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[Wed Dec 10 10:50:14 2003]
Proračun MKE rađen je programskim paketom ICES STRUDL2 (studentski rad).
FEM calculation was made with the ICES STRUDL2 software package (student paper).

[Wed Dec 10 10:51:18 2003]
uzdužni naponi
longitudinal voltages

[Wed Dec 10 10:51:33 2003]
posmični naponi
shear voltages

[Wed Dec 10 10:51:48 2003]
poprečni naponi
transversal voltages

[Wed Dec 10 11:01:37 2003]
Proračunski model čvora MKE.
Calcuation model of a FEM node.

[Wed Dec 10 11:02:49 2003]
Analiza istovjetnog čvora gornjeg pojasnog kontinuiranog štapa rešetkastog nosača uz priključak vlačnog štapa GANGNAIL pločama.
Analysis of the same node of an upper belt continuous member of a truss with the connection of a tension member by GANGNAIL boards.

[Wed Dec 10 11:07:04 2003]
Analiza tog proračunskog modela detalja čvora rešetke rađena je sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom za inženjerske analize konstrukcija.
The analysis of this calcuation model of grid node details was conducted with the ICES STRUDL2 system for engineering structure analyses.

[Wed Dec 10 11:08:55 2003]
Gornji tlačni pojas je kontinuiran i na njega se priključuju dvostrukim zasjekom tlačna dijagonala i vlačna dijagonala preko GANGNAIL spojnih ploča.
Upper compressive flange is continuous and compressive and tensile diagonals are attached to it by a double heel joint through GANGNAIL connective boards.

[Wed Dec 10 11:10:18 2003]
Prethodno je cijeli sustav rešetke proračunan kao TYPE PLANE FRAME sustav, te su rezultati tog proračuna preuzeti u ovoj analizi detalja.
Previously the entire truss system was calculated as a TYPE BURSTS INTO FLAME FRAME system, so the results of that calculation are used in this detail analysis.

[Wed Dec 10 11:11:09 2003]
Treba obratiti pozornost na kontaktne elemente (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) između materijala tlačne dijagonale i pojasa u reški kontakta dvostrukog zasjeka.
Attention needs to be paid to contact elements (TYPE BURSTS INTO FLAME TRUSS) between the material of compressive diagonals and flange in the slot of a double heel joint contact.

[Wed Dec 10 11:11:17 2003]
Osobito je kompleksan FE model GANGNAIL ploče s mnoštvom zubi i rupa.
The FE model of the GANGNAIL board with many of teeth and holes is particulary complex.

[Wed Dec 10 11:11:17 2003]
(Studentski rad.)
(Student paper.)

[Wed Dec 10 11:14:49 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 11:19:59 2003]
Prikaz veoma složene mreže KE (TYPE PLANE STRESS) za analizu čvora rešetkastog nosača.
Illustration of a very complex FE mesh (TYPE PLANE STRESS) for the analysis of a truss node.

[Wed Dec 10 11:22:50 2003]
Detalj priključka vlačnog štapa s GANGNAIL spojnom pločom.
connection Detail of a tension member with the GANGNAIL connective plate.

[Wed Dec 10 11:23:55 2003]
Nažalost, nije se raspolagalo grafičkim alatom (ploter, radna stanica i sl.)
Unfortunately, no graphical tool was at disposal (data plotter, workstation and alike.)

[Wed Dec 10 11:24:02 2003]
, te su crteži geometrije KE i crteži naponskih stanja rađeni ručno.
), so FE geometry drawings and voltage condition drawings were done by hand.

[Wed Dec 10 11:24:59 2003]
(Studentski rad.)
(Student paper.)

[Wed Dec 10 11:33:35 2003]
"Herojsko djelo" s obzirom na ondašnje prilike.
) " heroic work " concerning the circumstances of that time.

[Wed Dec 10 11:33:51 2003]
Komunikacija s main-frame računalom SRCE-a putem bušenih kartica.
Communication with the main-frame computer of the SRCE center through punch cards.

[Wed Dec 10 11:33:51 2003]
Povijest modeliranja.
History of modeling.

[Wed Dec 10 11:35:55 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 11:36:21 2003]
konstruktivni dio gang-nail
constructive part of the Gang-nail

[Wed Dec 10 11:36:39 2003]
dio dvostrukog zasjeka
part of double heel joint

[Wed Dec 10 11:37:07 2003]
gornji dio rešetke
upper part of the truss

[Wed Dec 10 11:37:19 2003]
vlačni štap
tension member

[Wed Dec 10 11:40:26 2003]
Kosa redukcija visine lameliranog nosača s donje strane nosača.
oblique height reduction of laminated girder from a lower girder part.

[Wed Dec 10 11:44:48 2003]
Skica postupne redukcije visine lameliranog nosača s donje strane nosača.
Draft of a gradual height reductions of a laminated girder from a lower part of the girder .

[Wed Dec 10 11:44:48 2003]
Ispituje se utjecaj nagiba te redukcije na naponsko stanje u nosaču.
effect of inclination and reduction on the voltage condition in the girder is examined.

[Wed Dec 10 11:53:06 2003]
Primjer analize utjecaja kose redukcije visine s donje strane lameliranog nosača na ležaju primjenom proračunskog modela MKE.
Example of the analysis of influence of oblique height reduction from the lower part of a laminated girder on the bearing by using the FEM calcuation model.

[Wed Dec 10 11:53:21 2003]
Postupno se iz proračuna isključivalo KE i na taj način simuliralo razne nagibe redukcije visine presjeka nosača.
The FE was gradually excluded from the calculation and in this way different inclinations of height reduction of girder sections were simulated.

[Wed Dec 10 12:00:52 2003]
Prikazuje se MKE.
The FEM is illustrated.

[Wed Dec 10 12:04:21 2003]
Nedostatak MKE je sustav oslanjanja simulacijom niza od 5 točkastih ležajeva.
Lack of the FEM is a support system by the simulation of a 5 point bearing series.

[Wed Dec 10 12:04:21 2003]
Trebalo je primijeniti elastično podatljive oslonce - na primjer neoprenski ležaj, čime bi se znatno poboljšalo proračunski model.
elastically flexible supports had to be used for example neoprene bearing, which considerably improved the calcuation model.

[Wed Dec 10 12:13:10 2003]
Prikazi posmičnih napona TAUXY za razne nagibe redukcije visine poprečnog presjeka uz ležaj nosača.
Illustrations of shear voltages TAUXY for different inclinations of height reduction of a cross section near the girder bearing.

[Wed Dec 10 12:13:37 2003]
Prikazi dijagrama SIGMAY (okomito na vlakna drveta) kod postupne redukcije visine presjeka s donje strane uz ležaj lameliranog nosača.
Illustrations of the SIGMAY diagram (vertically on wood fibers) in a gradual height reduction of a section from the lower part near a laminated girder bearing.

[Wed Dec 10 12:15:52 2003]
Ovi dijagrami dobro se slažu s teoretskim izvodima i eksperimentalnim rezultatima.
These diagrams well correspond to theoretical deductions and experimental results.

[Wed Dec 10 12:15:52 2003]
Proračun rađen MKE sa sustavom ICES STRUDL2 UNIVAC verzijom.
FEM calculation made with the ICES STRUDL2 system with the UNIVAC version.

[Wed Dec 10 12:19:10 2003]
Varijacije naprezanja u presjecima drvenog lijepljenog nosača s kosim redukcijama visine presjeka nosača uz ležaj, dobivenih proračunom MKE.
Stress variations in sections of a glued wood girder with oblique height reductions of girder sections by the bearing, obtained by the FEM calculation.

[Wed Dec 10 12:19:10 2003]
Primjer primjene analize detalja konstrukcija MKE.
Example of the use of the detail analysis of FEM structures.

[Wed Dec 10 12:21:59 2003]
Također se analiziralo utjecaj nagiba redukcija visine lameliranog nosača s donje strane pri ležaju grede (sl.
Effect of the inclination of height reductions of the laminated girder from the lower part by the beam bearing was also analyzed (fig.

[Wed Dec 10 12:34:08 2003]
. Analiziralo se razne nagibe redukcija, kako bi se dobila naponska stanja i zaključilo o koncentracijama naprezanja uzrokovanim takvim redukcijama presjeka, te zaključilo zakonitosti odnosa redukcije, nagiba i koncentracije napona.
Different reduction inclinations were analyzed, in order to obtain voltage conditions and conclude about stress concentrations caused by such section reductions, and also to conclude about the regularity of relations of reduction, inclination and voltage concentrations.

[Wed Dec 10 12:35:55 2003]
Ovakva se redukcija ne preporuča, ali se ponekad ne može izbjeći.
such reduction is not recommended, but it cannot be avoided sometimes.

[Wed Dec 10 12:38:23 2003]
Ta su istraživanja rađena u okvirima jednog diplomskog rada.
This research was carried out as a part of one graduation thesis.

[Wed Dec 10 12:47:32 2003]
Pritom se koristila ista generirana mreža KE, koja se reducirala prema analiziranim nagibima, izostavljanjem čvorova i elemenata KE.
The same generated FE mesh was used in this process, which was reduced according to analysed inclinations, by omitting the nodes and FE elements.

[Wed Dec 10 12:47:32 2003]
Pokazalo se da dobiveni rezultati dobro pristaju onim iz teorije i s laboratorijskim ispitivanjima.
It was demonstrated that the obtained results corresponded well to theoretical and lab results.

[Wed Dec 10 12:57:59 2003]
I ova je analiza provedena sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom.
This analysis was conducted with ICES STRUDL2 system, too.

[Wed Dec 10 12:58:10 2003]
Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da bi svakako takve redukcije trebalo izbjegavati, a ako se već izvode treba koristiti što blaže nagibe redukcija;
Research results indicate that such reductions should certainly be avoided, but if made anyway, gentler reduction slopes should be used;

[Wed Dec 10 12:58:10 2003]
standardi su u tom pogledu jasni.
standards in that respect are clear.

[Wed Dec 10 14:28:08 2003]
U nekim praktičnim primjerima moglo se dokazati, kako pomoću blagovremenih simulacija izbjegavamo urušenja sustava pod velikim opterećenjima snijegom.
In some practical examples could be proven that system collapses under heavy snow loads can be avoided by using on-time simulations.

[Wed Dec 10 14:35:39 2003]
Na priloženoj slici (sl.
in the enclosed Figure (fig.

[Wed Dec 10 14:37:21 2003]
10.15) vidi se urušena drvena čavlana rešetka, nad nekim vojnim skladištem.
15) one can see a caved-in wooden nailed truss, above some military depot.

[Wed Dec 10 14:39:54 2003]
Analiza sustava rađena je minuciozno s pažnjom u razradi detalja sustava.
System analysis was conducted in minute detail, with taking care of the development of system details.

[Wed Dec 10 14:45:32 2003]
Sustav je detaljno snimljen na terenu, a izvagano je opterećenje snijegom pri kome se rešetka urušila.
The system was recorded in detail in the field, and the snow load under which the truss caved in was measured.

[Wed Dec 10 14:45:39 2003]
Taj proračunati sustav u kojem je statički sistem promatran kao okvir s ekscentrično priključenom štapnom ispunom uspoređen je s konvencionalnom analizom sustava kao rešetkastog sistema s centrično u zglobu priključenim štapovima ispune, kako je to projektirano i proračunato.
This calculated system in which a static system, observed as a frame with eccentrically connected member fill, was compared to the conventional system analysis as in the latticed system with fill members connected centrally to the joint, as it had been designed and calculated.

[Wed Dec 10 14:45:39 2003]
Rezultati se prikazuju.
Results are shown.

[Wed Dec 10 14:53:47 2003]
Vidljivo je da ekscentriciteti priključaka štapova ispune uzrokuju momente u sustavu, ali i znatne posmične sile i napone, koje su u nekim čvorovima veće od čvrstoće drveta.
It is clear that connection eccentricities of fill members cause moments in the system, and significant shear forces and voltages also, who in some nodes are greater than the wood's strength.

[Wed Dec 10 14:55:07 2003]
Detalji čvorova ispitani su posebno, kako bi se dobio raspored naponskih stanja unutar čvorova rešetke.
Node details are examined separately, in order to get the voltage condition arrangement inside the nodal points.

[Wed Dec 10 14:55:12 2003]
Ovu je analizu proveo s ICES STRUDL2 sustavom suradnik inž.
This analysis was conducted with ICES STRUDL2 system colleague

[Wed Dec 10 15:08:56 2003]
Iz nje je vidljivo da suvremene standarde treba dopuniti klauzulom o obaveznom provjeravanju dijela spoja između dijagonala koje su ekscentrično pričvršćene za pojaseve prema kriteriju složenih naponskih stanja prema Norrisu:
conducted this analysis with ICES STRUDL2 system From this analysis it is clear that modern standards need to be complemented by a clause om the obligatory checking connection parts of between diagonals which are eccentrically attached to flanges according to the criterion of complex voltage conditions according to Norris:

[Wed Dec 10 15:16:50 2003]
za zategnutu zonu
for the tensile zone

[Wed Dec 10 15:26:18 2003]
Urušenje čavlane rešetkaste konstrukcije od drveta.
Caving in of a nailed wooden latticed structure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:26:31 2003]
Uzrok urušenju su prekoračeni naponi i prekoračena čvrstoća drveta unutar dijela čvorova rešetke pri opterećenju snijegom.
The cause of the caving in are excessive voltages and excessive wood's strength inside the part of nodal points under the snow load.

[Wed Dec 10 15:27:38 2003]
Opisana analiza odnosi se na ovu konstrukciju.
The described analysis refers to this structure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:27:38 2003]
Primjer nepodudarnog proračunskog modela (rešetka s centričkim priključcima štapova u čvorovima) i stvarno izvedenog stanja (okvirna konstrukcija s kontinuiranim pojasevima i ekscentričnim priključcima štapova ispune za pojaseve nosača).
Example of unmatching calcuation model (truss with central connections of members in nodes) and really executed state (frame structure with continuous flanges and excentric connections of fill members for girder flanges).

[Wed Dec 10 15:38:57 2003]
Slika 9.16 Analiza uzroka urušenja drvene rešetke raspona 18,0 metara:
16 Analysis of cause for caving in of a wooden truss of a 18,0 meter span:

[Wed Dec 10 15:40:13 2003]
a) proračunski model rešetke prema projektu (prava rešetka);
a) calcuation model of the truss according to the project (real truss);

[Wed Dec 10 15:40:28 2003]
b) proračunski model okvira prema stvarno snimljenom stanju izvedene konstrukcije.
b) calcuation model of the frame according to the really recorded state of the built structure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:40:30 2003]
Analiza je provedena sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom (ing.
Analysis is conducted with the ICES STRUDL2 system (ing.

[Wed Dec 10 15:44:17 2003]
Dijagrami momenata savijanja i poprečnih sila u stvarno izvedenoj konstrukciji.
Diagrams of bending moments and shear forces in a really built structure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:47:55 2003]
Vidljive su izvanredno velike poprečne T-sile unutar čvorova donjeg pojasa nosača.
Exceptionally large transversal T-forces inside the nodes of bottom girder flange can be observed.

[Wed Dec 10 15:47:55 2003]
Te poprečne sile uzrokovane su velikim nagibom linije M-dijagrama uzrokovanog ekscentričnim priključcima štapova ispune, jer je T=dM/dx.
These shear forces are caused by a large slope of a line of the M-diagram caused by excentric connections of fill members, because TdM=/dx.

[Wed Dec 10 15:54:12 2003]
Model čvora na kojem se na gustoj MKE provela analiza na određene rezne sile dobivene prethodnim ICES STRUDL2 proračunima proračunskog modela okvirne konstrukcije, s podacima snimljenim na terenu.
Node model on which, in a dense FEM, the analysis on determined cutting forces was conducted obtained by previous ICES STRUDL2 calculations of a frame structure calcuation model, with data recorded in the field.

[Wed Dec 10 15:54:30 2003]
Sam model KE nije ovdje prikazan.
The FE model itself is not illustrated here.

[Wed Dec 10 15:54:30 2003]
Prikazani su samo ulazni parametri.
Only entry parameters are illustrated.

[Wed Dec 10 15:56:40 2003]
SIGMAY naprezanje (N/cm2) za ekstremno opterećenje rešetke.
SIGMAY stress (N/cm2) for the extreme truss load.

[Wed Dec 10 15:58:46 2003]
Presjek 2-2 i 7-7 donjeg pojasa rešetke-okvira.
Section 2-2 and 7-7 of the bottom flange of a truss-frame.

[Wed Dec 10 15:59:08 2003]
Naravno da su naponi na granici čvrstoće.
Voltages are on the yield strength, of course.

[Wed Dec 10 15:59:08 2003]
Nije se analiziralo nelinearnom analizom.
Nonlinear analysis was not used.

[Wed Dec 10 16:01:15 2003]
Naponi TAUXY (posmični), lijevo, i SIGMAY (poprečni na vlakna), desno, u presjecima donjeg pojasa rešetkastog nosača (TYPE PLANE FRAME) - okvira.
Voltages TAUXY (shear), left, and SIGMAY (transversal on fibers), right, in sections of the bottom truss flange (TYPE PLANE FRAME) - frame.

[Wed Dec 10 16:03:16 2003]
Rešetka je analizirana kao okvirni sustav, onako kako je i stvarno izvedena.
The truss was analyzed as a frame system, as it really was built.

[Wed Dec 10 16:08:48 2003]
Prikazani rezultati su rezultati analize MKE na prethodno prikazanom modelu čvora koji se kod većine nosača presjekao pod opterećenjem snijegom.
Illustrated results are FEM analyses results on the previously shown node model which, in the majority of girders, was cut under the snow load.

[Wed Dec 10 16:08:48 2003]
To opterećenje snijegom uzeto je prema snimci profila snijega na neurušenim nosačima.
This snow load comes from the recordings of a snow profile on girders which did not cave in.

[Wed Dec 10 16:12:07 2003]
dijagrami naprezanja
stress diagrams

[Wed Dec 10 16:27:23 2003]
U slučaju navedene analizirane rešetke (okvira) izraz za maksimalno opterećenje (pri urušenju) iznosio je čak 8.73.
In the case of the mentioned analysed truss (frame) the maximum load expression (in collapse) amounted to even 8.73.

[Wed Dec 10 16:28:46 2003]
Čvor je naravno, bio "prerezan", a to se i u stvarnosti desilo.
The node was of course, " cut ", and this really happened.

[Wed Dec 10 16:31:17 2003]
Dakako, takva se analiza mogla izvesti za vrijeme dizajna konstrukcije, te nedostatak ukloniti, bez veće štete.
Of course, such analysis could be conducted during the designing of the structure, and the flaw remove, without any bigger damage.

[Wed Dec 10 16:31:29 2003]
Osim toga iz ove analize jasno proizlazi da se rešetke ne trebaju proračunavati kao "rešetke" - PLANE TRUSS već kao okviri - PLANE FRAME sustavi, a da i o posmičnim naponima treba voditi računa u analizi i dimenzioniranju presjeka i detalja s ekscentričnim priključcima štapova ispuna za pojaseve rešetkastog nosača.
Besides from this analysis results that trusses do not have to be calculated as " trusses " PLANE TRUSS but as frames PLANE FRAME systems, and that shear voltages also need to be taken into account in the analysis and dimensioning of sections and details with eccentric connections of fill members for truss flanges.

[Wed Dec 10 16:31:29 2003]
Naime, T=dM/dx.
In other words, T=dM/dx.

[Wed Dec 10 16:41:53 2003]
Na sličan način provedena je pomoću ICES STRUDL2 MKE analiza standardnog drvenog praga sa pričvrsnim priborom i šinom.
In a similar manner, the FEM analysis of a standard wooden threshold with the fastening set and rail is conducted by using ICES STRUDL2.

[Wed Dec 10 16:44:47 2003]
Uključena je i podložna elastična pločica pribora.
Also an elastic washer of the set is included.

[Wed Dec 10 16:45:37 2003]
Ta je analiza razrađena u okviru više diplomskih radova i nastavljena uz prigodna laboratorijska ispitivanja.
This analysis was elaborated as a part of a number of graduation theses and mantained in related lab testings.

[Wed Dec 10 16:46:59 2003]
U analizi je uzeta u obzir anizotropija drveta.
Also anisotropy of the wood was taken into consideration in the analysis.

[Wed Dec 10 16:48:16 2003]
S analizom MKE ustanovljene su putanje naprezanja u pragu.
With the FEM analysis, stress trajectories in the threshold were established.

[Wed Dec 10 16:48:16 2003]
Za analizu su zanimljive putanje naprezanja ispod pričvrsnog pribora.
Stress trajectories below the fastening set are interesting for the analysis.

[Thu Dec 11 09:14:56 2003]
To su naprezanja ustanovljena za:
These stresses are established for:

[Thu Dec 11 09:18:56 2003]
a) vertikalno prolazno i b) vertikalno prolazno opterećenje kombinirano s horizontalnim poprečnim silama koje djeluju na kolosijek.
a) vertically temporary and b) vertically temporary load combined with horizontal shear forces that have effect on the track.

[Thu Dec 11 09:19:32 2003]
Ta naprezanja su za ovako korišteni prirodni materijal praga (s vlaknima drveta u smjeru osi praga) izrazito nepovoljna.
These stresses are highly unconvening for a natural material of the threshold (with wood fibers in the direction of the threshold axis) used in this way.

[Thu Dec 11 09:25:44 2003]
Naime, najveća su naprezanja ona okomito na vlakna drveta.
In other words, greatest stresses are vertical to wood fibers.

[Thu Dec 11 09:32:17 2003]
Stoga se prišlo zamisli o drugačije dizajniranom drvenom pragu složenom od lijepljenih križanih slojeva lameliranog drveta.
Therefore, the idea about a differently designed wooden threshold composed of glued crossed layers of laminated wood was considered.

[Thu Dec 11 09:34:02 2003]
U takvom pragu više nismo ovisni o obliku praga u kojem je drvo korišteno na taj način zbog prirodnog rasta drva (vlakna su aksijalnog smjera u pogledu na deblo iz kojeg je sječen prag).
In such a threshold we no longer depend on a threshold form for which the wood is used in such way, because of a natural growth of the wood (fibers are axial when compared to the trunk out of which the threshold was cut).

[Thu Dec 11 09:35:36 2003]
Tako se došlo i do ideje o višeslojno križanim slojevima lameliranja drvenog praga.
In this way the idea about multilayer crossed layers to laminate a wooden threshold was born.

[Thu Dec 11 09:36:46 2003]
Opsežni proračunski modeli su analitički ispitani MKE, no za opsežnija laboratorijska ispitivanja manjkala su novčana sredstva.
Detailed calcuation models were examined analytically with the FEM, but financial resources were lacking for more detailed lab testings.

[Thu Dec 11 09:36:46 2003]
Nakon provedenih analiza s ICES STRUDL2 sustavom u RC INUG u Zagrebu, kasnije su crteži napona izvedeni ploterom u RC Međimurje u Čakovcu.
After conducted analyses with ICES STRUDL2 system in the CC INUG in Zagreb, later voltage drawings were made with the data plotter in the CC Međimurje in Čakovec.

[Thu Dec 11 09:45:02 2003]
Tih nekoliko primjera pokazuje mogućnosti suvremenih analiza drvenih konstrukcija, kako detalja, tako i cjelina.
A few of these examples show possibilities for a modern analysis of wooden structures, of the details, as well as of the units.

[Thu Dec 11 09:45:02 2003]
Iskustva koja se tim analizama stječu, veoma su dragocjena za unapređenje struke.
Experiences acquired through these analyses are very valuable for the improvement of the profession.

[Thu Dec 11 09:55:13 2003]
Na sličan smo način ustanovili pri dizajnu prostorne konstrukcije hala mlina za kemijsku industriju Zorka u Subotici da se primjenom prostornog štapnog modela okvira s ukrutama, umjesto asemblaže ravninskih okvira s ukrutama, može uštedjeti i do 30% volumena drvene građe i na taj način smanjiti troškove gradnje za oko 20% prema cijeni konstrukcije koja bi bila proračunata na konvencionalni način.
Similarly, we established in the design of a spatial structure of mill halls for the Zorka chemical industry in Subotica that by using a spatial bar frame model with bracings, instead of assembling plane frameworks with bracings, up to 30%of lumber volume can be saved and in this way building costs reduced for about 20%,based on a structure price which would be estimated in the conventional way.

[Thu Dec 11 09:57:19 2003]
Slične smo podatke dobili i za druge konstrukcije, koje su proračunate kao trodimenzionalne (3D) tvorevine, naspram uobičajenog proračuna sklopa ravninskih jedinica.
We got similar data for other structures also, which were calculated as three-dimensional (3D) products, compared to the usual calculation of the assembly of plane units.

[Thu Dec 11 09:57:19 2003]
Danas smo to u mogućnosti činiti u interesu napretka drvenih konstrukcija.
Today we have the possibility to do it in the interest of developing wooden structures.

[Thu Dec 11 10:00:28 2003]

[Thu Dec 11 10:09:50 2003]
Uzori budućih konstrukcija zasnivaju se na iskustvima prethodnih generacija inženjera, te se traže uvijek u predodžbama naučenih shema i formulacija rješenja iz iskustva prošlosti graditeljskih vještina.
Future structure models base on the experiences from previous generations of engineers, and are always wanted when dealing with the ideas of learned schemes and solution formulations from past experiences of building skills.

[Thu Dec 11 10:11:15 2003]
Ta prošla iskustva prenošena učenjem, kopiranjem ili ekstenzijom inženjerskih iskustava prošlosti često danas više nisu put za primjenu novih oblika i novih materijala.
Often today these past experiences, passed through learning, copying or through extension of engineering past experiences of pasts, cannot be used any longer with new forms and new materials.

[Thu Dec 11 10:11:15 2003]
Multimedijski pristup nije linearan već slojevit.
multimedia approach is not linear but multilevel.

[Thu Dec 11 10:23:00 2003]
Možemo grubo reći da se suvremeni automobil ne zasniva na iskustvima iz proizvodnje kola s konjskom zapregom, a let aviona ima malo zajedničkog s letom ptica (osim istih fizičkih zakona).
We can roughly say that a modern car does not base on experiences from the production of horse-drawn carts, whereas flying with planes has little in common with flying of birds (apart from the same physical laws).

[Thu Dec 11 10:23:56 2003]
Plovidba velikih tankera nema mnogo zajedničkog s plivanjem riba.
Navigation of large tankers has little in common with swimming of fish.

[Thu Dec 11 10:23:56 2003]
Suvremeni kompjutori nemaju ništa zajedničkog s mehaničkim strojevima za računanje, pa imali i električni pogon.
Modern computers have nothing in common with mechanical calculating machines, even if they have an electric power unit, as well.

[Thu Dec 11 10:29:43 2003]
Naime, danas postoje materijali i uređaji koji nisu postojali u prošlosti, a današnje mogućnosti formuliranja problema i njihova rješavanja uopće se ne mogu komparirati s mogućnostima prošlih generacija inženjera.
Today, in other words, we have materials and appliances which did not existed in the past, and today's possibilities of formulating problems and finding their solutions cannot at all be compared with possibilities of past generations of engineers.

[Thu Dec 11 10:30:19 2003]
Danas postoje različiti putovi za rješenje pojedinog problema.
Today, there are different ways of finding a solution to a particular problem.

[Thu Dec 11 10:32:54 2003]
Različite inženjerske struke mogu riješiti iste probleme na potpuno drugačije načine.
Various engineering professions can solve same problems in completely different ways.

[Thu Dec 11 10:32:54 2003]
Razlika u rješenjima je rezultat različitih pristupa rješenju problema, a te razlike izviru iz geneze obrazovanja raznih struka.
Different solutions are the result of different approaches to the solution of a problem, and these differences come from the education genesis of different professions.

[Thu Dec 11 10:38:37 2003]
Ako promotrimo razvoj običnog regulacijskog mehanizma vidljivo je da se u doba parnog stroja za regulaciju konstantne brzine obrtaja zamašnjaka primjenjivao Vattov paroregulator (sl.
If we analyze the development of a common regulatory mechanism, we can see that Watt's steam regulator was used for the regulation of constant rotation speed of driving-wheels in the steam-engine age (fig.

[Thu Dec 11 10:42:36 2003]
. Ako se otvori, na primjer, starinski gramofon s metalnom iglom, vidjet će se da za regulaciju broja obrtaja ploče služi isti minijaturni mehanizam.
If, for example, an old record player with a metal needle is opened, we can see that the same small mechanism for the regulation of number of revolutions of the record is used.

[Thu Dec 11 10:44:50 2003]
Taj tip mehanizma pripada mehaničkoj eri tehničkog razvoja.
This type of the mechanism belongs to the mechanical era of the technical development.

[Thu Dec 11 10:49:36 2003]
Danas se za tu regulaciju koriste električni i sve više elektronski regulacijski mehanizmi, podobni elektronskom, informatičkom dobu.
Today, for this kind of regulation, electrical and more and more electronically regulatory mechanisms are used, which correspond to the electronic, information age.

[Thu Dec 11 10:50:34 2003]
Ovi se uređaji također nastoje zamijeniti "pametnim" elektronski programiranim regulacijskim mehanizmima koji su zasnovani na primjeni neuralnih mreža i sl.
"Smart" electronically programmed regulatory mechanisms also try to replace these devices which base on the use of neural networks and similarly

[Thu Dec 11 11:12:11 2003]
Za iste probleme postoje različita rješenja:
There are different solutions to same problems:

[Thu Dec 11 11:12:12 2003]
domet TV postaje može se povećati s građenjem sve viših TV tornjeva (sve veće i veće mase), na po mogućnosti što višim geografskim pozicijama, ali i pomoću plasiranja u orbitu geostacionarnih satelita (sl.
A TV station radius can be increased by building higher TV towers (of bigger and bigger sizes), on preferably as higher geographic areas as possible, and also by using the launching of geostationary satellites in the orbit (fig.

[Thu Dec 11 11:24:04 2003]
. Prvi način je tipično građevinski, mehanički pristup rješenju problema vidnosti TV emisija, dok je drugi način više svojstven današnjim tehničkim dostignućima i mogućnostima.
The first way is typically a building, mechanical approach to solving the visibility problem of TV programs, while the other one is more typical for current technical achievements and possibilities.

[Thu Dec 11 11:24:04 2003]
Prvi se zasniva na golemom utrošku energije uložene u građenje TV tornja, dok se drugi zasniva na sinergiji raznih suvremenih znanja i interdisciplinarnom pristupu rješenju problema.
The first one is based on an enormous use of energy invested in building a TV tower, while the other one is based on synergy of different modern knowledges and interdisciplinary approach to solving the problem.

[Thu Dec 11 11:30:03 2003]
Pristupi su, očito, različiti.
The approaches are, obviously, different.

[Thu Dec 11 11:32:09 2003]
S jedne strane unatoč velikom uloženom trudu, domet zemaljske TV stanice smještene na TV tornju je manji od zone transmisija satelita.
On one hand, earth TV station radius placed on a TV tower is smaller than the transmission zones of satellites, in spite of large effort that was invested.

[Thu Dec 11 11:32:24 2003]
Također se kod visokih TV tornjeva javljaju titranja i deformacije izazvanih silama vjetra i nejednolikim temperaturnim zagrijavanjima strana izloženih sunčanoj insolaciji.
Vibrations and deformations caused by wind forces and uneven temperature warmings of sides exposed to the sun insolation also appear in high TV towers.

[Thu Dec 11 11:34:55 2003]
Ti pomaci mogu biti vrlo veliki:
These displacements can be very big:

[Thu Dec 11 11:34:55 2003]
kod TV tornja Ostankinovo u Moskvi pomaci vrha betonskog tornja iznose i do 15 metara, a što se kompenzira složenim hidrauličkim mehanizmima.
the displacements of the top of the concrete tower of Ostankinovo TV tower in Moscow reach even up to 15 meters, which is compensated by complex hydraulic mechanisms.

[Thu Dec 11 11:43:28 2003]
Suvremeni pristupi dizajnu nastoje koristiti SVA nova saznanja i SVE nove mogućnosti efemerizacije:
Modern design approaches try to use ALL new discoveries and ALL new possibilities of ephemerization:

[Thu Dec 11 11:43:28 2003]
učiniti što više i što bolje od što manje materijala, što manje utroška energije i što manjim utroškom mase, primjenjujući ZNANOST i sinergiju.
do as more and as better as possible from as the less material used as possible, use energy as less as possible with as as less consumption of the mass as possible, using SCIENCE and synergy.

[Thu Dec 11 11:54:09 2003]
Nekada su rješenja naizgled trivijalna.
Solutions sometimes seem trivial.

[Thu Dec 11 11:55:08 2003]
Na primjer, ako se gradi mrežasta konstrukcija od malih elemenata - kosnica, onda je to primjereno drvetu i metalu, a ako se radi element od poliestera armiranog staklenim voalom ili tekstilom od staklenih vlakana, očito je da se element (kosnica) treba integrirati u sam pokrov i u izolaciju elementa, što vodi sasvim drugačijoj konstrukciji od one mrežaste od drvenih kosnica.
For example, if a mesh structure made from small elements - diagonal struts - is being built, then this is fitting for wood and metal, but if a polyester element, made from reinforced glass voal or textile glassfibre, is being made, then it is obvious that the element (diagonal strut) needs to be integrated into the covering and isolation of the element, which gives us a structure which is completely different from that meshlike structure of wooden diagonal struts.

[Thu Dec 11 11:57:24 2003]
Ako se koristi metalni pokrov, koristit će se metalni panelni elementi jer je besmisleno odvajanje metalne nosive strukture od metalnog pokrova.
If a metal covering is used, metal panel elements will be used because it would be illogical to separate metal bearing structures from the metal covering.

[Thu Dec 11 12:00:21 2003]
Također će se onda dio lima romba pokrova, prešanjem formirati u prostorno kruti oblik, kako bi mu se povećala nosivost.
Then also a part of sheet metal of the covering rhomb will be formed into a spatial rigid form by pressing, in order to increase its capacity.

[Thu Dec 11 12:00:36 2003]
Kod aluminijske geodetske kupole vodovoda u Dalju (danas razoreno), koristili su se trokutasti, posebno oblikovani paneli od tankog aluminijskog lima.
In the aluminic geodetic dome of the water supply system in Dalj (today destroyed), triangular, specially shaped panels made from thin aluminic sheet metal were used.

[Thu Dec 11 12:00:36 2003]
Nosiva struktura i pokrov čine nerazdvojnu cjelinu.
Bearing structure and covering make an inseparable unit.

[Thu Dec 11 12:17:19 2003]
Ako se neki prostor pokriva mekom, podatljivom tekstilnom membranom oslonjenom na prostornu mrežastu konstrukciju, rješenja su opet drugačija.
If some area is covered with a soft, flexible textile membrane supported on a spatial mesh structure, solutions are once more different.

[Thu Dec 11 12:18:23 2003]
Membrana se može ovjesiti ili osloniti na konstrukciju prostorne mreže štapova.
The membrane can be suspended or supported the structure of a spatial mesh of members.

[Thu Dec 11 12:19:22 2003]
Kod LIO mrežastih konstrukcija štapovi su od aluminijskih cijevi, a TREVIRA je ovješena u čvorovima mreže štapova.
In LIO mesh structures members are made from aluminium pipes, and TREVIRA is suspended in mesh nodes of members.

[Thu Dec 11 12:27:13 2003]
Međutim, u konačnosti, može se iskoristiti vlačna nosivost podatljive armirane membrane, pa se mogu izostaviti sekundarni nosivi elementi.
However, finally, the tensile capacity of the flexible reinforced membrane can be used, so secondary bearing elements can be left out.

[Thu Dec 11 12:27:13 2003]
Membrana se može udvojiti, ovjesiti o primarne čvorove mreže štapova, a međuprostor između membrana napuhati zrakom, čime se dolazi do sasvim novih tipova konstrukcija u kojima je iskorištena vlačna nosivost tkanina i tlačna nosivost mrežastih svodova ili kupola, a ujedno se dobiva razvedena i živa forma pneumatskih jastuka.
The membrane can be twinned, suspended on primary mesh nodes of members, and the intermediate space between membranes air-inflated, which creates completely new types of structures in which the tensile fabric capacity and compressive capacity of meshed vaults or domes were used, and also a developed and living form of pneumatic cushions is obtained.

[Thu Dec 11 12:37:26 2003]
S druge strane, ako se tkaninom (trevirom, diolenom ili sličnom membranom), pokriva neki prostor, povoljno je da tkanina visi na mrežastoj konstrukciji ili da visi na lukovima strukture.
On the other hand, if a fabric (trevira, diolen or similar membrane), is used to cover some area, it is convenient to have the fabric hanging on the mesh structure or on the arches of the structure.

[Thu Dec 11 12:40:10 2003]
Pri tome treba osigurati njezino stalno napinjanje nekim mehaničkim putem, npr. sustavom opruga po perimetru strukture ili se napinjanje membrane može osigurati na neki drugi način.
In the process, its constant streching by some mechanical manner needs to be assured, for example by a spring system per a perimeter of the structure or its streching can be assured in some other way.

[Thu Dec 11 12:40:36 2003]
Moguće je treviru osloniti i na mrežastu konstrukciju, ali se onda u čvorovima trebaju uvesti posebni kompenzacijski međuelementi, napuhane lopte (od trevire ili gume), kojima se automatski regulira napetost membrane od trevire.
It is also possible to support trevira on the mesh structure, but then special compensational interelements, inflated balls (made from trevira or rubber) need to be inserted in the nodes, which automatically regulates the tension of a trevira membrane.

[Thu Dec 11 12:48:33 2003]
Tlak se u tim čvornim loptama može regulirati posebnim regulacijskim sustavom.
Pressure in these nodal balls can be regulated by a special regulatory system.

[Thu Dec 11 12:53:08 2003]
Taj tlak u loptama ovisi o temperaturi, razlikama vanjske i unutrašnje temperature, insolaciji, vanjskom opterećenju, starosti membrane, puzanju (koje je zavisno o temperaturi, vremenu trajanja opterećenja, naponskom stanju u membrani) i sličnim čimbenicima.
This pressure in balls depends on temperature, differences between outer and inner temperatures, insolation, exterior load, membrane's duration, creep (which depends on temperature, load duration, voltage condition in the membrane) and similar factors.

[Thu Dec 11 12:53:08 2003]
Također je moguće napinjati membranu sustavom opruga, tako da se sredine, težišta dijelova membrana, napinju sustavom prostornih opruga.
It is also possible to stretch the membrane of the spring system, so that the centers of the gravity of membrane parts are stretched by the system of spatial springs.

[Thu Dec 11 14:14:06 2003]
Drugi je mogući način napinjanja, primjena na zrak oslonjenih konstrukcija i u POTPUNOSTI eliminirati mrežasti podupirući strukturalni sustav, ali se pritom uvodi i novi spektar elemenata:
Another possible stretching method is the use of air-supported structures and a COMPLETE elimination of the meshlike supporting structural system, but in doing so a new spectrum of elements is being introduced:

[Thu Dec 11 14:15:08 2003]
kompresore, ventilatore, posebne ulazno/izlazne jedinice, senzore, električne uklopno/isklopne mehanizme, odzračne ventile, rezervne uređaje i sl.
compressors, fans, special entry/output units, sensors, electrical integrating/disconnecting mechanisms, de-airing valves, reserve devices and similar

[Thu Dec 11 14:18:46 2003]
Mogu se uvesti i solarni kolektori koji su ukomponirani u samu pokrovnu membranu, kako bi se koristila sunčana energija za djelomičan pogon sustava za zagrijavanje, hlađenje i sl.
Solar main sewers can also be introduced which are built in the covering membrane itself, in order to use sun energy for a partial running of systems for warming, cooling and similar.

[Thu Dec 11 14:18:46 2003]
Moguća je i primjena zrakom ispunjenih konstrukcija, pneumatskih diskova.
Use of structures filled with air, pneumatic discs, is also possible.

[Thu Dec 11 14:27:08 2003]
Kod tih konstrukcija se primjenom raznih materijala (različite debljine i različitih modula elastičnosti) za gornju i donju membranu mogu regulirati promjeri zakrivljenosti gornje i donje membrane.
In these structures, by using different materials (of different thickness and different elastic modulus) for the upper and lower membrane, the curvature diameters of the upper and lower membranes can be regulated.

[Thu Dec 11 14:28:07 2003]
Također se mogu primijeniti i radijalni nosivi kabeli s donje, gornje ili i s gornje i s donje strane membrane.
Radial bearing cables from the lower, upper or also from the upper and lower part of membrane can be used.

[Thu Dec 11 14:28:07 2003]
Kod tih je konstrukcija eliminiran središnji "klasični" nosivi sustav, a opterećenje membrana pneumatskog diska prenosi se na obodni prsten od lameliranog drveta, metala ili armiranog betona.
In those structures is eliminated the central " classical " bearing system, and the load on membranes of pneumatic disc transfers to the circumferential ring made from laminated wood, metal or reinforced concrete.

[Thu Dec 11 14:34:10 2003]
U vrijeme parnog stroja reguliranje broja okreta zamašnjaka stroja izvodilo se Wattovim paroregulatorom na mehaničkim principima regulacije broja okretaja zamašnjaka.
During the steam-engine age, the regulation of driving-wheel revolutions of an engine was done by the Watt steam regulator based on mechanical principles of the regulation of driving-wheel revolutions.

[Thu Dec 11 14:35:22 2003]
U doba primjene elektronskih cijevi koristila se regulacija povratnom vezom.
In the age of electronic pipes, the regulation of the feedback was used.

[Thu Dec 11 14:37:19 2003]
U doba kompjutora, koristi se načelo regulacije tranzistorskim tehnikama.
In the computer age, the principle of regulation by transistor techniques has been used.

[Thu Dec 11 14:39:57 2003]
Stalno je pritom prisutan trend minijaturizacije.
In doing so, the miniaturization trend is constantly present.

[Thu Dec 11 14:39:57 2003]
Prikazani su kao primjeri načela rješavanja istovjetnih problema regulacijskih tehnika primjereni tehnološkim mogućnostima doba u kojem se određeni problem rješavao.
They are represented as examples of principles for solving same problems of regulatory techniques that correspond to technological possibilities of the age in which a particular problem was being solved.

[Thu Dec 11 14:40:59 2003]
Vattov regulator
The Watt's regulator

[Thu Dec 11 14:41:35 2003]
cijevni regulator i tranzistorski regulator
pipe regulator and transistor regulator

[Thu Dec 11 14:48:51 2003]
Primjer evolucije i revolucije u komunikacijskoj tehnici.
Example of evolutions and revolution in the communication technique.

[Thu Dec 11 14:50:49 2003]
Dok su se građevinari "zabavljali" izgradnjom sve viših i viših TV tornjeva (često smještenim na visokim prirodnim uzvišenjima i planinama, kako bi im se proširio domet emitiranja), rješenje stabilnog prijenosa signala na velikim površinama pronašlo se u drugim strukturama specijalizacija i u satelitskoj tehnici geostacionarnih satelita.
While building constructors "were entertained" with building higher and higher TV towers (often situated in high natural elevations and mountains, in order to expand the broadcasting radius), the solution to stable signal transmission in large areas was found in other specialization structures and in the satellite technique of geostationary satellites.

[Thu Dec 11 14:51:42 2003]
Pritom se moralo riješiti mnoge interdisciplinarne probleme, pa i problem efemerizacije:
In doing so must a number of interdisciplinary problems had to be solved, even the ephemerization problem:

[Thu Dec 11 14:53:43 2003]
učiniti što bolje, uza što manji utrošak materijala.
do as better as possible, with as less material consumed as possible.

[Thu Dec 11 14:56:48 2003]
Morali su se prethodno riješiti i problemi raketne tehnike, lansiranja satelita, a naravno i izrade satelita i zemaljskih stanica.
Problems of rocketry, satellite launching, and of course of production of satellites and earthly stations had to be solved before that.

[Thu Dec 11 14:56:48 2003]
Komunikacijskom satelitu sigurno nije bio uzor razvoja razvojni trend TV armiranobetonskih tornjeva.
The development trend of TV reinforced concrete towers was surely not the development model for the communication satellite .

[Thu Dec 11 14:59:34 2003]
postoje granice rasta
there are limits growth

[Thu Dec 11 15:02:38 2003]
Drveni svod od malih elemenata, Zollingen, Paseljnikov, a) opća shema unaprijeđenog sustava Paseljnikov;
wooden vault made from small elements, Zollingen, Paseljnikov, a) general scheme of the improved Paseljnikov system;

[Thu Dec 11 15:03:13 2003]
c) unaprijeđen sustav Zollingen-Sheer-Siebert;
c) improved Zollingen-Sheer-Siebert system;

[Thu Dec 11 15:03:31 2003]
d) integrirani element (mreže i pokrova) s izolacijama kod primjene armiranih poliestera;
d) integrated element (of a mesh and covering) with isolations in the use of reinforced polyesters;

[Thu Dec 11 15:03:31 2003]
e) detalj sendviča integriranog sistema.
e) sandwich detail of of integrated system.

[Thu Dec 11 15:05:02 2003]
C) Napomena uz sliku:
C) Comment by the Figure:

[Thu Dec 11 15:05:02 2003]
unaprijeđeni sustav Zollingen
the improved Zollingen system

[Thu Dec 11 15:11:38 2003]
Moguća pričvršćenja trevire ili diolena za nosive mrežaste konstrukcije.
Possible fastenings of trevira or diolens to bearing mesh structures.

[Thu Dec 11 15:11:57 2003]

[Thu Dec 11 15:12:37 2003]
ovjes primijenjen u sustavu mrežastih konstrukcija LIO.
suspension used in the system of mesh structures LIO.

[Thu Dec 11 15:12:38 2003]
Napetost membrane tkanine regulira se pomoću priteznih konopaca pri dnu konstrukcije.
Tension of fabric membrane is regulated by compression ropes at the bottom of the structure.

[Thu Dec 11 15:13:07 2003]

[Thu Dec 11 15:15:49 2003]
napetost membrane regulirana je pneumatskim loptama u svim čvorovima mreže.
tension of the membrane is regulated by pneumatic balls in all mesh nodes.

[Thu Dec 11 15:15:53 2003]
U lopte koje isprva nisu napete, vremenom ili kad je to potrebno, upumpava se zrak, čime se lopte napinju, tako da membrana bude uvijek dovoljno napeta.
In balls which at first are not tightened, in time or when necessary, the air is pumped in, which tightens the balls, so that the membrane always tightened enough.

[Thu Dec 11 15:15:55 2003]
a) prostorna mrežasta konstrukcija;
a) spatial mesh structure;

[Thu Dec 11 15:15:58 2003]
b) ovjes;
b) suspension;

[Thu Dec 11 15:16:01 2003]
c) membrana;
c) membrane;

[Thu Dec 11 15:16:03 2003]
d) lopta;
d) ball;

[Thu Dec 11 15:16:03 2003]
e) kompresor.
e) compressor.

[Thu Dec 11 15:26:50 2003]
Postoje, dakle, razna rješenja za iste probleme.
, therefore, there are different solutions to same problems.

[Thu Dec 11 15:29:55 2003]
Koje će se rješenje odabrati ovisi o nizu čimbenika:
Which solution will be chosen depends on a number of factors:

[Thu Dec 11 15:29:55 2003]
cijeni investicije i cijeni održavanja, prihvatljivom dizajnu, mogućnostima izvođenja, zahtijevanoj trajnosti i sigurnosti, dizajnerskim sposobnostima, sposobnostima konstruktora, prosvjećenosti investitora, mogućnostima dobivanja građevnih dozvola i sličnim elementima.
investment price and maintenance cost, acceptable design, realization possibilities, requested durability and safety, designer's abilities, constructor's abilities, investor's education, possibilities for gettings of building permissions and similar elements.

[Thu Dec 11 15:34:46 2003]
Kod svih membranskih konstrukcija od ovješenih tkanina, potrebno je osigurati i amortizaciju žive sile vjetra, pa područje mehaničkih apsorbera i amortizera mora biti uključeno u projekt konstrukcije.
in all membrane structures made from suspended fabrics, it is necessary to assure the mercury amortization by wind force, so the area of mechanical absorbers and shock absorbers must be included in the structure project.

[Thu Dec 11 15:35:46 2003]
Pri tome treba uvijek razmišljati o tome da se što bolje iskoristi upotrijebljeni materijal.
In doing so, one should always think about best ways in which to use the used material.

[Thu Dec 11 15:36:38 2003]
To ne mora biti uvijek razlogom uštede.
The reason does not have to be always saving.

[Thu Dec 11 15:39:50 2003]
Mora se gledati na ukupne uštede, a ne samo na uštede kod nekih dijelova strukture.
total savings should be considered, and not only savings in some parts of the structure.

[Thu Dec 11 15:39:50 2003]
Često je produženje ili skraćivanje vremena gradnje odlučno za izbor rješenja.
prolongation or reduction of building duration is often crucial for the selection of a solution.

[Thu Dec 11 15:45:39 2003]
Treba imati na umu da se obično rješenja primjenjiva i prikladna jednom materijalu ne mogu primijeniti kod drugih materijala.
One should keep in mind that usually the solutions applicable to and fitting for one material cannot be used with other materials.

[Thu Dec 11 15:48:28 2003]
Razmotrimo to na jednom primjeru izvedbe hipara.
Let's analyze this on one example of a hyperbolic paraboloid realization.

[Thu Dec 11 15:49:16 2003]
Hipar se sastoji od membrane sastavljene od križanih slojeva dasaka, rubnih elemenata, stupova oslonaca, temelja i pokrovne membrane od trevire, i ostalih nekonstruktivnih dijelova.
Hyperbolic paraboloid consists of a membrane made from crossed layers of panels, boundary elements, supporting pillars, foundations and covering trevira membranes, and other unconstructive parts.

[Thu Dec 11 15:50:21 2003]
Trevira ima znatnu vlačnu čvrstoću koja se ne može adekvatno iskoristiti ako treviru primjenjujemo samo kao pokrivalo konstrukcije.
Trevira has a considerable tensile strength which cannot be adequately used if trevira is applied only as a cover of the structure.

[Thu Dec 11 15:51:32 2003]
Moglo bi se pomisliti da ju možemo direktno iskoristiti, kao nosivi sustav, eliminacijom ljuske od dasaka.
One could think that it can be used directly, as a bearing system, by eliminating the panel shell.

[Thu Dec 11 15:51:32 2003]
Međutim, kod hipara s "krutim" rubnim elementima i ovješenom trevirom ne bi imalo nikakvog smisla pričvrstiti treviru za rubni element i eliminirati unakrsni sloj nosivih dasaka.
However, in the hyperbolic paraboloid with " rigid " marginal elements and suspended trevira membrane there would be no sense in attaching trevira to a boundary element and eliminate a cross layer of bearing panels.

[Thu Dec 11 16:01:56 2003]
Eliminiranjem unakrsnog nosivog daščanog sloja ljuske i direktnim pričvršćivanjem trevire za rubne elemente unosimo u rubne elemente velike momente i napone savijanja, što cijeli sustav strukturalno čini defektnim i na taj način ga financijski obezvrjeđuje.
By eliminating the cross bearing board layer of the shell and by directly attaching trevira to marginal elements, we add large moments and voltages of bending to the marginal elements, which makes the whole system structurally defective and it also devaluates financially it in this way.

[Thu Dec 11 16:03:44 2003]
Stoga način pričvršćenja membrane za rubne elemente u slučaju eliminacije ljuske iz unakrsno složenih dasaka mora biti bitno drugačiji nego kod hipara s krutom membranom od dasaka.
Therefore the way of attaching the membrane to boundary elements in the case of the shell elimination from cross complex panels must be significantly different than in the hyperbolic paraboloid with the rigid board membrane.

[Thu Dec 11 16:03:44 2003]
Trevira kao platno ima samo vlačnu čvrstoću.
Trevira, as a linen, has only tensile strength.

[Thu Dec 11 16:09:36 2003]
Stoga ju treba za rubne elemente hipara pričvrstiti tako da način pričvršćenja ne unosi savijanje u rubne elemente hipara.
Therefore it needs to be attached to the marginal elements of the hyperbolic paraboloid so that the way of attaching does not introduce bending in the marginal elements of the hyperbolic paraboloid.

[Thu Dec 11 16:10:39 2003]
To je moguće samo prihvaćanjem trevire za užad koja su razapeta od čvora (ugla) hipara do susjednog čvora (ugla) hipara.
This is possible only by fastening trevira to ropes which are stretched from the node (corner) of the hyperbolic paraboloid to the adjacent node (corner) of the hyperbolic paraboloid.

[Thu Dec 11 16:13:30 2003]
Na taj se način generira vlak u treviri, vlačna sila u ovjesnom užetu i uzdužna tlačna sila u rubnom elementu.
In this way, the tension, tensile force in the suspended cord and longitudinal compressive force in the boundary element are being generated in trevira.

[Thu Dec 11 16:15:39 2003]
Time se ne postiže samo znatna ušteda u materijalu rubnih elemenata već se ostvaruje i "zdravi" dizajn u smislu prilagodbe dizajna hipara novim materijalima.
In this way, not only a considerable saving of the marginal elements material is realized, but also a "healthy" design in the sense of adapting the design of the hyperbolic paraboloid with new materials.

[Thu Dec 11 16:15:39 2003]
Takva se rješenja vjekovima koriste kod pričvršćivanja jedara za jarbole.
Such solutions have been used in fastening sails to the mast for centuries.

[Thu Dec 11 16:21:21 2003]
Daljnji put redizajna hiperboloida onda dovodi i do totalne likvidacije rubnih elemenata i zamjene rubnih elemenata jarbolima i sidrenim stopama.
Further redesigning of the hyperboloid causes then a total liquidation of the marginal elements and replacement of marginal elements with masts and anchored feet.

[Thu Dec 11 16:21:53 2003]
Vrhovi jarbola (od drveta ili čeličnih cijevi) moraju biti prostorno stabilizirani užadima.
Mast-heads (of wood or steel pipes) must be spatially stabilized with cords.

[Thu Dec 11 16:21:53 2003]
To su strukture napetih membrana.
These structures are made from tight membranes.

[Thu Dec 11 16:25:37 2003]
Često je neracionalnost dizajna struktura uzrokovana nemogućnostima sagledavanja prostora i prostornog 3D djelovanja strukturalnih elemenata u asemblaži strukturalne cjeline.
Irrationality of structure designs is often caused by the impossibilities to perceive an area and spatial 3D activities of structural elements in the assembling of a structural unit.

[Thu Dec 11 16:26:53 2003]
Jedno od praktički svakodnevnih neracionalnih rješenja prikazano je u rješenju na skici (c).
One of practically everyday irrational solutions is illustrated in the solution in the draft (c).

[Thu Dec 11 16:30:12 2003]
Naravno da je skica karikirana.
That draft is of course represented as a caricature.

[Thu Dec 11 16:31:21 2003]
Tu nije važan način temeljenja, već principijelni način ostvarenja pune upetosti stupova u temeljno tlo.
It is not the foundation method that counts here, but the principle of realizing full fixities of pillars in the subsoil.

[Thu Dec 11 16:33:42 2003]
U toj su varijanti stupovi konzolni.
In this variant the pillars are cantilever.

[Thu Dec 11 16:37:20 2003]
Ako postoje zabatni zidovi (kruti diskovi), horizontalne se sile (H) koje djeluju pri vrhu stupova mogu prenijeti preko podužnih krovnih vezova na zabatne zidove koji nisu dovoljno veliki da bi mogli sve te sile preuzeti na sebe.
If there are gable walls (rigid discs), horizontal forces (H), that have effect at the top of pillars, can be transfered through longitudinal roof trusses to gable walls that are not big enough to receive all those force by themselves.

[Thu Dec 11 16:37:20 2003]
S druge strane, u krovnim ravninama raspolažemo s dovoljnom visinom za te rešetkaste nosače, koji su ujedno i stabilizacijski vezovi i vjetrovni spregovi, pa su i sile u njihovim pojasevima relativno male.
On the other hand, in roof planes there is a sufficient height for those trusses, which are also at the same time stability binders and wind bracings, so the forces in their flanges are relatively small.