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[Thu Dec 04 12:05:51 2003]
LIO mrežaste svođene konstrukcije od aluminijskih cijevnih štapova i ovješene membrane od trevire.
LIO netlike arched structures made from aluminic pipe members and suspended trevira membrane.
[Thu Dec 04 12:05:51 2003]
Serijski proizvod industrije LIO.
Mass-product of the LIO industry.
[Thu Dec 04 12:09:08 2003]
Membranska konstrukcija krovišta stadiona u Rhyadhu (Saudijska Arabija), prema crtežima IABSE PERIODICA 2/1987.
Membrane roof structure of the stadium in Rhyadh (Saudi Arabia), based on IABSE PERIODICA 2/1987 drawings.
[Thu Dec 04 12:09:32 2003]
Prikazuje se presjek jednog segmenta i tlocrtna dispozicija jednog polja konstrukcije.
Illustration of the one-segment section and ground-plan disposition of one field of the structure.
[Thu Dec 04 12:09:32 2003]
Taj se stadion smatra jednim od najljepših stadiona na svijetu.
This stadium is considered one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world.
[Thu Dec 04 12:13:53 2003]
ovjesni kabel
suspended cable
[Thu Dec 04 12:21:06 2003]
razboj kabel
loom cable
[Thu Dec 04 12:21:29 2003]
temelj kablova
base of cables
[Thu Dec 04 12:31:14 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 12:33:22 2003]
Tipske hale za tenis.
Standard tennis halls.
[Thu Dec 04 12:33:35 2003]
Lamelirani drveni lučni nosači podupiru membranu od trevire ili diolena.
Laminated wooden curved beams support trevira or diolen membrane.
[Thu Dec 04 12:33:41 2003]
Dimenzije hale:
Hall dimensions:
[Thu Dec 04 12:37:11 2003]
širina 18.24 m, duljina hale iznosi 35.10 m, strelica hale iznosi 7.23 m.
width 18,24 m, hall's length is 35,10 m, hall's arrow 7.23 m.
[Thu Dec 04 12:41:17 2003]
Površina hale iznosi oko 610 m2.
Hall's surface is around 610 m2.
[Thu Dec 04 12:43:22 2003]
Sustav se sastoji od 15 lameliranih drvenih nosača sa 7 podrožnica na koje je oslonjena TREVIRA (PVC impregnirana poliesterska tkanina) nosivosti 2750 N/(5 cm), prema DIN 4102 (teško goriva).
The system consists of 15 laminated wooden structures with 7 roof purlines on which TREVIRA leans (PVC impregnated polyester fabric) whose capacity is 2750 N/(5 cm), according to DIN. 4102 (heavy fuels).
[Thu Dec 04 12:43:22 2003]
Više se raspona može kombinirati na način da se GLULAM nosači mimoilaze međusobno.
More spans can be combined so that GLULAM structures pass each other mutually.
[Thu Dec 04 12:47:53 2003]
Lukovi L D
Arc L D
[Thu Dec 04 12:48:29 2003]
Presjeci laminatnih nosača
Sections of laminate structures
[Thu Dec 04 12:50:03 2003]
Sidrena ploča
anchor plate
[Thu Dec 04 12:51:21 2003]
Unutrašnjost tipske hale za tenis
Inside of the standard tennis hall
[Thu Dec 04 14:05:43 2003]
Unutrašnjost hale.
Inside of the hall.
[Thu Dec 04 14:12:10 2003]
Više hala može se međusobno kombinirati u jednu halu.
more halls can be mutually combined into one hall.
[Thu Dec 04 14:12:10 2003]
Pri tom treba riješiti kritičnu odvodnju oborinske vode u uvalama između svodova.
When doing so one has to solve the problem of the critical drainage of precipitation water in inlets between vaults.
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:22 2003]
Primjer napete tkanine kao pokrova nad spojnim mostom ulaza.
Example of a stretched material as a covering above the connecting bridge of an entrance.
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:31 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:33 2003]
bolnica u Erdinu u Austriji.
hospital in Erdin, Austria.
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:36 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:41 2003]
Rappmansberger i Zlemski.
Rappmansberger and Zlemski.
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:43 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 14:20:31 2003]
Benesch, Stuttgart.
Benesch, Stuttgart.
[Thu Dec 04 14:20:32 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 14:20:34 2003]
Koitwerke H.
Koitwerke H.
[Thu Dec 04 14:20:46 2003]
Koch, Rimsting.
Koch, Rimsting.
[Thu Dec 04 14:21:10 2003]
Korištena DIOLEN tkanina.
DIOLEN material Used.
[Thu Dec 04 14:22:15 2003]
Ukupna natkrivena površina iznosi 42.0 x 11.4 = 480 m2.
The total roofed area is 42.0 x 11.4 = 480 m2.
[Thu Dec 04 14:22:18 2003]
Izvedeno 1975.
Performed in 1975.
[Thu Dec 04 14:30:12 2003]
Pneumatske konstrukcije japanskog paviljona na izložbi EXPO 70 (Murata).
Pneumatic structure of the Japanese pavilion at the EXPO 70 exhibition (Murata).
[Thu Dec 04 14:30:31 2003]
Na izložbi EXPO 70 podignuto je više paviljona konstruiranih na osnovi pneumatskih konstrukcija, s namjerom da se ti tipovi konstrukcija bolje uvriježe u graditeljskoj praksi.
A number of pavilions built on the basis of pneumatic structures were erected at the EXPO 70 exhibition, with the intention to make these structure types more frequent in the building practice.
[Thu Dec 04 14:31:15 2003]
Neki od tih paviljona imali su gigantske dimenzije.
Some of these pavilions were of gigantic dimensions.
[Thu Dec 04 14:31:15 2003]
Konstrukcija prikazanog paviljona sustav je međusobno povezanih pneumatskih lukova.
The structure of the illustrated pavilion is a system of interconnected pneumatic arches.
[Thu Dec 04 14:32:52 2003]
Pneumatska konstrukcija paviljona EXPO 70 (Murata).
Pneumatic structure of the EXPO 70 pavilion (Murata).
[Thu Dec 04 14:33:28 2003]
Presjek kroz paviljon.
Section through the pavilion.
[Thu Dec 04 14:33:28 2003]
Susrećemo se s prikazima 3D membranskih konstrukcija.
You can see 3D membrane structures illustrations.
[Thu Dec 04 14:36:58 2003]
Prikazi mogućih oblika pneumatskih i njima sličnih laganih i ultralaganih konstrukcija.
Illustrations of possible pneumatic forms and of those lightweight and ultralightweight structures similar to them.
[Thu Dec 04 14:39:03 2003]
Pokušaj sistematizacije laganih membranskih konstrukcija.
Attempt of lightweight membrane structures systematization.
[Thu Dec 04 14:39:03 2003]
Naša industrija je u mogućnosti izvesti niz prikazanih konstrukcija, no neke od njih, kao što su konstrukcije slobodnih ameboidnih oblika, te višeslojne membranske konstrukcije naša industrija za sada još nije u stanju izvesti.
Our industry is able to perform a series of the illustrated structures, but some of them, such as structures of free amoebaean forms, and multilayer membrane structures our industry for now cannot yet perform.
[Thu Dec 04 14:42:50 2003]
Hiperbolični paraboloid od drveta.
Hyperbolic wooden paraboloid.
[Thu Dec 04 14:44:30 2003]
Konstrukcija je izrađena na pokusnom poligonu Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta (UST) u Kumasiju 1970.
Structure made on the test polygon of the Faculty of Architecture of the University (UST) in Kumasi 1970.
[Thu Dec 04 14:44:41 2003]
Konstrukcija je izvedena u okviru vježbi studenata 3.
Structure was performed as a part of third-year student exercises
[Thu Dec 04 14:48:04 2003]
Materijal koji se koristio za konstrukciju je "vava" , vrsta vrlo mekanog i neotpornog drveta.
The material used for the structure is " vava ", a type of very soft and non-resistant wood.
[Thu Dec 04 14:50:00 2003]
Membrana se sastojala od dva sloja dasaka debljine 1/2 inča (oko 12.5 mm).
Membrane consisted of two layers of panels whose thickness was 1/2 inch (about 12,5 mm).
[Thu Dec 04 14:50:35 2003]
Spajala su čavli, a koristilo se i vijke na mjestima priključka stupova na rubni okvir.
Nails are fasteners, but also screws were used at connection points of pillars to the marginal frame.
[Thu Dec 04 14:52:12 2003]
Konstrukcija nije bila zaštićena.
The structure was not protected.
[Thu Dec 04 14:54:59 2003]
Konstrukciju se testiralo opterećenjem sloja vreća cementa, nakon čega je opterećenje povećano tako da se cijela grupa studenata popela na konstrukciju.
It was tested by the load of the layer cement bags, after which the burden was increased when the entire group of students climbed to the structure.
[Thu Dec 04 14:56:24 2003]
Pritom su bile mjerene deformacije konstrukcije.
Deformations of the structures were measured in this process.
[Thu Dec 04 14:56:25 2003]
Konstruktivni detalji opisani su u Žagar, Nosive konstrukcije, LIBER 1979.
Constructive details are described in Žagar's book, Bearing structures, LIBER 1979.
[Thu Dec 04 15:04:51 2003]
Hiperbolični paraboloid:
Hyperbolic paraboloid:
[Thu Dec 04 15:10:26 2003]
Pravčasta ploha, pogodna za izvedbu od slojeva dasaka.
Straight line generated structure, suitable for the construction with layers of panels.
[Thu Dec 04 15:11:00 2003]
Daske se nastavljaju na potrebitu duljinu pomoću zupčastog spoja.
Panels are added to the necessary length by using an indented joint.
[Thu Dec 04 15:13:36 2003]
Rubni elementi su od piljene građe ili lameliranog drveta.
Marginal are made from sawn timber or laminated wood.
[Thu Dec 04 15:15:53 2003]
Rubni element je posebno oblikovan, kako bi se prilagodio nagibima priključnih dasaka, zato je gornja ploha rubnih elemenata vitopera.
Marginal element is shaped in a special way, in order to adjust to slopes of joined panels, which is why the top of marginal elements is bent.
[Thu Dec 04 15:16:51 2003]
Ove konstrukcije vrlo su živopisne i prilikom njihova obilaska doživljavaju se razni optički efekti.
These structures are very bright so that one experiences various optic effects when going around them.
[Thu Dec 04 15:17:53 2003]
Prikazan je najjednostavniji pravokutno/kvadratni tlocrtni oblik hipara.
The illustration is of the simplest right-angled/square ground-plan shape of the hyperbolic paraboloid.
[Thu Dec 04 15:18:43 2003]
Razlikuju se visoke točke (VT) i niske točke (NT).
High points (HP) and low points (LP) are different.
[Thu Dec 04 15:18:43 2003]
Svaka od visokih i niskih točaka ne mora biti na istoj visini.
Every high and low points does not have to be at the same height.
[Thu Dec 04 15:24:59 2003]
Dapače, tri točke mogu biti na istoj razini, a samo jedna na višoj razini.
Quite the contrary, three points can on the same level, but only one is on a higher level.
[Thu Dec 04 15:27:05 2003]
Podupiranje paraboloida je u niskim točkama i potrebno je jednu visoku točku poduprijeti stupom, ili obje visoke točke fiksirati vlačnim užetom ili vitkim čeličnim profilom, kako bi se osigurala stabilnost konstrukcije.
paraboloids are supported at low points and one high point must be supported by the pillar, or both high points fixed by a tensile cord or a thin steel section, in order to insure the stability of the structure.
[Thu Dec 04 15:30:48 2003]
Ne preporučuje se upinjanje niskih točaka u temelje hipara, jer je to neekonomično.
Restraint of low points into foundations of the hyperbolic paraboloid is not recommended, because it is uneconomical.
[Thu Dec 04 15:32:27 2003]
Naravno da se cijeli hipar može osloniti po rubnim gredama, ali treba osigurati preuzimanje razupornih sila u niskim točkama hipara.
Of course the entire hyperbolic paraboloid can be supported along the marginal beams, but the receiving of bracing forces at low points of the hyperbolic paraboloid must be insured.
[Thu Dec 04 15:32:27 2003]
Daske se nastavljaju međusobno uobičajenim zupčastim vezom na potrebitu duljinu.
Panels are attached mutually by the usual indented joint to the required length.
[Thu Dec 04 15:38:38 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 15:39:22 2003]
na kraju visoka točka
at the end of a high point
[Thu Dec 04 15:39:59 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 15:41:17 2003]
zupčasti spoj
indented joint
[Thu Dec 04 15:49:41 2003]
Prikaz ispisa *.SES datoteke kreiranja FE modela hipara u modulu MODSTAR FA programa COSMOS/M.
SES file of the creation of FE hyperbolic paraboloid models in the MODSTAR FA module of COSMOS/M program.
[Thu Dec 04 15:51:26 2003]
prekopirati prikaz iz datoteke drvkonst1 materijali, str
copy the illustration from the file wooden structures1 materials, pg
[Thu Dec 04 16:03:59 2003]
Upis podataka za kreiranje FE modela hipara u modul Modstar FEA programa COSMOS/M.
Data input for the creation of FE hyperbolic paraboloid models in the Modstar module of FEA program COSMOS/M.
[Thu Dec 04 16:07:31 2003]
U novoj verziji FEA programa COSMOS/M FE modeli se kreiraju daleko jednostavnije i elegantnije u modulu GEOSTAR.
In the new version of FEA program, COSMOS/M FE models are created far easier and more elegantly in the GEOSTAR module.
[Thu Dec 04 16:07:31 2003]
U novoj verziji se više ne poziva modul MODSTAR već se i modeliranje i proračuni (analize) odvijaju u GEOSTAR modulu.
In the new version is not longer called the MODSTAR module but both models and budgets (analyses) run in the GEOSTAR to the module.
[Thu Dec 04 16:16:42 2003]
Prikaz VON MISES napona, te glavnih napona SIGMAZ, kao i linija razina VON MISES napona, s kolor kodom VON MISES napona.
Illustration of VON MISES stresses, and main SIGMAZ stresses, as well as a line of VON MISES stress levels, with a color code of VON MISES stresses.
[Thu Dec 04 16:17:23 2003]
Odabirom pogleda (VIEW) mogu se odabrati najzgodniji položaji strukture i elemenata za pojedine željene prikaze strukture, napona, deformacija i detalja.
By choosing the view (VIEW) most convenient positions of the structure and elements can be chosen for single wanted illustrations of the structure, stresses, deformations and details.
[Thu Dec 04 16:17:23 2003]
Prikazi se mogu zumirati, rotirati i translatirati unutar pojedinih prozora (WINDOW).
Illustrations can be zoomed, rotated and translated within single windows (WINDOW).
[Thu Dec 04 16:21:38 2003]
Prikazi raznih mogućih kombinacija grupa hipara.
illustration of different possible combinations of hyperbolic paraboloid groups.
[Thu Dec 04 16:21:38 2003]
Postižu se povoljni vizualni efekti uz vrlo racionalnu konstrukciju.
favourable visual effects can be achieved with a very rational structure.
[Thu Dec 04 16:22:22 2003]
Kombinacije hipara.
Hyperbolic paraboloid combinations.
[Thu Dec 04 16:24:26 2003]
Prikaz unutrašnjosti hale (Nancy-Halle, Karlsruhe, Njemačka), prekrivene hiparima kvadratne osnove.
Illustration of the inside of the hall (Nancy-Halle, Karlsruhe, Germany), covered with hyperbolic paraboloids of a square basis.
[Thu Dec 04 16:26:12 2003]
Jedan (donji) sloj je od sjekomice postavljenih dasaka (gredica), a drugi (gornji) je izveden na uobičajeni način.
One (lower) layer is made from perpendicularly placed panels (joist), but the other (upper) is made in the usual way.
[Thu Dec 04 16:26:18 2003]
Time je postignut povoljan vizualni efekt, ali i povećana krutost membrane hipara.
A favorable visual effect is achieved in this way, but also the increased stiffness of a hyperbolic paraboloid membrane.
[Thu Dec 04 16:26:21 2003]
Dizajn i struktura:
Design and structure:
[Thu Dec 04 16:26:21 2003]
prof. Schelling, Karlsruhe.
Schelling, Karlsruhe.
[Thu Dec 04 16:28:36 2003]
Prikazuje se upis hipara od drveta.
Illustration of the input of a wooden hyperbolic paraboloid.
[Thu Dec 04 16:37:21 2003]
Prvi je samo običan upis s danas napuštenim MODSTAR modulom, a druga dva pokazuju mogućnosti modula GEOSTAR.
The first one is only the usual input with the MODSTAR module that is no longer used today, and other two illustrate possibilities of a GEOSTAR module.
[Thu Dec 04 16:37:21 2003]
Radi se o hiparu od drveta s dvoslojnom membranom (stoga se koristi SHELL4L - uslojene KE) od dasaka debljine 1.5 cm, koji se umrežuju na površini (SF1) dobivenoj generacijom plohe od 4 obodne krivulje nalogom SF4CR, te rubnim elementima koji su ekstradirani iz obodnih krivulja CR1 do CR4 formiranjem površina SF2 do SF5.
It is about the wooden hyperbolic paraboloid with a two-ply membrane (hence is used SHELL4L layered FE) of 1.5 cm panels 1.5, that connects into the net on the surface (SF1) obtained by the generation of the surface of 4 brim curves by the SF4CR command, and marginal elements which are extradited from brim curves CR1 to CR4 by forming the surfaces SF2 to SF5.
[Fri Dec 05 09:28:31 2003]
Ovi su konačni elementi pripadni grupi KE2:
These finite elements belong to the group KE2:
[Fri Dec 05 09:29:39 2003]
SHELL4, određene zadane debljine.
SHELL4 group, determined by the given thickness.
[Fri Dec 05 09:30:59 2003]
Kao što je vidljivo oblik je hipara sasvim proizvoljan.
As it is clear, the form of a hyperbolic paraboloid is entirely arbitrary.
[Fri Dec 05 09:31:58 2003]
Sile FY su priložene u čvorovima i generirane su nalogom FSF po površini SF1.
FY forces are included in nodes and generated by the FSF order along the SF1 surface.
[Fri Dec 05 09:31:58 2003]
Koristi se SHELL4L-KE zbog mogućnosti upisa modula EX i EY.
SHELL4L- FE is used because of an input possibility of EX and EY modules.
[Fri Dec 05 09:40:00 2003]
Kako bi se generirane mreže KE entiteta spojile po rubovima ploha potrebno (i obavezno) se koriste nalozi NMERGE i NCOMPRESS.
In order to connect generated KE entity networks along planes edges, the use of NMERGE and NCOMPRESS orders is necessary (and obligatorily).
[Fri Dec 05 09:40:01 2003]
Rubni uvjeti su zadani po rubovima s DND nalogom i restrikcijom pomaka ux, uy, uz.
Marginal conditions are specified along the edges with DND order and displacement restriction of ux, uy, uz.
[Fri Dec 05 09:44:06 2003]
Rezultat nije pokazan.
Result has not been shown.
[Fri Dec 05 09:46:54 2003]
Može se provesti statička analiza s pozivom R-STATIC te analiza gubitka stabilnosti R-BUCKLING.
The static analysis, by calling the R-STATIC, and the R-BUCKLING analysis of stability loss can be performed
[Fri Dec 05 09:47:13 2003]
Statička analiza generira pomake, animaciju i stanja naprezanja na nedeformiranom ili deformiranom sustavu, a analiza izvijanja generira mod izvijanja i koeficijent s kojim se priloženo opterećenje mora umnožiti da bi se došlo do efekta gubitka stabilnosti konstrukcije.
The static analysis, by calling the R-STATIC, and the R-BUCKLING analysis of stability loss can be performed Static analysis generates displacements, animation and states of stress in an undeformed or deformed system, but the buckling analysis generates the buckling mode and coefficient with which the applied load must be multiply in order to have the effect of structure stability loss.
[Fri Dec 05 09:47:13 2003]
R_FREQUENCY analiza generira modove titranja.
R_FREQUENCY analyses generates vibration modes.
[Fri Dec 05 09:53:57 2003]
Međutim, kako bi se jednom za uvijek stalo na kraj POJEDINAČNIM projektiranjima u tlocrtu pravokutnih hipara s ravnim obodnim rubnim elementima koristi se PARAMETARSKI upis elemenata hipara.
However, in order to put an end to SINGLE designs in the ground plan of rectangular hyperbolic paraboloids with flat brim marginal elements once and for all, the PARAMETRIC input of hyperbolic paraboloid elements is used.
[Fri Dec 05 09:55:47 2003]
Odredi se parametarski upis rubnih čvorova PT paraboloida parametarskim zadavanjem koordinata:
The parametric input of marginal nodes of PT paraboloids is determined by parametrical assignment of coordinates:
[Fri Dec 05 09:56:56 2003]
X1, Y1, Z1, s kojima se zadaju točke (PT) uglova membrane paraboloida.
X1, Y1, Z1, which are used for setting the (PT) points of paraboloid membrane corners.
[Fri Dec 05 09:58:41 2003]
Isto tako se parametarski zadaje broj slojeva uslojenog KE SHELL4L.
In the same way, the number of layers of the layered FE SHELL4L is determined parametrically.
[Fri Dec 05 10:00:13 2003]
Odabrana su 2 sloja parametarskim zadavanjem parametra n i pridruživanjem n=2.
2 layers are selected parametrically by setting the n parameter and by joining n=2.
[Fri Dec 05 10:00:13 2003]
Mogla se zadati parametarski i mjera umrežavanja.
Even the networking measure could have been set parametrically.
[Fri Dec 05 10:07:05 2003]
Ovdje u primjeru uzeto je 10 u oba smjera za mjeru umrežavanja površine SF1 dobivene kreiranjem iz crta CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4, korištenjem naloga za kreiranje površine od 4 krivulje:
In this example, 10 is taken in both directions for the measure of SF1 surface networking, obtained by designing from lines CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4, by using the command for designing a 4 curve surface:
[Fri Dec 05 10:09:24 2003]
Elementi paraboloida su od drveta.
paraboloid Elements are made from wood.
[Fri Dec 05 10:09:24 2003]
Membrana je uslojena i definirana s n slojeva (n=2) dasaka okrenutih jedna na drugu pod kutom od 90 stupnjeva.
The membrane is layered and defined with n layers (n2=) of panels which are turned one to the other under 90 degree angle.
[Fri Dec 05 10:32:18 2003]
Stoga su i zadani EX, EY, GXY moduli drveta (meka građa).
Hence EX, EY, GXY modules of the wood (soft substance) are also specified.
[Fri Dec 05 10:33:42 2003]
Rubni elementi su visine H i debljine B i kreirani su ekstradiranjem rubnih krivulja paraboloida CR1 do CR4.
Marginal elements are heights H and thickness B and are created by extraditing the marginal curve of paraboloids ranging from CR1 to CR4.
[Fri Dec 05 10:43:21 2003]
Time su dobivene plohe SF2 do SF5, koje umrežujemo s KE SHELL4.
Surfaces ranging from SF2 to SF5, which are networked with FE SHELL4, are obtained with that.
[Fri Dec 05 10:45:04 2003]
Moglo se uzeti i KE SHELL4T (debele ljuske, više prispodobne rubnom elementu paraboloida).
Even FE SHELL4T (thick shells, more comparative marginal element of paraboloids) could have been taken.
[Fri Dec 05 10:45:59 2003]
Opterećenje je zadano u smjeru Y osi kao sile u čvorovima mreže intenziteta PND zadanog parametarski.
Load is determined in the direction of Y axis as force in network nodes of PND intensity which is specified parametrically.
[Fri Dec 05 10:48:01 2003]
Sile su generirane i priložene u čvorovima mreže KE membrane paraboloida.
Forces are generated and included in network nodes of a FE membrane of paraboloids.
[Fri Dec 05 10:48:01 2003]
Rubni uvjeti su zadani za samo tri čvora oslanjanja konstrukcije.
Marginal conditions are specified only for three nodes of support of structures.
[Fri Dec 05 10:51:03 2003]
Za te čvorove spriječeni su pomaci ux, uy i uz.
Ux, uy and uz displacements have been prevented for these nodes.
[Fri Dec 05 10:57:16 2003]
Proračun nije prikazan.
Budget is not illustrated.
[Fri Dec 05 10:57:58 2003]
sada kada se parametarski zadalo elemente za projektiranje hipara, moguće je brzo projektiranje svakog paraboloida izmjenom parametara u *.SES datoteci direktorija COSWORK u kojem se kreiraju sve datoteke geometrije, materijala, konekcija KE, upisa i ispisa proračuna.
Now when the elements for the hyperbolic paraboloid design have been specified parametrically, a fast designing of every paraboloid is possible by changing the parameters in the*.SES file of the COSWORK directory in which all files of geometry, material, FE connections, inputs and calculation printings are created.
[Fri Dec 05 10:57:58 2003]
Osnovni nalozi upisa FEA COSMOS/M prikazuju se u knjizi 2.
Basic commands of an FEA COSMOS/M input are illustrated in the book number 2.
[Fri Dec 05 11:07:35 2003]
Parametarski upis za dizajn MKE i konstrukcija, kao i opterećenja, definiranja materijalnih konstanti, rubnih uvjeta i svih dimenzija, moguć je za svaki tip konstrukcije izborom iz parametarskog padajućeg izbornika.
The parametric input for the design of FEM and structures, as well as loads, definings of material constants, marginal conditions and all dimensions, is possible for every structural type by choosing from a parametric falling menu.
[Fri Dec 05 11:08:16 2003]
Time se konstruktor oslobađa zamornog ponovnog projektiranja istog ili sličnog entiteta.
With this the constructor liberated from a tiring repeated designing of the same or similar entity.
[Fri Dec 05 11:10:00 2003]
Parametarski dizajn omogućava racionalno korištenje vremena konstruktora.
The parametric design makes rationally the use of the constructor's time possible.
[Fri Dec 05 11:24:23 2003]
Posebne konstrukcije su i geodetske kupole koje natkrivaju (ili zatvaraju) volumene s najmanjom mogućom količinom materijala.
Even geodetic domes which cover (or close) volumes with the smallest possible amount of material are special structures.
[Fri Dec 05 11:24:23 2003]
Mogu biti štapaste i panelne.
They can be bar-like and panel-like.
[Fri Dec 05 11:32:06 2003]
U edukaciju o suvremenim drvenim konstrukcijama uklopili smo i osnovna znanja ove materije, kako bi se ostvarilo sinergetski pristup cjelokupnoj materiji koju proučavamo:
When teaching about modern wooden structures integrate also basic knowledges of this matter, in order to realize a synergetic access to entire substance which is the subject of our study:
[Fri Dec 05 11:32:06 2003]
od reologije, proučavanja oblika, do modeliranja za digitalno proračunavanje konstrukcija, pa sve do izrade modela.
from the rheology, form research, to the modelling for the digital structure calculation, and all the way to the production of the model.
[Fri Dec 05 11:34:53 2003]
Mreže podjele sfere geodetske kupole:
Division networks of geodetic dome spheres:
[Fri Dec 05 11:37:04 2003]
2F, 3F, 4F podjela sfere.
2F, 3F, 4F division of spheres.
[Fri Dec 05 11:37:17 2003]
Osnovna mreža sfernog ikoseadra dijeli se na frekvencije, kako bi se mjere trokuta geodetske kupole prilagodile raspoloživim materijalima.
The basic network of the spheric icosahedral is divided into frequencies, so that the measuring of a triangle of the geodetic dome are adjusted by available materials.
[Fri Dec 05 11:37:17 2003]
Prikaz sfernog trokuta.
Spheric triangle illustration.
[Fri Dec 05 11:38:09 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 11:39:57 2003]
Za geometriju kupola i njihov dizajn više informacija se može dobiti putem weba, posebice stranica R.
about the geometry of domes and their design More information can be obtained on the web, especially site R.
[Fri Dec 05 11:39:57 2003]
Buckminster Fullera:
Buckminster Fuller Institute:
[Fri Dec 05 11:41:00 2003]
kao i stranicu Buckminster Fuller Institute
as well as the Buckminster Fuller Institute Institute website
[Fri Dec 05 11:41:23 2003]
te stranica o sinergiji i sinergetskom dizajnu
and the site about the synergy and synergetic design
[Fri Dec 05 11:42:16 2003]
proizvođača kupola i konstrukcija:
dome and structure manufacturers:
[Fri Dec 05 11:42:16 2003]
Dome manufacturers
Dome manufacturers
[Fri Dec 05 11:42:44 2003]
te web stranici Geodesic domes and other inventions
and on the web site Geodesic domes and other inventions
[Fri Dec 05 11:43:34 2003]
i stranici o geodetskim kupolama
and on the website on geodetic domes
[Fri Dec 05 11:44:26 2003]
kao i Richard Hawkinsovoj stranici digitalnog arhiva o geometrijskim kupolama
as well as on Richard Hawkins's website of digital archive about geometric domes
[Fri Dec 05 11:46:01 2003]
te preko linkova s tih stranica.
and with links on these sites.
[Fri Dec 05 11:46:01 2003]
*Također se proučavaju i pneumatske konstrukcije.
*Pneumatic structures are also studied.
[Fri Dec 05 12:12:38 2003]
Prikaz osnovnog panela geodetske kupole za stambenu jedinicu.
Illustration of the basic panel of a geodetic dome for a home unit.
[Fri Dec 05 12:15:13 2003]
Panel je sastavljen od rubnih gredica koje čine kruti okvir i pokrovnog panela od vodootporne panelke, iverice ili višeslojne furnirske ploče.
Panel consists of marginal joists which make a stiff framework and of a covering panel made from a waterproof block-board, plywood or multilayer veneer sheeting.
[Fri Dec 05 12:17:29 2003]
Unutar panela nalazi se sloj mineralne ili staklene vune.
There is a mineral or glass wool layer inside the panel.
[Fri Dec 05 12:18:07 2003]
Rubni elementi su piljeni iz monolitnih gredica tako da su gredice raspiljene pod kutom od oko 7o, kako bi se u montaži paneli priljubili jedan uz drugoga.
Marginal elements are sawn from monolithic joists so that the joists are sawn up under about a 70 degree angle so that the panels press against eachother in the assembly process.
[Fri Dec 05 12:23:41 2003]
Sve mjere za spajala panela moraju se mjeriti od vrhova trokuta.
All measures for panel fasteners must be measured from the peaks of triangles.
[Fri Dec 05 12:24:09 2003]
Obično se vrhovi trokuta zatupljuju, a nakon montaže i labavog pritezanja spojnih vijaka, u čvorove među vrhovima panela, zabije se konični posebno pripravljeni čep od drveta, nakon čega su svi vijci konačno pritegnu.
The peaks of the triangles are usually made blunt, and after the assembly and loose fastening of joining screws, in nodes between the panel tops, a specially prepared wooden conical cork is nailed in, after which all screws are finally fastened.
[Fri Dec 05 12:24:11 2003]
Time se postiže dobro zaptivanje elemenata.
A good sealing of elements is achieved in this way.
[Fri Dec 05 12:24:22 2003]
Oplata (furnirske ploče ili panelke);
Paneling (veneer sheets or block-boards);
[Fri Dec 05 12:26:33 2003]
ispune (izolacija), npr. stiropor, mineralna vuna i sl.
fillings (isolation), expanded polystyrene, mineral wool and alike.
[Fri Dec 05 12:26:33 2003]
Mjere prema tablicama.
Measures according to tables.
[Fri Dec 05 12:30:40 2003]
iverica ili panelka
plywood or the block-board
[Fri Dec 05 12:31:06 2003]
izolacija okipor s alufolijom
okipor isolation with aluminium foil
[Fri Dec 05 12:31:30 2003]
naknadno prikucani panel
extra nailed panel
[Fri Dec 05 12:32:14 2003]
pokrov od karbofil folije, aluminijske ili bakrene folije
carbophil foil covering, aluminic or copper foils
[Fri Dec 05 12:32:56 2003]
kostur panela
panel skeleton
[Fri Dec 05 12:37:22 2003]
Stambena geodetska kupola iz programa BFD kupola ing.
housing geodetic dome from the BFD dome program by.
[Fri Dec 05 12:39:31 2003]
Baljkas, B.S.E.
[Fri Dec 05 12:41:17 2003]
Ove se stambene kupole mogu graditi od panela koji su sastavljeni od trokuta kako je opisano u opisu slike 132.
These residential domes can be built with panels composed of triangles as described in the description of the Figures 132.
[Fri Dec 05 12:41:59 2003]
, a paneli se mogu izvesti i od laganog stiropor betona, čime se eliminira relativno komplicirana zaštita površina od atmosferilija.
, and panels can also be made from a lightweight polystyrene concrete, which eliminates a relatively complicated protection of atmospheric surfaces.
[Fri Dec 05 12:44:02 2003]
Bilo bi bitno za razvoj tih objekata ustaliti proizvodnju tzv.
It would be very important for the development of these objects to stabilize the production of a so-called.
[Fri Dec 05 12:45:10 2003]
mokrog ili energetskog čvora koji bi se industrijski proizvodio kao kontejnerski blok, kojeg se direktno priključuje na odgovarajuće instalacije:
wet or energy node which would industrially be produced as a container block, which is directly attached to corresponding installations:
[Fri Dec 05 12:45:10 2003]
vodu, kanalizaciju, struju, telefon, plin, toplovod i sl.
water, sewerage, electricity, telephone, gas, heating pipe and alike.
[Fri Dec 05 12:49:58 2003]
Mreža geodezijske kupole sastavljena od panela:
geodesic dome net composed of panels:
[Fri Dec 05 12:50:26 2003]
3F podjela.
3F division.
[Fri Dec 05 12:50:26 2003]
Rađeno s ograničenom verzijom COSMOS/M FEA paketa.
Built with the limited version of the COSMOS/M FEA package.
[Fri Dec 05 12:50:49 2003]
sferni dodekaedar
spheric dodecahedron
[Fri Dec 05 12:52:00 2003]
Sve ostale mjere i izmjere zasnivaju se na ovoj podjeli
All other measures and measurements are based on this division
[Fri Dec 05 12:52:30 2003]
Generiranje osnovnog sfernog trokuta geodetske kupole u modulu GEOSTAR
Generation of a basic spheric triangle of a geodetic dome in the GEOSTAR module
[Fri Dec 05 14:11:21 2003]
Sve ostale generacije dobiju se pogodnim rotacijama u lokalnim koordinatnim sustavima.
All other generations are obtained by appropriate rotations in local coordinate systems.
[Fri Dec 05 14:13:13 2003]
Struktura naloga PTGEN je sljedeća:
The structure of a PTGEN commands is as follows:
[Fri Dec 05 14:13:13 2003]
ponoviti n puta, početna točka, završna točka, inkrement, flag, translacija, rotacija.
repeat n times, starting point, end point, increment, flag, translation, rotation.
[Fri Dec 05 14:17:15 2003]
Prikaz generiranih krivulja CR i točaka PT.
Illustration of generated CR curves and PT points.
[Fri Dec 05 14:17:30 2003]
Prikazan je osnovni sferni trokut.
Basic spheric triangle is illustrated.
[Fri Dec 05 14:17:30 2003]
GEOSTAR ograničene verzije COSMOS/M-a.
GEOSTAR limited versions of the COSMOS/M-.
[Fri Dec 05 14:18:47 2003]
Spajala štapastih drvenih geodetskih kupola (do promjera 10 metara).
fastener of bar wooden geodetic domes (to a 10 meter diameter 10).
[Fri Dec 05 14:19:30 2003]
Detalj drvene kupole (E.
wooden dome Detail (E.
[Fri Dec 05 14:19:31 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 14:19:31 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 14:21:34 2003]
Industrijski proizvedeni sendvič paneli.
Sandwich panels created industrially.
[Fri Dec 05 14:21:34 2003]
Kupola dolazi na gradilišta u paketu elemenata.
Dome arrives at building sites as a package of elements.
[Fri Dec 05 14:25:41 2003]
Stambena jedinica "iz kutije" - emergency habitat.
Residential unit "from the box" - emergency habitat.
[Fri Dec 05 14:26:42 2003]
Paneli su kolor-kodirani i slažu se po posebnom planu montaže.
Panels are color-coded and match according to the special assembly plan.
[Fri Dec 05 14:27:16 2003]
Prethodno se izvode mokri čvor (ili tzv.
wet nodes are performed prior to that (or so-called.
[Fri Dec 05 14:27:16 2003]
"ognjište" - energetski i mokri čvor jedinice).
" fireplace " energy and wet node of unit).
[Fri Dec 05 14:30:57 2003]
Ponašanje tzv.
Behavior of a so-called.
[Fri Dec 05 14:37:17 2003]
tensigrity strukture u kojoj je sjedinjen ali i razdvojen vlak i tlak.
tensigrity structure in which tension and pressure are both united but also separated.
[Fri Dec 05 14:38:03 2003]
Vlačne sile preuzimaju vlačni vitki štapovi ili žice, a tlačne sile preuzimaju kruti štapovi;
Tensile slender members or wires receive tensile forces, while rigid members receive pressure forces;
[Fri Dec 05 14:43:02 2003]
a) struktura od štapova i žica;
a) structure made from members and wires;
[Fri Dec 05 14:44:39 2003]
b) poznati princip, pratip tensigrity konstrukcija, poduprto i napeto uže za vješanje rublja.
b) known principle, architype of tensigrity structure, supported and tight washing line.
[Fri Dec 05 14:45:04 2003]
U krutim štapovima može se pojaviti samo tlak, a u fleksibilnim žicama samo vlak.
Only pressure could appear in rigid members, and only tension in flexible wires.
[Fri Dec 05 14:46:31 2003]
Tlak i vlak su funkcionalno razdijeljeni ali i integrirani u jedinstvenu strukturu.
Pressure and tension are functionally divided but also integrated in a unique structure.
[Fri Dec 05 14:46:31 2003]
Problem je izvanredno teško vizualizirati i najbolje je načiniti fizički model konstrukcije, kako bi se konstrukciju bolje upoznalo.
The problem is exceptionally difficult to visualize and the best solution would be to make a physical model of the structure, in order to get to know the structure better.
[Fri Dec 05 14:52:10 2003]
Osnovna mreža konstrukcija tensigrity konstrukcije.
Basic structure net of the tensigrity structure.
[Fri Dec 05 14:52:19 2003]
Vlak prenose žice, a tlak prenose štapovi.
Wires transfer tension, while members transfer pressure.
[Fri Dec 05 14:52:21 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 14:52:41 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 14:54:22 2003]
Ove su konstrukcije ultralagane i vrlo elastične.
These structures are ultralight and very elastic.
[Fri Dec 05 15:01:09 2003]
Konstrukcije koje smo izveli sa studentima BT smjera Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Kumasiju (Gana), prikazuju da su konstrukcije i vrlo otporne na vanjska opterećenja.
Structures has performed with the students of BT main subject of the Faculty of Architecture of University in Kumasi (Ghana), illustrate that the structures are also very resistant to external loads.
[Fri Dec 05 15:01:37 2003]
Jedna se neusidrena konstrukcija promjera oko 5 metara, tokom noći, pod naletom vjetra, odšetala-odskakutala s mjesta montaže za oko 50 metara, bez ikakvih oštećenja.
One structure not anchored of about 5 meter diameter 5, in the night, under a gust of wind, wandered -hopped away from the assembly location for about 50 meters, without any damages.
[Fri Dec 05 15:02:11 2003]
Struktura koja je prikazana sastoji se od svega dva različita elementa:
The illustrated structure consists of only two different elements:
[Fri Dec 05 15:02:11 2003]
štapa DDB (omjeri 0.3249*R i 0.3091*R) i štapa DBB (omjeri 0.3091*R i 0.2596*R).
3249*R and 0.3091*R) and DBB member (proportions 0.3091*R and 0.2596*R).
[Fri Dec 05 15:11:35 2003]
Ako se bojom kodiraju točke D (plava) B (crvena), vrlo se lagano snalazimo pri montiranju konstrukcije.
If points D (blue) B (red) are codified bya color , we can manage very easily the assembling of the structure.
[Fri Dec 05 15:13:01 2003]
Automatski se slažu štapovi tako da crveno markirane (B) točke dolaze u čvoru zajedno, kao što se i plavo markirane točke (D) pridružuju ostalim plavim markacijama.
Automatically The members match so that (B) points marked with red come in a node together, just as points (D) marked with blue are joined with other blue markings.
[Fri Dec 05 15:13:43 2003]
Žica je pričvršćena na jednom i drugom kraju istog štapa ali prolazi kroz priključni štap u čvoru priključka štapa.
The wire is fastened at both ends of the same member but goes through a connecting member in the connecting node of the member.
[Fri Dec 05 15:13:43 2003]
Pri montaži se konstrukcija automatski "namješta" u sferu.
The structure is automatically "set" into the sphere during the assembly.
[Fri Dec 05 15:16:10 2003]
osnovni sferni trokut
basic spheric triangle
[Fri Dec 05 15:21:41 2003]
Detalj tensile-integrity (tensegrity) konstrukcije geodetske sfere (prema R.
Detail of the tensile-integrity (tensegrity) structure of a geodetic sphere (according to R.
[Fri Dec 05 15:23:23 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 15:24:54 2003]
Žice prolaze kroz probušene otvore tlačnih štapova.
Wires go through drilled holes of compression members.
[Fri Dec 05 15:25:17 2003]
Konstrukcija se podešava geometrijom priloženom sustavu sila.
Structure adapt to the (?) enclosed force systems with geometry.
[Fri Dec 05 15:25:27 2003]
Fascinantna ultralagana konstrukcija, velikih potencijalnih mogućnosti.
Fascinating ultralight structure, of great possibilities.
[Fri Dec 05 15:25:32 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 15:26:32 2003]
Nosive strukture I, II, III, LIBER, 1979.
Bearing structures I, II, III, LIBER, 1979.
[Fri Dec 05 15:29:01 2003]
Moguće je konstruirati i višeslojne (i međusobno povezane) prostorne tensegrity mreže, vrlo kompleksnih matrica.
It is also possible to make multilayer (and interconnected) spacial tensegrity nets, of very complex matrices.
[Fri Dec 05 15:29:52 2003]
Vjerojatno je modelski i CAD pristup prikazu tih konstrukcija jedina moguća vizualna prezentacija tih struktura.
Probably both the model and CAD access to the illustration of these structures is the only possible visual presentation of these structures.
[Fri Dec 05 15:30:04 2003]
Preporučuje se pokušati izvesti jednu takvu strukturu (loptu), pa zaključiti o elastičnosti ovih konstrukcija.
It is recommendable to try to make one such structure (ball), and then conclude about the flexibility of these structures.
[Fri Dec 05 15:30:04 2003]
One se i stvarno ponašaju kao lopte.
They really do behave as balls.
[Fri Dec 05 15:38:55 2003]
Pokrivanje takvih fizičkih struktura sa skrojenim plaštem od trevire ili diolena.
Covering of such physical structures with the cut out trevira or diolen mantle.
[Fri Dec 05 15:39:26 2003]
Na konstrukcije koje smo izvodili u nekim selima Gane (u okolici Kumasija) ove se konstrukcije opletalo dugom travom, kao praktički besplatnom, a efikasnom zaštitom od oborina tropskog pojasa.
Some structures which were built in some villages of Ghana (in surroundings of Kumasi) were braided with long grass, actually free, which was also an efficient protection from the precipitations of the tropical belt.
[Fri Dec 05 15:39:26 2003]
Moguće je konstruirati i višeslojne (i međusobno povezane) tensegrity mreže.
It is also possible to make multilayer (and interconnected) tensegrity nets.
[Fri Dec 05 15:41:17 2003]
Nova generacija ultralaganih 3D konstrukcija:
New generation of ultralight 3D structures:
[Fri Dec 05 15:41:28 2003]
tensegrity strukture:
tensegrity structures:
[Fri Dec 05 15:42:16 2003]
a) konstrukcija i shema spajanja;
a) structure and connection diagram;
[Fri Dec 05 15:43:26 2003]
b) princip pričvršćenja fleksibilne membrane od trevire ili diolena.
b) principle of fixing of flexible trevira or diolen membrane.
[Fri Dec 05 15:44:51 2003]
U ovoj konstrukciji nije poštivano razdvajanje vlaka i tlaka, jer su elementi u čvoru vezani posebnim vezama.
The division of tension and pressure is not respected in this structure, because the elements in the node are tied by special connections.
[Fri Dec 05 15:46:36 2003]
Na konstrukciju se s unutrašnje strane može ovjesiti unutrašnju membranu.
Internal membrane can be hanged to the structure from the inside.
[Fri Dec 05 15:46:36 2003]
Prikazana je samo jedna od mnoštva mogućih varijacija pričvršćenja trevire za kostur konstrukcije.
Only one of many possible variations of fixing trevira to the skeleton of the structure is illustrated.
[Fri Dec 05 15:47:31 2003]
po redu
in order
[Fri Dec 05 15:47:45 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 15:48:08 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 15:50:51 2003]
Tensiti tetraedar:
Tensity tetrahedron:
[Fri Dec 05 15:51:11 2003]
a) osnovni element;
a) basic element;
[Fri Dec 05 15:52:48 2003]
b) rotacije osnovnog elementa - prikazi geometrije solida;
b) rotations of the basic element illustrations of geometry of solids;
[Fri Dec 05 15:52:48 2003]
c) mogućnosti slaganja prostornih struktura s bazičnim elementima tetraedra.
c) possibilities for composition of spacial structures with the basic elements of the tetrahedron.
[Fri Dec 05 15:53:32 2003]
Tensiti oktaedar:
Tensity octahedron:
[Fri Dec 05 15:53:38 2003]
dvije skice:
two sketches:
[Fri Dec 05 15:53:42 2003]
a) tlocrt;
a) ground plan;
[Fri Dec 05 15:53:42 2003]
b) pogled.
b) view.
[Fri Dec 05 15:55:10 2003]
Vlačne čvrstoće nekih građevinskih materijala
Tensile strengths of some construction materials
[Fri Dec 05 15:58:41 2003]
granica proporcionalnosti
proportional limit
[Fri Dec 05 15:59:11 2003]
mrežom armirani polimeri
net reinforced polymers
[Fri Dec 05 16:01:29 2003]
Neki suvremeni materijali od ugljikovih niti i polimerne matrice imaju daleko veće čvrstoće od do sada poznatih materijala.
Some modern materials made of carbon threads and polymeric matrices have far great strength than materials known by now.
[Fri Dec 05 16:02:09 2003]
vlačne čvrstoće
tensile strengths
[Fri Dec 05 16:06:22 2003]
Promjena oblika ovisna je o razini naprezanja polimera.
Change of a form depends on the polymer stress level.
[Fri Dec 05 16:06:35 2003]
polyvinyl chloride
[Fri Dec 05 16:06:44 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 16:06:56 2003]
celulozni acetobutirat
cellulosic acetobutirate
[Fri Dec 05 16:07:05 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 16:10:18 2003]
brzina razvlačenja
speed of distension
[Fri Dec 05 16:13:01 2003]
Ovisnost promjene modula posmika u odnosu na temperaturne promjene za neke polimerne materijale.
Dependence of change of shear modulus in relation to temperature changes for some polymeric materials.
[Fri Dec 05 17:05:25 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 17:05:39 2003]
djelomično kruti
partly rigid
[Fri Dec 05 17:05:52 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 17:06:04 2003]
amorfni termoplasti
amorphous thermoplastics
[Fri Dec 05 17:06:14 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 17:07:33 2003]
Prihvaćeni reološki model polimera (Maxwel-Kelvinov model).
Accepted rheological model of polymers (Maxwel-Kelvin's model).
[Fri Dec 05 17:09:42 2003]
Ovaj model uglavnom zadovoljava sve karakteristike plastičnih masa:
This model mainly satisfies all characteristics of plastic masses:
[Fri Dec 05 17:09:42 2003]
kratkotrajne i dugotrajne efekte pod silom, i dinamičko-reološke efekte.
short-lasting and long-lasting effects under influence of force, and dynamic-rheological effects.
[Mon Dec 08 08:58:31 2003]
Ilustracija problema krojenja membrana od polimera (trevire ili diolena).
Illustration of the polymer membrane tailoring problem (trevira or diolen).
[Mon Dec 08 09:00:37 2003]
Potrebno je dizajnirati oblik koji obično ima slobodne forme.
It is necessary to design a form who usually has free forms.
[Mon Dec 08 09:02:13 2003]
Trevira se proizvodi u beskonačnim trakama širine oko 140 cm, ponekad širine 250 cm.
Trevira is made in endless bands of about 140 cm width, sometimes about 250 cm width.
[Mon Dec 08 09:04:25 2003]
Posebnim metodama krojenja potrebno je od tog materijala sastaviti konstrukciju (ponekad značajnih dimenzija).
It is necessary to compose a structure (sometimes of important dimensions) from this material by the use of special tailoring methods.
[Mon Dec 08 09:04:57 2003]
Krojenje na modelu je praktički nemoguće bez CAD-a i triangulacije plohe pomoću KE.
Tailoring on the model is in fact impossible without the CAD and triangulations of a plane by means of FE.
[Mon Dec 08 09:04:57 2003]
Ponekad su potrebna modelska istraživanja kroja.
Sometimes the model research of a pattern is necessary.
[Mon Dec 08 09:08:26 2003]
Kod krojenja treba štedjeti na materijalu.
The material has to be saved in the tailoring process.
[Mon Dec 08 09:09:16 2003]
Treba voditi računa o smjeru tkanja i istezanju tkanine.
Weaving and stretching direction of a fabric has to be considered.
[Mon Dec 08 09:10:07 2003]
Zatim je potrebno model kroja pretočiti u realnost.
Then the model of a pattern needs to be transformed into a real form.
[Mon Dec 08 09:15:58 2003]
Krojenje se često radi na stolovima koji istežu tkaninu prilikom krojenja.
Tailoring is often performed on tables which stretch the fabric during the tailoring process.
[Mon Dec 08 09:16:33 2003]
U tvorničkoj hali se VF zavarivanjem pod pritiskom iz osnovnih elemenata sastavljanja konstrukcija membrane.
Membrane structure is composed in the factory hall by HF welding under pressure from basic elements.
[Mon Dec 08 09:28:09 2003]
Za to je potreban detaljni plan zavarivanja.
A detailed welding plan is necessary for this.
[Mon Dec 08 09:28:09 2003]
To su problemi koji zahtijevaju visoku stručnost i specijalizaciju kao i poznavanje MKE i CAD-a, a zahtijevaju i empirijsko iskustvo.
These are the problems that require the high expertise and specialization as well as knowledge of the FEM and CAD, and require empiric experience.
[Mon Dec 08 09:33:27 2003]
krojenje elemenata iz trake širine Š
tailoring of elements from a band of a width W
[Mon Dec 08 09:33:44 2003]
sastavljanje elemenata
composition of elements
[Mon Dec 08 09:34:01 2003]
zatvoriti skupa
close together
[Mon Dec 08 09:35:30 2003]
metodom konačnih elemenata dizajnira se mreža
net is designed by the finite element method
[Mon Dec 08 09:36:10 2003]
prikaz pojedinih elemenata kroja strukture
illustration of separate elements of a structure pattern
[Mon Dec 08 09:36:57 2003]
Sustav ALLPLAN FT - CAD sustav za arhitektonsko i strukturalno projektiranje građevina.
ALLPLAN FT system CAD system for architectonic and structural design of buildings.
[Mon Dec 08 09:37:47 2003]
Prikaz modeliranja okvirne konstrukcije sa SCIA programom koji sjedinjuje CAD - CAM - CIM aplikacije.
Illustration of frame structure modelling with SCIA program which combines CAD CAM CIM applications.
[Mon Dec 08 09:40:46 2003]
Ekrani oblikovanja i provjera konstrukcija jedne hale s FEA CAD programom ESA-Prima Win.
Formation screens and structure testing of a hall with FEA CAD program ESA-Prima Win.
[Mon Dec 08 09:40:46 2003]
Program omogućuje dizajn, provjere, razradu detalja, linearne i nelinearne analize s velikim bogatstvom opcija.
The program enables the design, testing, elaboration of details, linear and nonlinear analyses with many options possible.
[Mon Dec 08 09:42:33 2003]
Pneumatska greda:
Pneumatic beam:
[Mon Dec 08 09:43:07 2003]
a) sustav;
a) system;
[Mon Dec 08 09:43:43 2003]
b) skica hale pokrivene sustavom pneumatskih greda;
b) sketch of a hall covered with a pneumatic beam system;
[Mon Dec 08 09:44:22 2003]
c) principi proračuna nosivosti pneumatske grede.
c) calculations principles of pneumatic beam bearing capacity.
[Mon Dec 08 09:44:22 2003]
Pneumatske grede se mogu izvesti od trevire, tankog lima pa i spiralno uslojenog višeslojnog furnira.
Pneumatic beams can be made from trevira, tin metal sheet and even from spirally layered multilayered veneer.
[Mon Dec 08 09:47:38 2003]
Uobičajene pneumatske konstrukcije zasnovane na sferi kugle.
Usual pneumatic structures based on a ball sphere.
[Mon Dec 08 09:47:50 2003]
[Mon Dec 08 09:49:36 2003]
Ravnoteža sila:
equilibrium of forces:
[Mon Dec 08 09:53:45 2003]
rezultanta sume projekcija tlaka na membranu (r2*?
sum resultant of pressure projection on the membrane (r2*?
[Mon Dec 08 09:54:07 2003]
*p) mora biti jednaka obodnim sidrenim silama (2*r*?
*p) must be equal to peripheral anchored forces (2*r*?
[Mon Dec 08 09:55:19 2003]
*N), uz odgovarajući faktor sigurnosti.
*N), with a corresponding safety factor.
[Mon Dec 08 09:56:17 2003]
Način temeljenja/sidrenja i zaptivanja pneumatske konstrukcije;
Foundation/anchorage and sealing method of pneumatic structures;
[Mon Dec 08 09:56:31 2003]
p je unutarnji tlak izražen u Mpa ili u visini vodenog stupca?h.
p represents the inner pressure expressed in Mpa or in the height of a water column?h.
[Mon Dec 08 09:56:31 2003]
N - sidrene sile.
N anchorage forces.
[Mon Dec 08 09:58:27 2003]
suma projekcija svih Py na membranu
sum of projections of all Py on the membrane
[Mon Dec 08 09:58:40 2003]
[Mon Dec 08 09:59:29 2003]
Dio vrlo složene tensile-integrity konstrukcije ulaznog trijema Sveučilišta Fraser u Vancouveru (B.
Part of a very complex tensile-integrity structure of the entrance porch at the Fraser University in Vancouver (B.
[Mon Dec 08 10:02:44 2003]
. Konstrukcija se sastoji od drvenog prostornog roštilja i metalnih cijevi te prednapetih žica.
Structure consists of from wooden spacial barbecues, metal pipes and prestressed wires.
[Mon Dec 08 10:08:33 2003]
U sklopu provedenih istraživanja na Fakultetu građevinskih znanosti u Zagrebu, ispitalo se dvije pneumatske grede od 350 gr.
Within the conducted research at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, were examined two pneumatic beams of 350 gr.
[Mon Dec 08 10:13:48 2003]
Blizne grede temeljito su ispitane u okviru nekoliko diplomskih radova.
Double close beams were thoroughly examined within the framework of a few theses.
[Mon Dec 08 10:17:35 2003]
Obzirom da se za taj materijal nisu mogle zalijepiti mjerne trake, načinjena je i jedna pneumatska greda od tankog pocinčanog lima (debljine 0.2 mm), duljine 180 cm i promjera 20 cm.
Since measuring bands for this material could not be glued, another pneumatic beam from thin galvanized sheet metal was made (0.2 mm thick), 180 cm long and of 20 cm diameter.
[Mon Dec 08 10:17:37 2003]
Ova pneumatska greda svestrano je laboratorijski ispitana u laboratoriju Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku FGZ u Zagrebu, a teoretski analizirana s COSMOS/M programskim sustavom za analizu MKE, na radnoj stanici COMPUTERVISION/PRIME u bivšem E-labu R.
This pneumatic beam wholly examined in the laboratory of the Department for engineering mechanics FGZ Zagreb, and theoretically analyzed with COSMOS/M program system for the FEM analysis, on the COMPUTERVISION/TAKE workstation in former E-lab of the R.
[Mon Dec 08 10:19:10 2003]
Končara (ing.
Končar (ing.
[Mon Dec 08 10:19:10 2003]
Josipović, B.S.E.).
[Mon Dec 08 10:21:37 2003]
O ovim ispitivanjima pisano je u časopisu Građevinar u br. 3.
About these tests It was written in the Building constructor magazine no. 3.
[Mon Dec 08 10:33:35 2003]
Ispitivanja su pokazala da konvencionalni izvodi naponskih stanja u kojima se ne uzima u obzir utjecaje lokalnih napona od priloženog opterećenja, nisu u skladu s rezultatima mjerenja i kompjutorskih analiza.
The tests showed that conventional executions of voltage conditions in which the influence of local voltages from the applied load was not taken into consideration, did not match the data and computer analyses.
[Mon Dec 08 10:36:15 2003]
Obzirom da je opterećenje na gredu bilo priloženo direktno na gornji dio plašta pneumatske grede, a ne s donje strane, kako bi se konvencionalnom analizom pretpostavilo.
Since the load on the beam was put directly on the top of the pneumatic beam jacket, and not on the lower side, as it would be assumed by the conventional analysis.