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Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 85% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova od kratkih do dugih.

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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Mon Dec 08 17:14:49 2003]
skladišta, hale, sportske dvorane, plivališta, klizališta, rekreativne centre, supermarkete, sakralne objekte, kino dvorane i slične namjene, dakle kompletni inženjering gotovih proizvoda, što bi moglo biti kao ponuda atraktivno budućim investitorima
warehouses, halls, sports halls, swimming pools, skating rinks, health clubs, supermarkets, religious buildings, movie theaters and similar purposes, therefore, the complete engineering of finished products, that could be an attractive offer for the future investors

[Tue Dec 09 09:22:53 2003]
Recimo da su već desetljećima poznate Fullerove geodezijske kupole i sferične konstrukcije od mreže malih elemenata.
Let's say that for decades Fuller's geodesic cupolas and spherical structures from the network of small elements have been known.

[Tue Dec 09 09:23:35 2003]
Međutim, iako je takav sustav izvanredno pogodan i racionalan za industrijsku proizvodnju (jer se proizvode istovjetni elementi u velikim serijama, što predstavlja zapravo konfekciju elemenata), one se ipak ne izvode sve dok nema pogodnih gotovih projekata za takve konstrukcije.
However, although such system is exceptionally appropriate and economical for the industrial production (because identical elements are produced in large series, which actually presents ready-made elements), they are, nevertheless, not executed as long as there are no appropriate finished projects for such structures.

[Tue Dec 09 09:24:20 2003]
LIO iz Osijeka (dok nije bio razoren), nudio je ove proizvode kao gotove proizvode za razne namjene.
LIO from Osijek (until it was destroyed), offered such products as finished products for various purposes.

[Tue Dec 09 09:24:53 2003]
Irelevantno je što su kod LIO produkata štapovi mreže od aluminijskih cijevi.
It is irrelevant that in LIO products members are networks of aluminium pipes.

[Tue Dec 09 09:24:53 2003]
Pod danim okolnostima cijena, oni mogu biti od drveta ili čelika
Under the given conditions of prices, they can be made from wood or steel

[Wed Dec 10 10:05:10 2003]
Potom se definiraju rubne točke (PT) nalogom za svaku rubnu točku
Then marginal points (PT) are defined with the order for every marginal point

[Wed Dec 10 10:15:29 2003]
LS nalogom dijele se rubnim točkama zadane linije na dijelove
With the LS command, given lines are divided in parts along marginal points

[Wed Dec 10 10:27:12 2003]
Nalogom REGSIZ definira se regija, 6 čvorova će se generirati duž ruba definiranog ključnim točkama 1 - 2 i 5 čvorova će se generirati duž stranice 2 - 3.
With the command REGZIS the region is defined, 6 nodes will be generated along the edge defined with the main points 1 - 2, and 5 nodes will be generated along the side 2 - 3.

[Wed Dec 10 10:27:12 2003]
Generiraju se čvorovi mreže, a s AREA nalogom definira se područje na kojem će se generirati elementi nalogom AREA,1,1,2,3,5, gdje su 1,2,3,5 ključne točke ranije definirane nalogom PT
Network nodes are generated, and with the AREA command the area is defined elements will be generated with the command AREA,1,1,2,3,5, where 1,2,3,5 are the main points earlier defined with the command PT

[Wed Dec 10 10:32:10 2003]
Dalje je potrebno prikazati si mrežu i generirane KE (čvorove i elemente), kako bi se odredili rubni uvjeti
Further on, it is necessary to present the network and the generated FE (nodes and elements), in order to determine boundary conditions

[Wed Dec 10 10:34:18 2003]
Prikazuje se formiranje FE modela ploče s otvorom u GEOSTAR-u FEA programa COSMOS/M
It shows the forming of the FE model of a panel with the opening in GEOSTAR of the FEA program COSMOS/M

[Wed Dec 10 10:48:40 2003]
Ovim analizama dobije se i deformacija sustava, naponska stanja kao i sila izvijanja.
With these analyses, system deformation can be obtained, as well as stress states and the buckling force.

[Wed Dec 10 10:48:40 2003]
Ukupna sila izvijanja je 11851 KN što je za cca 10% veće od sile izvijanja dobivene sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom
Total buckling force is 11851 KN, which is for about 10% higher than the buckling force obtained with the ICES STRUDL2 system

[Wed Dec 10 10:51:14 2003]
Moguće je da materijal nije istog modula elastičnosti, ili je QUAD4 element točniji od PLATE elementa
It is possible is that material does not have the same elastic modulus, or that QUAD4 element is more correct than the PLATE element

[Wed Dec 10 11:09:30 2003]
Koristi se nalog ADAPTIVE da bi se u modulu GEOSTAR FEA programa COSMOS/M izvelo adaptivno umrežavanje kod analiza linearnih statičkih problema, kod kojih se primjenjuje nalog R_STATIC.
The command ADAPTIVE is used in order to, in the module of the GEOSTAR FEA program COSMOS/M, execute the adaptive networking with analyses of linear static problems, in which the command R_STATIC is used.

[Wed Dec 10 11:09:30 2003]
Mreža se u petljama progresivno progušćuje, kako bi se zadovoljila zadana razina točnosti (obično 5%)
The network is getting progressively denser in loops, in order to satisfy the assigned level of accuracy (usually 5%)

[Wed Dec 10 11:12:51 2003]
Postupak je zasnovan na kontinuitetu polja naprezanja kod linearnih problema i koristi se norma procjene pogreške u naprezanjima elemenata.
Procedure is based on the continuity of stress fields in linear problems and it use the standard of error evaluation in stresses of elements.

[Wed Dec 10 11:12:51 2003]
Postoji izbor unaprjeđenja umrežavanja
Exists the choice unaprjeđenja networkings

[Wed Dec 10 11:18:27 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 11:19:08 2003]
kod kojeg se mreža progušćuje podjelom elemenata s većom procjenom naprezanja.
in which network is made denser by the division of elements with the higher stress evaluation.

[Wed Dec 10 11:19:08 2003]
Ovaj se postupak može primijeniti samo kod TRIANG elemenata (sa 3 i 6 čvorova)
This procedure can be used only with TRIANG elements (with 3 and 6 nodes)

[Wed Dec 10 11:22:50 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 11:24:44 2003]
kod kojeg se mreža progušćuje s primjenom specificiranog stupnja poligona za sve KE.
in which network is becoming denser with the use of the specified degree of polygons for all FEs.

[Wed Dec 10 11:24:44 2003]
Ovaj postupak se primjenjuje samo kod TRIANG elemenata sa 6 čvorova, kod PLANE2D elemenata s 8 čvorova i kod SHELL9 s 9 čvorova i kod TETRA10 elemenata
This procedure is used only with TRIANG elements with 6 nodes, with PLANE2D elements with 8 nodes, with SHELL9 with 9 nodes, and with TETRA10 elements

[Wed Dec 10 11:27:12 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 11:29:00 2003]
kod kojeg se mreža rafinira korištenjem H-postupka i P-postupka.
in which network is being refined with the use H-procedure and P-procedure.

[Wed Dec 10 11:29:00 2003]
Ovaj postupak se može koristiti samo kod TRIANG KE sa 6 čvorova
This procedure can be used only with TRIANG FE with 6 nodes

[Wed Dec 10 11:41:52 2003]
Ovim postupcima se znatno može unaprijediti analiza, te dobiti točnije rezultate proračuna naprezanja.
These procedures can considerably improve the analysis, and provide more accurate results of stress calculation.

[Wed Dec 10 11:41:52 2003]
Mreža se progušćuje automatski na mjestima većeg gradijenta promjene naprezanja
Network is automatically becoming denser on places of a higher gradient of stress change

[Wed Dec 10 11:43:58 2003]
Prikazuje se primjer umrežavanja u jednom problemu.
An example of networking in one problem is shown.

[Wed Dec 10 11:44:38 2003]
Problem se definira s površinama (SF).
The problem is defined with surfaces (SF).

[Wed Dec 10 11:45:19 2003]
Uzeta su anizotropna svojstva drveta EX, EY, GXY.
Anisotropic features of wood EX, EY, GXY are taken.

[Wed Dec 10 11:47:39 2003]
Razmatra se ravninski problem i koriste TRIANG KE.
The plane problem is considered, and TRIANG FEs are used.

[Wed Dec 10 11:49:38 2003]
Početna mreža se može formulirati s TRIANG KE s 3 čvora.
The starting network can be formulated with TRIANG FE with 3 nodes.

[Wed Dec 10 11:51:45 2003]
Početna MKE se u tijeku postupka adaptivne analize progušćuju s TRIANG KE s 3 čvora.
The starting FEMs are in the course of adaptive analysis procedure being made denser with TRIANG FE with 3 nodes.

[Wed Dec 10 12:00:56 2003]
Početne MKE se u tijeku postupka adaptivne analize progušćuju s TRIANG KE s 6 čvorova po KE, na mjestima gdje je to potrebno.
The starting FEMs are in the course of adaptive analysis procedure being made denser with TRIANG FE with 6 nodes along FE, on places where it is necessary.

[Wed Dec 10 12:10:18 2003]
Polazi se od relativno grube mreže KE, sa samo malim brojem KE, koja se specifikacijom naloga za umrežavanje;
It starts from a relatively rough FE mesh, with only a small number of FEs, which is by the specification of the networking command;

[Wed Dec 10 12:10:18 2003]
ADAPTIVE 1,3,3,5, tj. specificiranjem H-postupka s 3 petlje i sa zadanom procjenom greške od 5%, progušćuje tijekom adaptivne analize na veliki broj KE
by the specification of the H-procedure with 3 loops and with the given error evaluation of 5%, during the adaptive analysis becoming denser with the large number of FEs

[Wed Dec 10 12:20:01 2003]
Primjenom P-postupka ili HP-postupka, moguće je bitno povećati točnost analize i s relativno malim brojem konačnih elemenata.
With the use of P-procedure or HP-procedure, it is possible to considerably increase the accuracy of the analysis, even with a relatively small number of finite elements.

[Wed Dec 10 12:20:01 2003]
Prikazani su ispisi ekrana tijekom adaptivne analize, te se može pratiti rafiniranje MKE
Screen layouts during the adaptive analysis are shown, and the refinement of the FEM can be followed

[Wed Dec 10 12:40:03 2003]
Potrebno je provesti na računalu jedan primjer, kako bi se savladala tehnika rada.
It is necessary to try one example on the computer, in order to master the technique of work.

[Wed Dec 10 12:40:03 2003]
To je moguće učiniti i s ograničenom verzijom COSMOS/M programa pod uvjetom, da ukupni broj KE nakon adaptivne analize ne bude veći od 50 KE, jer se s ograničenom verzijom ne mogu proračunati mreže s više od 50 KE
This can be done with the limited version of the COSMOS/Ms program, under the condition that the total number of FEs after the adaptive analysis does not exceed 50 FEs, because with the limited version, meshes with more than 50 FE cannot be calculated

[Wed Dec 10 12:46:35 2003]
Detaljnije o samom postupku, formulacijama TRIANG elemenata, te upisu materijalnih svojstava tog KE može se pročitati u priručniku za primjenu KE programa COSMOS/M
More details about the procedure, about formulations of TRIANG elements, and entering of material properties that FE, can be found in the manual for using the FE program COSMOS/M

[Wed Dec 10 14:27:44 2003]
Određuju se rubni uvjeti (dvoosne simetrije)
Boundary conditions are determined (biaxial symmetries)

[Wed Dec 10 14:42:17 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 14:56:40 2003]
Kod modeliranja bitno je pripaziti na gustoću mreže KE, kako bi se zorno prikazalo koliko gustoća mreže KE može utjecati na rezultate proračuna.
In modeling, it is important to take into account the FE mesh density, in order to clearly show how the FE mesh density can influence the analysis results.

[Wed Dec 10 14:57:55 2003]
Pripravljene su tri mreže KE za istovjetni konzolni nosač, promatran kao asemblaža PLANE2D STRESS elemenata.
Three FE meshes are prepared for the same cantilevered beam, viewed as the assemblage of PLANE2D STRESS elements.

[Wed Dec 10 14:58:50 2003]
Prva mreža KE sastojala se od svega 2 x 3 elementa (što je očito premali broj konačnih elemenata).
The first FE mesh consisted of only 2 x 3 elements (which is obviously too small number of finite elements).

[Wed Dec 10 15:04:57 2003]
Druga mreža KE sastojala se od 4 x 6 konačnih elemenata, što bi se moglo smatrati dovoljno gustom mrežom.
The second FE mesh consisted of 4 x 6 finite elements, which could be considered as dense enough.

[Wed Dec 10 15:06:36 2003]
Konačno je isti model uzet sa rasterom 8 x 12 KE.
Finally, the same model was taken with the grid of 8 x 12 FEs.

[Wed Dec 10 15:07:51 2003]
Modeli su generirani MODSTAR-om programskog paketa COSMOS/M, s kojim je model zatim analiziran.
Models are generated with the MODSTAR of COSMOS/M software package, which was then used to analyze the model.

[Wed Dec 10 15:08:47 2003]
Iz predočenih rezultata je vidljiva zavisnost rezultata proračuna od gustoće mreže KE.
The results presented show the dependence of analysis results upon the FE mesh density.

[Wed Dec 10 15:08:47 2003]
Za posljednji model konačno su iscrtane i deformacije, kao i glavni naponi
For the last model, the deformations are drawn, as well as the main tensions

[Wed Dec 10 15:17:29 2003]
Priloženi su upisi interaktivnog upisa podataka u MODSTAR
Examples of interactive data input in MODSTAR are given

[Wed Dec 10 15:32:11 2003]
U GEOSTAR-u postoji način automatske podjele MKE ovisno o gradijentu naprezanja primjenom ADAPTIVNOG umrežavanja.
In GEOSTAR, there is a method of automatic division of FEM depending upon the gradient of stress, using the ADAPTIVE meshing.

[Wed Dec 10 15:32:21 2003]
Nalog ADAPTIV upućuje GEOSTAR da provede adaptivnu statističku analizu (R_STATIC), kako bi se unaprijedila točnost proračuna.
The command ADAPTIV instructs GEOSTAR to conducts the adaptive statistical analysis (R_STATIC), in order to improve the accuracy of calculation.

[Wed Dec 10 15:32:21 2003]
Postoje tri postupka
There are three procedures

[Wed Dec 10 15:46:59 2003]
MKE se progušćuje podjelom elemenata s visokom greškom naprezanja.
FEM is densified by the division of elements with the high stress error.

[Wed Dec 10 15:46:59 2003]
Pri tome se mogu koristiti samo trokutasti elementi sa 6 čvorova TRIANG (s 3 i s 4 čvora)
In this procedure, only triangular elements with 6 nodes TRIANG (with 3 and 4 nodes) can be used

[Wed Dec 10 15:54:56 2003]
Mreža se progušćuje koristeći specificirane stupnjeve polinoma.
The mesh is densified using the specified degrees of polynomials.

[Wed Dec 10 15:54:56 2003]
Postupak se može provesti samo s TRIANG elementima s 6 čvorova, s PLANE2D elementima s 8 čvorova i SHELL9 KE s 9 čvorova, te se TETRA KE
The procedure can be carried out only with TRIANG elements with 6 nodes, with PLANE2D elements with 8 nodes, with SHELL9 FEs with 9 nodes, and with TETRA FEs

[Wed Dec 10 15:57:02 2003]
MKE se unaprjeđuje (progušćuje) koristeći se H-postupkom i P-postupkom.
FEM is improved (densified) using H-procedure and P-procedure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:57:02 2003]
Može se provesti samo s TRIANG KE s 6 čvorova
It can be carried out only with TRIANG FE with 6 nodes

[Wed Dec 10 16:04:35 2003]
Prikaz naprezanja za grubu podjelu diska na 6 konačnih elemenata.
Presentation of stresses for the rough division of the disc into 6 finite elements.

[Wed Dec 10 16:04:35 2003]
Rezultati podjele na 6 konačnih elemenata
Results of the division into 6 finite elements

[Wed Dec 10 16:06:00 2003]
Prikaz naprezanja za isti disk podijeljen na 24 KE.
Display of stresses for the same disc are divided into 24 FEs.

[Wed Dec 10 16:06:00 2003]
2Rezultati podjela na 24 konačna elementa
Results of the division into 24 final elements

[Wed Dec 10 16:08:31 2003]
Prikaz naprezanja za isti disk podijeljen na 96 KE.
Display of stresses for the same disc divided into 96 FEs.

[Wed Dec 10 16:08:31 2003]
Rezultati podjele na 8x12=96 KE
Results of the division into 8x12=96 FEs

[Wed Dec 10 16:10:00 2003]
Usporedni prikaz MKE, opterećenja, rubnih uvjeta i naprezanja za razne podjele mreže
Parallel display of FEM, loads, boundary conditions and stresses for various divisions of the mesh

[Wed Dec 10 16:19:27 2003]
Vidljivo je da treba pri umrežavanju paziti na gustoću mreže KE.
It is clear that in meshing the FE mesh density should be taken into account.

[Wed Dec 10 16:20:10 2003]
Mrežu KE treba progustiti na mjestima prilaganja sila ili drugih entiteta, na osloncima i na mjestima očekivanih koncentracija naprezanja.
FE mesh should be densified on places of attaching forces or other entities, on supports and on places of expected stress concentrations.

[Wed Dec 10 16:20:25 2003]
Ovim se problemima bavilo više istraživača.
Many researchers dealt with these problems..

[Wed Dec 10 16:22:28 2003]
Kod nas je Prof.
In Croatia, Prof.

[Wed Dec 10 16:25:28 2003]
dr. Polić istraživao utjecaje gustoće mreže KE na raspored naprezanja u pločama i diskovima.
Polić explore influences of the FE mesh density to the distribution of stresses in panels and discs.

[Wed Dec 10 16:27:42 2003]
Općenito je povoljno da je MKE gusta, ali ni tu ne treba pretjerivati, zbog numeričke točnosti proračuna rezultata.
Generally, it is good if FEM is dense, but this should not be exaggerated, because of the numerical accuracy of the calculation results.

[Wed Dec 10 16:38:47 2003]
U načelu bi trebalo kod ozbiljnih analiza proučiti barem tri različito guste 'MKE'.
In principle, in serious analyses at least three FEMs of different densities should be explored.

[Wed Dec 10 16:38:47 2003]
Nova verzija COSMOS/M programa za Windowse osim normalnog predočenja naprezanja, ima i mogućnost izbora naprezanja za neki odabrani presjek, koji može biti neki odabrani pravac, poligon, rub nekog entiteta, općenito neka izabrana krivulja (otvoreni ili zatvoreni poligon) definirana odabirom (klikom miša) čvorova MKE, čime je vizualizacija stanja naprezanja i koncentracije naprezanja znatno unaprjeđena
The new version of the COSMOS/M of program for Windows, apart from normal display of stresses, has the possibility of selecting stresses for some chosen section, which can be some selected direction, polygon, edge of some entity, generally, a selected curve (opened or closed polygon) defined by the selection (mouse click) of FEM nodes, which considerably improves the visualization of stress states and stress concentrations

[Thu Dec 11 09:25:08 2003]
Ploča oslonjena po obodu:
Panel supported along the edge:

[Thu Dec 11 09:25:08 2003]
utjecaj gustoće mreže KE
influence of FE mesh density

[Thu Dec 11 09:32:52 2003]
Na primjeru FE analize jedne po obodu oslonjene ploče, pokazuje se kako broj KE na koje je ploča podijeljena utječe na proračunske veličine naprezanja u ploči.
The example of the FE analyses of a panel supported along the perimeter, shows that the number of FEs on which the panel is divided influences the calculated magnitudes of stresses in the panel.

[Thu Dec 11 09:34:42 2003]
Ploča je podijeljena na 4 x 4=16 KE, a zatim na 8 x 8=64 elementa.
The panel is divided into 4 x 4=16 FEs, and then into 8 x 8=64 elements.

[Thu Dec 11 09:34:42 2003]
Prikazan je upis podataka u COSMOS/M program, te grafički prikazi istovjetnih naponskih stanja
Data input into COSMOS/M program is presented, as well as graphic presentations of identical stress states

[Thu Dec 11 09:58:23 2003]
Drvena konstrukcija krovišta Solebad bazena u Bad Dürrheimu u Njemačkoj.
Wooden structure of the roof over Solebad pool in Bad Dürrheim in Germany.

[Thu Dec 11 09:58:23 2003]
Pogled i konstrukcija
View and the structure

[Thu Dec 11 10:09:08 2003]
Kod lameliranih drvenih konstrukcija koje su obično vrlo vitke ne smije se zanemariti izračun stabilnosti nosača u, ali i napose izvan ravnine nosača
In case of laminated wooden structures, which are usually very slender, we should not neglect the calculation of beam stability in, and especially outside the plane of the beam

[Thu Dec 11 10:13:39 2003]
Prikazuje se takav nosač od lameliranog drveta s čeličnim zategom.
On such beam from laminated wood with the steel tensile cord is presented.

[Thu Dec 11 10:13:39 2003]
Nosač je širine presjeka svega 18.00 cm
The beam's section width is only 18.00 cm

[Thu Dec 11 10:25:58 2003]
Za KE GLULAM nosača uzeti su za umrežavanje površina uslojeni SHELL4L KE s jednim slojem, koji omogućuju upis EX, EY i GXY svojstava drveta.
For FEs of the GLULAM structure, layered SHELL4L FEs with the one layer are taken surface meshing, which enable the input of EX, EY and GXY of wood properties.

[Thu Dec 11 10:35:33 2003]
Razuporni elementi i zatega uzeti su kao TRUSS3D KE.
Bracings elements and the tie rod are taken as TRUSS3D FEs.

[Thu Dec 11 10:36:07 2003]
Već kod provjere sloboda čvorova mreže KE vidljivo je da treba stabilizirati točke priključaka zatege i razupora, što je i učinjeno s dva kosa razuporna štapa.
When checking freedom of FE mesh nodes, it is clear that points of connecting the tie rod and bracings must be stabilized, which is done with two slant bracing bars.

[Thu Dec 11 10:36:36 2003]
Ukoliko se koristi 2D model, ovaj fenomen bi izmakao našoj kontroli.
If 2D model were used, this phenomenon would be out of our control.

[Thu Dec 11 10:38:15 2003]
Nakon stabilizacije tih čvorova, sustav se pokazuje stabilnim.
After the nodes are stabilized, the system appears to be stable.

[Thu Dec 11 10:43:16 2003]
Provedena je statička analiza.
Static analysis was conducted.

[Thu Dec 11 10:43:50 2003]
Prikazuju se dijagrami naprezanja SIGMA_X, SIGMA_Y.
Stress diagrams SIGMA_X, SIGMA_Y are shown.

[Thu Dec 11 10:46:45 2003]
Potom je provedena analiza stabilnosti s RUN_BUCKLING nalogom.
After that, stability analysis was carried out with the RUN_BUCKLING command.

[Thu Dec 11 10:46:45 2003]
Prikazuje se i mod izbočenja nosača
The mode of beam buckling is presented

[Thu Dec 11 10:54:51 2003]
Ovaj je model KE jednostavan zbog preglednosti postupka modeliranja MKE.
This FE model is simple because of the clarity of the FEM modeling procedure.

[Thu Dec 11 10:56:25 2003]
U realnosti nije potrebno bitno pojednostavljenje modela KE.
In reality, a significant simplification of the FE model is not necessary.

[Thu Dec 11 10:56:58 2003]
Proračunski model KE mora biti što vjerniji prirodnom (stvarnom) modelu konstrukcije.
Calcuation model of FEs must come close to the natural (real) model of the structure.

[Thu Dec 11 10:56:58 2003]
Veliki broj KE nije razlog pojednostavljenja modela
The large number of FEs is not the reason for simplification of the model

[Thu Dec 11 11:08:03 2003]
Iz moda izvijanja vidljivo je izbacivanje donjeg ruba nosača.
The buckling mode indicates the protrusion of the bottom edge of the beam.

[Thu Dec 11 11:10:43 2003]
A što treba spriječiti pridržavanjem donjeg ruba nosača.
This should be prevented by supporting the bottom edge of the beam.

[Thu Dec 11 11:11:23 2003]
Nosač bi se izbočio pri 396 puta (!)
The beam would protrude in case of load 396 times

[Thu Dec 11 11:12:02 2003]
većem opterećenju od onog na njega priloženog.
The beam would protrude in case of load 396 times larger than the attached load.

[Thu Dec 11 11:13:19 2003]
Stoga je pridržanje donjeg pojasa sasvim hipotetske prirode.
Therefore, supporting the bottom flange is of entirely hypothetical nature.

[Thu Dec 11 11:14:25 2003]
Za priloženo opterećenje nosača i njegove dimenzije ono nije potrebno.
It is not required for the applied load and its dimensions.

[Thu Dec 11 11:14:25 2003]
No, svakako uvijek treba provesti dokaz stabilnosti
But, in any case, the procedure of proving stability should always be carried out

[Thu Dec 11 11:29:49 2003]
Napominje se da u ovom slučaju nije uzeta u obzir POČETNA nesavršenost izvedbe lameliranog nosača kako to zahtijeva EC5 standard.
It is remarked that what is not taken into consideration in this case is the STARTING imperfection of the execution of the laminated beam, as required by the EC5 standard.

[Thu Dec 11 11:37:51 2003]
Da bi se ova nesavršenost izvedbe uzela u obzir trebalo bi geometrijsku površinu (SF) nosača generirati po valjku zadanom s 6 točaka:
In order for this imperfection of the execution to be taken into consideration, the geometrical surface (SF) of the beam should be generated along the cylinder given with 6 points:

[Thu Dec 11 11:38:46 2003]
tri točke (PT) za kreiranje krivulje (CR) donjeg pojasa, i tri za kreiranje krivulje (CR) gornjeg pojasa.
three points (PT) for creating the curve (CR) of the bottom chord, and three for creating the curve (CR) of the top chord.

[Thu Dec 11 11:38:46 2003]
Površina svake strane nosača generira se nalogom SF4CR za kreiranje površina iz četiriju krivulja
The surface of every side of the beam is generated by the command SF4CR for creating surfaces from four curves

[Thu Dec 11 11:47:45 2003]
Osim toga trebalo bi u modelu uzeti i odgovarajuće nadvišenje nosača.
Aside from this, the appropriate lintel of the beam should be taken in the model.

[Thu Dec 11 11:50:27 2003]
To bitno komplicira geometriju modela.
This significantly complicates the geometry of the model.

[Thu Dec 11 11:52:04 2003]
Zato se preporučuje PARAMETARSKO upisivanje podataka i parametarsko opisivanje modela, jer se samo jednom kreira odgovarajući geometrijski model i potom model KE:
Therefore, the PARAMETRIC entering of data is recommended, as well as parametric description of the model, because the appropriate geometrical model is created only once, and then the FE model:

[Thu Dec 11 11:53:30 2003]
samo se jednom opisuju geometrijski podaci, rubni uvjeti, pridržajni elementi, opterećenja, i ostali potrebni podaci.
geometrical data, boundary conditions, supporting elements, loads and other required data are described only ones.

[Thu Dec 11 11:53:30 2003]
Po mogućnosti takav model treba kreirati u prostoru multipliciranjem nosača i MKE nosača i podrožnica
If possible, such model should be created in space by multiplication of beams and FEM beams and roof purlines

[Thu Dec 11 12:05:41 2003]
Model KE GLULAM grede s čeličnim zategom (zatega je pridržana konicima)
FE model of the GLULAM beam with the steel tie rod (the tie rod is supported with cones)

[Thu Dec 11 12:17:09 2003]
bez isključenja zona koncentracije naprezanja u blizini zona oslanjanja nosača.
without excluding the zones of stress concentration near the supporting zones of the beam.

[Thu Dec 11 12:17:09 2003]
Uslijed uključenja naprezanja oko zona oslanjanja slika naprezanja je relativno zamućena
As a result of including stresses around the supporting zone, the picture of stresses is relatively blurred

[Thu Dec 11 12:25:39 2003]
u prikazu modela KE u kojem su selektivno isključene ležajne zone u kojima se javljaju koncentracije naprezanja.
in the presentation of the FE model which selectively excludes bearing zones in which stress concentrations appear.

[Thu Dec 11 12:25:39 2003]
Ove nerealne koncentracije naprezanja, uzrokovane prilaganjem oslonaca u čvorovima KE, moglo se izbjeći umetanjem u model čelične ležajne ploče, a što u ovom modelu nije uređeno
These unrealistic stress concentrations, caused by attaching supports in FE nodes, can be avoided by inserting a steel bearing plate in the model, which is not arranged in this model

[Thu Dec 11 12:31:21 2003]
s isključenim zonama koncentracije naprezanja oko zona oslanjanja nosača
with excluded zones of stress concentration around the supporting zones of the beam

[Thu Dec 11 12:35:39 2003]
prikazana na deformiranom sustavu uz selektivni izbor elemenata kojim se isključuju koncentracije naprezanja u blizini i na mjestima oslanjanja nosača.
shown on the deformed system with a selective choice of elements which excludes stress concentrations near and on places of the structural support

[Thu Dec 11 12:43:26 2003]

[Thu Dec 11 13:01:31 2003]
Prikazuju se postavke proračuna dvoreznih nastavaka prema K.
Propositions of the calculation of two-sheer sectioned continuations are shown, according to K.

[Thu Dec 11 14:10:45 2003]
Johansenu, a kojega su usvojili novi EUROCODE 5 standardi za projektiranje drvenih konstrukcija.
Johansen, and which was adopted by the new EUROCODE 5 standards for wooden structures design.

[Thu Dec 11 14:13:52 2003]
U tom smislu razvijen je jedan program pisan u MsBASIC-u, koji daje odgovore na razne upite, za podatke, potrebne u tom relativno kompleksnom proračunu.
To that effect, a program is written in MsBASIC was developed, which gives answers to various queries, for data needed in that relatively complex calculation.

[Thu Dec 11 14:15:58 2003]
Mi smo ovaj proračun provjerili na primjeru nelinearne analize ponašanja FE modela, uključujući u model anizotropiju, te različite s/e odnose drveta u tlaku i vlaku, kao i za nelinearno ponašanje čelika.
We have tested this calculation on the example of nonlinear analysis of FE model behavior, including anisotropy in the model, and different s/e ratios of wood in pressure and tension, as well as for nonlinear behavior of steel.

[Thu Dec 11 14:16:25 2003]
Koristi se nelinearni proračunski modul FEA programa COSMOS/M.
A nonlinear calculation modulus of the FEA program COSMOS/M is used.

[Thu Dec 11 14:16:25 2003]
Iznose se postignuti rezultati
The obtained results are presented

[Thu Dec 11 14:26:02 2003]
Još je 1941 danski znanstvenik K.
Back in 1941, Danish scientist K.

[Thu Dec 11 14:34:07 2003]
Johanson uveo teoriju sloma u prognozu nosivosti drvenih nastavaka sa spajalima kao što su to čavli, vijci i trnovi.
Johanson introduced the theory of fracture in the estimation of bearing capacity of wooden splices with fasteners such as nails, screws and spikes.

[Thu Dec 11 14:36:16 2003]
Tek je usvajanjem EUROCODA 5 ova teorija usvojena u proračunu konstrukcija.
Only with the adoption of EUROCODE 5, this theory was adopted in structure calculation.

[Thu Dec 11 14:37:45 2003]
Johansenova teorija zasniva se na eksperimentalno utvrđenim činjenicama u istraživanju niza drvenih nastavaka.
Johansen's theory is based on experimentally established facts in the examination of a series of wooden splices.

[Thu Dec 11 14:45:24 2003]
Ova teorija ima i svoje fizikalno tumačenje, koje se zasniva na promatranju niza predvidivih modova prijeloma vlačnih nastavaka.
This theory also has its physical interpretation, which is based on the observation of a series of predictable modes of fracture of tensile extensions.

[Thu Dec 11 14:45:24 2003]
U našim ranijim radovima istraživali smo elastična ponašanja vlačnih nastavaka, u kojima se promatralo i modeliralo spojno sredstvo od metala kao element usađen u elastičnu podlogu
In our earlier work, we explored elastic behaviors of tensile extensions, where we observed and modeled the connecting instrument from metal, as an element inserted in the elastic base

[Thu Dec 11 14:54:37 2003]
Ti FE modeli, uglavnom rađeni s ICES STRUDL2 FEA dali su značajne uvide u elastično ponašanje nastavaka.
These FE models, mainly done with ICES STRUDL2 FEA, gave important insights into elastic behavior of extensions.

[Thu Dec 11 15:06:46 2003]
Tek se korištenjem modula za nelinearne analize FEA programa COSMOS/M omogućio uvid u realno stanje razaranja vlačnog spoja spojenog trnovima i vijcima.
Only the use of a module for nonlinear analysis of the FEA of program COSMOS/M enabled the insight into the actual state of destruction of a tensile connection linked with spikes and screws.

[Thu Dec 11 15:18:11 2003]
Mora se odmah napomenuti, da iako EC5 ne čini razliku između moda razaranja vlačnog spoja spojenog vijkom ili trnom, pokazuju se razlike u ponašanju u modu izrazitog razaranja spoja.
It must be mentioned straight away, that although EC5 does not make a difference between modes of destructions of tensile connections linked with the screw or with the spike, there appear to be differences in behavior in the mode of heavy destruction of the connection.

[Thu Dec 11 15:18:11 2003]
Naime, kod relativno tankih postranih elemenata u dvoreznom simetričnom spoju, trn se pri razaranju izvlači iz drveta, dok je kod vijka izvlačenje onemogućeno podložnim pločicama ispod glave i matice vijka
That is, in case of relatively thin lateral elements in a two-sheer sectioned symmetrical connection, during the destruction the spike is extracted from the wood, while the extraction of the screw is prevented by washers below the head and the nut of the screw

[Thu Dec 11 15:30:25 2003]
Polazi se od šest mogućih modova sloma za jednorezne nastavke i od četiri moguća moda sloma dvoreznog nastavka.
It starts from six possible modes of fracture for single-sheer sectioned extensions and from four possible modes of fracture of two-sheer sectioned extensions.

[Thu Dec 11 15:30:26 2003]
Ti su modovi sloma prikazani na sl.
These modes of fracture are shown on Figure

[Thu Dec 11 15:30:58 2003]
428 prikazuje se jedna fotografija razorenog spoja
Figure 428 shows a photograph of a destroyed connection

[Thu Dec 11 15:36:41 2003]
Pretpostavimo da su debljine elemenata drveta t1 i t2, te da je promjer spajala d
Let us assume that t1 and t2 are thicknesses of wood elements, and that d is the diameter of the fastener

[Thu Dec 11 15:42:41 2003]
označene su karakteristične čvrstoće upetosti spajala u drvo ovisno o zapreminskoj težini drveta
Characteristic strengths of restraint of fasteners in wood, depending upon the bulk density of the wood

[Thu Dec 11 15:51:10 2003]
Označimo intenzitete naponskih sila u vlaknima drveta pod spajalom s
Let us mark the intensities of tensional forces in wood fibers under the fastener with

[Thu Dec 11 15:59:31 2003]
Šrafirani dijelovi ukazuju na zone dosizanja plastifikacije drveta.
Hatched parts indicate the zones of reaching the plasticization of wood.

[Thu Dec 11 15:59:31 2003]
Zatamnjene zone pokazuju zone pritiska drveta na spajalo u fazi plastifikacije drveta
Shaded zones show the areas of wood pressure on the fastener, in the phase of wood plasticization

[Thu Dec 11 16:06:38 2003]
Iz sume momenata u odnosu na točku N slijedi
From the sum of moments in relation to the point N, it follows

[Thu Dec 11 16:24:04 2003]
Slični se izrazi mogu izvesti za sve ostale modove razaranja jednoreznih i dvoreznih spojeva
Similar expressions can derived for all other modes of destruction of single-sheer sectioned and two-sheer sectioned connections

[Thu Dec 11 16:29:55 2003]
Ukoliko nastaje plastifikacija spajala u spoju izvod izraza nosivosti je složeniji, jer se u proračun uvodi moment plastifikacije spajala i rad sila na pomacima
In case of plasticization of fasteners in the connection, derivation of the expression of bearing capacity is more complex, because calculation includes the moment of plasticization of fasteners and the effect of forces on displacements

[Thu Dec 11 16:35:33 2003]
za proračun nosivosti jednoreznih i dvoreznih nastavaka s opcijama izbora reznosti, materijala (koji može biti drvo, pločasti materijal ili tanki lim), izbora spajala i kuta nagiba sile prema vlaknima.
Čondić (1994), an MsBASIC program was created, for the calculation of bearing capacity of single-sheer sectioned and two-sheer sectioned extensions, with the options of selection of sawing ability, material (which can be wood, laminated material or tin metal sheet), selection of fasteners and the angle of inclination of force against fibers.

[Thu Dec 11 16:35:41 2003]
Moguće je kod jednoreznog spoja imati između nosivih dijelova i nenosivi sloj (npr.
In case of a single-sheer sectioned joint, it is possible to have a non-bearing layer between bearing parts (e.g.

[Thu Dec 11 16:37:42 2003]
neki izolacioni sloj).
some isolation layer).

[Thu Dec 11 16:38:52 2003]
Taj program daje proračunsku nosivost spoja, a i dimenzije razmaka među spajalima.
This program gives the estimated bearing capacity of the connection, as well as the dimensions of the span between fasteners.

[Thu Dec 11 16:41:28 2003]
Program je kasnije prerađen i dotjeran za korištenje.
Later on, the program was altered and improved for use.

[Thu Dec 11 16:46:58 2003]
Ne može se smatrati da je dorađen na razinu profesionalnog programa.
It cannot be considered to be perfected to the level of a professional program.

[Thu Dec 11 16:47:43 2003]
Naime, složenost izbora nosivosti dosta je složen računski dio, te ga je bez ručnog kalkulatora s mogućnostima programiranja ili bez nekog programa zametno proračunati.
That is, the complexity of the selection of bearing is a rather complicated calculation part, and it is strenuous to calculate it without a handheld calculator with options of programming, or without some program.

[Thu Dec 11 16:47:43 2003]
Za izraze nosivosti svih modova treba vidjeti EC5 standarde i odgovarajuću literaturu
For the expressions of bearing capacities of all modes, the EC5 standard and the corresponding literature should be checked

[Thu Dec 11 16:56:39 2003]
Model dvoreznog spoja kojeg se proračunava
Model of a two-sheer sectioned connection which is being calculated

[Fri Dec 12 09:36:47 2003]
Analiza provedena s MsBASIC programom (modificirani i prepravljeni program EC51IR.BAS), pokazuje slijedeće elemente proračuna vlačnog nastavka:
Analysis carried out with the MsBASIC program (modified and altered program EC51IR.BAS), shows the following elements of tensile extension calculation:

[Fri Dec 12 09:36:47 2003]
prikazuju se samo neki ekrani proračuna spoja
only some displays of the connection calculation are shown

[Fri Dec 12 09:38:39 2003]
Nosivost spojeva vijcima i čavlima elegantno se provjerava STEP 5 programima pisanim u EXCEL 5
Bearing capacity of connections with screws and nails is elegantly checked with STEP 5 programs written in EXCEL 5

[Fri Dec 12 09:42:33 2003]
Prikazuje se prijepis podataka sa ekrana MsBASIC programa za proračun nosivosti spajala
Data transcript from the screen of the MsBASIC program for fastener capacity calculation is shown here

[Fri Dec 12 09:48:07 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 09:50:54 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 09:55:23 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 09:58:18 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 10:01:59 2003]
Daju se i minimalni razmaci vijaka u odabranom spoju
Minimum distances of screws in a selected connection are given

[Fri Dec 12 10:33:26 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 10:46:24 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 10:47:12 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 10:48:08 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 10:48:46 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 10:50:08 2003]
Nelinearna FE analiza vlačnog nastavka
Nonlinear FE analysis of a tensile extension

[Fri Dec 12 10:58:21 2003]
Analizu se provelo s FEA COSMOS/M kao 2D FE model.
The analysis was carried out with FEA COSMOS/M as 2D FE model.

[Fri Dec 12 10:58:54 2003]
Imalo se na umu parametarsko modeliranje FE proračunskog modela, ali se u ovoj fazi zadržalo na određenim dimenzijama dvoreznog vlačnog nastavka.
We kept in mind the parametric modelling of the FE calcuation model, but in this phase we focused on the specific dimensions of the two-sheer sectioned tensile extension.

[Fri Dec 12 11:01:12 2003]
Parametarsko modeliranje ostavljeno je za kasnija istraživanja.
Parametric modeling was left for later research.

[Fri Dec 12 11:01:44 2003]
Zbog uvjeta simetrije razmatra se samo 1/2 modela spoja.
Because symmetry requirements, only 1/2 of connection model is considered.

[Fri Dec 12 11:02:30 2003]
Model je kreiran i proračunat u GEOSTAR modulu COSMOS/M-a.
The model was created and calculated in GEOSTAR module COSMOS/M.

[Fri Dec 12 11:02:30 2003]
Kreirane su točke, crte i površine, koje su potom umrežene
Points, lines and surfaces were created, which were then meshed

[Fri Dec 12 11:07:14 2003]
Na mjestu vijka postoje dva sloja mreže KE, jedan za drvo, a drugi za 12 mm vijak.
On the place of the screw there are two layers of the FE mesh, one for wood, and other for the 12-mm screw.

[Fri Dec 12 11:12:29 2003]
MKE se sastoji od PLANE2D KE.
FEM consists of PLANE2D FEs.

[Fri Dec 12 11:14:50 2003]
Raspor između elemenata drveta u spoju spaja se u čvorovima mreže KE sa GAP KE koji mogu vezu raskinuti u slučaju pojave vlaka na krajevima GAP elementa.
The slit between elements of wood in the connection is joined in FE mesh nodes with GAP FEs, which can break the connection if tension appears on ends of GAP elements.

[Fri Dec 12 11:17:27 2003]
Isto tako su i čvorovi MKE u reški između KE drveta i KE vijka spojeni s tim GAP KE.
Also, FEM nodes in the joint between FE wood and FE screw are connected with those GAP FEs.

[Fri Dec 12 11:23:04 2003]
Kako ne bi došlo do nestabilnosti matrice krutosti paralelno s GAP KE korišteni su vrlo 'meki' TRUSS2D KE.
In order to avoid the instability of the stiffness matrix parallel with GAP FEs, very 'soft' TRUSS2D FEs were used.

[Fri Dec 12 11:24:06 2003]
Na dijelu modela na kojem očito ne dolazi do dodira među konačnim elementima, već do njihova razmicanja nisu korišteni nikakvi dodirni (ili GAP KE).
On the part of the model where there is obviously no contact between finite elements, but they are moving apart, no contacting (or GAP) FEs were used.

[Fri Dec 12 11:27:09 2003]
Na crti simetrije koriste se rubni uvjeti simetrije.
On the line of symmetry, boundary conditions of symmetry are used.

[Fri Dec 12 11:31:47 2003]
Pokazalo se ukoliko se u OVOM modelu koristi trn kao spojno sredstvo, dolazi do efekta izvlačenja trna pri razaranju veze, te se stoga koristi vijak s podložnom pločicom.
It came out that if in THIS model the spike is used a the joining instrument, the effect of extracting the spike during destruction of the connection occurs, and therefore, a screw with the washer is used.

[Fri Dec 12 11:31:47 2003]
Podložna pločica se simulira s CPDOF uvjetima (zajedničke slobode pomaka centra glave vijka i KE na koje se oslanja podložna pločica)
The washer is simulated with CPDOF conditions (joint freedom of displacement of the centre of bolt head and FEs which support the washer)

[Fri Dec 12 11:38:56 2003]
Da bi se opisalo svojstva materijala, koriste se upisi krivulja s/e (MPC-CURVE), kojom se upisuje odnose između napona i relativnih deformacija.
In order to describe material properties, entries of curve s/e (MPC-CURVE) are used, which enters ratios between tensions and relative deformations.

[Fri Dec 12 11:40:52 2003]
Obzirom da su u drvetu s/e krivulje različite za vlak paralelno s vlaknima i za tlak paralelno s vlaknima, to se relevantne podatke uzelo iz literature.
Since s/e curves in wood are different for tension parallel with fibers and for pressure parallel with fibers, the relevant data were taken from literature.

[Fri Dec 12 11:41:07 2003]
Korišteni su rezultati istraživanja S.I.A.
The results of the research of S.I.A.

[Fri Dec 12 11:41:58 2003]
pokusi rađeni davne 1925.
experiments carried out back in 1925,

[Fri Dec 12 11:48:49 2003]
godine, kao najrelevantnija ispitivanja drveta.
as the most relevant testing of wood.

[Fri Dec 12 12:19:53 2003]
Na osnovu prethodno provedene linearne analize, poznate su bile zone rasporeda tlaka i vlaka, pa se za KE svake zone koristila odgovarajuća MPC krivulja (vlačna, odnosno tlačna).
On the basis of earlier linear analyses, the zones of distribution of pressure and tension were known, and for FEs of every zone, the appropriate MPC curve (tensile i.e. pressure) was used.

[Fri Dec 12 12:20:53 2003]
Za ponašanje metala spajala uzeo se bilinearni zakon promjene napona i relativnih deformacija, ali je i taj zakon promjene također opisan preko MPC krivulje.
For the behavior of fastener metals, the bilinear law of the change of tension and relative deformations was taken, but this law of change was also described through MPC curves.

[Fri Dec 12 12:24:15 2003]
Ove su krivulje prikazane uz FE model na kojem su upisani relevantni geometrijski podaci, istovjetni podacima modela kojeg se ispitalo s programom EC51IR.BAS.
This curves are shown with the FE model with relevant geometrical data, same as data of the model which was examined with the program EC51IR.BAS.

[Fri Dec 12 12:24:53 2003]
Opterećenje je uzeto jedinično po čvoru, s tim da je zadana krivulja zakona promjene opterećenja u vremenu.
Load is taken as unit per node, and the curve of the law of load variation in time is given.

[Fri Dec 12 12:24:53 2003]
Uzeta je linearna promjena u 22 vremenska intervala, i ta je krivulja (TIME) također prikazana
Linear change in 22 time intervals is taken, and that curve (TIME) is also presented

[Fri Dec 12 12:37:25 2003]
Vremenski korak analize uzet je 1 sek (to je relativna mjera funkcije vremena ?t), kroz vrijeme od 22 sek.
Time step of the analysis is taken to be 1 sec (that is the relative measure of the time function t), through the interval of 22 sec

[Fri Dec 12 12:38:09 2003]
Pri tome se pojedini GAP KE elementi otvaraju, već prema deformacijama modela
During that, some GAP FE elements are opened, according to deformations of the model

[Fri Dec 12 12:42:34 2003]
Deformirano stanje u koraku 5.
Deformed state in step 5.

[Fri Dec 12 12:42:38 2003]
Odabir krivulja MPC.
Selection of MPC curves.

[Fri Dec 12 12:42:43 2003]
Raspodjela opterećenja.
Load distribution.

[Fri Dec 12 12:42:54 2003]
uvećan detalj spoja
enlarged detail of the connection

[Fri Dec 12 12:53:38 2003]
Lijevo za vlak paralelno vlaknima
On the left, for tension parallel with fibers

[Fri Dec 12 12:54:25 2003]
Desno za tlak paralelno vlaknima
On the right, for pressure parallel with fibers

[Fri Dec 12 14:30:04 2003]
vlak paralelno vlaknima
tension parallel to fibers

[Fri Dec 12 14:30:41 2003]
relativna deformacija
relative deformation

[Fri Dec 12 15:05:38 2003]
TIME krivulja promjene sile u vremenu
TIME curve of force variation in time

[Fri Dec 12 15:08:53 2003]
Deformacija spoja.
Deformation of the connection.

[Fri Dec 12 15:09:03 2003]
On the left:

[Fri Dec 12 15:09:11 2003]
horizontalni pomak (ux) čvorova 132 i 116.
horizontal displacement (ux) of nodes 132 and 116.

[Fri Dec 12 15:09:25 2003]
vertikalno pomaci (uy) čvorova 132 i 116
vertical displacements (uy) of nodes 132 and 116

[Fri Dec 12 15:21:40 2003]
Poradi velikog broja proračunskih podataka detaljno su grafički praćene samo deformacije dvaju čvorova 116 i 132.
Because of the large amount of calculation data, only deformations of two nodes, 116 and 132, are graphically presented in detail.

[Fri Dec 12 15:21:40 2003]
Čvor 132 je u centru lica osi vijka
Node 132 is at the center of the screw axis

[Fri Dec 12 15:29:50 2003]
Ukoliko se uzme veličina projektne vrijednosti nosivosti 1/3 nosivosti spoja pri njegovom razaranju proizlazi da je proračunska nosivost 4.4 kN, dakle vrijednost koju smo dobili iz Johansonove teorije (izraza u EC5), po programu EC51IR.BAS.
If we take the size of design value of bearing capacity to be 1/3 of bearing capacity of the connection during its destruction, it follows that the calculated bearing capacity is 4.4 kN, i.e. the value that we obtained from Johanson's theory (expressions in EC5), according to the program EC51IR.BAS.

[Fri Dec 12 15:31:57 2003]
Prikazuje se neke rezultate proračuna.
Some results of the calculation.

[Fri Dec 12 15:35:35 2003]
Karakteristična je krivulja deformacija (pomaci dvaju selektiranih čvorova MKE).
The curves of deformations is characteristic (displacements of two selected FEM nodes).

[Fri Dec 12 15:42:27 2003]
Vidljivo je da je mod razaranja dvoreznog spoja, uzrokovan popuštanjem spajala (dakle mod III).
It is clear that the mode of destruction of the two-sheer sectioned connection is caused by fastener yielding (i.e. mode III).

[Fri Dec 12 15:44:24 2003]
Deformirano stanje sklopa u posljednjem koraku (22) proračuna nije prikazano, jer samo razaranje ne daje toliko informacija koliko daju korak 5 i korak 10, i zbog nedostatka prostora.
The deformed state of the connection in the last step (22) of the calculation is not shown, because destruction itself does not provide so much information as step 5 and step 10, and because of the lack of space.

[Fri Dec 12 15:44:24 2003]
Odabirom drugih karakteristika modela dobili bi se i drugi modovi sloma vlačnog nastavka
By selecting other characteristics of the model, other modes of fracture of the tensile extension would be obtained

[Fri Dec 12 15:53:27 2003]
Pokazalo se da nelinearna analiza FE modela daje istovjetne rezultate izrazima nosivosti spojeva spojenih spajalima navedenim u EC5 standardu za projektiranje drvenih konstrukcija.
It turned out that nonlinear analysis of the FE model gives identical results as the expressions of bearing capacity of connections joined with fasteners given in the EC5 standard for wooden structures design.

[Fri Dec 12 15:56:21 2003]
To se i moglo očekivati, obzirom na to, da se FEA program COSMOS/M može smatrati laboratorijem za ispitivanje raznih proračunskih modela.
This is not a surprise, since FEA program COSMOS/M can be viewed as a laboratory for testing various calcuation models.

[Fri Dec 12 15:59:37 2003]
Ukoliko je proračunski model vjerniji stvarnom stanju, to će i rezultati biti sukladniji.
If the calcuation model is closer to the actual state, the results will be more consistent.