, intention or because of dilapidation), about possible collapses of enormous structures.
[Thu Dec 18 12:28:27 2003]
Ne vodi se briga o utrošku energije u korištenju proizvoda građevinske industrije:
Care about the energy use when using building industry products is not taken:
[Thu Dec 18 12:28:27 2003]
o izolacijama, gubicima energije zbog loših performansi elemenata i cjeline, lošeg dizajna i loše izvedbe, ili razgradnje u tijeku vremena.
about isolations, energy losses because of bad performances of elements and units, bad design and bad performances, or because of the decomposition in the course of time.
[Thu Dec 18 12:30:05 2003]
Uz to, ne treba zaboraviti da su proizvodi građevinskog konstruktorstva obično UNIKATI.
Furthermore, we must not forget that the building construction products are usually UNIQUE ITEMS.
[Thu Dec 18 12:31:15 2003]
U vezi s tim malo se, gotovo ništa, nije uradilo u primjeni alternativnih izvora energije, npr. solarne, geotermalne ili energije vjetra.
In relation to that a little, almost nothing, has be done in the use of alternative power sources, e.g. solar, geothermal or wind energy.
[Thu Dec 18 12:38:01 2003]
Namjerno rušenje čeličnog mosta raspona 137 metara.
Intentional destruction of a 137-meter-span steel bridge.
[Thu Dec 18 12:39:02 2003]
Rušenje je izvodila kompanija CDI.
The CDI company performed the demolition of the bridge.
[Thu Dec 18 12:39:59 2003]
Glavni raspon mosta preko Mississippija bio je uklonjen za manje od 4 sata.
The main span over the Mississippi was removed in less than 4 hours.
[Thu Dec 18 12:41:37 2003]
Kako ukloniti armiranobetonske mostove koji više ne zadovoljavaju dane performanse budućeg vremena?
How to remove reinforced concrete bridges which no longer satisfy given performances of the future age?
[Thu Dec 18 12:41:37 2003]
U ratnim razaranjima Hrvatske susrećemo se s uklanjanjem takvih urušenih objekata, urušenim mostom Maslenica, urušenim mostom preko Drave u Osijeku i s nizom drugih mostova i objekata (Osijek, Vukovar, Vinkovci, Karlovac, Sisak, Pakrac, Dubrovnik i drugi gradovi) koji su stradali u agresivnom ratu protiv Hrvatske.
In war devastations of Croatia we encounter the removal of such ruined objects, the ruined Maslenica bridge, ruined bridge across the Drava river in Osijek and a series of other bridges and objects (Osijek, Vukovar, Vinkovci, Karlovac, Sisak, Pakrac, Dubrovnik and other towns) which suffered in the aggressive war against Croatia.
[Thu Dec 18 12:43:51 2003]
Alokacija totalnih zahtjeva za energijom za nove građevinske proizvode i konstrukcije unutar direktno naručenih dobara i servisa (USA).
allocation of total energy requirements for new building products and structures within directly ordered goods and services (USA).
[Thu Dec 18 12:44:48 2003]
Sastav utroška energije u novim građevinskim proizvodima
Structure of energy use with new building products
[Thu Dec 18 12:45:07 2003]
direktni utrošak nafte
direct oil consumption
[Thu Dec 18 12:46:08 2003]
asfaltni kolovozi kolnika i pločnika
asphaltic tracks of roads and sidewalks
[Thu Dec 18 12:46:21 2003]
opeka i beton
brick and concrete
[Thu Dec 18 12:47:05 2003]
strukturalni čelik
the structural steel
[Thu Dec 18 12:47:26 2003]
ploče i limovi
boards and sheet metals
[Thu Dec 18 12:47:36 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 12:47:49 2003]
retail trade
[Thu Dec 18 12:49:30 2003]
sve ostalo za manje od 1% zastupljenosti u utrošku energije
everything else for less than 1% of share in the energy use
[Thu Dec 18 14:17:32 2003]
Alokacija utroška energije u graditeljstvu (konstrukcijski i nekonstrukcijski sektor):
allocation of energy use in the building trade (constructional and unconstructional sector):
[Thu Dec 18 14:17:32 2003]
nova gradnja i održavanje
new building and maintenance
[Thu Dec 18 14:18:12 2003]
sveukupna industrijska potrošnja
entire industrial consumption
[Thu Dec 18 14:18:45 2003]
nekonstruktivne gradnje
unconstructive constructions
[Thu Dec 18 14:19:18 2003]
Individualne stambene zgrade
Separate residential buildings
[Thu Dec 18 14:20:16 2003]
building construction
[Thu Dec 18 14:21:00 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 14:23:47 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 14:58:34 2003]
Ponašamo se kao da nas se ti aspekti dizajna ne tiču, kao da su oni već automatski uključeni negdje drugdje, na primjer u cijenu proizvoda.
We behave as if these aspects of design were not of our concern, as if they were already automatically included somewhere else, for example in a product price.
[Thu Dec 18 15:00:12 2003]
Raskošnost i rasipnost je kad se koristimo i zastarjelim tehničkim postupcima strukturalnih analiza, koje treba nadomjestiti modernim alatima za analize konstrukcija, sa CAD-om, a u izvedbi uvesti CAM postupke.
Luxury and extravagance is when we use also outdated technical procedures of structural analyses, which need to be replaced by modern structure analysis tools, with CAD, and introduce CAM procedures in the operation.
[Thu Dec 18 15:00:32 2003]
Rasipnost je korištenje zastarjelih tehnologija izvođenja, općenito primitivna proizvodnja proizvoda.
Extravagance is the use of outdated operation technologies, which in general is the primitive production of products.
[Thu Dec 18 15:00:32 2003]
Rasipnost je i raskoš neznanja.
Extravagance is also luxury of ignorance.
[Thu Dec 18 15:12:02 2003]
Kad se govori o uštedama energije, o kakvim se mogućim uštedama radi, može se ilustrirati kalkulacijama provedenim u SAD, gdje se zahvaljujući primjenama novih propisa i mjera štednje energije za nove objekte, može uštedjeti i do 20% energije, što prema pokazateljima za 1967.
When we talk about energy savings, possible savings can be illustrated by calculations carried out in the USA where, thanks to the use of new regulations and energy saving measures for new objects, up to 20% of energy can be saved, which according to the indicators from 1967
[Thu Dec 18 15:17:06 2003]
Prikazani su neki dijagrami u kojima se vidi utrošak energije za neke građevinske proizvode, a i raspored utroška energije po granama privrede u USA.
There are illustration of some diagrams in which the energy use for some building products is seen, and also schedule of energy use in industrial branches in the USA.
[Thu Dec 18 15:22:38 2003]
U energetskim analizama moralo bi se i kod nas poći od analize utroška energije za sve proizvode građevinske industrije (općenito svega graditeljstva) i svih materijala od kojih danas gradimo, kao i od analiza racionalnog dizajna svih objekata.
In energy analyses we would have to start from even in Croatia of energy use analysis for all building industry products (generally of the entire building trade) and all materials which are used in building today, as well as from the analyses of rational object designs.
[Thu Dec 18 15:37:43 2003]
Da se i na trivijalnim primjerima može štedjeti, pokazuje se dizajnom najuobičajenijeg strukturalnog elementa - armiranobetonske grede, koja ima svoje dimenzije, armaturu i zadano opterećenje.
That a saving can be made even on trivial examples is shown by the design of the most usual structural element - reinforced concrete beam, which has its dimensions, armature and specified load.
[Thu Dec 18 15:37:43 2003]
Jednostavnim kalkulacijama može se pokazati da dimenzije greda ovise o trenutnim cijenama materijala i radne snage potrebne u proizvodnji te grede.
Simple calculations can show that beam dimensions depend on current product prices of material and work force necessary for the production of that beams.
[Thu Dec 18 16:08:22 2003]
Ako se ograničimo samo na cijene materijala:
If we are restrained only to material prices of:
[Thu Dec 18 16:10:16 2003]
betona, armature i oplate - podrazumijevajući direktnu povezanost cijene jedinica materijala s cijenama utrošenog rada u proizvodnji te jedinice elemenata proizvoda - mogu se primjenom automatskog dizajna, kojem je krucijalni imperativ ukupna minimalna cijena gotovog proizvoda, mijenjanjem jediničnih cijena pojedinih sastavnih komponenti proizvoda dobiti i različite dimenzije grede.
concrete, reinforcement and panel - including a direct connection of material units prices with prices of invested work in the production of that product element unit - even different beam dimensions can be obtained by the use of automatic design, for which totally minimal price of a finished product is a crucial imperative, by changing the unit product price of single constituent components of products.
[Thu Dec 18 16:10:16 2003]
Mijenjanje cijene betona, armature i oplate daje uvijek druge dimenzije grede minimalne cijene, uz uvijek ista ograničenja dizajna.
Changing a price of concrete, reinforcement and panel always makes other beam dimensions of minimal prices, with always the same limitations of design.
[Thu Dec 18 16:14:30 2003]
To znači da optimizacija strukture (koja se sastoji od elemenata) ovisi o vremenu u kojem se nešto počinje graditi i gradi.
This means that structure optimization (which consist of elements) depends on time in which something starts to be built and is built.
[Thu Dec 18 16:18:04 2003]
To se podudara s našim spoznajama iz povijesti građenja, gdje su se izvjesne konstrukcije gradile kad je radna snaga bila jeftina i u izobilju.
This coincides with our understanding of history of building, where some structures were built when the work force was cheap and abundant.
[Thu Dec 18 16:25:38 2003]
U to doba građeni su masivni objekti, a isto tako pri jeftinoj radnoj snazi tesara izvodile su se daščane čavlane konstrukcije.
At that time massive objects were built, and also board nailed structures produced with carpenter's cheap work force.
[Thu Dec 18 16:30:59 2003]
Danas se nosivim konstrukcijama nastoji masa reducirati i to ne zbog same mase materijala, već poradi cijene rada i cijene transporta po jedinici mase robe koju se transportira.
Today, we try to reduce the mass with supporting structures, and not only because of the material mass itself, but because of labor and transport costs per a unit of the goods mass which is transported.
[Thu Dec 18 16:30:59 2003]
Osim toga, nisko plaćeni nekvalificirani rad nastoji se zamijeniti visokokvalificiranim stručnim radom na strojevima i sa strojevima, što vodi do uvođenja robota u industriju i do još većeg tehnološkog jaza između razvijenih (koji imaju i zato mogu) i nerazvijenih (koji nemaju i zato ne mogu).
Furthermore, there are attempts to replace low paid unqualified work with a highly qualified professional work on machines and with engines, which leads to introduction of robots into the industry and to even more larger technological gap between the developed (which have and therefore can) and those less developed (which do not have and therefore cannot).
[Thu Dec 18 16:34:31 2003]
U priloženim slikama daju se algoritmi takvog dimenzioniranja armiranih greda i ploča, pri čemu koristimo tzv.
In inserted figures, algorithms of such of reinforced beams and boards dimensionings are given, wherea so-called is used
[Thu Dec 18 16:39:16 2003]
Dakako da se dijagram toka može primijeniti i na pisanje programa za neko drugo računalo, PC i slično.
Of course, a flow chart can also be applied for writing programs of some other computer, PC and alike.
[Thu Dec 18 16:39:16 2003]
Cijeni elemenata treba dodati i cijenu vanjskog i unutrašnjeg transporta, što ovisi o lokaciji elementa u konstrukciji i udaljenosti objekta od izvorišta materijala, a što nije sasvim trivijalno.
element price need to be also added a price of foreign and domestic transport, which depends on the location of the element in the structure and distances of the object from a material source, which is not completely trivial.
[Thu Dec 18 16:50:56 2003]
Ovdje će se, kao primjer, razmotriti jedan mali program za optimizaciju sustava poduprte grede, koja je uvijek poduprta na krajevima, može biti poduprta i u sredini raspona nosača, ali može biti poduprta i na dva mjesta u trećinama raspona.
We will consider here, as the example, one small program for the system optimization of a supported beam, which is always supported on ends, but might also be supported in the middle of the girder span, and even in two places in thirds of the span.
[Thu Dec 18 16:51:16 2003]
Samim podupiranjem, smanjuje se raspon grede, pa i dimenzije grede, ali se u dizajn unosi nove elemente:
By the shoring itself, the beam span and dimensions get reduced, bu new elements are introduced into the design:
[Thu Dec 18 16:57:17 2003]
drveni stup i betonski temelj stupa.
wooden pillar and concrete foundation of the pillar.
[Thu Dec 18 16:57:17 2003]
Obodni zidovi hale ne uzimaju se u obzir pri proračunu cijene konstrukcije, jer se oni na tim mjestima uvijek nalaze, kao fiksni elementi dizajna, te se stoga kao fiksna cijena pridodaju cijeni optimalnog dizajna konstrukcije.
Boundary walls of a hall are not taken into consideration when calculating structure costs, because they are always located in these places, as fixed design elements, and therefore added as a fixed price to the price of optimal structural design.
[Fri Dec 19 10:35:05 2003]
Za svaki od tih programa korištena je metoda Monte Carlo.
The Monte Carlo method was used for each of these programs.
[Fri Dec 19 10:35:32 2003]
Nepobitno proizlazi da cijena hale ovisi o rasponu, ali i o visini hale, o razmaku vezača i nosivosti tla (o čemu ovisi veličina temeljne stope betona).
As it undeniably results, the hall price depends on the span, but also on the hall height, on the distance of bonder and ground bearing capacity (on which the largeness of the basic feet of concrete depends).
[Fri Dec 19 10:39:56 2003]
Cijene su zadane za lameliranu građu, za piljenu građu i za beton.
prices are set for laminated structure, for sawed timber and for concrete.
[Fri Dec 19 10:41:57 2003]
Zadani su dopušteni naponi za drvo, za tlo i dopušteni progib nosača.
Allowable stresses for wood, ground are set, as well as allowed deflection of girders.
[Fri Dec 19 10:47:24 2003]
Iz rezultata se vidi da cijena ovisi o visini hale, pa nakon izvjesne visine stupa poduprta greda nema nikakvo ekonomsko opravdanje (stup je previtak).
It is clear from the results that the price depends on the hall height, so after a certain pillar height, a supported beam has no economic justification (the pillar is too thin).
[Fri Dec 19 10:47:24 2003]
Naime, za u sredini poduprtu gredu i stup od piljene građe dimenzija a x a, za vitkost:
In other words, for a beam supported in the center and pillar made from sawed timbers of a x a dimension, for the slenderness:
[Fri Dec 19 10:51:40 2003]
gdje su SIJCJDOP dopušteni naprezanje drveta na tlak paralelno s vlaknima, P reakcija grede u polovici raspona, L izvorni raspon hale.
where the SIJCJDOP is allowed the stress of the wood on the pressure parallelly with fibers, P is beam reaction in the span half, L is original hall span.
[Fri Dec 19 11:02:30 2003]
gdje su SIJCJDOP dopušteni naprezanje drveta na tlak paralelno s vlaknima, P reakcija grede u polovici raspona, L izvorni raspon hale.
where the SIJCJDOP is allowed a stress of the wood on the pressure parallelly with fibers, P beam is reaction in the span half, L is original hall span.
[Fri Dec 19 11:23:47 2003]
Naravno, to je samo jedan mali test, realni se problemi mogu riješiti samo kompleksnim programima, koje tek treba napisati, ili se problemi optimizacije mogu riješiti korištenjem sofisticiranih programa za optimizaciju, kao što su COSMOS/M, main-frame verzija ICES STRUDL2 sustav i slični (obično vrlo skupi) programi koji se mogu nabaviti na tržištu meke podrške računalima.
Of course, this is only one small test, but real problems can be solved only with complex programs, which yet need to be written, or optimization problems can be solved by using sophisticated optimization programs, such as COSMOS/M, main-frame version ICES STRUDL2 system and similar (usually very expensive) programs which can be bought in the market software supports for computers.
[Fri Dec 19 11:25:56 2003]
Ponekad se neki od tih problema mogu riješiti olovkom i papirom, bez upotrebe nekih sofisticiranih alata.
Sometimes some of these problems can be solved with a pencil and paper, without using some sophisticated tools.
[Fri Dec 19 11:29:47 2003]
Bitna se ušteda može postići ORGANIZACIJOM poslovanja, BRZINOM izvođenja, organizacijom gradilišta.
An important amount can be achieved with business ORGANIZATION, realization SPEED, organization of a building site.
[Fri Dec 19 11:31:45 2003]
Te uštede mogu biti spektakularne, jer se ubrzanjem građenja oslobađa kapital.
These savings can be impressive, because the capital gets liberated when accelerating the construction.
[Fri Dec 19 11:31:45 2003]
Ponekad je lokacija neke tvornice i postrojenja ključna za dobit i nikakve ju uštede u dizajnu konstrukcije ne mogu "spasiti" neracionalne odluke o njenoj lokaciji.
Sometimes the location of a factory and plant is crucial for the profit, and no savings in the structural design can "save" it from irrational decisions on its location.
[Fri Dec 19 11:59:25 2003]
Kao što će biti opisano kasnije, prošla iskustva iz graditeljske prakse, kao i rezultati primjena ovakvih malih, pa i sofisticiranih programa, mogu se ugraditi u EKSPERTNE SUSTAVE, kako bi se pohranilo prošla znanja i na osnovu tih znanja generirala nova znanja.
As it will be described later, last experiences from the building practice, as well as the results of the use of such small and even sophisticated programs, can be built in EXPERT SYSTEMS, in order to store past knowledge and generate new ones based that knowledge.
[Fri Dec 19 12:02:26 2003]
Optimalni dizajn drvnog II nosača pomoću TI 59 dijagram toka programa.
optimal design of the wooden II girder by using TI 59 flow chart of the program.
[Fri Dec 19 12:03:21 2003]
svi upisi i ispisi
all inputs and outputs
[Fri Dec 19 12:16:19 2003]
[Fri Dec 19 12:24:35 2003]
proračun geometrijske vrijednosti
geometric value calculation
[Fri Dec 19 12:25:44 2003]
proračun geometrijske vrijednosti
geometric value calculation
[Fri Dec 19 12:30:46 2003]
Usporedba sustava za optimizaciju cijene pojedinih varijantnih rješenja u odnosu na originalno prvotno rješenje (A):
Comparisons of optimization system for prices of a single variant solutions as compared to the original primary solution (A):
[Fri Dec 19 12:31:22 2003]
lamelirana drvena greda raspona L
laminated wooden beam of the L span
[Fri Dec 19 12:35:14 2003]
Iz varijante (C) može se izvesti podvarijanata (C.1) s gredom od piljene građe poduprte s dva stupa od piljene građe kojom je greda poduprta unutar raspona.
From the variant (C), we can make a subvariant (C.1) with a sawed timber beam supported with two sawed timber pillars which support the beam inside the span.
[Fri Dec 19 12:38:20 2003]
Međuzavisnost konstrukcijskih dimenzija je očita, kao što je očita ovisnost elemenata o tržišnim cijenama materijala utrošenih u građevni proizvod.
Interdependence of constructional dimensions is obvious, as is the dependence of elements on market prices of material used for a construction product.
[Fri Dec 19 12:38:20 2003]
Cijena rada je uključena u cijenu elemenata.
Price of work is included into the price of elements.
[Fri Dec 19 12:41:15 2003]
Ovaj se zaključak može i dokazati algoritmom Aguilara, kojim se može pokazati da cijena rasponske konstrukcije mora biti približno jednaka cijeni rasponu pripadnog stupa s temeljom.
This conclusion can also be proven by the Aguilar algorithm, which can show that the price a span structure must be approximately equal to the price of the span of a constituent pillar with the foundation.
[Fri Dec 19 12:43:25 2003]
ukupni raspon koji se premošćuje, a sastoji se od n raspona
total span which is crossed, and consists of n span
[Fri Dec 19 12:50:28 2003]
jedinična cijena težine grede (zajedno s ukrutama
unit price beam weight (together with bracings
[Fri Dec 19 12:55:01 2003]
cijena pokrova po tekućem metru grede (uključujući podrožnice), a kod mostova cijena pomosta
price of the covering per a current beam meter (including roof purlines), and price of pavings in bridges
[Fri Dec 19 12:56:16 2003]
cijena obodnog ziđa (ili kod mostova cijena upornjaka), može se izraziti ukupnu cijenu konstrukcije sa
the price of boundary walls (or in bridges product price of abutment), can express a full cost price of a structure with
[Fri Dec 19 12:58:08 2003]
Ilustracija za algoritam optimizacije strukture analitičkim putem.
Illustration for the analytical optimization algorithm of a structure.
[Fri Dec 19 14:18:37 2003]
Ako označimo cijenu rasponske konstrukcije sa Cr, a cijenu pripadnog stupa s temeljem označimo s Cst, onda mora za racionalnu konstrukciju biti ispunjen uvjet da je
If we mark the price of the span structure with Cr, and the price of the associated pillar with the foundation with Cst, then the condition for the rational structure must be satisfied so that
[Fri Dec 19 14:20:03 2003]
tj., da cijena odgovarajućeg raspona treba biti jednaka cijeni pripadnog stupa.
, the price of the matching span must be equal to the price of the associated pillar.
[Fri Dec 19 14:20:43 2003]
Primjena istog algoritma optimizacije na strukturu mosta i na strukturu hale.
Application of the same optimization algorithm on the bridge structure and on the hall structure.
[Fri Dec 19 14:31:19 2003]
Estetski doživljaj:
aesthetic impression:
[Fri Dec 19 14:31:19 2003]
većim rasponima pripadaju i viši stupovi - ima i svojeg opravdanja i korijena u kriterijima novčanih analiza optimizacije cijena koštanja cjelovitog objekta, a ne samo u estetskom doživljavanju vizure mosta u prirodnom okružju.
higher pillars also belong to bigger spans - justification and source for that can be found in criteria of monetary optimization analyses of costs prices of the entire object, and not only in the aesthetic aspect impression of the bridge in its natural setting.
[Fri Dec 19 14:36:33 2003]
Zanimljivo je napomenuti da se rezultati ovog izvoda uglavnom podudaraju s našim estetskim osjećajem za dizajn, koji je naročito, što se tiče rasporeda stupova i raspona u odnosu na okoliš, konfiguraciju terena i uzdužnu dispoziciju, izgrađen u dizajnu mostovnih konstrukcija, gdje se uglavnom pri velikim rasponima koriste i skupi stupovi.
It would be interesting to mention that the results of this statement mainly correspond to our aesthetic impressions for design which is particularly built in the design of bridge structures, where expensive pillars are also mainly used at large spans, concerning the arrangement of pillars and spans in comparison with the environment, field configuration and longitudinal disposition.
[Fri Dec 19 14:42:59 2003]
Ovi se kriteriji sveukupnog optimalnog dizajna mogu protegnuti na globalni dizajn objekata s raznim sadržajima i raznim razinama usluga pojedinih sadržaja, raznim namjenskim površinama, na raznim etažama unutar objekta, uključujući i površine izvan objekta, kako bi se uz optimalno ulaganje i očekivanu rentu moglo unaprijed ocijeniti rentabilnost objekta.
These criteria of the complete optimal design can be extended to the global design of objects with different contents and different levels of services of single contents, different purposeful surfaces, to different floors inside an object, including also surfaces outside of the object, in order to evaluate in advance the profitability of the object beside the optimal investment and predicted annuity.
[Fri Dec 19 14:44:35 2003]
Unutar takvog globalnog dizajna, dizajn konstrukcije je samo jedna od karika dizajna.
Inside such global design, the structure design is only one of the design links.
[Fri Dec 19 14:44:39 2003]
O tome se više može pročitati u mojim skriptama Nosive strukture, Liber, 1977, te knjizi Drveni mostovi, PRETEI, Zagreb, 2001.
You can read more about it in my notes Nosive strukture, Liber, 1977, and the book Drveni mostovi, PRETEI, Zagreb, 2001.
[Fri Dec 19 14:50:04 2003]
Kolić je svojedobno naučio ANN treniranu na primjerima uzdužnih dispozicija mostova, projektirati nove dispozicije.
instructed the ANN trained on the examples of the longitudinal disposition of bridges to design new dispositions.
[Fri Dec 19 14:50:04 2003]
Rad je jako kontraverzan, ali svakako zanimljiv, jer otkriva neke "skrivene" tajne dizajna mostova klasičnih dispozicija.
The work is very controversial, but by all means interesting, because it discovers some " hidden " secrets for designing bridges of classic dispositions.
[Fri Dec 19 15:02:22 2003]
Zapažamo da su alternativna rješenja sustava osnovno realno pitanje koje zadire u bit edukacije građevinskih inženjera pa onda i oportunosti podjele konstruktorske struke na podstruke, odnosno specijalizacije koje se bave samo određenim materijalima.
Notice that alternative solutions of of the system are a basic real question which penetrates into the essence of the education of civil engineers and then opportunenesses divide the construction profession into subprofessions, that is into specializations which deal with only determined materials.
[Fri Dec 19 15:02:59 2003]
Dakle, dio problema edukacije inženjera konstruktora je u departmentizaciji konstruktorske struke po materijalima.
Therefore, a part of the education problem of building engineers is in the departmentalization of the construction profession according to materials.
[Fri Dec 19 15:14:56 2003]
Navedimo samo to da sustavi ICES STRUDL2, MARC, COSMOS/M i sl.
Let's say only that the systems ICES STRUDL2s, MARC, COSMOS/M and similar
[Fri Dec 19 15:18:14 2003]
veliki kompjutorski sustavi za analize strukturalnih sustava sasvim suvereno određuju dimenzije optimalnih čeličnih, metalnih i armiranobetonskih nosača i konstrukcija (istina samo određenih tipova, većinom okvira, rešetki, ali i kompleksnijih struktura).
Let's say only that the systems ICES STRUDL2s, MARC, COSMOS/M and similar big computer systems for structural system analyses completely independently determine dimensions of optimal steel, metal and reinforced concrete girders and structures (but of only determined types, mainly of frameworks, trusses, but of also more complex structures).
[Fri Dec 19 15:23:10 2003]
U kompleksnim strukturama je i međuzavisnost varijabli kompleksnija, funkcija ograničenja je isto kompleksnija pa su moguća i veća iznenađenja.
In complex structures, interdependence of variables is also more complex, limitation function as well, so even bigger surprises are possible.
[Fri Dec 19 15:23:10 2003]
Tu nam pripomoć može biti samo stečeno iskustvo iz prakse ili prošlo heurističko iskustvo koje može biti kao i program optimizacije ugrađeno u ekspertni sustav.
Gained experience from practice or past heuristic experience can only be of help here, which can be installed into the expert system like the optimization program.
[Fri Dec 19 15:40:28 2003]
Danas se u graditeljstvu troši obilato beton, kao navodno, jeftin materijal.
Very big masses of concrete are used today in the building trade as allegedly cheap material.
[Fri Dec 19 15:41:08 2003]
Osnova proizvodnje betona je ipak nafta (za pogon strojeva kojima se iskopava i transportira lapor, za mljevenje lapora, za pečenje klinkera, za mljevenje klinkera, za transport cementa, za pripremu betona, za vanjski transport betona do mjesta gradnje, za unutrašnji transport do mjesta ugradnje, za vibriranje pri ugradbi i sl.)
basis concrete production of is still oil (for the running of machines which are used for digging up and transporting marl, for grinding marl, for baking clinker brick, for grinding clinker brick, for transporting cement, for preparing concrete, for transporting concrete outside the building site, for the internal transport to the installation site, for the vibration when installing and alike)
[Fri Dec 19 15:41:55 2003]
. Slično je i s cijenom čelika u betonu.
It is also similar with the price of steel in concrete.
[Fri Dec 19 15:41:55 2003]
Za proizvodnju čelika potrebna je još veća količina energije.
Even a larger energy quantity is necessaryfor the production of steel .
[Fri Dec 19 15:46:22 2003]
U armiranom betonu nedvojbeno se može dokazati da je najskuplja armatura u betonu, i to bez obzira na današnje cijene proizvoda.
In the reinforced concrete, it can be undoubtedly proven that reinforcement in concrete is the most expensive, regardless of current product prices.
[Fri Dec 19 15:49:19 2003]
Utrošak energije u čeliku armiranog betona iznosi oko 55% utrošene energije finalnog proizvoda.
Energy use in steel of reinforced concrete is around 55% of the final product energy.
[Fri Dec 19 15:49:45 2003]
Meki čelik u betonu ima u sebi manje ugrađene energije od tvornički proizvedenih armaturnih mreža i visokovrijednog čelika.
Mild steel in concrete has less implanted energy inside than steelfabric mats and high-priced steel produced in a factory.
[Fri Dec 19 15:49:45 2003]
Odnos je oko 15 do 23, računa li se po jedinici težine proizvoda.
Relation is about 15 to 23, if we count per unit of a product weight.
[Fri Dec 19 15:53:20 2003]
Usporedba utroška energije u dva uobičajena proizvoda građevne industrije.
Comparison of the energy use in two usual products of the building industry.
[Fri Dec 19 15:53:20 2003]
Konstrukcija spregnute konstrukcije zahtijeva neznatno više energije od armiranobetonske kasetirane ploče
Structure of the composite constructions demands slightly more energy than reinforced concrete waffle slabs
[Fri Dec 19 15:59:04 2003]
Standardna čelična stropna konstrukcija
standard steel ceiling component
[Fri Dec 19 16:02:52 2003]
utrošak energije izražen je u
energy use is expressed in
[Fri Dec 19 16:03:18 2003]
standardna armiranobetonska stropna konstrukcija
standard reinforced concrete ceiling structure
[Fri Dec 19 16:07:22 2003]
ugrađeno u marginalijama
implanted in marginalias
[Fri Dec 19 16:17:01 2003]
Tablica količine energije potrebne za proizvodnju jedne tone materijala.
Table of energy quantity necessary for the production one ton of material.
[Fri Dec 19 16:17:31 2003]
kompozit na osnovi ugljikovih vlakana
composite based on carbon fibers
[Fri Dec 19 16:18:16 2003]
Naftni ekvivalent
oil equivalent
[Fri Dec 19 16:22:52 2003]
[Fri Dec 19 16:23:07 2003]
[Fri Dec 19 16:23:50 2003]
Tablica konstrukcijske efikasnosti raznih materijala (prema D.
Table of construction efficiency of different materials (according to D.
[Fri Dec 19 16:23:52 2003]
Gordonu, 1978.)
Gordon, 1978.)
[Fri Dec 19 16:25:04 2003]
tlačnog panela zadane kritične sile
compressive panel of the given critical force
[Fri Dec 19 16:25:46 2003]
osiguranje stabilnosti cijele konstrukcije
stability insurance of the entire structure
[Fri Dec 19 16:26:39 2003]
kompoziti od ugljikovih vlakana
carbon fiber composites
[Fri Dec 19 16:29:54 2003]
U primjeru kojeg se predočava prikazane su dvije stropne konstrukcije koje su obje optimizirane.
In the illustrated example two ceiling components, both optimized, are shown.
[Fri Dec 19 16:31:50 2003]
To su dvije uobičajene stropne konstrukcije stambenih zgrada.
They are two usual ceiling components of residential buildings.
[Fri Dec 19 16:34:47 2003]
Jedna je stropna konstrukcija od spregnutih elemenata:
One is a ceiling component of composite elements:
[Fri Dec 19 16:37:24 2003]
čelični roštilj i armiranobetonska ploča armirana mrežastom armaturom.
steel grid and reinforced concrete board reinforced with mesh reinforcement.
[Fri Dec 19 16:37:28 2003]
Druga stropna konstrukcija je kasetirana armiranobetonska stropna konstrukcija.
The other ceiling component is a cassette reinforced concrete ceiling structure.
[Fri Dec 19 16:38:24 2003]
Obje konstrukcije imaju istu nosivost.
Both structures have the same bearing capacity.
[Fri Dec 19 16:43:57 2003]
Proračun je proveden za površinu 10 x 10 metara stropa.
The calculation is made for a 10 x 10 meter ceiling surface.
[Fri Dec 19 16:43:57 2003]
Na osnovu analize utroška energije u oba stropna sustava može se proračunati da u jednoj racionalno dizajniranoj standardnoj visokogradnji od armiranog betona treba u totalu svega 60% energije koja bi bila potrebna za istovjetnu zgradu od čelika (uključujući i vatrozaštitu čelika).
On the basis of the of energy use analysis in both ceiling systems, we can estimate that in one rationally designed standard building construction made from reinforced concrete only 60% of energy in total is required, which is necessary for the same steel building (including also steel fire protection).
[Fri Dec 19 16:50:04 2003]
Uključe li se u proračun i stupovi, razlika je još veća u korist armiranobetonske konstrukcije, što donosi uštedu (po cijeni) za oko 5/6 galona sirove nafte po kvadratnom metru stropa.
If we include also pillars in the calculation, the difference is even bigger in favor of the reinforced concrete structures, which makes the saving (per price) for about 5/6 of crude oil gallons per square metre of the ceiling.
[Fri Dec 19 16:50:42 2003]
Što da se kaže onda na rasipanje energije kod izvedenih armiranobetonskih konstrukcija stropnih ploča debljine 20 cm?
What can we say then about the energy waste in finished reinforced concrete structures of 20 cm floor slabs?
[Fri Dec 19 16:52:36 2003]
Slične komparacije mogu se izvesti i za druge materijale i druge konstrukcije.
Similar comparisons can be made also for other materials and other structures.
[Fri Dec 19 16:52:37 2003]
Za sada je taj pristup neuobičajen u našim realitetima.
For now this approach is unusual in our realities.
[Fri Dec 19 16:59:52 2003]
Nedavno smo komparirali jednu tipsku armiranobetonsku montažnu konstrukciju hale sastavljenu od grednih nosača, stupova (s kranskom stazom i bez nje) i obodnog zida među stupovima hale, sa istovjetnom lameliranom drvenom konstrukcijom na istovjetnim stupovima.
A while ago we compared one standard reinforced concrete prefabricated structure of a hall composed of beam supports, pillars (with a crane path and without) and boundary wall between the pillars of the hall, with the same laminated wooden structure on the same pillars.
[Fri Dec 19 17:00:14 2003]
Armiranobetonski krovni nosači su prema projektu prednapregnuti s 10 kabela (6 ravnih i 4 povijena kabela).
Reinforced concrete roof trusses are according to the project prestressed with 10 cables (6 straight and 4 bent cables).
[Fri Dec 19 17:00:51 2003]
Na tim nosačima su, prema projektu oslonjene armiranobetonske podrožnice (!)
On these girders, according to the project are supported reinforced concrete purlins !)
[Fri Dec 19 17:01:44 2003]
na koje je pričvršćen lagani pokrov od limenog sendviča.
) to which a light covering made from a tin sandwich is attached.
[Fri Dec 19 17:01:44 2003]
Ovaj dizajn smo usporedili s dizajnom krovne konstrukcije od lameliranih drvenih nosača s drvenim podrožnicama i s istim pokrovnim sendvičem i istovjetnom podkonstrukcijom.
This design was compared to the design of aroof structure made from laminated wooden girders with wooden purlins and with the same covering sandwich and same substructure.
[Fri Dec 19 17:07:06 2003]
S obzirom na utrošak energije, drveni krovni sustav je daleko racionalniji od betonskog, osim toga je i mnogo lakši, što onda ima reperkusija na cijeli sustav sve do dizajna temelja, kao i na transportne troškove prijevoza nosača od tvornice do gradilišta i na rukovanje nosačima do mjesta ugradbe.
In respect to the energy use, wooden roof system is a far more rational than a concrete one, and also much lighter, which then has its repercussions to the whole system until the design of the foundation, as well as to transportation costs of girders from the factory to the building site and to handling of girders until the installation site.
[Fri Dec 19 17:13:20 2003]
Međutim, kad se problem sagledava s gledišta proizvođača, koji ima neiskorištene kapacitete za proizvodnju armiranobetonskih konstrukcija, a ne s gledišta utroška energije i utroška masa, može se donekle shvatiti i težnja proizvođača betonskih konstrukcija za iskorištavanjem svojih slobodnih kapaciteta.
However, when the problem is observed from a manufacturer's point of view, who has unused capacities for the production of reinforced concrete structures, and not from the point of view of energy use and mass consumption, we can also understand to a certan degree aspirations of the manufacturer of concrete structures to use his free capacities.
[Mon Dec 22 09:04:07 2003]
S gledišta nacionalne ekonomije to je, međutim, pogreška, jer se time povećava ukupni nacionalni trošak energenata.
With the viewpoint of the national economy this is, however, a mistake, because in this way the total national cost of energy sources increases.
[Mon Dec 22 09:04:07 2003]
Dakle, unatoč dobronamjernim zamislima o socijalnoj skrbi i iskorištavanja lokalnih neiskorištenih kapaciteta svojega poduzeća, zajednica će biti oštećena.
Therefore, despite well-intentioned ideas about the social care and the utilization of local unused capacities of its companies, the community will suffer losses.
[Mon Dec 22 09:09:15 2003]
Da se kojim slučajem umjesto drvenih podrožnica koristilo čelične WARD podrožnice od profiliranih limova, uštede bi bile još veće.
If by chance instead of wooden purlins were used steel WARD roof purlines made from profiled sheet steel, saving would be even bigger.
[Mon Dec 22 09:17:35 2003]
Sličan slučaj neracionalnog utroška materijala vidljiv je kod konstrukcije lučkog regalnog skladišta u luci Split.
A similar case of irrational material consumption is observable with the structure of port warehouse shelf in the port of Split.
[Mon Dec 22 09:33:48 2003]
Tamo su na armiranobetonske rešetke mamutskih raspona oslonjene armiranobetonske podrožnice na koje je pričvršćen valoviti lagani aluminijski lim (!)
There we can see that on reinforced concrete trusses of great spans, reinforced concrete purlins are supported to which the corrugated light aluminum sheet metal is attached (!)
[Mon Dec 22 09:36:26 2003]
. Na stranu to, što se visokoregalni čelični sustav velike nosivosti moglo "obući" u lagano "ruho" obodnih stijena, a krov direktno osloniti na čelične regale, sama ideja o primjeni armiranobetonskih podrožnica za nošenje laganog valovitog lima je sama po sebi apsurdna i perverzna, a ovaj je projekt svojedobno nagrađen republičkom nagradom!
Not only that the high-regalia steel system of great bearing capacity could be "clothed" in light "dresses" of boundary walls, and the roof directly supported on steel wall systems, the idea about the use of reinforced concrete roof purlines for carrying light corrugated sheet metal itself is in its own absurd and perverted, but this project was once rewarded a Republic reward!
[Mon Dec 22 09:36:47 2003]
! Ovakvih primjera ima više.
There are too many examples like these.
[Mon Dec 22 09:38:28 2003]
Često se ne mogu racionalno objasniti.
They often cannot be rationally explained.
[Mon Dec 22 09:39:41 2003]
U tim primjerima ogleda se dugogodišnja netržna orijentacija privrede, devijacije nastale od nepostojanja tržišta i shodno tome loše gospodarenje resursima.
In these examples a longlasting unmarket orientation economiy, deviations developed from the market nonexistence and also a bad resource management reflect.
[Mon Dec 22 09:40:57 2003]
Naravno, izlaz je samo u striktnoj tržno orijentiranoj privredi i slobodnoj konkurenciji otvorenoj zakonima svjetskog tržišta.
Of course, the only way out is a strict market oriented towards the economy and free competition open to world market laws.
[Mon Dec 22 09:40:57 2003]
No, za to treba i vremena.
But, this takes time.
[Mon Dec 22 09:49:42 2003]
Istovjetna je i situacija s transportom teških betonskih elemenata kad se ne naplaćuje realni iznos troškova prijevoza, korištenje cesta, cijena nafte, a rad je neadekvatno plaćen.
An identical situation is observed in the transport of heavy concrete elements when a real cost of transportation, road use and oil price is not charged, and when the work is inadequately paid.
[Mon Dec 22 09:49:42 2003]
Realna uspostava cijena na razini europske zajednice i svijeta imat će drastičnih posljedica na preorijentaciju cijele struke.
The realistic price establishment at the level the European Community and world will have drastic consequences on the reorientation of the whole profession.
[Mon Dec 22 09:51:24 2003]
O ovim problemima se u obrazovanju građevinara i arhitekata premalo uči i razgovara.
In the education of building constructors and architects, these problems are insufficiently studied and talked about.
[Mon Dec 22 09:55:40 2003]
Mi moramo postati svjesni toga da su rezerve sirovina i rezerve energenata (ugljena, nafte, zemnog plina) ograničene i da neki postupci dobivanja energije uništavaju i floru i faunu planete.
We must become aware that are raw material reserves and of energy sources reserves (coal, oil, natural gas) are limited and that some procedures of obtaining the energy destroy out planet's flora and fauna.
[Mon Dec 22 09:55:49 2003]
Neracionalne odluke ubrzavaju ciklus trošenja raspoloživih resursa koji su bez sumnje ograničeni.
Irrational decisions accelerate the cycle of consuming available resources which are without doubt limited.
[Mon Dec 22 09:56:28 2003]
Postoje tzv.
There are so-called.
[Mon Dec 22 09:56:28 2003]
simulacijske igre u kojima se može simulirati scenarije budućnosti svijeta.
simulation games in which future world scenarios can be simulated.
[Mon Dec 22 09:58:33 2003]
Neracionalnost investicija često započinje već u fazi najranijeg projektiranja.
Irrationality investment often starts already in the stage of the earliest design.
[Mon Dec 22 10:00:55 2003]
Ako je investicija loše zamišljena nikakva racionalnost strukturalnog dizajna i strukturalna akrobatika ne može investiciju učiniti racionalnom:
If the investment is badly designed no rationality of structural design and structural acrobatics can make the investment rational:
[Mon Dec 22 10:00:55 2003]
možda samo malo jeftinijom u izvedbi prije startanja "pogona".
whose execution before starting the "operation" is maybe only a bit cheaper.
[Mon Dec 22 10:06:52 2003]
Suočeni s informatičkom revolucijom, suočeni smo i odlukama koje više ne mogu imati svojeg korijena u prethodno akumuliranim iskustvima i prethodno akumuliranim znanjima (na osnovi prošlih iskustava već viđenog i ranije sagrađenog), jer tih prošlih iskustava i nema.
faced with the computer revolution, we are also confronted with decisions which can no longer have its root in previously accumulated experiences and previously accumulated knowledges (on the basis of past experiences of the already seen and built earlier), because these past experiences do not exist.
[Mon Dec 22 10:07:14 2003]
Međutim, postoje opći zakoni po kojima se ravna priroda i privreda, pa se na osnovu prošlih iskustava mogu načiniti modeli, kojima se u granicama sadašnjih saznanja mogu projicirati budući događaji.
However, there are common laws according to which the nature and economy act, so models, based on past experiences, can be made whose future developments can be projected within the limits of current discoveries.
[Mon Dec 22 10:09:20 2003]
Interakcije su pritom vrlo složene.
Interactions in this matter are very complex.
[Mon Dec 22 10:09:20 2003]
U kompjutorskim simulacijama dinamike okoliša prema svjetskom modelu Forrestera, Mesarovića i Bösela, mogu se simulirati razni ulazni parametri pa proučavati posljedice unesenih vrijednosti.
In computer simulations of environment dynamics based on the world model of Forrester, Mesarović and Bösel, different entry parameters can be simulated and then the results of input values studied.
[Mon Dec 22 10:13:44 2003]
Tako je vidljivo, da pri današnjem tempu korištenja sirovina, po tzv.
So one can notice, that at the current pace of using raw materials, according to a so-called.
[Mon Dec 22 10:15:21 2003]
"status quo" scenariju, čovječanstvo je suočeno s ozbiljnim egzistencijalnim problemima življenja u svijetu budućnosti, dok se prema scenariju racionalnih korištenja sirovinskih resursa (goriva) stvari u budućnosti stoje daleko povoljnije.
"status quo" scenario, the mankind faces serious existential problems of the living in the world of the future, while matters according to the scenario of rationally using raw resources (fuels) in the future seem far more better.
[Mon Dec 22 10:15:57 2003]
Vidljiva je i u scenarij ugrađena opasnost korištenja nuklearne energije u obliku kakvog danas poznajemo.
One can also notice the danger of nuclear energy use built into the scenario in the form which we know today.
[Mon Dec 22 10:17:11 2003]
Ovakve simulacije moguće su na personalnim računalima, te bi trebale biti sastavni dio edukacije građevinskih inženjera.
Such simulations are possible on personal computers, and should be a part of civil engineers education.
[Mon Dec 22 10:19:56 2003]
Igranjem s raznim scenarijima izoštrava se osjećaj za racionalno ponašanje u našem okolišu.
By playing with different scenarios, the feeling for rational behavior in our environment improves.
[Mon Dec 22 10:19:56 2003]
Za složene i isprepletene tijekove energije vidjeti knjigu Bösel-a ili njenu reprodukciju (slika 37) u knjizi Drvene konstrukcije 2, PRETEI, Zgb, 2000.
For complex and intertwined energy flows, see the book of Bösel-or its reproduction (Figure 37) in the book Drvene konstrukcije 2, PRETEI, Zgb, 2000.
[Mon Dec 22 10:22:48 2003]
Simulacija umiranja šuma prema modelu Umweltdynamik (WELT).
Simulations of forests dying according to the Umweltdynamik (WELT) model.
[Mon Dec 22 10:22:49 2003]
Vrijeme opterećenja je tri godine.
Load time is three years.
[Mon Dec 22 10:22:53 2003]
[Mon Dec 22 10:22:54 2003]
Kritično opterećenje lišća.
Critical load of leaves.
[Mon Dec 22 10:23:03 2003]
[Mon Dec 22 10:24:29 2003]
Kritično opterećenje korijena.
Critical load of roots.
[Mon Dec 22 10:24:29 2003]
prikaz količine drvene mase i prirasta za dva simulacijska scenarija.
illustration of of wooden mass quantity and growth for two simulation scenarios.
[Mon Dec 22 10:44:34 2003]
U skupinu problema iracionalnog projektiranja i trošenja novčanih sredstava, materijala, može se uključiti i svaka neracionalna gradnja.
In the group of problems involving irrational designs and spendings of financial resources, material, also every irrational building can be included.
[Mon Dec 22 10:45:19 2003]
Sretna je okolnost ta, da mi pri današnjem pristupu rješavanju problema nemamo razvijen industrijski način masovne proizvodnje u graditeljstvu, jer bi se onda velikom brzinom mogle te iracionalnosti multiplicirati.
It is fortunate that with the today's approach to solving a problem we do not have a developed industrial method of a mass production in the building trade, because then also the irrationality could be multiplied at high speed.
[Mon Dec 22 10:45:53 2003]
Prikazuju se samo dva iracionalna pristupa građenju.
Only two irrational building approaches are shown.
[Mon Dec 22 10:45:54 2003]
Prvi, koji opisuje građenje visokoregalnog (sl.
First, describing the building of a high-regalia (fig.
[Mon Dec 22 10:51:07 2003]
skladišta već je ranije objašnjen ali s drugog aspekta, neracionalnog građenja konstrukcije krova s armiranobetonskim podrožnicama koje pridržavaju lagani valoviti aluminijski lim krova.
) warehouse was already explained earlier but from a different aspect of irrational building of roof structure with reinforced concrete roof purlines which support a light corrugated aluminum sheet metal of the roof.
[Mon Dec 22 10:52:22 2003]
Ovdje se, međutim, opisuje principijelna kriva postavka osnovne zamisli dizajna visokoregalnog skladišta.
Here, however, a fundamentally wrong assumption of the basic design idea of high shelf warehouse is described.
[Mon Dec 22 10:52:22 2003]
U drugom primjeru se pokazuje pogubnost građenja iste tipske konstrukcije hale za razne namjene.
In the second example, the danger of building same standard hall structures for different purposes is shown.
[Mon Dec 22 11:02:00 2003]
Kod visokoregalnog skladišta koje se sastoji od niza čeličnih regala velike nosivosti i velike visine (i do 12 metara), neracionalno je graditi najprije konstrukciju strukture - halu u koju će se smjestiti regali, a zatim unijeti u sagrađenu halu regale.
In a high shelf warehouse which consists of series of steel wall systems of great bearing capacity and great height (up to 12 meters), it would be irrational to build first a structure's construction hall in which wall systems will be placed, and then brought into the built hall wall system.
[Mon Dec 22 11:03:57 2003]
Graditelji razmatrajući svaki svoj problem posebno, inhibirani su graditeljskim naslijeđem i običajima da se prvo mora izgraditi hala - ovojnica, a zatim useliti sadržaj - regal, strojeve, opremu.
Builders, considering every problem separately, are inhibited by their building heritage and customs that the hall - envelope must be built first, and then move the contents - wall system, engines, equipment in.
[Mon Dec 22 11:04:17 2003]
Otuda i ideja da se prvo sagradi visoka - i veliko-rasponska konstrukcija hale, a zatim "useli" regale.
This is where the idea about building first high - and large-spanned hall structures comes from, and then "moving in" wall systems.
[Mon Dec 22 11:04:20 2003]
Taj redoslijed je poguban po financije investitora (čitaj:
This order is fatal for a finance investor (read:
[Mon Dec 22 11:05:25 2003]
vlasnika, društvo, kapital).
owner, society, capital).
[Mon Dec 22 11:08:23 2003]
Visokoregalni sustav je samonosiva konstrukcija, velike nosivosti, koja stoji na obično debeloj armiranobetonskoj ploči koja opterećenja regala prenosi na tlo.
The high-regalia system is a self-supporting structure, of great bearing capacity, which usually stands on a thick reinforced concrete board which transfers loads of wall systems to the ground.
[Mon Dec 22 11:11:03 2003]
Tom nosivom sustavu visokog regala opterećenje snijegom i vjetrom ne predstavlja neko značajno dodatno opterećenje regala.
Load of snow and wind does not represent any significant additionaly load to this bearing structure of the high wall system.
[Mon Dec 22 11:11:40 2003]
Stoga je pri racionalnom dizajnu visokoregalnog skladišta prvo potrebno sagraditi visokoregalni nosivi sustav, a onda na njega osloniti/ovjesiti jeftinu i laganu konstrukciju pokrova i stijena - zaštitnu opnu regala - halu.
Therefore, in the rational design of a high shelf warehouse, it is first necessary to build a high-regalia bearing system, and then support/suspend on it a cheap and light structure of a covering and wall - protective membrane of the wall system - a hall.
[Mon Dec 22 11:11:40 2003]
To je prikazano na skicama prikaza neracionalne i racionalne gradnje visokoregalnog skladišta.
This is shown on drawings of the illustration of irrational and rational building of high shelf warehouse.
[Mon Dec 22 11:16:11 2003]
U Podravskoj Slatini postoji jedno velikorasponsko visokoregalno skladište duhanskih bala.
In Podravska Slatina there is one long-range high shelf warehouse of tobacco balls.
[Mon Dec 22 11:22:05 2003]
Drvena konstrukcija lameliranih okvira je impresivnih dimenzija.
Wooden structure of laminated frameworks is of impressive dimensions.
[Mon Dec 22 11:29:16 2003]
A sve je to nepotrebno, jer se sasvim lagana konstrukcija obloge zaštite (opna od metala) mogla direktno osloniti na nosivu regalnu čeličnu konstrukciju.
All this is unnecessary, because an entirely light structure of protection lining (metal membrane) could be directly supported on the bearing frame structure made from shelves.
[Mon Dec 22 11:33:56 2003]
Slično je i s regalnim skladištem u luci Split, gdje je hala impresivnih dimenzija od armiranog betona s rešetkastom armiranobetonskom konstrukcijom impresivnog raspona i armiranobetonskim podrožnicama ispunjena do vrha gustom čeličnom konstrukcijom regala skladišta!
It is also similar with the warehouse shelf in the port of Split, where the hall has impressive dimensions made from the reinforced concrete with a latticed reinforced concrete structure of impressive span and from reinforced concrete roof purlines filled to the top with a dense steel structure of wall systems of warehouses!
[Mon Dec 22 11:37:16 2003]
Naravno da u konkurenciji s racionalno dizajniranim visokoregalnim skladištima ovakve konstrukcije nemaju šansi.
Of course, such structures stand no chance in competition with rationally designed high shelf warehouses.
[Mon Dec 22 11:38:14 2003]
A radi se samo o principima razmatranja problema, koordinaciji radova, prioritetima građenja i razumijevanju problema.
We are talking only about principles of problem considerations, about work coordination, building priorities and understanding of a problem.
[Mon Dec 22 11:38:14 2003]
Visokoregalno skladište je stroj, a hala je samo ovojnica koja omogućava zaštitu tog stroja i nužni manipulacijski prostor za viljuškare.
High shelf warehouse is an engine, and the hall is only an envelope which makes possible the protection of this engine and a necessary manipulatory area for forklifts.
[Mon Dec 22 11:40:56 2003]
Simulacija korištenja energije u budućnosti, nastavak prikaza s prethodne slike.
Simulations of the energy use in the future, supplement to the illustration from the previous Figure.
[Mon Dec 22 11:41:07 2003]
Prema Bösellu, Umweltdynamik.
According to Bösellu, Umweltdynamik.
[Mon Dec 22 11:41:08 2003]
Provedba dvaju simulacijskih scenarija.
Implementation of two simulation scenarios.
[Mon Dec 22 11:41:50 2003]
[Mon Dec 22 11:41:52 2003]
scenarij linearne ekstrapolacije današnjeg trenda trošenja resursa, STATUS QUO scenarij.
scenario of linear extrapolation of current resource spending trend, the STATUS QUO scenario.
[Mon Dec 22 11:42:00 2003]
[Mon Dec 22 11:43:19 2003]
simulacija boljeg korištenja resursa.
simulation of a better resource use.
[Mon Dec 22 11:43:19 2003]
Prikazano je ukupno trošenje energije, korištenje regenerativne energije, nuklearne energije i struje.
Total energy spending, use of regenerative energy, nuclear energy and power are shown.
[Mon Dec 22 12:22:55 2003]
LIO geodetske kupole, industrijski proizvod laganih konstrukcija od prostorne mreže aluminijskih cijevi i ovješene membrane od trevire
LIO geodetic domes, industrial product made from light structures of spatial meshes of aluminium pipes and suspended trevira membrane