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[Fri Dec 12 15:59:37 2003]
U daljnjem nastojanju sličan model napisat će se u parametarskom obliku, kako bi se izmjenom parametara upisa mogli ispitati modeli različitih geometrija i svojstava materijala
In further efforts, the similar model will be written in the parametric form, so that by modification of input parameters, models of different geometries and material properties could be tested
[Fri Dec 12 16:08:54 2003]
Drveni most od lameliranog drva s trapeznim razuporama.
Wooden bridge from laminated wood with trapeziodal bracings.
[Fri Dec 12 16:08:56 2003]
Iz Information-dienst HOLZ, detalji drvenih mostova, dio 9, izdanje 2.
From Information-dienst HOLZ, details of wooden bridges, part 9, 2nd edition.
[Fri Dec 12 16:10:49 2003]
[Fri Dec 12 16:30:29 2003]
Suvremenim programima može se razmatrati nastajanje iniciranih pukotina u materijalima.
With modern programs we can analyze formation of initiated cracks in materials.
[Fri Dec 12 16:30:42 2003]
Prikazuje se analiza nastajanja pukotine u nosaču, pomoću tzv.
Analysis of crack formation in a beam, using the so-called
[Fri Dec 12 16:37:57 2003]
Primjer je uzet iz verifikacijskih primjera paketa COSMOS/M.
The example is taken from the test example of the package COSMOS/M.
[Fri Dec 12 16:39:44 2003]
Prikazuje se upis podataka, dio ispisa rezultata analize, s faktorom intenziteta naponskog stanja pukotina (CRACK STRESS INTENSITY FACTOR).
Data input is shown, as well as the part of the printout of analysis results, with the crack stress intensity factor (CRACK STRESS INTENSITY FACTOR).
[Fri Dec 12 16:40:09 2003]
Obzirom da se uzelo dva CRK elementa sračunat je CSIF KI i KII.
Since two CRK elements are taken, CSIF KI and KII is calculated.
[Fri Dec 12 16:41:34 2003]
Također je prikazan dio mreže KE PLANE2D.
Also, the part of the FE mesh PLANE2D is presented.
[Fri Dec 12 16:41:34 2003]
Prikazani su i grafički prikazi deformacija i napona, kao i zumirani dio KE oko pukotine
Graphic presentations of strains and stresses are given, as well as the zoomed part of FEs around the crack
[Fri Dec 12 16:57:58 2003]
[Mon Dec 15 09:28:44 2003]
Iz arhitektonskih CAD planova (a) korištenjem 3D CAD/CAM sustava (b) dobiju se izvedbeni projekti i nacrti koje se prosljeđuje CNC strojevima koji zgotovljavaju dijelove konstrukcije (krova, zgrade, hale, tornjeva, mostova), koji se prosljeđuju gradilištu gdje se objekt izvodi (c).
From architectonic CAD plans (a) by using the 3D CAD/CAM system (b) executional projects and drafts are obtained, which are passed on to CNC machines which finish parts of the structure (roof, building, hall, towers, bridges), and then passed to the site where the structure is built (c).
[Mon Dec 15 09:28:45 2003]
[Mon Dec 15 09:30:07 2003]
Primjer primjene modula MODSTAR / COSMOS/M za termičke analize
Example of MODSTAR/COSMOS/M module application for thermal analyses
[Mon Dec 15 09:31:04 2003]
Provodljivost temperature ploče
Temperature conductance of the plate
[Mon Dec 15 09:33:38 2003]
razmatra se samo pola ploče
only half of the plate is analyzed
[Mon Dec 15 09:42:52 2003]
Prikazuje se upis podataka i ispis rezultata termičke analize ploče dimenzija 4.0 m * 4.0 m od koje se razmatra samo jedna polovina ploče, zbog simetrije i ploče i opterećenja.
It shows the data input and printout of results of the thermal analysis of a panel, with dimensions 4.0 m * 4.0 m, where only one half of the panel is analyzed, because of the symmetry of the plate and load.
[Mon Dec 15 09:42:52 2003]
Djelomični ispis rezultata analize toplinske provodljivosti s FEA programom COSMOS/M
Partial printout of the results of thermal conductance analysis with FEA program COSMOS/M
[Mon Dec 15 09:46:11 2003]
Razdioba temperature u mediju
Distribution of temperature in the medium
[Mon Dec 15 09:51:55 2003]
Combo stambene zgrade građene od drva i betona (podrumske garaže i prizemlje, liftovi), Vancouver, Kanada
Combo residential buildings built from wood and concrete (underground garages and ground floor, elevators), Vancouver, Canada
[Mon Dec 15 09:55:15 2003]
[Mon Dec 15 10:02:48 2003]
Kod formulacije proračunskih modela iz konačnih elemenata ukoliko postoji simetrija sustava i simetrija opterećenja ili simetrija sustava i antimetrija opterećenja, nije potrebno proračunavati cijeli sustav, već samo jednu polovinu sustava, a drugu polovinu sustava može se onda zamijeniti pogodnim rubnim uvjetima koji zamjenjuju simetriju ili antimetriju sustava.
In the formulation of calculation models from finite elements, if there is symmetry of system and symmetry of the load, or symmetry of the system and antimetry of the load, it is not necessary to calculate the whole system, but only one half of it, and the other half can be replaced with appropriate boundary conditions, which replace symmetry or antimetry of the system.
[Mon Dec 15 10:04:27 2003]
Prikazuje se nekoliko primjera takvog modeliranja.
Several examples of such modeling are shown.
[Mon Dec 15 10:05:10 2003]
Najjednostavniji je slučaj jednostavna greda, koja je a) simetrično opterećena (npr.
The simplest case is a simple beam, which is a) symmetrically loaded (e.g.
[Mon Dec 15 10:05:10 2003]
kontinuiranim jednolikim opterećenjem), i b) antimetrično opterećena
with continuous uniform load), and b) antimetrically loaded
[Mon Dec 15 10:07:43 2003]
Desni dio je zamijenjen rubnim uvjetima:
The right part is replaced with boundary conditions:
[Mon Dec 15 10:08:10 2003]
čvor 5 je ležaj s odgovarajućim 'oslobođenjima'.
node 5 is the bearing with appropriate 'releases'.
[Mon Dec 15 10:08:10 2003]
Prema MS STRUDL ili ICES STRUDL uvodi se za ležajne čvorove
According to MS STRUDL or ICES STRUDL for bearing nodes it is introduced
[Mon Dec 15 10:33:30 2003]
U COSMOS/M programu postoje nalozi za modeliranje rubnih uvjeta stanja simetrije i stanja antimetrije:
In COSMOS/M program, there are commands for modeling boundary conditions of symmetry and antisymmetry states:
[Mon Dec 15 10:35:17 2003]
SYMBC za generiranje simetričnih rubnih uvjeta u ravnini simetrije, i nalog ASYMBC za generiranje asimetričnih rubnih uvjeta u ravnini asimetrije.
SYMBC for generating symmetrical boundary conditions in the plane of symmetry, and ASYMBC command for generating asymmetric boundary conditions in the plane of asymmetry.
[Mon Dec 15 10:35:17 2003]
Pri tom se simetrija i antisimetrija rubnih uvjeta može izraziti u Cartezijevom, globalnom cilindričnom, globalnom sfernom i prethodno definiranom lokalnom koordinatnom sustavu (vidjeti priručnike)
Symmetry and antisymmetry of boundary conditions can be expressed in Cartesian, global cylindrical, global spheric and earlier defined local coordinate system (see manuals)
[Mon Dec 15 10:37:41 2003]
U prethodnim primjerima to se može onda izraziti kao
In previous examples, it can be expressed as
[Mon Dec 15 10:45:13 2003]
Vrijednost 2.5 u nalogu je udaljenost ravnine simetrije od ishodišta koordinatnog sustava, dok je vrijednost 0,01 mjera tolerancije odredbe ravnine u kojoj su locirani čvorovi koji definiraju ravninu simetrije (ili antisimetrije).
5 in the command is the distance of the plane of symmetry from the origin of coordinate system, while the value 0,01 is the measure of tolerance of the order of plane in which the nodes are located which define the plane of symmetry (or antisymmetry).
[Mon Dec 15 10:45:13 2003]
U ovom slučaju je taj podatak irelevantan
In this case, this information is irrelevant
[Mon Dec 15 10:48:46 2003]
Modeliranje uvjeta antimetrije korištenjem naloga ASYMBC
Modeling of antisymmetry conditions using the command ASYMBC
[Mon Dec 15 10:53:40 2003]
Naročito treba biti pažljiv kod korištenja simetrije i antimetrije pri proračunima modova titranja konstrukcija.
It is necessary to be particularly careful in using symmetry and antisymmetry in calculations of modes of structure vibrations.
[Mon Dec 15 10:53:40 2003]
Rubni uvjeti simetrije i antisimetrije moraju se podudarati s elastičnom linijama pojedinih modova titranja!
Boundary conditions of symmetry and antisymmetry must correspond with elastic lines of some modes of vibration!
[Mon Dec 15 10:58:30 2003]
Na primjer, ako se razmatra po obodu upeta kružna ploča može se razmatrati 1/4 ploče samo za prvi prirodni mod titranja ploče
For example, if a cycle plate fixed along the perimeter is analyzed, only 1/4 of the plate can be analyzed for the first natural mode of plate vibration
[Mon Dec 15 11:04:13 2003]
kružna ploča oslonjena po obodu ploče.
cycle plate supported along the perimeter.
[Mon Dec 15 11:34:26 2003]
za jednoliko i simetrično opterećenje ploče kod statičke analize i kod proračuna 1 moda titranja može se razmatrati 1/4 ploče uz odgovarajuće rubne uvjete.
for uniformly and symmetrically loaded plates, in static analysis and in calculation of the 1st mode of vibration, only 1/4 of the plate can be analyzed with appropriate boundary conditions.
[Mon Dec 15 11:34:26 2003]
Za proračun ostalih modova titranja mora se razmatrati cijela ploča
For calculation of other modes of vibration, the entire plate must be analyzed
[Mon Dec 15 11:39:42 2003]
Međutim, za proračun drugog moda titranja NE MOŽE se koristiti ovaj prikazani model
However, for the calculation of the second mode of vibration, the presented model CANNOT be used
[Mon Dec 15 11:43:10 2003]
Također se prikazuje jedan primjer modeliranja ploče gdje se razmatra samo 1/4 ploče za simetrično opterećenje (u prethodno prikazanim primjerima modeliranja prikazan je i model svoda kojeg se modeliralo s 1/4 modela cijelog svoda)
An example of plate modeling is also shown, where only 1/4 of the plates for symmetrical load is analyzed (in previously shown examples of modeling, a model of a vault which was modeled with 1/4 of the model of the entire vault was shown)
[Mon Dec 15 11:44:21 2003]
Uz modeliranje pravokutne jednoliko opterećene ploče, upete po svim rubovima
With modeling of a rectangular uniformly loaded plate, fixed along all edges
[Mon Dec 15 11:46:45 2003]
Treba razmotriti samo 1/4 ploče, dakle sustav prikazan na slici 32.7
Only 1/4 of the plate should be analyzed, i.e. the system presented on Figure 32.7
[Mon Dec 15 11:52:42 2003]
Zbog uvjeta geometrijske simetrije oslonjene pravokutne ploče i zbog simetrično opterećenja ploče može se u statičkoj i dinamičkoj analizi 1 moda titranja razmatrati samo 1/4 ploče, koristeći odgovarajuće uvjete oslanjanja (simetrije).
Because of the conditions of geometric symmetry of a supported rectangular plate, and because of symmetrical load of the plate, in static and dynamic analysis of the 1st mode of vibration only 1/4 of the plate can be analyzed, using the appropriate support conditions (symmetry conditions).
[Mon Dec 15 11:53:49 2003]
Kod analize ostalih viših modova titranja treba pomno razmotriti uvjete oslanjanja pri razmatranju takvog modela.
In the analysis of other higher modes of vibration, the support conditions should be carefully considered, when analyzing such a model.
[Mon Dec 15 11:54:36 2003]
Najbolje i najsigurnije rješenje je razmotriti modeliranje cijele ploče uz odgovarajuće (zadane) uvjete oslanjanja.
The best and the safest solution is to analyze modelling of the entire plate with appropriate (given) support conditions.
[Mon Dec 15 11:54:36 2003]
Današnji programi rješavaju vrlo velike FEA probleme vrlo brzo
Present-day programs can very quickly solve great FEA problems
[Mon Dec 15 11:58:03 2003]
Osim toga, za sve čvorove mora biti spriječena rotacija oko Z osi, dakle ROTZ=0.
Aside from this, for all nodes, the rotation around Z axis must be prevented, i.e. ROTZ=0.
[Mon Dec 15 11:58:03 2003]
Ovu se rotaciju može spriječiti i nalogom RUN_CHECK i DATA_CHECK
This rotation can be prevented with the command RUN_CHECK and DATA_CHECK
[Mon Dec 15 12:02:03 2003]
Ponekad i kod statičkih analiza može doći do iznenađenja pri nepažljivom korištenju naloga za simulaciju rubnih uvjeta za simetriju ili antisimetriju.
Even in static analyses, there can sometimes be surprises in a careless use of the command for the simulation of boundary conditions for symmetry or antisymmetry.
[Mon Dec 15 12:02:03 2003]
Pokazat će se to na jednom primjeru pneumatske grede (cijevi s unutrašnjim tlakom p i vanjskim opterećenjem P)
This will be shown on one example of a pneumatic beam (pipes with internal pressure p and exterior load P)
[Mon Dec 15 12:05:30 2003]
Korištenje simetrije kod proračuna FE modela pneumatske grede (cijevi) modelirane od SHELL4L uslojenih KE ljuske.
The use of symmetry in calculation of the FE model of a pneumatic beam (pipe) modelled from SHELL4L layered FE shells.
[Mon Dec 15 12:05:55 2003]
Ukoliko smo nesigurni u formulaciji rubnih uvjeta simetrije, najjednostavnije je analizirati cijeli FE model pneumatske grede.
If we are uncertain in the formulation of boundary conditions of symmetry, the simplest way is to analyze the entire FE model of the pneumatic beam.
[Mon Dec 15 12:05:55 2003]
Aksonometrijski prikaz slobodnog ruba (prsten) prikazuje se na slici 26.10
Axonometric representation of a free edge (ring) is shown on Figure 26.10
[Mon Dec 15 12:10:01 2003]
U slučaju da se ne uvedu ovi rubni uvjeti (ROTX=0) doći će od tordiranja cijevi kojeg, naravno, u stvarnosti nema.
If these boundary conditions (ROTX=0) are not introduced, there will come to torsion of the pipe which, of course, does not occur in reality.
[Mon Dec 15 12:10:01 2003]
Stoga je bolje za neiskusne korisnike ne koristiti rubne uvjete simetrije ili antimetrije, jer može doći do modeliranja pogrešnog proračunskog modela
Therefore, the inexperienced users should not use boundary conditions of symmetry or antisymmetry, because otherwise the wrong calcuation model could be modelled
[Mon Dec 15 12:11:32 2003]
Svi čvorovi na liniji (ravnini) simetrije imaju sljedeće rubne uvjete
All nodes on the line (plane) of symmetry have the following boundary conditions
[Mon Dec 15 12:17:59 2003]
Svi čvorovi na tom rubu imaju iste uvjete (i međusobno su vezani pločom, koja u modelu nije prikazana).
All nodes on that edge have the same conditions (and they are mutually connected with the plate, which is not shown in the model).
[Mon Dec 15 12:17:59 2003]
Na mjestu oslanjanja treba uvesti rubne uvjete
On the place of support, boundary conditions should be introduced
[Mon Dec 15 12:20:01 2003]
Robotski stroj Hundegger instaliran u Izgradnji d.o.o. Ogulin
Robotic machine Hundegger installed in Izgradnja Ltd. Ogulin
[Mon Dec 15 12:28:44 2003]
Građenje drvenog skeleta zgrade projektirane sa CAD/CAM sustavom i izvedene s Hundegger CNC robotom.
Construction of the wooden skeleton of a building designed with CAD/CAM system and carried out with Hundegger CNC robot.
[Mon Dec 15 12:28:53 2003]
Sustav je patentiran.
The system is patented.
[Mon Dec 15 12:28:53 2003]
Svi detalji su predeterminirani
All details are predetermined
[Mon Dec 15 12:30:23 2003]
[Mon Dec 15 12:40:44 2003]
Kod modeliranja uzgona uzgon treba odgovarajuće modelirati.
In modelling of bouyancy, it should be appropriately modeled.
[Mon Dec 15 12:41:07 2003]
To se može učiniti uvođenjem elastičnog zamjenjujućeg oslanjanja navođenjem koeficijenata KFY (ukoliko je uzgon u smjeru osi Y), odnosno uvođenjem adekvatnog zamjenjujućeg štapa:
This can be done by introducing the elastic substitution support and by stating coefficients KFY (if bouyancy is in the direction of the axis Y), that is, by introducing the adequate substitution member:
[Mon Dec 15 12:41:07 2003]
vidi Žagar, Nosive strukture, Liber
see Žagar, Nosive strukture (Bearing structures), Liber
[Mon Dec 15 12:46:44 2003]
Model pontona.
Pontoon model.
[Mon Dec 15 12:48:27 2003]
Na ponton djeluju vanjske sile od opterećenja i od uzgona koji istisninom drži ravnotežu priloženim vanjskih vertikalnim silama.
The pontoon is affected by external forces from the load and from bouyancy which with its displacement keeps balance with the accompanying external vertical forces.
[Mon Dec 15 12:48:27 2003]
Ponton se može modelirati s fiktivnim (zamjenjujućim) štapnim TRUSS KE, ili s BUOY KE iz biblioteke KE FEA programa COSMOS/M
The pontoon can be modeled with fictive (substitution) bar TRUSS FE, or with BUOY FE from the library of FEs of the FEA program COSMOS/M
[Mon Dec 15 12:57:48 2003]
Sustav se može simulirati na dva načina
The system can be simulated in two ways
[Mon Dec 15 12:59:34 2003]
Modeliranje sa zamjenjujućim štapom karakteristika
Modelling with the substitution member with characteristics
[Mon Dec 15 13:00:25 2003]
koji ima zglobove na krajevima
which has hinges at its ends
[Tue Dec 16 09:30:37 2003]
modeliranje pomoću elastičnog oslanjanja i zadavanja koeficijenta elastičnog oslanjanja KFY
modelling with elastic support and the assignment of elastic support coefficient KFY
[Tue Dec 16 09:32:10 2003]
Iz ravnoteže slijedi
From the equilibrium it follows
[Tue Dec 16 09:33:25 2003]
iz čega slijedi da je
whereof it follows that
[Tue Dec 16 09:36:19 2003]
Odaberu su dvije vrijednosti, treća je time jednoznačno određena
Two values are selected, the third one is thereby unambiguously defined
[Tue Dec 16 09:38:08 2003]
Globalna uzdužna dispozicija pontonskog mosta (nije u mjerilu)
Global longitudinal disposition of a pontoon bridge (not in the measure)
[Tue Dec 16 09:45:31 2003]
Statička shema sustava može se prikazati kao sustav oslonjen na elastične štapove (pontone)
Static scheme of the system can be presented as a system supported with elastic members (pontoons)
[Tue Dec 16 09:53:58 2003]
Nakon unosa koordinata i spojnica čvorova, određivanja oslonaca (1, 17, 18, 19, 20) AS SUPPORTS, određivanja tipa konstrukcije (u MSTRUDL-u je to TYPE PLANE FRAME), određivanja i upisa spojnica čvorova (MEMBER INCIDENCES), treba osloboditi 'zamjenjujuće' štapove momenata savijanja nalozima
After entering coordinates and node connectors, after determining supports (1, 17, 18, 19, 20) AS SUPPORTS, after determining the structural type (in MSTRUDL it is TYPE PLANE FRAME), determining and entering node connectors (MEMBER INCIDENCES), 'substitution' members of bending moments should be released with commands
[Tue Dec 16 10:06:03 2003]
Ovdje napominjem da bi u verziji IBM ICES STRUDL2 štapove 17, 18 i 19 definirali kao TYPE PLANE TRUSS prije definicije njihovih spojnica.
I must mention here that in IBM ICES STRUDL2s version, members 17, 18 and 19 would be defined as TYPE PLANE TRUSS, before defining their connectors.
[Tue Dec 16 10:06:39 2003]
Naravno, onda ne bi trebalo njihovo otpuštanje od MZ momenta na njihovim krajevima.
Naturally, their release from MZ moments on their ends would then not be necessary.
[Tue Dec 16 10:06:39 2003]
Međutim, to nije moguće u M-STRUDL verziji
However, this is not possible in M-STRUDL version
[Tue Dec 16 10:08:54 2003]
Treba unijeti karakteristike presjeka štapova mosta sa
Characteristics of sections of bridge members should be entered with
[Tue Dec 16 10:11:24 2003]
za zamjenjujuće štapove treba uvesti njihove karakteristike prema odabiru
for substitution members, their characteristics should be introduced according to the selection
[Tue Dec 16 10:17:36 2003]
iza čega se može pristupiti definiciji opterećenja i pokretnog vozila aktiviranjem naloga za generiranje pokretnog opterećenja prema
from which we can approach the definition of load and of movable vehicle, by activating the command for generating the moving load according to
[Tue Dec 16 10:19:40 2003]
kut prilaza
angle of approach
[Tue Dec 16 10:23:27 2003]
Prikazani primjer je sasvim hipotetski.
The example shown is entirely hypothetical.
[Tue Dec 16 10:26:17 2003]
Razmaci pontona su preveliki (20.0 m), a dimenzije pontona premale.
Pontoon distances are too large (20.0 m), and pontoon dimensions are too small.
[Tue Dec 16 10:29:03 2003]
Primjer služi samo za objašnjenje o modeliranju ovakvih i njima sličnih konstrukcija.
The example serves only to explain the modelling of such and similar structures.
[Tue Dec 16 10:29:39 2003]
Prilaže se upis podataka za jedan takav sustav (rasponi i sustav su slični) za obradu sa MSTRUDL-om.
Data input for one such systems (spans and system ar similar) is given, to be analyzed with MSTRUDL.
[Tue Dec 16 10:30:00 2003]
Preko pontonskog mosta kreće se jedno tipsko vozilo od 300 kN.
A standard vehicles of 300 kN moves across the bridge.
[Tue Dec 16 10:30:00 2003]
Koristi se generator pokretnog opterećenja MSTRUDL-a
Moving load generator of MSTRUDL is used
[Tue Dec 16 10:41:05 2003]
Prikazuje se upis podataka za MSTRUDL proračuna drvenog mosta na pontonima (UZGON1).
Data input for MSTRUDL calculation of a wooden bridge on pontoons (BUOYANCY1) is shown.
[Tue Dec 16 10:41:28 2003]
Po mostu se kreće pokretno opterećenje - tipsko vozilo od 300 kN (3 osovine od 100 kN s razmacima osovina od 1.5 m).
Moving load moves across the bridge - a standard vehicle of 300 kN (3 axes of 100 kN with wheelbases of 1.5 m).
[Tue Dec 16 10:41:28 2003]
Pontoni su zamijenjeni zamjenskim štapovima
Pontoons are replaced with substitute members
[Tue Dec 16 10:52:57 2003]
Uzgon pontona može se u FEA programu COSMOS/M formulirati s KE plovka (bove) BUOY-KE s jednim čvorom kojem se zadaju svojstva (RC-realne konstante) mase u x,y,z smjeru, rotacijske inercije oko x,y,z osi, vanjski promjer, koeficijenti uzgona i dodatne mase na i u bovi.
Pontoon buoyancy can be, in FEA program COSMOS/M, formulated with FE of a buoy BUOY-FE, with one node which gives properties (RC - real constants) of the mass in x,y,z direction, rotational inertia around x,y,z axis, external diameter, lift coefficients and additional masses on and in the buoy.
[Tue Dec 16 10:53:37 2003]
Uz ovaj BUOY KE koristi se i KE potopljenog kabla (cijevi) IMPIPE-KE, uronjene lančanice ili fleksibilne cijevi, kojom se zadaju vanjski i unutrašnji promjer i koji KE ima dva čvora.
With this BUOY FE, FE of the immersed pipe is used, IMPIPE-FE, of a submerged catenary or flexible pipe, which gives external and internal diameter, and FE has two nodes.
[Tue Dec 16 10:53:45 2003]
Unutar cijevi se može kretati određenom brzinom neki materijal određenih svojstava:
Inside the pipe, some material of certain characteristics can move at a certain speed:
[Tue Dec 16 10:53:56 2003]
tekućina, granule i sl.
liquid, granules etc.
[Tue Dec 16 10:53:56 2003]
Vidjeti opise realnih konstanti za IMPIPE KE
See descriptions of real constants for IMPIPE FE
[Tue Dec 16 10:56:49 2003]
U nastavku se detaljnije obrazlaže nalog MOVING LOAD generatora pokretnog opterećenja
Further on, there is a more detailed explanation of the command MOVING LOAD of the moving load generator
[Tue Dec 16 11:02:51 2003]
Prednost modela kreiranog s GEOSTAR modulom je u tome što se odmah može provesti statička analiza deformacija, pomaka i napona (ANALYSIS STATIC i ANALYSIS STRESS) i potom izvijanja (ANALYSIS BUCKLING), te frekvencijska analiza (ANALYSIS FREQUENCY).
Advantage of a model created with GEOSTAR module is in the fact that static analysis of deformations, displacements and stresses (ANALYSIS STATIC and ANALYSIS STRESS) can be carried out immediately, as well as buckling analysis (ANALYSIS BUCKLING), and frequency analysis (ANALYSIS FREQUENCY).
[Tue Dec 16 11:02:51 2003]
Naravno da se mogu koristiti i drugi raspoloživi paketi za analize konstrukcija
Naturally, other available packages for structure analysis may be used
[Tue Dec 16 11:04:06 2003]
Građenje privatne rezidencije u Vancouveru, Kanada.
Building of a private residence in Vancouver, Canada.
[Tue Dec 16 11:04:10 2003]
[Tue Dec 16 11:04:25 2003]
[Tue Dec 16 11:04:44 2003]
Montaža krovnih vezača.
Assembly of roof trusses.
[Tue Dec 16 11:05:40 2003]
Zgrada izgrađena u jednom tjednu.
The building was built in one week.
[Tue Dec 16 11:05:40 2003]
Kasnije obloženo fasadnom kamenom oblogom
Later it was lined with facade stone lining
[Tue Dec 16 11:09:13 2003]
[Tue Dec 16 11:27:28 2003]
Kod primjene prednaprezanja postupcima naknadnog prednapinjanja greda roštilja, kao načina spajanja elemenata roštilja u jednu cjelinu, proračun se izvodi na uobičajen način primjene postupaka sumacije naprezanja
When using prestressing with the procedures of subsequent prestressing of grillage beams, as a method of connecting grid elements into one unit, calculation is carried out in a usual way of applying procedures of stress summation
[Tue Dec 16 11:32:34 2003]
Ukoliko se koristi FEA program M-STRUDL, u tom programu postoji nalog za naknadno prednapinjanje PRESTRESS LOAD, sa detaljima naloga za točan opis položaja kabela i priloženih sila u kabelu
If FEA program M-STRUDL is used, in that program there is a command for subsequent prestressing PRESTRESS LOAD, with details of the command for accurate description of positions of the cable and accompanying forces in the cable
[Tue Dec 16 11:37:37 2003]
u kojem je (FRACTION) opcija naloga opisa relativnog položaja lokacija l1, l2,.
in which (FRACTION) is the option of the command for description of relative positions of locations l1, l2,.
[Tue Dec 16 11:38:32 2003]
..l10, u odnosu na duljinu polja.
l10, in relation to the length of the field.
[Tue Dec 16 11:38:46 2003]
Ukoliko FRACTION nije specificiran smatra se da su navedene lokacije dane u stvarnim vrijednostima aktivnih duljina.
If FRACTION is not specified, it is assumed that mentioned locations are given in actual values of active lengths.
[Tue Dec 16 11:39:11 2003]
Lokacije i ekscentriciteti definiraju odgovarajuće ekscentricitete (e1, e2,.
Locations and eccentricities define corresponding eccentricities (e1, e2,.
[Tue Dec 16 11:39:11 2003]
..e10) svake točke kabela u odnosu na lokalne koordinatne osi elementa
e10) of every point in the cable in relation to local coordinate axes of the element
[Tue Dec 16 11:43:37 2003]
Pozitivna vrijednost ekscentriciteta je ona u pozitivnom smjeru lokalne y osi elementa (MEMBER).
Positive value of eccentricity is the one in the positive direction of the local axis y of the element (MEMBER).
[Tue Dec 16 11:45:28 2003]
Ekscentriciteti početnih i završnih točaka moraju se specificirati.
Eccentricities of starting and ending points must be specified.
[Tue Dec 16 11:46:19 2003]
Za pobliže upute vidjeti priručnik M-STRUDL-a ili prijevod priručnika ili skripta iz Drvenih konstrukcija (3).
For detailed instructions see the M-STRUDL manual, or the translation of the manual, or lecture notes from Wooden structures (3).
[Tue Dec 16 11:46:48 2003]
Opcija POSTTENSION se naravno odnosi na naknadno prednaprezanje.
The option POSTTENSION naturally relates to subsequent prestressing.
[Tue Dec 16 11:48:22 2003]
Postoji i druga opcija PRETENSION, a odnosi se na postupak prethodnog prednaprezanja.
There is another option PRETENSION, and it relates to the procedure of previous prestressing.
[Tue Dec 16 11:48:22 2003]
Kod drvenih, a posebice kod betonskih elemenata roštilja i greda to ovisi o načinu izvođenja
With wooden, and especially with concrete grid elements and beams, this depends on the method of execution
[Tue Dec 16 11:50:19 2003]
Formulacija prednaprezanja u FEA programe M-STRUDL
Formulation of prestressings in the FEA program M-STRUDL
[Tue Dec 16 11:56:41 2003]
Kod analize prednaprezanja drvenog roštilja od lameliranog drveta primjenom FEA programa COSMOS/M, mora se u proračunskom modelu grede, položaj kabela za prednapinjanje prvotno opisati kao crte (CR).
In the analysis of prestressing of a wooden grid from laminated wood using the FEA program COSMOS/M, in the calcuation model of the beam, position of the cable for prestressing must be originally described as lines (CR).
[Tue Dec 16 12:01:22 2003]
Potom se umrežavanjem s M-CR nalogom umrežavaju crte s TRUSS2D ili TRUSS3D KE (ovisno o 2D- ili 3D-predodžbi proračunskog modela).
Then, with M-CR command, lines are meshed with TRUSS2D or TRUSS3D FE (depending upon 2D- or 3D-image of the calculation model).
[Tue Dec 16 12:04:02 2003]
Kabele od čelika opisuje se kao zasebnu grupu elemenata TRUSS3D KE sa materijalnim svojstvima EX (čelika), i s koeficijentom termičke provodljivosti KX u x smjeru KE te s realnim konstantama (RCONST):
Steel cables are described as a separate group of elements TRUSS3D FE with material properties EX (of steel), and with the coefficient of thermal conductance KX in the direction x of FE, and with real constants (RCONST):
[Tue Dec 16 12:05:06 2003]
površinom poprečnog presjeka AX i koeficijentom termalne ekspanzije ALPX, kojeg se kao i sva svojstva materijala može odabrati iz izbornika odgovarajućeg materijala.
with the area of the cross section AX and thermal expansion coefficient ALPX, which, as well as all other material properties, can be selected from the menu of the appropriate material.
[Tue Dec 16 12:09:24 2003]
Smanjivanjem temperature kabela za određeni ?t simulira se sila naknadnog prednapinjanja.
By decreasing the cable temperature by certain ?t, the force of subsequent prestressing is simulated.
[Tue Dec 16 12:09:24 2003]
Koristi se linearna statička analiza A-STATIC (s izborom T opcije) i za pokretanje analize nalog R-STATIC, čime se dobiju pomaci, rezne sile i naponi u elementima proračunskog modela
Linear static analysis A-STATIC (with T option) is used, and to start the analysis, the command R-STATIC, which gives displacements, cutting forces and tensions in elements of the calculation model
[Tue Dec 16 12:13:32 2003]
Postupak simulacije prednaprezanja korištenjem FEA programa COSMOS/M je složeniji u usporedbi s onim u FEA programu M-STRUDL, ali je rezultat te analize nesumnjivo kompleksniji, bogatiji i sveobuhvatan u numeričkom i grafičkom smislu (24)
The procedure of prestressing simulation using the FEA program COSMOS/M is more complex compared to the one in the FEA program M-STRUDL, but the results of such analysis are undoubtedly more complex, richer and more universal, in numerical and graphic sense (24)
[Tue Dec 16 12:40:27 2003]
U proračunski model ovako formuliranog drvenog roštilja može se unijeti i efekte reologije materijal unošenjem podataka o reologiji drveta, te potom promatrati sustav u odnosu na prolazeće vrijeme t, u odsječcima tog vremena ?t, korištenjem nelinearne analize (opcije ANALYSIS NONLINEAR, sa pobližim izborima ponuđenih opcija nelinearne analize).
In the calculation model of a wooden grid formulated in this way, we can introduce the effects of material rheology, by entering data about wood rheology, and then observing the system in relation to the transitory time t, in segments of that time?t, by using the nonlinear analysis (option ANALYSIS NONLINEAR, with detailed selections of the offered options of nonlinear analysis).
[Tue Dec 16 16:07:26 2003]
U proračunski model ovako formuliranog drvenog roštilja može se unijeti i efekte reologije materijal unošenjem podataka o reologiji drveta, te potom promatrati sustav u odnosu na prolazeće vrijeme t, u odsječcima tog vremena ?t, korištenjem nelinearne analize (opcije ANALYSIS NONLINEAR, sa pobližim izborima ponuđenih opcija nelinearne analize).
In the calculation model of a wooden grid formulated in this way, we can introduce the effect of material rheology by entering data about wood rheology, and then observing the system in relation to transitory time t, in segments of that time?t, using the nonlinear analysis (option ANALYSIS NONLINEAR, with detailed selections of the offered options of nonlinear analysis).
[Tue Dec 16 16:07:45 2003]
Na taj se način mogu razmotriti deformacijska i naponska stanja u predodređenim odabranim vremenskim odsječcima u predodređenim (odabranim) čvorovima MKE te dobiti i analitičke vrijednosti ali i grafičke prikaze promjena statičkih veličina ovisnih o vremenu promatranja procesa puzanja.
In this way, we can analyze deformation and stress states in predetermined selected time segments in predetermined (selected) FEM nodes, and obtain analytic values as well as graphic presentations of changes of static sizes, dependent on time of observing the creep process.
[Tue Dec 16 16:08:14 2003]
Samo puzanje se može opisati kao:
The creep itself can be described as:
[Tue Dec 16 16:08:14 2003]
a) klasični zakon puzanja, ili kao b) eksponencijalni zakon puzanja
a) classic creep law, or b) exponential creep law
[Tue Dec 16 16:16:20 2003]
Modeliranje prolaza vozila
Modelling of vehicle passing
[Tue Dec 16 16:17:36 2003]
Proračun roštilja mostova i kranskih staza
Calculation of bridge grids and crane ways
[Tue Dec 16 16:22:49 2003]
Kod proračunskih modela roštilja mostova opisanih M-STRUDL-om, mogu se primijeniti i generatori pokretnih (vozila) opterećenja mostova.
In calculation models of bridge grids described with M-STRUDL, generators of movable (vehicle) load of bridges can be applied.
[Tue Dec 16 16:23:31 2003]
To je moguće i u FEA WinSTRUDL i u programu ROBOT V6.
This is possible in FEA WinSTRUDL, and in the program ROBOT V6.
[Tue Dec 16 16:23:31 2003]
Naime, taj program licenčno koristi generatore pokretnih opterećenja FEA programa M-STRUDL
That is, this program has a license to use generators of moving loads of the FEA program M-STRUDL
[Tue Dec 16 16:31:49 2003]
Kod proračunskih modela roštilja mostova opisanih M-STRUDL-om, mogu se primijeniti i generatori pokretnih (vozila) opterećenja mostova.
In calculation models of bridge grids described with M-STRUDL, generators of movable (vehicle) loads of bridges can be applied.
[Tue Dec 16 16:32:12 2003]
To je moguće i u FEA WinSTRUDL i u programu ROBOT V6.
This is also possible in FEA WinSTRUDL, and in the program ROBOT V6.
[Tue Dec 16 16:32:12 2003]
Naime, taj program licenčno koristi generatore pokretnih opterećenja FEA programa M-STRUDL
That is, this program has a license to use generators of moving loads of the FEA program M-STRUDL
[Tue Dec 16 16:35:10 2003]
Karakteristika proračuna konstrukcija roštilja mostova je proračun u kojem se vodi računa o pokretnim opterećenjima koja se kreću preko tih konstrukcija
A characteristic feature of bridge grid structure calculation is the calculation which takes into account moving loads which move across those structures
[Tue Dec 16 16:44:11 2003]
Kod dinamičke simulacije prolaznih pokretnih opterećenja (vozila) koja se kreću po roštilju mosta može se primijeniti kvazi dinamička analiza (primjenom statičke analize i propisanog dinamičkog faktora), ali se u FEA programu COSMOS/M, a i u FEA programu WinSTRUDL može primijeniti i prava dinamička analiza s opisom promjena nailazećih pokretnih sila u vremenu (npr.
In the dynamic simulation of passing movable loads (vehicles) which moves accros the grid of the bridge, we can use the quasi-dynamic analysis (by using the static analysis and specified dynamic factor), but in the FEA program COSMOS/M, and and in the FEA program WinSTRUDL we can use the real dynamic analysis with the description of changes of the arriving moving forces in time (e.g.
[Tue Dec 16 16:44:52 2003]
kao kod indirektnog prijenosa tih sila) i proračunom dinamičkog odgovora sustava.
with the indirect transfer of those forces) and with the calculation of the dynamic response of the system.
[Tue Dec 16 16:45:15 2003]
Postupak je na primjerima opisan u skriptama i knjizi autora:
The procedure is shown in examples in author's lecture notes and the book:
[Tue Dec 16 16:45:15 2003]
Drveni mostovi i skele
Wooden bridges and scaffolds
[Tue Dec 16 16:51:49 2003]
Ako se koriste FEA programi M-STRUDL, WinSTRUDL ili ROBOT V6 za kvazi dinamičku analizu konstrukcija preko kojih se kreću opterećenja vozila prvo se odabire shema vozila koja će se kretati određenom putanjom po mostu, te potom poziva generator pokretnih opterećenja (slika 34.2)
If FEA programs M-STRUDL, WinSTRUDL or ROBOT V6 are used for the quasi-dynamic analysis of structures loaded with vehicles, first we select the schemes of vehicles which will move across a certain path on the bridge, and then we summon the generator of moving loads (Figure 34.2)
[Tue Dec 16 16:53:51 2003]
Pritom je format naloga definicije sheme vozila sljedeći
The format of the command for the definition of vehicle scheme is as follows
[Tue Dec 16 16:55:00 2003]
Nalog generacije niza opterećenja ima format
The command for generating a series of loads has the following format
[Wed Dec 17 09:51:35 2003]
obilježava nazive pokretnih opterećenja (do najviše 8 znakova)
denotes the titles of moving loads (maximum 8 characters)
[Wed Dec 17 10:00:33 2003]
definira osovinska opterećenja vozila s propisanim dinamičkim koeficijentom, a kojeg se može uključiti i naknadno kod naloga za kombinacije opterećenja, što je pogodnije u slučaju kad propisi o položaju pokretnog opterećenja (npr.
defines axial loads of vehicles with the specified dynamic coefficient, which can be included subsequently with the command for load combinations, which is more appropriate when regulations about position of the moving load (for example,
[Wed Dec 17 10:20:19 2003]
definira područje kretanja definiranog pokretnog opterećenja:
defines the area where the defined moving load moves:
[Wed Dec 17 10:22:07 2003]
mstart je indikator početnog štapa regije, a jkraj je indikator završnog čvora definiranja regije kretanja vozila.
mstart is the indicator of the starting member of the area, and the jkraj is the indicator of the final node of defining the area of vehicle movement.
[Wed Dec 17 10:22:07 2003]
Numeracija štapova mora biti konsekutivna
Numeration of members must be consecutive
[Wed Dec 17 10:26:11 2003]
je alternativni nalog prethodnom nalogu definiranja područja kretanja definiranog pokretnog opterećenja
is an alternative command to the previous command of defining the area where the defined moving load moves
[Wed Dec 17 10:30:38 2003]
definira inkrement duljine (duljinu koraka) u generiranju niza opterećenja (slučajeva opterećenja)
defines the increment of length (step length) in generating a series of loads (loading cases)
[Wed Dec 17 10:33:58 2003]
definira smjer pokretnog torzionog momenta
defines the direction of moving torsional moment
[Wed Dec 17 10:40:37 2003]
definiraju smjerove torzionog vektora definiranog pokretnog opterećenja oko lokalnih koordinatnih osi štapova.
define directions of the torsional vector of the defined moving load around local coordinate axes of members.
[Wed Dec 17 10:42:04 2003]
Ukoliko se definira MOMENT, onda se torzioni pokretno opterećenje definira kao torziono djelujuće na definirane štapove.
If MOMENT is defined, then the torsional moving load is defined as torsionally active in relation to defined members.
[Wed Dec 17 10:45:21 2003]
Treba osigurati da su pri tom lokalne X osi definiranih elemenata istosmjerno definirane.
It should be ensured that local X axes of defined elements are codirectionally defined.
[Wed Dec 17 10:47:46 2003]
Ukoliko podnalog MOMENT nije upisan, M-STRUDL predmnijeva da su opterećenja pokretnim silama definirana u GLOBALNOM koordinatnom sustavu.
If the subcommand MOMENT is not entered, M-STRUDL presumes that loads of moving forces are defined in GLOBAL coordinate system.
[Wed Dec 17 10:48:29 2003]
U tom slučaju nije bitno kako su orijentirane X osi elemenata.
In that case, it does not matter how X axes of elements are oriented.
[Wed Dec 17 10:48:29 2003]
Ukoliko nije ništa definirano, M-STRUDL smatra da je pretpostavljen globalni -Y smjer
If nothing is defined, M-STRUDL assumes that global Y direction is presumed
[Wed Dec 17 10:58:26 2003]
kut definira prozor dopuštenih međusobnih odstupanja nagiba štapova regije po kojima se kreće pokretno opterećenje.
angle defines the window of allowed mutual deviations of the inclination of members in the area where moving load moves.
[Wed Dec 17 11:00:44 2003]
Treba se navesti kut ukoliko je kut nagiba među štapovima veći od 5o.
The angle should be stated if the angle of inclination between members is larger than 5o.
[Wed Dec 17 11:00:44 2003]
Unosi se u pozivnoj maski CAST-UTILITY modula pod PARA pozivom
It is entered in the calling mask HONOR-UTILITY of the module of under PARA call
[Wed Dec 17 11:14:26 2003]
Nakon provedbe statičke (kvazi dinamičke) analize selektiraju se, odrede se kombinacije opterećenja, potom se selektiraju relevantna opterećenja, te pohrane rezultati proračuna SAVE nalogom.
After the static (quasi dynamic) analysis is carried out, load combinations are defined and selected, then relevant loads are selected, and results of the analysis are saved with the command SAVE.
[Wed Dec 17 11:15:18 2003]
Potom se može u CAST-UTILITY modulu M-STRUDL-a zatražiti iscrtavanje envelopa (za M i T dijagrame) odabranih (selektiranih) opterećenja za regije niza konsekutivnih štapova mosta, ili bilo kojeg elementa mosta.
After that, in CAST-UTILITY module of M-STRUDL, it is possible to require drawing of an envelop (for M and T diagrams) of chosen (selected) loads for regions of series of consecutive bridge members, or any other bridge elements.
[Wed Dec 17 11:15:18 2003]
Za više informacija vidjeti naloge programa u prvom dijelu knjige
For more information, see program commands in the first part of the book
[Wed Dec 17 11:16:57 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 11:23:50 2003]
Striktno govoreći, generiranje utjecajnih linija ne pripada k području modeliranja konstrukcija, ali služi pri oblikovanju serija opterećenja, kako bi se dobili maksimalni utjecaji bilo reznih sila ili deformacija u pojedinim presjecima elemenata strukturalnih sustava.
Strictly speaking, generation of influence lines does not belong to the area of structural modeling, but it is used in the formation of series of loads, in order to obtain maximum influences whether of cutting forces or deformations, in certain element sections of structural systems.
[Wed Dec 17 11:28:53 2003]
Naročito se utjecajne linije koriste u definiranju niza shema pokretnih opterećenja mostova.
Influence lines are particularly used in defining series of schemes of moving loads of bridges.
[Wed Dec 17 11:29:59 2003]
Kod složenih strukturalnih sklopova to je izvanredno važno, kako bi se u svim presjecima svih elemenata mosta odredili maksimalni utjecaji reznih sila ili/i deformacija, uzrokovanih prolazećim pokretnim opterećenjem (propisanim shemama opterećenja) na mostu.
In complex structural assemblies this is extremly important, so that in all sections of all bridge elements maximum influences of cutting forces or/and deformations could be determined, caused by passing moving load (specified with load schemes) on the bridge.
[Wed Dec 17 11:36:45 2003]
Ova su opterećenja standardizirana i ovise o namjeni mosta.
These loads are standardized and they depend upon the purpose of the bridge.
[Wed Dec 17 11:37:03 2003]
Mostovi mogu biti cestovni (tu postoje velike razlike između mostova na rangiranim cestama i mostova na autocestama), željeznički, pješački i za laka vozila.
Bridges can be road bridges (there are great differences between bridges on ranked roads and bridges on motorways), railroad bridges, pedestrian bridges and bridges for light vehicles.
[Wed Dec 17 11:37:03 2003]
Postoje i mostovi posebnih namjena
There are also bridges for special purposes
[Wed Dec 17 12:34:05 2003]
U skriptama Nosive strukture, Liber, 1979, potanko su objašnjene metode konstruiranja utjecajnih linija korištenjem kompjutorskih programa
In lecture notes Bearing structures, Liber, 1979, there are detailed explanations of methods for designing influence lines with computer programs
[Wed Dec 17 12:46:20 2003]
Ovdje će se spomenuti samo način generiranja utjecajnih linija za bilo koju statičku veličinu, za jedan relativno jednostavni sustav (kontinuirani nosač s dva raspona, s konstantnim poprečnim presjekom nosača), koristeći poznati (stari) paket STRESS.
We will mention here only a method of generating influence lines for any static size, for a relatively simple system (continuous beam with two spans, with the constant cross section of the beam), using the familiar (old) package STRESS.
[Wed Dec 17 12:46:20 2003]
Bitno je podijeliti nosač na što više odsječaka, kako bi se dobila što bolja aproksimacija krivulja utjecaja
It is important to divide the beam into as many segments as possible, in order to obtain better approximation of influence curves
[Wed Dec 17 12:55:55 2003]
Prikazuje se oblikovanje ulaznih podataka za generiranje utjecajnih linija reakcija za dani statički sustav jednog mosta.
It presents the formation of data input for generating influence lines of reactions for the given static system of one bridge.
[Wed Dec 17 12:55:55 2003]
Mjere i dimenzije su hipotetske
Measures and dimensions are hypothetical
[Wed Dec 17 13:02:22 2003]
Utjecajne linije za reakciju formiraju se simulacijom jediničnog slijeganja ležaja u smjeru željene reakcije (općenito nalozima JOINT DISPLACEMENT)
Influence lines for reaction are formed by simulating unit settlement of a bearing in the direction of the desired reaction (generally, with commands JOINT DISPLACEMENT)
[Wed Dec 17 14:18:08 2003]
Utjecajne linije reznih sila i/ili deformacija dobiju se na sličan način formiranjem setova opterećenja jediničnih sila.
Influence lines of cutting forces and/or deformations are obtained in a similar manner, by forming the sets of loads of unit forces.
[Wed Dec 17 14:19:52 2003]
Ova posebna jedinična opterećenja prilažu se kao JEDINIČNE sile u čvorovima nosača.
These special unit loads are added as UNIT forces in beam nodes.
[Wed Dec 17 14:22:45 2003]
Rezultati su reakcije, rezne sile u presjecima i deformacije (progibi, pomaci, rotacije presjeka u čvorovima).
Results are reactions, cutting forces in sections and deformations (deflections, displacements, rotations of sections in nodes).
[Wed Dec 17 14:22:45 2003]
Posebno traženim formama ispisa ovi sračunati rezultati oblikuju utjecajne linije za te tražene statičke veličine
With separately required forms of printout, these calculated results form influence lines for those searched static sizes
[Wed Dec 17 14:31:49 2003]
Na priloženoj slici prikazano je formiranje takvih setova jediničnih sila, te na kraju generiranje triju utjecajnih linija za momente savijanja u tri presjeka nosača (2, 3 i 7).
The accompanying picture shows the formation of such sets of unit forces, and in the end the generation of three influence lines for bending moments in three sections of the beam (2, 3 and 7).
[Wed Dec 17 14:31:49 2003]
Iz dobivenih rezultata proračuna mogla se dobiti bilo koja utjecajna linija statičkih veličina, koje zanimaju projektanta
The obtained analysis results can be used to get any influence line of static sizes, that designers are interested in
[Wed Dec 17 14:34:56 2003]
U programu MSTRUDL postoji poseban nalog za generiranje utjecajnih linija korištenjem generatora pokretnog opterećenja
In MSTRUDL, there is a special command for generating influence lines with the use of moving load generator
[Wed Dec 17 15:32:54 2003]
Ovdje se navode ulazni podaci za MSTRUDL, prethodno navedenog mosta.
Here is a list of input data for MSTRUDL, of the earlier mentioned bridge.
[Wed Dec 17 15:32:54 2003]
U ovom slučaju traže se utjecajne linije za statičke veličine na polovici štapa 8
In this case, we are looking for influence lines for static sizes in the middle of the bar 8
[Wed Dec 17 15:34:40 2003]
Moguće generiranje utjecajne linije za momente savijanja u presjecima/čvorovima 2, 3 i 7
Possible generation of influence lines for bending moments in sections/nodes 2, 3 and 7
[Wed Dec 17 15:42:47 2003]
Naravno, na ovaj se način mogu generirati utjecajne linije i za vrlo složene statičke sustave (u ravnini i u prostoru).
Naturally, in this way we can generate influence lines for very complex static systems (in a plane and in space).
[Wed Dec 17 15:49:27 2003]
Prikazuje se jedna utjecajna ploha roštiljnog mosta.
Influence surface of a grid bridge is shown.
[Wed Dec 17 15:56:01 2003]
Nakon što je generirana utjecajna ploha za neku statičku veličinu, tu utjecajnu plohu treba i opteretiti odgovarajućim standardnim pokretnim opterećenjima kako bi se dobili najveći pozitivni i negativni utjecaji, a što predstavlja, i uz mogućnost automatske generacije opterećenja vozilima, ipak znatan fizički posao upisa podataka i generiranja envelopa.
After an influence surface for some static size is generated, this influence surface must be loaded with adequate standard moving load in order to obtain maximum positive and negative influences, which is, nevertheless, even with the possibility of automatic load generation with vehicles, significant manual work of data input and envelop generation.
[Wed Dec 17 16:01:45 2003]
Naime, ako se zna da za niz presjeka svakog elementa (obično se elementi dijele na deset ili dvadeset dijelova) treba konstruirati utjecajne linije (ili utjecajne plohe) za statičke veličine (općenito za N, M, T rezne sile), onda je jasno da takvih utjecajnih linija (ili ploha) ima vrlo mnogo.
That is, if we know that for series of sections of every element (elements are usually divided into ten or twenty parts) influence lines (or influence surfaces) must be constructed for static sizes (generally for N, M, T of the cutting force), it is clear then that there are many such influence lines (or surfaces).
[Wed Dec 17 16:04:30 2003]
Ako se za svaku statičku veličinu u presjeku mora naći maksimalni pozitivni i negativni utjecaj, onda se odmah i uviđa koliki je to fizički posao kojeg treba obaviti pri generaciji opterećenja konstrukcije mosta.
If for every static size in the section we must find the maximum positive and negative influence, we can immediately realize the amount of manual work which has to be performed when generating load of bridge structures.
[Wed Dec 17 16:04:30 2003]
Unatoč kompjuterizaciji taj se obiman posao ne može za sada izbjeći u današnjem dizajnu mostova
In spite of computerization, this extensive work still cannot be avoided in contemporary bridge design
[Wed Dec 17 16:07:58 2003]
Utjecajne krivulje za štapove konstrukcija mogu se dobiti u M-STRUDL FEA programu s nalogom
Influence curves for structure members can be obtained in M-STRUDL FEA program with the command
[Wed Dec 17 16:12:29 2003]
Nalogom MOVING LOAD definira se jedinična osovinska sila
With the command MOVING LOAD, unit axial force is defined
[Wed Dec 17 16:18:23 2003]
ova se jedinična sila 'proveze' odabranim elementima konstrukcije
this unit force 'driven through' the selected elements of the structure
[Wed Dec 17 16:19:32 2003]
odabere se specifično opterećenje generirano s jediničnim opterećenjem
specific load generated with unit load is selected
[Wed Dec 17 16:21:24 2003]
odredi se lokacija mjesta na kojem se želi utjecajna krivulja
location of the influence curve is selected
[Wed Dec 17 16:24:00 2003]
Principi nelinearnih analiza:
Principles of nonlinear analyses:
[Wed Dec 17 16:24:00 2003]
provedba s FEA COSMOS/M programom
execution with the FEA program COSMOS/M
[Wed Dec 17 16:35:09 2003]
Razmatra se primjer nelinearne statičke i dinamičke analize prolaza jedne sile s mostom s tri raspona.
We shall looks into an example of nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of a force passing over the bridge with three spans.
[Wed Dec 17 16:35:48 2003]
Prikazan je prvotno upis elemenata za kvazi dinamičku analizu jednog mosta po kojem se kreće jedna sila.
We shall present the original input of elements for quasi-dynamic analysis of a bridge with a force moving over it.
[Wed Dec 17 16:36:09 2003]
Taj je primjer samo ilustrativan i recimo instruktivan.
This example is only illustrative and, let's say, instructive.
[Wed Dec 17 16:38:49 2003]
Na njemu je prikazana metodologija upisa podataka u GEOSTAR-u.
It shows the methodology of data input in GEOSTAR.
[Wed Dec 17 16:38:49 2003]
Kasnije će se provesti realna nelinearna dinamička analiza istog problema
Later, we will carry out real nonlinear dynamic analysis of the same problem
[Wed Dec 17 16:43:17 2003]
Odredi se geometrija strukture
Geometry of the structure is determined
[Wed Dec 17 16:48:25 2003]
odredi se potrebne karakteristike grede
required characteristics of the beam are determined
[Wed Dec 17 17:00:27 2003]
uspostavljaju se veze među generiranim čvorovima na tri krivulje i prenumerira se numeracija čvorova mreže KE
connections are established between generated nodes on three curves, and numeration of FE mesh nodes is renumbered
[Wed Dec 17 17:02:07 2003]
Definiraju se krivulje opterećenja.
Load curves are defined.
[Wed Dec 17 17:03:12 2003]
Ovih krivulja ima onoliko koliko ih treba.
There are as many curves as needed.
[Wed Dec 17 17:06:27 2003]
Ovdje je rađeno s 9 krivulja, koje imitiraju prolazeće opterećenje.
Here we have 9 curves, which imitate passing load.
[Wed Dec 17 17:07:10 2003]
Generiranje krivulja ne mora ići redom, iako je unos redom prirodniji od onog unošenjem nasumično.
Curves need not be generated one after another, although such input is more natural than random input.
[Wed Dec 17 17:12:17 2003]
Krivulje opterećenja se upisuju nalozima CURDEF.
Load curves are entered with commands CURDEF.
[Wed Dec 17 17:12:17 2003]
Svaka krivulja ima svoj pripadni broj, te opis ordinata opterećenja ili čimbenika s kojim se množi opterećenje u vremenu
Each curve has its own number, and the description of ordinates of load or factors with which load in time is multiplied
[Wed Dec 17 17:18:23 2003]
sve do iscrpljenja opisa krivulje
until curve description is depleted
[Wed Dec 17 17:30:57 2003]
Da bi se krivulje pridružile opterećenju (silama F), mora se svaki puta aktivirati krivulja i upisati iznos opterećenja.
In order for curves to join the load (forces F), a curve must be activated every time, and the amount of load must be entered.
[Wed Dec 17 17:30:57 2003]
Nalozi aktiviranja seta krivulja su ACTSET, TC, i, gdje su TC oznaka za TIME CURVE, a i odgovarajući pripadni broj krivulje definirane s CURDEF nalogom (u točki 7).
Commands for activating the set of curves are ACTSET, TC, where TC denotes TIME CURVE, as well as the corresponding associated number of the curve defined with CURDEF command (in point 7).
[Wed Dec 17 17:36:02 2003]
Potom se zadaje opterećenje nalogom za opis opterećenja, ovdje nalogom FND za unos koncentrirane sile u smjeru FY, određenog smjera i iznosa (-300).
After that, the load is given, with the command for load description, here the command FND for the input of the concentrated force in the direction FY, with the determined direction and amount (-300).
[Wed Dec 17 17:36:02 2003]
Ukupno ima 9 takvih krivulja koje se pridružuju opterećenjima (silama FY)
There are 9 such curves in total, which are associated with loads (forces FY)
[Thu Dec 18 09:34:42 2003]
Unose se rubni uvjeti oslanjanja UX i UY na ležajevima kontinuirane grede, nalozima DND
Boundary conditions UX and UY on bearings of the continuous beam are entered, with commands DND
[Thu Dec 18 09:40:48 2003]
Bitan je nalog za opciju ispisa grafa.
The command for the option of graph printout is important.