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[Thu Dec 04 16:43:01 2003]
Ovdje se daje samo kratki tablični pregled vrijednosti dobivenih u STEP 5 programima
A short tabular review of values obtained in STEP 5 programs is given here

[Thu Dec 04 16:48:14 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 17:05:14 2003]
Suvremene drvene konstrukcije su "nove" samo u smislu primjene drveta, spajala i materijala od drveta te po koncepcijama prostornog sudjelovanja elemenata u cjelini.
Modern wooden structures are "new" only in the sense of the use of timber, fasteners and wooden materials, and in conceptions of spacial participation of elements in a unit.

[Thu Dec 04 17:08:05 2003]
Niz tesarskih konstrukcija, u kojima obično dominira masa piljenje i tesane građe (ponekad zadivljujućih dimenzija) s kroničnim nedostatkom spajala u čvorovima, u kojima je drvo naponski pretežno neiskorišteno, nezaštićeno od napada insekata, gljivica i požara, učinilo je dosta štete afirmaciji drvenih konstrukcija u nas.
Series of carpenter structures, where a mass of sawn and square timber (sometimes of astonishing dimensions) usually dominates, with the chronical lack of fasteners in nodes, where wood is tensionally mainly unused, without protection from the attacks of insects, fungi and fires, have done a lot of damage to the affirmation of wooden structures in our country.

[Thu Dec 04 17:10:14 2003]
Uvriježilo se mišljenje da drvo nije dovoljno trajan materijal, da gori i da je skupo.
It became common to think that wood is not permanent enough material, that it burns and that it is expensive.

[Thu Dec 04 17:12:04 2003]
Osim toga, od spajala većinom se osim tesarskih veza poznaju samo vijci, čavli i skobe.
Furthermore, fastener that are known, apart from carpenter connections, are only screws, nails and clamps.

[Thu Dec 04 17:12:04 2003]
Uzgred rečeno, vijci se ne mogu računati kao nosiva spajala ukoliko u spoju nije osigurana mogućnost njihova naknadnog pritezanja u toku eksploatacije objekta
By the way, screws cannot be counted as bearing fasteners if a connection does not allow the possibility of their subsequent fastening during the exploitation of a building

[Thu Dec 04 17:42:14 2003]
Često u tim tesarskim konstrukcijama nema ni odgovarajućih podložnih pločica vijaka.
Very often those carpenter structures do not contain adequate washers of screws.

[Thu Dec 04 17:42:28 2003]
Malo se zna o drugim spajalima i patentnim moždanicima, nazubljenim i narovašenim pločama (na primjer "GANGNAIL", "MENNING", "WOLF" i sl.)
Little it is known about other fasteners and patented connectors, indented and corrugated boards (for example, "GANGNAIL", "MENNING", "WOLF" etc.)

[Thu Dec 04 17:43:09 2003]
, a ljepilo se koristi uglavnom u lameliranim lijepljenim konstrukcijama.
), and glue is used mainly in laminated glued structures.

[Thu Dec 04 17:45:56 2003]
Unatoč tome, ostvarene su vrlo smione tesarske konstrukcije, velikih raspona.
In spite of that, some very bold carpenter structures, of large spans, were realized.

[Fri Dec 05 10:58:17 2003]
I nedavne nezgode modernih drvenih konstrukcija:
And recent accidents of modern wooden structures:

[Fri Dec 05 11:03:53 2003]
urušenja i havarije nekih drvenih konstrukcija (primjerice u Osijeku, Plitvicama, Novom Sadu, Ličkom Osiku te okolici Zagreba), i požari (npr.
collapses and damages of some wooden structures (for example, in Osijek, Plitvice, Novi Sad, Lički Osik and Zagreb surroundings), and fires (e.g.

[Fri Dec 05 11:14:06 2003]
požar krovišta direkcije ŽTP-a u Zagrebu, požar u tvornici Krivaja u Zavidovićima, na bivšem Zagrebačkom velesajmu, sada Studenski centar, i drugdje), učinile su podosta antipropagande u trenutku u kojem je drvenim konstrukcijama trebala afirmacijska propaganda.
fire of the roof of the railway management in Zagreb, fire in the factory Krivaja in Zavidovići, on former Zagreb Fair, now Student centre, and elsewhere), have caused a lot of negative publicity at the moment when wooden structures needed positive propaganda.

[Fri Dec 05 11:15:30 2003]
Požar krovišta direkcije ŽTP-a u Zagrebu, kao i požar hale u Studentskom centru sigurno nije pridonio našim uvjeravanjima nadležnih organa i investitora u "negorivost" konstrukcija od drveta, bez obzira što se stjecajem niza okolnosti požar razvio u vatrenu stihiju, a drvo nije ni s čim bilo zaštićeno od požara, što je pristup krovu bio nedostupan i što su protupožarne mjere bile manjkave.
Fire on the roof of the railway managements in Zagreb, as well as fire of hte hall in the Student centre surely did not contribute to our persuasions of competent bodies and investors that wooden structures are uninflammable, regardless of the fact that by a combination of coincidences, fire spread greatly, and wood was not protected from fire, the roof was inaccessible and fire-prevention measures were imperfect.

[Fri Dec 05 11:16:44 2003]
No, neke druge havarije i katastrofe objekata građenih od betona i čelika (npr.
But, some other damages and disasters of objects made from concrete and steel (e.g.

[Fri Dec 05 11:19:18 2003]
požar u betonskom skladištu IGP Graditelja u Vinkovcima i požar paromlina u Zagrebu) izjednačile su ravnotežu na vagi negativnih efekata;
fire in the concrete warehouse of the company Graditelj in Vinkovci and fire in the steam-mill in Zagreb) balanced the scales of negative effects;

[Fri Dec 05 11:19:18 2003]
ustanovljeno je da se loše dizajnirane, loše održavane i loše izvedene konstrukcije kao i loša protupožarna zaštita, loši postupci montaže i nadzora, ponašaju u skladu s reološkim svojstvima materijala konstrukcije
it was established that poorly designed, poorly maintained and poorly built structures, as well as inadequate fire protection, poor procedures of assembly and supervision, behave in accordance with rheological material properties of structures

[Fri Dec 05 11:26:51 2003]
U drvenim konstrukcijama, što se požara tiče, najprije će u požaru stradati čelični dijelovi u drvenim konstrukcijama.
In wooden structures, when it comes to fire, steel parts in wooden structures will be damaged first.

[Fri Dec 05 11:27:31 2003]
Za urušavanje konstrukcija pod opterećenjem ili pri montaži, obično su krivi detalji;
Collapses of structures under load or during assembly, can usually be blamed on details;

[Fri Dec 05 11:27:31 2003]
ili odabrani način montaže, ili nepridržavanje uobičajenih uzanci dizajna
either the selected method of assembly, or noncompliance with the usual customs of design

[Fri Dec 05 11:38:56 2003]
Međutim, kod svih tih nezgoda postoji jedna razlika između drvenih konstrukcija i konstrukcija od drugih materijala.
However, in all those accidents there is a difference between wooden structures and structures made from other materials.

[Fri Dec 05 11:40:02 2003]
Ne mala je razlika u tome da se čelik i metali mogu reciklirati, opeka djelomice, ponovno iskoristiti, drvo se može reciklirati (rezanjem, piljenjem, rastavljanjem), te se iz njega gorenjem može dobiti energija za druge potrebe, dok se armirani beton za sada prikladno ne može ekonomski opravdano reciklirati.
The small difference lies in the fact that steel and metal can be recycled, brick can be partly reused, wood can be recycled (by cutting, sawing, taking to piceses), and by burning it it is possible to obtain the energy for other purposes, while reinforced concrete for now cannot be properly recycled in an economically justified way.

[Fri Dec 05 11:41:39 2003]
Čelik je u betonu "zarobljen" za "vječna" vremena.
Steel is forever "captured" in the concrete.

[Fri Dec 05 11:43:12 2003]
Istina, postoje pokušaji da se armirani beton reciklira drobljenjem, a u njemu "zarobljeni" čelik izvadi i reciklira.
True, there are still some attempts to recycle reinforced concrete by crushing it, and to take out and recycle the steel "captured" in it.

[Fri Dec 05 11:43:37 2003]
Recikliranje konstrukcija vrlo je aktualno u zemljama s propulzivnim ekonomijama.
Structure recycling is very topical in countries with propulsive economies.

[Fri Dec 05 11:43:53 2003]
Taj je problem aktualan i u izvanrednim okolnostima;
This problem is topical in extraordinary situations;

[Fri Dec 05 11:46:37 2003]
ratovima i ratnim razaranjima, potresima, kataklizmama.
wars and war devastations, earthquakes, cataclysms.

[Fri Dec 05 11:48:12 2003]
.. Tek kad se suočimo s problemima uklanjanja ostataka mostova, koji ili više ne zadovoljavaju potrebe današnjice (standarda življenja, proizvodnih procesa i odnosa, prometa i dr.)
Only when we are confronted with problems of removing the remains of bridges, which either do not satisfy the requirements of today (the standard of living, production processes and relations, traffic etc.)

[Fri Dec 05 11:48:47 2003]
, sigurnosti, ili koje kao urušene objekte zbog ratnih razaranja treba ukloniti, postajemo svjesni tog problema:
), safety, or which need to be removed as objects ruined because of war destructions, we become aware of that problem:

[Fri Dec 05 11:49:24 2003]
kako neki objekt ili ruševinu ukloniti?
how do we remove some building or ruin?

[Fri Dec 05 11:49:49 2003]
Postoji mišljenje da je beton materijal socijalističke ere društvenih odnosa;
There is a view that concrete is the material of the socialist era of social relations;

[Fri Dec 05 11:49:49 2003]
rezultat niske ili subvencionirane energije i slabo plaćene radne snage
the result of low or subsidized energy and poorly paid work force

[Fri Dec 05 11:56:56 2003]
Današnja, u svijetu prisutna rušenja nekih stambenih i uredskih zgrada, pa i rušenja cijelih blokova, pri izgradnji novih naselja ili gradnji prometnica, nagovještaji su jednog permanentnog procesa izmjene i rasta.
Present-day demolitions of some residential and office buildings, and demolitions of entire blocks of flats, when new settlements or roads are built, are the indications of a permanent process of modification and development.

[Fri Dec 05 11:56:56 2003]
Danas se pri urušavanju susrećemo s kudikamo manjim problemima od onih koji nas očekuju u budućnosti
Today, during demolition we encounter problems less significant than those that we can expect in the future

[Fri Dec 05 12:36:34 2003]
Dio objekata se mora ukloniti i zbog propadanja objekata uzrokovanog korozijama materijala.
Some parts of objects must be removed because of deterioration of buildings caused by corrosion of material.

[Fri Dec 05 12:42:29 2003]
Kuda i što s golemim količinama materijala kao što su beton i armirani beton u kojem su "zabetonirane" velike količine otpadnog čelika.
Where and what to do with large quantities of material, such as concrete and reinforced concrete in which large amounts of waste steel are "cemented".

[Fri Dec 05 12:43:26 2003]
Kuda s golemim količinama šute i otpada (oko 100 tona mase po stambenoj jedinici) za transport kojih je potrebna energija.
What to do with large quantities of rubble and waste (around 100 tons of mass per residential unit) whose transportation requires energy.

[Fri Dec 05 12:43:26 2003]
A to će se sve događati u vremenu u kojem će energija biti skupa, a metala nedovoljno
All of that will take place at a time when energy will be expensive, and there will not be enough material

[Fri Dec 05 12:50:46 2003]
Primarni ciljevi neprijatelja u vojnim sukobima su baš mamut zgrade i mostovi.
Main goals of enemies in military conflicts are mammoth buildings and bridges.

[Fri Dec 05 12:53:44 2003]
I napokon, u svijetu se određen broj takvih konstrukcija redovno urušava, ili ih treba zamijeniti.
Finally, a certain number of such structures over the world collapses regularly, or they must be replaced.

[Fri Dec 05 12:56:48 2003]
Drugi tip konstrukcija u kojima materijali kao čelik i armirani beton ne zadovoljavaju jesu objekti u agresivnim sredinama kemijskih industrija.
Another type of structures, in which materials such as steel and reinforced concrete are not satisfactory, are buildings in hostile environments of chemical industry.

[Fri Dec 05 12:56:48 2003]
Niz armiranobetonskih hala u kemijskim industrijama trebat će uskoro zamijeniti drugim konstrukcijama od materijala otpornih na koroziju
Series of reinforced concrete halls in chemical industry will soon have to be replaced with other structures made from corrosion-resistant material

[Fri Dec 05 13:01:32 2003]
Danas nismo u poziciji graditi "vječne" objekte za buduće generacije, čije potrebe danas teško možemo i anticipirati.
Today we are not in the position to build "everlasting" objects for future generations, whose needs can hardly anticipated now.

[Fri Dec 05 13:01:32 2003]
Govoriti o objektima koji vječno traju pokazuje nedostatak osjećaja za vrijeme, povijest, društvena kretanja i realitet zbivanja
To talk about objects that last forever shows a lack of sense of time, history, social trends and reality

[Fri Dec 05 14:21:00 2003]
Ne tako davna urušenja nekih objekata, na primjer mosta preko Dunava u Beču, betonske hale u Berlinu, mosta u Dortmundu (udar kamiona u stup nadvožnjaka nad autocestom), starog mosta preko Korane, brane Teton, silosa za cement u Splitu, te ratnih rušenja mosta preko Drave u Osijeku, mosta Maslenica i drugih mostova na prometnicama Hrvatske, pa buduća razgrađivanja nerentabilnih objekata (Obrovac), koksare u Bakru, uništenih kapaciteta (tvornica aluminija u Šibeniku), LIO tvornice u Osijeku, te urušenja zgrade WTC-a u New York-u i niza drugih objekata, ukazuju na svu kompleksnost te problematike
Recent collapses of some buildings, for example, bridge over Danube in Vienna, concrete hall in Berlin, bridge in Dortmund (a truck clashed into the column of the overpass above the motorway), old bridge over Korana, dam Teton, silo for cement in Split, and war destruction of the bridge over Drava in Osijek, bridge Maslenica and other bridges on roads in Croatia, and future deconstruction of unprofitable objects (Obrovac), coke plant in Bakar, destroyed facilities (factory of aluminum in Šibenik), factory LIO in Osijek, and the collapse of WTC buildings in New York and series of other objects, indicate the complexity of the issue

[Fri Dec 05 14:29:50 2003]
Međutim, u današnjim naziranjima u projektiranju i dizajnu objekata u ekonomskom vrednovanju naših građevina mi o faktoru "smrti objekta" (prirodnoj, slučajnoj, nasilnoj) ne vodimo dovoljnu brigu.
However, in current trends in design of objects, and in the economic evaluation of our buildings, we do not take enough care about the factor of "death of an object" (natural, random, violent).

[Fri Dec 05 14:30:43 2003]
Pa i današnja ekonomska kriza i stagnacija jedan je aspekt tog dosadašnjeg ponašanja i odguravanja naših obveza na nove generacije.
Event the current economic crisis and stagnation is one aspect of that kind of behavior and of passing our commitments to future generations.

[Fri Dec 05 14:30:43 2003]
Neke buduće događaje se i ne može predvidjeti, ali se mogu zamisliti neki scenariji tih događaja
Some future events cannot be foreseen, but some scenarios of those events can be imagined

[Fri Dec 05 14:38:06 2003]
Pokusi izgaranja lameliranih nosača.
Experiments with the combustion of laminated beams.

[Fri Dec 05 14:38:55 2003]
Izvorne dimenzije nosača su 16x40 cm.
Original dimensions of the beam are 16x40 cm.

[Fri Dec 05 14:38:55 2003]
Prikazuju se presjeci nosača nakon 30 minuta gorenja
Sections of the beam after 30 minutes of burning are shown

[Fri Dec 05 14:43:40 2003]
Usporedni prikazi nosivosti nosača (u % od prvotne nosivosti nosača), trajanja požarnog opterećenja (u minutama) i porasta temperature u odnosu na vrijeme trajanja požara.
Parallel presentation of bearing capacity of the beam (in % of the original bearing capacity), duration of fire load (in minutes) and temperature rise in relation to the duration of fire.

[Fri Dec 05 14:45:52 2003]
Prikazane su vrijednosti pada nosivosti drvenih nosača izloženih savijanju dimenzija poprečnog presjeka (6 x 10 cm i 2,5 x 5 cm.
It presents values of the decrease of bearing capacity of wooden beams exposed to bending of the cross section dimensions (6 x 10 cm and 2,5 x 5 cm.

[Fri Dec 05 14:46:46 2003]
Zbog usporedbe prikazani su i dijagrami pada nosivosti čelične i aluminijske konstrukcije u odnosu na trajanje požara.
For comparison, it presents diagrams of the decrease of bearing capacity of the steel and aluminum structure in relation to the duration of fire.

[Fri Dec 05 14:46:58 2003]
1) krivulja odnosa vrijeme - temperatura;
1) curve of the relation time - temperature;

[Fri Dec 05 14:47:05 2003]
2) aluminijska konstrukcija;
2) aluminum structure;

[Fri Dec 05 14:48:14 2003]
3) čelična konstrukcija;
3) steel structure;

[Fri Dec 05 14:48:32 2003]
4) drveni vezač 2,5x5;
4) wooden truss 2,5x5;

[Fri Dec 05 14:48:38 2003]
5) drveni vlačni štap 2,5x5;
5) wooden tensile member 2,5x5;

[Fri Dec 05 14:48:54 2003]
6) drveni vezač 6x10;
6) wooden truss 6x10;

[Fri Dec 05 14:50:15 2003]
7) drveni vlačni štap 6x10 cm;
7) wooden tensile member 6x10 cm;

[Fri Dec 05 14:50:37 2003]
a) nosivost nosača u % prvobitne nosivosti;
a) bearing capacity of the beam in % of the original bearing capacity;

[Fri Dec 05 14:50:42 2003]
b) vrijeme u minutama od početka požara;
b) time in minutes from the beginning of the fire;

[Fri Dec 05 14:50:42 2003]
c) temperatura oC
c) temperature OC

[Fri Dec 05 15:07:03 2003]
Dijagram odnosa zavisnosti zapaljivosti drveta i temperature.
Diagram of dependence ratio of wood inflammability and of temperature.

[Fri Dec 05 15:08:12 2003]
Kad je temperatura drveta veća od 400 oC iz njega izlazi sva vlaga i započinje raspadanje organske materije i stvaranje lako gorivih spojeva.
When wood temperature goes over 400 OC, it looses all humidity and decomposition of organic matter begins, and easily flammable compounds are formed.

[Fri Dec 05 15:08:52 2003]
Drvo s 18% do 40% vlage pali se na temperaturi od 175 oC do 200 oC u roku od oko 15 do 40 minuta.
Wood with 18% to 40% of humidity is burnt at the temperature from 175 OC to 200 OC, in 15 to 40 minutes.

[Fri Dec 05 15:08:52 2003]
Pri temperaturi većoj od 400 oC drvo se pali trenutačno
At the temperature higher than 400 OC, woods is burnt instantly

[Fri Dec 05 15:16:27 2003]
Dijagram zavisnosti vremena gorenja drveta i dubine karbonizacije.
Dependence diagram of wood burning time and the depth of carbonization.

[Fri Dec 05 15:20:56 2003]
Brzine sagorijevanja drveta nalaze se između 0,06 cm/min i 0,08 cm/min.
Wood burning speed is between 0,06 cm/min and 0,08 cm/min.

[Fri Dec 05 15:23:22 2003]
To znači da ako se žele dimenzije presjeka otpornog na požar trajanja 30 minuta odnosno 60 minuta, treba dimenzije poprečnog presjeka nosača povećati za odgovarajuće iznose dubine karbonizacije površina izloženih požaru.
This means that if we want dimensions of a section resistant to fire lasting 30, i.e. 60 minutes, we need to increase the dimensions of the cross section of the beam by the appropriate amount of the depth of carbonization of areas exposed to fire.

[Fri Dec 05 15:23:44 2003]
Za presjeke izložene požaru trajanja 30 minuta dimenzije izložene požaru treba povećati za oko 9,6 cm.
For sections exposed to fire lasting 30 minutes, dimensions exposed to fire must be increased by around 9,6 cm.

[Fri Dec 05 15:23:52 2003]
a) dubina karbonizacije drveta;
a) depth of the wood carbonization;

[Fri Dec 05 15:24:07 2003]
b) vrijeme u požaru;
b) time in fire;

[Fri Dec 05 15:24:07 2003]
c) brzina sagorijevanja drva
c) wood burning speed

[Fri Dec 05 15:26:57 2003]
Dijagrami promjena odnosa čvrstoće i modula elastičnosti drveta i porasta temperature.
Diagrams of changes in relations of strength and the elastic modulus of wood and the temperature increase.

[Fri Dec 05 15:26:57 2003]
Prosječni koeficijenti provodljivosti topline drveta kreću se kod 20oC u sljedećim granicama
Average coefficients of thermal conductance of wood are around 20 oC within the following limits

[Fri Dec 05 15:28:40 2003]
u podužnom smjeru od
in the longitudinal direction from

[Fri Dec 05 15:32:32 2003]
Požarom uništena čelična konstrukcija paromlina u Zagrebu
Steel structure of the steam-mill in Zagreb destroyed by fire

[Fri Dec 05 15:33:34 2003]
Namjerno, plansko razaranje 30 - katnog nebodera u Sao Paolu (Brazil), nakon 40 dana priprema
Intentional, planned demolition of the 30-storey skyscraper in Sao Paolo (Brazil), after 40 days of preparations

[Fri Dec 05 15:36:44 2003]
Preostale ruševine 30 - katnog nebodera u Sao Paolu nakon miniranja zgrade.
The remains of the 30-storey skyscraper in Sao Paolo after it was blown up.

[Fri Dec 05 15:36:53 2003]
Rušenje je izvelo poduzeće CDI.
Demolition was carried out by the company CDI.

[Fri Dec 05 15:38:02 2003]
Razlozi rušenja:
Reasons for demolition:

[Fri Dec 05 15:39:00 2003]
zgrada više nije zadovoljavala potrebe vremena.
the building did not meet the requirements of time.

[Fri Dec 05 15:39:00 2003]
Zbog takvih razloga ruše se cijeli gradski blokovi
The entire city blocks are being demolished for those reasons

[Fri Dec 05 15:46:43 2003]
Primjer simuliranja korištenja ugljena do 2100 godine.
The example of coal utilization simulation utilization until the year 2100.

[Fri Dec 05 15:47:09 2003]
Prema simulacijskom modelu svijeta WELT Boessela.
According to the simulation model of the world of WELT Boessel.

[Fri Dec 05 15:47:37 2003]
Prikazane su rezerve ugljena, ponuda i godišnja potrošnja.
It presents the reserves of coal, offer and yearly consumption.

[Fri Dec 05 15:48:07 2003]
Ugljen je jedna od osnovnih sirovina za dobivanje energije.
Coal is one of the basic raw materials for obtaining energy.

[Fri Dec 05 15:48:19 2003]
Slična je situacija i s naftom, zemnim plinom i drugim energentima.
The similar situation is with oil, natural gas and other energy sources.

[Fri Dec 05 15:49:16 2003]
Jedini obnovljivi resursi jesu biomase.
The only renewable resources are biomasses.

[Fri Dec 05 15:49:16 2003]
Prema modelu WELT čovječanstvo se svjesno odriče energije atoma barem na ovaj način, kako se ta energija danas koristi
According to WELT model, humankind consciously gives up the atomic energy, at least in a way in which it is now used

[Fri Dec 05 16:00:21 2003]
Problem recikliranja materijala i cijelih objekata jedan je od aktualnih problema, u na primjer, izrazito seizmičkim područjima.
The problem of recycling materials and entire buildings is one of current problems, especially in, for example, highly seismic areas.

[Fri Dec 05 16:01:43 2003]
Međutim, i o tom se nedovoljno misli pri gradnji u seizmičkim područjima.
However, it is not adequatly taken into account in construction in seismic areas.

[Fri Dec 05 16:01:43 2003]
Obično se nakon potresa izvode gradnje slične kao što su one urušene umjesto da se gradi drugim materijalima i s drugom koncepcijom
Usually, after earthquakes, buildings similar to those collapsed are built, instead of using other materials and other concepts

[Fri Dec 05 16:03:40 2003]
Prema istraživanjima R.
According to research by R.

[Fri Dec 05 16:03:49 2003]
Pagea, J.
Page, J.

[Fri Dec 05 16:03:56 2003]
Blumea i W.
Blume and W.

[Fri Dec 05 16:05:44 2003]
Joynera, zgrade od drvenih okvira pretrpjele su u potresu snošljiva oštećenja u odnosu prema zgradama od drugih materijala.
Joynera, buildings from wooden frames suffered tolerable damage during earthquakes, in relation to buildings from other materials.

[Fri Dec 05 16:05:44 2003]
To je vidljivo iz priložene tablice
This is clear from the accompanying table

[Fri Dec 05 16:07:06 2003]
Modificirana Merkalijeva skala intenziteta potresa
Modified Mercalli scale of earthquake intensity

[Fri Dec 05 16:43:30 2003]
Faktor cijene razaranja (za strukturalne i ostale elemente) za jednu površinu definiran je kao ukupna cijena koštanja obnove, podijeljena ukupnom cijenom supstitucije građevine.
Destruction cost factor (for structural and other elements) for one area is defined as the full cost price of reconstruction, divided by the full cost price of building substitution.

[Fri Dec 05 16:46:37 2003]
Istraživanja pokazuju da taj faktor cijene razaranja iznosi oko 1% za spektralno ubrzanje od 0.6g (sa 5% prigušenja) za niske stambene zgrade, a 2 do 3% za ubrzanja od 1.0g za visoke građevine.
Research shows that this destruction cost factor is around 1% for spectral acceleration of 0.6g (with 5%attenuation) for small residential buildings, and 2 to 3% for accelerations of 1.0g for tall buildings.

[Fri Dec 05 16:46:37 2003]
Za visoke građevine faktor cijene razaranja nesrazmjerno je veći u odnosu prema razini spektralnog ubrzanja kod osnovnih perioda visokih zgrada
For tall buildings, destruction cost factor is disproportionally larger in relation to the level of spectral acceleration with basic periods of tall buildings

[Fri Dec 05 16:53:53 2003]
Primjer urušene drvene rešetkaste konstrukcije manjeg raspona.
Example of a collapsed wooden framework of a smaller span.

[Fri Dec 05 16:54:27 2003]
Konstrukcija je bila sračunata kao ravninska rešetka, a izvela se kao okvirna konstrukcija s kontinuiranim pojasevima za koje se ekscentrično priključilo štapove ispune.
The structure was calculated as a plane truss, and it was realized as a frame structure with continuous flanges with eccentrically connected diagonal bars.

[Fri Dec 05 16:55:15 2003]
Kontrola parazitnih napona u čvorovima nije bila provedena.
Control of parasite stresses in nodes was not carried out.

[Fri Dec 05 16:56:38 2003]
Poprečan sila u čvoru presjekla je pojaseve nosača pri izvanredno velikom opterećenju snijegom.
The transversal force in the node cut the girder flanges in the event of extraordinary heavy snow load.

[Fri Dec 05 16:56:38 2003]
Ovako urušena konstrukcija lako se uklanja i zamjenjuje novom, a materijal urušene rešetke može se upotrijebiti kao gorivo drvo
The structure collapsed in this way is easily removed and replaced by a new one, and the material of the ruined truss can be used as flammable wood

[Mon Dec 08 09:37:00 2003]
Skladište IPK Osijek prije ratnih razaranja.
Warehouse of IPK Osijek before war destructions.

[Mon Dec 08 09:37:16 2003]
Statički sustav je trozglobni luk sa zategom.
Statical system is the three-hinged arch with the grappling.

[Mon Dec 08 09:41:25 2003]
Raspon konstrukcije je 20 m.
Span of the structure is 20 m.

[Mon Dec 08 09:42:03 2003]
Slični se objekti koriste za farme krava, industrijske objekte i objekte sličnih namjena.
Similar buildings are used for cow farms, industrial plants and facilities of a similar intended use.

[Mon Dec 08 09:42:03 2003]
Konstrukciju je izveo "GAJ" iz Voćina
The structure was built by the company "GAJ" from Voćin

[Mon Dec 08 09:43:53 2003]
Industrijsko skladište kemijske industrije "Zorka" u Subotici.
Industrial warehouse of the chemical company "Zorka" in Subotica.

[Mon Dec 08 09:44:10 2003]
Statički sustav je trozglobni okvir.
Statical system is a three-hinged framework.

[Mon Dec 08 09:44:25 2003]
Raspon konstrukcije je 44.5 metara.
The span of the structure is 44.5 meters.

[Mon Dec 08 09:44:25 2003]
Izvelo poduzeće "GAJ" iz Voćina
Built by the company " GAJ " from Voćin

[Mon Dec 08 09:47:57 2003]
Način transporta vezača za halu industrijskog skladišta "Zorka" u Subotici.
Method of transportation of the binder for the hall of the industrial warehouse "Zorka" in Subotica.

[Mon Dec 08 09:47:57 2003]
Za prijevoz armirano-betonskih konstrukcija istovjetnih dimenzija potrebno je mnogo više energije, goriva, vremena i novca
Transportation of reinforced-concrete structures of identical dimensions requires much more energy, fuel, time and money

[Mon Dec 08 09:51:54 2003]
Konačno i nekoliko provokativnih pitanja:
And finally, some provocative questions:

[Mon Dec 08 09:52:14 2003]
jeste li ikada vidjeli automobil razoren potresnim valom, potresom razoren kontejner, pneumatsku halu razorenu potresom?
have you ever have seen a car destroyed by an earthquake, a container destroyed by an earthquake, a pneumatic hall destroyed by an earthquake?

[Mon Dec 08 09:52:50 2003]
Jeste li vidjeli geodetsku kupolu razorenu potresom?
Have you ever seen a geodetic dome destroyed by an earthquake?

[Mon Dec 08 09:52:50 2003]
Koliko je drvenih kuća izdržalo potrese najjačih intenziteta?
How many wooden houses have survived earthquakes of strongest intensity?

[Mon Dec 08 10:02:58 2003]
U svakom pogledu drvo je energetski povoljan materijal za građenje, ne samo što se tiče recikliranja i regeneracije već i u proizvodnji proizvoda od drveta.
By all means, wood is energy-favorable material for building, not only in respect to recycling and regeneration, but also in the manufacture of wooden product.

[Mon Dec 08 10:03:41 2003]
Drvna industrija i proizvodnja drvenih konstrukcija i proizvoda od drva energetski je samodovoljna, čak i suficitarna energijom.
Wood industry and the manufacture of wooden structures and wood products are self-sufficient in terms of energy, even surplus in energy.

[Mon Dec 08 10:05:38 2003]
Konstrukcije od drva mogu se sagraditi brzo, a i lako se demontiraju, ako se za to ukaže potreba.
Structures made from wood can be built quickly, and they can be easily disassembled, if necessary.

[Mon Dec 08 10:06:21 2003]
U svijetu se masovno proizvode tipske konstrukcije malih krovišta zgrada, cijele zgrade, paneli, a isto tako se industrijski proizvode konstrukcije za veće objekte ili elementi za takve objekte.
Around the world, standard structures of small roofs of buildings, whole buildings and panels are produced on a large scale, and also, structures for larger facilities or elements for such facilities are manufactured.

[Mon Dec 08 10:06:21 2003]
Naravno postoje i tablice proizvođača takvih elemenata, kojima se lako služimo u dizajnu
Naturally, there are tables of manufacturers of such elements, which can be easily used in designing

[Mon Dec 08 10:20:28 2003]
I kod nas u Zavodu za metalne i drvene konstrukcije bivšeg Fakulteta građevinskih znanosti u Zagrebu učinjene su takve tablice za brojne lamelirane nosače.
Here, in the Department for metal and wooden structures of the former Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, such tables were made for numerous laminated beams.

[Mon Dec 08 10:20:29 2003]
Tablice je preko FORTRAN-skog programa generirao inž.
Tables were, through FORTRAN program, generated by

[Mon Dec 08 10:21:29 2003]
Haiman u okviru svog diplomskog rada.
Haiman, eng., in his graduation thesis.

[Mon Dec 08 10:21:51 2003]
Tim se tablicama služi i industrija lameliranih nosača.
Laminated beams industry uses those tables.

[Mon Dec 08 10:23:56 2003]
Načinjen je nedavno i ekspertni sustav iste namjene.
An expert system of the same purpose was made recently.

[Mon Dec 08 10:24:38 2003]
Nešto slično načinjeno je i za sustave od lameliranog lijepljenog drveta.
Something similar was made for systems made from GLULAM.

[Mon Dec 08 10:24:38 2003]
Načinjeni su i tipski projekti standardiziranih geodetskih kupola, mrežastih konstrukcija od metala i polimera (LIO-hale, LIO Osijek)
Standard projects of standardized geodetic domes were made, as well as mesh structures from metals and polymers (LIO-halls, LIO Osijek)

[Mon Dec 08 10:32:25 2003]
Također je nedavno na Građevinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu razvijen i ekspertni sustav za automatsko dimenzioniranje optimalnih 3D hala sastavljenih od drvenih podrožnica, lameliranih nosača, čeličnih I stupova, čeličnih X stabilizacijskih i vjetrovnih vezova od okruglih profila, fasadnih L profila i betonskih temelja koristeći ljusku GURU.
Recently, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, an expert system was developed, for automatic dimensioning of optimal 3D halls composed of wooden purlins, laminated beams, steel I columns, steel X stabilization and wind binders of round profile, facade L profiles and concrete foundations using the GURU shell.

[Mon Dec 08 10:32:46 2003]
U ES su integrirani prijedlozi novog Eurocode 5 standarda.
ES contains proposals of the new EUROCODE 5 standard.

[Mon Dec 08 10:35:49 2003]
Također je nešto ranije sačinjen ES za dizajn optimalnih 3D drvenih hala složenih od dvozglobnih i trozglobnih okvira koji je bio izrađen u okviru diplomskih radova inž.
Prior to that, ES for the design of optimal 3D wooden halls composed of two-hinged and three-hinged frameworks was created by engineers Petrinić and Miljko.

[Mon Dec 08 10:37:51 2003]
Nedavno je u okviru doktorske disertacije A.
Recently, in her doctoral dissertations, A.

[Mon Dec 08 10:39:28 2003]
Bjelanović (2001.)
Bjelanović (2001)

[Mon Dec 08 10:39:28 2003]
razvijen ekspertni sustav prikaza EC 5 standarda, kao i E sustav za dimenzioniranje lameliranih nosača 3D krovnog sustava, korištenjem neuralne mreže naučene na ES EC 5 i FE modelima generiranih FEA programom COSMOS/M
Bjelanović (2001) developed an expert system of presenting EC 5 standards, as well as an expert system for dimensioning of laminated beams of a 3D roof system, using the neural network learned on ES EC 5 and FE models generated by FEA program COSMOS/M

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:50 2003]
Razvijene industrijske zemlje proizvode tipske elemente, a to nije nikakva slučajnost, već pravilo ponašanja.
Developed industrial countries manufacture standard elements, and it is not a coincidence, it is a rule of behavior.

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:50 2003]
Danas im pri tom pomažu i roboti
Nowadays they even use the help of robots

[Mon Dec 08 10:53:19 2003]
U svijetu je razvijena i industrija spajala (moždanika, spojnih limova i sl.)
In the world, there is a developed industry of fasteners (dowels, connecting sheet metals etc.)

[Mon Dec 08 10:54:00 2003]
koja omogućuju brzo i efikasno spajanje drvenih elemenata u cjelinu.
) which enable quick and efficient joining of wooden elements into one unit.

[Mon Dec 08 10:55:02 2003]
Niz tih spajala je patentiran.
Many of those fasteners are patented.

[Mon Dec 08 10:55:33 2003]
Na našem tržištu ih uglavnom nema, osim sporadičnih pojava WOLF i GANGNAIL ploča.
They usually cannot be found on our market, apart from sporadic appearances of WOLF and GANGNAIL boards.

[Mon Dec 08 11:03:31 2003]
Ako se koriste ta spajala onda ih se mora uvoziti iz inozemstva.
If those fasteners are to be used, then they must be imported from abroad.

[Mon Dec 08 11:04:14 2003]
Tek se u tom smislu razmišlja o uvozu preše za utiskivanje zubatih ploča.
In this respect, the importation of a press for the impression of toothed plates is only being considered.

[Mon Dec 08 11:05:23 2003]
Taj je sektor za sada totalno zanemaren.
This field is for now completely neglected.

[Mon Dec 08 11:05:42 2003]
Jedna takva preša za utiskivanje WOLF ploča nalazi se u poduzeću "Izgradnja" d.o.o. u Ogulinu.
The only such press for the indentation of WOLF panels can be found in the company "Izgradnja" Ltd. in Ogulin.

[Mon Dec 08 11:05:42 2003]
Jedan poduzetnik proizvodi MITEK ploče
One entrepreneur manufactures MITEK panels

[Mon Dec 08 11:14:27 2003]
S obzirom na to da na našem tržištu nema patentnih spajala, spajanje elemenata u konstrukciji drva rješavamo od slučaja do slučaja, od projekta do projekta, i to uglavnom klasičnim metodama spajanja elemenata čavlanjem i vijcima.
Considering the fact that there are no patent fasteners on our market, connecting elements in wooden structure is solved from case to case, from project to project, mostly by classical methods of connecting elements with nails and screws.

[Mon Dec 08 11:14:27 2003]
To je skupo i neekonomično
This is expensive and uneconomical

[Mon Dec 08 11:22:56 2003]
U drvenim konstrukcijama se sve više koristi uslojeno lijepljeno (lamelirano) drvo i furnirske ploče, ploče od višeslojnih furnira ("multiplex" ploče) te sendvič-konstrukcije koje će tijekom vremena u gradnji kuća zamijeniti masivne pregradne i fasadne panele, pa i nosive stijene.
In wooden structures, glued laminated timber is being used more and more, as well as veneer sheets, panels from multilayered veneers ("multiplex" panels) and sandwich-structures which will, through time, replace massive partition and facade panels, and even bearing walls, in the construction of houses.

[Mon Dec 08 11:22:56 2003]
Naša drvna industrija može proizvoditi takve panele, ploče i elemente, ali se zaostaje u njihovoj primjeni
Our wood industry can manufacture such panels, boards and elements, but there is a lag in their use

[Mon Dec 08 11:27:54 2003]
Naši proizvođači drvenih konstrukcija i elemenata od drveta usvojili su proizvode visoke kvalitete, rekordnih raspona i velike ljepote.
Our manufacturers of wooden structures and elements have adopted products of high quality, record-breaking spans and of great beauty.

[Mon Dec 08 11:30:13 2003]
Naravno ima i promašaja, a proizvod je prilično skup (po m3 materijala).
Naturally, there are failures, and products are quite expensive (per m3 of the material).

[Mon Dec 08 11:35:36 2003]
Uzrok skupoće je često neorganiziranost u proizvodnji i nedostatak efikasnog nadzora nad proizvodnjom.
The cause of the high cost is frequent lack of organization in the manufacture and the lack of efficient control over the production.

[Mon Dec 08 11:40:34 2003]
Da bi se snizila cijena drvenih konstrukcija treba osim unapređivanja proizvodnog procesa u tvornicama primjenjivati konstrukcije koje djeluju prostorno, kao cjelina, čime se smanjuje količina potrebnog materijala i bolje iskorištava materijal.
In order to lower the price of wooden structures, it is necessary to, apart from improving the production process in factories, use structures which function spatially, as one unit, which reduces the quantity of needed material, and the utilization of material is improved.

[Mon Dec 08 11:40:34 2003]
Cijena m3 lameliranog drveta može se smanjiti racionaliziranjem ljepila po m3 proizvoda, automatizacijom proizvodnje, robotizacijom, kao i povećanjem pažnje pri slaganju lamela, kako bi se izbjeglo dimenzionalne netočnosti formiranja širine presjeka i naknadno intenzivno blanjanje bočnih površina nosača
Price of m3 of laminated wood can be reduced by the rationalization of glue per m3 of the product, by the automatization of manufacture, robotization, as well by increased care during the composition of plates, in order to avoid dimensional inaccuracies in forming the width of a section, and subsequent intensive planing of beam's lateral surfaces

[Mon Dec 08 11:44:35 2003]
Kod nas se drvene konstrukcije projektiraju od slučaja do slučaja i prema konkretnim potrebama, zahtjevima i narudžbama.
In our country, wooden structures are designed from case to case, and according to specific needs, demands and orders.

[Mon Dec 08 12:00:22 2003]
Naravno to poskupljuje proizvodnju.
Naturally, this rises the price of production.

[Mon Dec 08 12:09:26 2003]
Nedovoljna (skoro nikakva) je suradnja proizvođača drvenih konstrukcija sa znanstvenim institucijama na regularnoj osnovi izmjene iskustava, rezultata istraživanja, rezultata iz prakse i razmjeni kadrova između instituta, fakulteta i proizvođača.
There is not enough (almost no at all) cooperation between manufacturers of wooden structures and scientific institutions, on the regular basis of exchange of experiences, results of research, results from practical work and exchange of personnel between sinstitute, faculties and manufacturers.

[Mon Dec 08 12:10:09 2003]
Nedovoljna je razmjena stručnih i znanstvenih kadrova s inozemnim institucijama, istražnim centrima, institutima, fakultetima i proizvođačima u inozemstvu.
There is not enough exchange of professional and scientific personnel with foreign institutions, research centres, institutes, colleges and manufacturers abroad.

[Mon Dec 08 12:13:19 2003]
Nedovoljan je marketing.
Marketing is unsatisfactory.

[Mon Dec 08 12:29:45 2003]
Očito je i jedna od zabluda i paradigmi proizvodnje lameliranih konstrukcija proizvodnja mamut konstrukcija velikih raspona tamo gdje bi bila racionalnija lagana rešetkasta ili mrežasta konstrukcija;
Obviously, one of the mistakes and paradigms of laminated structures manufacture is the production of mammoth structures of large spans, where light latticed or mesh structures would be more rational;

[Mon Dec 08 12:29:45 2003]
ili insistiranje na velikim rasponima kad se mogu racionalno ostvariti manji rasponi s istim ili boljim efektima, na primjer u regalnim skladišnim prostorima, gdje se konstrukcija lagane pokrovne opne ("pidžame") može osloniti na moćne nosive čelične regale velike nosivosti, umjesto da se nosivi čelični regali prekriju velikorasponskom lameliranom (ponekad i betonskom) konstrukcijom
or insisting on large spans when smaller spans with same or better effects can be rationally achieved, for example in warehouse spaces with wall systems, where the structure of the light covering membrane ("pajamas") can be supported by strong bearing steel wall systems of large bearing capacity, instead that bearing steel wall systems are sometimes covered by large-span laminated (sometimes concrete) structure

[Mon Dec 08 12:34:42 2003]
To je već pitanje koncepcijskog pristupa problemu dizajna i umješnosti dizajniranja.
This is the matter of the conceptional approach to the problem of design and designing skills.

[Mon Dec 08 12:48:15 2003]
Drvo se koristi i tamo gdje treba i gdje ga ne treba koristiti, a često se koristi neracionalno s obzirom na koncepciju dizajna.
Wood is used where it should be and where it should not be used, and it is often used uneconomically in respect to the design concept.

[Mon Dec 08 12:48:15 2003]
Na neke se strukturalne sustave zaboravilo, primjerice na modernizirani i klasični Howeov rešetkasti nosač, kod kojeg su pojasevi od lameliranog drveta, ispuna od lameliranog drveta ili piljene građe, a prednapete vertikale od visokovrijednog čelika (na primjer BBRV-štapovi ili kabeli)
Some structural systems are forgotten, for example the modernized and classic Howe truss, where flanges are made from laminated wood, filling is from laminated wood or sawn lumber, and prestressed verticals are from high-quality steel (for example, BBRV-members or cables)

[Mon Dec 08 12:57:56 2003]
Tipovi tipiziranih nosača od lijepljenog lameliranog drveta za koje su sačinjene tablice za dimenzioniranje presjeka.
Types of standardized beams made from glued laminated wood, for which tables for section dimensioning were made.

[Mon Dec 08 12:59:05 2003]
Ove tablice su bile generirane FORTRAN-skim programom kojeg je napisao u okviru svog diplomskog rada Mr.
These tables were generated by FORTRAN program written by Haiman, M.Sc., in his graduation thesis

[Mon Dec 08 12:59:53 2003]
paralelni nosač
parallel beam

[Mon Dec 08 14:15:36 2003]
Također se nastoji ponekad ostvariti skupa i neracionalna upetost stupa u temelj i tamo gdje bi zadovoljio zglob, jer se imitiraju rješenja iz armiranog betona ili čelika
Moreover, sometimes it is tried to carry out expensive and irrational restrain of column into the foundation, where a hinge would be satisfactory, because solutions from reinforced concrete or steel are imitated

[Mon Dec 08 14:24:58 2003]
Općenito, premalo se koristi ingenioznost, prostornu raspodjelu sila u sustavima (3D) sustavi, a previše se oslanja na "borbu sa silama" i svladavanje sila masom materijala, što je i inače jedna od karakteristika gradnje masivnim materijalima koji nemaju vlačne čvrstoće.
Generally, ingeniousness and the spacial distribution of force in (3D) systems are not used enough, and there is too much relying on the "struggle with forces" and overcoming those forces with the mass of material, which is one of the characteristics of building with massive materials without tensile strength.

[Mon Dec 08 14:24:58 2003]
To je i posljedica stoljetnih iskustava gradnje kompresivnim materijalima
That is also a consequence of centuries-old experience of building with compression materials

[Mon Dec 08 14:37:01 2003]
Zatim, često se pri savijanju velikih (visokih) presjeka koristi skupi materijal (laminat) i oko neutralne zone presjeka.
Furthermor, in bending large (high) sections, expensive material (laminate) is often used around the neutral zone of the section.

[Mon Dec 08 14:40:16 2003]
Umješno bi, međutim, bilo koristiti kvazi-rešetkaste nosače nešto većih visina, kod kojih su pojasevi od lameliranog drveta naponski bolje iskorišteni, a srednji dio izveden kao rešetkasta ispuna - mreža štapova od piljene ili lamelirane građe, s vlačnim štapovima od metala ili koristeći tome slična rješenja.
However, it would be appropriate to use quasi-trusses of larger heights, where flanges from laminated wood are tensionally better utilized, and the middle part is executed as a latticed filling - network of members from sawn or laminated material, with tensile members from metal, or using similar solutions.

[Mon Dec 08 14:40:18 2003]
U dizajnu drvenih konstrukcija prevladavaju okvirni sustavi složeni od malih elemenata (na primjer od kosnica) ili prostorni sustavi od lameliranih nosača, složenice, roštilji i slična rješenja u kombinacijama s pneumatskim strukturama, laganim pokrovima, hiperbolni paraboloidi, lančanice od lameliranog drveta.
In the design of wooden structures frame systems prevail, composed of small elements (for example, raking struts) or spacial systems of laminated beams, composite structures, grids and similar solutions in combination with pneumatic structures, light coverings, hyperbolic paraboloids, catenaries from laminated wood.

[Mon Dec 08 14:53:07 2003]
U nas praktički i nema drvenih mostova - svi investitori žele armiranobetonske mostove!
In our country, there are practically no wooden bridges at all - all investors want bridges made of reinforced concrete!

[Mon Dec 08 14:53:48 2003]
Na tom sektoru je beton potpuno istisnuo drvo.
Concrete has completely replaced wood in this field.

[Mon Dec 08 14:58:42 2003]
I ne pokušava se primijeniti drvo i domaće resurse te angažirati postojeću industriju lameliranih nosača.
Nobody is even trying to use wood and domestic resources, and to engage the existing industry of laminated beams.

[Mon Dec 08 15:01:35 2003]
Stoga je pravo osvježenje vidjeti neki manji pješački most od lameliranog drveta, primjerice dobro u prirodu uklopljen pješački most od lameliranog drva kod Plitvica.
Therefore, it is really refreshing to a some smaller foot-bridge from laminated wood, for example the foot-bridge made from the laminated wood, near Plitvice, which is well incorporated into nature.

[Mon Dec 08 15:07:30 2003]
Spregnute konstrukcije mostova od drva i betona tek će se graditi u budućnosti.
Composite structures of bridges from wood and concrete will only be built in the future.

[Mon Dec 08 15:08:40 2003]
Na tom bi području trebalo angažirati postojeću industriju, pa investitorima ponuditi mostove od lameliranog drveta i multiplex-ploča impregniranih epoksidnim smolama, zatim proširiti asortiman ponuda s raznim spregnutim konstrukcijama koje su armirane kabelima od ugljikovih ili staklenih niti i prednapregnutim spregnutim konstrukcijama.
The existing industry should be engaged in that field, and investors should be offered bridges from laminated wood and multiplex-panels impregnated with epoxide resins, and then diversify the offer with various composite structures which are reinforced with cables from carbon or glass fibers, and with prestressed composite structures.

[Mon Dec 08 15:08:40 2003]
U svijetu se vlačne zone takvih mostova armiraju čelikom ili kabelima ili rebrastim šipkama od staklenih ili ugljikovih vlakana
Around the world, tension zones of such bridges are reinforced with steel or cables or ribbed bars from glass or carbon fibers

[Mon Dec 08 15:16:54 2003]
S druge strane trebalo bi investitorima ponuditi i tzv.
On the other hand, the investors should be offered the so-called

[Mon Dec 08 15:17:30 2003]
integralne naseljene mostove (gdje je promet pješaka integriran s trgovačkim sadržajima), naročito pogodne u naseljenim mjestima.
On the other hand, the investors should be offered the so-called integral inhabited bridges (where pedestrian traffic is integrated with commercial facilities), especially suitable for inhabited places.

[Mon Dec 08 15:20:53 2003]
U nas se o tome s investitorima i ne može razgovarati:
You cannot even talk about it with our investors:

[Mon Dec 08 15:20:53 2003]
oni vjeruju samo već viđenom, ili u nas već izvedenom i ne žele rizik izazova, pa ma bio taj rizik minimalan ili čak nepostojeći
they only believe into what has already been seen, or what has already been done, and do not want to take the risk of challenge, no matter how minimum, or even nonexisting, that risk may be

[Mon Dec 08 15:23:13 2003]
Tipovi nosača od lameliranog drveta za koje su sračunate tablice nosivosti nosača
Types of beams from laminated wood for which bearing capacity tables are calculated

[Mon Dec 08 15:46:02 2003]
Skladište suhe građe u pogonu "GAJA" u Voćinu.
Warehouse of dry material in the plant of "GAJ" in Voćin.

[Mon Dec 08 15:46:45 2003]
Statički sustav rešetaka raspona 18 metara.
Statical system of trusses of 18-meter span.

[Mon Dec 08 15:47:12 2003]
Čvorovi nosača su lijepljeni s višeslojnim furnirskim pločama.
Girder nodes are glued with multilayer veneer sheets.

[Mon Dec 08 15:48:36 2003]
Ovakve su konstrukcije ekonomičnije od lijepljenih lameliranih grednih konstrukcija.
Such structures are more economical than glued laminated beam structures.

[Mon Dec 08 15:49:27 2003]
Troši se manje drvene građe ali i više radne snage.
Less lumber is used, but more work force.

[Mon Dec 08 15:50:32 2003]
Takve konstrukcije su manje otporne na požare od lameliranih grednih nosača.
Such structures are less resistant to fire than laminated beams.

[Mon Dec 08 15:56:47 2003]
Presjeci štapova rešetke moraju zadovoljiti uvjete protupožarne zaštite F30 ili F60.
Sections of truss members must satisfy the requirements of fire protection F30 or F60.

[Mon Dec 08 16:05:46 2003]
Postoje tablice za dimenzioniranje rešetkastih konstrukcija u kojima je jedan od kriterija nosivosti i protupožarna otpornost konstrukcije.
There are tables for latticework dimensioning in which one of the criteria of bearing capacity is structural resistance to fire.

[Mon Dec 08 16:05:46 2003]
Dio tih tablica ugrađen je u ekspertni sustav za dimenzioniranje drvenih rešetkastih konstrukcija
A part of those tables is incorporated into the expert system for wooden latticework dimensioning

[Mon Dec 08 16:19:34 2003]
Neki proizvođači drvenih konstrukcija (npr.
Some manufacturers of wooden structures (e.g.

[Mon Dec 08 16:22:54 2003]
GAJ, Voćin) imaju reference i za više stotina izvedenih objekata (kod nas u zemlji i u inozemstvu), ali im je marketing i suradnja sa znanstvenim institucijama slaba točka sustava.
GAJ, Voćin) have references for several hundreds of realized buildings (at home and abroad), but marketing and cooperation with scientific institutions are weak spots of their system.

[Mon Dec 08 16:24:42 2003]
Međutim, nedovoljnom prodoru drvenih konstrukcija u nas ne trebamo se previše čuditi, kad se zna da se ideje o primjeni drveta i drvenih konstrukcija u graditeljstvu u većini slučajeva začinju u glavama arhitektonske struke.
However, we should not be too surprised at the insufficient advance of wooden structures in our country, when we know that ideas about the utilization of wood and wooden structures in construction are usually conceived in the heads of architects.

[Mon Dec 08 16:27:46 2003]
Arhitekti su poprilično neobaviješteni o suvremenim drvenim konstrukcijama i mogućnostima primjene drveta u graditeljstvu.
Architects are poorly informed about modern wooden structures and the possibilities of the use of timber in building and construction.

[Mon Dec 08 16:28:29 2003]
Stoga je i propaganda i marketing i cijelo naše nastojane pogrešno usmjereno kad se promidžbom drvenih konstrukcija usmjeravamo i obraćamo samo građevinarima.
Therefore, advertising, marketing and all of our efforts are misdirected if in the promotion of wooden structures we are addressing only civil engineers.

[Mon Dec 08 16:28:29 2003]
U posljednje vrijeme sve je više arhitekata zainteresiranih za drvene konstrukcije
Lately, more and more architects are becoming interested in wooden structures

[Mon Dec 08 16:39:03 2003]
Mi možemo imati prospekte, ali ne možemo već u idejnim skicama budućih objekata primjenjivati drvo kao materijal budućih konstrukcija, kad se arhitekt već u najranijoj fazi opredijelio za armirani beton.
We can have prospects, but we cannot use wood in first drafts of future buildings as the material of future structures, when an architect has already in the earliest phase decided on the reinforced concrete.

[Mon Dec 08 16:42:45 2003]
Taj je kamen spoticanja jedan od krucijalnih problema dizajna drvenih konstrukcija.
This stumbling block is one of the crucial problems in the design of wooden structures.

[Mon Dec 08 16:43:26 2003]
Često projektni biroi proizvođača drvenih konstrukcija na svoj račun, na brzinu "preprojektiravaju" arhitektonska i konstruktorska rješenja u kojima su predviđeni drugi materijali, uglavnom beton, a rjeđe čelik.
Very often design offices of wooden structures manufacturers, on their account, in a hurry "reedesign" the architectonic and construction solutions in which other materials were planned, mostly concrete, and less often steel.

[Mon Dec 08 16:46:03 2003]
Takvo preprojektiranje struktura ima jednu osnovnu manu i nedostatak:
Such redesigning of structures has one basic defect and disadvantage:

[Mon Dec 08 16:46:03 2003]
novo odabrani materijal ne može se racionalno koristiti, jer osnovni izraz strukture nije svojim oblikom predviđen novo odabranom materijalu
newly selected material cannot be used rationally, because the basic expression of the structure is not in its form intended for the newly chosen material

[Mon Dec 08 16:50:56 2003]
Naime, svaki materijal ima svoje specifičnosti koje treba pogodnim dizajnom (odabirom oblika, strukturalnog sustava, odabirom detalja, načina izvođenja i sl.)
That is, every material has its own specific qualities which should be optimally used (by the selection of form, structural system, selection of detail, method of execution etc.).

[Mon Dec 08 16:54:22 2003]
Predizajniranje znači onda i odabir novog arhitektonskog izraza, dakle potpuno novi dizajn, novi projekt, a za takav posao obično nema više vremena, a nema ni novaca.
Predesigning, in that case, means the selection of a new architectonic expression, therefore the completely new design, new project, and there is usually not enough time for such work, and not enough money.

[Mon Dec 08 16:54:22 2003]
Konstrukciju koju se izvorno predvidjelo izvoditi iz betona, skoro je nemoguće racionalno predizajnirati za izvođenje od drva, čelika i polimera
A structure, which was originally intended to be built from concrete, is almost impossible to be rationally redesigned to be built from wood, steels and polymers

[Mon Dec 08 17:08:57 2003]
Zato "lobi" za drvene konstrukcije mora biti usmjeren prema arhitektonskoj struci i potencijalnim investitorima.
Therefore, "lobbying" for wooden structures must be aimed at architects and potential investors.

[Mon Dec 08 17:14:49 2003]
A bilo bi potrebno nuditi cijeli paket usluga za tipizirane projekte:
And it would be necessary to offer the entire service pack for standardized projects: